DownStairs 2: A Not-So-Quiet Evening at Home

Story by Stilghar on SoFurry

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#2 of DownStairs

Downstairs: A Not-So-Quiet Evening at Home * * *

(This story is ©Stilghar/Wolf Starchaser, 2003. This story contains graphic descriptions of nonhuman males engaged in homosexual acts. If this offends you, or if you are not of legal age to view such materials, go do something constructive instead. All characters are ©Stilghar/Wolf Starchaser. Please direct all compliments and constructive criticism to [email protected], or to Stilghar on Furnet (formerly Yiffnet) IRC. Flamers will be laughed at and have their e-mail addresses blocked and sold to spammers and script kiddies. Use protection.) * * *

Author's Note: This is the completed version of the second chapter of the DownStairs series. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and patience. Now, on with the show. <^,^>

    • * The Staircase was busy, as usual. The dance floors were crowded to capacity with males of all types, their bodies moving and swaying to the beat of the DJ's tunes. Stationed here and there throughout the club were a team of bouncers, all large, muscular males, keeping a careful watch on the revelry lest things get out of paw. Michael Adams had been a bouncer at the Staircase since the place opened; he seemed to be as much a part of the club as the decorations and the dance floor itself. Many of the patrons knew him by sight, and he was often greeted with a smile and a friendly wave as he made his rounds. The grizzly bear was considered moderately huge, standing half a span short of seven feet tall. He was never a slave to fashion; even on the job, his attire rarely included shirts and almost never included shoes, as footgear was very uncommon among furkind in moderate weather. Tonight's ensemble was quite skimpy though, even for Mike, and many heads turned to follow the muscular bear as he strode through the club in only a pair of cutoff jeans that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Tonight was fairly calm, as far as the bouncers were concerned. The celebrants were more interested in dancing and laughing than causing a ruckus, and there were only three attempts by underage furs to enter the Staircase by using fake ID. Furs were slowly leaving the club in twos and threes, and a few members of the DownStairs Club had used their membership cards to gain entry into the Staircase's basement levels, which were prominently featured in another tale. Mike wandered through the club, grinning ever so slightly at the effect he knew he was having on the males around him, and his smile broadened as he caught a pair of familiar faces. He hadn't seen his friends Stephen, a handsome white wolf, and Lenny, a rather sexy leopard, in a few weeks, and the memory of their last meeting made his shorts feel a bit too tight. Lenny wore only a pair of knee-length khaki cargo shorts and a smile; Stephen sported a button-down short sleeved denim shirt, open at the front, and comfortable-looking loose-fitting jeans. The pair smiled at each other, holding paws like lovers. The bear wandered over to the table where his friends sat and chatted, and, walking up behind them, placed a paw on each male's shoulder, squeezing gently. "Hey, guys. Haven't seen ya in here in a while. How's things?" "Goin' great, buddy bear," Lenny answered with a smile, patting the bear's paw with his free one...his left paw, which the bear noted sported a new ring. Mike glanced at Stephen's left paw, and saw that it, too, bore a new-looking gold Irish claddagh-style ring: two paws, holding a heart adorned with a crown, symbolizing friendship, love and loyalty. "Nice rings. You guys decided to make it official?" the bear asked with a grin. "Yup," Stephen answered, squeezing his mate's paw gently. "We're having the ceremony in a couple months, on the Fall Equinox." Lenny gazed adoringly into his wolf lover's eyes, then grinned up at the bear. "We'll make sure you get an invitation." "Great, I'd love to see that. You two make a very cute couple." Mike glanced around slyly, then asked softly, "Does this mean you two aren't going DownStairs anymore?" Lenny squeezed the bear's paw on his shoulder, and grinned up at the huge male. "Perish the thought." Stephen also smiled at the big bear, his blue eyes mischievous. "Neither of us are quite yet ready to give up a little playing around on the side. Speaking of which, oh tall, dark and scantily clad, did you have any plans for later this evening?" "I didn't, until now," the bear answered with a broad smile. "DownStairs?" "Not this time," replied Lenny. "We were thinking of something a little more private," Stephen added. "Our