Responsible Reciprocation

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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Idea 28 from my 63 TF Ideas Journal. Enjoy!

With a lurch, the car came to a sudden stop before the house. Gail stared at it as she had been ever since the tall structure had come into sight.

"Are you okay, honey?"

Gail turned her head slightly and looked her husband in the eyes. She managed a slight smile.

"I'm fine, Terry," she lied. She sighed and looked back to the house.

"You sure?" he asked, laying a hand on her shoulder.

She nodded.

"Good, uh, great. Apparently most of our stuff should be in there. Well..." He laughed. "Mostly your stuff."

Gail laughed too, but it was bitter, hollow.

"I'll, uh, see you later?"

He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek cheek. She didn't respond and only continued to gaze at the house. She heard him sigh.

"Hey." He squeezed her shoulder softly and spoke in a low tone. "I'll be home soon, honey. Definitely for dinner."

She nodded again and then opened the passenger door. She stepped out, placed one foot on the pavement, and looked back at him. He smiled.

"Have some fun, honey," her husband said. His smile widened and he pointed to the building. "It's our first house, our first home! Let's make it special!"

"Yes," Gail said. "Let's."

With that, she stepped out of the car and closed the door behind her. She waved as he left. The smile remained on her face until he was completely out of sight, at which point it vanished along with him. Gail took in a deep breath, let it out, and turned around to the house.

"Let us," she murmured. "Us."

She shook her head and dug into her purse. She sifted through its contents until her fingers finally curled around a cold key. She pulled it out and held it up in front of her so that she could see it and, beyond that, the house it belonged to.

It was not really an awful house. Somehow, it looked even better in person than it had in the neighborhood's catalogue. It was a little old, sure, but here it stood, forty years later, in admirable condition, the only sign of wear a few missing shingles here and there and some mismatched splotches of paint on its otherwise fine coating. Even the lawn was well maintained, though, by whom, she had no idea. The only real surprise was that the presence of two stories, a basement, and an attic gave it more height, width and overall size than she had imagined. There would be plenty of space for their things--her things, she thought with a frown, as if Terry didn't also waste space with his models and childhood crap that he refused to get rid of, instead hoarding it like some sort of rat.

She scowled. The house was nice, but the situation was not. Here she was alone when he should be here helping her set up their home--their home. Instead, she thought, she had been dropped off as if she were some sort of housewife, as if her role in their partnership was to be the homemaker.

"No," she said, clutching the key tightly. She stalked towards the house, bitter thoughts permeating her mind. And why not? She deserved to be able to be bitter. The situation sucked, she had no doubts about that.

She unlocked the door without any problem and stepped inside. The small room that made up the entryway was pleasant enough and put her mind slightly at ease. However, when she turned into a large room that might have housed a large dining table, her bitterness returned. There were boxes upon boxes in the room as well as the rooms she could see beyond. She stepped up to a stack and opened the first box, plunging a hand inside. She pulled out the first object she encountered. It was some manual for a roleplaying game that Terry probably hadn't played for years. He certainly hadn't played this one in college, of that she was certain. He was keener on electronic entertainment nowadays and even more interested in digital development. It was why they were here, after all.

Gail tossed the manual on top of the box and moved onto the others. She was about to open another and see if part of her life had been compartmentalized somewhere when she caught sight of an envelope on the counter. She picked it up and peered at its silvery surface.

"CausDek," she growled. Although it was addressed to her husband, she tore it open and read the letter inside. Afterwards, she tossed it and the envelope on the counter. The insipid welcoming letter did little to allay her growing anger and, in fact, only reminded her of why they were here. To blame it all on CausDek Corporation was as stupid as the letter's empty words. It was her husband. It was because of him and his lies that they were here.

"CausDek is big, uh, broad," he had said, smiling. "They'll put us somewhere nice, kinda like here--" He had motioned to the surrounding college campus. "A, uh, place of learning. There'll be other people like us and a lot to do." He had grinned widely. "A whole lot to do."

It had ended up being the opposite. They had moved from a developing college town to the middle of Buttfuck Nowhere. The people in the area were nice enough, but it seemed like they were all related. Some couples she had met had left her wondering whether or not they were brother and sister, a disturbing implication given that she had met few couples to begin with. They were people, sure, but they weren't like Terry and her. They were country folk, simple and silly with their accents and terrible grammar. The worst part was, there was nothing to do here. There was just empty countryside to gawk at and ancient trails a half an hour drive away that she couldn't even get because she didn't have a car. She used to, but Terry's cousin had totaled it when he had borrowed it shortly before their message.

No, that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that she had a master's degree for God's sake, as did Terry, and yet he was the one who got to choose where they moved, the one who got to choose his career. It was stupid, nonsensical. They'd been married for less than six month. It's not like they had a family and she was going to take care and raise their kids while he made major money at CausDek. No, it was just going to be him working and her getting the house set up until she had time to look for a job, probably one where she _did_take care of kids, the only propositions she seemed to have in this backward place. Apparently the fine arts were too fine for this town.

