Tone And Hiro - Chapter One - The Price Of Freedom

Story by SevenWingedDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Transcender: Tone

Hello. Here I am with something new... Actually, I lost a bet, and as a result, have to write something 'alternative'. I planned out the roots of the character, Akra, quite some time ago, but I never thought I'd ever wind up writing them. Check the timeline in my personal data on my profile page if you want to see how this ties in. Anyways, here it is, and please be gentle with it - I've never written anything quite like this before. As usual, no proof reading, and not happy with it, but here goes!

Epic edit manouver: Thanks to ANTIcarrot for pointing out one of my more stupid mistakes - he's a jaguar, not a stallion. Fixed my overestimation for size accordingly (I really need to start proof reading...) Anyways, cheers.

Tone and Hiro â€" Chapter One â€" The Price Of Freedom

Akra and Tone: We will never forget...

The following tale takes place near the birth of the Arc organisation: Back then, the company was merely a small group of vigilantes against the immense empire of Cross, and the new growing threat of Remnants. This is the story of the Transcender known as Akra; Arc's genius engineer.


The cell was small, dark and damp, but at least it had a view. Through the iron bars abridging grey stone, the vixen was free to stare out into the horizon. The sun had long since faded away, the silver discs of twin moons shedding a silvery luminescence over the scene. The world spread out beyond, the distant sea lapping against a perfect beach, the town between them alive with noise and light in the darkness. From her little window, she could still watch and dream hopelessly. Looking down, she could see the fortress surrounding the spire of her building, guards patrolling back and forth ceaselessly, occasionally exchanging sly greetings and calls. She slumped against the limited sill, watching a pair of armoured men playing a game of chess at the guard station of an adjacent tower. She idly contemplated the victory for the black.

She yawned with boredom, taking a few steps back to sit back against the pile of hay she used for a bed. Stone pressed in from all sides, the only two points of entry being a heavy steel door and a small lattice grille, no thoughts of escape persisted. She never had any hope for that. The girl lifted a small sheet in the corner, revealing a few battered pieces of fruit and a bowel of water. Her stomach growled, the vixen munching away upon the pink, peach like things, duili fruits, leaning over slightly to survey her reflection. Blue eyes stared into her own, fur of white and red as scuffed and dirty as the brown rags she wore. She licked a little juice from the back of one of her arms, the back markings that twisted about them in a tribal design one of the few features of her body she was actually proud of. Scratching a similarly marked leg, she chanced a small faux smile.

Somewhat sated, she drooped once more with a sigh, covering the few rations that remained and curling up. The vixen's ear twitched as she heard a small click, a small crimson light appearing below the camera in the room's upper corner. "Oh... Shit..." Beyond the latticework of the grille, a faint shuffling became audible, Akra knowing from experience what was coming. She stripped rapidly, folding her rags into the sheet along with the food and water before pushing them into the furthest corner she could, left with only underwear. She knew that they had been waiting, the people who watched, patiently timing their actions for the moment she ate the fruits. The vixen had been through this several times before, lust already beginning to cloud her mind as the after effects of the only food she had ever eaten began to set in. "Time..."

The grille retracted slowly, rising up as a thick black ooze began to stream forth, pooling in the centre of the room as she took a few steps back against the wall. "What did they send this time?" More and more of the sludge-like fluid seeped through, its central point rising like a fountain as it began to take on a form. From the pool, a small outcropping extended, beginning as a fluid but as it rose, its shine faded, and it began to take on the properties of something hard. Almost as if it was mimicking her, a hand formed, waving jovially as she raised an eyebrow, creeping slightly closer to the mass as additional limbs formed. For just a few moments, she stared at a perfect copy of herself, black as a Bio-Angel, every feature perfect. The thing, whatever it was, collapsed back in upon itself, swirling darkly as she drew even closer, reaching out tentatively, her lusts giving way to a strange curiosity as she finally touched the fluid. It was like pressing on clay, yet none of it came away with her finger, the being not even feeling wet. But that was the moment when everything changed.

Instantly, a long thick vine-like appendage extended, twisting about her arm, holding fast as it used that leverage alone to lift the struggling vixen into the air. Akra fought against it, remaining limbs flailing desperately before they too were restrained, another twisting about her tail as if for good measure. "I knew it..." She twisted her head, watching the light at the camera's base began to blink as it always did when they sent something like this. Several trendels now, each one ending in a hand identical to hers began to trace the curves of her body, taking in every inch as it seemed to familiarise itself with her form. Thumbs brushed against the band covering her chest, tugging slightly in confusion as it seemed to have originally taken it as part of her anatomy. The fabric strained, the knot she tied at its back coming free as small breasts were revealed.

