Felicia's Fancy 03 Strip Club Thank You

Story by LordWegner on SoFurry


Fun with Felicia at a strip club?

I still can not believe that Russ had set that "birthday surprise" up for me...well at least most of it. He confessed that the Weavile was not part of it and the Kangaskhan was an added bonus as well. Ether way I really enjoyed it, but now I feel bad. I received all that attention and all he got was some of that tasty Kangaskhan's pussy. I needed to make it up to him somehow. *Smiles seductively.* And I knew just what to do. *Winks.*

I'm took him to a strip club... No, not some dump or your standard one. We went to an up-scaled one called "Dusk." "Dusk" is a great club that I visit often. The place is like a night club; great music, fully stocked bar, always a crowd, and very clean. The girls there are beautiful, sexy, and never forced to do anything they are not comfortable with. Oh, how do I know that...well I danced and striped my way through college there. *Wink.*

Well it was a while ago but, when I was a college freshman I read a help wanted ad in the paper. It was an ad for "Dusk" looking for any girls who could dance or strip. Now being a young horny college girl, I thought that it might be fun and so I went to audition. I still remember that day...


It was around 11:00 am when I arrived at "Dusk." I was greeted by this Ursaring; dress in black, at the front door. I assumed that he was a bouncer and was right when he asked me why I was here. I told him I was here to audition for a job. Hearing that he gave me a smile, opened the door for me, and wished me good luck.

Now this was the first time I ever visited "Dusk" and I must say it was very nice. There was a fully stocked bar with a Floatzel behind it, working. There were all these small round table every where, with four chairs upside down on the table tops. There was even a D.J. station towards the back. If it wasn't for the stage next to the D.J. station, I would have sworn that this was an up-scale dance club.

Now the stage seemed to be design to show off three dancers. The main part of the stage had two striper poles; one on the left side and one on the right. In the middle there was a cat walk which leads to a small circular stage with another striper pole. So, it looks like the main dancer gets the small circular stage while to other dancers get the back two poles. Not a bad set up.

After my first survey of the place, I then noticed nine other girls sitting at some of the small tables near the stage talking. There were a Ponyta, a Lopunny, a Vulpix, two Umbreons, a Lucario, a Milotic, a Scizor, and an Arcanine. Boy I was not happy to see another Arcanine there. It meant that I would really need to impress the owner.

I walked over and sat down with the group. I started to talk and find out why they're here when that Floatzel behind the bar told us that Damon would be here soon. Damon? I guessed he must be the owner of "Dusk." I wondered what type of Pokemon he could be to have such a nice place.

Well I didn't wait long. The front door opened and in walked this Gengar dressed in what appeared to be a white leisure suit. He had gold rings and all of his finger and a big gold chain around his neck. He was wearing a pair of dark sun glasses and he had his spikes slicked back. And then there was that smile of his. Just like every other Gengar, he had that million dollar smile on his face. Most of us started to giggle at how stupid he looked and then stopped laughing as he walked over.

Damon: Hello ladies I'm Damon. Now how many of you think I look good?

Well all raised our hands to his question.

Damon: Good, good. Now how many of you think I look stupid?

Well I didn't think anyone would raise there hand to that question, but that Scizor did. And after she raised her hand up, well...we all did. Surprisingly Damon just started to laugh.

Damon: Yeah I look pretty stupid. This is something I do to all potential dancers to try and help loosen everyone up.

He pulled a chair off a table and stood it up and sat down next to use. He took those sun glasses off and that smile of his seemed to grow.

Damon: Again I'm Damon owner of "Dusk." And I hope Bruno didn't scare you too much when you first arrive. He's here for your protection.

Bruno, so that Ursaring is the bouncer. Good to know that Damon is smart to get someone like that as a bouncer.

Damon: Now before we start the auditions, I would like to tell you what to expect if you want to work here. Number one *his smile disappears and begins to speak in a more serious tone* you're safety is the most important thing to me. That is why Bruno is here and Lee. *he motioned his head towards the bar at the Floatzel.* I'm also here; I will not allow any patrons to harm any of my ladies. Number two you do not have to do anything you are uncomfortable with. *Damon then paused, he was thinking of the best way to explain everything.* Okay, let me start with this. The basic dress code here is a bikini. I offer a standard string bikini that hides everything and leaves some for the imagination.

Damon then whistled and a Lopunny walked onto the stage. She was wearing this white string bikini. She gave a turn and you could tell some of the girls were embarrassed. The bottom did not provide much coverage of her ass. The front was a big enough triangle coming from her hips down, covering all. The top was a pair of triangles with string attaching the two pieces between the breasts. And as Damon said it hides everything and left some for the imagination. I liked the way it look and could not wait to try one on.

