Dream World

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#11 of Chronicles of Sonic Fox

This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised. "Checkmate," Jimmy stated with a smirk on his face. "God damn it," I sighed angrily, glaring at the white knight that just took out my black king. It had been a very slow and very boring day and Alex, Jimmy, and I were trying to keep ourselves entertained. Alex sat on the half circle couch in front of the TV, scanning through the most boring shows that could possibly be on this time of day, leaving me to get my ass kicked in a battle of the minds with Jimmy the vampiric dragon. "Wanna play again?" Jimmy asked smugly. I gave him an angry smile and flipped him the bird, earning me a small laugh of amusement from both Jimmy and Alex. "Does Earth have no good shows?" Alex asked irately, "All I have seen is which human model is whoring herself out to which dumbass." "You're pretty cynical, aren't you?" Jimmy stated. "Not my fault these shows seem so fake and similar to one another. We haven't done anything in three days, and since we're a man down things seem even more mundane." "I hear ya," I replied, getting out of my seat and moving towards the kitchen area, "It actually makes me wish The Remnant would just show up on our loading ramp and we could just have at it, win or lose." I grasped the handle of the refrigerator door, about to search for something to eat in order to stave off my boredom when a brilliant green light flooded in through one of the small windows in the hull of the ship. The light disappeared as soon as it came, but all three of us saw it and were immediately on alert. "What was that?" I asked. "One way to find out," Alex stated, rising out of his chair and picking up his two-handed sword and slinging it onto his back. Jimmy and I followed after him, Jimmy not having any weapons save for his natural ones and myself dressed in simple clothing, sword in one hand as we marched down the hall and descended the entrance ramp of the ship. Stepping out of the mouth of the cave, we fanned out and began searching the woods, staying close enough to get to one another if need be but far enough to actually cover some ground. I moved through the bushes and trees, not noticing anything that seemed out of place in the entire area; no broken branches, scorched earth, nothing. "Hey Nik, come here," Alex called out to the right. I diverted from my path and hurried over to Alex, trampling bushes as I did, Jimmy not too far behind me. As I came up to Alex, I noticed to figures on the ground; both of them were wolves, and female to boot, one an older white furred wolfess, the other a younger light grey wolfess. Both were lying on the ground, unclothed and unconscious; suddenly, the older one slowly started to rise and open her eyes. None of us moved as the wolf glanced around, until her eyes came upon us; the wolf seemed to freak out and tired to get up and run, but her legs seemed to buckle as she rose and she fell to the ground. As rose on her hands, she gazed at her body, seeming to be shocked and a little frightened; before she had a chance to try and run again, I moved behind her and stopped just a foot or two from her. "Hey," I said gently. The wolfess turned around and snarled, crawling away on all fours; Jimmy and Alex quickly barred her path in as less threatening a way as possible, stopping her in her tracks. "Hold on a second," I remarked, "Are you alright?" The wolfess turned herself around and stared hard at me, her eyes narrowed in an angry glare; I'm not sure how long she stared at me, but after awhile, her gaze became softer and more curious than anything. "What are you?" she asked. Thankful to hear her speak, I gave her a small smile. "I'm a fox, though a blue one. You're a wolf, right?" The wolfess stared at me in disbelief, then herself, gazing at her hands in shock. "I don't know what I am; I look like a human." "What do you mean," I asked, "Did you look like something else?" "I never...had hands...or feet...or stood on two legs," the wolfess muttered in disbelief. "Never stood on to legs," Alex repeated, "Are saying you were an actual animal?" "I suppose if that's what you use to refer my kind," the wolfess said with a low growl, "Now tell me what in the world I am?" "You're an anthro," Jimmy remarked, "and a very pissy one at that." "Be quiet, cold blood," the wolfess barked. "We don't mean any disrespect," I said, "We just want to help you, wolf." "My name is Sheba, fox," the wolfess replied, "And I don't need your help." "Yeah right, you can't even stand up," Jimmy mocked. "He's right," Alex added, "You have no idea how to even function like this; it would be smart to accept my friend's generous offer." Sheba glared at Alex, her body trembling as she attempted to rise, but never managed to get upright. "Fine," Sheba said in a hushed tone, "Just get me off the ground, fox." "That's Sonic Fox to you," I muttered, grabbing a hold of Sheba and lifting her to her feet, her arm around my shoulders as I held her close so we could both walk back to the ship. "What about your friend?" Sheba glanced over at the other wolfess. "Yes, help Tella as well, but do not wake her; I need to explain this to her." "Alright," I nodded to Alex and Jimmy, both moving to Tella and picking her up together, "You can stay with us and we'll help you get used to...this. But you're going to have to go over how you came here." "Very well, now can we please," Sheba sighed, stopping short as her ears perked and she started staring at me. "What?" I asked after a moment of awkward staring passed. "Nothing," Sheba replied. Shrugging off the moment, I helped Sheba clumsily move towards the ship, Jimmy and Alex carrying the still unconscious Tella behind us. As we walked, my sight couldn't help but stare at the naked wolfess, watching her breasts bounce as she clumsily walked, staring down her belly to try and catch a glimpse of her treasure; she caught me once, but she didn't act on it, meaning she either didn't care, or had no idea how men would act towards her now. I'm not sure Sheba would enjoy this new lifestyle.

