A Warm Winter at That

Story by umd223 on SoFurry

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I woke up again to the light in my eyes, blinking slowly as my eyes opened a little more...

I woke up alone...

In this small cave...

It had been two weeks since my parents were killed

by humans...

I had barely survived by eating frozen berries and half

eaten carcasses of dear, elk, and rabbit.

I had the feeling that something good was going

to happen though.

I got up slowly, and stretched, feeling the massive

amounts of energy traveling through my legs, up

my spine, then through my tail.

I then walked out of the cave to meet a breeze of

freezing Air. Below freezing point at that.

My home was bad...

But I had no other home to go to.

I would surely be dead within the next few days

if not hours...

It had never been this cold before...

And I had to find another one soon, before the humans

found my current home.

I walked on for a few hours, before seeing something

glowing weird colors.

It was faint but it was there.

I thought I was seeing things at first;

"But there's only one way to find out,"

I said to myself.

I continued until it got brighter, but only then

when I saw it, I collapsed, and the cold took over

my young fragile mind and body...

But I didn't pass out...

I expected to, though.

My vision was blurry but the shape was enough to be


It looked like a wolf.

A strange one at that...

"...You ok?"

It asked in a kind, yet worried voice.

Then my vision faded to black...

Slowly but surely.

And before it did, those two words were heard.

"Oh no..."


"It is warm...," I thought

I was awake but my mind only let me open my eyes alittle.

And No Wonder it was warm!

A wolf of some sort was curled up beside me!

It was more warmth than I had in years, too...

But the glowing canine was Male.

It was sooooo disturbing yet so welcoming...

I could do nothing but lay there...

Enjoying the comfort, until he awoke.

It noticed at the same time I did.

My tail was swaying from side to side lightly and the canine laid a paw on my shoulder.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes... thank you so much for saving me..."

I reply'd quietly.

"No problem.

You looked as if you had been running for days and at that, deserving a good rest."

I then closed my eyes again...

"So what's your name?"


"Mine's Glitt"

"Nice to meet you, Glitt...,"

I said with a light smile.

"Nice to meet you too Cad-air"

With that I drifted off to sleep.

But before doing so the glowing wolf rested his

muzzle on my neck, murring lightly.

And I have to say.

It felt gooooood.......


I woke up the next morning to feel something heavy

on my back.

It wasn't heavy enough to force the wind out of my lungs

or to cause trouble breathing, but it was close to it.

In an instant I remembered.

It was Glitt.

I couldn't move an inch...

It was so-


But the comfort over took it.

After, I adjusted my position allowing me to breath better,

I just laid there and enjoyed the moment, murring lightly in content.

Then I felt my tail move.

And it wasn't me, so I looked back.

His tail was wrapped around mine and just like the other things, it felt


As I looked back I saw Glitt's eyes open slowly.

We both smiled at each other, knowing that we both liked the moment, and would do anything to keep it this way.

And so he lowered his muzzle, and licked my ear.

It was a weird feeling...,

As signals flew across my body, telling me to relax

and enjoy it.

Others telling me to avoid the outcome of the situation, and run...

My heart felt like it was trying to float as he did this


A few seconds through I found that I was moaning

unintentionally, as his front paws rubbed my sides.

Glitt, taking that I liked it sped up, not only increasing warmth in

the spots he rubbed, but eliciting a murr from me when he did it.

I found that he loved this as much as I did, and slid off to my side,

gently pushing, rolling me over, as he continued rubbing with the other


As soon as I was on my back though, he wasted no time, and loward his

muzzle to my member...

And by Gawds the feeling was great!

He licked lightly, randomly going to the tip and sucking, then back.

My hind legs moved away from each other and randomly tensed at the pleasure

I could barely keep awake as he continued...

But when he took my whole member into his muzzle, my eyes went wide-open

I'm surprised I didn't cum when he did that!...

He sensed I was near and stopped.

I whimpered at the feeling of something warm around my member leaving, but that

was soon to change.

I felt licking at my tail hole.

My mind felt like a current of wind.

Then he crept over me, as he licked my muzzle

"...are you ready?"

He asked, blushing.

I felt him press the tip of his member at my tail hole.

I relaxed as much as I could before nodding...

I felt him nuzzling the bottom of my neck, passionately, as his member penetrated.

Confused between pleasure and pain, I yelped.

Taken back by this he stopped now that the head of his member had entered.

He laid his head on my chest, nuzzling it ever so lightly, waiting for a signal to continue.

He enjoyed laying his muzzle on my chest, in the soft fur and murred.

We stayed like this for a few minutes as I had gotten use to his size, and licked

the side of his muzzle, blushing.

He thrust, ever so slowly, pulling out only to leave his tip in, then pushing a little deeper each thrust.

It felt a little painful at first but the pain turned into raw pleasure soon after.

And it felt Amazing... Compared to the other times I've had.

When he got three quarters of his member in, though, the tip pushed up against the barrier, allowing no more to enter.

We continued for minutes ahead which seemed like hours of bliss...

Then I felt something bigger, and harder hitting against my already abused tail hole.

And it felt huge!

Compared to his member, at least...

Our panting grew heavier, and our tails entwined with each other, increasing the pleasure by a fair amount

Before I was on the verge of cumming.

Now I am again.

"W- what... is that..."

"Its my... knot... it means... I'm getting close..."

We both panted.

I heard him clench his jaws, as he was trying very hard not to blow his load yet.

He wanted me to cum first, and he was going to make sure of it...

He lowered himself a little more, hilting his member so it hit my prostate every time he thrust.

After that he couldn't take it...

Forgetting about his knot, and his goal of making me cum first, he thrust as deep and hard as he could.

As the tip bounced off my prostate and parted the entry into my second canal.

And by gawds did it feel good, I nearly passed out from the pleasure!

When he couldn't pull back out because of his knot he blew his load deep inside of me.

String after string shot against my fleshy nerves, sending me over the edge.

As he took me as his mate, feeling the warm liquid inside of me, my member twitched violently before spurting my own.

As it shot from the tip, it landed straight on Glitt's muzzle, then dropped onto my chest, repeatedly.

And as we both finely stopped cumming, after a few minutes, he collapsed.

He was surprisingly light!~

I'm surprised he hadn't of crushed me.

We were tied and couldn't move away from each other...

But it felt good this way.

As Glitt layed on me, gently nuzzling my chest, I calmed down and began to drift off to sleep.

And as I did, he said those words that changed my life...

My future

Even more perhaps...

"I love you..."

I love you too...

I replied happily, and honestly.

It was true after all... And I hoped to never leave his side.

As our tales entwined harder, to remind us both that we were now mates, we both blacked out.

Allowing tomorrow to arrive quickly.


Cadair > Is me, as you might as well call me a pup with a pink nose, and light Grey fur,

Gritt > Is an old friend, that is a Black wolf, however his tail, and right front paw glows many colors to that of a glow stick XD

*Edited by geneseepaws*