The Triple Milker, Part 2

Story by blueaeon on SoFurry

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#2 of Milking Stories

Part two of my who-needs-story milking stories.

Rather than do an alternate version, I ended up doing it as a second part, instead. This one is a bit more extreme and involves sounding, watersports, and things going in cocks, so, you know, either like it or be prepared to like it.

Feeling groggy, Gil slowly opened his eyes, momentarily wondering why he wasn't in bed before he remembered what happened. He tried to move, and found that he was still immobilized; his arms and legs unable to move, and something was still in his mouth, dripping a sweet-tasting liquid.

He gulped down a mouthful as his eyes focused on the room - he was expecting to see the same room as before, but instead, he found himself somewhere quite different. Gone was the fleshy walls and floor; instead, he was in a circular room that looked to be carved out of stone. Most of the room was taken up by a raised, stone table, positioned rather conveniently at groin height.

Gil was secured to the wall in a standing position, with large manacles around every limb, preventing almost all movement. There was just enough gap between the wall and the table for his legs; his flaccid cock rested on the table with his balls either side, the cold stone making him shrink up a little bit.

His cock was resting in a stone channel carved into the surface, leading down into a large hole in the center of the table. Two other channels led back from the hole to two other manacled figures - the same fox and dragon he'd... encountered... before.

They were a lot closer this time, and Gil got much better look at them. The dragon was still asleep, but the fox was awake, and his cock was already hard - he looked back with a slightly scared expression, though there was also a hint of submission in his eyes. Gil remembered back to last time, and how the three of them had been milked repeatedly and covered in each others' cum, and felt himself start to get a little hard despite his anger at being held captive like this.

The dragon was beginning to wake up, but as Gil was eyeing his rather impressive flaccid length, he heard a low moan from the fox and looked over to see a drop of precum drip from the end of his cock, splashing into the stone groove below.

Before Gil could start wondering why the fox was already dripping precum - and wondering if he was to blame - his question was answered when he felt something warm and slick move across his ass. He realized that, while he was pinned against the stone wall, there was a large hole exposing his ass to the inky darkness beyond - and something was back there.

He felt it slide across his ass for a second time, leaving a trail of slime behind, before it came back and pushed gently between his buttcheeks. Too late, he realized where it was going, as it reached his tailhole and pushed inside with one smooth motion, the slimy, slick surface of the tentacle allowing it easy access.

It pushed inside with haste and immediately found his prostate, bumping against it and making him moan a little, his cock rapidly hardening from the new sensation. After getting settled, it started to slowly pump in and out of him, hitting his prostate every time, and making him let out a little grunt every time it did.

Gil's cock was as hard as the fox's now, and they were both leaking precum as the tentacles rammed into them from behind, mercilessly hitting them in just the right place. The dragon looked at both of them confused, as they dripped precum and moaned - then his eyes widened and he let out a grunt, as his cock quickly started growing to full stiffness, and he, too, started letting out periodic moans.

The tentacle in his mouth kept feeling Gil the sweet liquid, and as he gulped it down, the tentacle in his ass increased speed, starting to ram into him faster and faster. By now, all three of them were moaning and dripping copious amounts of precum onto the grooves in the table; a puddle was forming below the dragon, and the fox was letting out so much it was starting to flow down the groove towards the large hole in the center of the table.

A load series of moans from the fox indicated how close he was to cumming, and as Gil looked over, he saw the fox tense up as he came, his cock spurting load after load into the air, some of it shooting all the way into the center hole, though most of it landed in the channel and started mixing with the precum as it flowed towards the center.

Gil felt himself getting close, too, and the tentacle behind him must have sensed it, as it increased its intensity once again, ramming into him so fast that there was no way he could stop himself cumming, and he closed his eyes as he shot his load out onto the table, the tentacle ramming into him in time, making sure he spurted as much as he could. Five, ten, fifteen - each squirt was now nothing more than a dribble, and finally the tentacle in his ass calmed its pace and withdrew, leaving him feeling empty as his cock dripped the last of its load into the groove, now full of his cum and flowing into the center hole.

Finally, the dragon let out a load moan, as he too was forced to orgasm, his cock spurting most of its load straight into the center hole, before quickly filling up the groove as the tentacle behind him milked out the last few spurts from his quickly-softening cock.

As Gil felt his cock soften into the groove, nestling into his own river of cum, he saw movement in the center hole. At first, he saw lots of small, white worms start wriggling up the sides, spilling onto the table, and then with a squelching sound a much bigger creature hauled itself out of the hole and onto the table.

It looked vaguely like an octopus, but with a lot more limbs, and its body was bulbous and somewhat see-through. It looked as if it was filled with some kind of green goo, but it was hard to tell in the dim light; various different translucent parts of its body pulsed and moved as the green goo sloshed around inside.

More worms started appearing until the entire center hole was filled with a writhing mass of them, and the creature started moving around the table, seemingly attracted to the rivers of cum contained in the three grooves.

Based on what they'd been through last time, Gil could only imagine what the creature was there to do, but he didn't need to imagine too long, as it slowly moved across to the fox, dragging itself through his cum as it went. As it approached the fox, it re-oriented itself, rotating its underside towards the fox as his eyes went wide and he started struggling in his bonds.