"Forty...seven," I grunted as I brought my upper body upright, hanging from the small pull up bar by my legs, my long workout pants as well as my fur cushioning my legs. I was on my last exercise routine for the day and was three more inverted sit-ups from finishing up for the day. The exercise did help me keep up my strength, but nowadays it was more of a way to pass the time. The weights in the pouches of the harness I was wearing made it more difficult than normal, my body starting to tremble and sweat as I gasped for breath, trying to lift myself again. "Hey," a voice called out as a hand placed itself to my back. Startled, I stopped and twisted my torso slightly and turned my head, looking up at the grey wolfess Tella. Five days passed, and with our help the two wolves managed to quickly master their newfound forms and had a reasonable understanding of the inner machinations of the anthromorphic mind, revealing all the evils and secrets that often go through one's mind; they seemed shocked, especially when we told them that clothes were a must due to what they referred to as our "hyper sexuality." It didn't help our case since Jimmy and Alex always stared at Tella, who usually became frustrated with her clothes and just paraded around the ship naked. I myself stared at the immodest wolfess, but somehow my mind wandered to Sheba, even though her attitude was often cold and I haven't seen her nude since the first day. "Oh, hi Tella," I panted as I rose up, "Forty...eight!" "Why are you upside down and counting?" Tella asked. "Exercising," I answered, getting ready for another rise, "Keeps you strong." "I know what exercising is," Tella replied, "I Just never seen anything like this before." "Yeah, forty...ngh...nine," I grunted as I rose then fell, "Trust me...you'll see much more stuff that won't make sense to you." I attempted my final rise, grunting as I tried to bend my body up, but finding it to be incredibly difficult. I thought I was going to rupture something when I felt Tella push me to help me bend up. "Fifty," Tella stated, "Are you done now?" I gasped and carefully got off the bar, undoing the weighted harness and reaching for a small towel to wipe off the sweat. "Yeah," I panted, "But the object is to do fifty without someone helping you." "Oh, okay then," Tella remarked, "So what exactly were you exercising?" I pointed to my stomach at the hardened muscle under my thick white stomach fur. "Abdominals," I stated, "Not really sure what use they are, but they look good." "Can I touch them?" Tella said with a smile. "Sure," I answered, smiling as well. The wolfess reached out and brushed her fingers through my fur, feeling the bumps of muscle on my stomach. "It's so weird, but I like it." "Tella," a voice called out, "It's time for your body practice." Both of us looked at the doorway to see Sheba standing there, a curious gleam in her eyes. "I need to discuss something with our host anyway." "Oh, alright," Tella replied, walking past Sheba and down the hallway. Sheba gazed down the hall after her, making sure she was gone before turning her attention back to me. "Fox, I want to speak to you about a matter that has concerned me since I first came here," Sheba stated. "Alright, what's the problem," I said, tossing the weighted harness into the corner of the small exercise room. "Is there a more secretive place we can go to," Sheba questioned, "I do not want our conversation to be heard by the others by accident, for your sake." "Well the only really private place is my room," I answered; as I said that, a brief image of the two of us alone in the room together flashed in my head, the wolfess fully naked with a seductive look in her eyes. I felt myself become aroused, my breathing became slightly heavier, but I did not understand why; sure, I thought Tella was hot, but even though I never intentionally thought of the older wolfess in that way, the feelings came up whenever she was near me and there was no stopping them. "That will do; please, lead the way," Sheba requested, stepping away from the doorway. I moved past her and walked down the hallway, moving towards the upper level of the ship where the captain's quarters were. Inputting the four digit code, the door unlocked and opened and the two of us entered, shutting the door behind us. "Now what do you need," I asked. Just then, Sheba did something I had never seen her do in the time she was with us; the wolfess smiled. "I just wanted to have some privacy with you." "Wait what," I stammered, unable to fathom the concept of this wolfess, who appeared to be as cold as ice, hitting on me. "Are you feeling alright?" Sheba moved closer to me, still smiling, her eyes half open; caught off guard by her affections, I started moving backwards with each step she made towards me, though I wasn't sure why I was doing so. "I need your help," Sheba said softly, "There's this itch I just can't scratch; normally I'd ask Tella, but I could use a man right now." Sheba moved close to me, both of us only an inch or two away from each other. My mind was flooded with conflicting thoughts; a part of me was thinking that this has to be a trick, like she was testing me or something just so she could berate me for falling for her fake seductions, whilst another part of me seemed to want her and badly. The latter was different from any previous thoughts of sex with my previous encounters; it seemed more primal, more impersonal, and more forceful. Before I could make up my mind, Sheba quickly pushed me back, landing on top of the bed I had backed close enough to, the wolfess leaping on top of me and pinning my arms and legs. I didn't move or attempt to free myself, giving into my lusts and relaxing underneath her; Sheba must've felt me relax for she released me and embraced me lightly. "How is it that anthros show their affections?" Sheba asked. "We do this," I replied with a tiny smile; my right hand