Gail huffed and returned the letter and envelope to their place on the counter along with her purse. She glanced about the room, at all the boxes that contained so much of their lives and yet were so empty. There was nothing in there that could fix her despair or ease her anger. Maybe temporarily, but naught could erase the truth of the situation; that is, it sucked. Terry had screwed her and it sucked.

Yet, what could she do? She was where she was and with the man she loved...or not. Well, at least he would be back for dinner, if that wasn't just another lie of his.

Gail sighed and rubbed her face. She had to think positively or something or...not think at all. She looked to the boxes. Work would occupy her mind, right?

Thus, Gail began to start unpacking and rearranging the content of the boxes. Unfortunately, this had the exact opposite effect she wanted. Each item she pulled out reminded her of her or her husband or what they had left behind. By the time she had finished a few boxes she was already pissed off. She needed to get out so that she could straighten out her mind. But where could she go? Outside was just the countryside and inbred hick, inside was boxes and constant reminders of why she hated it here, and--

Gail caught sight of the stairs. She could go up. She didn't think there would be any boxes, just empty rooms where she could perhaps clear her mind.

A thought struck her. There was an attic up there somewhere. She'd never had an attic before. Would it be such a bad idea to explore it and hide away from her problems, if only temporarily?

She shook her head. No, that didn't sound like a bad idea at all. Perhaps she could even cool down a bit.

She walked calmly up the stairs while less than calm thoughts echoed through her mind with each step up.

Fuck this place. Fuck CausDek. Fuck Terry. Fuck his lies. Fuck herself for every believing life was happily ever after.

She reached the top and she felt a little better. Now that she was on the second floor, she just had to find the attic.

Locating the attic was actually quite simple. It was the first thing she spotted upon reaching the top of the stairs. Its entrance, a big brown rectangular board with a handle was located at the end of the hall. She walked down towards it and saw that, unlike the first floor, the second floor was mostly bare, save for the bed the movers had at least been kind enough to set up. Other than that there was nothing worthy here to distract her, the only item of interest being the attic. It made sense--one of the reasons they had rented this house was because there was nothing much to it, they could make it their own.


"Fuck!" Gail screamed. They had rented the house. It wasn't even really theirs. She could set all this up and then six months later CausDek could transfer Terry. It was so stupid. Part of the reason she had stuck with Terry was because it had seemed as if he was person who would be relatively stable unlike some of the military men she had flirted with from time to time.

Gail reached up and roughly tugged at the entrance's handle. She yelped and jumped out of the way when the stairs came down with a solid thunk. She glowered at the stairs, as if their fast falling had been an attack on her.

"I'm going crazy," she muttered, shaking her head. "I'm going crazy and I've only been here five minutes."

She began her ascent and quickly made her way up to the attic. It was dark, stuffy, and small, but that wasn't surprising. What was surprising was that there were things up here, musty cardboard boxes that weren't marked with the CausDek Corp seal and a few stacks of what appeared to be ancient newspapers.

Gail made her way over to a stack of these papers and then stopped once something else caught her attention. Below the attic's lone window was a cloth-covered object that was rectangular and tall. She turned and stepped towards it. When she was close enough, she reached out and tore the cloth away. It fluttered to the ground soundlessly and pooled at her feet, though she barely noticed. Instead, her attention was solely focused on what the uncovering had unveiled: a mirror.

The mirror's surface was slightly dusty and there was a wispy mark on the lower left corner, whether it was the traces of someone's touch or some purposeful etching she couldn't be sure. She shrugged and wondered what she might look like in the mirror--probably pissed. She smiled and gazed into the mirror's surface.

Gail took a step back. Instead of finding an angry young woman in the mirror there stood a nude muscular male lizard humanoid with cyan scales and silvery slitted eyes. At least she thought he was male--she couldn't truly be sure, his genital slit hid away his true sex though his bulky body, stocky shoulders, and well-muscled chest lent him a masculine mystique.

"Huh," Gail said, placing a hand on her hips and so did he, thick tailing swaying behind him. She tilted her head and he followed her movement, a faint smile gracing his reptilian snout. The woman stared at the lizard and felt something prickle. At first she thought it was fear. However, it almost felt like something was spreading beneath her clothes. She shivered at the crawling, cold sensation, but kept her gaze focused on the lizardman. After all, he was attractive to her, something that was slightly perplexing given that she didn't find most Mythics attractive. Still, those few she had seen had mostly been female or androgynous, not the well-built mixture of man and reptile that stood in the mirror, the lizardlike portion clearly the majority of the mix.