Damon: Thanks Julie. *Julie winked at Damon and walked off the stage.* Now if you are uncomfortable with the "size" I do offer a more standard size. Misty can you please come out.

Now this Vaporeon walked out onto the stage. She was wearing another white bikini, but this was the more standard on you would see on the beach. The bottom had more material which had the coverage for the ass and the front. The top was still two triangles, but larger and no string between the breasts. The triangles were connected. Those embarrass girls breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the second bikini.

Damon: Thank you Misty. *Misty smiled and then walked off the stage* The white bikinis are only for show. I have them in many different colors and sizes. Now back to you being comfortable; in the standard show I will ask you to dance on stage and maybe pole dance. It is up to you if you go topless or not.

We started to murmur after what Damon had said. This place was starting to look like a great place to work, but Damon was still not smiling.

Damon: *takes a deep breath* Now I need to talk about "interacting" with the patrons. In the standard stage dance, they are allowed to stick what ever money they want in to you bottom and or top if you allow it and that is it. They are only allowed to touch you bikini and not you. You feel uncomfortable call for Bruno and he'll take care of them. Then there are the lap dances. Those are offered more or less in private room in the back. There a patron is allowed to grope you, but nothing sexual. You can take your top off if you want but not your bottom. I have video camera in those rooms to watch. I see something I don't like and I'll be there quickly. Finally *coughs* there is the "V.I.P." rooms. *Takes another deep breath and swallows* That is were a patron can...well...

He didn't need to say it. We all knew what he was going to say and he seem very embarrassed himself to bring it up.

Damon: Well...*still embarrassed* you know...so after knowing all of that you can leave right now.

We looked at one another and none of us left. Seeing that, Damon's million dollar smile came back.

Damon: Wow, I didn't expect for all of you to stay. Well then, Misty. *Misty walked back on stage." Could you please show them back stage and get them fitted. *Misty smiled and nodded yes.*

Well we all followed Misty back stage and got dressed. *Smiles* I got to were that string bikini. *Giggles* Well after we got dressed the nine of us were lead back onto the stage. Once on the stage we saw Damon, Bruno, and Lee sitting at a table with clip boards. I guess we were going to dance for them. And we all did. I liked to think that I gave that pole the best titty fuck it ever had. *giggles.*


In the end, Damon hired all of us. He then asked what service we would like to be part of. Well I went for the V.I.P. right away. I would love to tell you all about the rough, hard, hot sex I had, but I'm thinking about using that to maybe write an exotic novel. Sorry. *closes eyes and smiles as she sticks her tongue out.* Well again I went for the V.I.P. and so did that Milotic and Ponyta. The Umbreons, Scizor, and Lucario went for the Lap Dance. That left that Vulpix, Lopunny, and other Arcanine for the stage dancing. Guess that Arcanine didn't have what it takes like me.

But I digress. Now I still go to "Dusk" for a nice lap dance. Something to get me all riled up so when I get home I just ravage Russ the moment he walks threw the door.

*Shakes head* Sorry again getting of topic. So I wanted to thank Russ for that great birthday "surprise" of his and so I took him to "Dusk." So that night we're walking to "Dusk" and I'm dressed to kill. Nothing to special just the little black dress, with thin shoulder straps, low cut back, and no underwear. *giggles.* I was going to have a good time with quick access. Just pull my dress up and the top down to my mid rift and fuck the night away. I had Russ dress semi nice, pair of navy blue dress pants and a red long sleeved button down dress shirt.

So we get to "Dusk" and Bruno sees me. He smiles, opens the front door, and tells me to have a good time. I wink back at him and asked him don't I always. He laughed after that. Now we get inside and the place is packed. I don't remember seeing some many guys here before. And the strange thing was there were just as many gals here too. Oh well, I'm not one to judge others sexual lives.

So we walk in. There's a good fast pace dance mix play with three girls working the poles, a pair of Umbreons were on the back two and a Rapidash of the front. Gawd those Umbreons were fucking hot. They were wearing the smallest white bikinis I ever seen. So beautiful was the contrast of the white against their black fur. And the Rapidash, topless showing off her lovely "D" cups and grinding her groin hard against the pole. She then wrapped her leg around the pole and bent backwards in front of this Zangoose. He had a huge smile as he watched her breasts just slap against her face. He held up a dollar which she took from him in her teeth. She knew just who to work.