moved behind her head and gently brought it closer to my face, opening my mouth a little and waiting for the wolfess to do the same. Sheba caught on and opened her mouth, allowing me to press my muzzle to hers and share a deep kiss, tongues meeting in our combined maws. I pulled away and watched as Sheba murred happily. "I must admit, that felt better than a simple lick," Sheba sighed. "Maybe so, but I know somewhere that feels better when licked rather than kissed," I said slyly. "You foxes are always so devious," Sheba whispered, showing me a slight toothy grin, "And I can't imagine how much so you are at mating." "Even more so with hands," I added, "Now, I think it's time we lost the clothing; you remember how to undress?" Sheba gave me a mock angry look and started to pull off her shirt, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra; both she and Tella were complaining about wearing them, which irked me and the others after we had to go out in the middle of the night for a bra and panty raid, but it was still fun. As Sheba undid her pants, I pulled down my own, removing them completely once they were at my feet. With both of us undressed, Sheba sat on my stomach, her hand stroking over my balls, fingers teasing the emerging black pillar of sensitive flesh. "You may have to teach me a few things with this body," Sheba muttered with a smile. "That can be arranged," I replied, "Now roll over on top of me and face the other way." Sheba did as she was told, her face above my erection and her hips over my head. I brought my face up and started to lap at her lips, smiling as she shivered above me and let out a soft moan. The wolfess returned the feeling by sliding her hand up and down my shaft lightly, experimenting with the ways she could please a male as she dipped her head down and licked over my bell. It felt so good having Sheba lick and stroke me as I licked her lower lips, my fingers spreading her a bit as my tongue pressed harder to her inner flesh. I was intrigued by Sheba's knowledge of sex being similar to that of any anthro, even more so when she engulfed my cock into her mouth, her lips sealing around it as she began to suck and bob. "You sure you haven't done this before?" I asked, pausing from the cunnilingus; I felt Sheba smile around my cock, her hand fondling my balls, feeling them all over with a small sense of intrigue. I moved my mouth to her lips once more, this time focusing more on her clit as my finger slipped inside of her, Sheba jumping at the sensation, moaning around my cock. My finger wiggled about inside her, feeling her slippery walls quiver in delight, my lips pressing on her clit as my tongue lapped at it rapidly. Sheba's legs shook on either side of my head and her body lowered, but she did not by any means let up on me; with her other hand, she stroked whatever part of my cock that wasn't inside her maw, sucking on most of it as her tongue lapped and licked over the sensitive head, making my claws dig into the bed as I pushed my hips up into her mouth. I panted as I licked, the wolfess's focusing on my head while still pleasing the rest of my member starting to take its toll, my orgasm not to far is it bubbled inside of me; I retaliated by sticking my middle finger inside her pussy as well, using both fingers to fuck her at a good pace. Sheba bucked and shook above me, moaning audibly, saliva running down my length as she opened her mouth to breathe, still licking my head vigoursly. My climax hit me and I didn't hold back, letting the sensation flood over me as I laid back and moaned, hot thick seed rushing up my length and exploding into her open mouth, making her muzzle messy with my cum, the remnants falling onto my lap. Sheba lifted her head up and moaned as she tried to swallow my cum, pressing her rear into my hand so hard that it was difficult for me to pull back enough for a good long thrust; it didn't matter as the wolfess gasped raggedly the next moment and I felt her cum on my fingers, feeling the liquid move down to my forearm. "Oh god," Sheba panted, "I didn't know you could use your fingers for sex; I'll have to remember that." "I'm sure you would have found out on your own," I replied, licking the juice on my hand. "So...what else can we do," Sheba asked, her hand on my cock and slowly stroking the tip, "I'm sure you have more to show me." "Oh yeah," I sighed as I placed my hands on her hips, "You've probably been mating doggy-style all your life, so let's try something new to you." "Lead on then," Sheba said softly, giving my balls a squeeze. I took a moment to think, trying to think of something Sheba would find novel. "Here, move your hips over mine," I instructed. Sheba obeyed, moving her hips just above mine, an inch above my erection. I pressed my hands down on her hips, lowering her steadily until my tip touched her folds. I took off my hands and put them behind my head, waiting for Sheba to get the picture; the wolfess caught on and lowered herself down, moaning softly as she took my thick cock slowly, all the way to the balls. I groaned a little as Sheba ground her hips to mine, feeling my cock inside her and obviously enjoying it immensely. "It feels so different," Sheba breathed, "You don't even have a knot." "Yeah," I sighed, lightly lifting my hips and lowering them, "But some do. So, you think you know what to do?" "I think I got it," Sheba said, giving my cock a squeeze. Sheba lifted herself back up slowly, teasing both of us. Sheba got to about the tip and then moved her hips side to side, angling my cock all over before descending down my shaft. I moaned softly as I watched the wolfess ride me, surprised that she knew exactly what to do. The wolfess subtly shifted her speed, lifting herself up and letting herself gently fall back down to my hips with a small smacking sound. "Mmm, you're very good at that," I muttered, "You're a natural." "I am a fast learner," Sheba