US-CH2: I am Lightning!

Story by Mangy Mutt on SoFurry

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#2 of Unlimited Sky

Okay guys here's pt.2 i decided to do a drawing for you guys since I was bored. Yeah I'm way out of practice and I know Jah's missing a foot cuz I got lazy XD lol. But anyway let me know what you think. Do you like the story? Do you like the drawing? Let me know. Cmon people I wanna see more than just 2 or 3 comments lol. Let me know what you think and why :).

Yeah html is acting retarded. So if the picture doesn't show up you can use the link below to get to it

"Who the hell're you?!"

"Um......Yo?" was all Jah could think to say.

Jah had heard a voice but he could only vaguely make out the shape of two shadows in the room. One appeared to be squatting behind the other. Immediately he knew something was very wrong here. It just didn't feel right...Then it him. "Of's too dark!"

He produced a torch from the pocket of his brown coat and snapped his fingers at it. Nothing happened. He snapped a few more times and stared at the dead torch angrily. He stopped then struck his face with his palm. "Of course! Damnit I can't do that ‘ere!"

He ran back the way he came and came back with one of the flaming spheres used to light the hall. The room illuminated and he could see one of the figures from earlier. He had greasiness to his pale skin and his clothing was torn all over. The human stood and reached for his pistol. He pointed the gun and sneered at the tall kangaroo.

"Who are you?! I'm not gonna ask again!"

"G'day, could ya point me to where the torture chambers moite be? You see Ai broke in ‘ere toâ€""


"Oi, let me finish! Shit...Now where was I?" Jah scratched his chin lazily. "...Erm...Oh right. Ai broke in ‘ere to findâ€""

"INTRUDER!" the guard screamed and fired. There was a flash of sparks and the guard fell on his back, with a hole in his head from his own bullet. Jah's golden fur stood on edge then it settled back down.

"Ahhhhh damn! Why'd the dill have to go and do that...guess Ai gotta find someone else," he said in his thick accent.

He heard muffled yelps. The kangaroo flashed the light around and spotted a naked ash furred bat wearing gold shackles. Her golden eyes glared at him through bangs of spiky purple hair. She wiggled around like a worm making more of the weird muffling sounds.

Jah investigated her curiously, balancing himself on his tail with his legs crossed. "Ay, why are you nekkid?" She shot him a nasty look and continued struggling. "Well ya can't really bash mai ears with this in your mouth." Jah yanked out the rag and flipped her over on her back.

"Why did you save me?! Who are you?" she yelled.

Jah fiddled with his hat, uninterested. "Save ya? Ai break through the door and next thing Ai know this bloke starts poppin off at me."

"Hmph," she grunted.

"Calm down luv Ai'm gonna help ya, no worries," he chuckled. "Sooooo...what are all those markings for anyway eh sheila?" He examined the aquatic blue tattoos standing out from the dark fur of her chest, back, and face.

"What..." She remembered that she was lying there completely nude. "Don't look at me!" she yelled and Jah turned his head in the other direction. She looked towards the dead guard and sighed. She was going to hate herself for it, but she had no choice "Hey. Give me his clothes."

Jah looked at the guard then back to her. "They won't look very good on ya."

"Are you an idiot?! Like I care! J-Just give them to me."

He undressed the guard, grimacing while he did, and walked back over to her.

"Bull Kama!"

Incredible strength fueled her body again. But the weight of the shackles was still too much. Even with all her power, all she could manage was to move herself into a sitting position. She strained to stay up, but her body flipped over and she fell back to the floor.

"Need a lil help?" Jah mused. He held his paws over her. "Um...I'm not sure if this will work by the way. Ai might burn ya by mistake," he said with a casual grin.

"What?! Wait stop!" she yelled when his paws radiated a blue aura. There was a soft crackle of sparks that erupted from her shackles. They let out a sharp whine and then lost their golden glow. There was a click and they unsnapped from her neck and limbs, dropping to the ground harmlessly.

"...How?" was all she could think to say

"Ai am lightning," Jah said nonchalantly.

"Um...Ok? Whatever that means." She frowned. "Eh...thanks I guess."

"No worries sheila."

Jah walked over to the chained squirrel. He squatted down looking her over with a frown. All that was covering her body was a long wool gown with stains and holes in it. Jah removed the thick glasses she'd been wearing and peeled back her eyelids.

"She's not dead," Anu said simply. "I can hear her breathing." She shrugged when he looked at her and pointed at her head. "These big ears aren't just for show ya know."

Unconvinced he put his head against her chest listening for a heartbeat. His earrings jingled when his ears flicked in excitement. The goofy grin returned to his face.

"Ah there ya are luv."

"The hard part is going to be getting her out of those bonds." Anu looked over the shackles. Three thick chains spread from each of the squirrels arms to two huge metal panels embedded in the stone wall. "Just let meâ€"what the hell!!?"

Jah pulled on the chains and grit his teeth. There was a loud rumbling and bits of the red rock dislodged from the wall. He gave a hard yank and pulled out the panels along with sizeable chunks of the rock attached. The kangaroo stepped back and stretched his arms. "All Done."

"W-w-what are you!?"

"Ai'm Jah nice to meet you."