"What a strange mirror," she muttered, taking a step forward. Immediately the prickling picked up. She was tempted to look down and yet kept her stare at the mirror. Had she looked she would have seen patches of cyan scales on her exposed flesh, supplanting skin and what little body hair she had to begin with. The lizard stepped forward too, flicking his tongue out at her.

Yes, he was very attractive and curiously familiar. She had a strange sense of déjà vu that couldn't be true. She had never seen anything quite like him before. He was tall and strong, surely stronger than Terry especially since her husband had stopped exercising regularly after their marriage and being picked up by CausDek. Peculiarly, she felt envious of the lizard and his strength. She almost desired to be like him.

So, Gail took another step towards the mirror. She winced as her face crawled, her ears wiggling and regressing into her skull while scales crept up her neck and to her face. The scales dug under her scalp, causing strand after strand of long, brown hair to fall away forever to be replaced by cyan scales. In a matter of moments she was completely bald, her eyelashes shedding with a blink abruptly flattened into her face. She grit her sharpening teeth in anger as she thought of Terry and then her face pushed forward into a sloped snout, the rest of her skull shaping into a narrower, flatter form. She blinked her eyes again and so did they shift, pupils narrowing into reptilian slits while her brought iris lightened to a silver hue while sclera took on a similar shade of silver. Gail's nostril slits flared, taking in scents stronger than it had before. She opened her snout and hissed, tongue thinning and lengthening so that it momentarily flicked out of her maw. Her anger redoubled.


He had said that the house would be empty save for their stuff and yet here a mirror was along with some other junk. It was another of his lies but this one she didn't mind. She quite liked the lizard in the mirror. He wasn't like Terry, she could tell. He was like her.

Gail's snout snapped shut when she moved even closer. There she stood, shivering slightly as her neck thickened and the scales that spread to her shoulders caused to them become broad and big. She squinted at the lizard in the mirror. She vaguely saw a trace of her muzzle in her blurrier peripheral vision, but the male reptilian was sharpest in her view. She smiled at him and he smiled back. Without thinking, she reached a hand forward and placed it upon the mirror. He reached out to her and so their hands met upon the cool surface of the mirror. Gail's armor shook, though not from the shill. Rather, the scales swept down from her shoulders, caressing and converting the flesh. Her thin arms thickened, gaining mass and muscle while her small hands cracked, dainty fingers now beefy and scale-covered. The tips of her digits curled out into claws that clacked against the mirror.

Abruptly Gail pulled her hand back and balled both into fists. Yes, she could feel it, power and strength within her arms that she had not possessed before. Her strength surged, scales sliding down her chest as she stared at the robust lizardman that stood before her. He was hearty and hale, just as she wanted to be, just as she would soon be.

Gail's chest momentarily wobbled and then lay still. While muscle grew under clothes and cyan scales to strengthen her once petite form, her breasts began to shrink. Fatty flesh sank back into flatness, sensitive softness lost in favor of a scaled, chiseled chest and stout pecs. Scales subsumed her nipples while her soft stomach bulked up and waist lost their curves. Abruptly her hips tightened, causing them to press inward so that they were set far less apart than her broad shoulders. Gail seethed as her chest pulsed. Another layer of strength added to her form so that her muscles matched the lizards and her feminine clothes barely fit her any longer, her bra laying flat against her chest. Finally something did rip as a point poked from the base of her spine.

The woman stood still and embraced the change. She admired the lizard's thick tail while her own burst from her back, tearing away cloth as it whipped out into similarly thick, sinuous shape. The scales too slid down her back and reached her rear, her cheeks closing up while her anus moved under her tail. She uncurled her claws and folded her arms across her broad chest. She instinctively flexed and curled her toes when her feet shuddered. Yes, she could feel the strength building along with her anger.


Her sandals ripped apart and were promptly kicked off when her feet altered to match the lizard's. Her claws, three on each foot clicked against the ground impatiently before her heels cracked. While scales spread up her legs, she adjusted to digitigrade stance, a modification made easy thanks to her tail. Her scaled legs too put on muscle, thickening while thighs thickened. There was another pulse and her top did shred this time, tearing into tatters while her form bolstered with strength. With a hiss she discarded her already damaged pants and pushed her already too small panties so that they fell at her clawed feet.

Finally the scales crept up to her crotch, the last of her skin and hair eaten away by the blue-green hide. She was almost just like him. She had his lizardlike head, his trusty talons, the cyan scales, the thick tail, and the muscle and height. There was just one more step...

Gail's scaled-covered slit pulsed and her clit throbbed terribly. It was the most painful part of the experience and yet the most pleasurable as her clit began to stretch and thicken while her internals shifted. Her womb, no longer needed, shrank and sealed off while her passage began to recede. Her soft, feminine lips lost most of their sensitivity and their light hue darkened to match the rest of her reptilian body. She hissed and shivered as her seemingly sore clitoris throbbed again, lengthening and thickening with each gasping moment. For this step she finally tore her gaze away from the mirror and looked down between her legs.

