Embers Forbidden Bonds

Story by Smeddum on SoFurry

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#1 of embvers misadventures

two Drakomo nest mates decide to finally exercise some hidden shared but forbidden interests

Drakomo Chronicles;


By Smeddum Castello

Honor, Integrity, Justice, these where the chief traits that all Drakomo Stood for, the things we would lay our lives down and kill for. The humans didn't understand this very well, we have had wars with them in the past to prove it. They saw us as monsters, as entities that needed to be hunted down and killed until none of us remained. Relationships therefor where strained and no matter how we hunted, it was seen as an evil to them, no matter that it was only the Murderers and rapists of their society that we hunted, no matter that the motives behind such acts had to be most heinous and diabolical! No, so short sighted these humans where, then again they do have such short lives, even in a realm where their technological advancements where great. Well it is time for me to wake and prepare for my day.

I stirred in my four poster bed, covered by my leather covers, the scales of my great grandmother warming my blood through the night. Even though I was in human form for now, my blood remained cold, I was truly a reptile after all. I brought my human paw up to my face and rubbed my eyes with a deepened sigh, groaning as my mind slowly drifted more into the realm of the conscious, the sleep and fogginess of the nocturnal rest slowly fading back into the depths it lived. I opened my eyes and looked around at my bedroom, the intricate golden nightstands, the television on the ornately carved wooden dressers a couple feet in front of my bed. The dress clothing that I set out for me to wear today. The table in the corner bloodied and littered with the human host I had last night, some meat still on his bones, skin attached. He had a good taste, the more evil ones always did.

This one was a father, and yes his children still lived, but they would be set for life, that was one of the things I knew I would take care of today, the families of your prey should never suffer just because the one you depended on was a bad man. Not that they where ignorant of his evil ways, he was controlling, evil, his daughter of 12 no longer innocent due to his own internal Demons, his wife no longer having to worry about any beatings he would give her for not having his meal ready after work. I smiled internally with the knowledge that this family and indeed the word was quite better off with the absence of one such as he. I tossed the covers from my form and slowly got up, wearing naught but my birthday suit, heading to the mirror to look upon my form, my fairly unassuming soft tanned skin, my lithe and well maintained body, my belly tone, but underneath all this skin was muscles hidden. My hair and eyes a dark brown, my hair so dark it could be black. Some wrinkles in my neck showing off the gills inherent to my People. No matter how genetically identical we made ourselves to our Human Ancestors, the dragon blood that mixed in would make itself apparent and refused to be utterly submissive to the human traits we sought, hell they refused to be second to any non-Draconian blood.

I was covered in blood from the hunt last night, h had the honor of seeing my Drakomo self, though all of my prey saw that side. Something about eating humans in human form seemed like something that should not be done to me, besides, my scaled hide provided more protection by far than this soft skinned flesh bag of meat ever would. his body should be preserved however and with that thought I went over to my intercom system and pressed the speak button. "mister Andy?" I spoke clearly into the microphone.

"yes sir?" came his kindly, soothing but disciplined voice.

"My meal from last night needs to be preserved, can you please send some of the staff up here to take care of taking the remains back into the larder into my private cooler?"

"Very well sir, it will be removed by the time your done with your morning shower"

"Thank you Andy, oh and Andy?"

"Yes sir?"

"Please send some of our more experienced staff, I want to make sure this goes well, and offer my dinner guests family a job here as well as free room and board, make sure the offered pay is quite well over the average pay will you?"

"Very well sir, should I deliver the job offer personally?"

"Yes, you will be their supervisor, and they should be introduced to their new family gently"

"It will be done sir"

"thank you once more Andy" *i replied as I close the mic and head into my bathroom, made extra large for my needs, slowly changing into my Drakomo form, I was used to my Human form, to the point where shifting into human because quite an easy transformation for me despite the fact that for most of my kind it took quite a bit of their energy. I however lived as one, among them more than they did, choosing to live in a large mansion in the middle of town rather than out in the country in a cave, or in the depths of the sewers. The ground getting further from my eyes little by little, an itchy feeling covering my head and back and tailbone, twangs and soreness covered my body as muscles grew, an odd shifting feeling within my chest as a second heart and new organs grew to take up new spacer, my eyes becoming keener, my hearing sharper, my sense of smell more pronounced. Teeth falling out which I spat out into the trash can and felt new sharper teeth grow in it's place. It felt good to be back into my true form, this was a certainty, perhaps I should stay in this for a while? It would be nice to fly, to swim, to not feel so damned vulnerable. How can humans stand for that feeling huh? How can they stand to feel so weak?