"I said what not who!" Anu sighed. "If you had listened I would have told you I could handle it."

"Owow really?" Jah asked surprised.

"Mantis Kama!"

Anu brought her hand out. She swung her arm like a blade and sliced into the chains. It cut

through them in one swing.

"Oh, cool! Hey, you alright there little missy?"

Anu bent over breathing hard. Sweat dripped down her forehead. "I'm alright...Just...using too many techniques without being fully recovered...*gasp*...takes its toll."

Jah picked up the squirrel and tucked her under one arm. He then turned to face the destroyed entrance. "Well let's make our get away. No time to sit ‘ere chin waggin. You're supposed to be strong so ya should be able to keep up...Or did ya want me to carry ya?"

"Shut up! I wouldn't dare disgrace myself like that!"

"Ahaha! That's the spirit! Now come on Anu!" he shouted charging up the stairs.

"Quiet down Jah you'll get us caught!!!"

"Aren't you shouting too?"

Anu sighed. "Just keep going."

"So Anuâ€"" Jah began

"Shhh!" Anu hushed him. She flattened herself against the shadows of the wall and urged him to do the same. Two voices echoed from further up the stairs.

"Ay, so where is old John. Haven't been hearin much of that wheezin of his. Bastard was supposed be taking my shift."

"He's up a few levels. You know the room where we keep the items from the prisoners."


The voices trailed off and soon they were gone. It was a few moments before Jah and Anu slipped out from the shadows.

"They must have my uniform in that room."

"Oi, shouldn't we be tryin to shoot through ‘ere?" Jah questioned.

"Not till I get my clothes..." She looked down at what she was wearing with disgust. "I don't want to run around in this sick bastard's clothes any longer than I have to."

They traveled up the steps, cautiously stopping whenever they heard voices or approaching footsteps. Anu closed her eyes and listened intently. She could hear everything: boots treading the hard rock, prisoners being tortured, and even snatches of conversations. Then she heard it. The wheezing cough the guard had described. Anu ran down one of the branching corridors from the stairs. She stopped at a large oak door bolted shut with a steel bar. She listened again and was sure the cough was coming from behind the door.

"YA!" She aimed a back-kick and broke through it.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" a group of voices screamed from inside.

The room was lit with two of the flaming spheres. Four guards stood up from all the stolen equipment. Each one of them was armored from head to toe.

Anu wasted no time. Her fist cracked through the first one's helmet with a sickening crunch. Following that, she flipped and brought her heel down on the other guard, caving his skull in. She heard a yell and dropped low in an instant. A few locks of her hair were cut as she barely avoided being decapitated. She spun and caught his sword blade with both hands. She heard a loud click.

"Tortoise Kama!"

The bullets grazed off her body harmlessly as the wheezing man fired his pistol again and again. She turned to the guard with the sword and struck his nose with the palm of her hand. He hung there for a second gasping, then he crumpled to the ground.

"W-why? Why won't you die?!" shouted the wheezing man fumbling to reload his gun.

Anu approached him with fire in her eyes. She let him press the barrel of the pistol against her forehead. "Why?" she asked. Her golden eyes shone with regret. "Because I'm already dead..." He fired the gun and yelled in fear when it didn't so much as break her skin. She hit him in the neck with a fierce roundhouse kick. His body spun from the impact and fell amongst a pile of armor in the back. She took a deep breath and relaxed.

"We should hurry up. I'm sure the whole residence heard that commotion," she said calmly.

Jah walked up and poked her staring at her quizzically.

"What?" she asked.

"Well what was all that talk abowt ya bein ded and all? Ya feel like yer ticker is still tickin."

Anu shook her head. "No that's...*sigh*...that's not what I meant at all Jah." She turned and started rummaging about through all of objects left on the floor and on the wooden table against the wall. Anu located a box with loose fabric hanging from it. After a couple minutes of digging through it, a familiar black material caught her eye. "Here it is. Now turn your head while I change."

Jah cocked an eyebrow. "Well, Ai've already seen ya in the nuddy." She glared at him. Jah smiled. "Fine, fine." He turned around and investigated the rest of the room.

"Okay I'm done," she said after a few minutes.

Jah turned and was shocked. "Owow what ‘appened to ya tits!?"

She blushed fiercely. "S-shut up! I can't fight with something like that flapping around, so I strap them down." She'd put the veil back on covering her face up to her eyes. A long dark gray scarf was wrapped around her neck and her torso was covered with a black sleeveless gi with strange symbols going down either side. Her gi was fastened with a gray obi sash matching her fur. Black kote gauntlets covered her hands which moved to adjust her scarf. Coal black stockings covered her thighs leading down to the similar colored kyahan shin guards at her calves and her tabi footwear.

Jah looked her up and down. "Definite improvement though. So what landed ya in a place loike this anyway?"

She took a deep breath. "Me and some others, including the squirrel there, were gathering

to a meeting place so we could join the red eagles. We were supposed to be meeting one of the legends himself; Boomer, the living cannon. Who better to meet if you want to join right? But we were intercepted by Exodus and that Boomer guy never showed. They killed off the ones they assumed didn't know anything." Cold anger entered her voice. "I swear I'll rip Boomer's head off for letting them die like that."