Glancing over at Russ, I could tell he liked what he saw. His mouth dropped opened and he was drooling. Boy how I love getting that look from him when I show off my new thongs for him in a private showing. Well I look over at the bar and Lee is working tonight. I smile and wave to him. He smiles back and nods at me. I look back at Russ, still drooling, and I grab him by the collar. He almost tripped onto me. That tug had yanked him out of his little fantasy world.

So I walk him over to a table near the bar and tell him to sit and stay. He nodded his head yes and continues to enjoy the show as he sits down. He's such a good boy, so obedient when there's a sexy lady to stare at. I walk over to the bar and take a set on a stool and wait for Lee to finish helping this Lopunny. He was cute. I watched him shake that bunny tail of his as he walked back over to his table near the stage. Lee was smiling as he watched.

Lee: Still just as horny as normal.

Felicia: *gives him a look as she turns to face him.*

Lee: *smiles* So how have you been?

Felicia: I've been fine. *stands on the stool railings to lean over the bar and kisses Lee on the cheek*

Lee: Damn, what was that for?

Felicia: For being so damn handsome.

Lee: *blushes and looks away. After a cough* So, who's the Arcanine drooling on the table? Hey Buddy, watch the drooling. I have to clean up these tables you know.

Felicia: *laughs at the fact Russ don't hear Lee* That's Russ, my boyfriend.

Lee: Oh. Is he just as horny as you?

Felicia: Yup.

Lee: A match made in heaven.

Felicia: Oh yeah...*seductive smile* Oh Lee is Damon around?

Lee: Damon? Yeah he's around. Why?

Felicia: I would like to get the V.I.P. treatment for Russ and some for myself.

Lee: *evil grin* Really? Any girls in mind?

Felicia: Well those two Umbreons would be a nice start for me. I don't know about Russ though.

Lee: Well hate to tell you, but those three girls are only available for lap dances.

Felicia: *pouts* Awe.

Familiar Voice: Now Lee. What have I told you about disappointing the ladies?

I couldn't keep the smile from my face when I heard that voice. I turned to see Damon standing there in that white leisure suit, with all his gold, but he didn't have his spike slicked back. I just jump him and gave him a huge hug. I almost knocked us to the ground. He didn't mind and just laughed it off as I let him go. We sat down at the bar and started talking.

Damon: It's great to see you Felicia.

Felicia: Well I wish I could say the same. You promised me when I worked her to throw out that suit.

Damon: *grabs his collar and smiles* But I look good in it.

Lee and Felicia: *Roll their eyes and then start laughing.*

Damon: Watch it Lee, you work for me.

Lee: Yes boss.

Damon: Yeah I know I promised. So I only wear it once a week. I have much nicer, more professional attire.

Felicia: Well that's good to know.

Damon: So, what can I do for you tonight? The ususal lap dance. Blair gives a great one. *motions head towards the Rapidash dancing*

Felicia: No not tonight. I need the V.I.P. treatment.

Damon: Sure. How many girls do you want?

Felicia: Me? None. I'm doing this for my boyfriend Russ. *motions her head towards Russ*

Damon: *looks over* That Arcanine drooling on my table... Lee...

Lee: Yeah I get that once they go back.

Felicia: Well actually...I'm going to be bored while Russ has all the fun. I was wondering if I could have Lee for the night.

Lee and Damon: *surprised by the request.*

Lee: A night with you? Yeah...I'm honored to be wanted by one of the crowds' favorite. Well only if Damon says so." *looks at Damon*

Damon: I have no problems with it. I just need to know who you want for Russ.

Just then the music stopped and the three girls left the stage. The air then started to smell sweet as if perfume was being blown in. I looked around to see the guys and gals moving towards the stage. I looked at Damon to see that million dollar smile of his as he motioned his head towards the stage. I turn to watch.

A slow almost Middle Eastern type music started to play. From behind the curtain the next dancer came out, a Mawile. At first glance she did not seem like the norm for a place like this. She was short, about 5' 2" I think, very slender and she only seemed to have a large "B" or a small "C", but there was something about her. She was wearing what looked like a genie costume: pair of light blue sees through lace puffy pants, below that a dark blue bikini bottom. She had the matching top on, with a blue vest the same color as her bikini except for the lace sees through sleeves. Those were the same color as her pants. She had a light blue silk vale hiding part of her face. To finish off her look, she had gold bracelets around her wrists and upper arms, a thin gold chain around her waist and an ankle bracelet on her left ankle.

I watched as she walked down the stage towards the center pole. She was very sensual as she walked, very exotic in her body movements. It looked like no one could keep their eyes off her. And then I remembered that Mawiles can use Sweet Scent. The sweet perfume was coming from her; it was her own sweet scent. I wondered does she taste as sweet.

