Anniversary (Incest Commission For Paradisebear)

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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#1 of Story Commissions

This is a commission for Paradisebear ( ). All characters belong to him.

The artwork was made by Dominate ( ). And Terribadger helped with editing of course. :>

Leydon checked the time on the car radio as he pulled into the parking lot of his father's club. Seven-thirty. Perfect. He would have plenty of time to get ready before his shift started. The club had been open since four in the afternoon, but the parking lot was still mostly empty. The real crowd wouldn't start showing up until at least eight or nine. Leydon found a spot in the employee parking section behind the club and climbed out of his car. He popped the trunk and grabbed a small duffel bag from it before locking the vehicle and striding confidently towards the back door of the building. The striped hyena dug around in his pocket, produced a set of keys, and unlocked the door. He yanked the door open and propped it on his hip while he dropped the keys back into his pocket and slid inside. The back halls of the club were dimly lit, and he waited a few seconds for his eyes to adjust before sauntering to the nearby employee lounge.

He was alone in the room as he opened his duffel bag and started pulling off his street clothes. The lounge had grey wall-to-wall carpeting and a futon with a black cushion sat against the lefthand wall. Five lockers stood at the back of the room next to the door that lead into a single bathroom. On the right wall was the door to the club owner's office and in front of that was a folding table covered in bottled water and snack food. Above the table on the wall was a plastic, analog clock. Leydon stripped down to his red and black jockstrap, and then tugged his navy blue work uniform pants up his legs. The shirt was the same color, and came complete with a fake badge on the left side of the chest. The whole getup was normally topped with a police cap, but Leydon grimaced at it. He didn't want to mess up his purple and red mane after the time he'd spent making it look just right. His father probably wouldn't care if he went capless tonight; after all, the thing would just be coming off first anyway. Leydon dropped the hat back into the duffel and then opened the bathroom door to examine himself in the mirror. He wasn't vain in the traditional sense, he just liked to look good. Leydon smoothed some unruly fur on his grey snout, turning from side to side so that he could see how he looked from different angles. Wearing the jockstrap had been a good idea. It might have made his junk a little too obvious, but the club wasn't named "The Bulge" for nothing. The hyena knew it didn't really matter, but he straightened a few strands of his colored headfur before closing the door.

Leydon tossed his duffel and street clothes into his locker and then glanced up at the clock on the wall. Still twenty minutes before he had to be out on the club floor. He knocked on the office door and when he didn't immediately get an answer, he cautiously cracked it and poked his head inside.

"Pop? You in here?" he asked.

The hyena's father was nowhere to be seen. The desk in the middle of the office was a bit messy, covered in what Leydon guessed were bills and other such paperwork. Another futon, matching the one in the employee lounge, sat against the right wall of the office, and several filing cabinets stood on the other side of the room. Leydon's father was probably subbing as a bouncer right now. The striped hyena shrugged and closed the office door again. He grabbed a bottle of water from the table and made his way out of the lounge and down the back hall toward the club's private rooms. An athletic German Shepherd in shorts and a dark colored t-shirt was leaning against the wall of the hallway nearby, sipping an energy drink.

"Well, well! Big Papa and I were taking bets on how close you'd cut it tonight, Leydon." The shep said with a grin.

Leydon scoffed, eyes practically rolling out of his head. "Oh please, Jayce. Half an hour early isn't exactly cutting anything close. What are you doing back here, anyway? Shouldn't you be on the floor trying to drum up some clients?"

Jayce shook his head. "It's dead out there at the moment. Maybe it's not as grand an occasion as your dad thought it would be."

Leydon shrugged and then grinned. "Maybe not, but you know they all come rushing in when I hit the floor."

It was Jayce's turn to roll his eyes. "You cocky fuck. I suppose you get that from your old man, huh? It doesn't matter to me, though. I'll be having fun long before you do tonight anyway."

The shep had a point. He and an Australian Shepherd named Avery were the only two escorts employed at the club and sometimes Leydon was envious of them. Though, there was something to be said for spending several hours getting worked up when you couldn't do anything to relieve the tension. Just the thought of being that pent up was making Leydon's dick twitch in his pants. "Anticipation makes it even better," he said.