replied, grinning a bit as she grasped my shoulders tightly and started to slam herself down. I gasped as she rode my hard, her hot pussy sliding up and down my cock so fast and forceful I couldn't help but moan. The wolfess's breasts bounced up and down in a tempting fashion; I leaned up, my fingers gripping her nipple while I moved my mouth to her other nipple, latching to it and sucking it greedily. "Oh yes," Sheba gasped raggedly, one hand pressing my face to her breast, "Keep sucking it, oh yeah. You're making me so damn hot." Sheba started bouncing erratically, having some difficulty keeping up the steady pace, her wet pussy starting to quiver as she was getting close to cumming. As Sheba's hips came down, I would thrust up, meeting her pussy hard and fast, making her bounce in my lap and moan loudly. Sheba and I moaned together, the wolfess holding on as she tried to speak, but only gasped and formed half-words; I didn't do much better, only mumbling around her nipple and drooling down my chin. Sheba dug her claws through my fur and into my flesh, gripping tightly as she let out a half howl, half moaning sound as she crammed her pussy down my cock and kept it firmly pressed as I pushed back. Feeling her clamp down around me, I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes tight as I groaned, hot cum rising up my shaft once more before firing into her, hips bucking hard against her as I kept thrusting. Sheba rode my thrusts, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath; as I slowed down and eventually just crashed on the bed, Sheba laid on top of me, moving her hips, my cock feeling like it was stirring the combined fluids inside her. "Damn," Sheba gasped, "Haven't had a good fuck like that; actually, I've never been fucked like that." "Heh," I laughed lightly, "So do you like sex this way?" "It certainly is different," Sheba said, "But how is same sex, like say female on female." "Well yeah," I replied, "If you want, you and Tella can practice and I could instruct you." Sheba laughed a bit, "Nice try, fox." "Oh come on, it could be...huh?" I digressed, feeling a small tug. I looked over my shoulder and saw my moon tattoo glowing. I sat upright, trying to focus on where the tugging was trying to lead me. Sheba sat beside me, her eyes locked on me; the look on her face was not of shock, curiosity, or wonder, but more like expectant. "You're markings are responding to something," Sheba stated, "What is it?" "Not sure," I muttered, "But I can't ignore this; you stay here with Tella and the others for your own safety." "No," Sheba stated, "Tella and I will accompany you; it's foolish to do otherwise. Your friends can stay here to guard your home." "This isn't really the type of trip you take friends on," I remarked, sliding out of the bed, only to be halted by Sheba's hand grasping my tail. "You're not going without us," Sheba said firmly. I was about to once again argue against her, but the motivation to do so just vanished as I stared into her eyes; it was a very odd sensation to experience, like your mind was just shut down and restarted. "I...okay," I hesitantly replied, "We'll leave this evening; just be sure you and Tella are ready." "Good," Sheba answered with a small smile, "Perhaps now we shall see what you are capable of." I walked out of the room and headed off to get my armor and weapons, wondering how my mind was changed so easily.

After jumping into the portal, I was the first to reach the end and land with a small skid on soft green grass; I turned around to see both Sheba and Tella come flying out awkwardly and caught both, almost falling down myself. "That was not my most pleasant experience," Sheba said irritably. "You get used to it," I replied. The three of us turned and gazed out at the vast land; before us the fringe of a vast field, filled with what looked like wheat, the breeze carrying a faint scent of honey in the air. The sky was blue, but much bluer than that of earth, more exuberant, the sun appeared to be setting over a range of impressive mountains, mixing an odd shade of orange and red into the blue sky. "This...is not what I expected," I mumbled. "It seems so peaceful," Tella said. "True, but I believe there is more to this place than meets the eye," Sheba stated, "It feels...small, confined, limited." "Well then that means we should find whatever we're looking for soon," I stated. As I took a step forward, I suddenly heard strange music; I turned around and started looking for where it was coming from, Tella and Sheba also searching. "Where is that coming from?" I asked. "It sounds like...from every direction," Tella replied. "Ignore it," Sheba stated, "It is of no concern to us yet and searching for its source is pointless at the moment." "Okay Sheba," Tella replied. The two wolfesses walk off, heading towards the mountains and pressing through the wheat; I followed behind them, deciding to see if they happened to find something by leading. This whole world seemed tranquil and simple, and it made me feel uneasy since my tattoos only glowed when something was amiss. The field of wheat seemed like it went on forever, nothing but bothersome vegetation that bent one way then smacked into a random part of your body, and as the sun began to sink behind the mountains the three of us were steadily becoming more and more irritable. Sheba and Tella stopped and sat down, but not before one more bit of wheat came up and smacked my nose. Cringing and rubbing my snout, I sat down beside them with a growl. "God damn it," I growled, "This field is going to drive me insane!" "It seems to go on forever," Tella said with a sigh, "And we don't even know where to go." "Did you see that?" Sheba suddenly hissed in a low tone, staring up at that sky. "See what?"Tella asked. Sheba continued looking up, not saying a word; Tella and I stared up to the blackening sky, a slivery sheen mingled into the darkness, a single