She then reached out and grabbed the pole before her. Wrapping her right leg around it she spun around. Her movements were amazing. She seemed to be dancing with the pole, something I've never seen before or tried. Most girls would just rub up against like it was a long cock, but not her. She then turned and placed her back against the pole. Reaching up behind her, she grabbed the pole with her left hand and placed her right on her chest. She slowly slid down onto her knees. Releasing the pole she curled up into a ball on stage and froze for a moment. Slowly she started to move back into her kneeling position. As she did, she slowly pulled her vest of as she arched her back forward. The crowd whistled loudly at her. Dropping her vest to the stage, she reached up behind her and grabbed the pole again with both hands and looked down as the music stopped.

Soon the music restarted as the normal dance music heard in the place and she quickly lifted her head up and winked at the crowd. She was up on her feet in an instant and was spinning around the pole again. After five spins, she stopped and started to rub her chest against the pole. More whistles and cheers came from the crowd. Turning around and bending forward, she reached for the ground. Pressing her ass against the pole, she slowly stood up letting her hand creep up her body touching herself for the crowd's enjoyment. Once her hands were above her head, she quickly turned and bent over again showing her ass of to the crowd. As she stood, she tore her pants off to another round of loud cheers and whistles. She reached out and grabbed the pole. Wrapping her left leg around it, she arched her back as she threw her head back, and ground her groin against the pole. Oh, I loved doing that. The feel of that cold metal pressed against my skin as my pussy's lips open around that pole with that very small piece of material being pushed in and getting soaked... *pants* Gawd what a turn on. Oops, sorry got of track again.

I pulled my gaze away from her, finding that to be very difficult, to look at Russ. He was on the edge of his seat whistling and clapping for her. I then looked at Doman and he was smiling at me.

Damon: That's Feres Maw. She might be the "smallest" here, but she always put on the hottest show.

Felicia: Feres Maw? Oh, really the hottest show? *Looks back at the stage to see Feres shaking her ass in the face of a male Lairon.*

Damon: She also is our top V.I.P. *replies slyly*

Felicia: *looks back at Damon* She works the V.I.P.s?

Damon: *shakes his head yes.*

Looking at Russ and seeing him on the edge of his seat, hearing the crowd cheer for her, watching that little ball of sexual fire dance, it took me a second to ask Damon if I could have her.

With his big smile he told me yes and the price for the night. I rummaged through my purse and threw a roll of money at him. His mouth dropped when he counted the amount I gave him. He told me that drinks would be on the house for my party. After that he told Lee to bring three bottles of the finest champagne, prepare room seven and to tell Misty that Feres will be having a private "showing."

With that Lee headed towards the back rooms. I asked if he could take Russ with him, and with some whining about the show not being over yet, Russ went back with Lee. After watching Feres a little while longer, I looked back at Damon. He was talking with a Zangoose behind the bar, must have been Lee's fill in for the night. I assume Damon was telling him that I had full privilege to the bar for the night which I took advantage of. I ordered myself a Cosmo and enjoyed the rest of Feres' show. Gawd she was turning me on and I was going to take all that pent up lust out on Lee. I hope he can take it. *giggles* I must say that Zangoose made one hell of a Cosmo. One of the best I had. As I took my first drink I heard a loud applause and turned to see Feres taking a small bow and then walked off stage. My, that little ass of hers shook; I just wanted to nibble on her all night. And well as I was focused Feres' ass, I was tapped on the shoulder. I turn and smiled at the sight of my surprise guest.

Now with my "surprise" guest in tow, we headed back to room seven. As I started to open the door I could hear a woman asking why Lee was here. I answered for me as I entered. Everyone in the room then turned to look at me.

So let me describe room seven's layout. It is one of the larger rooms for larger parties. In the corner is a small bar, usually empty, which can be stocked in advance for anyone's tastes. In the center is a small circular stage with a stripper pole. The stage is high enough to allow a guy to be in a comfortable standing position as he pounds away at the woman lying on it. Then on the remaining three walls were these large couches. Now there was only the five of us, and I don't know why Damon gave us room seven. I guess if we wanted to stretch out and not crowd one another, thought that is half the fun; pushed up against someone while being fucked. What a turn one.

Anyway, Russ was sitting on the couch to the left with Feres sitting on his lap. Being a regular himself at striper clubs, he was rubbing her ass. Feres had a big smile on her face as he touched her. Not sure if she had the fake smile to make more money or if she really liked it. Doesn't matter, she'll get worked over by Russ soon enough. And then there was Lee. He was alone on the couch across from them. He was just watching those two get frisky.