Her slit matched the mirror lizard's own but what she had growing between it she had never seen on him. Her clit was thick and stiff now and so much larger that she hesitated to think of it as her clit; no, it was her cock,his cock.

Smiling, Gail reached down his with claws and caressed his cock. He shivered at the touch, finding that the sensitivity of his former clit had spread out to his male member. He shivered again when he felt something internal set in his place, his ovaries-turned-testicles setting to work within his slit. He touched the tip with his claw and afterwards withdrew his hands entirely. He smiled and glanced to the lizard in the mirror. He admired his well-muscled scaly form, only looking down briefly to watch as his softening member withdrew into his slit, where it would be stored for later use.

"Yes," Gail crowed, his voice deeper and raspier. Now he truly matched the lizardman and the mirror in every way; he was healthy, handsome, and happy.

Happy, at least, until a thought crossed his mind.

"Terry," he hissed. He frowned only a moment before it shifted into a scheming smirk as the last of the mirror's manipulation was made manifest. They were slight mental easings, leaving her mind mostly untouched but leaving behind a seed of a wonderful idea. It sprouted quickly, growing along with Gail's smile. After all, what would Terry see in the mirror?


"Honey, I'm home!" Terry said as he opened the door. "I'm, uh, a little late but I hope dinner hasn't gone cold. I would've called, know, phone isn't set up." He waited. "Honey?"

Terry peered into the house.

"Honey?" he called again. When no one responded, he shrugged and stepped in. For a moment he stood at the entryway and sniffed, but there was no scent of food in the air. He shrugged again and kicked off his shoes before moving farther into the house.

Terry was surprised to find that the boxes had been unpacked and most of the furniture had been moved around to proper places. He blinked in surprise.

"Wow, uh, honey," he said. "You got stuff done."

Of Gail there was no sign except for her purse upon the counter. It looked a little rougher than usual what with the tears and marks upon its surface that briefly made him wonder how it had got like that since this morning. He peered at it and then caught sight of a silvery envelope on the counter. He picked it up and shreds of paper fell out and fluttered to his feet.

"Huh," he grunted. "Honey? Honey, where are you?"

Terry dropped his briefcase on the counter and looked to the stairs. Perhaps she had gone to sleep after getting everything set up? Though, it was a little early for that. Then again, he was a little late.

He hustled up the stairs and peered into the bedroom. She wasn't there but a glance to the hallway revealed the attic stairs were down. He scratched his head.

"Honey?" he said again, approaching the attic. "I'm coming up. You're up there, right, uh, Gail?"

He walked slowly up the stairs. He shook a bit, a little from nervousness but mostly from exhaustion. It had been a long day.

When he was mostly up the stairs he stuck his head up and looked around.

"Hmm," he muttered. There were boxes up here too and they certainly didn't belong to him. Most intriguing was a tall, clothed covered object at the far end of the attic, but he barely paid it any mind.

"Honey?" he said. "Gail?"

There was only silence.

"Ugh," he groaned, glancing about. "Where are you, Gail?"


Terry yelped as a strong arm pulled at his tie. Before he could react, he was lifted from above and tossed into the attic. He landed onto his side with a grunt and rolled for a few feet until he came to a stop. He sat up and rubbed at his neck, groaning. Suddenly something slammed. He looked up and his eyes widened.

Standing over the now closed attic entrance was a tall, muscular male lizard humanoid that was entirely naked. His cyan scales gleamed in the last bit of sunlight that reached throw the attic's sole window and his eyes too gleamed with some intent as he glared down at Terry.

"W-who," Terry stuttered, shuffling back. "Who are you? Where's Gail?"

"I am Gail," the lizard rasped, advancing upon Terry.

Terry shook his head and stood. He unconsciously straightened out his clothes before pointing a finger at the lizardman.

"No," he said. "No, you're not. Gail was, uh, Gail's a girl."

"I was a woman," the lizard answered. "I wasn't a girl, Terry.


The lizard lunged forward and caught Terry by the throat. He easily lifted him up so that they were soon starting eye to eye. Terry struggled, but it was of no use.

"It's me," Gail said, smiling. "Can't you see?"

Terry sputtered in response. With a snarl, Gail threw him again so that he landed on his hands and knees in front of the cloth-covered object. Gail advanced upon him while he gasped for breath.

"I-I don't understand," Terry sputtered.

"You wouldn't," Gail spat. "You haven't been. But...I forgive you."


"Yes," Gail laughed. "I forgive you. I was angry at first but time has made me fonder. I've missed you, love."

He advanced upon Terry. Terry yelped and shook his head.