first quarter moon shining brightly. As we stared, a black blur sped across the moon, not once but twice before reappearing against the moon and growing. Before I knew what was going on, both Tella and Sheba leapt onto me and brought me crashing down, just as the black blur swooped a few feet above us, fire emitting from it and burning the wheat around us. We stood up on our feet, avoiding the burning wheat as we searched for whatever attacked us. I kept looking to where I last saw the blur, scanning the skies thoroughly; there was a loud whoosh followed by a crash from behind, making me turn around to see Tella holding a young blue dragon by the tail and right wing. The azure scales of the dragon shone in the firelight from the burning wheat, his ivory horns glittering as well as the one on the end of his snout, four legs kicking and scrabbling at the ground as it tried to get away from the wolfess. With a swift movement, Tella released the dragon's tail and wing and instead wrapped an arm around its head and holding it still with a strength I had never seen before. "What the," I muttered, "How did you do that?" "Tella is quite the strong one," Sheba said, moving towards the dragon, "Far more strong than this young beast." Placing a hand gently on the dragon's snout, Sheba knelt down to its eye level. "What is your name, young dragon?" "Art," the dragon said with a surprising calmness. "Well Art, my name is Sheba and these two are Tella and...," Sheba paused as she glanced at me, "I'm sorry, what name did you give yourself again?" "Forget it," I sighed, "Just call me Nik; easier that way and better than you referring to me by my species." "Right, Nik," Sheba repeated, turning back to the blue dragon, "Now tell me why you tried to harm us; we don't wish to harm you." Art looked over at me, staring hard. "I didn't see him specifically, but he looks a lot like the people who have been skulking around my cave." "Why do I always get blamed for what they do," I sighed. "Because...you're blue," Art said. "Well so are you," I replied, "In fact, you look more like one of them than I do." "This arguing is pointless," Sheba interrupted, Tella slowly releasing the dragon, "Art, can you take us to your cave? We could try and help you." Art looked down at the ground mulling over the offer for a moment before raising his head up with a smile. "Alright Sheba; it's not too far from here," Art said as he started moving through the wheat that wasn't on fire, which most of it was putting itself out, "Follow me." Sheba and Tella followed close behind Art while I stayed at the rear, lost in my thoughts about The Remnant; as I kept the wheat from smacking into me, I thought about who I would see, and how I could kill them. I was getting tired of fighting and either coming to a stalemate or a loss, having only killed two of them in my first few days after leaving Earth. I left my thought when I bumped into Tella. "Ow," Tella muttered, "Careful, Nik; we're here." I glanced over Tella's shoulder and saw a relatively large cave in the side of a small mountain which was part of the vast range we first saw. The four of us moved inside, falling into darkness before seeing a low light inside; as we continued deeper inside, we saw a small collection of crystals growing from the ceiling, emitting a soft dim light that filled the good sized chamber. Inside was a large collection of moss that probably served as Art's bed, which I guess wouldn't bother one with a scaly hide; on the other side was a pile of all sorts of trinkets, from goblets to coins, jewelry to ceremonial daggers, all very beautiful and very old. "Wow," I mumbled walking towards the mound of treasure, "Nice hoard." "Oh that," Art replied, "It's just random stuff I've found scattered around this dream world; I just like them because they're nice and shiny." "Dream world?" Tella asked. "Yep, or at least that's what I've heard it been called in my dreams," Art said. As my hands glide over some of the treasures, my suit's computer suddenly went off; I rolled up the metal covering and glanced at the screen, the words "Temporal Artifact Located" flashing in red, showing a small arrowhead pointing to the top right of the screen. I moved my left hand over the hoard, trying to put my hand where the arrow was pointing, until it made a circle that took up most of the screen; I place my hand down, digging into the pile and grabbing a handful of trinkets. Most escaped the cramped space in my hand, but one necklace with an emerald gem remained; the computer screen flashed once then returned to its default screen. "Temporal artifact," I muttered, eyeing the emerald necklace before looking up the definition. A short description swiftly came up on the screen, detailing how this object, like a few others, was created by my ancient people for those without our gifts of trans-dimensional transportation, given only to the rare few deemed worthy to you them. I covered the screen and walked over to the others, showing them the beautiful necklace. "How did you get this, Art?" "I told you," Art reiterated, "I just found it lying around." "What's the big deal about that shiny thing," Tella asked. "Apparently both humans and anthros are attracted to a few shiny pebbles," Sheba sighed. "No, this is different," I interrupted, "This jewelry somehow harnesses the same power to create portals as my kind can do at will; this is a very rare artifact, apparently." "Oh," Art said with a mildly surprised tone, "Well in that case take it; I don't have any real use for it." "Well I don't need it either," I stated, "But I guess I might as well hold on to it, but could one of you wear it for me?" "I might as well," Sheba stated; I placed the necklace about her neck, admiring how the emerald complimented her fur. From the cave entrance came a sudden low boom that echoed to the chamber. "What was that?" I asked. "Sounded like thunder," Tella