Feres: *looked Felicia over* So that would explain this. This is your party.

Felicia: Yes I set it up, but this is a little thank you for Russ. *walks over to Lee*

Feres: Well that would explain why I'm here and Lee, but what about her. *looking at the Kangaskhan walking in behind Felicia*

Now the moment Russ saw that Kangaskhan, his smile grew. He couldn't forget a great piece of pussy like Katie's. Yep, I got Katie to join us. She said to call her if we ever wanted to, so I did.

Katie: Hey Russ. I hope your red hot poker is ready.

Russ: Oh yes it is.

Felicia: You see Feres. This is a thank you for a birthday gangbang he gave me. Now I can't give him five women or his gangbang would mean nothing. And just one woman wouldn't be enough either. So I thought two should do the job nicely.

Feres: A birthday gangbang. You lucky bitch, I would to be abused by a lot of guys right now.

Russ: Don't worry, I'll abuse you like five guys. *squeezes her ass*

Damn, this Mawile is as horny as me. I better watch her close. I don't want to loss Russ to her. Well after that, it was on. I sat down next to Lee and started to rub him groin as I watched Russ get doubled teamed. As Katie walked over, she pulled her shirt off and let those huge breasts of hers bounce free. Russ and Feres both smiled as they watched those puppies bounce to the left and right as Katie walked over. Katie then dropped to her knees in front of Russ. She moved Feres' legs out of the way and started to rub Russ' groin. Russ loved that. You should have heard him groan, and that big smile on his face. Well Feres was not going to let Katie have all the fun. She jumped of Russ and knelt next to Katie.

You should have seen the look of surprise on Russ' face as those two seem to just tear his pants off, exposing his huge cock to them. Those two then started to lick his member. Their tongues were just gliding all over it. Russ just closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and enjoyed the ride. Oh yeah, their tongues didn't miss a single area. Katie worked his shaft and Feres, being smaller, was able to get her face between Katie's huge breasts to lick Russ' balls. I think Feres was having the most fun. Soon after Katie had swallowed Russ, and her head was bobbing up and down. Poor Feres, she did not like getting smacked in the face that hard with Katie's breasts. So Feres stopped her licking and came up.

You could see the look of want and envy on Feres' face as Katie gobbled up Russ, but Katie was very nice. She looked over at Feres and pulled her head back. Almost like a mother, she offered Russ' cock to Feres. Once Feres had it in her mouth, Katie kissed her on the forehead as to tell her she was doing a great job. As Feres sucked my man, she reached back and untied her top. It fell to the floor releasing those small yet prefect orbs of hers.

Those two just continued to swap after that, Feres would pass off to Katie and then Katie back to Feres until Russ couldn't take anymore. He let them know in groan that he was going to cum. Katie released his cock and kept Feres from latching on. She grabbed his throbbing shafted and started to stroke him hard. She then positioned her face and Feres' in front of his cock and the two waited. Russ let out a loud groan and shot his seed at them. Russ' aim was off, he ended up covering Feres' face, and poor Katie got none. Well not to worry, Feres shared. As she was lapping up what she could with her tongue, she let Katie clean the rest of her face off.

Well Russ was now warmed up and he had two half naked women before him, and I haven't even started yet. Well Russ has two women and I only have Lee. I need to make sure that he can last. When I saw Katie and Feres lead Russ over to the stage that was when I started. Now as those two worked him over, I was rubbing Lee's groin. Oh, he was good and hard from just that. I even let her grope me as we watched. Now I made him let go, so I could get ready. Remember the easy access. I had the top of my dress pulled down around my waist in a flash. Boy did it feel good to let them out. The moment Lee saw those lush breasts of mine; he grabbed them and started to suck on my nipples.

Now I was very happy with Lee and was going to let him have all the time he wanted with my breasts. This gave me the chance to check on Russ. Those two had torn his shirt off and had laid him on the stage. I watched as Katie stood up after pulling her pants off. She started to rub her pussy in preparation of her fucking. Feres was standing there pleasuring herself too. She had pulled her bottom to the side and was rubbing her pussy. The two then looked at one another, trying to decide who gets to ride him first.

Well at that moment, I wanted a cock so badly that Lee didn't now what happened. I pushed him back and he landed against the couch. As he placed his hand on his head to figure out why happened, I had undid his pants and pulled them down enough to let me get what I wanted. His big, slippery cock.