"Gail, please, I don't know what's happened to you but CausDek can fix it. We'll go to Mythic Management tomorrow and--"

"No!" Gail snapped. "Fix?" He looked down at his body lovingly. "Why would I fix this?" His claws clicked against the floorboards as he took another step towards Terry, causing the man to shiver in fear. Gail laughed and tilted his head. "Oh, I'm not going to hurt you, Terry. I'm not lying. I did miss you, lover. I've been waiting all day for this. We haven't been as passionate since the wedding." "Passionate?" Terry's eyes widened and he shook his head. "N-no, no, no, I'm not going to--"

Terry closed his eyes when Gail lunged forward as he had the last time. Instead of grabbing Terry, however, he stepped past and cast the object's covering aside. It fell aside, revealing the mirror once more.

"Look," Gail said, pointing towards the mirror. "Open your eyes and_look_!"

Terry did as directed, the lizardman's strong, authoritative hold having much more sway than Gail's soft tones ever had. Without delay he looked towards the mirror and froze.

"No," he whimpered.

They both saw the same thing in the mirror. Gail appeared as he currently was, a nude, cyan-scaled lusty lizardman. In Terry's place, however was a small, sultry lizard lady with maroon scales that tinged burgundy on her breasts, belly, and nethers who was likewise naked. Her thin tail twitched behind her and for a moment Terry swore he felt a phantom appendage of his twitch too.

"No," Terry whimpered once more.

"Oh, yes," Gail hissed. "You screwed me, Terry, and now I'm going to screw you." He laid a hand on his husband's shoulder. "Lovingly, though, because I missed you, lover."


"We'll take it slow. You can start."

Gail stepped in front of Terry and pointed towards his slit.

"Come on, love," he said. "Let's get started."

Terry looked up at Gail pleadingly. He stooped down and hiss.

"I said, let's get started," He snarled, his tone softening with his next words. "You've done this before, it's just a bit different."

Gail whimpered and nodded, his eyes momentarily flickering to the mirror. A similar scene was found within the reflection, though the lizard lady seemed much more eager than he.

"Come on, lick."

Terry nodded and leaned forward, his head slightly guide as Gail reached down and pulled him close with his claws. Terry faltered for a moment but then began to do as he asked. Slowly he began to lick at the slit, shuddering at its scaly texture.

"Mmm," Gail hissed. "Yessss..."

Terry sputtered and stopped. Gail gazed down and hissed. He pushed Terry's head closer.

"Keep going," he growled, digging his claws into his husband's hair.

Terry gulped and started licking again. Gail shuddered. Slowly, but surely his arousal built and thus his member started to poke out. Just the tip was visible at first though it took a few more caresses of Terry's tongue to move it out further. While he licked, the man often glanced between the mirror and slit, scarcely noticing as his tongue thinned and lengthened and gained a bit of roughness so the scaly slit hardly bothered his buds. After several more licks, the lizardman's cock was almost all the way out. Terry whimpered when he saw the size of the member he had summoned, but kept on with his duty until Gail's member was fully exposed. There it hung mere inches from his face, stiff, erect and intimidatingly large.

"T-there," Terry sniveled, retracting his tongue and shivering as small spots of maroon scales started to sprout across his face. He winced and moved his face away from Gail's cock when it drifted close. "It's, uh, it's out."

"I know," Gail smiled, leaning down and ruffling Terry's hair. "And now you're going to suck it."

"N-no," Terry said, shaking his head. "I'm not--Gail, t-think about, about what you're, uh, doing!"

"I am thinking!" Gail growled. "Look in the mirror, love, what do you see?"

Terry blinked and gazed at the mirror. There she was again, the maroon lizard lady, staring and smiling back at him. He gulped.

"I see it too," Gail murmured. "A lewd little lizard lady--that's you. And that large lizard--that's me. Look how excited she looks. She can't but help look at what I have to offer, just like you."

As Gail spoke, Terry found himself doing just that. His gaze fell back to the lizard cock in front of him. He flinched and then took it in his hands.


"Do it!" Gail laughed. "I know you've done it before. You told me."

Terry's gaze fell to the floor in one more moment of hesitation. Knowing his will could not stand against Gail's, he dropped his hands and let the piece hang. Then swiftly, he put his lips to the tip and pressed forward. Thoughts and feelings faded as Terry sought only to end this moment, even as he choked on his "ex"-wife's new cock. Before he knew it, the head was pushing against the back of his throat, and Gail had his claws holding Terry back

"Mmm," Gail rasped. "That's a good girl. Now, suck."

So Terry began, eliciting pleasurable hisses from Gail. The sounds of his own suckling disgusted Terry, and so did it begin to become normal. Releasing the suckle after drawing in, the beastial lizardman began to thrust into Terry's overstuffed mouth, tickling at his throat while the man did his best not to gag.