said, "But...it wasn't cloudy a moment ago." A small chill went up my spine; Sky Coyote. "You stay in here for a bit," I managed to same calmly, "I'm going to grab some fresh air." "While it's thundering," Tella asked. "I won't be out long, just sit tight," I said with a half sincere smile which faded as soon as I started heading out of the cave. I took a few deep breathes as I exited the cave and stood a few feet from the entrance, glancing up at the cloudy sky, spotting the streaks of lightening in the distance. I saw some rustling the wheat a few yards away, watching it for only a while until three hooded figure emerged, stopping just past the edge of the field; each removed their hoods, revealing them to be Coyote, Bear, and Omni Dragon himself. My whole body shook with anticipation, filled with what could loosely be called joy in the chance to take down Omni if I could. "Oh look," Coyote said to his comrades, "We haven't even said two words to him and he's shaking." "Sorry, just trembling with excitement," I replied coldly, trying to keep the anger in voice down. The dragon let out a small laugh. "You truly are entertaining, Nikolas. Shame you refuse to accept my generous offers, but perhaps this way we can settle a little issue," Dragon said with a very unnerving smile. "As I'm sure you're aware of, Guardian Bear here has quite the grudge against your father for turning him into a cyborg, and that hate has been passed down to you. So, in order to prevent an incident should you decide to finally join us, I'm going to allow Bear to fight you, and he will not stop until he is...satisfied." "And trust me boy," Bear said with a savage smile as he removed his cloak, revealing his mostly cybernetic body, "That won't happen until I crush your head into red goo." "Oh, and another thing fox," Coyote added, his eye gazing past me, "Don't think about having your friends interfere." I turned my head and looked back, stunned to see Tella, Sheba, and Art gathered at the mouth of the cave. "What are you doing," I called out, "I told you to stay in the cave." "We're not stupid," Sheba replied, "And we're not going to allow you to fight three enemies at once; that's suicide." "Well then, how about this then," Omni stated, "Let's just have these two fight and no one else interferes, and if he transforms then the truce is off; understand Coyote?" "Yes," Coyote said with a sour look on his face. "Good, now get this over with," Omni called out. Bear laughed as he stretched his organic arm and cracked his neck while his mechanical parts made a clicking sound, "I've been waiting for this moment, and I'm going to relish it all I can." I growled and clenched my armored fists, feeling my power start to course through me like a river; as I took a step forward, I felt the anger being pushed back, a very calm cooling sensation spreading inside me. "Don't be a fool," Sheba's voice emitted inside my head. I turned around to see her just standing there, her lips not moving as she continued to speak. "You're going to lose if you fight like a rabid animal; prove yourself the cunning fox that you are and keep your calm, wait for the right moment to strike. Transfer you anger into your strength and not the other way around, or your darkness will take over." "But how-" "Don't ask; focus on your fight." I almost continued to question her, but Sheba was right and I could always ask when I dealt with Bear. I stood tall, ready to fight, but letting the anger cool down and simply relaxed, watching the cybernetic ursine a few feet away from me. "I hope you're ready," Bear growled before bursting into a sprint, "Because I'm ready to get started!" Bear hurtled to me, faster than I expected for one his size plus his mechanical parts; I desperately wanted to charge at him, but I knew that would be just too stupid for words and waited. As Bear closed in and raised his metallic arm, claws razor sharp and poised to strike, what I assumed were my instincts kicked in and my body acted automatically; with a few quick steps forward, I did a small leap forward and skidded on the ground, leaning back so I slid under Bear. As the ursine swiped the empty air and gazed down at me in surprise, I grinned thrust both my hands up, the sonic energy rushing from my limbs and striking him in the chest, lifting him up off the ground and launching him into the air and backwards. With a loud thud and grunt, Bear hit the ground hard, groaning as he picked himself up. "That was pathetic Bear," Omni called out, smiling lightly, "You better shape up because if he gets the better of you I won't save you." "Come on, Bear," Coyote yelled, lightening cracking in the distance, "Kill that damn fox for what he did to Jackal and Cougar!" Bear rose to his feet and clenched his organic fist with anger, his eyes red from all the veins popping out. "You little brat," Bear thundered, "I'm gonna bash your head right of your shoulders!" Feeling confident, I grinned and gave him beckoned him to me with one hand, "Well come and get me you old fart, or is your old age catching up with you?" "Damn you," Bear roared, racing towards me again. This time I ran towards him as well, the distance between us shrinking greatly; within the last yard or two, I leapt and kicked out in midair, my armored boot smashing into Bear's half metallic face, bending the steel as he stumbled backwards from the force, teetering on his legs. I landed on the ground and without pause I moved forward and slammed my fist into his gut as hard as I could; Bear doubled over, gasping sharply as spittle flew out of his open mouth, eyes wide in pain and shock. Finally, I moved away from the ursine and, with both fists gripping each other high up over my head, I brought them down with the extra force of a sonic boom down on the back of his head, sending him to the ground so quickly I surprised myself. "Ha ha," I laughed, "This is too easy! I don't even need the wolf! I