The fox was still semi-hard from the milking they'd just had, and as Gil watched, the creature reared up, and positioned itself over the fox's cock, before pushing itself onto him and wrapping its tentacles around his body. The fox let out a small moan as the creature enveloped him, as a lustful expression moved across his face.

As Gil watched, the creature's body started pulsing in and out, and the fox seemed to be having a good time; he was starting to breathe fast, and as Gil watched the creature milking his companion, he felt his own cock grow hard again with need.

Then, as the fox was leaning his head back and closing his eyes, he let out a pained grunt and his eyes shot wide open. He looked over at Gil and the dragon alarmed, but nothing seemed different; the creature was still pulsating, wrapped around the fox's lower body.

The fox's expression changed from alarm, to confusion, as he let out a series of pained moans, before a new looked of pained pleasure crossed his face, and the grunts got louder and quicker, and his breathing intensified.

Gil recognized the signs of orgasm, and sure enough, the fox's moans got louder and his legs shook as he tensed up, before unloading into the creature with a series of grunts. Just as he was relaxing, though, his eyes shot open again as he let out another moan, the creature seeming to squeeze in on him.

Finally, it loosened its grip and pulled away, as the fox let out a whimper. As the creature moved off of the fox with a slurping sound, Gil caught a glimpse of the fox's flaccid cock, dripping with cum and green goo - plus, he could swear the fox's balls were bigger than before?

Before he had time to think, though, the creature turned and moved towards him, and even though he was scared about what was to come, his cock was rock hard from watching the fox get milked, even dripping a bit of precum again.

As the creature approached him, it reared up, and Gil saw that on the underside of the creature was huge, cross-shaped slit, leaking copious amounts of green goo and a little of what he was guessing was the fox's cum.

It positioned itself over his cock, wrapping its tentacles around his lower body, before lowering itself gently over him, the slit aimed directly at his rock-hard member. A little bit of goo dripped out onto his cock before the creature pushed onto him, his cock being swallowed inside.

Oddly, while he was expecting to feel some kind of pressure, instead his cock slipped into an open space inside the creature, full of warm goo and slippery, warm spheres of... something. His cock pushed further into the creature until the slit was right at the base of his cock, the warm goo leaking out over his balls as his cock nestled between the floating spheres of goo.

It already felt good, and then the creature started pulsating like it had with the fox; the spheres inside were being pushed around by the pulses, rubbing against his cock with the lightest of touches as they flowed and pulsed. Gil was getting hornier and hornier, but the spheres were maddeningly slick; they just teased and tickled him, getting him harder but no closer to getting off.

He wondered how the fox had managed to cum at all with this kind of sensation - he was worried he'd be here for hours - but he put his head back and enjoyed the feeling, trying to will himself closer to orgasm. Then, all of a sudden, he felt something solid touch the end of his penis - something that wasn't goo.

Startled, he opened his eyes as the new tentacle pushed against his cock head, and his eyes widened as he felt it find his cockslit and push inside, the pleasure of the spheres massaging his cock completely replaced by fear as it pushed further into his cock.

He felt his urethra stretch as it pushed inside, slowly working its way towards his prostate. The tentacle was covered in little ridges, and the feeling as they rubbed against the inside of his cock was... almost nice.

He let out a moan as the tentacle pushed all the way inside and reached his prostate, finally coming to a stop. His cock was now stretched around the invading tentacle, and the creature continued to pulse the goo, swirling the outside of his cock around inside its body.

Then, slowly at first, the tentacle started moving in and out of his cock, and Gil felt the little ridges brush against his prostate and the inside of his cock, turning him on in a way he'd never thought possible. Soon, it was pistoning in and out of his cock a few inches at a time, hitting his prostate and making him moan every time it plunged into him.

Combined with the pulsing, he found himself getting closer and closer to orgasm, until finally he strained as the tentacle pushed into him one last time and he started cumming, the tentacle inside his cock sucking up his cum as his body jerked and strained. He'd never cum like this before, and the feeling of the tentacle continuing to rub inside him kept him cumming until he was dry, pushing deeper as it tried to get every bit of his cum.

Finally, he felt the tentacle start to retract, but as he relaxed, he felt the tentacle start widening inside the tip of his cock. Pinned, all he could do was grunt as he felt the bulge move along inside his cock and then the tentacle unloaded inside of him, pumping him full of warm goo and some of the spheres, pushing their way down his cock and into his balls.

The tentacle seemed to keep pumping, and Gil thought his balls were about to burst by the time it finally stopped and pulled out for real. As the creature pulled itself off him, he felt a strange emptiness inside, as his clock flopped onto the table and green goo started leaking out the end of it, his heavy balls pressing against the cold stone table.

Exhausted, he looked as the creature headed towards the dragon, now terrified after seeing two of his companions assaulted by the creature. He couldn't resist either, though, as the creature lowered itself onto him and started pulsing, the dragon's initial expression of pleasure giving way to pain and confusion as it started working its way inside him, too.