apartment is just a few blocks away, and you should be getting off before too much longer." The wolf lifted the bear's huge paw from his shoulder and kissed it gently. "A nice, cozy, private little get-together sound good to you too?" he asked softly. "Sounds wonderful," Mike answered, "although I am a bit surprised. I get asked by guys to go home with them all the time, but this is a first from you...either of you," he said softly, glancing at Lenny. The leopard only smiled. "Then take it as a compliment, dear, in the spirit in which it was offered." Mike grinned broadly, and squeezed his friends' shoulders again. "I will, and thank you. I have to get back to work now, but things are slowing down a bit, I'll see if I can't cut out a little early tonight. I should be able to, I don't do it often." He padded off toward the bar, gazing around at the thinning crowd. Lenny and Stephen resumed holding one another's paws, smiling wickedly. "This should be good," Lenny purred, admiring his lover's white-furred body even as his mind drifted to the events to come. "Indeed, love," replied Stephen, who was silently thanking the Gods for both his fortune in finding friends and lovers, and the disdain for clothing said friends and lovers often showed. Mike soon found his patrol interrupted by one of the other bouncers, an immense tiger wearing a black leather vest, open to reveal his broad chest, and matching chaps. A spike-studded leather pouch covered his sheath and balls, but left his shapely rear quite nicely exposed. "Mikey," the tiger addressed his co-worker in his smooth Southern-accented bass, "why don' ya call it a night, big guy? Th' crowd's thinnin' pretty fast; I don' think there's gonna be any disasters tonight, and you don't get to cut outta here early very often." "Are you sure, John? I can hang around a little longer, if you need," Mike offered, although inside he wanted nothing more than to accept the tiger's offer. "Naw, we got it under control," John answered, smiling broadly. "Besides, kinda looks like ya gots some plans with them two hunky guys at Table six, and ya deserve a break." The tiger gently turned Mike around and gave him a little shove towards the table. "I'd not want ta keep ya from a couple o' hotties like that." "Thanks, John, I owe ya one," Mike said with a grin. "Y'all can pay me back later," John shot back, wiggling his bare ass at the bear. "Now git, afore I hafta throw ya out." Mike strode briskly back to Table six, where Lenny and Stephen were waiting and gazing speculatively at the immense tiger. "Interesting outfit your buddy's wearing, Mike," Stephen noted in an amused tone. "Yeah, John likes leather, and I have to admit he looks good in it," Mike acknowledged. "Bet he looks good out of it, too," Stephen remarked with a chuckle. "So you're free for the night?" Lenny asked, his eyes alight. "Yup, and I'm off tomorrow. Next day, too, but so is John and I think he'll want me to thank him personally for cutting me loose tonight." Mike grinned broadly. "But that's neither here nor there. I'm ready to go when you guys are," the bear continued, and they all chuckled softly at the unintended double-entendre. Lenny and Stephen both rose, finishing the last of their drinks quickly and leaving a tip for the cute raccoon waiter. "Shall we?" Lenny asked, taking Mike's right arm as Stephen took his left. The three of them left the Staircase arm-in-arm, smiling at the grin and thumbs-up they received from John, standing guard at the door. The walk back to the apartment Stephen and Lenny shared was quiet, and none of them felt a need to fill the silence with pointless conversation. They reached the apartment in a matter of minutes, and wasted no time getting inside. Once within the apartment, Stephen closed and latched the door, and the three males embraced one another in a massive group hug, kissing and groping freely. Mike stepped back a bit, gazing lustily at the wolf and leopard before glancing around the apartment. "Nice place." "It suits us," replied Stephen as he stripped off his shirt and tossed it aside. "You want something to drink?" he asked, running a paw thought he bear's thick chest fur. "Or would you like to commence with the evening's entertainment?" Lenny finished the question, gazing lustily at the wolf and bear before him. Mike rubbed both males' shoulders, smiling. "I'm in no particular hurry, and a beer sounds pretty good right now, if you can spare it." "Sure thing, bud," Steve answered, kissed his mate and his friend, and padded off towards the kitchen. Lenny and Mike both watched the wolf walk away, and grinned at each other. "I don't see as we need all this excess clothing," Mike rumbled softly, his paw straying to the