
Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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Nemarda waits impatiently for a certain stud of a dragon to come court her, but she waits and waits and he never comes! So instead she goes to look for him: she arrives at his cave, but instead of finding the dragon, she finds something much more troubling...

Saturath was late.

Nemarda paced, and lashed her tail and growled as she eyed the blue sky, free of wings as it was despite the sun having past its zenith. She wouldn't let him catch her after all, for making her wait like this! Even if part of her really wanted to let him... No. He had to earn it, and if he had slept in this late, or was having trouble catching prey, then he could just keep on waiting. Big and strong as he was, it wasn't like he'd be able to catch a lithe, agile female like her without her letting him!

The powerfully built blue-and-gray drake had been courting her for nearly a month. Praising her, bringing her the choicest prey he could hunt, even offering the occasional bauble of shine from his precious hoard... She had wanted him from the first, of course, or she would have refused the gifts and bit him for trying to flatter her so, but a dragoness had to do these things properly--just because she wanted him under her tail didn't mean she should make it easy, she had to make sure he wanted it, make sure he was worthy!

Damn. She wanted him, too. All bright shining scale, rippling muscle, confident and aggressive and fierce, he was the sort of dragon every female dreamed of being pursued by, and it still thrilled her that he'd chosen to court her! Especially since she'd found him so attractive since the very moment she'd first seen him... "Nnnnh." Her tail lashed again, and her wings rustled against her back, restless. Just thinking of him made a heated rush of excitement flare beneath her tail. Every day for weeks he had come to her, and after accepting his gifts or compliments she would wait for him to try to get close, then turn tail and fly away as fast as her wings could carry, forcing him to give chase and see how far she could lead him! Every day it had grown a little harder not to let him catch her, herd her down and mount her, and today she had thought might be the day--

But no. The damned dragon had to be late! Today of all days! Nemarda had been fantasizing about him claiming her for so long... She groaned again, grit her teeth, and fought the urge to lift her tail. The red-and-yellow striped dragoness could feel the dampness between her hind legs, and the restless heat of arousal wasn't going away, either.

The day dragged on, and still there was no sign of Saturath. She paced, she groomed, she went to the stream near her cave for a cool drink to try to calm herself, but there was no reward for her patience; the dragon did not come--and at last, when she found herself fighting the urge to curl up and use her paw or tail to try to relieve her arousal, she gave up waiting. "Fine," she hissed to herself, shaking her wings out with a huff--and shaking the rest of herself, too, to try to clear her mind enough for flight. "If you can't come to me, I'm going to you. Just long enough for you to realize your mistake! Then when I fly away, you can keep courting me for another week."

Growling, certain this would make a most cutting rebuke that would tell him just how badly he had erred, she took to her wings and caught the updraft that swept up the face of her mountain, flapping hard and letting it carry her into the sky. The cool air rushing over her scales calmed her just a little, the demands of flight on her body helping a little more, enough for her anger to turn to worry: what if she had been too difficult? What if he had finally given up, or chosen to pursue some other female instead? No, it hadn't even been a full month, and the stories parents told their hatchlings were full of determined males pursuing the favor of a dragoness for as long as a year, surely he couldn't have run out of patience already!

Besides, she had seen how his body so consistently responded to her presence... No way a drake could turn his back on someone who so consistently had him as hard as his scales!

Even flight wasn't enough to prevent her arousal from returning full-force when she thought of how gloriously fearsome Saturath became when she got him so worked up. All the times she'd fled from that very impressive dragonhood of his had surely earned her quite the vigorous mounting--if she wasn't too angry about being stood up to even let him get close for the next week!

His cave was a short few miles from her own, a distance she only needed a quarter of an hour to cover. Distraction had made her flight perhaps a little less graceful than it could have been, but there had been no other dragons in the sky to observe her; even the mouth of Saturath's cave was, disappointingly, empty. Where could he be?

"Saturath!" She landed in a flurry of wings and rustling scales, kicking up dust that sprayed in all directions. "Where are you, you lazy drake? Come out!"

