The Conquering Elf
Perhaps because the elf was hitting a certain spot, perhaps... he dismissed the thought with a confused grunt that came out only as a gasp.
The Elf & the Kobold
Aurora giggled, the elf's heart pounding, though she was not just an elf, oh no.
Elf Justice?
elves have a strange sense of justice. so the unicorn finds out first hand. the stockade by stairway a naughty unicorn is captured and bred by a gryphon it had been all too easy to sneak into the upper levels of the elf lord's stables.
Alura the Feral Elf
An elf stealthily infiltrates a camp of orcs, and she must take our her foes... includes balloons. in order to help prevent art theft, this story has been uploaded as google document.
An Elfs Awakening Prologue
Those bedamned elves and their crazy arrogant ways smothered in their own vanity, the only good one is one thats six feet under.
Naughty Elf Slave
"good girl... we must make sure the slave remembers this lesson... don't you think my elf?" her ears twitched as she wiggled again, nodding.
Santa's Little Elf
"my my aya elf. what have we here?" he asked. he leaned his head down and ran his thick rough tongue over that pert pink flesh causing her to gasp.
Enchanted Elf story
Your gracious host, a fellow elf with flowing golden locks, greets you all with a warm smile. she invites elf to explore the vineyards and fruit trees that surround elf, where elf discover succulent grapes, sweet dates, and crisp apples.
The Elf and his Lizalfos
The elf and his lizalfos the young elf walked with a spring in his step towards bars, an establishment cleverly named for having several different drink bars in it. arraness ath adoe was about to go on a date, maybe?
To Stuff A Night Elf
Here's some more wow kink stuff involving a pandaren and a night elf. the night elf is actually one of my characters in-game! enjoy! they called him lovehandles.
The Dragon and the Elf-Blade
The shower of coins woke the elf-blade bound to her belt. it began to quiver and clatter, as if sensing danger and eager to be used. scowling, she clutched it tightly by its hilt.
Spitroasting a Dark Elf
Being cramped into a cage in the corner didn't sit well with auspex, and suddenly, the allure of death was growing for the dark elf.