"Ai don't think ya should do that Sheila," Jah commented while still glancing around the room.

Anu stared at him. "And why not?"

"Well, Ai loike my head right where it is thank ya very much," He laughed.


"Boomer is me nickname, but you can just call me Jah." He grinned wide.

"Bull Kama!"

She yelled and swung her fist at the kangaroo, but he side stepped her. Anu threw two hard spin kicks at his head only to once again be evaded easily.

"Oi! whats gotten into ya?"

"Bastard!" she yelled.

She tried to tackle him, but to her surprise when she came in contact with him she passed through his body as if he were smoke. But when she passed through him she felt a massive shock go through her body. It was like she had suddenly been struck by lightning. She hit the floor and convulsed uncontrollably.

"Sorry luv but it was the only way you'd listen. We don't have toime for a barney right now." He bent down and touched her and the convulsions stopped. "You see â€"Oof!" Anu kicked him square between the legs. He dropped the squirrel and fell to the ground clutching himself.

She stepped back cautiously. "Why was I able to hit you that time?" she asked. Her body was still in too much pain to attack him again.

"Damn...Can...Only... Do it on land...every ten minutes." Jah recovered and sat down with a disgruntled look on his face.

Anu stared at him with hatred. "You let all those people die..."

"Are you stupid or something?" he asked while scratching his head.

"How dare you!"

Jah smiled again but this time with a hint of sadness to it. "Why would the Red Eagles revolutionary army have a public meeting to recruit members? It was a trap. An' to seal the deal they slapped mai name on the ticket to draw in more recruits. Ai never had anything to do with that meeting."

Anu pursed her lips and hung her head in shame. "When I first heard about all sounded a little suspect to me. But," she looked up at him sadly. "I was hoping that it was really that easy to join. I...I needed something to believe in!" She covered her mouth surprised at her own outburst. Anu crouched low on her knees and touched her head to the ground. "Forgive me Jah."

Jah walked over to her, grabbed her by her shoulders, and lifted her into a standing position. She was surprised to see such a serious look on his face. "If we'd found out sooner... Ai would have come to rescue you an' the others." He stared at the red furred squirrel. "Especially Terry over there...because of a promise Ai ‘ave to keep. But by the time we found out abowt it, there was only you an' her left." He bowed his head to Anu. "My apologies." He lifted her chin up and grinned. She was so much shorter than him, only reaching his chest in height. "But bet your life on it, Ai'm gonna get you two out of here! By the wayâ€" DUCK!"

Anu hit the floor and a guard screamed and swung his sword. It missed her and struck Jah in the face. The second it hit, there was a flash of sparks and the blade was repelled leaving him unharmed.

The guard tried to cut him again but received the same effect. "What?!"

Jah laughed. "Yeah, metal can't hurt me." Dozens more of the guards piled in through the doorway. Jah grabbed the one who'd hit him and sent him crashing into the others.

Anu backed closer to him. "We have to get out of here! There's no way we can fight all of them in this tiny room." She looked up at the roo. "Can't you do something!? I mean aren't you the living cannon?"

Jah shook his head. "Nah luv. As long as I'm touching land and there's nowhere to jump I'm abowt as useless as tits on a bull." He looked behind him. An alarm went off in his head. "That's it!" He grabbed the wooden table from earlier. He hopped on top of it and laughed maniacally. "AHAHA! YES! Now Ai can do it!"

Anu kicked one of the guards and cracked through his armor. "What the hell are you yelling about Boomer!? We need to get out of here!"

He stopped laughing and his face went sour. "Ai told ya to call me Jah."

"Godamnit!" she yelled.

"Alright! Leave it to me!" The blonde kangaroo reared his fist back. His fur began to rise as if it had static electricity. The air around him condensed and rippled in a heat-wave effect. Then the flesh of his arm disintegrated and became a mass of sparking energy.

"GATUN!" Jah yelled in a booming voice. "LANCE!"

A massive lightning bolt erupted from his arm. It fired upwards in a snaking beam cracking into the ceiling and melting straight through it. The power from the bolt continued to surge through the ceiling and the force sent the guards near him flying back and cracked the table underneath him. When his body hit the ground the beam dispersed and disappeared. The raw lightning converged and reshaped itself until it became the shape of his arm again.

Jah grinned. "Owow!...hehe...guess Ai overdid it."

Anu emerged from the debris. Her eyes were wide with horror. "But how!? What kind of sorcery is this!?"

Jah picked up Terry and hoisted her over his shoulder. "It's not sorcery. Already told ya missy. Ai am lightning." The ground above them started to rumble. "Oooh what's that?"

"The building! it's going to collapse!" One of the guards screamed.

"Toime to rack off." Jah scooped up the bat with his free hand.

"I told you not to carry me!" she protested.

He ignored her and ran underneath the giant hole he'd created. Jah squatted, took a deep breath, and kicked off. He leapt through the hole in the ceiling rocketing up out the dungeon.

Cold rain splashed his face when he came out, and landed on the roof. He looked around, inspecting the area. There were houses and different buildings, but everything seemed to be abandoned. The prison seemed to be the only focus of life as hundreds of soldiers ran to the entrance, not noticing his group on the roof.