Her voice just echoed back at her from within his cave. Tail still lashing, pawing at the earth, she waited, growling, for a response... and when there was none, she barged inside. But even after passing through the entry tunnel to the main chamber of his home, she still did not find him: his scent was strong and thick within, leaving no doubt that he had been here frequently, and recently, but it was hard to tell how recently! She sniffed the air, listened, lashed her tail... Any dragon present would have charged out by now to confront the intruder, yet she was unchallenged. Either he was really asleep, or not here. "Saturath?" she said, with less of a growl in her voice, head swinging side to side: there were two side chambers off this one, one of which smelled of precious metals: his hoard, certainly, which out of respect she would not disturb. That would end any chance of being courted by him more definitely than anything else she could think to do.

So instead Nemarda turned toward the other cavern, likely a nice cozy sleeping chamber. The air changed as she approached: another scent, sharp and unnatural, began to tease across her snout, and her head lifted, wings fluttering gently to stir the air and try to catch a stronger whiff of it. Yes, there it was: a strong stench of rubber, something unusual and distinctly out of place in the cave! "Saturath?" she called again, more loudly as she passed through the threshold to the neighboring section of the cave.

But abruptly a part of her stuck: one of her hind paws had trod upon a dark, sticky substance on the floor. "What the-- Rrrrrr!" She tugged, growled at the unexpected strength of the grip on her paw, then really threw her weight behind it and yanked! For a long moment she strained, and felt whatever it was that held her stretching, slowly and quite worryingly, making her wonder briefly whether it would release her paw after all--and then at last it came free with a snap, with such force that she nearly went sprawling in the other direction. With a sigh of relief and a shiver, she twisted around to see what had impeded her... and saw only a dark spot on the ground, perhaps a puddle of some sort of liquid? Dipping her snout towards it, she sniffed: that same rubbery scent came strongly into her nose, evidently the puddle was its source. And it was quite sticky, she'd discovered already, so she was careful not to touch her snout to it as she examined the patch. Indeed her hind paw still seemed somewhat tacky from its encounter with the rubbery stuff, but it still moved easily enough, so after wiping it against the floor--her claws skidding and not seeming to flex properly, she'd have to clean her paw when she got outside!--she resumed her exploration of the dragon's cave.

But the room, evidently a bedchamber, yielded no further clues to his whereabouts. A large pile of pillows and blankets dominated the space, either purchased or more likely stolen from some anthro settlement: a nicer, softer bed than she had herself, and she eyed the heap covetously. But again she was not here to steal, only to find the dragon who should have been on the way to court her, maybe even mounted her by now if he had! So she left the bed alone, skirted around the dark sticky puddle on the floor, and went back outside, her hind paw feeling increasingly stiff: her claws didn't seem to want to bend.

The sky in her view once back on the cave's entry ledge remained empty of dragon wings or the sound of flapping; Saturath was not home, and not in the air nearby. But where? she wondered--until she sat on her haunches and extended her hind leg forward to groom her paw, and discovered to her surprise that it was entirely coated in the same black rubber--latex, that was what it was called--that she'd stepped in, the material brightly reflecting the sunlight around her... not just covering the bottom of her footpad but nearly halfway up her ankle! Her claws were completely hidden, nearly immobile beneath the material, which emitted a soft squeaking sound when she rubbed one of her fore-claws across it. She had never stepped in a puddle that deep, she would have noticed such a large depression in the floor, and hissing in displeasure she tried to wipe her paw off on the stone and dirt beneath her... but the latex didn't budge or seem to thin out at all. Her paw only slid across the rock without leaving any of the blackness behind, barely even picking up any of the dirt there!

Nemarda growled again. Just what was this stuff? Cautiously, she poked it with a foreclaw, and when it didn't stick to her as it had so strongly back at the puddle, she dug her claws in to try and tear it off: but it was too slippery, and despite the sharpness of her claws she couldn't get a grip on it no matter what angle she tried! Wait--

She froze, and stared at her hind leg. Not only was the latex stubbornly refusing to come off, but it was spreading! The motion was slow, but when she watched closely she saw it: the coating crept slowly up her leg, scale after scale, slow enough that she might have missed it if not paying close attention... But when she looked away, and looked back again after a moment, it had definitely gone farther! Feeling her worry building, she tried to get her claws beneath the edge to see if she could peel it off, almost like clothing, but she couldn't worm her claws into that gap either, and when it continued to spread her claws were nearly trapped as well--in fact, once she pulled her forepaw away she discovered a little of it had spread to them, and somehow it at once began to expand there too! Not seeming to grow any thinner or weaker as it went, but spreading all the same...