"If you say so," Jayce replied.

"Where's Avery? Is he not working tonight?"

"Poor guy had a bad case of food poisoning. He's been laid up since yesterday."

"That sucks. I hope he feels better soon."

"Me too," Jayce said. "I should get back to work. Seriously, good luck out there tonight, Leydon."

"Sincerity!?" The striped hyena exclaimed. "That's rare coming from you."

Jayce shrugged as he polished off the energy drink can in his hand. "I'm serious. Tonight's big for your old man and I want him to be happy, you know? Not many people would have hired a dog like me."

Leydon shook his head and grinned. "Hey, where's the pervy Jayce I'm used to? All this honesty is sure to give you some wrinkles and in your line of work, that's never a good thing."

Jayce sighed and turned away, heading towards the club proper. "Forget it."

"Hey, Jayce," Leydon said.

The German Shepherd turned back towards him in response.

"Thanks. Good luck to you too."

Jayce nodded and smiled as he turned and walked away. Leydon turned around as well and walked back past the employee lounge and into the backstage area. The striped hyena twisted the top off of his water bottle and took a swig before capping it again and starting his stretching routine. Leydon reached up toward the black ceiling and then down to his toes. He held that position for almost a minute before slowly rolling his back upward until he was standing upright again. He shook his arms and then bent over again to further stretch his hamstrings and back. In the middle of his silent counting, a pair of jeans walked up behind him and thick hands gripped his hips while a hefty bulge pressed against his ass through his pants. He kept stretching, though, despite his cock stiffening up from the gentle humping of the fat bulge against him. Leydon eventually stood back up, and his father's large, grey, muscular arms wrapped around him, bulge still grinding against his rear. Leydon pushed back into the grinding and clenched his cheeks against it.

"A bit eager aren't we, pop?" Leydon said.

The older hyena rested his head on Leydon's shoulder and nibbled on his neck. "Quiet, you. I haven't gotten off in four days."

"Who's fault is that?" Leydon replied.

"Not mine!" Big Papa said. "You know how crazy shit's been around here lately." He inhaled deeply through his nose near Leydon's cheek. "I could fuck you right here and now, son."

"You wouldn't break your own rules, would you, dad?" Leydon said with a cheeky grin. "You said no fucking while on shift, so unless you think you can cum and clean up in less than two minutes, you'll have to wait, old man."

Big Papa growled into his son's ear as he slid a hand under the waistband of Leydon's pants to grope his bare ass. "Careful about giving me challenges, boy."

Leydon spun around in his father's grip, pressing his torso against the older hyena's pudgy belly. He tugged gently on the gold nipple rings that peeked out from under the black tank top that Big Papa was wearing. "I said you'll have to wait, pops."

"I know," Big Papa said as he stifled a groan. "Such a shame. Make sure you give 'em hell, son."

"I always do," Leydon said as he pulled away from his father's grip and peeked through the curtain.

A decent amount of people were milling about in the club. Some were shaking their hips on the dance floor to the pounding music that flowed from the towers of speakers in each corner. Others were sitting at the bar. Grayson, the buck bartender, was mixing something for a shy-looking fox, and Leydon saw that Jayce had already picked out a good looking lion patron to chat up near the stage. The silver pole sticking up from the stage floor sparkled from the club's lighting and Leydon jumped as Big Papa slapped his ass.

"I didn't have time to set up a proper cue for ya tonight kiddo," the older hyena said. "Just get out there and do your thing when the next song starts."

"And where will you be?" Leydon asked, a bit disappointed that there wouldn't be any fanfare for his entrance tonight.

"You know," Big Papa said. "Around."

"Don't get into too much trouble, old man," Leydon said as the next song kicked in and he stepped through the curtain.