can't believe I was worried about fighting y-" My sentence was cut short as Bear's arm crashed into my side, knocking the wind out of me and catching me off guard. As I was stunned, Bear's head rushed up and connected with my lower jaw, sending me reeling back until I toppled over onto my back with a soft thud. As I tried to quickly get up felt the ursine grab my right leg and pulled hard, scrapping me across the ground before lifting up into the air where he released me sending me towards the side of the mountain; with a quick thrust of my hands, I unleashed a sonic boom that negated my momentum and stopped me just a few feet from the wall. I landed on my stomach and quickly rose up, turning to see Bear less than five yard from me, his razor claws once more ready to slash into me; in the few seconds I had, my hand moved to my blaster and drew it, quickly bringing it up until it was at least aiming at some part of Bear, firing as soon as possible. Bear's run suddenly became irregular and he clasped his hand to his red-lensed eye replacement, roaring with pain and swiping wildly with his metal arm. I took the chance to back away from him, keeping a safe distance before raising the blaster again, this time aiming at his forehead for a quick and decisive headshot. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the mountain side, sending pieces of stone hurtling down on top of me; on caught me on the arm, causing me to lose my aim while another hit me hard on the shoulder, offsetting my balance and sending me to the ground, allowing three more stones to land on my back, pinning me to the ground. As I tried to free myself, Coyote made his way over to me, Omni Dragon staying where he was just like he said he would; Bear seemed to manage his pain and approached me, stopping right alongside Coyote, both of them towering over me, and all the while I couldn't bring my hands up to either shoot them or blast them. "Game over, fox," Coyote sneered, "Finish it, Bear." Grinning savagely, Bear swung his arm back, ready to deal a massively destructive blow that I knew would kill me for sure; I stared hard at them, wishing the wolf would come, but it never did. And neither did that killing blow. As Bear swung, his arm's arc changed and it collided with Coyote, sending the blue canine flying back a fair way, crashing onto his back; Coyote lifted his head up weakly, a look of shock on his, Omni's, and even Bear's face. "What," Coyote grunted, "Why did you...ugn..." "I," Bear started, "I-I didn't...what happened?! You did that!" Bear lifted his foot and looked as though he was about to kick me, but he simply stood there, his face a picture of shock and frustration. "Wha...I...can't move!" As Bear stood frozen in place, I heard a feminine grunt and felt one of the rocks on top roll into another, knocking both of them off of me; with my more lenient range of motion, I looked up to see Tella grabbing onto the final rock, this time lifting it up with practically no effort whatsoever. With the boulder in her hands, Tella leaned back before throwing it towards Bear, hitting him soundly with great force; the boulder struck the ursine so hard the force seemed to bend his metallic arm until it snapped and, without his arm, the ursine could not stop the rock, leading him to be pinned down to the ground on his back, much like I was. I rose up slowly, Tella gently helping me up as I cringed from the ache of having three small boulders crushing down on me; despite my armor, I could still feel the full force of the rocks. As I got to my feet, Tella and I turned towards the trapped Bear and started moving towards him; after a few steps, my fur started to tingle and I felt a small static shock and then, without warning, Tella tackled me to the ground just as a bolt of lightning struck a few feet away. The two of us scrambled to get up, spotting Coyote a few feet away, his fingers, which were pointing at us, now raised up to the sky, which lit up with more lightning. "Go right," I whispered to Tella; the wolfess nodded and ran to the right as I went left towards Bear. Coyote, successfully distracted, decided to try and shock Tella who was moving slightly closer to him; as he brought his hand down, the lightning struck, nearly hitting Tella as she threw herself to the ground to avoid the attack. With Coyote's attention off of me, I moved towards Bear as fast as I could, and yet, things seemed to slow down as my adrenaline started pumping; every step seemed to last for seconds, my hand inched slowly to my father's sword, slowly removing it from its holster and unsheathing the blade from the hilt, and saw Bear start to lift the rock off of himself with his organic arm. The boulder rolled off of him and the ursine started to try and rise; seeing this I leapt up in the air, holding the sword with both hands up over my head, point poised to stab down as I sailed on top of him. My feet hit the ground, one on each side of him, glaring at the ursine with my sword up high; for one instant, all that I could focus on was the astonished look on his half robotic face, his mouth open as if to say, "No." And then, with one quick movement, I brought the sword down hard, the point burying into his fur, slicing through flesh, organs, a few cybernetic connections, and finally bone; it was a very sickening sensation to feel my sword cut through, and despite doing the same thing to Cougar, I still was startled by it. Bear's face twisted in pain before gasping sharply, his one eye wide, his remaining hand twisted into a half grasp half open fist; I wrenched the blade out of him quickly, some blood spraying out onto his body and the grass, watching as the ursine struggled to hold on to life. Finally, after some ragged breathes, the massive Bear's head lowered, his mouth slightly agape as one last breathe emitted from it, and his one eye closed forever; Guardian Bear was now dead. "It's over," Omni