The dragoness lashed her tail and stood back up: there had to be a way to get it off, and she didn't know how far it might go left unchecked--she had to do something about it! Perhaps it would wash off in water... Her wings unfurled and stretched, but she hesitated: she didn't know where the nearest water source was, she didn't know his territory nearly as well as her own. She'd have to search a little to find it, which would take time, and give the latex time to coat still more of her... well, she'd better get moving! Flapping hard, she jumped back into the sky, making low circles over the forest and keeping her eyes and ears open for fresh flowing water.

The search took longer than she would have liked: nearly five minutes, and she was conscious all the while of the seconds passing. She kept wanting to look back at her paws, even nearly able to feel the rubber spreading! On her forepaw she could feel it: despite any attempts to flex her claws, as the material had crept up her digits it had drawn them together, and after how it had spread from hind paw to forepaw she was afraid to let it touch anything, or try to remove it with her other forepaw without looking while she flew. She didn't want to risk losing her other forepaw too!

At last she found a water source, a stream flowing down the back side of Saturath's mountain mostly hidden beneath the trees. It took some fancy flying to get down to it safely, and she landed heavily, slipping and nearly falling over, again, as both paws on her right side had lost the ability to grip the ground with claws. She nearly crashed into a tree before managing to recover her balance, and when she finally got a chance to look down at her right legs she nearly whined in dismay: the process seemed to have accelerated a little while she flew, and her hind leg was now coated halfway up her thigh by the shiny black material, the scales beneath entirely hidden by the smooth latex. Her foreleg was only covered a little past the wrist, but she had lost the use of her claws: they were pinned together and coated over, the sharp tips hidden beneath the material, her paw appearing smooth and featureless from outside, unable to spread or flex the digits within, now trapped and useless.

Her tail twitching in anxiety, she dipped her paw into the flowing stream. She barely even felt the temperature of the water; her paw certainly didn't feel wet, and only when she pushed it deep enough for the water to find uncovered scale could she tell she'd submerged it at all. But the latex didn't seem to be washing off, none of it seemed to be carried away by the clear water! Rubbing her paw against the smooth rocks at the bottom of the stream didn't help, either, able to feel the hardness of them against the other side of the coating, but it didn't scrape away, not even when she found one with a sharper edge to rub against: again it didn't cut the stuff, just slid past it. Whining more loudly, she tried again--something had to work, she couldn't just let herself be... consumed by the spreading rubber, she needed to get it off and there had to be some way to stop it!

Abruptly Nemarda let out a gasp, and her head snapped around: the latex had climbed to the top of her leg, and she had felt it begin to brush across the more sensitive scales beneath her tail. Abandoning the attempts to wash clean in the stream, she curled up on the bank to look: having reached her hip, the shiny black coating had begun to extend at that same incremental speed in all directions: along her side and belly, around both sides of her hips, and back towards her tail. In the process it had begun to spread over her sex, starting near her clit-- Another gasp, when it felt as if the rubber had done more than just spread, it felt as if it had pressed against the oh-so-sensitive nub in a way that felt far more pleasurable than she wanted anything to feel at the moment! But no--"nnnh!"--it wasn't an illusion, for it happened again, drawing an involuntary moan, and then not just that, she both felt and watched as the latex started to flow not across her slit, but into it, ever so slowly nudging open her entrance and slipping inside, as the distracting nudges to her clit continued!