"Oh yesssss," Gail hissed, clutching the man closer. Terry squirmed, but could not fight back against the flesh trespassing along his palet. The lizardman looked down and laughed again. "Oh you're coming along nicely."

Terry looked up, eyes wide and pleading. He saw Gail most of all, but he also noticed that his nose shrank away in his vision before flattening against his face. Abruptly Gail thrust against and his hair shed just like that, maroon scales overtaking skin left behind. He gagged and shivered as meat pressed in and scales encroached. He blinked and felt his eyelashes fall away, one even getting caught painfully in his eye before another thrust knocked it away.

"Mmph!" he mumbled, continuing to stare up at Gail. He simply smiled and caressed Terry's cranium, pinching an ear just before it melted away into the sloping, scaled skull. Then he rammed in just in time for Terry's face to push out into a reptilian snout, shorter and cuter than Gail's own.

Terry's eyes widened when his new maw came permanently into his peripheral, a maroon protrusion that he could not simply blink away. His vision and smell were sharper than they ever were before, but he scarcely had time to notice this when Gail pushed in again. His extended maw was a bit more accepting than his previous mouth yet he stilled gagged and mumbled all the same.

"You need to learn how to be quiet, girl," Gail murmured. "Lucky for you..."

Gail pushed Terry's head back and slowly removed his cock. Despite Gail's words, Terry did choke a bit as he took out his member inch by inch, her teeth sharpening as it slid against them. When it was fully removed Terry coughed and looked up at Gail expectantly. Gail smiled again and then suddenly spilled his sinful silk.

Terry squealed and shivered as Gail's seed spattered onto him and the ground. Scales spread from the sticky spots of impact, covering his neck and converting it to slender form, his Adam's apple noticeably absent.

Unconsciously, Terry's tongue flicked out of his mouth and lapped a bit off that had had landed on his nostrils. He shuddered and closed his eyes at its taste, thick and salty yet somehow so sweet. After swallowing, he opened his eyes and they were different, the pupils now slitted and the iris and sclera a cyan shade like Gail's scales.

"Good girl," Gail purred. "Now," he pointed to the ground. "Clean that up."

Terry whimpered and unbuttoned his shirt. He took it off and began to crumple it up into a rag, stopping when he heard Gail laugh.

"G-gail?" he said.

Gail snarled and swiped before tossing it away.

"No, girl," she said. "What did I say about being quiet. You're going to lap that up with your little tongue, got it!"

Terry whimpered again and nodded. He got on his hands and knees and began to lick at the spilled seed. Again he winced at the taste, especially since it had congealed into thick, tasty puddles. Still, his thin tongue licked up the stuff easily enough and every gulp he swallowed made him less reluctant to consume more of it. Soon enough he licked at the cold floors hungrily until every spot was swept away by his questing tongue.

"That's what I want to see," Gail rumbled, watching this display with a wide smile. Terry finished, looking towards him before licking away a spot he had neglected on his lower maw. The slowly changing man felt hazy, less hesitant to do what he was commanded to, finding himself caring more about what was in front of him right now. Gail hissed and pointed towards his cock. Wordlessly Terry crawled over and began to lick away what modicum of seed that stained its surface. As he did so, the scales spread further still, moving down to his shoulders and bare chest. His barely broad shoulders narrowed down while he continued to lick and what muscle he had on his chest softened, leaving him with a smooth, scaled stomach. As he lapped up the last of Gail's seed, his torso softened and his waist traded size with his ever wider hips.

His work complete, Terry looked up questioningly.

"Yes, yes," Gail said, petting Terry's muzzle appreciatively and pointing towards the mirror. "Now look at yourself. Aren't you a good girl?"

Terry glanced at the mirror. The lizard girl stood on her hands and knees, breasts wobbling and tail twitching as she looked back at Terry. The changing man felt his snout flush with embarrassment, especially when his gaze became much more focused on the male lizard looming over the female. Consequently, he looked back up at Gail.

"Yessss," Gail murmured. "You're going to be just like her. Smooth, scaly..." Gail chuckled. "Submissive..."

Terry gulped and stared Gail in the eyes.

"Gail," he said as firmly as he could, his voice faltering when he heard how high and feminine it was. "G-gail, you need to--"

"No!" Gail screeched, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him against the mirror. Terry squeaked and rebounded headfirst off the mirror. Before he knew what was happening, Gail pushed him down to his hands and knees once more, standing over and behind him while he tugged at Terry's pants.

"G-gail!" Terry whimpered, looking back as his pants were ripped to shreds and his underwear pulled away down to his feet. He hissed in dismay, especially when Gail gripped his wide hips clambered atop of him as if he were mounting him, as if they were feral beasts and he was the female...