I looked into the mirror, the whole wall here up to the large shower chamber was made into a mirror and I examined my form, wavy muscles flowed over my form like a tumultuous ocean of red and yellow scales, six horned crown adorning my cranium, wings outstretched their red scaled, twig like bones that spread them out, a little thump on the top splitting the middle of the wing and another thin strip of flesh and bone and scale tread down the wing membrane, slowly two more sprout forth to split each wing segment into quarters. Another thinner membrane trailed out and attached itself to my neck muscles. The lower bit of membrane attached down my sides to my hips. My hands thick and my tail trailing behind me, spines run don my back in a twin row, yellow and cracked. My belly chest and under tail covered in long thick yellow scales like you would find on the underside of snakes. My cloaca nested between my legs and only slightly puffed from my needs. I desired to find a new mate, though not many of my kind liked to live in the middle of those that they hunted, even fewer would have them as servants, despite the fact that the finer crystals in every room kept them from seeing any truths I would find inconvenient. I felt the needs of the morning calling out to my mind, my bladders engorged walls pressing against my prostrate almost painfully and against the log there pleading for freedom. One of the house guests needed to start his new life and I was of a certain mood to greet him in it. I stepped into the shower area, knowing that I would need a bath afterwards as I slowly let my shaft out from it's moistened and heated confines, the pink conical end sliding right into my palm and between my thumb and forefinger. I lifted the tip up a little and bent my head down to watch the split in it's tip as I relaxed with a deep sigh, my bladder rewarding me with a wave of relief only known when one has a truly desperate need, but I suddenly constricted most of the flow with a tightening of my hand over the urethra path the golden nectar would use. My bladder protested as it pushed through the small gap it was allowed, the pushing back of most of my urine into the orb it stemmed from made me moan once again as it rubbed within against my prostrate with a pleasurable sensation, a bead of my own urine forming at the bottom of my shafts slit and grew till it rolled down the underside, . My fluids creating a small creek that spread it's warmth along it, kissing my hand with a warm saltiness before I released just a fraction of my pressure, moaning out loud as the renewed relief washed over me with even greater force and my golden spring rose in power enough to hit my chin and I braved opening my maw enough to let it land on my roof of my oral cavity and pool there in an amber pool. I inhaled with my nostrils, letting my nose smell the musky game nature of my own urine while I could, I wanted to taste it with my tongue, I haven't yet braved it yet, instead letting my urine flow between my teeth and onto the floor, but I was determined to taste it now. I moved my tongue closer to the pool most personal to me and hesitated, dreading the thought that if I tried and hated the taste... would it mean I would not want to piss on myself again? Oh man.... hmm., idea! With that last thought I stopped my flow, much tot he protest of my bladder which still had a desperate need to be released and I moved to the wall with the mirror and sat down in a open legged stance, looking at myself in the reflection. My shaft engorged a bit more and poking up before me, the crack of my cloaca plainly visible, as was my female sex and below that was my testes and finally my anal hole, slightly bulged with the needs from it, but it would have to wait as I relaxed my bladder once more, feeling that familiar need but this time it hesitated as if scared it would be denied once more. Finally the course of that hot liquid sought it's freedom, worry tossed to the side as I saw in the mirror the golden stream start, a mild bulb of golden water emanated from the tip and down my shaft and grew from there, splashing against my belly, my chest, my neck and there it stayed for a time as I moaned. My warm golden waste rolled along my sides and onto the floor around me, my shaft now stiff enough I needn't brace it in my hands and I took this chance to lean back, reaching my claws behind my back and braced my body onto them, letting my golden fluids land where they will. I opened my mouth and let out a louder moan of erotic pleasure. Watching myself in the reflection and smiled, opened my mouth and bared down slightly on my large bladder and it reached over my neck onto my chin... finally into my mouth! It was bitter, it was salty, it didn't have a good taste but I loved it all the same, the taboo nature stirring my passions some more. I moaned and relaxed, causing the stream to die down back tot he chest, I closed my eyes and imagined my brother coming in and making me his bitch. I always had a secret desire for him, wanted to feel him claim me as his own, make me his pet.. but I never broached the subject with him even though we shared a home. I was always too afraid, too shy to talk to him bout it. It wasn't unknown to us Drakomo to breed within the same nest, but it was generally frowned upon. But that just added to the excitement to the idea.