Akra had stopped struggling, giving in to the effects of the fruits as silky smooth hands massaged her body. The rag tied about her waist seemed to drop free of its own accord, yet instead it was a growing mass below it. Hands traced the vixen's thighs, seeming to find her reactions somewhat pleasant, after all, most of the other creatures it had been introduced to tended to struggle a lot more. The creature froze, finding something that it had never before encountered, a sheath slowly filling out above her dripping slit. Akra groaned slightly as her cock finally came free of its confines, resting against her stomach as it grew to an average size. Her eyes widened suddenly, the vixen struggling to look down as she watched one of the creature's appendages change its form once more, mimicking her fox member before moving it to rub the tip against her opening. She moaned as it spread her legs, the long tentacles fully supporting her weight, moving her tail aside as it slid the thing inside her.

The feeling of being penetrated by something she toyed with so often was electric, the creature lowering her body down to the hay as it forced the invading phallus up to the knot. Akra tried to buck against her restraints, yet they held her too firmly, the vixen enabled only to lie back and whimper as she became the object of its curiosity. Its movements were agonisingly slow, pressure increasing as it gave short light thrusts in an attempt to force the knot to part her folds. Faux-hands toyed with her breasts in a skilful fashion, having learnt well from the past females it had been set upon; one of them mimicked the vixen's jaw, a tongue extending to lick and suck at exposed nipples. Akra moaned, crying out as the black knot finally slipped inside her, the hermaphrodite's own cock throbbing with a desperate need for attention.

The creature didn't seem to know how to deal with such a thing, leaving her tool to slowly leak pre cum, a strand already connecting it to her fur. It pulled hard, popping out the small knot as it slowly began to fuck her with it. Her climax came after just a few deep thrusts, the sexual charge received from the fruits forcing her to scream as she came. Her cock twitched, thick seed sprayed over her chest as it continued to pick up its pace, pounding her as she was dazed. The vixen cried out as time began to slip by, her fur damp and matted as her fluids leaked from her over stimulated cunt, her chest doused by another spray of cum as the creature took her deeper, harder. It had loosed its grip on her thighs, determining that the writhing female had no plans to escape as she bucked her hips against the probing length.

Copying her earlier actions, the tool inside her began to jettison thick white cum, filling the vixen as she cried out in orgasmic bliss, their combined fluids leaking from her abused slit, dampening the hay it was holding her against. Seeming to wish for a change of pace, it lifted her from the ground, placing Akra on her front, never breaking their connection as her ass waved in the air. As one tentacle continued its motions, another rose, up, tracing against the tail pinned against her back before lowering itself to its target. Akra's features scrunched up as she felt a cock tip, slick from her own juices slowly part her tail hole. It took a long time to bottom out, the female panting as the knot finally touched her, painting the ground with yet another load of cum as her member spurted white. She blushed in embarrassment from enjoying the anal play, as it set up a rhythm contrasting with that of the other tentacle.

At last it seemed to have some sort of idea, one of the tips spreading out until it flowered into a replica of her own slit, catching her line of cum before it slid down the length of her fox cock. She moaned, the force of the thrusts forcing her to fuck it the same way she was being taken, another tentacle rising up to her face, parting her lips as she was forced to suck it.

The hours reeled by, the vixen passing through an array of positions as the tentacles continued to take her. Both sets of her equipment were feeling distinctly sore, yet the lust effect was only just beginning to wear off. Their combined fluids soaked the hay, Akra's fur whitened in area where it wasn't already, the crimson and black covered with sticky strings of cum. After a while, the thing simply seemed to become bored, letting her dry cum for the umpteenth time before at last lowering her to the ground. She gasped for breath, lying back as cum leaked from both of her holes, coughing and spitting up more white before resting her head. The grille rose once more, a strong smell coming from the other side. Whatever it was, it seemed to attract the creature, the black thing returning to a fluid state before leaving the way it had come. The metal closed behind it, and the camera returned to its off mode.

Akra lay there, panting to recover her breath, yet before long, a few taps came from the steel door, the thing opening to reveal two of the guardsmen carrying a bucket of water. One of them tipped the warm liquid over her, cleaning her form while the other stripped. The vixen completely devoid of energy, had no way or even will to resist as the two lions fucked her between them. The sun began to rise as they left, leaving a second vessel of water for her; to clean their cum from her fur as she was finally allowed some rest. Throughout the complex, filmed by those cameras, dozens of females of many races were suffering a similar fate. And thanks to the fruits they dieted on, oh how they enjoyed it.


