Piercing eyes
Then he slowly raised his head and that's when david got a good glimpse of the foxes piercing eyes. david's heart stopped. he had never felt this feeling the fox's eyes were like nothing david had ever seen.
Pierced Hearts
Valskr was a frigid dung heap of a village, nestled in an otherwise picturesque mountain valley. Little abodes dotted the meadows, and stone fences helped corral sheep and keep neighbours friendly. In the centre of the large valley lay the heart of the...
Piercing Day
In short order, it was plugged with the piercing, and she was left to sit there with one nipple pierced, the other normal.
Pierced for Art
You're putting paperclips on my piercings?" "the piercings for this are simple and small - you don't want anything gaudy on your front, gwyn, that's not for a white devil like you." flint snorted and jerked the piercing gun back flippantly.
Piercing Judgment
#3 of piercing days tobias takes things a bit further than he's used to, and ends up feeling very strange as he tests a vixen.
Piercing Decisions
#2 of piercing days now at the piercing shop, greta and very show just how naughty they are, and tobias can't help but be a little intrigued himself.
A Piercing Study
#1 of piercing days someone that was once very close now has a different sort of mistress, and this doberman wants to be sure that things are okay, still. so, he pays a visit to the mistress...a most pierced mistress she happens to be, too.
315 Of Keselts Piercings
Having the actual piercings done had been both fascinating and very painful.
Piercing Parlor Panic
"three, and now the actual piercing." rodney placed the end of the barbell into the end of the needle and continued to push the needle through along with the black piercing. it was just as he said ‘over before he knew it'.
Piercing the Swordsman: Prologue
Dragons were a threat to most of the world. Only a few places were truly safe from them. The gigantic gemstone which protected the Valley from the shadow of dark beasts' wings was legendary. It had chosen a royal line of lions that had presided...
Geography part 1
They have little to call treasure; a few pieces of copper jewelry and perhaps a few pierces of fine pottery. they measure wealth not in gold or silver but in land. a man of uftna will defend none but his family more then his land.
Magic and Divinity
Magic and Divinity Magic (Note; by spellcasters I mean; Wizards Warlocks Witches and Sorcerers, not Clerics or Druids) By now I should have made it thoroughly clear that in Golden Sun Magic should be three things; Rare, Almost absent from the...