I've Got Your Wing... And Your Tail
That elicited a purr from the raccoon as he began to thrust deeply into the wolfox.
Welcome Home Luck
The wolfox reached up and fondled her pert breasts as they bounced with their motions, playing with her nipples softly.
Comforting Bed Fellows - Chapter Two
The wolfox wouldn't stand for another teasing from the playful pussy. the touch to his length was enjoyable but foreplay pleased a man for only so long. he grabbed for den and rolled her to her back.
Equestrian Apprentice
Helios was prepared, however, with a plug that he quickly shoved into the gaping hole, keeping most of the mess inside the poor wolfox.
Comforting Bed Fellows - Chapter One
#1 of comforting bedfellows when in need of comforting, the tigress den seeks the affection of her friend sly the wolfox.
Crossing Stars
A nurse or someone in the background of my aqueous vision brought a pseudo leather stool for the wolfox to sit down on.
The Myth
Quickly trying to wrestle his way out from under the gray wolfox on top of him, an audiable \*pop\* can be heard throughout the room as the wolfox's knot from the night, before, still firmly in place, is suddenly ripped out by the struggling otter.
Crossing Stars (WIP)
A nurse or someone in the background of my aqueous vision brought a pseudo leather stool for the wolfox to sit down on.
Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 1: The Fallout
Atlas collapsed onto the sticky, panting wolfox, and almost immediately they kissed.
Welcome Home Maneki
The wolfox had mostly gray fur, white fur on his belly. the tip of his tail looked like a fountain pen.
N'zaar Plains: Chapter Eleven: Into the Heat.
A huge, 6'7' black furred wolfox, wearing thick black leather armor with pieces of metal in a few places, along with a black cloak and hood trimmed with silver with his pointed wolfox ears to match.
Footpaws need addressing - master needs undressing; fox and wolf become wolfox - exploring paws caressing. tails sway from side to side - wrapping round each other; noses touch and tongues collide with their respective lovers'.