Star Wolf Adventures

Story by The Big Bad Wolf on SoFurry

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Andros was defeated, everyone carried on with their new found happy endings. Fox saved a planet from disruction and found a new team member to star fox. All was well in the Galaxy, Except one person doesnt have a happy ending, and he is stuck untill he can get his quest of revenge off the stupid floating rock of his.

Krystal was now on her first mission, she finnally had her uniform and own arwing. She spent a hard year of training, but to be on her first mission was something she very much appreciated. She was to find the distress signal on an unknown planet next to the destroyed planet Venom.

She released Her STS (Scanning Transmission Satalite) to scan the planets status with Robs help from the Great Fox. The planet was suitable for her exploration in th normal gear, Air breathable, and terrain wasnt as dangerous.

She landed her Arwing And hopped out. Her short hair flowed and waved in the gentle breaze. She wore the trademark team vest. Her own shirt she found, a used one, she tore off the sleeves and the stomach to it so she could feel covered. No Bra cause she didnt want any in her old clothes, so her mobility is more free. she liked the idea of panties, more fitting then her loin cloth. And her pants were cut at the knees so she could move much more better in her pants. She had her com band and her blaster on her holster. But She had her staff in place since she was more used to it.

As she explored the landscape, following the signal. She witnessed many of the planets wildlife. Giant Gorrilla creatures chewing on some of the trees. And small lil furry ball like creatures that rolled around her feet and scurried into the forest. She giggled gently as they did. She continued to walk untill she stopped.

Smoke was riseing in the distance, She ran towards it she jumped into a tree and looked out to see a clearing. There was wreckage of a craft, looked somewhat like an arwing but colors were red not blue. She looked for anyone but decided to investigate. She crept up, in a harmless stance as the normal greeting to anystrange creatures she would seem to meet. Nothing yet. She came up to the camp. a bed crafted out of skins and poles. A clean steel bar which she seemed to think was the roasting stick for food. and the fire seemed to be a recent one. She wanted to investigate more but was stuck bluntly in the back of the head.

She awoken to the smell of male musk. She woke up and saw A Wolf aproach from a river. His furr damp and dry in places. His body scarred in places. a patch over his eye. He looked like a pirate. She struggled with her words but as he spoke she fell silent.

"I am Star Wolf, I am glad a female was able to reach me, but im not glad that it be a female from Star Fox. I would have let you be and taken your help kindly, but That symbol is the last thing i ever wanted to see!" he pointed to her vest.

"I...I....what are you gonna do to me?" she whimpered and tried to struggle away. but her wrists her tied on the pole of the makeshift bed.

"Hardly any compatible Females on this planet, i need one badly now that i have one" He started to undo his pants.

She gasped and whimpered, she struggled frantically her eyes on his crotch. she froze completely as he was fully disrobed, and his sheath very endowed.

He walked up to her and completely ripped her shirt open. He grinned at his find. "The Gods smile on me tonight" he leans down and squeezes her breast.

She squeals and whimpers at his touching.

He grins wider and leans over, and takes a nippple and gently suckles on it. He eagerly squeezes the other, tweaking the now peaking nipple.

She cant help but moan, her torment driveing her crazy as he is molesting her busom. She panted and screamed in pleasure.

He suckles on the hard nipple, nibbleing it as his paw wanders to under her pants, he feels warm and fuzzy inside when he hears her whimper in fear.

She tried to cross her legs but his large paw denied her, she murred helplessly, tears in her eyes as she invade her with his fingers.

He suckled harder untill some of his breasts were caught in his vacum, his cock already slideing out of his sheath. he dipped his fingers into her entrance, feeling it quite moist. He grinned and stood up, he moved to her face, he grabbed her head and rubbed his slwoly riseing penis on her muzzle. "If you want to make this easier on you then wetten up my ding before i dong your cunt bleeding"

She whimpered and anxiously took his malehood into her muzzle suckleing like a kit, she boobed her head on it and murring as he continued to diddle his fingers in her blue pussy. She sobbed as she was mistreated like a whore.

He moaned and stopped her as he felt himself good and ready, he yanked her pants easily off her legs, she tried to kick at him but he had her legs firmly spread in place. he got between her legs and taken her in one thrust.

She screamed, but not for pain but for hateful pleasure.

He gave her a good rythym, he wanted to savor her for all shes worth. she felt so tight and so delicious, the being of her inside depths made him shudder.

She gasped and moaned, this is not what she wanted, but at the moment that is what she wanted.

They made love down by the fire, his grunts and her moans, he thrusted harder and harder, she bucked up agaisnt him. their loins burned with lust filled inferno. They rose to their peaks slowly, on their first full hour of fucking like mad, they released their orgasms and filled her with their combined juices. Krystal passed out.

Krystal awoke to her transmitter static, she was in her Arwing and fully clothed in her spair clothes. she was dizzy and answered back to slippy on her transmitter. She looked around and rememberd the words he said as she got ready to take off.

"Tell Fox I'm Alive, and let him know the next time we meet, ill be ready for him."

The thought echoed in her head, she took off, collecting her STS and jetting into hyper jump to make it to the Great Fox.

The Thought also Echoed Into Star Wolf's mind. He will Get Back At Fox, he will be ready, and no one will be safe. Star Wolf will take him and everyone else down in his blaze of glory. His shipped jumped into hyper space to the next crude sector.

The End__________________________________________________________

Possible Story Series

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