He frowned. "He's late." Jah turned quick as lightning and held his foot up. Something impacted with the sole of his boot making him slide back.

Anu looked up and gasped. It was the stone faced man from earlier. The same steam from before puffed out from his armor making the plates flex. Jah had blocked a punch from him with his foot.

Jah cocked his head to the side, examining him. "Ahhhh air armor."

The man jumped back. "Ah you recognize it don't you mythic?" He stopped and looked around. "You must be the one responsible for that hole in the roof."

"Aye," said Jah.

The man brushed rainwater from his eyes and peered at Jah. His armor started puffing out steam more erratically. The man looked to his armor then frowned. "The armor only reacts this way when near a similar power source. So you must be a child of the sky. You're from Genesis I suppose."

"Aye. Cept the genesis part." Jah smiled. "Ai'm an eagle."

The man looked at the red wing adorning the strap of Jah's hat. "Why would you join the red eagles instead of Genesis?"

Jah gazed at the man uninterested. "You talk too much."

The dark haired man laughed. He drew the black bladed sword and poised himself. "Tavin Anaris. I thought you might want to know your killer's name."

"Oooh ya must be strong," Jah laughed.

Tavin lunged with impossible speed. Before Jah could move Anu broke free from his grip and intercepted Tavin catching his sword between the flat of her hands. The dark haired man leapt back and stared her down. She crouched low on one knee.

"Boomer. Let me fight him."

"What's got you so serious all of a sudden?" asked Jah.

"He has something of mine Boomer. I'm going to take it back with my own hands, understand!?"

Jah shrugged. "You're a strange one. But sure, go nuts." He tucked the squirrel under his jacket and leaned back balancing himself on his tail with a yawn. "And quit calling me boomer."

Tavin laughed seeing the bat staring at the cestus gloves he was wearing. "Ah. So that's what you're after eh mythic." He turned his other hand smiling. He pointed his sword at Jah. "You see this? It's a rare type of metal. It can cut you despite any immunity you may have. We call it bane of the gods. I'll be using it on you after I deal with your little friend here."

Jah sat there picking his ear. "Ya really should pay attention mate," he yawned without looking up.

The man shook his head confused. "Whatâ€" Ugh!"

Anu caught him with a right hook. She followed the hit up with another swing but the man disappeared before her eyes. She stopped and looked around.


She gasped when the human's fist struck her hard in the ribs. His sword swiped through the air right after, plunging towards her heart. Anu shot out a kick to his wrist stopping his stab. She flipped back and aimed another kick at his throat, but there was a burst of steam and he was gone again.

She dropped to her knees holding her chest in pain. The man reappeared in front of her and

she narrowly avoided him.

He chuckled evilly. He pointed at the steam puffing from his armor. "A gift from the sky gods," he said while nodding towards Jah. "Fire and water augments produce the steam, while wind augments focus and propel it to give me advanced speed. So you fight is pointless."

Anu frowned. "It's a competition of speed huh?" she wasn't sure if her body could take this right now. It would be a gamble on her life, but she had to win. She took up a stance as if she was about to sprint, with both of her hands on the ground and her legs poised.

"Cheetah Kama!"

The air behind her burst and she kicked off in a mad charge. Everything felt different. Her eyes were sharper, her senses much more acute, and her body zoomed through the rain feeling weightless. Anu reached the human in an instant. She feinted a jab and he became a puff of steam again, but now she could see it. His body wasn't disappearing; the steam simply propelled him so fast that it created an explosion. She threw a side kick and he evaded, but shock appeared on his face when he realized she could see him. Anu's second leg connected with his jaw in a fierce wheel kick. She bent her body backwards avoiding two more sword swings. She flexed and struck him in the chest with a palm strike. His armor dented inwards and he coughed up blood. She tried to pull back but he grabbed her arm and sliced her chest.

"Tortoise Kama!!!"

Anu yelled in pain when the blade cut into her. Her technique had only managed to keep the blow from going too deep, but it still left a long cut between her beasts. She broke away from him and slid back.

Everything returned to normal. Her senses dulled and her body unclenched. It was too much to keep up that kind of pace with her body in the shape it was. She couldn't even use her full speed due to exhaustion.

She looked up only to see his blade swinging. There was no way to dodge. Anu crossed her arms in front of her in defense. His blade stabbed through both of them at the wrist.

Tavin smiled at her and twisted the blade opening the stab wound further. He stared at her chest where he'd just cut and spotted the symbols on her fur. "What are these markings? Oh well. Exodus can study those once I'm finished with you."

Anu started shaking. At first it appeared she was crying, but then it grew louder into maniacal laughter. He looked down and noticed no blood coming from the stab wound he'd just given.

"Spider Kama!"

Six lumps sprouted from her shoulders. The lumps quivered and in seconds manifested into six extra arms. He tried to pull back but the two arms he'd stabbed broke free of the blade and grabbed his wrists.

"Let's see you dodge now! Spider Kama! Hundred..." The other six arms reared back. "FIST!!!"