buttons of Lenny's shorts. "Indeed," Lenny purred as he undid the clasp holding Mike's shorts and pushed them gently down the bear's legs. Soon, leopard and bear stood totally nude, each openly admiring the other's build. Stephen emerged from the kitchen not long thereafter, with three brown glass bottles and his jeans mysteriously absent, a fact that did not seem to distress him in the slightest. He passed two of the beers to Lenny and Mike, and the three clinked bottles and drank deeply. "Cheers." The three moved to sit on the broad couch, Mike sitting between Lenny and Stephen. The bear set his beer on the coffee table, and gently laid his paws on the other males' thighs with a smile. Wolf and leopard both smiled and spread their legs a bit, and Lenny giggled. "Somebody's eager to play..." "Damn right," Mike growled softly, leaning back and exposing his own swelling sheath to the other two. "Sitting here naked between you two hunks, can ya blame a guy?" Stephen, who was busy grinding his own rapidly swelling sheath against the bear's paw, reached over to massage Mike's stiffening package. "Not at all," the wolf murred, tugging back gently to expose the bear's hardening meat to the open air. "As a matter of fact," he continued with a grin, "I guess you might say you owe me something." Stephen scooted the coffee table away from the couch, and knelt before Mike, spreading the bear's legs gently and nuzzling his crotch. "What's that?" Mike rumbled, rubbing the wolf's ear's gently. "A muzzle full of bear cream," replied the wolf as he began to lick at Mike's already-thick shaft. Lenny, meanwhile, had settled against the huge bear, an arm over the broad shoulders, paws massaging his rock-hard pecs while the leopard nibbled gently at an ear, whispering naughtily as his mate worked the bear's cock. "Hey, big guy," Lenny purred, "you like getting fucked as much as you like topping, don't ya?" "Yeah," Mike murred in his deep bass, watching Stephen massage his now fully hard eleven inches with his lips and tongue. The bear reached over to Lenny's lap, wrapping his paw around the leopard's hard and oozing shaft. "You wanna stick that thing up my ass, pretty kitty?" Lenny's purr deepened, and the feline humped slightly into the thick paw. "Yeah, I do, big guy. I know I'm not as big as some..." Mike silenced him with a single thick finger on the end of his muzzle. "Stop that right now. You're sweet; you and Stephen are extremely lucky to have each other. You're also a damned sexy guy, and six and a half inches isn't exactly tiny." The bear kissed the now furiously blushing leopard soundly, moaning into the kiss softly as Stephen murred around the thick cock now engulfed by his muzzle. Mike broke the kiss with a grin, rubbing the side of Lenny's face with a gentle paw. "You wanna fuck me now, hot stuff?" Lenny grinned wickedly, and nibbled at the grizzly's ear again. "Not yet, I want to watch you blow a load all over Steve's face first." Stephen pulled his muzzle off the immense rod with a loud pop and grinned up at the pair seated on the couch. "Sounds like a plan to me," he joked, cupping Mike's heavy scrotum in his paw. "Now I gotta make sure to get the most outta these," he murred softly, as he took to nuzzling and licking those heavy orbs gently. The effect on Mike was immediate. The big bear gasped and squirmed in pleasure as Stephen massaged his nuts. Lenny's paws redoubled their efforts on the bear's torso, eliciting greater moans of pleasure. The massive ursine rod stood up from his reclined body like a tower, clear pre running in a steady stream from the tip, down the thick shaft to ooze onto Stephen's muzzle as he stimulated his friend. The musky scent of Mike's arousal washed over the wolf's sensitive nose like a wave, encouraging him to further his efforts. Mike pawed gently at Lenny's cock as the blissful torture continued, and he nuzzled against the leopard nibbling his ear. "Mmmh, niiice...does he do this to you?" "Oohhhh, yes," Lenny replied with a lusty grin, "and he's just getting started." "I'm...mrrh...almost afraid to ask what's next..." Stephen stopped for a moment, smiling up at the bear and resting his heavy sac atop his muzzle. "Ever been rimmed really, really good, Mike?" the wolf asked. The bear didn't answer in words, but the lusty smile on his muzzle broadened and he spread his thickly muscled legs wider. "I think that's a 'yes'," Lenny remarked with a chuckle. "Careful, babe, you don't want to make him pop too soon." "Don't worry," Mike rumbled, "I'll let you know when I'm about to cum. Do you want me on my belly?" "Not necessary, and I think Lenny wants a taste, too," Stephen answered, pulling the bear's hips forward off the couch. The