Char had likewise harbored some affection for his brother, he was not a hermaphrodite, this was unusual for his kin who where naturally hermaphrodites in nature, hatched with one and the other came in maturity. Instead he was a double male, his twin shafts and quadruple testes filling his cloaca to ti's fullest aside from his tail hole. He needed to take care of hi morning duties as well but wanted to talk to his brother about something. He got up out from his nest and walked towards his brothers quarters. Stopping at a mirror on his door to look over himself to make sure he was presentable. He was in his Drakomo F0orm, he chose not to take his human form but rather to use an enchanted necklace around his neck to create the illusion of him being a human. His maroon body scales where contrasted by a fiery red belly scales like those his brother Ember had, his eight point crown of horns adorned his head and his back spines longer and thicker. His height was 12', a foot taller than his brother and his muscles thicker. He was more of a fighter to his brothers more intellectual ways. He nodded satisfied and headed towards his brother, he was in his bathroom, but this didn't phase him much as their kin was known to not hold to the normal boundaries other races did. He stepped in and smirked at what his brother was doing, though it also sparked a bit of that forbidden desire that they shared, his own puffed up cloaca swelled with the visual evidence, he closed the door and leaned back and watched as his brothers golden stream grew so he could taste it, his eyes closed and his stream shrank shortly after and evened out on hi own belly, his elbows bending till he laid on the floor of the shower itself. Eyes still closed as Char stepped up to him, placed his feet on either side of his belly, tail raised and his fingers sliding across his belly to his puffed cloaca and spread it open, letting his two shafts emerge, one pointed towards his neck, the other to his lips and he relaxed, letting his fluids come as they would.