Anu's arms became a blur of speed striking his body in rapid succession. His armor was quickly shred through by the attack leaving him to take the full brunt of the blows. He crumpled to the ground. Blood dripped from the numerous holes and cracks in his armor and steam was flowing out uncontrollably. He spit up blood and bared his red stained teeth at her in a growl.

Anu stomped her foot on his back and grabbed his hands. "I'll take these," she muttered while stripping the cesti weapons off him. She re-strapped them around her kote gloves and flexed her hand.

"Ha...ha...hehehaha...HAHAHAHA!!!" The dark haired man laughed insanely and looked above her. The rain stopped.


Another lightning bolt lit the air, but this time instead of becoming a beam it shaped itself into a crescent shaped blade. It sliced upwards into the black night sky through the clouds right above them, and something roared in pain.She turned to see Jah behind her. He retracted and the energy reshaped itself into his right leg. The kangaroo walked up beside her casually.

"You gonna be alrite shiela?"

Anu stood up straight and winced. She took off her scarf and tied it tight around her torso to staunch the bleeding. "Just a flesh wound. My arms don't take damage when I use that technique." She looked up into the sky. "Jah, what was that up there?"

"A dragon," he said simply.

"A what!?!"

"Exodus is here! You can't escape!" yelled Tavin.

"Ahhhh belt up you!" Jah punted the man off the roof. He turned to a surprised Anu and stared at her wings. "Can you fly!?" he exclaimed.

"Of course."

"Great! That'll make this a lot easier." The sky lit up with blinding lights above the clouds. And there was another loud roar

"What's going on up there?"

"Well, that's prolly Mac an' the crew attackin' scaley with the ship. Soon as he drops below the clouds take Terry with ya an' fly to the ship." As if on cue there was another bright flash of light and it appeared. Cutting through the clouds was a giant galleon ship. Massive cylinders pumped in and out of the ship's metal hull and masts, creating the same steam as the man's armor before. Instead of expelling all the steam some of it was instead sucked back in through the cylinders making the ship's hull inflate and deflate.

"Alright! Get goin Anu," Jah said and tossed the squirrel to her. The bat spread her wings and gave an experimental flap. Confident, she took off flying towards the vessel.

The dragon reared its head through the clouds. Its entire body was formed of some type of machine. It was shooting out steam at a fast pace with cylinders similar to the ship's. It flapped its wings, catching the wind with its chain wire membranes. Metal tubes and valves ran along the length of the dragon's body along with two massive ones connecting its jaw and its stomach.The beast set its sight on Anu. Its stomach swelled and the two tubes lit up in a green glow. It was getting ready to fire.

Jah ran along the roof until he was directly under the dragon. His fur rose again and tiny sparks traveled across his body.


The air surrounding him erupted and shot up in a powerful stream of electricity. It soared through the air and exploded when it struck the dragon.

Bits of its metal body were blown off and it looked down at Jah in rage. It tightened its wings against its body and plunged towards him ignoring Anu and the ship. Its jaw opened and it closed them around the kangaroo in a strong bite. Jah caught both sides of its mouth stopping it from closing its maw. He strained while the beast twisted its head trying to break free from him. Jah slipped his footing and its shut its mouth with a loud clang. It tried biting down on him again and again but each time its metal teeth were repelled.

Fiery explosions crashed against its body and it screeched and glared at the ship. The ship fired the cannons again but the dragon swooped into the air dodging them. It pursued the ship with Jah still in its mouth. The tubes on its body glowed green again and it built up fire. It opened its mouth and Jah fell back. A jet of putrid green flame spewed from its throat. Jah thrusts his hands forth.


His lightning met the fire and exploded sending him flying back. He zoomed through the air and came crashing through one of the masts and into the deck of the galleon.

A red haired man ran out from a hut in the middle of the ship. "Hard turn to starboard!" he yelled. The ship moved amazingly fast and the mast fell on the ship's deck with a loud crash. The man turned towards the burning hole in the deck. "Captain Jah?"

The kangaroo exploded from another place on the deck making an even bigger hole.

"Damnit! Stop wrecking the ship!" the other crew members yelled.

Jah ran to the edge of the deck with fire in his eyes. "Bastard! Messin with me!" He reared his fist back again.


The lightning bolt cracked through the air and pierced through the dragon's chest. It screeched and plummeted from the sky, disappearing beneath the clouds.

Just then, Anu swooped down onto the ship with Terry. She dropped the squirrel and fell to her knees. Her eyes narrowed when she spotted the red haired human. She caught him by the throat. "He's one of them!"

He gasped and glared at Jah angrily. "Captain *gasp* you promised *huff* no strays!"

Jah laughed. "Oooops."

"Ooops? Ooops?! I'm gonna ooops my foot up your- ack!" he gasped when she squeezed tighter.

"SATUN! MELT!" the man yelled.

His skin turned bright orange and his body became intensely hot. Anu yelled in surprised when her hand started smoking and she released him.

"You're a mythic?!" she yelled in surprise.

"No, I just like screaming out random words for no reason."

The squirrel rolled and opened her eyes a bit. She stared at Jah and stretched her arm out to him. "Roy..." she said in a low voice, then she fell limp.

Jah frowned and stared at her for a minute. "She gonna be alrite Mac?"