wolf buried the end of his muzzle between the bear's russet-furred ass cheeks and went eagerly to work. His tongue probed and lapped at his friend's tailhole with a teasing, agonizingly slow pace at first, but he quickly accelerated his efforts to a tempo that had Mike clutching at the couch cushions and moaning blissfully. Lenny, meanwhile, retrieved his arm from around Mike's shoulders and knelt on the couch beside the bear, leaning down and wrapping a paw around his guest's thick, oozing bear meat. He teased the thick shaft with his tongue, lapping up the freely flowing pre, while his paw, squeezing and stroking, encouraged an increase in the bear's flow of precum. Eventually Mike pushed Lenny's head gently off of his shaft, as he pulled his rear away from Stephen's probing tongue. "I'm getting' close, guys," the bear panted, sitting up slightly, "real close. C'mon, Steve, get that pretty little mouth of yours up here on my dick," he growled softly. The wolf gladly complied, taking the full, thick length of the bear's rod into his muzzle as he probed at the bear's slick tailhole with two fingers, twisting and pushing into him. "Ohhh yeah, fuck," the bear gasped, a tiny sliver of the back of his mind marveling at Stephen's ability to deep-throat even his enormous mass...and then all thought was gone; the forces building within Mike's body reached a point of no return. "Here it comes, Steve," he grunted, teeth clenched, as the first waves of a thunderous orgasm broke over him. Stephen felt the pulsing, throbbing cock in his muzzle surge, and he pulled nearly off the thick organ just in time. The first blast of salty-sweet bear cum gushed into his muzzle and he relished the flavor, letting the flow coat his tongue before he pulled fully off Mike's rod, leaning back slightly and holding his muzzle wide open, letting the grizzly's eruption splatter over his face and chest in a white rain. Lenny too was caught up in the moment, holding his face near the bear's spurting cock, his tongue questing for every trace of Mike's juices it could catch. Soon the flow began to ebb, and the lovers kissed soundly, sharing the taste of Mike's orgasm as the last spurts dribbled from the only slightly softer rod into the bear's thick belly fur, and the bear himself lay panting in the afterglow, rubbing both males' ears gently. "Damn," he gasped when he could finally speak, "that was...Whooo!" Words failed him, and he just sat, grinning at the mess he'd made in Stephen's fur. Stephen returned to the couch, facing the winded bear and grinning. "It was pretty nice from this end, too," the wolf murred, lifting a smear of bear seed from his chest fur and licking it seductively form his paw. Lenny, meanwhile, busied himself by cleaning the residue from Mike's eruption from the grizzly's cock and belly with his tongue. The three soon wound up in a massive group hug, kissing one another hotly, smearing the mess from Stephen's fur all over, and none of them minded it one whit. When he had fully recovered, Mike took a great swig of his beer and made a face at the not-quite-lukewarm beverage, then sank back against the couch and smiled at his hosts. "I know Lenny wants to stick that pretty cock of his up my ass," he murred deeply, rubbing a paw through Stephen's smeared chest fur, "but what about you, handsome? You have anything else you want to do to me, or anything you want me to do back?" The bear's eyes were alight; the big male was clearly certain he'd enjoy whatever answer Stephen gave. The wolf looked thoughtful for a moment, then grinned at his mate and his friend. "I was just hoping for Lenny's sloppy seconds," he said, giving the leopard a wink, then returned his gaze to the bear's deep brown eyes, "but if you think you're up to it...?" "Up to it?" Lenny interrupted with a giggle. "Take a look at that thing, sweetie," he instructed, grasping Mike's still-erect maleness, "it hasn't gone down one bit even after that massive load he blew!" Mike grinned and humped Lenny's paw slowly. "Yup, I figure I got at least one more good shot in there tonight, handsome. What's on your mind?" "Well, since you plowed my ass but good last time we got together, I think it's Lenny's turn tonight," Stephen explained, and Lenny purred loudly. Mike took the wolf's paw and licked a trace of his own seed from his fingers. "And you wanna watch me put it to him, eh?" "It's a little more complex than that. I want you to fuck him while I'm inside you," he murred lustily, as Lenny gave his cock a gentle squeeze. "Oooh, I like the sound of that, sweetie," the leopard purred. "So do I," Mike rumbled his assent. "Do you think the couch can handle it?" "No, we'll take this show into the bedroom. The bed is big