Akra blinked wearily, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. She yawned, rolling over and trying to get back to sleep before suddenly jerking to attention. This wasn't her cell. She sat up rapidly, almost injuring the arctic fox sat next to her. The room was immense, at least by her standards; after all, the room she was used to could have fit in here several times over. *No...* She cursed under her breath, lamenting the loss of her window and the connection to the world beyond it. When they returned, what would she do if they put her somewhere different? The vixen glanced around, rousing herself slightly as she noted the number of people in the room, around a dozen, no, slightly more, all female. Some of them were whispering to each other nervously, yet most were just silent, staring around fearfully as she was. The white beside her spoke hopefully, "One of the girls was saying... She's been through something like this before." Akra looked up, "They're gathering us together, and selling us in the town."

A brown wolf, younger than she was, "I hope I get a good master..."

The white just laughed, "A good master? Everyone bidding is part of Cross â€" There's a higher chance of the Arcs coming to save us all." The joke seemed to spread, a few of the other slaves chuckling to themselves half heartedly.

"Arc?" Akra questioned, her voice in unison with the young wolf's.

"Yeah..." The white sat back, crossing her legs, "It's just a fairy tale among slaves though... There's this rumour that there's another group like Cross. Except they're going through dimensions like heroes, fighting those angel things... What are they called again... Remnants? Or was it Bio-Angels?" She shrugged, "You know, the whole hopeful, saviours thing. They say they're even helping people like us."

"It it really just a fairy tale?" The wolf sounded so hopeful.

"Don't get your hopes up, kid." The white tossed each of them a duili fruit, "There's no such thing as an Arc... It's just a few hopeful slaves that are still hanging onto a dream of being free one day." Akra caught the fruit, glancing from it to the arctic fox, a questioning look in her eyes, "You'd better eat it."


"There will be less pain that way." She sighed, "If that girl is right, and we're really being sold tomorrow..." She devoured her own hungrily, "Then all of the guards, and everyone who works for them will be descending onto this room for one last go with their favourites." The brown wolf began furiously munching on her fruit, reaching over to a nearby barrel and seizing a few more. The white caught Akra's eyes, "You're quite lucky though..."

"I'm... Lucky?" She certainly didn't feel it.

She pointed down between the vixen's legs, since the clothes of everyone in the room had already been removed; her sheath was fully on display, "Don't take offence but... The ones with perks like yours always sell the best. A rich noble will probably buy you... Some of the dealers just like it that way." Akra had barely realised, simply having grown used to wearing little or no clothing, she now crossed her legs in a futile attempt to cover herself up.

They had enough time to eat a few fruit each, drinking from a trough of running water along one of the walls before the sounds of metallic boots on stone, barks, clanks and a host of other noises finally became audible from beyond the steel doors. "Here we go." The white set her jaw grimly, "Just in case we ever meet again... I'm Aiya. And the kid? She's Tess."

The steel door slowly began to rise, "My name... Is Akra." And chaos ensued.

The vixen utilised her natural ability, making a break for the rooms far side, hoping to find at least a little leeway in an unnoticed corner. She got perhaps two steps though before something thudded into her back, jaws gripping her neck as something hard pressed against her rump. She winced in pain before the grip loosed slightly, opening her eyes to find that a feral wolf had her pinned, the remainder of the small pack having surrounded her. The alpha grinned in triumph through her fur, his body pinning her tail between them, pressing forward as a thick dog dick forced her wide. The other wolves howled and hollered, one of them already rapidly pounding Aiya nearby, the arctic vixen crying out as the lusting effects of their food came into play.

Akra had little chance for resistance. Fueled by the intoxicating effects of the duili and her own lusts, it wasn't long before she was grinding her hips against the male, begging him to fuck her harder. His dick was much larger than hers, the thing stretching her to her limits, the thick bulbous knot spreading her slightly at the base of each thrust, with little chance of gaining entry. From the motion alone, his balls were slapping against her clit, the rapid motions that only a canine could manage stimulating her in a way far beyond the earlier tentacles. She cried out as she came, her cunt quivering about his length, her own dick squirting onto the stonework beneath her. Her eyes widened, features contorting in a silent scream as he forced his knot into her, utilising her own climax to force entry. The wolf came deep inside her.

