Queen Muz-Ra #20

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#30 of Queen Muz-Ra

Acceptance - or...

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.

| "Irileth? Are you OK?" Muz-Ra asked, a bit concerned for the Dunmer.

Surprisingly, Irileth gave Muz-ra a strong hug!" Oh Muz-Ra. You've really done it now!"

"Do you think it will help?"

"What, you mean help inter-species relationships? Oh, I don't know. But on behalf of all non-Nords in Skyrim, I thank you for your bravery. I may end up having to behead you, but one thing I can promise - you won't be forgotten even so. Not after that display! "

Muz-Ra sighed. "No, I'd say not. I'd like to see the Jarl though." | image |

| Irileth composed herself somewhat. "Oh, he's on his way. Word arrived just a few minutes ago about the 'crazy Argonian' riding through town naked."

"Say, would you mind returning this horse to Skulvar? I couldn't afford to buy it outright. And make sure to get my gold bikini back from him, ok?"

"It will be an honor. I might just buy her myself. If the worst should happen, know that you have my utmost respect anyway. It was a risky but noble effort. Only time will tell if it had any effect." | image |

| The door swung out and the Jarl himself emerged, eyes wide when he saw the crowd on the steps below, but changing to a look of shock and awe at Red standing before him, naked to the world and looking back at him defiantly.

"Hello Balgruuf. I... I had to do it if we were ever going to become anything but midnight lovers, I had to break that stupid law and make them see me as an equal. No matter what happens, I refuse to regret it. If you were serious... if you really want me to be your wife, they have to deal with it. Better get everything out in the open now when you can still change your mind."

"Are you quite finished?" Balgruff asked, with a stern look on his face.

"Well... um... yes!" she finally said, striking a resolute stance. | image |

| "You defy my laws, you ride through the town like a harlot, you ignore my letters, and now you stand defiant before me as if what you did was_right_?"

Muz-Ra was undaunted by his tirade. "Yes, I did all of those things, and I_was_ right."

"Do you know what you sound like to me, Muz-Ra?"

"No, Balgruuf. What do I sound like to you?" | image |

| "You sound like a queen."

And with that, the Jarl took Muz-Ra up in his arms, laughed and carried her to the stairway where he kissed her in full sight of the watching crowd below. | image |

| The cheer from the crowd drowned out their words to each other, but Muz-Ra stepped down and bowed to the crowd in acknowledgement, then turned back to the Jarl. | image |

| Leaping into his arms and straddling strongly him with her legs, she nuzzled him under his chin, eyes closed. The cheer was renewed as Muz-Ra whispered to him, "an Argonian kiss, Jarlyhorse." | image |

| When he carried her back into Dragonsreach, the cheering became almost deafening. Before she had passed within though, she nodded to Irileth to remind her of Ice, and the Housecarl took the reins and began walking the white horse back to the stables. | image |

| Later, the crowd had dispersed and the news traveled quickly of the events in Whiterun that day. The stories told, though, did not go into detail on what activities the Jarl and the Argonian enjoyed within their chambers inside Dragonsreach, but the adults had a pretty good idea. | |

| Regardless, no one saw the Jarl or the Argonian till the next morning and there were no beheadings that day. | |