enough for three, and we'll need the lube anyway." "Good idea." The three males stood and headed towards the apartment's master bedroom. Mike was surprised when he saw the size of the bedroom, and fought down shock when he realized just how truly *big* this apartment had to be. "Dear God, Steve, this place is huge!" "Yup," the wolf grinned proudly. "As I said, it suits us." "How in the world did you find an apartment this fucking big?" "Actually, my Dad found it for me not long after I hit eighteen." Stephen's grin turned wicked. "I think he was tired of not being able to bring his dates home for the evening." Lenny swatted his lover's arm gently. "Be nice. Your father's an absolute sweetie and he loves you to no end!" "Yes, I know, and I love him too, but the fact remains he knew I could handle it on my own and he wanted to be able to bring his boyfriends home." Mike blinked in surprise, and gaped at the white wolf. "Waitaminit...your father has boyfriends?" "Yeah. Well, boyfriend singular at the moment, but I think it may become something permanent." Lenny giggled. "Ooh, wanna try for a double wedding?" "Not quite," Stephen grinned at his mate. "He doesn't want to interfere with what he calls 'our special day', but I think Dad may not be alone in the house for much longer." "Good. He's too sweet a guy to be single." "The fox is a real nice guy, too. Remind me to introduce you sometime. I like him, he and Dad make a cute couple." Mike turned his gaze from wolf to leopard and back so quickly he looked like a mid-court spectator at a high-speed tennis match. He finally settled his gaze on Stephen and managed to blurt, "Your father is gay?" "Yup." "Then how..." Stephen sighed. "That's a long story, bud. I'll tell you over breakfast tomorrow, deal?" "Deal," the bear replied, clasping his friend's shoulder warmly. "In the meantime," Lenny purred, caressing both of the other's faces gently, "we have some very pleasant business to attend to." The smile returned to Stephen's features as the wolf decided to focus on the pleasures of the present rather than the pains of the past. "Indeed we do, love." Stephen lay back on the bed and stretched seductively, openly inviting Mike to take advantage of his widely spread legs and prominent erection. The bear grinned lustily and took the bait, rubbing the furred muscle of his belly against the wolf's cock and kissing his white-furred host passionately. Lenny, on the other paw, had busied himself in a cabinet beneath a bedside table, and soon piled onto the table a couple of semi-solid rubber dildos of different sizes and two tubes of lubricant, one nearly empty, the other unopened. Mike glanced to the side of the bed, and was a bit intrigued. "And what, pray tell," the bear rumbled, "do you plan to do with those?" The leopard purred wickedly as he replied with a grin, "Anything you'll let me, big guy." Mike's grin matched Lenny's, and the bear lifted his rump from the bed and wiggled it at Lenny. "It's been a long time since someone's used one of those on me." Stephen grinned as well, his paw rubbing gently over Mike's ears. "Did you enjoy it last time?" the wolf asked gently. "Very much so," the grizzly answered with a leer, spreading his legs a bit wider. Stephen glanced down, looking between their furred bodies, and saw Mike's immense maleness, which had softened slightly after his explosive eruption and the subsequent conversation, stiffen again. "You must have, judging from your...anticipation," the wolf giggled, his own cock quite hard between them. "You care to have something in your muzzle while Lenny works you over from behind?" Mike answered by scooting himself down Stephen's body, dragging his thick-furred torso over the wolf's throbbing erection before grasping the base, just below the knot, and licking the oozing head like a lollipop. Stephen murred and squirmed appreciatively, and scratched the bear's ears slowly. "I love the way you answer questions," Stephen murred. Lenny, meanwhile, was massaging the bruin's rump gently, purring softly as his paws worked the thick muscle. As the bear began to lick Stephen's wolfhood, the leopard reached over with one paw and took the nearly exhausted container of lube, opened the flip-top, and squirted a small amount onto the bear's tight sphincter, with the expected results. "Whooo!" exclaimed Mike as he looked back toward Lenny, "that's cold!" "It always is, Mikey," Lenny replied smoothly. "Don't worry, we'll heat it up." With that he gently pressed a finger into the bear's slickened hole and twisted slowly, adding a second finger as the bear rumbled with pleasure. "You like that, eh?" Stephen asked, although the grin on the bear's muzzle spoke quite plainly his opinion on