Cami and Annie: The Beginning

Story by Shadowfoxy on SoFurry

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#1 of Cami and Annie

This is a story i wrote for my MistressZ...She liked it so i thought i would share it....btw She is the doe in Ch 3...the Dobie is my MistressC guess which one is me...

  • * * The young black folf sat on the end of the bed, her thick bush of a tail curled around her its white tip twitching. She looked around the small room and smiled, her soft purple tipped ears swiveling here and there; she was happy to no longer be living in the dorms. Now she lived in a house with four others; three guys and a girl. Cami shared the room with the girl and she did mean share, the room was big enough for one queen sized bed, two dressers and closet. But the rent was cheap and she guessed she could share a bed with another girl in exchange. She hadn't met this mystery bedmate yet but she had heard she was a Doberman, nice, pretty, smart, and on vacation with her family. Cami kicked her feet up; she had been in the house for nearly two weeks and was finally beginning to relax. As she sat there zoning her phone rang, she looked at the screen. It was Sarah, a red panda, her friend from class. "Hey, girl!" she said as she answered. "Yeah, I'm ready! Be right out!" she snapped the phone shut and stuffed it into the pocket of her skirt. She quickly checked her look in the mirror smoothing down the light grey fur of her belly that showed between her top and her skirt, she smiled and tossed her long black/ purple hair and hurried out the door. Music pulsed in from the backyard as the group of girls stood in the living room talking. Cami sipped off the drink given to her, she was feeling pretty good, her tail wagging slowly. She had never really partied before; all she ever did was study. Now she was having a blast with her new friends; they were laughing, talking, and just having a good time. Occasionally a guy would come over, some purry voiced tiger or bull jock, and try his best moves but he would be quickly shot down with friendly jibes; they would wander away again never really feeling rejected but taking the hint. The girls were just not interested in the company of boys and were quite happy just being with themselves. Amid all the talking and laughter a new girl insinuated herself among the group by draping her arms over the necks of two of the group. She kissed each one in greeting and a small cheer of hellos and happy yips went up. Cami's breath caught in her throat, the girl was strikingly beautiful, not to mention achingly hot. She had long black hair that fell over her short black furred shoulders, the tips brushed the soft mounds of her breast that were pressed upward by the black corset she wore. She was toned, like an athlete; her hips and belly were hugged by her tight jeans that accentuated the soft curves of her ass and her little stub of a tail poked cutely through the tail hole in the pants. She had deep mahogany patches on both sides of her face that ran down the sides of her elegant muzzle and two littler ones above each eye; she had a patch across her chest that accentuated her breasts and all her limbs had that same mahogany that started halfway down all the way to her fingers and toes. She had even had her ears cropped, most of her breed did where they lived, and it gave her that femme fatale look. She was amazing; Cami blushed and looked away quickly to avoid staring at the raven haired Doberman beauty. She had been checking this girl out all evening. Just watching her; now here she was! She, obviously, knew and was well liked among Cami's new friends. Cami sipped her drink and tried to stay small and unnoticed, which her usual way with dealing with new people was; especially ones she found attractive. Cami suddenly heard herself being introduced by Catherine, a sleek silver tabby cat, "Annie, this is Cami", she looked up and her heart seemed to stop as she realized the new girl was looking right at her. Annie stood there staring at Cami, looking her up and down slowly. Cami began to blush and it became deeper the more and more nervous she became; her ears slowly flattened and her tail curled up around her thighs. She looked up into Annie's eyes, they seemed to swallow her. Everything around her seemed to fade and mute as Annie stepped towards her closing the gap between them. The girls around them grew quiet as they watched the exchange; it was much like watching a predator closing in on its prey. Cami couldn't take her eyes from Annie's big dark ones; she could feel the flush of her cheeks. Annie never looked away as she stepped up to Cami; swiftly she ran her hand into Cami's own dark curly tresses, her nails scratching lightly across her skull, and gripped the back of her head. Her hand firmly in Cami's hair Annie pulled her forward and kissed her deeply, locking her muzzle to smaller folf's. Cami never resisted, not once, and she felt herself weaken and yield to Annie's probing kiss. Annie's tongue explored Cami's muzzle, caressing and wrapping around Cami's tongue. After what seemed like an eternity Annie broke the kiss and whispered huskily into Cami's, now pressed tightly to her skull, ear, "You're Mine! I'm going to fuck the shit outta you and make you my bitch!" Cami moaned softly, she just nodded, as Annie let her go and backed away. The other girls just stared, Annie, never taking her eyes from Cami's small tight frame, spoke to the others in a low soft growl "She is Mine. Do not touch her." Sarah made a small noise of protest drawing Annie's eyes to her; Sarah quickly lowered hers and nodded with the rest. Annie licked her muzzle and gave Cami a smile then she wandered off. Cami stood there feeling scared, small, embarrassed and incredibly turned on; her hands were shaking as she lifted her cup and swallowed the remainder of her beer in one swallow. The party seemed to come crashing back with full force and Cami stumbled a little. Ami, a small tan bunneh, caught Cami's arm and steadied her "Welcome to Annie's World! That was your roommate by the way." She said with a huge grin, her nose twitching merrily, she giggled as she helped Cami regain her balance. Cami just gave her a small smile unable to speak yet. The party continued on as if nothing had happened but every time Cami saw Annie looking at her she would glance away quickly blushing intensely, her tail wrapping tightly around her, and she would hear Annie's delighted laugh. As the party wound down and they got ready to leave Annie came for Cami; the poor folf couldn't speak and just allowed herself to lead. It felt so natural to Cami that she didn't even think to fight it. Once home, Annie led her down the hall to their room without a word. Cami's heartbeat matched the deep throb between her thighs as Annie closed the door behind them.