If his father had replied to him, he never heard it. All eyes in the club were on him when he hit the stage. Leydon loved the feeling of being the center of attention, and he stepped up to the pole to start dancing. He reached up to begin, but his hand slipped. His stomach dropped out for a second as a sudden fear assaulted him. What if he messed up with no chance of recovery? What if he disappointed the audience and, more importantly, his father? Leydon shoved those thoughts out of his mind and reached up with the other hand as if the slip was all a part of his act. He pulled himself upward, letting his feet leave the ground as the muscles in his arms bulged against the fabric of his shirt. He was almost horizontal, his weight supported by nothing but his powerful arms. The bass beat paused for a moment, leaving an ambient, echoing melody in its wake. Leydon held the pose until the first beat of the bass returning reverberated through the speakers and then the hyena lowered his feet to the pole. He was still several feet off of the stage and he noticed that most of the club was staring at him in awe. Leydon undid the top three buttons of his police shirt with a free hand as he hung there and then grabbed his crotch.

A few whistles reached his ears from the more nearby spectators and he wrapped a leg around the pole, swinging himself around it while sunk down to the stage and sensually rubbed his grey pecs. His dick was already hard thanks to his father backstage, and the throbbing length was clearly obvious through his pants and jock as it it stretched the fabric of the underwear. Leydon grinned and thrust his crotch against the pole as he shed the shirt, kicking it back toward the curtain. His muscles flexed as he danced around the stage, leaving the pole to give the crowd a good look at his physique. But before long, he returned to his steadfast dancing partner and spun around it or thrust against it or leaned back on it to push it between his ass cheeks.

Leydon looked into the hungry eyes around him as the song ended and a new one began. More than a few of the club patrons were adjusting themselves in response to his dancing. It was a hell of an ego boost, and the hyena grabbed his crotch while he gyrated against the pole. More customers were walking in and Leydon couldn't help but think to himself that Jayce was going to have one seriously busy night. The stripping hyena winked at a handsome bear at the front of the stage and kneeled in front of him, humping the air near the bear's face to the beat of the music. He watched the ursine's eyes widen, his mouth hanging open while Leydon teased him. The bear reached his hand upward and Leydon pulled away at the last second to go back to the pole. The hyena grinned at his spectators and leaned back against the pole as he unzipped the fly of the blue police pants.

"Take 'em off!" someone in the crowd shouted and in response, Leydon turned away and spun around the pole a bit more.

He wanted to do one more thing before giving them a real show. The hyena climbed up the pole and wrapped his leg around it, riding it down to the bottom before he stood and tore the costume pants off. The audience cheered and Leydon bent over in front of the metal pole, sliding the cool surface against his bare asshole. God it felt good. His dick throbbed against the fabric of his stretched jock and he squeezed it for the crowd's benefit. He leaped up, turned around, and caught the pole between his thighs, spinning around once more before hopping down and shaking his ass for the audience. By this point, the club was packed. The dance floor was filled with gyrating bodies and there wasn't a single empty bar stool. Leydon spied Big Papa near the door to the back rooms, leaning against the wall and idly groping himself while he watched his son dance. The younger hyena's heart beat faster in his chest at the sight and he rubbed his own crotch again in response. His other hand dragged lazily down his chest and toned abs, a thumb slipping under the waistband of his jockstrap. The entire room leaned forward expectantly, while the thumping bass beat of the music pounded as if the club itself had a pulse. Leydon yanked down his jock and his hard, dripping cock sprang free, the silver prince albert piercing at the tip glinting in the flashing club lights. The hyena closed his eyes as he continued dancing and he found himself getting lost in the heavy beat of the throbbing music. Sweat matted his fur as he twirled around the pole, his heart thumping in time with the bass beat. He could no longer pick out specific faces in the crowd as they all seemed to blend together into one, hungry-eyed entity filled with desire for the striped hyena. Time itself melted away, and all that mattered to Leydon was that he was naked in front of a crowd of lusty strangers and grooving to the pounding rhythm.