"Nnngh-- No--" she yelped aloud in protest, her forepaw snapping down to stop it: first her already-coated forepaw, which only rubbed uselessly across her scales, then she twisted and reached with the other, seeking to work her claws beneath it and pull it free, whatever it was, whatever it was doing, she didn't care if she lost her other foreclaws too she needed to keep it out of there, the expanding rubber was bad enough already without violating her too! She clawed at it, tried to lever her claws beneath it, picked at the borders and tugged, but none of it stopped the gentle massage her slit was receiving, and despite her best efforts her entrance was soon covered: then, making her cry out from the sudden sensation of it, what had seeped into her sex abruptly swelled, more, and more, until she felt like she'd been claimed by the deepest, thickest dragon she'd ever taken! "Aaaahnn! Nnnngh--" She grit her teeth and writhed in the short grass, tail thumping on the ground. "Get-- out of there-- Nnngh!"

Whatever it was that had latched onto her--stuffed her--ignored her panting demands, and in fact from outside she couldn't tell it had penetrated her at all; where the latex covered her was perfectly smooth, not even showing the outline of her sex. She huffed, and shivered, and then after a moment things grew worse still for the dragoness: accompanying the slow teasing of her clit, the massive phallic shape in her sex began to stir, pulsing and rippling gently against her straining walls, hitting all her most sensitive intimate places at once, the pleasure of it impossible to ignore. "Nnnnnh... nnn! Nooo...! Stop it!" she managed to say, her voice high and soft and quivering from the heat now stirring beneath her tail in response to the stimulation. Again she tried to pull it away, but her other paw, having spent more time trying to prevent the spread of the latex, had been claimed more quickly and was already all but useless, her claws smoothed over in a useless mitt.

No-- Nemarda couldn't let this stuff... whatever it was that drove it to consume her... just claim her and cripple her. She needed to get help, needed to find someone, some way to get free of the slow advance of blackness that covered her ordinarily oh so colorful red and yellow scales! Trying to concentrate, trying to ignore the thick, far too distracting shape that had invaded her, she rolled back to her paws, stood up... and then with a yowl of surprise, lust, and pleasure, her forelegs folded beneath her almost of their own accord when her tailhole received the same treatment as her slit and a second, seeming equally thick and distinctly phallic shape formed within her, just as much of a strain as the first!

"Nnnnngh no! Rrrrnnnh... aah-aaaahhh... Mmmmh..!" Her low cries turned from protest to denial to pleasure in only a few moments, and even thinking of doing anything other than crouch there with her rump lifted and tail arched over her back seemed virtually impossible with those two thick, draconic cocks stuffed inside her, their very presence tease enough, and the subtle rippling motions making them even harder to ignore! The gentle kneading attention her clit received was just as difficult to overcome, so much pleasure, the sensations and the powerful arousal they stirred so intoxicating...

She wasn't sure how long she let herself succumb to the stimulation beneath her tail. Maybe it was only a moment; maybe it was a minute or two, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth and rolling her hips against the thick intrusions that felt so like the cocks of some big dragons... "Nnnh... F-fuck! Oohhhh..." she gasped, the instinct to lie there and let whoever had claimed her mount her and hold her and use her so powerful with the sensations so strongly turning her on. She only regained control of herself by degrees: first she managed to open her eyes, then to try to control her breathing, then to find the strength to lever herself up off the ground... The dragoness never did manage to find the will to lower her tail, but at least she was standing once again: but when she turned to look the pit of dread in her belly deepened, seeing the latex halfway down her tail, mostly covering her other hind leg, all of her hindquarters, and had even started on her wings! Meanwhile one foreleg had been coated entirely, the other nearly to the elbow. In desperation she went so far as to bite one of her forepaws, but her paw felt only a light pinch, and her teeth glanced off without leaving a mark: only a trail of drool beading on the black surface.

"N-no... I..." she huffed to herself. She couldn't be stuck like this, but she couldn't get out on her own either it seemed... she needed help! Her wings only fanned out halfway: so far only her claws had been impeded, everything else moving freely despite the layer of latex working its way across her scales and now some of her wing-skin as well, but aroused as she was she didn't think she could manage to fly regardless! Not when every instinct kept telling her to drop back into that submissive mating crouch to let whoever had taken her fuck her nice and hard... Even the thought of walking anywhere made her shudder, or perhaps that was only her reaction to a firmer sensation across her clit, already beginning to ache gently from her desire.