Damn I love water pokemons ability to produce there own lubricant. It's very tasty and makes for a wet and wild time. Lee just closed his eyes as I swallowed him. I could hear him groan. I released him for a moment to lick his tip and tease him. He didn't like that. He placed his hand on the back of my head, and pushed my mouth back onto his cock. He enjoyed my warm mouth to my tongue teasing. Slowly Lee moved his hand down from my head to my back and started to pet me. I tried to purr, but all that "lubricant" made it hard. I need to continually gobble down that tasty fluid or lose it out my mouth.

He moved his hand lower to my ass and started to grope me. I reached down and pulled my dress up for him. I couldn't see Lee's face when I revealed no underwear, but he must of love it. I felt his fingers start to creep into my ass crack. He was rubbing my ass hole, and slowly moving down, trying to find my pussy. Gawd, I was so wet and he hadn't even touched my pussy yet.

I then looked over at Russ to see if he was enjoying himself, he was. Katie was sitting on top of him, bouncing up and down. Russ' cock was just sliding in and out of her pussy. As for Feres, she was kneeling over his face. Russ had his hands on her groin. He was using his left hand to pull her bottom out of the way of his right, which he used to open Feres up wide. He tongue was all over Feres' pussy. She was screaming and her body was shaking. She even grabbed her breasts to squeeze them tight as Russ ate her. Russ was always good with his tongue.

Well seeing Russ was fine, I focused back on Lee when he found my pussy. He pushed his finger tips in, causing me to deep throat him. Damn I gagged on that cock of his. Well, I needed to swallow some more "lubricant" and then get back to my blowjob rhythm. Once my head started moving again Lee couldn't take it. He drove his fingers in deep causing me to deep throat him again, but I was prepared this time. I took it in stride and did not miss a beat. I could feel his hand trembling. Then he came for me. He pulled his fingers out and grabbed my ass. As I bobbed my head down, he quickly placed his other hand on my head to keep me from coming up. *giggles* I "drowned" on all that tasty cum and lubricant of his. I mean after I was done gobbling down most of his cum, my tummy was happy and full. *giggles*

Sadly like I said most of his cum, you see when he let me go, and I was able to lift my head up. I took a much need breath after all that. As I did, some of that tasty fluid dripped from my mouth over Lee. Oh well more lubricant for that hard member to slide into my tight pussy. Yeah, that's right. Even after all the fucking I do. I can keep it tight, a talent of mine that Russ loves.

So now that Lee was ready, I stood up to get into a better position. But before I fuck Lee's brains out I watched Russ' little three way. Feres was grinding her pussy hard against Russ' face, pinching her nipples, and gasping. That little Mawile sure enjoys being eaten, which had gotten her so close to cumming. You could tell by how her body trembled.

Well on to Katie. She is still pounding her pussy up and down Russ's shaft. I have to say she is good. She is stopping after a few thrusts to grind her pussy against Russ hard. She was hissing and panting hard. Her breasts were bouncing all over. She couldn't move her hands of Russ to grab them or she'll lose her balance. I would have loved to stand behind her and help, but that wouldn't be fair to lee.

Now that I think of it, I have to say that Katie is the prefect definition of M.I.L.F. Here she is a Kangaskhan fucking Russ hard. You know that she has a young one at home, or is trying to have another. She has some the biggest breasts I've seen and she knows how to please a man from all the years of experience. I'm kind of jealous of her. I hope to get that much experience one day.

So Russ is still in good hands, so now on to my needs. I stood before Lee with a big smile on my face. I was rubbing my pussy getting ready to fuck him. Lee was jerking off to keep hard. So, I got closer and he grabbed me. His hands were firmly on my hips, pulling me closer. So I climbed onto Lee. Slowly I lowered myself onto his slippery pole, and it just glided in. I closed my eyes and groaned so loud. Damn that felt great, I actually had a small orgasm from sitting on his shaft. I hid it as a loud groan. Well, if just sitting down did that I can't wait to get started. So first I did nothing. I was going to enjoy that pole being deep inside for awhile. As I did, Lee enjoyed rubbing his face in my breasts. So, I moved on and gave him a "lap dance." Grinding my hips, I felt my clit just ground against his body and I could feel his cock just moving around inside. It even brushed against my g-spot a few time before I fucked him.

After the dance, I started to bounce up and down. Damn that felt great, and damn do I love water pokemon. It doesn't take long to be fulfilled with all that natural lubricant of their's and he hadn't even cummed yet. You could hear the squishing sound of all that lubricant and my juices as his cock slid in and out. So wet, so hot, so fucking wild. Now I was at a good set pace now. Nothing to fast, I wanted to cum twice so I need to make sure not to wear him out first.

