CatDance #7

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#7 of CatDance

Waiting for Udaran

| "Well, I see by K'rris' penis that we've been in here long enough," Muz-Ra said, stretching. "Time to head for home."

K'rris checked himself reflexively. "It's not exactly a timer you know. It comes and goes!" he laughed. | image |

| "Cheetah and I will go get our things. Meet you at the entrance in, what, 15 minutes?"

"Me too. 15 minutes," K'rris agreed.

Kitty nodded. "Ok. We'll be waiting." | image |

| "So, what do you think Kitty?" asked Muz-Ra after the others had gone downstairs. "Did we did the right thing inviting them?"

"I think so. Why?"

"I worry about K'rris."

"Don't think a male is a good idea?" | image |

| "No, it's not that. In fact, I think he handled himself quite well around a lot of naked females."

"I expect he'll do more handling of himself later, but what then?"

"I think he's in love with Udaran." | image |

| "Lust surely, but love? He seemed quite level-headed."

"He puts on a good front, but I think he's hurting. The way he looked at her."

"Well, that's for him to sort out. I certainly don't get the impression he's in any way violent if that's what you mean!"

"No, no. It's just... I feel bad for him, and moving to the castle is just going to put him in even more contact with her." | image |

| "It's what he wants, and what we need. He's a grown Khajiit. He can handle it," Ubergard interjected.

"Oh, like you would know anything about love!" Muz-Ra complained.

"I... well. Ok. Point taken. But I know that any guard worth his salt knows the value of patience and fortitude. And K'rris is a very good guard. I've worked with him more than you two have. Whatever his feelings towards Udaran, he won't shirk his duties or do anything he - or we - will regret. Do you know what the difference is between a soldier and a guard, Red?" | image |

| Red thought about it. "Not... how do you mean?"

"A soldier is taught skills to use on the battlefield. His outlook is to the next battle. Between battles he is nobody. He can be a drunk, a slob, a criminal. No one cares as long as he performs on the battlefield. Anyone with sufficient strenght can become a great soldier. And a soldier has one thing that a guard can only envy. His battles can be won. A guard's battle is never over."

"But a good guard is a rare individual. He never knows where the battlefield will be. The next turn around a corner could mean his life. Long hours with a single task like guarding a door, but with wisdom enough to deal appropriately with any circumstance. And he must keep that up every hour of his duty. Being a soldier is a day at the park compared to being a guard. And K'rris is a very good guard. You won't regret having him." | image |

| Muz-Ra and Kitty pondered on that a bit.

"Wow. I never thought of it like that," Muz-Ra said, looking up at Ubergard.

"No. You think of guards as just something to thwart. A necessary evil to stave off thievery or worse. But I tell you that guard duty is much, much more than you think. It's a calling. Give me a good guard over a good soldier ANY day! A good guard can ALWAYS be a good soldier. The other way around, not so. Killing a guard who is working for the opposing faction may be necessary, but it's also a tragedy. They are sitting ducks for a good archer or assassin, but they do it anyway because someone has to!"

She paused for a moment, realizing she had gone a little too far in her rant. When she spoke again, her voice was gentler, "I'm sorry to get so worked up, but this is my passion. I'm not angry at you, Red." | |

| The three sat at the entrance to the Tails of the Khajiit in silence for a bit, then Ubergard started humming a strange tune. Kitty turned to Muz-Ra who could only shrug. Instead, they just sat listening to the curious sound of Ubergard wordlessly singing. Sometime later the song ceased.

Ubergard explained, just a little, to the other two. "Just... someone I knew once. He liked that song."

Both her partners nodded understanding and the three continued waiting in silence. | |

| Finally K'rris appeared, followed shortly by the lovers.

"So, everyone ready to go?" Kitty asked.

"Ready!" all three said in unison, each eager to begin a new life.

"Then come on, let's get you moved into Castle Kitty!"

With that they left H's domain and headed down the path skirting Whiterun to the castle. | |