the subject. Suddenly it was the wolf's turn to grin and moan, as Mike opened his muzzle wide and took Stephen's full length into his hungry maw, suckling the wolf's length eagerly. A huge paw cradled Stephen's heavy scrotum like a pair of delicate eggs, and the white-furred male did indeed moan quite blissfully. Lenny watched the proceedings with a lusty grin, and removed his fingers from beneath the bear's stubby tail, only to replace it with the smaller of the two dildos. Mike noticed the change, of course, and pressed back against the plastic phallus as the leopard introduced the toy. Lenny chuckled softly and worked the bear's ass with the device, sometimes sliding it slowly in and out but often pistoning Mike's tailhole firmly. Mike's moans and motions had a profound effect on Stephen, as the bear's reactions traveled through the wolfcock in his muzzle to excite the white-furred lupine. Before long, Stephen was humping the bear's muzzle, moaning pleasurably as Mike's lips and tongue massaged his shaft. "Mhhh...yeah...fuck, Mike...gonna make me shoot," Stephen gasped, his cock throbbing in the bear's muzzle. "D'ya wanna wear it or swallow it, big guy?" Mike once again answered with action, sucking firmly on his friend's cock as the sexy leopard twisted and thrust with the dildo, and the bear clamped his paw around Stephen's knot, simulating a tie with a gentle squeeze. That was all it took; Stephen gave vent to a pronounced yell of absolute bliss and clutched at the bedsheets as all control was lost and his cock fired thick streams of his hot seed into the bear's eager muzzle. Mike eagerly swallowed the first few spurts, then pulled away, stroking the erupting organ with his free paw, murring deeply as the wolf's orgasm exhausted itself over his face. Stephen lay back, breathing heavily and grinning at the bear's splattered smile, and Lenny leaned over to lick a trace of his mate's seed from Mike's fur before nibbling gently at a round ear and whispering, "That was nice to watch." The wolf rubbed the leopard's ear gently, smiling at his lover. "Not quite as nice as watching you plow his ass," he murred huskily. Mike merely grinned and wiggled his rump, squeezing at the toy Lenny was still working into him. "I'm lookin' forward to that m'self," he admitted, gazing at Lenny's erect cock lustily. The leopard purred loudly, his free paw squeezing the bear's shoulder. "How do you want it, handsome?" Mike rolled over onto his back, being careful not to dislodge the rubber penis Lenny had stuck into him, and lay back gently against Stephen, who merely grinned and slid his paws over the bear's chest as Mike lifted his legs and grinned at the leopard. "Jus' throw my legs o'er yer shoulders and do me but good, Hot Spots, " the bear rumbled, and Lenny grinned broadly at the nickname Stephen had long ago given him. "Ask and ye shall receive," the leopard purred. One paw continued to manipulate the toy with which he stimulated his ursine friend, and the other grabbed the fresh bottle of lube, uncapped it, and squirted a generous amount onto his erection, which was already slick with the spotted cat's precum. "Oohhh," he gasped with a shudder, "that is cold!" "Told ya," Mike rumbled, and Stephen laughed softly. Lenny giggled in kind as he closed the flip-cap on the tube and tossed it aside, then wrapped his paw around his very slick rod and stroked it slowly. He slid the rubber penis slowly out of his ursine buddy with a titillating little twist, and tossed it over onto the towel he'd set aside earlier. Wiping the excess lubricant from his paws, he leaned over the huge bear, hooking those tree-trunk legs over his shoulders, and slid his cock into his friend's tailhole smoothly, eliciting a very pleasurable moan from the bear. Stephen watched the proceedings with a lusty grin, his cock still firm against Mike's back. The wolf's paws slid gently over the bear's thick chest, scritching and pinching gently at those areas Stephen knew to be very sensitive to such attention. "He feels good in there, don't he, Mike?" the wolf asked, whispering seductively into Mike's ear before nibbling at it. Lenny giggled at his mate's words, and leaned down to kiss Mike's muzzle. "Just let me know how I'm doin', sexy," he purred at the bear. With that, he began thrusting firmly, driving his iron-hard rod deep into Mike's body with powerful thrusts that even Stephen, laying comfortably beneath much of the bear's bulk, felt drive him into the mattress. Mike's response was both exuberant and vocal, his words laced with a slight hint of a growl. "C'mon, Hot Spots, gimme all ya got, hard and fast as you wanna give it!" The bear's husky-voiced encouragements had their intended effect on the