Mac checked her. "She's fine. She's just been drugged. Yo Jas! Eric!" Two coyotes ran up, both of them wearing a leather cuirass with wing symbols on the front. They hoisted up the squirrel and retreated below the deck.

The ship suddenly shook hard beneath their feet. Jah and Mac both rushed to the edge of the ship. There was a flaming hole in the hull. A familiar roar split the air and the dragon resurfaced through the clouds. Despite the damage Jah had done it was still gaining on them. It soared high above them then collapsed its body and dived.

"It's coming straight for us!" Anu yelled. She looked around but no one was panicking. "Didn't you hear me!?"

"Alright men let's get that hole patched up now! Worry about the mast later!" Mac yelled.

The crew members immediately set about mending the ships damage. He turned to Anu. "That thing's never going to reach the ship miss."

Anu stared at him disbelievingly. "What?"

Mac turned to Jah. "This far enough captain?"

"Aye. The land's aura is fading. I should be able to change any minute." Sparks exploded from Jah's fur and Mac and Anu jumped back. Jah's fur rose and changed to a glowing sky blue. His body emanated a faint aura of static electricity. He flexed feeling the lightning flow through him. He broke into a run and jumped off the ship.


His body exploded into sparks and became a spinning orb of pure lightning. The orb sucked in air creating a vortex underneath it. It exploded and the orb shot through the air.

"Not so close to the ship! Shit!" Mac yelled when the galleon rocked back from the burst.

The dragon opened its mouth to spout more flame, but before it could shoot Jah pierced straight through its jaw. The orb curved in midair and another vortex appeared. He fired again into its back, creating such a large explosion that the beast was torn in half. Its body started to fall and the orb hovered in the air but then zipped back towards the ship.

"The hell is he doin?" a crew member shouted.

"He's gonna destroy the ship!" another yelled.

The orb sputtered and the lightning reshaped into Jah's spinning body. He flew by just barely missing the ship. "Agghh Ai missed!"

Mac pulled a sword out and threw it hard. It flew and stabbed through the collar of Jah's jacket, pinning him to the hull of the ship. "Go and pull him off boys." The crew groaned and went below deck. Mac turned to face Anu. Her mouth was wide open in confusion. "Um..." He scratched his head then offered his hand. "Heh. Welcome aboard the Roc?"


Terry sighed. It was another busy night. She touched the metal sphere on the wall and it illuminated the room. She set to work. Her paws worked quickly dismantling and rebuilding the different parts of the machine subconsciously. She loved taking things apart and seeing what made them tick, and any other night working like this would be a pleasure for her. Tonight was different though. She just couldn't stop thinking about him. As hard as she worked her mind always wandered back to him.

She stopped working and her eyes drifted. Terry sighed again and touched her shoulders, remembering how it felt when his arms were there. Why did he affect her like this? They'd only known each other for a few months now but...she yelped in surprise feeling a familiar pressure press up against her rear.

"You know you're not supposed to be here," she said and tried to set back to work.

He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her to him. Terry shuddered. He brushed his lips against the back of her neck. When he pressed up against her she could feel him throbbing from the middle of her back down to the top of her ass. "Hah," she gasped when he nipped her ear.

"Do ya want me to leave?" he breathed and cupped her flesh.

She loved his accent so much. "You're not being fair..." she moaned.

"How?" he laughed.

"You know what that does toâ€"Mmmm." He pulled his hand up under her skirt making her moan. He cupped her ass and slid a finger into her moist flesh. She snapped back to reality and turned around blushing. She glared at the blue eyed kangaroo.


"You know you're wrong for this. I...I have work to finish."

He grinned and inched closer to her face. His tail wrapped around her legs to keep her from pulling away. Terry's eyes closed when he kissed her. She gave in. How couldn't she? She just loved it all. The way his breath tasted in her mouth, how he sucked her top lip, and all of it just drove her wild.

Her body flushed hot and she trembled. The kangaroo stopped, feeling wetness on his leg. He smiled at the tiny droplets of her juices streaming down her legs. Terry started grinding her hips against his thigh, enjoying all the sensations. Her paw gripped hard on his growing bulge. He gasped in surprise and released his tail's grip on her.

Terry slid his shirt up and ran her tongue along his abs. She kissed his chest and started working her way back down. She rubbed him through his pants, stroking the thick pulsing veins. Her paw trailed down his stomach and then pulled down his pants just enough to reveal the base of it. She grinned and kissed everywhere except that special part of his flesh. Finally, she let his pants drop.

No matter how many times she saw it, his size still surprised her. It was longer than her arm from bottom to top. Each thick vein stood out like long branching cords. But she didn't stop even for a second. Her tiny paw cupped underneath him and massaged his balls. Terry brushed her lips across his length making him groan. Oh yeah, she knew how to get him.

She stopped and rested her chin on his stomach. "C'mon Roy. You're good. But you know I can still top you."

He smiled. "Ai thought you had work missy."

She licked her lips. "Mmmm. Well I have a big distraction I have to get rid of first."

She swirled her tongue along his pink cock until she reached the tip. She kissed the head and took it into her mouth. Her lips pulled back and she grinned devilishly. She darted her tongue into the hole and flicked it. His cock jumped in her hands and pulsed wildly. He loved it when she did that. Terry darted her tongue inside his dick hole again, this time digging around a little bit before curling her tongue and flicking it again. Roy gasped and held her cheeks. Pre dribbled into her mouth and she smacked her lips. Damn she loved the taste.

