CatDance #1
#1 of CatDance
First of a new story in the Skyrim webcomic/fanfiction thingy I call Tails of the Khajiit. This is just Muz-Ra, Kitty and Ubergard relaxing on the parapet and watching the sun go down and discussing Muz-Ra and the Jarl before the story really gets underway.
| "Really Red, I don't understand why you don't just go ahead and move in with the Jarl. Everyone knows you and he are lovers!" Kitty said as the three lounged around up on the battlements, once again admiring the sunset. |
"Or it just might turn into something deeper you know." |
"That's ok, as long as you know that there's nothing tying you down to live here. You're really not even an employee anymore. After all, you outrank me now_Lady_ Muz-Ra!" |
"You and Ubergard... You're my family!" |
"Would it help if I said I like it here?"
"Sure. I shouldn't pry. You and the Jarl have your own ways. I just want you to be happy." |
"Like marriage?" Ubergard asked, speaking up for the first time. |
"Commitment?" offered Ubergard. |
"Ok. We'll be at the Bannered Mare if you ever manage to tear yourself away from him!" laughed Kitty.
"Thanks, but if I ever do leave to meet you guys there, its because he tore himself away from me!" |
"Have a good time!" Ubergard called.