The rippling motions of the toys inside her also seemed to be increasing; either that, or her increasing arousal was making her more sensitive! But either way the rushing heat beneath her tail and the constant arousing sensations put her at war with herself, self-preservation insisting she'd be more likely to find help if she got away from a missing dragon's cave, while her lust demanded there was nothing better for her to do than just enjoy what she was feeling, and all the while the shiny black cocoon spread further... Her whole body shuddered, and she moaned more loudly, but at last she found the will to start walking. She followed the stream away from the mountain, where the trees were thinnest, panting heavily and trembling all the while as her sex and her rear and her clit were teased, and teased, oh how she would so love to flop down and rub herself off if she weren't so very worried about soon being covered tailtip to nosetip--oh gods, what if it covered her mouth and nose and she suffocated!? Her anxiety grew even stronger, but the sensations increased to match, and she could feel the latex slipping inexorably up her neck...

On down the slope the dragoness stumbled. It wasn't just increased sensitivity; the sensations she was receiving had grown stronger, she was sure, and she was starting to crave an orgasm nearly as urgently as she wanted to get this stuff off! But on she shuffled, too stubborn now that she was on this course to let herself give in, no matter how strong the pleasure grew... until she heard a noise up ahead.

"Aaaahh--! Is someone there?" she yelped, in the direction of the noise, and turned onto a trail that forked away from the stream, she was sure the quiet sound, what she was sure was a dragon's voice, had come from this direction! "I need help! Nnnh!"

After a few moments Nemarda heard a reply, but it was muffled beyond recognition, not any recognizable word: and after a moment she saw why, when she staggered into a clearing and found another dragon, covered entirely by the same rubber that was gradually consuming her! "Mmmm! Mmmh mmf, mmmmmmf!" said the dragon, whose scent was powerful, hot with arousal, and familiar: it was Saturath! His blue and gray scales were entirely hidden by shining black, hugging him snout to tailtip, and he wasn't moving, standing still as a statue in a low crouch with his rump and tail high, not unlike the same position her body kept wanting to drop into, with his wings furled, one foreleg bent beneath him and the other pressed against his belly not far from where his slit would be if it wasn't hidden by what covered him, and his neck arched... His head was coated over as well, his eyes hidden, and only his nostrils uncovered, a lone solitary patch of blue scale. More moans sounded from the trapped dragon, and though his nostrils flare the rest of him remained completely still--perhaps forced still, she thought with a shudder, as the sight of him powerless and motionless, aroused and groaning so helplessly, left no mystery about what her own fate would be!

"Nnnh-- Saturath-- It, aaaah! It's me..." she said, her voice a quivering needy whine. "I looked for you-- went to your cave-- The same stuff on you, it's Nnnnngh! It's on me too, I can't get it off!" she said, meaning to apologize, saying she would help him if only she could and unable to keep from moaning even as she spoke, while he whimpered meaninglessly back at her, the sharp scent of his own lust leaving no doubt that he was being teased just as she was... though the smooth coating of his belly seemed to her far too snug for his shaft fit beneath, and she shivered in sympathy, imagining how frustrating it must be for him to be that aroused but not able to get out of his slit!

"Mmmmgh! Mmmm mmmmf... mmmmm... mmm mmmmmf mmmmnngh!" he groaned at her, impossible to understand but so clearly desperate for relief, for freedom, just as she was...

"I'm sorry-- Saturath, nnnngh... All my claws are stuck underneath this stuff... biting, aaah! that didn't seem to help... and it's teasing me! I don't know what to do!" she wailed at him, torn between panicked despair and intense arousal, the rippling of the dragon-cocks inside her growing more pronounced, and faster too, forcing her by their intensity to crouch in front of her powerless horny lover, and she howled in uncontrollable lust, she couldn't find the strength to stand, she didn't know how to make it stop, she couldn't think--