They remained tied for only a few minutes before with a brutal heave, he pulled his knot free, the wolf to his side instantly taking his place and setting up a brutal rhythm, Akra unable to even move. The alpha grinned, dropping down in front of her in a strange sitting posture, his proud erection pointing skywards. She took the point, licking the dick from base to tip before letting it sink into her muzzle, utilising all of her experiences from pleasing the guards to make the beast howl. The wolf fucking her was smaller than the alpha, and by the feeling, lacked his stamina too. His knot was growing, becoming engorged, yet after being ridden by their leader; she was stretched out enough for him to slide the bulbous thing in and out at the base of every thrust, fucking her with his knot. She cried out as he came inside her, more fluids leaking from her slit as she met yet another climax, cum running down her body and covering her front.

The pack continued to pass Akra and the white vixen around, each taking turns with the two females, abusing cunt and ass until they were satisfied. The alpha finally had them brought together, Forcing each to get into position beside one another as he slipped his dick into Akra's stretched tail hole. The smaller male from earlier nudged Aiya with his muzzle, forcing her to take the vixen's length into her mouth before he dove onto her back, spreading her wide and beginning to thrust in time to his leader. The other wolves circled them to watch, slave girl sucking on the hermaphrodites throbbing shaft as they were pounded from behind. The white almost choked as Akra came, letting some of the seed dribble down her chin before a nose pushed against her side roughly, a silent demand that she drink it. It was hardly the last load either, the group taking their time toying with them, denying any other male the right to join them, even the guards.

Time passed, and Akra found herself on her back, the arctic fox gripping her shaft, panting as she slowly descended down her length. Their audience barked in approval, the two coming close to kiss as each began to buck their hips. This was the first time she had ever taken another female properly, loving the feeling of her friend's wet cunt wrapped around her pulsating member. It wasn't long before she was painting her insides with cum, yet neither had any intention to make that the end, denying the wolves pleasure for as long as possible, fucking with abandon until they were at last pulled apart, the dogs converging once more.

Akra glanced up. She could see Tess, the young wolf spread legged between two of the guards as they fucked her between them, the girl crying out with pleasure at the double penetration. She moved over, most of the wolves finally spent, ducking down between them as she licked their twin cocks, tongue running across the cunt and ass of the wolf. It wasn't long before she took the girls place, yet the two muscular guards had another idea, lifting up Tess and placing her onto Akra's length as they continued to pound the vixen between them. Had anyone else tried it, it would probably be folly, yet their strength prevailed, Aiya coming over for a few sly licks, still not finished with the alpha wolf, who brutally slammed her tail hole while she worked. Akra filled the young wolf with her cum, her small knot allowing her to tie with the tight, younger girl. She continued to grind with little chance of getting free as she bounced between the males.

Time passed, and eventually all that was left were fourteen girls, and an immense mess. The doors sealed shut, and Akra finally passed out.


The sun shone down merrily on a perfect day, illuminating the seaside town. A gentle breeze brought with it the scent of the ocean, lazily pushing fluffy clouds across the skies great blue canvas. Hiro yawned, leaning back against a building as he looked over the central plaza. A large wooden platform had been erected in its centre, a huge crate the size of a small bungalow veiled by a thick grey sheet as men hurried back and forth before it. The fox yawned, glancing down into a brochure, reading the listings of the auction. A few moments passed before he looked up, instinctively elbowing a large black feline, "I don't see why you're here too. I'm more than enough for this job."

"Irritable as always, huh, Hiro?" The cat placed his hands behind his head, features twisting into a grin, "I take my job as seriously as you do, but if I didn't smile every once in a while, I'd go insane." He elbowed the fox back, "Lighten up, Hiro."

"I'll smile when I've taken care of..." He glanced around, ensuring that nobody was listening, "When I've taken care of Cross and the Remnants, and I can see my brother again... I'll save my laughs for my own time. Not the missions."

"It's starting soon." The voice came from their side, a human veiled by a black cloak identical to theirs pointing up towards the platform. Although their garbs were intended to stop them from standing out, the three of them failed to fit in with the lively atmosphere. Then again, looking shady seemed to be a given when standing among Cross. Most of the people around them defiantly looked out of place, the fashions of many dimensions clashing horribly in a single area. "Remember, we only want that one."

"Then why the hell are we bothering with all of this bidding crap?" Hiro whined, "Let me up there and I'll have that platform destroyed in three minutes."

"I could do it in two." The jaguar, Tone proclaimed jovially.

"That's enough, you two." Arc sighed, the man shaking his head slightly, "Cross fits each slave with a device... If they escape, or are saved, they'll die." He shuffled through the listings, "We get our target, scan her, and use the data to help free the others."

