Facility One Short - An Itch To Scratch

Story by Brodec on SoFurry

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I am sorry for not writing for so long, I have been busy, lazy, and inactive.

Just a little short, I might fire off a few more over the next day or two while I try to come up with more of the actual story! :P

Also, For those of you that like my work and speak to me either via Yiffstar mail or Yahoo/MSN, I may be gone soon, money is tight and even if I make rent, I don't know if I will have net.

On that note, if anyone needs a commission, I am always accepting them!

Enjoy the porn! :D

Late one night, in one of the school's many libraries, a young girl named Emma sat. In front of her on a table was a text book for her history class, something about early twenty first century politics and the wars started by water shortages. She was horrible at history, but the test was first thing the next morning, and she needed to study.

At the age of 12, she was just old enough to have started developing into a woman, and as one of the few humans at the school, it was slightly easier to see than with the furred students. Tiny mounds of flesh on her chest, that she hoped would one day be large and soft, were so sensitive that the brush of another students fur against them during sex was often times more pleasurable than the mating itself. Between her thighs, tiny lips hid, among a handful of little, blonde hairs.

It was here that her attention was truly focused tonight. She had not had a single fun class that day, as she did not much enjoy anal. She had been so stressed, with the test the next day, that she had not climaxed once while riding her classmate, and a day without cumming at this school was enough to leave anyone feeling out of sorts.

Emma spread her legs as she read, without even realizing it herself at first, and reached between her legs. Pressing her palm against her sex, she gasped and blushed, realizing what her hand had started without her instruction. Her tiny hand rubbed in small circles, bringing a stifled moan to her lips each time the heal of her hand ground against her tiny hooded clit. She looked around, nobody else there, and tilting her head back, she let out a long, loud, lusty moan, always halfing loved making noise, even when it was her own hand bringing her pleasure.

She moaned and squirmed and rubbed for many long minutes, until her palm was wet and her few soft hairs were smeared and slick against her pink flesh. Teasing a fingertip between those sensitive, puffy, wet lips, her hips twitched, and closing her eyes, she began one of her usual, favorite fantasies.

She was in a barn, on her hands and knees. She could smell the hay, the animals, hear the barn life all around her. She was in mud, thick black filth smeared over her breasts and tummy, her legs forced wide by a piece of wood between them, cold mud smeared over her hot sex. Then she would feel it, that big, wet nose, sniffing and snorting. It would press under her tail first, always, then down, until it was rooting round against her mud covered sex. She would try to moan, but find a ball gag in her mouth.

At this point, she was teasing a fingertip up and down her slit, her fluids running down the cleft in her rump. Her lusty gasps and moans echoed in the empty library. Her second hand came to her breasts, such as they were, and teased at her nipples, making her hips buck.

When that nose was done sniffing at her, she would turn and look. Behind her, a bull, huge and horned, and between his legs, a huge, swinging member. Already, he would be hard, member twitching and dripping. In a moment, he jumped atop her, knocking the wind out of her. She was almost crushed, as the huge animal thrusts wildly.

As the bull found its mark, Her finger would slip inside, shoving as deep into her as she could reach. A loud moan, almost a scream, filled the air as she imagined that tiny finger almost ripping her in two, lusting after a massive, wild bull cock, wanting to be bread like an animal.

He was huge, she screamed out as she was filled. As always, she did not rip in her dream, did not bleed. She took ever inch of the thick, long bull shaft, and wished for more. She then noticed something else. Beside the pen she was in, stood a man. Her step father, a tall stallion, was watching her being mated by his prize winning bull. In one paw, he held a camera, filming it, and in his other, his massive cock.

Emma would always open her eyes at this point, looking around to see if she had been caught that night. Almost every night, this fantasy played out in her mind, almost every night she came moaning her step father's name and dreaming of a womb full of bull cum.

Tonight, as always, she was alone still, and her eyes fluttered back such, as a second finger joined the first in her damp sex.

The bull's thrusts were wild, feral, and painful. His whole length slammed in and out of her, grinding her into the mud. Sadly, as always, and like most feral animals, he did not last long, and she had hardly gotten close when she felt his balls twitching against her thighs, and the sudden burst of thick, hot cum into her womb. She felt her tummy bulging as she was filled, both with cock and cum, and looked up at her stepfather.

With a second finger inside of herself, she was bringing herself closer and closer to climax. Her moans and whimpers, groans and gasps were growing more and more incessant, the lewd wet sound of her fingers pumping in and out of her tiny little sex filled the empty room.

As she looked up, he would grunt, and lean forward. Aiming himself carefully, he would speed up his stroking, and as the bull walked away, leaving her feeling empty and her tummy rapidly deflating, and a growing puddle of bull jizz between her legs, he came. A large, pent up stallion never disapoints, and she was painted, her face and hair and back coated in hot cum.

Her eyes flicked open as she heard someone clearing their throat. There was her history teacher, a beautiful, heavy set cow, with a smirk on her face and one finger in her own, far larger sex. But her climax was too close, she couldn't stop herself now. She pulled her fingers from herself but it was too late, her body twitched and her hips rocked in climax, and she showered her teachers feet with thick femcum, her screams echoing in the room, her tiny lips twitching and squirting.

"Emma, why don't you come with me... I think you could use some... tutoring."


Second Half tomorrow night, I swear.

Hope you liked it!