Terry whined and looked forward into the mirror. The lizard lady stared back, smiling with eyes full of lust. Her thin tail was lifted, her plump posterior pushed up to indicate she was ready for the lovely male so close behind. Terry shook his head and looked back. A moment ago he thought he might not have matched his apparent reflection's sentiments, but there was something appealing in the male's movements. "You need to be silent!" Gail hissed in warning. "Especially for this..."

Suddenly Terry stiffened when he felt something firm prod against his rear. As commanded, he remained silent even when that same stiff member pressed in. Terry struggled to stay silent, going so far as to claw his snout shut with both clawed hands. He closed his eyes, hoping that would help. Instead, however, the sensations seemed to be enhanced, the part of him spreading that had never been spread that way before. He shuddered at the sensations, suppressing a pained moan when Gail's member dug deeper in. He shivered too as scales crawled down to his rear, plumping it up even as Gail began to thrust with increased intensity. He squirmed and wanted to scream as he thought he felt part of him displace. The truth was not far from his thoughts, for his cheeks melded together while his hole moved up, an altogether strange sensation. Stranger still was when Gail tugged at a suddenly sprouting nub at the base of his spine. The pull actually extended the growth and drove Gail deeper into Terry's rear. Finally Terry let out a squeal. Realizing what she had done, he fell silent and trembled as the rest of her thin tail grew out and Gail's member remained in his rear.

"What was that?" Gail seethed, leaning forward and raising his claws threateningly."Was that something?"

Terry shook his head fearfully. Gail grunted and let Terry's tail loose before backing up. Terry shivered as he exited him with a pop. He removed his hands from his muzzle and placed them on the ground. His arms twitched as scales raced up them both to the tips of his fingers, leaving his limbs slender and slim in the process. As Gail repositioned, Terry's now diminutive digits twisted into claws that would have difficulty inflicting the same damage Gail's could.

Absentmindedly, Terry glanced towards the mirror again and the lusty lizards within. He blinked, for he felt more kinship with the female. The male was so close and his member even closer to her pussy...

Pussy? Terry blinked again and then felt it. He stiffened when Gail's thick member poked against his balls. His face flushed again when he realized that he himself was aroused, though his own penis seemed pathetic in comparison.

"Mmm," Gail whispered. "I don't want to hear a sound, girl, not one hiss, not one squeal. Understood?"

Terry nodded and lay his muzzle against the ground. He wasn't quite sure what Gail intended to do, but whatever it was, he definitely wasn't going to close his eyes this time. So, he stared at the mirror and watched as the male pressed against the female's slit. Instead, of course, Terry felt Gail press against his sack. No, not press. He rammed them, pushing them back as scales crawled past Terry's crotch and to his legs. Terry trembled but remained silent even as he felt the last vestiges of his human flesh dissolve beneath the scale's spread and his testicles...shrink? For Terry did look back, the mirror providing a picture too inaccurate for the time. His maw fell open at what he saw, and yet no sound escaped. His crotch was covered with burgundy scales while his somewhat diminished genitals were still very much human. However, it did not seem like they would remain their current shape for long. Gail thrust again, causing Terry's balls to press up and in before shrinking slightly along with his shortening shaft. As much as he wanted to look away, Terry could not, so entranced was he by the sight. Each thrust had the same effect and it did not seem like Gail was going to stop until Terry matched the lizard lady in the mirror.

"Yes, slut," Gail said. "Just watch and wait as these redundancies fade away..."

Terry nodded, tail tantalizingly twitching in the lizardman's face. With a laugh Gail snatched it and did as he did before, pulling on it so he pushed further in. Terry squirmed and felt something tear down below. He gawked at the sudden vertical slit nestled between his shrunken shaft and sack. The changing man suppressed a whimper as Gail thrust in another time, forcing his sack into the slit. He squirmed while his testicles tried to force their ways into an opening smaller than they were. He curled his toes together and felt them merge into tri-taloned feet as Gail thrust again. The slit tore wider and the horrible pressure was relieved as his testicles finally fit. With one final thrust they were pushed completely in, disappearing into a pulsing passage that tunneled as they journeyed up it. Only his shaft was left behind, too small to be called a cock and too short to be of any use. It shrunk seemingly of its own accord, shriveling slightly until it was but a small nub atop his scaled slit. Terry stared at the slit and watched as Gail brushed his member against it. He shivered and so did his slit quiver, folding and puffing out into a pair of wet, feminine lips while at the same time his testicles-turned-ovaries found their place on either side of his freshly formed uterus. With a start, Terry realized he was no longer a he.

The former male had only a moment to process this before Gail pressed into her passage. She shuddered at the sensations of his throbbing cock into her wet and wanting pussy, of hot flesh sliding against hot flesh. Her passage clamped down hungrily on his cock and Gail seemed all too happy to provide more, pushing in until he hilted. Involuntarily Terry hissed and moaned.