Now over my own moans of pleasure as I fucked that sleek water pokemon, I could her Feres moaning and groaning. She was getting ready to cum and I couldn't watch *pouts.* The best I had was hearing her scream. I just closed my eyes and imaged that little body of hers shaking and thrusting against Russ' face, her squeezing the breasts together, her throwing her head back at her peek. And then, panting hard after she shot her sweet juices over Russ' face and in his mouth. I could then hear Russ growling as he lapped that sweet nectar off his face. But after Feres came, I heard a slapping sound. I knew what that was. Katie's large ass was smacking against Russ' legs on each thrust down. I could hear her panting and hissing. I could just see that look of pleasure on her face building to its peak. With that the slapping sound stopped. In its place were Russ' groans and Katie's screams. They came. Damn, that must of felt great to Katie. To have all of Russ' hot, stick, sweet cum just explode inside her, to have that warm fulfilling feel afterwards. That lucky bitch.

Awe fuck, what do I care. I'm riding a great big slippery pole right now and Lee reminded me of that. He bit my nipple and I gasped. That sneaky Floatzel, he's been teasing my breasts all this time. Well I got him back. I plunged my hips down, and ground my clit against him again. But this time, I squeezed my pussy as hard as I could. He let go of my nipple to groan. *Smirks.* Well I was getting close. I could feel my orgasm creeping over me. A few more thrusts and I'll cum, and boy did I. The moment I thrust down and felt my body tremble, the start of my orgasm, I could have sworn Lee released more lubricant inside me. My eyes opened wide because it felt like he just came, but I knew he didn't. I just closed my eyes and panted hard as I rocked my hips back and forth to keep the pleasure going.

After that I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Lee. He had this big smile on his face. I believe that he can control his own secretions and make a "fake cum shot" inside driving any woman to cum hard. Well, I hope he can do it again. I stood up and my legs did feel a little weak. I wobble a bit standing there, but it did give me a chance to let all of his lube just pour out, messing up the fur on my inner legs. After all I needed to get ready for my second filling.

I turned around and looked over my shoulder at Lee. He smiled as he grabbed my ass, and pulled me down. I just fell right on top of his cock again, and it just slid right in. Damn that felt so good, I needed to rock my hips to make it last longer. Lee groaned to that, so he licked it too.

With my new position I was able to watch Russ' threesome. Katie was lying on the stage. She had her upper body support on her elbows and her breasts in her hands. Feres was on her hands and knees in front of Katie munching away at that cream pie before her. She was still wearing her bikini bottom which Russ needed to move over her left cheek so he could fuck the hell out of her. Damn that was hot. I think I need to let Russ fuck me while wearing a bikini. Having my breasts slip over the top and have that thong pulled over one of my cheek to allow full access. That would be fucking hot.

Those three were great to watch. Katie was telling Feres to stick her tongue in deeper, to clean every last bit of cum out of her. Feres was only too happy to oblige. Feres' body tremble as Russ fucked her. She could only let out muffled moans since she had a face full of Katie. And Russ was just growling happily. A big smile was on his face as he torn into that tight pussy of her.

As for me, Lee got impatient and had started to rock my hips up and down. I closed my eyes and purred at the start of our fucking. Getting into it more, I was rocking hard and soon was bouncing up and down, thrusting hard on Lee's cock. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed every minute of it.

Now that I was fucking Lee hard that was when Katie screamed. I slowly my thrusts back to a rocking motion and watched. Katie's eyes were closed and her head thrown back. She was gripping her breasts hard as she panted and hissed. Feres' tongue was gliding all over Katie's pussy and Katie then screamed as she came. Her entire body shook. Afterwards, Katie opened her and lifted her head. She watched as Feres' head bobbed about as she continued to lick Katie. Katie gasped and rocked her hips about for a little more pleasure. After that, Katie placed a hand on Feres' head and pushed her back. Katie was done for now, but Feres wasn't.

With out Katie's pussy to munch on, Feres screamed as Russ fucked her. He then paused and had an evil smile on his face. He picked her up, resting her body against his, placing his arms under her knees and fuck her hard in his arms. Feres' eyes opened wide when he did that and just screamed in passion. Well as I enjoyed the show, Lee was becoming impatient again, and took control. He bucked his hips causing me to fall against him. He reached under my knees and lifted my legs up just like Russ. Boy I wished he didn't. You see I find it hard to squeeze tightly in that position and well all that lube inside came gushing out. It coated the fur in my lower region and coated Lee. Such a shame to let that all goes to waste.