Her hands crept up behind him and she grabbed his ass, pushing him deeper to take in as much as she could. She only managed to get halfway down his length. Terry pulled back, gliding the tip of her tongue against every vein. Her lips moved back and forth on every inch of him. It started pulsing hard in her mouth. He cried out and shot a long gooey rope of cum onto her chest.

Terry rubbed it into her chest fur and smiled up at him. She squealed when he suddenly picked her up. He wiped everything off the table and spread her out. She didn't even care. She just never wanted it to stop.

Roy's face hovered over hers. He didn't kiss her, but just leaned there staring at her lustfully. She felt pressure between her legs and her body flushed again. His tip pressed up against her slit making his cock bend in the middle. She watched his thick meat press against her again. Terry bit her lip when he forced his way in. Her petals spread taking him inch by inch. She felt pressure against her stomach and a moan built up in her throat. He pulled back and she stared at his meat smeared in her cream. Roy pumped all the way back in and she cried out. Her juices made sloppy squishing sounds each time he rammed in.

What absolutely drove her wild was how he looked at her during it all. He stared at her, catching every moan and facial expression while he pounded her out. Roy hoisted her legs up and pushed them together. He pulled almost all the way out.

"Ohhhh gawd!" Terry screamed when he hilted inside her.

Her breath caught in her throat. Heat spread through her body and she gripped the edges of the table to control her convulsions. Her lip quivered and then it hit. She came hard clamping down on his cock. Her sensitive flesh was at his mercy. She murred in ecstasy feeling electricity run through her body from every thrust.

Roy couldn't hold it anymore. Her warm gripping flesh pushed him over the edge. He grabbed her legs and gasped, shooting load after load of his roo cream into her cunny. He pulled out firing a thick spurt of jizz on her belly. He flipped her over on her belly. Terry flinched when he squeezed her ass cheeks and lifted them up to him. Roy squeezed into her and started pumping hard. She cried out feeling him rub against her g spot. He grunted and came again and his jizz spilled out onto the table.

All she could do was surrender her loins to him. Roy wrapped one arm around her neck and tilted her face to him. He kissed her hard, not missing a beat of his relentless pounding of her moist quivering cunny. She felt paralyzed from the waist down. It was just too much.

She arched her back and he pushed against her cervix. Roy held himself there letting her feel it throb while he pushed into her womb. Her body started shaking uncontrollably. Terry bucked her hips and drenched the table with her orgasm. She was beyond sounds. It took everything she had just to keep from passing out. He started swelling inside her. His long deep strokes slowed down and he pulsed faster against her pink walls. With a loud roar Roy fired thick ropes of spooge deep into her womb. He stood there enjoying her warm entrance and then collapsed on top of her with a tired laugh.

It was a few minutes before they caught their breath again. They kissed slowly, simply tasting each other. Both of their sweat drenched bodies mashed together making a loud squelch.

Terry laughed at the sound and held Roy's face. She brushed his blonde hair back to see his deep blue eyes. "What am I going to do with you?" she cooed.

"Keep me arownd for laughs," Roy laughed.

She paused and looked away. "Your...your leaving soon aren't you?" Roy went silent. "So was this all just a game? I mean. You'll be at war...I might never see you again."

He grabbed her chin and kissed her gently. Then he dropped a red pearl into her hand. "Let me make ya a promise. No matter where Ai go or what happens...Ai'll always come back to you. Ai'll always protect you. This pearl will let you know when I'm close."

Terry gazed at the small pearl. She rolled it between her fingers. "This is a wave isn't it?"

"Wake up missy!" Roy shouted all of a sudden.

"What?" Terry asked, taken aback.


Her eyes snapped open. She shot forward out of the bed and knocked her head against something hard.

"Ow! Fuck!" said a deep voice in front of her.

Her eyes watered and she felt dizzy. When her eyes refocused she looked forward and stared in disbelief.


It was him. But he looked so different. He was much more muscular then she remembered. He was wearing a brown jacket with rolled up sleeves. Various belts covered his black shorts, boots, and his tail. He tilted up his brown akubra hat and she saw those same blue eyes she'd fell in love with.

"Roy!" She jumped into his arms and kissed him.

She pulled back and all she saw was a confused look on his face. Terry dug in her gown and found the pocket she'd sewn into the inside. Her paw rubbed over the cold pearl. She pulled it from her pocket and her heart sunk. There was no reaction from it.

"Um...Ai'm not Roy Sheila. Ai'm Jah."

The squirrel fell to her knees. " look just like him."

Jah laughed. "Well of course Ai do. We are brothers after all."


"Ay. Roy was me big brother."

"Was...So it is true...He is dead." He was silent. Terry could feel the hot tears in her eyes.

Jah helped her to her feet and wiped her tears away. "Now don't get all misty eyed on me Terry."

She looked him in the eye. "How do you even know my name?"

"...Let's get some air." He picked her up and walked her through the door. In the hall crew members were steady at work. They rushed back and forth restocking supplies and making repairs.