The lizard lady's eyes widened when she realized what she'd done. Still slightly panting, she glanced back to Gail but he had hardly seemed to notice. His eyes were screwed shut and his lizardlike snout hung open as he pulled out and pressed into her. Relieved, Terry relaxed as best as she could and gave in to the pleasure.

She pressed her ass up and rocked her motions with Gail's. Soon they fell into a rhythm of sorts, him into her, her into him, him pressing out, and her pressing back up for more. While they moved and made love, a final change came to Terry. Her once flat chest began to bubble up, soft, scaled flesh forming beneath her still visible nipples. With one thrust her burgundy areola thickened. With another, the flesh began to balloon out into small hemispheres. The next few thrusts inflated her burgeoning breasts larger and larger until they stopped at a size slightly above average. Terry noticed this extra weight on her chest but hardly paid them heed until Gail too saw them. Only then did the larger lizard thrust in again and grab at the bouncing breasts, squeezing them and making it ever so harder for Terry not to make a sound but making the experience all the more enjoyable.

Suddenly Gail shuddered and Terry felt his member twitch within. He tweaked Terry's nipple and the lizard lady finally moaned again.

"Quiet!" Gail hissed. "I'm about to come. If you so much as hiss, slut..."

Terry winced and nodded, keeping her maw shut even as Gail continued to pinch at her members, even as his member pressed hotly into her warm, welcoming passage, even as she was so close to orgasm...

And then it happened. Gail let out a deep sigh and Terry remained silent as his member twitched again, seed suddenly spilling forth into her fertile, warm womb. Simultaneously Terry climaxed and collapsed. She lay with her breasts pressed into the floor, idly twitching while he pulled out of her. The only thing she could feel was the intense bliss of it all combined with the sluicing sensation of his seed washing into her womb. Gail came to rest down with her, pulling her close and entwining his thick tail with her thinner one.

"Mmm," he said, massaging her supple stomach. "You did good, girl. So smooth, so scaley, so..." He hissed happily. "Submissive."

Terry nodded, curling up close against him.

For once, the mirror matched reality, displaying two loving lusty lizards lounging after lovemaking. For once, Gail thought with a smile before exhaustion took him, the situation didn't suck.


The two awoke the next morning when the first rays of sunlight peeked into the attic's sole window. Both lizards blinked, Gail yawning sleepily while Terry suddenly shot up, breasts bouncing.

"Oh my god," she squealed, looking down at herself. "Oh my god."

"Shush, slut," Gail said, clamping a hand over Terry's muzzle. "There's nothing to be worried about."

Terry slithered out of Gail's grip and picked herself up, standing uncertainly onto her lithe legs. Until now she hadn't realized how much shorter she'd shrunk.

"Work!" she panted. "CausDek! Work and I'm...I'm..."

Terry stared down at herself and sobbed, wrapping her arms around her breasts. Gail laughed and stood, sidling up behind the distressed lizard lady. He placed both of his large, taloned hands on her shoulders.

"I said quiet, slut," he commanded and immediately Gail fell silent. "Good. You're my submissive slut and you're still going to work, love." "Work?" Terry mumbled. "H-how?"

"You're going to show up like you are," Gail answered. "Dressed, of course. You're going to tell them what happened.

Terry looked up fearfully. "W-what happened?"

"Well," Gail smiled, nodding at the mirror. "A magic mirror changed us. Come now, girl, you aren't the first CausDek employee that's been altered. You must have Mythic coworkers, yes?"

Terry nodded slowly.

"That's what I thought. Everything is going to be fine. They'll come here, take me, take the mirror, and they'll put us through some tests but we're going to be just fine. We're Mythic, we're protected. You'll keep working and I...well..." Gail chuckled. "This wasn't our fault, this was completely accidental, we are still who we were, right?"

Terry hesitated, and then nodded again.

"So?" Gail prompted. "What will you say?"

"Accident," Terry replied. "Mythic magic, a mirror. I'm still, uh, me and you're're still..." she gulped. "You."

"Yes," Gail hissed. "Perfect. Now," he slapped Terry's rear, causing the lizard lady to squeak. "Go downstairs and get dressed. You can wear some of my clothes."

"Ok," Terry said, making her way towards the attic entrance.

"Wait!" Gail called. Terry turned around and stared up to her. She rubbed her thighs together, her eyes full of lust. "One more thing. What are you?"

"Your..." Terry gulped. "I'm your s-submissive slut."

"My what?"

Terry bowed her reptilian head and hissed: "Your submissive slut."

"Good," Gail smiled and peered over the female, his member noticeable slipping out of his slit. "Actually, I lied. It's still early. Come over here, girl. I think we might have time enough for one go. Maybe we can get you pregnant before CausDek's doctors get their hands on you..."

Terry hissed in anticipation and made her way over to her lover, mate, and most importantly, master.