And then she couldn't see, either, her spreading prison having reached her head at last, speeding up to blind her all at once! "No! Nnnngh! No get off! Aaaah!" she cried, neck twisting back and forth in denial, useless forepaws rubbing over her cheeks, the latex squeaking as it rubbed against itself without purchase--there was nothing she could do! And the stimulation only redoubled, focusing on her aching sensitive clit now with so much intensity that it seemed to block out the rest of the world, nothing else mattered to her but that incredible spike of pleasure, her insides clenching against those thick pulsing shapes as she cried out in pleasure, and desire, and need for the stimulation assaulting her to take her to a peak that felt so very close! Before she realized what was happening she felt a foreign taste on her tongue, and the substance generated yet another dragon-shaped cock inside her, this one right between her jaws. So horny that her only possible thought was to suckle it, her maw closed around it, tongue pressed firmly to it as it swelled to fill all the space it could, and then the rubber covered the front of her snout to seal the phallus inside and soundly gag her with it.

The pleasure was too intense to allow any protest. Nemarda could only gasp and moan and shudder in place, front legs folded beneath her with her head lolling against her paws, hind legs spread and straightened to keep her rump high, her tail arched over her back to offer herself to what felt like two massive dragons eagerly claiming her! Only when she tried to firmly grind against the pleasure did she feel the sudden stiffness of the coating, resisting her movement like it hadn't before, but even as she lifted her head to whine some form of protest it hardened entirely: though she tried to squirm, or turn, or even roll her hips, it had locked her in place, refusing to budge an inch in any direction and leaving her trapped in that provocative presenting pose. Only beneath her tail did the entrapping cocoon stir at all, the cocks rippling, the sensation of stroking and kneading against her clit...

But slowing! Despite how close she was to climax, the one thing she knew she wanted in this haze of pleasure, the stimulation began to slacken just when she wanted it most: the rippling motions that felt so like thrusts slowed, and the attention her clit had been so vigorously subjected to vanished almost entirely, save for a slow, regular, tantalizing and horribly teasing stroke across it, again, again, again, enough to keep her so achingly horny but not enough to help her to the peak she was so desperate for! She tried her best to thrash, but was held trapped and now utterly frozen in place, her howls muffled to soft meaningless moans by the phallic shape that gagged her that only Saturath, a few feet away, could possibly hear... She could hear him too, and smell his arousal on the air, imagining him standing over her proud and hard and ready to claim her, and even though she knew he was just as trapped as she was, her blindness kept her from dispelling the fantasy!

"Mmmmnh. Mmmf, mmm mmmmmm! Mmmmmf!" She howled desperately, the sound stifled and meaningless, and then another rub against her hot aching clit made her quiver all over, whimpering, desperate beyond anything just to cum... But the animated latex wouldn't let her, she couldn't escape, she couldn't do anything! The pleasure, as good as it felt, was now closer to torment than something she could truly enjoy, but even despite the denial she couldn't bring herself to resist the temptation of it, to soak in all the sensation she could and hope, try to somehow get off... She wanted to, needed to, and almost at once her frustration boiled over again, yowling and bucking against what coated her but utterly powerless in its grip. Then it was back to moaning in lust, desire, pleasure as the stimulation continued, unchanging, unrelenting, refusing to go far enough for her to get off no matter how she moaned or howled or pleaded around the cock in her maw to whatever it was that controlled her prison to just let her cum...

There was no way to know how long they were trapped there, unchanging, time only marked by the gradual increase in her desperate arousal. She only knew that there were footsteps of someone unseen, too soft to be another dragon, a low chuckle, and then what could only be a biped voice. "It must be my lucky day... I only thought to catch one dragon, yet here I come to collect him and discover a second fell into my snare as well!" She moaned at this unseen, boasting anthro, far too horny for it to sound any more dangerous than a muffled whimper, and judging by Saturath's accompanying groan he was as worked up and tormented as she felt!

"Now now, don't complain, my prizes... You will look lovely in my garden with the rest of my statues, and the magic in the latex will sustain you for a very long time before I'll need to let you out."

"Mmmmmhf! Mmmmmmmf!" Nemarda howled in protest, muscles trembling and straining, but she remained powerless, denied climax, denied freedom, and only able to wonder how long she would stay trapped this way...