Well now it became a competition. Two guys hold their gals in the same position, fucking them as hard as they could. Who would come first? Well I knew it would be me. Lee's lube was just so filling that it drove me nuts. To be filled up to have it gush out as he fucked me. Gawd never felt that before and boy it got me off. I was just wanting to cum. My body was shaking and I was holding back. I wanted to cum with Lee. I screamed at him to hurry the fuck up and cum with me. He sped up and my ass bounced off his body. I closed my eyes and tried to hold back, but I screamed at him again to cum. He gave a huge thrust and stopped.

Yeah, that was it. All his hot cum mixed inside with that cool lube of his. I was cursing as I came that how damn great it felt. Lee enjoyed it too. As he came, he let out a few choice words as well, some directed at me. *giggles.* Well, we were done and that bastard pulled out before he lowered my legs. The moment his cock came out, I screamed as all that cum and lube gushed out. Damn, it was wasted again. But then again, it felt good to just let it all out so I guess it was fine. He lowered my legs and I closed my eyes. It felt nice to rest against that warm body of his.

That didn't last long. Feres' screams filled the room. Opening my eyes, I watched as Russ kept pounding away. Katie even got back in on the fun. She was on her hands on knees like a dog, lapping at Feres' pussy as Russ fucked her. Feres was turning her head from side to side, screaming "Fuck Me!" and "Cum Now!" Russ just smiled and sped up his thrusts. At that Katie pulled back, but waited there. Then Russ gave his last thrust and froze.

I smiled as I watched Feres' eyes and mouth open wide. I didn't think was expecting that much cum from Russ. He can be like a fire hose at times, just gushing and gushing. Feres made small squeak noises as she came, trying to scream. You could tell she came by how much her body shook. After that, Feres closed her eyes and rested her head against Russ. Russ just smiled at that.

Now finished he pulled out. Feres' seemed like in some discomfort as he did but was fine afterwards until Katie got at her. Katie was waiting for Russ to pull out and after he did his cum just started to ooze out of Feres. Katie lapped it up and Feres, keeping her eyes close, lifted her head and groaned. Her body shook again, as Katie's tongue cause Feres to have a small orgasm, in which she released all of Russ' cum to Katie, who gobble it up happily.

After that I don't remember much. We all took a small nap to recharge. When I awoke I was still resting on Lee. Looking over at the couch across from us was Russ and Katie with Feres lying on their laps. Feres had nuzzled her face next to Russ's cock and Katie had her hand on Feres' hip. So precious, but I wanted to get Russ home for some private action.

As I got up, I woke Lee. He was pulling up his pants as he watched as I pulled my dress back up. After adjusting the "girls," I pulled my dress down and pressed it against my leg with my hand to get out some of the wrinkles. I walked and kissed Russ on the cheek waking him up. As he stirred so did Feres who in turn woke Katie. Feres got off them and straight out her bottom. She walked over and picked up her top and put it back on. Katie was also half dressed. She had gotten her pants on and was pulling her shirt over those breasts of hers; those poor puppies, being caged up again. Russ got dress next and he looked a mess. His clothing was a winkled from being walked over by Katie and Feres. We laughed at him.

Katie: Well I have to go, thank you for the great night. *kisses Russ, then Feres and then Felicia*

Felicia: Do you want to come home with us? I was going to ravage Russ.

Katie: Thanks but no thanks. I have to relief the babysitter. Don't want to pay the extra cost for her to stay late.

Felicia: *pouts* Okay. Next time then?

Katie: *smiles* Oh yes, next time. *Katie then leaves*

Feres: Can I join you? *over heard conversation with Katie*

Lee: You can't. You're still on the clock.

Felicia: Oh Lee. Damon won't mind. After all it's me.

With that we left for the front. I talked to Damon and he let me have Feres for the night. At home, we ravaged Russ. He was whimpering form all the times he had to cum. I think we ran him dry. After he was down, we continued to play with some of my "toys" into the wee hours of the morning.

Poor Russ had to go to work that day. He kissed me good bye and said it was the best thank you he had ever gotten. After he left, Feres and I spent the day in bed; trying new position and coming up with new ideas to do to Russ when he gets home. *giggles* The best part was I was able to get Katie to join us that night. *winks*

Weavile, Kangaskhan, Floatzel, Gengar, Ursaring, Ponyta, Rapidash, Lopunny, Vulpix, Umbreon, Lucario, Milotic, Scizor, Arcanine, Vaporeon, Zangoose, Lairon, Mawile, and Pokemon are © Game Freak and Nintendo.

Feres Maw is the property of gardevoirpro.

This story is the property of Gary Stricker.