As Gil watched, and drunk the clear liquid that was still being fed to him by the tentacle in his mouth, he saw the dragon tense up and unload into the creature, before letting out a loud grunt as the same thing happened, and it pumped more of its eggs into the dragon. By the time the creature pulled away from the dragon with a slimy pop, he was reduced to whimpering as his cock slapped onto the table, covered in goo and leaking even more.

Seemingly satisfied, the creature moved back to the hole in the middle, and dove into the mass of worms that were still there, squirming around the whole center of the table. A few seconds later and it was gone, leaving the three of them alone on the goo and cum-covered table.

Gil struggled, exhausted, in his bonds. The tentacle in his mouth kept feeding him sweet liquid, and his bladder was starting to fill up - and the tentacle showed no signs of stopping the flow. He didn't know what to do - it felt embarrassing to pee like this, but he might not have another choice unless they put him to sleep again soon.

He looked over to see the dragon trying to shuffle around in his restraints, seemingly having a similar feeling, before the dragon looked over at the other two, slightly embarassed, and let out a sigh, as he started to relieve himself.

The dragon's flaccid cock shifted a little bit as he started to pee, the urine flowing down the gutter in the table towards the center hole. The dragon had his eyes closed in relief, and Gil saw the fox start to shift around too.

As the pee got to the worms, though, there was an immediate reaction. A whole group of worms perked up and started working back up the gutter towards the dragon, who with his eyes closed, didn't notice them at all. The fox noticed just as he was getting ready to let go, and his eyes widened as he saw what was happening and quickly stopped himself, though not before a few drops of pee had dripped out.

The worms reached the dragon, and started nestling round his balls, as he finished peeing and opened his eyes. He looked down with a panicked expression as the worms slid up his balls and onto his cock en masse, slowly covering his cock as more worms worked their way from the center towards him.

As his cock was slowly becoming engulfed in the mass of worms, a few of them found his cockslit, and as the dragon looked on with a worried expression, started sliding inside. The fox was watching on, whimpering as he tried to hold back, drips of urine coming out as he shuffled around.

The drips soon reached the center, though, and a couple of worms set off towards the fox. He watched, helpless, as they slid up his balls, over his cock, and pushed inside him; as the second worm pushed inside, the fox seemed to lose control and let go, piss flooding out of his cock onto the table as a mass of worms headed towards him.

Gil looked on, horrified, as both his companions had their crotches engulfed in a writhing mass of worms. More and more worms were working their way inside their cocks, and as he watched, their expressions changed from worry to pleasure. The fox was even starting to moan a little.

He tried to hold back, but he was getting so desperate to go, and after hearing a muffled grunt from the dragon, he gave in and relieved himself onto the table. He felt relieved as he saw a new mass of worms head towards him, working their way up the gutter.

As he let the last drips go, the worms started sliding up his still-engorged balls, tickling them as they worked their way up to his cock. More and more worms piled on, and he felt his cock getting slowly swallowed up by the writhing mass, the movements tickling his cock and making him hard yet again.

The others were deep in lust at this point, their eyes closed and nothing more than moans coming from both of them. As Gil watched his own cock slowly get engulfed, he saw yet more worms pushing into his friends, their moans only getting louder as more were added.

Finally, he felt what he'd been expecting; one of the worms had reached the head of his cock, and as he looked on, pushed its way inside. Gil felt it wriggle down his urethra and settle on his prostate, squirming the whole time and making him horny again.

As he felt more worms make their way inside, he heard a loud grunt, and looked over to see both the dragon and the fox straining against their restraints, worms now completely stuffing their cocks as they twitched in pleasure.

With a final moan, both came in unison, their first spurt sending worms flying across the room. They bucked as they came hard, each load thick with cum and worms, flying across the table and splattering the walls.

As Gil watched, they came again and again, their balls slowly shrinking as more worms and cum splattered all over the room, covering Gil in their sticky mess. The worms landing on him quickly wriggled down to his cock and pushed inside, and as the others kept cumming, Gil felt himself giving into the pleasure of the worms as they wriggled inside him, finding himself letting out a little whimper whenever another one pushed inside.

Finally, after what seemed like minutes, his companions' orgasms subsided, and they both went limp in their restraints, as the mass of worms moved away from them and their cocks limply pulsed as the last few gobs of cum dripped out.

Covered in cum, and with worms writhing on his balls, all over his cock, and inside him, Gil found himself getting closer to orgasm too, and as he approached the edge, the worms on his prostate thrashed, making his entire body tense up as he started cumming. He came once, twice, but the worms were still blocking his cock, and the pressure was increasing, until finally they gave way.

He thrashed around in his restraints as he shot load after load straight across the room, with only a fraction of a second between each body-wrenching squirt. He felt pleasure wash over him as he kept cumming, his heavy balls draining themselves onto the table, worms spilling out of him with every pulse.

Finally, as the orgasm subsided, his body collapsed into the restraints, going limp as the last few squirts dripped out of his cock onto the table. He felt one final worm slither out past his prostate, making him shiver and cum once more, before finally collapsing, eyes closed, as he fell asleep once again...

Hope you liked it. Maybe I'll do another part at some point, these three have probably not been milked enough.