Leydon didn't know how much time had passed when the music finally faded. He was panting heavily and clinging to the pole with his pulsing cock pressed against his abs. He didn't recognize the faces in the crowd that were starting to turn away from the stage. The hyena stayed there for a short while, catching his breath as he watched the patrons leaving. He glanced at the clock behind the bar and saw that it was already almost two AM. Holy shit, he had been dancing for a long time! Leydon tiredly picked up his clothes and trudged back behind the curtain, taking a huge gulp from the water bottle there as he made his way back to the employee lounge. He had a few minutes while the patrons were leaving before Big Papa assigned clean-up duties. Leydon found himself wondering how the night had gone in general. Had it really been as successful as his father wanted? Was The Bulge finally coming into it's own as a nightclub? The hyena dumped his costume onto the futon in the lounge and jumped into the shower that was in the bathroom, quickly washing the sweat from his tired body. He hoped Big Papa was happy. The older hyena owned the club after all and if it wasn't successful, he would be devastated. Leydon turned off the water and dried himself. Jayce was in the lounge when he stepped out of the bathroom.

"You certainly gave me a lot of business tonight with that show," the German Shepherd said. "I had a line of guys waiting to get some tail all night."

"And it looks like you made it through no worse for wear," Leydon replied.

Jayce grinned as he started to disrobe. "Does exhaustion count? Can I put in for hazard pay for that?"

Leydon laughed, pulling his jockstrap on and taking his street clothes from his locker. "I think pop would probably tell you to go fuck your hand if you asked him."

"Yeah that sounds about right." Jayce chuckled as he entered the bathroom.

Leydon heard the shower turn on again while he finished dressing. Big Papa entered the lounge shortly after and pulled the younger hyena into a tight hug. Leydon yelped a bit from the strength of his father's embrace, but that was silenced by the older hyena's lips as they pressed to his. Big Papa growled as his tongue invaded his son's mouth, writhing against Leydon's as they rubbed each other's shoulders and backs. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds and Big Papa was grinning when he broke it.

"Great job out there tonight, son," he said. "You really had them thirsty for dick!"

"Thanks, pop. I know they can't resist this bod." Leydon wiggled his torso against his father's belly as he spoke.

"Neither can I," Big Papa said. "But there'll be plenty of time for that later. Why don't you go help Grayson clean up in the main room? I'll be out there to help in a bit after I take care of some things in the office."

"Alright. Send Jayce out there too when he's out of the shower. More hands would make it go faster."

Big Papa nodded as he reluctantly released his son and went into his office, leaving the door ajar. Leydon left the lounge and made his way back out onto the floor of the club. Grayson was there, standing precariously on a bar stool as he tried to hang a large banner from the top of the bar.

"Hey, Leydon, give me some help with this, would ya?" The buck said cheerily. "I want to get it up before the boss man gets back out here."

"Sure, I guess... This is a bit excessive, isn't it?"

Leydon grabbed the other corner of the banner and hopped up on a stool on the other end of the bar. As he lifted it and the two of them pulled the banner upward, Leydon fastened the string on his end to an eye hook screwed into the ceiling, usually meant for hanging lights.

"This end's secure," he said.

"Nice, mine is all set too. Thanks!" Grayson chirped.

The banner read "Happy Anniversary!" in large, glittery letters.

"I still say it's a bit much," Leydon snickered.

"No way! The first year of successful business is a big deal, so this is perfect!"

"If you say so."

Leydon grabbed a broom from behind the bar while Grayson went about washing glasses. The hyena couldn't deny that Grayson had a point. Big Papa definitely saw the club's first anniversary as a big deal. It was obvious from the way his father had been stressing out about it over the last week or so. Maybe now that things had gone well, Big Papa could relax a bit. Leydon moved rhythmically as he swept the dust and litter into small piles, as though the music had never stopped. When he turned back toward the bar to get a dustpan, Grayson had produced a cake from somewhere and put it on the bar. Leydon chuckled. The buck was always eager to please his boss; perhaps sometimes he was a bit too eager, but Leydon couldn't really fault him for it. After all, Big Papa was a damn fine looking hyena!

Jayce emerged from the back rooms and grinned when he saw the banner. "You got it hung! Nice!"

He helped Leydon sweep the dust piles into the pan, and they had almost finished cleaning when Big Papa came striding into the room.