"I know, I know..." Tone looked up to the stage, watching a young brown wolf being pulled forwards, the auctioneer stripping away the rags she wore before commencing the bidding, "It's just hard to hold back with scum like this in abundance."

Hiro closed his eyes for a few moments, "Still... Are you sure this girl has the potential to be a Transcender? She looks pretty ordinary... Well other than the..." He reddened slightly as he read the fine print.

Tone glanced over his shoulder, yet focused only on the image and caption, having yet to read anything else on their target, "Akra. Nice name..."

"Hey... Look." An arctic vixen stepped down, bought by some noble boar, before Akra took her place, standing in the centre of the platform and staring around blearily in the light.

It was the first time the vixen had ever seen the outside world, normally unconscious when they ferried her from fortress to fortress. She had only the memories of riding in a great flying machine and that was it. She smiled her first true smile. The sky was so blue, the breeze so fresh, and the world seemed to spread out an all sides into infinity. It was no wonder slaves would make up stories like the Arcs, being free must be such a dream. The auctioneer failed to tear away her garb, having reserved that particular trait for only the young ones, beginning bidding in earnest. "...With an opening bid of ten thousand gold pieces!" He finished his statement.

"Hiro, how much do we have?" Tone questioned.

"Eight thousand..." He placed his hand over a small brown pouch, "Feng." His palm glowed, "Now twelve thousand... Fifteen thousand.... Tell me when to stop." The fire type's ability was proving immensely useful in such a scenario.

"Thirty-eight thousand! Can anybody top thirty-eight thousand?" The auctioneer began to stir the crowd as the same boar who bought Aiya proclaimed forty.

"They rarely go over fifty thousand..." Arc pulled out a pouch of his own, shielding it with his cloak as he copied Hiro's technique. "Tone..."

The cat raised his arm, "Fifty thousand!" A good portion of the crowd turned to face them.

Akra gulped. She had no idea what the value of money was, or even what gold looked like, yet she couldn't help but guess from the reaction that it was a lot. She looked the black cat over, failing to note his species, but gleaning from the muttering of the crowd that she was most likely about to become the property of a jaguar. "Fifty-five thousand!" The boar roared.

People began to turn to Tone for a response, the auctioneer allowing him to confer with the two other cloaked individuals for a few moments before he turned, grinning, "One hundred thousand gold pieces." He punched the air, "Ha ha! Suck on that you fat shit!" He gestured rudely to the boar.

"He's certainly rich, but he doesn't look very noble..." Akra was lead away from the platform, standing before a small plinth behind the cages as one of the guards clipped her arm with some metallic device, retrieving a small chip she never knew she had embedded in her flesh. She bit her lip to quell the pain, looking up to see the jaguar place a large bag onto a counter, gold spilling from it as they began to count.

Tone turned as Arc and Hiro began to tally up their cash, eyes drifting along the scene before finally settling on the vixen. She took a step forwards, the shackles of her wrists and ankles clinking as she stared up at him in defiance. Her cold eyes slowly came to meet warm friendly ones, a look of confusion crossing her face as he ordered her bonds removed. The jaguar smiled in reassurance, "My name is Tone... Come with me, Akra."


Akra leaned back in the chair, looking out onto the forecourt of the seaside villa. The other fox, Hiro sat besides her, having discarded his black cloak, he wore only a pair of denim jeans; the man yawned as he downed his drink. Akra stared confused at the orange juice in her hand, used to having nothing but water to drink, she brought it to her lips, taking a tentative sip. The fox was grinning, casting glances at her from the corners of his eyes as she began to gulp it down, "That was... Thank you, Sir." She bowed her head.

"Don't worry about it..." He glanced up, watching Tone stride out below their balcony, seeming to not notice them as he took up a stance in the centre of the court. He was garbed similarly to Hiro, just a pair of jeans, a strange tattoo on the back of his neck. In fact, the other fox had one too, though it differed slightly. Lines; broken and unbroken, three of them. The jaguar lifted a strange weapon from the ground, a black lance, tinted slightly green and tipped at each end. He began to spin the twinlance, passing through a series of manoeuvres as they watched, "And stop speaking to us so politely..." He sighed, "I'm not gentleman enough to be called sir by anyone."

Akra lowered her gaze, still struggling to process everything that she had been told. Not only did the Arcs exist, but they were here of all places. The biggest jolt that the three of them had given her though, was that she was indeed now free to do as she pleased, be that stay with them and become a Transcender, or pursue her own goals. "I'm sorry... I'm just still not used to all this."

