Life on the Streets (Tester)

Story by Animalfury on SoFurry

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Hey there, this is my first story (evah!) I'm aware it's dreadfully short but this is just a test to see how good my writing actually is, I might continue it depending. So please, any criticism (constructive) would be welcome, please comment and I hope you enjoy...

Angry shouts followed the teen wolf as he sprinted through numerous back-allays , he could hear the shouts getting further away, Nobody ever could catch up with him, not even that cheetah store-clerk. After a few minutes he decided to rest, he sat down on the sidewalk running his hands through his thick, auburn hair, his fingers traced the scar on his lower jaw, where his dad had gashed him years ago. He wondered where he should head now, and thought that the best place would be the old abandoned house on the outskirts of town. Sifting through his stolen stuff he found a packet of biscuits, they were cheap but he wasn't the kind of wolf that was picky.

As he approached the house he instantly knew something was afoot, his keen eyes located bits of gravel misplaced, and his nose picked up the strong, fearful smell of something unknown. His mind was raging, wanting to turn and flee but something urged him on, urged him to pad up to the door and investigate. He ignored the want to run and crept up to the door, his feet crunching on the cold, hard gravel. His instincts bellowed to be heard but he pushed them to the back of his mind, his paw wrapped around the door handle. He took a deep breath and pushed. The stank of uncertantity rushed towards him, his eyes quickly searched the room, He slinked towards the cupboard, as he noticed it was left slightly open. He cleared his mind with a shake of his head and tugged on the handle.

Footsteps! His feet seemed rooted to the spot, an agonizing pain spread though his body and he was enveloped in a dark abyss ...

He awoke surrounded in gray, gray walls, grey bars, grey clothes. He knew where he was, Prison, as he had been here twice before. He heard footsteps coming closer. A tigress stopped and turned in to look at the cell,

"My, what have we here?"

She un-locked the cage and stepped in, club at the ready. The tigress placed the club below the wolf's muzzle lifting his head up to look at her.

"What is your name, mutt?"

The wolf stayed silent, both eyes, one green one blue staring intently into the tigress's eyes. A claw scraped him across the cheek, leaving a trail of crimson. The wolf winced but remained quiet, the tigress delivered a quick number of blows to his shoulder with the club, and she opened her slim mouth in a wry smile. Suddenly a searing pain shot through his body, his eyes watered and he looked to the side to find the source of this great pain, he revolted at the sight of his shoulder, it had been dislocated.

A thin cat ran into the room, staring at the tigress with disdain.

"Do you mind not maiming all of our prisoners?"

"He was being Insolent, I did what was required,"

The cat sighed and hoisted up the wolf with surprising strength and carried him out of the cell. The wolf was lain across a semi-comfortable table. The cat stared at the wolf with searching eyes and drew out another long sigh, muttering one word "sorry". As he said this he pushed into the wolf's shoulder popping back in his shoulder. The wolf writhed in pain for a moment and then the agony subsided, turning to the cat he croaked through cracked lips, "Ugh ... Th... Thanks,"

The Cat's face warped into a twisted smile, "And now, time for a repayment,"

"Wait, wha?"

The cat indicated to his crotch, which the wolf noticed was bulging. The wolf's mind began to wander, should he just do it? He never thought of himself as gay but then, he was a virgin so he really had no idea what to expect. The Cat unbuckled his belt and dropped his trousers to the floor. Revealing a large , barbed cock.

"Now, tell me young wolf, what is your name?"

"My name is ...,"

A sharp blow to the side of his head made his ears ring.

"Speak quickly boy!"

"My name is Tieku," the wolf said abruptly

"Good start, now, repay me!"

Tieku had no idea where to start but decided to run has hands over the base of the thick cathood, he watched as it became larger and stiffer. He felt pre-cum drop onto his hand, he tasted it, the strong musky scent almost overpowered him, Tieku senses were filled with sheer lust, is this what I am? He thought, a man-whore? His mind was brought sharply back to reality when the feline thrusted his barbed cock into his mouth, the barbs scraping pleasurably against the roof of his mouth. Tieku began to bob his head up and down the long shaft alternating between sucking and swishing his tongue around the head of the penis. Tieku could feel the penis going further and further into his mouth with every thrust. Suddenly he gagged, the shaft tripping his reflex. A flurry of sharp blows rained down upon Tieku's head. He recomposed himself and urged the shaft to go down deeper, he felt his throat closing up over the protruding object when suddenly the shaft was ripped from his mouth. Tieku looked up with a strange feeling of disappointment. The feline stared down at him with a malicious smile,

"Now then, turn around on all fours, let me see that pretty ass,"

Oh yeah, Tieku thought, This is what I want to be.

Thanks you very much for reading, please take the time to rate and comment

And A Thanks to GryphonWings for all the help