"Happy one year anniversary!" Grayson cheered as the older hyena entered.

Big Papa's eyes widened as he took in the banner and then the cake, clearly taken aback by the impromptu celebration. "Y-you dorks didn't have to do this..." he grumbled.

"Don't look at me," Leydon said. "It was their idea."

Grayson cut a piece of cake for each of them and then grabbed four, cold beers from under the bar.

"Oh, so you don't think tonight deserves celebration?" Big Papa snorted at his son.

"On the contrary, I plan to do a lot of celebrating with you in private later, pops."

The older hyena devoured his slice of cake in a mere few seconds before he took the beer from the bar top and grabbed Leydon's wrist. "Why wait? Get your sweet ass in my office, boy."

Leydon knew better than to protest when his father got like this. He stuffed a forkful of cake in his mouth and was just barely able to grab one of the beers from the bar before Big Papa started pulling him toward the back rooms.

"Lock up when you two are finished," Big Papa called back to Jayce and Grayson as he and his son left the club floor.

Leydon was still tired from dancing for so long and then cleaning up afterward. The fact that it was after two AM didn't help either. When they arrived in Big Papa's office, Leydon noticed that the place was much cleaner than before. He watched as his father locked the door behind them and then sat on the futon, beckoning him over. Leydon complied and Big Papa pulled him down into a warm, fatherly embrace. The older hyena took a large gulp of his beer and Leydon did the same before nuzzling his father's chest with his nose.

"Hey, boy. No falling asleep on me now. You've gotta give daddy what he wants first."

The younger hyena gave his father a cheeky grin. "And what does 'daddy' want?"

"I want your hot lips around my fuckin cock, son."

Leydon grinned. "Yes, sir, daddy."

He knew his father got off on ordering people around. The younger hyena lowered himself down on the futon until his nose was inches from his father's crotch. Big Papa leaned back and spread his legs to allow his son easier access to the fly of his jeans. Leydon popped the button and dragged the zipper down while Big Papa lifted his ass enough to let the jeans be pulled from his waist. His thickening, black shaft sprang free, growing steadily as Leydon grabbed the golden prince albert ring at the tip with his lips and sucked slowly down to the hilt. The scent of his father's musk was intense. The older hyena hadn't showered since that morning and his groin was ripe with his masculine, potent scent. Big Papa huffed through his nose as he took another gulp of beer and his shaft slid into his son's throat. The fully hard length throbbed and dripped into Leydon's gullet as he pulled back and then surged forward, revelling in his father's delicious precum and musky crotch.

"Yeah, that's it, son. Fuck yeah..." Big Papa groaned as he lifted his hips toward his son's pursed lips.

Leydon could tell that his father was pent up by the weight of the older hyena's heavy sack when he clutched and squeezed it in his hand. Big Papa's belly bumped into Leydon's forehead every time the younger hyena descended on the thick length, and he tugged on his father's fat sack as he sucked. It had only been a few minutes since Leydon had started, but his father's nuts were already trying to pull upward and Big Papa's length was pulsing more and more urgently with each thrust of the older hyena's hips. Leydon pulled upward and darted his smooth tongue along the crown of Big Papa's dick, dipping it into the dripping slit next to the golden prince albert ring. Big Papa huffed in pleasure, hunching his hips forward toward the suckling mouth. Leydon gulped down a mouthful of his father's precum and prepared himself for the inevitable fountain of jizz the older hyena's nuts contained.

"S-stop, boy!" Big Papa feverishly panted.

Leydon reluctantly obeyed, pulling his mouth slowly from the delicious cock.

"I don't want to cum yet..." Big Papa said as he tried to catch his breath.

Leydon rubbed his chest, moving his mouth to his father's pierced nipples. The older hyena groaned happily as his son licked and nibbled on his sensitive nips, turning sideways on the futon and letting Leydon lay over him. The younger hyena felt his dad's cock still throbbing as it pressed against his shirt and he sat up briefly to pull it off. Big Papa did the same with his tank top and licked his lips as Leydon stripped out of his pants as well. The older hyena lifted his legs before Leydon could lay back down and he grinned up at his son as he spread his ass cheeks.