"Don't worry about it." He stared down at Tone, chuckling to himself as he watched his comrade practice, "We've dealt with slaves quite a few times now..." He sighed, "Orphans, free slaves, the homeless and penniless..." He checked them off on his fingers, "Almost all of the Arcs have had one hell of a past. This is their second chance at life."

"Even you?" He turned to face her looking blankly for a moment, "I'm so sorry, sir! I overstepped my bounds and-" She cut herself off as he began to laugh.

"Remember, I told you not to bother with polite terms, right?" He lay back, "Yeah, I have... Myself and my brother, we're the last of our race." He crossed his arms over his chest, watching the clouds, "Dran... I left him behind in an orphanage and joined Arc to fight the remnants that destroyed our home."

"Sorry, sir..." Everything was so different, even wearing clothes rather than rags was strange. The jeans and shirt she had been given felt uncomfortably tight.

"Don't apologise. After all, you've had it far worse... I can't imagine what it must have been like, being a slave your whole life. Feng." Crystal blossomed in his hands, twisting to encase his fists as a pair of cesti, "Cross are terrible people." He jumped from the balcony, veiling his desire to get out of the conversation as he challenged his self proclaimed rival to a duel. Though she had grown somewhat used to their strange abilities, her eyes never failed to widen in their wake. Akra sat silently, watching them fight as she hugged her legs to her chest, tears slowly filling her eyes.

"Something wrong?" A voice came from behind her, the vixen twisting in her seat to see Arc leaning against the wall.

"It still..." She was unsure of how to speak, "It all feels so unreal... Real clothes... freedom to sit here and do what I want... Food." She wiped her eyes, "I feel so lost."

He took Hiro's free chair, "What's your dream?" He said simply.

Akra was silent for a long time, until, "When I was moved from fortress to fortress... I rode in a big flying machine." Her will had failed to be completely crushed, even in such a life, "I want to know how to make my own, and how to pilot it."

"That's a good dream." He nodded, "Stay with us, become a Transcender, and I'll make sure it comes true." He placed a small purple sphere on the table between them, got up and left.

Akra picked it up, holding the strange object close for a long while, staring down at the jaguar, sweating as he fought furiously against the blunt weapons of his friend. "Master is incredible..." She sighed.

Tone's ear twitched.


The jaguar sighed, taking the pan off the heat as two thick steaks sizzled merrily. The wind brought a pleasant breeze through the open windows, as the moons shone on the distant horizon. He grumbled to himself, continuing to cook as he watched the moon rise over the flames. They had rented the villa for just a few days, choosing to spend them in whatever comfort they could while they completed their mission. "Bastards could have taken me with them..." He grit his teeth, Hiro and Arc having left earlier to retrieve as many as they could from the town and the central fortress. "I really wanted to destroy that place..." He slumped slightly, "And here I am playing Chef instead... Ah well, win some, lose some."

"Master?" A voice came from behind, a lot closer than he had expected, even with his acute senses. The jaguar jumped, almost dropping the pan.

"A-Akra?" He turned down the heat, blushing slightly, "Don't call me that..." He scratched the back of his head, "It's uh... It sounds..." He sighed, "I'm not that sort of guy." Hiro would never let him live it down if he ever heard.

"I'm sorry." She bowed her head, Tone's eyes widening slightly as he spotted the lightning trigram on the back of her neck.

The girl apologised far too often, "You became a Transcender then?"

"Yes." She smiled, "Arc said he would help make my dream come true."

"Yeah, that sounds like him..." He began to serve up, "What's your dream?"

"To fly." She said simply. The jaguar raised an eyebrow, but let it drop. "Master... I mean, Mister Tone..." She gulped, "Uh, Tone." She settled on it, "Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be?" He looked up, catching her eyes as his ambers met her blues.

"You're here looking after me... Instead of being out fighting with the others." She lowered her gaze, remembering the words of a very muscular wolf slave she once met, "I'm hurting your pride as a warrior."

Tone smiled, "I'm more of a historian than a warrior..." The jaguar picked up two plates, covering them with film and leaving the pair to one side for Arc and Hiro. He grabbed theirs, leading the vixen through to the next room, "After all, I'm only one of the Arcs because I want to know about other worlds... Other cultures and ways... And for my parents wish."

She sat down as he gestured for her to do so, a plate placed before her, "Your parents wish?"