leopard, and Lenny humped the grizzly with a strength that seemed unlikely from his slender frame. The bear's moans increased in volume and took on a pulsing note in time with Lenny's fierce thrusts, and Stephen pinched at the bear's nipples to heighten his friend's pleasure as he whispered naughty comments into the bear's ear. Lenny soon gave vent to a lusty yowl as he delivered one final, mighty thrust, and Mike murred deeply as he felt the leopard's seed flood into his body as the cat's spasming cock exploded. The bear held his friend tight to him as the wonderful rampage of Lenny's orgasm ravaged his body, and when the cat slumped against the bear, purring and panting, Mike leaned up to kiss the top of Lenny's head. "That was nice, Hot Spots," Mike rumbled with a grin. "Indeed," Stephen agreed, reaching up to rub his mate's ears gently, "that was a wonderful thing to watch, love." Lenny blushed slightly, the insides of his ears turning a deeper pink. "He's so cute when he does that," Mike remarked with a broad smile. "Yes, he is," Stephen agreed, causing Lenny to blush even harder. "It's one of the many reasons I love him." The wolf slid himself out from behind the big bear and kissed his leopard lover hotly. When the kiss broke, Lenny, grinning lustily, sprawled himself out on his back, lifting his hips and spreading his legs wide in an open invitation, and he grasped Mike's immense erection playfully. "Ready for the grand finale, big guy?" The huge grizzly grinned, growling playfully as the leopard's paw stroked his cock. "You want it bad, don'cha?" "Damn right I do," Lenny purred, causing Stephen to giggle wickedly. "How often do I get to have wild, earth-shattering sex with the two sweetest, hottest guys in the world?" Mike immediately planted a fierce kiss on Lenny's muzzle, while Stephen grinned and nibbled on the leopard's ear. "Flatterer," he whispered huskily. The kissing males eventually came up for air, and Mike positioned himself between Lenny's legs and gently teased the spotted cat's tailhole with one thick finger. "Don' wanna rush it too much," the deep bass voice rumbled. "The last thing I wanna do is hurt ya." Lenny smiled up at the bear, and continued to stroke the immense boner Mike was preparing him to receive. "I know, buddy bear, but when I see something like this, I get a bit impatient." "Speaking of impatient," Stephen murred lustily, as he scooted up behind the bear and began to probe his friend's well-used hole with a finger, "he's already greased up for me..." Mike giggled, which sounded rather odd in a voice that deep, and glanced back at the wolf with a grin. "Don' distract me just yet," he rumbled, pushing back against the gentle finger, "let me get started 'fore you go for the gold." "As you wish," Stephen replied with a matching grin. "I want to see him take it, anyway." Lenny purred, smiling as the bear worked his hole with a finger. He reached for the remaining bottle of lube, opened the cap, and held it up for Mike. "Grease me up, big guy," he instructed. Mike chuckled softly, and applied a generous dollop of the clear gel to the leopard's pucker, eliciting a shudder from the cat. "Cold!" "I thought we had this conversation already," Stephen grinned, as Mike closed the bottle, tossed it aside, and slid a second finger into the eager feline. The bear worked his thick pawfingers into Lenny's tailhole, twisting gently, while Stephen watched with a lusty grin on his muzzle. The wolf, never one to look but not touch, gently squeezed the bear's heavy scrotum and continued probing beneath his stubby tail, eliciting a soft moan from his ursine friend. "C'mon, Mike," Lenny half-growled after several minutes of this, "you're drivin' me up the wall here!" He spread his legs a bit wider and gazed up at Mike with an expression of urgent desire. "You're not gonna hurt me, and I need it, buddy bear..." Mike grinned wickedly at the slender cat. "Need what?" he asked innocently. "I need that giant fuckin' sausage of yours in me!" Lenny knew the bear liked hearing such blatant language, and if he played along, Mike would be that much more excited when he finally did get down to business. "Spread my legs, hike up my hips and spear me with that monster meat, hunky. I want you to fuck me like there's no tomorrow; I want you to cum up my ass so hard I'll be tasting bear jizz for a week!" The leopard's smile was infectious. Stephen could play the game too. "Fuck him, Mike," he whispered huskily into his friend's ear. "I wanna see him take the whole thing, then I'm gonna fuck you while you do him. I want you to clench down on me when you shoot it, so I can blow my wad into you at the same time." The effort was not wasted. "You want it so bad, yer