Terry watched the tall kangaroo. It hurt her heart so much to look at him. He was so much like his brother, but then so different. It was too much to deal with it. He turned and caught her staring. She apologized.

"There's nothing to be sorry for Terr. Ya mind if Ai call ya that?"

"No...But you never answered my question. How do you know my name?"

"Back when I was small; before Roy left for war. He gave me this." Jah reached into a bag strapped around his tail. It was a crimson pearl matching the one Terry had. It glowed and a thin strand of light pointed from the pearl to her. "Your pearl tells ya when he's near, but moine tells me when you're in danger an' which direction you're in." Jah looked at her hard. "He told me that I had to make sure to protect you if he couldn't. No matter what happened to him."

Terry squeezed her pearl till it hurt her hand. "Had he known? Did he know he was going to die?" she whispered under her voice so no one could hear.

Jah creaked two large doors and the raw sunlight washed over them. More crew members ran over the deck in a rush to repair the tree trunk sized mast.

"Captain! Come help us move this!" Eric called. Jah ran over and lifted it with ease.

"How is that possible?" Terry gawked.

"Impossible doesn't exist around that man," said a voice.

It was Mac again. He walked across the deck with Anu following closely behind. She stared around the ship warily, soaking in her environment. Her wounds had been bandaged up.

"Where are we? What happened to the prison?" Terry asked.

"Well despite the consequences. Dear ole Cap'n raided the prison, pissed off Exodus, and rescued you two. You're now aboard the Roc."

Terry walked to the edge of the ship. She adjusted her glasses, and in the distance she could make out the dot that was the floating island they'd just left. Over the rails she could see the unlimited sky beneath them as they drifted below the clouds. She remembered the fairy tales as a kid about the land and water that had once been close to the sky.

She turned and watched Jah heave the mast as if it weighed nothing. "He's a child of the earth right?" Terry asked.

Mac laughed. "Ah I see you know about the children of Genesis."

"Yes. I was very close to one," she whispered. "I know a few details. I know children of earth and fire are known for strength and endurance, children of the sea can accelerate body regeneration. And although the most vulnerable, children of the sky have great agility and can sometimes use flight."

"Sky children the weakest huh? Heh. Well then I don't know how that nutcase can lift that."

Terry frowned. "But how? Only earth and fire children have that kind of strength."

"I don't know to be honest with you. From what I've seen sky children are supposed to get ill or even die if they get close to land. But the only thing that seems to happen with him is his loss of fully becoming lightning. When I ask him about it he just says I'm trained."

Suddenly a giant red feathered bird soared overhead. It squawked and flapped its wing's to steady it's fat body. A lightning bolt whizzed by it and it flew away in panic. Jah dropped the mast and chased after it.

"Jah! Get your ass back here!" the crew members screamed.

"Yah! Mac get the spit ready! I ‘aven't had avard in ages." It flew out of range and Jah jumped overboard after it.

"Hey!" Terry yelled.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine," Mac sighed.

Anu stared after Jah. "So that's the famous Boomer. I never expected him to be soâ€""

"Childish? Immature? Idiotic?" said Mac. He shook his head and chuckled. "Well he is the youngest captain in the eagles. Seventeen is kind of soon to be in command."

"He's only seventeen!?" Terry and Anu asked in unison.

"Hard to believe huh? But young or not the eagles had to recognize his strength with a title. Not every day you have someone like that drop from Genesis and join us."

Anu frowned. "Why would the red eagles make someone so undependable a captain?"

‘Undependable!? Hah! Don't get mistaken. Crazy or not, I trust that kid with my life. I'd follow him to hell and back. We all would."

"Aye!" the other members of the crew yelled.

"But you just saidâ€""

"That's just how Jah is." Mac stared off into the sky. "I owe him my life and more. Exodus raided my home island two years back. The eagles were tied up with another battle so they couldn't make it in time. And then here comes this kid who takes them all on by himself just to protect me, my family, and the other survivors. He held them off long enough for us to escape." Mac started laughing. "And when I asked him why he did it he just laughed and said he didn't need an excuse to help people."

Terry smiled sadly. ‘It must run in the family. His...his brother was like that." She suppressed the sick feeling in her gut. "Before Exodus took him."

"Exodus..." Anu whispered. "Why do they hate us? And what is this Genesis you keep bringing up."

"Unknown Vessel sighted!" a voice suddenly screamed from the crow's nest.

There was a roar and a large cannonball whizzed by their ship.

"Unfriendly!" the voice called again.

"I can see that! I'm not blind motherfucker!" Mac yelled. He rubbed his forehead. "Just what we needed. He looked at Anu and Terry. "Sorry young uns but story time's over. We'll talk about this later." He looked around and scratched his head. "Anu where the hell is Jah?"

"Shhh!" Anu hushed him.

"What's with you?" he asked.

The bat's ears twitched. She stood still then suddenly kicked out hard at the air. There was a crunch and a figure materialized out of the air she'd just kicked.

It was a chameleon. He rolled on the ground clutching between his legs. "You BITCH!! Ohohoho you bitch! I'm gonna kill the FUCK outta you!"

Just another attempt of mine to post the picture.