Ember sighed contentedly as he felt his stream die and his bladder become empty, his warm stream leaking across the topside of his draconian shaft. Then he felt another warm stream fall upon him... no, it wasn't just one luscious stream, there was the one on his neck, hitting the gap between his collar bone and his throat and pooling there with that splattering sound of release, but another was touching his lips, rolling across that crease of his closed mouth and also flowing over the bridge of his nose. He opened his eyes to see his brother, marking him like he has fantasized of so many times before. I opened his mouth to try and ask what he was doing but ended up getting a mouthful of my brothers piss and the bitter salty and acrid taste hid within the signs of his desires, his hormonal levels just as high as my own was, and my will to resist melted away as I started to swallow my brothers hot brew. He grinned as he slid his tail down to my vent, his smooth and spineless tip trailed around the sensitive lips. His mere graceful touch sending jolts of teasing pleasure, making me moan which turned more into a light gurgle among his fresh liquid offering which was starting to die down, ending sooner than I would have wanted. "did my brother like his golden shower? If so I have more to offer, so much more if My loving dear brother wishes to comet o know me in ways I always wished" Char said with a sly smirk, the scents in the air stating without words my reply yet I answered all the same. "oh please, I have wanted this moment in secret for so long, it is a great relief to see you offer it so freely. For this I would gladly become your toilet bitch!" I replied to which his smirk turned to a full grin and I watched as he turned around without further delay and gave me a perfect view of his rear end, the cloaca tucked away between the cracks of two large under scales, spreading open to show his own testes, his shafts which where starting to knot and his own tail hole which the star already was bulging out, the wrinkles smoothing out, a log was within and eager to escape, just inches from my own snout. Right over my forehead and the view quite amazing. Char was a little nervous if appearances could tell, that or he was teasing me as his muscles clenched up and saw his bud retract back some before it started to emerge out once more. He let out a grunt above me as his efforts required a breath of air. I reached up with my tongue and gave it a small warm lick, causing the bud to shrink back again momentarily before it finally emerged once more and finally opened up with a crackling as I saw a white streak among a dark deep brown log peek out, I laid my Head back against the ground and watched as the log emerged, spreading the hole open wider and wider and slowly arch down, the tip reaching out to eight inches, bits of bone and calcium stripes mixed with the pungent smelling mess and the tip touched me right between my eyes before his tail lowered, his vents lips and tail hole clenched shut, cutting the log of short and it laid against my skull with it's steamy warmth, falling back onto the floor of the large shower before his tail raised again, showing his already opened tail hole, the thick log emerging right away with greater pacing from the opening and access started from the previous log, I tapped his flanks on the back side and he understood the message as he walked over in an odd waddle and stopped right over my snout, my mouth opened and waiting, watching as the log grew out and into my mouth, finally cutting off at a foot and I mushed it with my tongue to the roof of my mouth. The taste was bitter, iron laced and the calcium adding a chalky texture as I swallowed it bit by bit. His tail raised once more, though my lips shut as I played with his shit, he moved a paw over to my shaft and traced it with the backside of a claw, his log flowing from his rear depths and I moaned, thrusting slightly with anticipation of the activities to come still to come, his hot maw soon engulfing the width of my shaft, covering it in a warm and moist embrace as his logs fell in a series of smaller but still firm and bony chunks onto my chin and neck. Pre started to leak like a runny faucet from my penile slit and I thrust into his mouth with greater desire, my knot swelling to the size of a volley ball, I was about to cum as his final log, identified by a pointy end emerging last from his tails depths landed against my chin, I roared out, thrusting deep into my brothers maw, who swallowed my first burst of cum. That first and greatest of blasts rocked through my body as if my very soul was within the blast. My second and further bursts flowed over his snout as he removed his jaws from my drakedom to let my essence coat over his face, marking him as my mate as much as I was his. His own rods erected over my chest, he smirked as I panted, laying on the floor, he showing grace enough to stand up and stepping over me and walking back, starting the shower with hot water, letting the head erupt in a steady and strong spray of water, my chest lifting and falling quickly with the pace of my breath. He waited, giving me some time to get up on my own and I came up to him, wrapped my arms and wings around him and hugged him tightly against me, a free hand sneaking between our forms and feeling his wet and lubricated shafts in my hands. I slowly rubbed them both, my pointer finger laying between them to provide individual stimuli to both his drakedom's. His hips thrusting against my hands needingly and a bit of pre leaking from both his tips. He then placed his paws on my shoulders and turned me around, then gripped my hands and pinned them against the wall, his twin shafts pressed against the lips of my cloaca, the upper one threatening to penetrate into my female sex, his lower one to slide between my legs. His body slightly to the side to move my tail out of the way, it lifting and wrapping around his waist to hold him close. Then I felt his teeth bite into my neck, I moaned, his shafts tip and girth thrust into my female sex, filling and rubbing against my sides completely, I moaning in pain and pleasure combined, my mind away from the restraint my body needed to hold back my own logs of shit and before I could stop myself, I felt my budded tail hole press against his upper shaft, threatening to mush my shit against his shaft. "ooh, brother! This feels wonderful... but....." I started to warn him. "let it go, just release it" "but it would smash against your shaft brother" I said as he started to withdraw and my first log kissed his shaft, letting the load shift within and press more firmly against the outer wall of my prostrate, making me moan again. "I'm not stopping... ooh and it feels so good," he replied as his thrusts spurred on from the fowl lubricant was added and slid into my female-hood with his shaft, his knot filling with his blood, smacking now against the lips of my cloaca, his tip pulsing, releasing his hot pre into my depths and his tip pus1hing against my wombs outer wall, I felt a twang within myself as my body started heading in to it's season. The smell of my reception filling the bathroom chamber, the water from the shower head doing little to dull it as my brother thrust harder still. A dull thud heard as my first log pushed out and around my brothers shaft and to the floor slightly tot he side of where he was ravaging my willing and sinful body. I moaned, feeling a wave of ecstasy flow over my frame, making me shudder as he came closer and closer to planting his seed into my body. I found my mind accepting... no more than accepting.. wishing to carry his clutch. Our Clutch. I moaned, my walls clenching tight as I tensed up, a second log falling and no more would come right now, the smell filling the whole bathroom and I feared it would also enter my room. My worries cast aside as my body shook and flooded my senses with the feeling of my second orgasm, my shaft erupting against the shower wall, my brother clenched his teeth around my scaled neck and I felt him roar as he thrust one more great time, his knot popping into my cloaca and pulsing strongly and swiftly, his seed flowing from him into my womb with great abandon, his little swimmers I monitored and watched as they swam, withering as they sought their query, three alone finding their way into one of my waiting eggs, squirming against and finally being sucked into them leaving their tails behind. I sighed, feeling my brother pulse into my and watching his lower shaft leak seed onto his underside and to his cloacal opening steadily. His teeth removing from my neck and licking the breaks in my skin. Making tingles flow through me. He took the nearby soap and started cleaning up the mess left over us both, licking my cheek affectionately as he rubbed out activities away. "I love you brother" he said with a soft and pleased tone. "i love you to, my mate" I replied, licking his cheek back as we enjoyed out tying together and the forming of a bond most Forbidden.