gonna get it, Hot Spots," Mike rumbled. He withdrew his fingers, cleaned them on the towel, then hooked Lenny's legs over his shoulders and rested the tip of his immense rod against the leopard's tight pucker. "Hope yer watchin', wuffie, 'cause I'm about to fuck yer boyfriend's brains out!" "Damn right I'm watchin', buddy bear. Fuck him," Stephen replied, as he stroked his wolfhood, keeping himself ready for the bear. "Fuckin' stick it in already, for fuck's sake!" Lenny growled. "Ask and ye shall receive," the bear rumbled, and drove his hips forward, driving his full length into Lenny's tight body in less than a second. The leopard's answering yowl was one of sheer lust and pleasure, not pain, and encouraged the bear's frantic pace as the immense ursine drove himself rapidly and fiercely into Lenny. "Pound his ass, Mike," Stephen murred, watching as his lover was so energetically taken by his huge friend. "Make him moan..." Mike continued to drive himself into the moaning and pleasurably squirming leopard, leaning down to whisper into Lenny's ear, "How's it feel, Hot Spots?" Lenny gazed up at the bear and grinned hugely as he squeezed the invading rod with his tailhole. "Fuckin' wonderful, big guy," he managed to pant. Mike held himself still within Lenny's body, and adjusted things so that Lenny was more comfortably arranged, with his legs around the bear's waist, then lifted his stubby tail to present himself to Stephen. "Then it's time yer honey-wuff got to join the party." He glanced around to the wolf. "C'mon, Steve, make me a bear sandwich!" Stephen, of course, didn't have to be told twice. He scooted up behind the bear and slid his maleness slowly into his friend's muscular body slowly, stopping only when his knot bumped against Mike's tight pucker. The entry prompted pleasurable moans from all three males, and for a moment they just lay there, enjoying the sensations of each other's bodies. Mike started to move slowly, sliding himself almost out of Lenny's body. "Hold here, Steve," the bear murred, "an' let me slide back an' forth between ya." Stephen complied, and Mike slid himself back into Lenny, then back onto the wolf's cock slowly, but with steadily increasing speed. The three males writhed together, with Lenny moaning and squirming from Mike's immense rod, Mike experiencing Lenny's tightness and Stephen's throbbing wolfhood, and Stephen murring as his knot pressed a little farther into the bear with each thrust. The slow, steady rhythm they started with was soon abandoned, and Mike and Stephen were soon running on pure instinct, hips bucking fiercely, cocks thrusting into willing, eager male bodies. Lenny was in absolute heaven; the weight of the two males atop him, the smell of masculine lust, the sounds of mating and pleasure, and not at the least, the feel of Mike's immense bearcock probing his innermost depths, all in concert, soon drove the slender leopard to and past his limits. His paws gripped the sheets and twisted, and he gave vent to a sound that was more than a yell, but not quite a howl, as his cock erupted, spraying his seed liberally over Mike's body and his own. Mike grunted as Lenny's orgasm wracked his body and the cat clamped down on his immense cock, and Stephen simultaneously gave a final, fierce thrust and forced his thick knot into the bear's tight body. Mike clamped down on the wolf in turn, and all three cried out in utter bliss, as bear spilled into leopard, wolf vented his juices into bear, and leopard showered bear and himself with cum. The three of them lay, panting and grinning foolishly at one another, for quite some time. Mike was the first to recover, and he kissed Lenny soundly on the muzzle. "Thank you," the bear rumbled. "Thank ye both." Lenny and Stephen both nuzzled the huge bear, kissing him and each other as best they could in the current position. "You're most welcome, Mikey," Stephen answered. Lenny was purring like a happy kitten. "We must do this again sometime." Mike's laugh reverberated through all three male's bodies like a mild earthquake. "Just say when, guys." The three of them settled into bed, with Lenny reaching over to kill the lights. "We'll clean up in the morning, but right now I'm wiped." Stephen was still tied to Mike, so Lenny simply crawled into bed behind the wolf, and snuggled up to him. Stephen squirmed with a giggle, and grinned back at his feline lover. "You're a mess, dear." Lenny's grin was pure, distilled bawdy wickedness. "Sex is only dirty if it's done right, sweetie, and if that's the case, I'd say we got it about perfect!" ~Fin~
    • * Again, thank you for your support and your patience. Please let me know what you think. Coming Soon: DownStairs 3: The Morning After!