called out, "Bear is dead, and as I said I will not avenge him; if you are foolish enough to stay, Coyote, then do so, but I will not help you either." Coyote looked back at me with a mixed expression of surprise and anger as the large blue dragon opened a portal and slowly stepped through, the portal closing behind him. "Argh," Coyote roared in anger, hands held in tight fists, "Damn you! You have angered me for the last time!" Coyote raised both his fists up to the sky, massive amounts of lightning crackling up overhead in a frightening display, the wind picking up and blowing fiercely. "Enough," Art bellowed, drawing everyone's attention, "You brought death to my home, and I will not allow you to kill anyone else!" No one could have predicted what happened next; the small feral dragon's eyes glowed with a blue light, his whole body tensing up, wings flared. From his body then came a large blue wave of energy that rushed towards Coyote, the grass and flowers seeming to wither and die as it passed; Coyote put down his fists and started running backwards, fearing the wave that seemed to make anything it touch age and die, opening a portal behind him; as he leapt into the portal, the waved partly followed inside, washing over him. It didn't seem to age him as much as it did the plants, but his fur did acquire a slight gray tinge; the portal then closed and Coyote was gone. After a few moments of just standing in my spot, my mind filled with what had just happened, I managed to move towards Tella and Sheba as the two wolfesses checked the exhausted dragon. I placed my bloody sword on the dead grass and knelt down to Art's level. "Are you okay?" "Yeah," Art said, "I...really don't know what just happened; that's never happened to me before." "Well that was some power," Tella stated, looking at the dead grass, "Everything just got older and older until it died; I wonder what happened to that coyote." "The attack probably aged him a little," Sheba answered, "But only his fur seemed to be affected; still, I don't imagine he will be happy to see any of us again, especially since you killed his comrade." I looked back at Bear's body, still amazed that I took him down without the wolf. "Yeah; I guess I should thank you, not just for saving me, but for calming me down enough to win the fight." "There is something I need to tell you," Tella stated, rising up and looking me straight in the eye, "You can't allow yourself to fight as you have done in the past; you let your anger grow like a wild fire, but your very hate is what gave your inner wolf it's power over you." Sheba's words shocked me to my very core, "How did you know?" "I sensed it since we first met," Sheba answered, "And the reason you took an "interest" in me was because of your wolf's desire to mate; it was drawn to my own darkness. You must find a way to control it before it destroys you from the inside out." "But how?" I asked. "That I do not know," Sheba admitted, "But you cannot fight out of anger or be motivated by revenge; other than that, all I can say is to keep your heart strong and be who you truly are. I would help you achieve this, but...I have my own redemption to think about, and that is why we must part ways here." "Wait what," I gasped, "But you just came to be an anthro; I can't just let you wander by yourselves." "We will be fine," Sheba replied, "You showed us enough about anthro customs and we can live in our new bodies, not to mention our powers will help us in case of an emergency, and of course we will have Art with us, too." "You're taking him with you?" "Yes," Sheba answered, "I had a vision the night before we came here detailing what we would find, and that me and Tella should bring young Art with us; we discussed it briefly in the cave before coming out to aid you, and he agreed." I took a deep breath and sighed, trying to process all the new information. "Are you sure you will be alright?" "Certainly," Sheba replied, coming over to rest her hand on my shoulder, "We will never forget your kindness, Nikolas." I place my hand on top of hers, "My pleasure." Sheba moved away from me, allowing Tella to come and give me a quick hug, "It was fun living with you." "Glad you enjoyed it," I said with a smile, looking past her at the blue dragon, "And it was nice meeting you too, Art." "Same goes for me, Nik," Art said happily. Tella moved away from me and stood beside Sheba and Art; holding the emerald on the necklace, a small green energy ball came forth from the gem and slowly grew in size until it had a circumference of about eight feet. With one last look, Sheba, Tella, and Art stepped inside and waved good-bye before the ball rapidly shrunk until it disappeared. I stood there, staring at where they once were, feeling some sadness at their departure. Sighing, I picked up my sword and walked over to where Bear's body was, picking up his discarded robe and cleaning the blade thoroughly with it. Looking down at Bear, I made plans to try and set fire to his body in order to be rid of the bastard forever; despite what Sheba had said, I couldn't help but feel hatred for Bear and was glad that the vengeful fucker was dead. Sheathing the blade into the hilt and placing my sword in its holster, I set out to find some flint and tinder as well as some stuff to help the fire grow; as I walked into the field of wheat once more, I stared at the mountains and gazed in wonder at the beautiful night sky, knowing somewhere Tella, Sheba, and Art were out there doing whatever they needed to do. Nik and The Remnant belong to Sonic Fox. Tella, Sheba, and Art belong to Drakowolf. Sorry for the wait; September was a bit of a bad month. Hopefully you enjoy it none the less, and for all guests I would like you to know I will start to combine some of you together for one chapter to get things moving faster. Again, thanks for reading and honest faves, votes, and comments are greatly appreciated.