He gestured at the weapon lying in the corner of the room, the twinlance leaning against the wall. "My parents made that weapon themselves... Its name is Zephyr." He dropped into a chair, "I'm fighting the remnants in their place, since they..." He dwindled into nothingness, "Ah well, eat up, Akra."

She noted the sombre atmosphere, choosing not to question him and instead picking up a knife and fork as he had, "Is this... Food too?" She gulped. Having lived her whole life on just duili fruits, the only other things she had eaten had been in the last two days of their company. She dug in, "Delicious!"

"Thanks." He chuckled as he watched her eat, polishing off his own rather quickly. Even if he was smaller and more lithe than most of his kin, he was still a jaguar, and ate like one too. "I can't believe you lived on those fruits for so long... You know what they do to you, right?" The things were native to quite a few worlds.

Akra was clear soon after, "I'm still suffering from the after effects now..." She sighed, "Three whole days without being mated..." She began to rub her legs together, "I'm so aroused all the time it hurts."

Tone gulped. "Oh." He said in response.

"Master..." She took a few steps towards the jaguar, leaning close and whispering into his ear as she guided a hand to her chest, "Help me..." She licked his cheek, "Please..." She was so close, a surprising kiss becoming deep and passionate, "I need... I need..." She fondled the crotch of his jeans.

He didn't need telling twice, pulling himself to his feet and sweeping the vixen off hers, taking a few steps before falling forwards, pinning her over a nearby couch. Akra groaned, her body still influenced from the effects of all of that duili, she ground her hips against his leg as her maleness was held by the waistband of her jeans. Tone felt something hard brushing against his leg, reaching down as the vixen pulled off her shirt, he quickly withdrew his hand as if he'd been burnt as fingers brushed against a stiff fox member, "You... You have a-!" The jaguar looked immensely confused, arms flailing slightly as he tried to comprehend what he was touching.

Akra hung her head, looking sad, "I was born with..." She sighed, "I've always had male parts above my female ones. I'm a natural hermaphrodite." The vixen had failed to think through her actions, her arousal fading slightly as a genuine fear of rejection began to form. She looked away, yet started when a hand closed about her length, sliding from tip to base as her jeans were pulled away.

"Doesn't matter." The jaguar smiled, "I was just surprised, that's all." The big cat had been the only one not to read her data back in the slave auction. He placed his other hand on her cheek, drawing her close as they kissed once more. If it were possible to smile with lips connected, the vixen had managed to accomplish it. Before now everything had been so forced, an escape from the constant lust she was always consumed by, yet for the first time she felt at peace. She gasped softly as his hand went lower, fingers trailing her slit before two of them slipped inside, the somewhat skilful jaguar fingering her at a constant pace.

She bucked her hips against them, panting as she virtually rode his probing digits. After a lifetime of being taken almost constantly by an array of races and creatures, even Tone felt somewhat clumsy compared to what she'd been through. Yet there was just something about the black cat that made her feel at ease, proud to call him what she muttered under her breath, "Master..." She whined, "Faster..."

Tone blushed, struggling not with the word but with the concept. He wound up just grinning, giving himself over to the moment rather than dwelling upon things. It wasn't long before she was screaming it, his other hand having gripped her cock, pumping in time with his fingers as he slowly became used to the feeling of a member that wasn't his own. The squirming vixen moaned his title, her climax finally overtaking her as the cock jerked in his hand, thick ribbons of white cum covering the sleek black fur of the jaguar's stomach. He licked his fingers as she blushed above him, embarrassed that she had cum so quickly to someone lacking her experience. Determined to return the favour, she slid down his body, pulling his jeans down as she went, the jaguar folding his hands behind his head as his own kitty cock was freed from its fabric confines.

"Wow..." He was even larger than the wolf, his dick dwarfing those of her prior captors by a notable margin. Even if the male lacked the usual large frame of a jaguar, he certainly had the equipment size. She just grinned as he looked away, seemingly a little embarrassed as the cold air caressed his exposed tool. Akra took a long inhalation, taking in the scent of male musk before closing her lips about it, bobbing slowly with unparalleled technique. After being filmed with so many guards and various other creatures, she had accumulated a lot of skill, fondling his furry balls as her tongue and throat worked their magic. Akra's jaw reached its limit as she made a futile attempt to deep throat the jaguar, instead settling on giving him head while she stroked his shaft. Tone glanced up, hearing a soft repetitive slapping noise, the herm jerking her own cock in time to his own.