"Get your tongue in there, boy."

Leydon grinned and lowered his head once again. His father's musk was even more powerful near his hole and he dragged his tongue over the tight entrance and up the back of his dad's sack. Big Papa moaned loudly at that and Leydon watched the older hyena's thick length throb against his pudgy belly. The younger hyena shoved his tongue against Big Papa's hole again and again. His father gasped and whined in response.

"Yeah, fuckin get it in there, son!"

Leydon grunted in response as he clenched his fist around his own stiff dick and finally managed to push his tongue past Big Papa's ring. His lengthy oral muscle slid nearly three inches into the hole and Big Papa moaned and panted at the feeling when Leydon flicked the tip against his prostate. Leydon writhed his tongue around inside of his father before pulling it back out and flicking it against the quivering ring. He traced the shuddering hole in circles with his tongue before shoving it back inside and slapping the tip against his father's pleasure gland. Big Papa panted and grunted above him as his tongue worked until the older hyena just couldn't take any more teasing.

"Fuck, Leydon," Big Papa gasped. "You've been teasing me with that dick since you got on stage. Come on and fuck your old man."

Leydon lifted his head to look into his dad's eyes. "You sure, pop?"

"Yeah, I want your hot cum deep in me, son."

Leydon grinned and got up from the futon. He went to the desk and pulled a bottle of lube from one of the drawers where he knew his father kept it. The younger hyena smeared the liquid over his length and then pushed a lubed finger into his father's pucker. Big Papa growled in approval and clenched around the finger as his son teased his prostate.

"Come on, give it to me, boy."

Leydon pushed the tip of his black shaft against the entrance and watched as his silver prince albert split the hole open and the first few inches of his thick shaft followed. Big Papa gasped in pleasure, throwing his head back in bliss as his son's shaft opened him up. Leydon leaned forward, sliding the second half of his meat into his father and closing his lips around one of Big Papa's nipples. The younger hyena wasted no time in setting into a thrusting rhythm as he tugged on the nipple ring with his teeth. Big Papa panted and growled and groaned as his son's thick base spread him wide and Leydon's precum oozed into his massaging anal passage.

"G-god, dammit harder, son!" Big Papa whined. "Fuck me!"

Leydon slipped his arms under his father's knees and lifted the older hyena's legs higher, really pounding his length into the quivering hole. Big Papa fell silent except for his panting, huffing breaths and his soft grunts and groans.

"What's the matter, old man?" Leydon asked between his own panting. "Too good for you?"

Big Papa didn't reply and clenched his hole around his son instead. The two hyenas gave up their teasing as they both concentrated on getting off. Leydon's hips crashed into his father's ass cheeks with each deep-dicked thrust, and the head of his cock pulsed and throbbed each time it slid past Big Papa's prostate. The older hyena moaned and squeezed his ass around the base of his son's thick dick, milking the length like a seasoned pro. He panted as the inviting warmth practically sucked him inside with every thrust. Big Papa huffed and hugged his son to his chest as the younger hyena switched nipples and sucked feverishly on the golden piercing. His nuts pulled up to his crotch. He could feel his orgasm fast approaching, but managed to hold it back as he kept up the driving rhythm. Big Papa let out a hoarse moan as his son's cock pushed against his prostate incessantly. He was going to cum! The older hyena's asshole spasmed around Leydon's dick as his hot semen erupted between them. Leydon growled as the clenching ring of muscle sent him over the edge and he slammed his hips home fiercely as his cock shot rope after rope of creamy hyena jizz deep inside of his father. Leydon panted against his old man's chest as they came down from the high of climax and Big Papa hugged him affectionately.

"I'd say that's a successful end to a successful night, wouldn't you, pops?" Leydon said.

"Absolutely, son. And here's to many more." the older hyena replied as he lifted his beer to his lips. "Next time, though, I'm gonna drop a hot load in you."

Leydon's heart fluttered at the tantalizing thought.