Jewel of the Fantasy Palace ch. 6

Story by TheOriginalDaddyD on SoFurry

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#3 of Old JFP

Ruby is here to replace the shot Crystal in the Palace. It is almost as if Crystal was never shot.

A skinny man in a suit was frisked for weapons as his gifts of flowers, chocolates, and bottle of wine were inspected. The guard finished patting the man down and handed him his gifts back as he looked at the two intimidating bear guards with leaver action shot guns in hand. The bull guard turned back to the man one last time then asked, "Why do you wish to see Miss Crystal?"

The brushed his black hair back from his brown skinned face and answered shakily, "Just like the last few times, wish to apologize to her. The man who shot her was a cousin my father insisted I bring to the show. We had no idea he was affiliated with the radical group we know of now."

The bull man snorted and said, "Fine, you are clear to visit her." He placed his hand on the wealthy young man's chest, "But remember, we will remove you if deemed necessary."

The young man swallowed nervously as he walked past the guards, entering Crystal's infirmary room. He froze again as he looked at the group visiting Crystal who had flowers and gifts filling a large portion of the room. He looked at the large horse man who stared back confused. The man coughed, "Hello, Arius." Arius was incredibly tall and muscular with golden fur. His long mane and tail matched his furs color as he walked around the bed next to the large grey wolf. The young man then looked over at the pure whit unicorn woman who slept in the white wolf woman's lap. The unicorn woman was soft in opposite to the strong looking wolf woman who held back a snarl. He avoided the woman's eyes as he said, "Hello Sif, how is Uni?"

Sif stood up, setting Uni down in the massive chair, and walked over to the man angrily. She shoved him causing the grey wolf to stand up and growl at the man. Sif quietly yelled at the man, "Why do you keep coming back here you filth! Haven't you done enough?"

Sif wanted to continue but Crystals soft voice came from the bed, "Sif back away from the young man. He did not wish this upon me, right Dirk." Dirk nodded as Arius moved so Crystal could still talk to him. She laid, propped up on a pile of pillows. She smiled weakly, "I don't look the same do I?" Dirk shook his head as he walked over, causing the wolf to growl and her to say, "Down Grey." Grey laid down as the now much taller woman explained, "I used to hide my looks with magic, make my body smaller and what not." Her angled features and slanted golden eyes greeted Dirk as he sat the flowers into a vase. She pulled on her ruby red hair, "I am almost as tall as Arius now. They also shortened my hair, just below my shoulders."

Dirk bowed and tried to hold back tears as he said, "I cannot apologize enough for what my cousin did to you miss Crystal."

Crystal reached out and patted his head with her soft hand, "No, you can, and have apologized enough." She coughed then felt the bandages around her chest, "Also, do not call me Crystal, my real name is Ruby."

Arius looked down at Crystal, "Wait, when were you going to tell me?"

Ruby smiled, "I hadn't planned on it, because I preferred being Crystal. But she died after that show, no more magic to hide myself, no more pretending to not be me." She raised her arm, "I am Ruby and I cannot hide that fact anymore." She was cut short as she heard Uni whine and groan in the corner chair, "Sif, take her back up to your room. She needs real sleep." Sif carried Uni out of the room as Mr. Strange entered with a confused look. Ruby raised her arms, "Mr. Strange!"

Mr. Strange chuckled and said, "Hello Ruby, glad to see you are being let out today." He walked past Dirk and sat on the edge of Ruby's bed, "Dirk, you may leave now." Dirk sat down his gifts and rushed out of the room quickly. After a few moments he started to talk, "Now, I do feel a slight bit of responsibility at you getting shot. So from now on all guests are search thoroughly and we have more security."

Ruby patted Mr. Strange on the lap, "Thank you, but what else is it you needed to talk to me about?"

He smiled, "I have a gift for you." Mr. Strange stood up, "So if you get ready I will take you to your gift."

Ruby climbed out of the bed and unwrapped her chest, revealing the three bullet scars directly above her heart. Arius looked away embarrassedly as he saw her much taller, and slightly curvier form. She smiled as she felt her tender chest, her glowing fingers healing her the rest of the way. Ruby breathed deep and said, "I will have to cover my scars with something." She closed her eyes as she made a heart shape on her chest with her fingers. A ruby red heart started to take shaped on her chest, covering her scars. She smiled down and asked Arius, "What do you think?"

Arius looked at Ruby's new tattoo which stretched between her handful sized breasts. "It, ah looks good on you."