The jaguar closed his eyes in bliss, breath catching in his throat occasionally as she teased him closer to orgasm. Travelling through so many dimensions, he and Hiro had mated with the best, yet there was nothing quite like the vixen currently sucking on him. Memories of past encounters fuelled his fantasies before the jaguar grunted slightly, spurting his load into Akra's waiting maw. Her eyes widened as she struggled to take it all, the former slave always comparing the taste of cum to others, sweet, or bitter, thick or watery, she failed to spill a drop of his seed. "Master..." She was on her knees, ass waving in the air as her tail swayed seductively, "I need your dick." She was rubbing her legs together, squeezing at her male parts while fluids leaked from her slit in preparation.

Tone grinned lustily, pulling himself to his feet before leaning over the herm, pinning her tail between them as he slid forwards, spreading her cunt about his thick member. Akra moaned, grinding her hips against him as he continued to sink further into the girl, the tip of his engorged dick pressing against some insurmountable barrier as he neared the hilt. Deciding not to press the issue, he pulled back, setting up a slow rhythmic pace in torment as she desperately tried to get off against him, stroking herself furiously. Tone's fingers gripped her wrist, pulling her hand away before he replaced it with his own, stroking her in time to his thrusts as his pace began to increase. Akra whined, squeezing a breast from the floor as she came once more, squirting on her stomach and the floor as she bucked in abandon.

The jaguar decided that she had perhaps had enough torment, and he definitely had too; concentrating on his own pleasure as he began to pound the female beneath him. His jerking motions became more sporadic as he failed to keep up with his own pace, finally giving up entirely before placing his hands about her hips, holding on for support as he rode her. Akra was moaning at the peak of every thrust, fingers curling into the fabric of the rug he was fucking her against, feeling the head of his dick push against her cervix, barbs scraping her in all of the right places while he worked. "I'm close..." Tone gasped, finally breaking through that barrier as he buried himself to the hilt, painting her very womb with his seed as she cried out in orgasm. He continued to ride her through it, having finally bottomed out once, he continued to break that limit with every thrust. Soon she was screaming in lust, time passing by swiftly as she wore her master in, the black jaguar never seeming to run out of stamina or cum as he took her again and again. How she loved it.


Hiro yawned, wiping a little blood from his cheek as he staggered in through the doorway, the light of early morning revealing a scene of complete destruction behind him before he closed the door. Arc slipped through as the fox shut it behind him, two unconscious females in his arms; a brown wolf under one, an arctic vixen beneath the other. Akra's fellow slaves, Aiya and Tess. He set them down against one of the couches before he let Hiro get into his rant, "Damn Arc, I virtually did that job on my own. You could have been far more help..." The serious expression he reserved for missions faded into a warmer and more jovial grin as soon as they entered. "Lucky we got these two. That boar almost got away from us, but I'm just too skilled."

Arc sighed, pulling off his cloak and tossing it onto a pile of clothes on another sofa, "When Transcenders use their skills it's like ringing a giant dinner bell for the Remnants... If I started to use my abilities as much as you do yours, we would be swimming in them." He turned, making to fall back onto the sofa before his eyes suddenly widened, "Cui!" He froze in the air, seeming to defy gravity for a few moments before gaining his footing and backing away.

What he had first mistaken for a pile of clothing was in fact Tone and Akra beneath their cloaks. The seats themselves were stained white, the rug still damp beneath his feet as he staggered against a wall. The scent of their recent exploits lingered in the air. Hiro just burst out laughing, the pair failing to wake even now. "That's my boy right there!"

"I swear Hiro... If you say what you're thinking... I'll kill you with a house brick." Arc blushed slightly, leaving for the next room as his usual composure broke a little, "Stop sniggering, we have to arrange transport for the others outside... And we're picking up our next Transcender soon too, Rowen from Dest."

The fox sighed jovially, smiling to himself as he leaned against the doorframe, "Just one more, and the vanguard is complete... I wonder who this Rowen guy is?" Little did he know, but things were only just beginning.


Akra would go on to fulfil her dream, becoming the genius engineer and pilot of the transdimensional ship, the Valiant. Even now, as Tone's mate, she still calls him ‘Master' when they are alone together.

Aiya and Tess also joined the ranks of the Arcs. Tess as Akra's assistant, and Aiya as a warrior of the Nexus. The arctic fox would one day grow very close to Hiro... But that is another story.

~ Arc ~

The prologue and epilogue were added to give it a little more sense if you're not familiar with my Transcender works. There's gonna be three more chapters to this mini-series (probably) so stay tuned if you liked it. Cheers again to ANTIcarrot for pointing out one of my mistakes. It's fixed now. Thanks for reading and please rate and review!