Ruby smiled and slid a robe on, which now barely reached past her unshaved privates. She pressed herself against Arius who was only a few centimeters taller than her now. "Do you like me taller?"

Arius looked at Mr. Strange and asked, "Can we talk about this later?"

Ruby nodded, "Yes, let's go see what Mr. Strange has gotten me." She followed Mr. Strange through the palace, passing many people who used to be taller than her. They all muttered as she strode proudly past them. They exited out the back of the palace where Mr. Strange led her back to the barn where she heard a couple women giggling excitedly. They walked into the barn where she slowed with a massive smile. Standing in a horse stall was Ruby's stallion, Knight who was being fed carrots by a pair of young deer women. Ruby walked over to the black draft horse and said, "Hey buddy, we finally got you here." Knight stepped back as Ruby approached him, "It's ok Knight, it is me, Crystal. I just look different now."

Knight clomped his front hoof several times then cautiously walked to Ruby. He stuck his head out of the stall where he sniffed her. Ruby pet his neck gently as she said, "It is me boy, it's your master." The deer women skipped off as Ruby hugged Knights head sweetly. She looked back to thank Mr. Strange but saw that she was now alone in the barn. Knight nudged her causing Ruby to say, "Alright, we can go for a ride stud." She opened the stall and walked the excited Knight out of the barn. She jumped onto his back and rode him across the field of flowers where some of the workers harvesting the flowers. They continued across the massive grounds, passing many workers going about their daily jobs. Soon they reached a river where Ruby let Knight rest and take a drink. She petted him and said, "It is nice to have you here stud, I missed you." After a moment they continued on towards a large decorative water tower.

Ruby climbed off and walked over to a large wooden deck area with a few dozen shower heads. She turned the nozzle and said, "This must be another area where they clean animals off." She hung up her robe on a pipe and walked under the torrent of water coming down from the heads. Knight climbed on with her and shoved his snout against her backside. Ruby jumped and giggled as she turned to her stallion who was getting rained on by the shower heads. She ran her hand along his neck several times and said, "Fine, we can have the fun you really want." She walked along Knights side, keeping a hand on him to show where she was. She crouched down and rested her head on his side, running her hands along his flank.

Ruby then looked under Knight to where his long spotted member dangled out of his sheath. She sat her now tall body under Knight where she started to stroke his length with her long hands. Knight snorted happily at the taller Ruby handling his length with ease. She sat up better and started to run her mouth along the side of Knights length. She groaned, "I have been in that bed for five weeks, no sex at all." She opened her mouth wide and started to suck on Knights flared head. Another groan of hunger escaped her as she worked his thick member deep into her throat. She moved her head quickly, whining and moaning happily as she felt him stretch her throat. She pulled Knight out of her quickly and climbed onto her feet, bent over under the stallion.

Ruby groaned again as she rubbed his flared head against her plump lower lips. She forced her hips back onto his length causing a small squeal to escape her. Knight thrusted slightly as Ruby worked her hips quickly back against his. She slammed his head against her cervix and said, "Come on, I know you have a big one save up for me stud." She groaned loudly as she worked her sopping entrance along Knights horse shaft. Faster and faster she moved while crying out, "I need to feel your seed inside me." An all too familiar swelling feeling inside her womanhood caused Ruby to slide half way off Knight's member. She cried happily as she was filled with Knights burning hot seed. A long pronounced groan escaped her as she placed her hands on the ground. Her arms trembling slightly as Knight went limp, allowing his seed to leak out of Ruby.

Ruby crawled out from under Knight, back into the downpour of water from the tower. She rubbed herself frantically and said, "I still want more." Her eyes gazed back under Knight where his member slid back into his sheath, "Can't get it from you stud." She washed herself out thoroughly and said, "I am going to make Arius fill me to the breaking point. As soon as she was cleaned out properly she shut the water off and climbed back on Knight. She left her robe behind as she rode quickly back to the palace with a determined look. She made Knight jump the fence into the corral then ran into the palace quickly.

Ruby ignored all the stares at her changed body as she rushed to the hallway with the lifts. She got into her lift and bounced with anticipation as she rode to the suite. She threw the lift gate open and sprinted across the room at Arius who sat on a couch. She pounced on him from behind and forced his lips against hers. He spoke confused into her mouth as she slid her tongue into his. She pulled back and leapt over the couch onto his lap where he said, "What are you doing?"

Ruby ripped Arius's pants open and said, "I am quenching a five week long thirst."