First Meeting

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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The characters in this story appear in the series Brotherly Love and Summer Job.

Check them out in my archive!


Sorry I haven't written anything in a while, been busy. I might turn this into a series, but believe me, I'm not done with them yet!

You must be over 18, etc.

And to whoever is reviewing there. What the HELL do I have to do to get the Trusted-User thingie? x.X


Jamie glanced at the clock in the hallway, cursing under his breath as he rounded the corner. Already he was four minutes late for gym, when he should already have been changed and out in the middle of the gym floor with everyone else.

The fox pushed open the large, wooden door to the locker rooms, pulling open the first available locker he came to. His nose twitched a bit and he looked around the empty room, blushing, even though he was alone. Everything smelled like sweaty, musky males, and it was getting to him.

Normally it wasn't nearly this bad, but last night had been the first football game of the season, and the locker rooms were only cleaned out Friday nights. Jamie bit his bottom lip timidly, pulling his gym clothes out of his backpack. He pushed any sexual thoughts to the back recesses of his mind, tugging his shirt over his head and throwing it into the small metal cage.

His jeans followed and he quickly donned his workout clothes. He crammed the backpack into the locker and slammed it shut. Jamie took a deep breath, the intoxicating smell flooding his senses. A twinge alerted him to what his body thought of the smell, and upon looking down, he could see a visible tent forming in his light-blue shorts.

"Oh come on..." Jamie muttered, blushing and reaching down to try and push his erection back down, even though in the past it always just made it worse.

The fox stared at the door in front of him. By now he was probably closer to eight minutes late, and the coach was probably looking for him. However, he couldn't just go out around everyone with his shorts bulging.

Hormones got the best of him and he padded over to one of the benches in the center of the lockers. Laying across the wooden, and uncomfortable, seat, he tugged the waistband on his shorts and boxers down to just below his balls. Jamie looked down his chest at the few inches of fox cock already peeking out of his sheath.

Without hesitation, he wrapped his fingers around his sheath and tugged it down, exposing his shaft to the air. Not wasting any time, he started stroking over his member, pulling his shirt up and holding in his teeth to keep it out of the way, and to muffle any noises he made.


All the guys and girls sat along the wooden bleachers in the stadium, the coach going down the list of names. The badger grumbled a bit and looked around. "Anyone seen Jamie?"

"He was in my last two classes..." Jeremy piped up, the otter's paws fidgeting together as everyone suddenly looked at him.

"Go see if he's in the locker room..." The coach set his clipboard down and waved his arm. "Everyone else, come on, start running laps."

Jeremy's classmates groaned as he walked around the corner, taking the back door into the locker room. The otter's mind reeled a bit, trying his best to remember exactly what the fox looked like. He was pretty sure that Jamie was just a simple fox and didn't stand out, not like he did with his blue fur.

The otter rounded the last row of lockers and his next breath caught in his throat at what he saw. Jamie was sprawled out on one of the benches, cock in paw, pre dribbling from the tip. "Whoa!" Jeremy exclaimed, his eyes wide as he couldn't help but stare at the fox's shaft.

If Jamie had never been startled before, now was definitely it. The fox practically did a somersault of the bench, landing in a heap on the floor along side the bench. "Oh my God..." He started, blushing furiously and tugging all of his clothes back into place. "Oh my God oh my God oh my God..."

"Hey, no, look-"

"I'm so sorry, please don't tell anyone! I just..."

"Dude, it's fine! Serio-"

"Don't tell anyone, I'm sorry, I don't want anyone to think I'm some sort of pervert." Jamie was freaking out, talking a million miles an hour and almost on the verge of tears, kneeling on the other side of the bench, hiding from the otter.

"JAMIE!" Jeremy roared, trying not to giggle at the fox.

Jamie's ears laid back a bit and he looked up to face Jeremy. "Wh-what?"

The otter took a few steps forward, paws outstretched. "Don't worry about it, alright? I won't say anything."

The fox blushed and smiled a bit, lowering his eyes and nodding. "Thanks... I just-" His eyes suddenly focused a bit, and he realized the front of the otter's shorts were bulging out a bit. "Y-you..."

Jeremy followed Jamie's gaze, and he blushed a bit as he noticed the fox's previous actions had aroused him more than he thought. "Yeah, well... you were... I mean..."

"Are you...? I mean, you sort of seem it..." Jamie tried to ask, stumbling on his words a bit as he stood up, showing the otter that even after being caught, nothing had gone away.

The otter only nodded and grinned a bit, putting his paws on his hips, looking back over his shoulder. "Yeah... are you?"

Jamie nodded as well, stepping over the bench, the white fur on his cheeks a little red from blushing. "I am... I was pawing cause... well... the smell in here..."

"Your nose is better than mine... I can barely smell it..." Jeremy looked around, starting to blush a bit as well. "The coach sent me to look for you, by the way..."

"Oh, yeah... I was late, and then... well, sidetracked..." Jamie giggled and put a paw on the back of his neck, smiling at the otter.

"Well, I don't think you want to go out there looking like that..." The otter mused, staring down at the fox's bulge, still prominently in view.

Jamie blushed but grinned over at Jeremy, taking a step closer. "Hey, you're one to talk..." He replied, reaching down with one of his paws and squeezing the otter at the base of his shaft.

If he wasn't fully hard before, he was now and he just closed his eyes and let out a soft groan. The otter was blushing a bit under his blue cheeks and he tentatively reached out a paw to lightly brush against the front of Jamie's shorts, feeling the front of it slightly damp with pre.

The fox's paw traveled up a bit, hooking a finger onto Jeremy's waistband. He slipped to his knees in front of Jeremy and pulled the otter's shorts and boxers down with them. His eyes widened a bit and he murred loudly, slowly gripping the otter's shaft in one of his paws. Jeremy blushed as he let out a content sigh, a glob of pre appearing at the head of his shaft.

Jamie watched in fascination as he slid the otter's foreskin back and forth over the tip of his cock, more and more pre drooling out and onto his paw. The fox leaned in and slid his tongue up the underside of Jeremy's shaft, ears perking up as he heard the otter groan. He smiled to himself and slipped his muzzle around the head of Jeremy's shaft, sucking softly as his paw continued to stroke up and down anything that wasn't in his mouth.

Jeremy shivered a bit, his paws finding the fox's ears. He encouraged Jamie to slide his muzzle up and down across his veined shaft, eyes fluttering closed as the fox's tongue danced over the tip of his cock. Pre steadily flowed from the slit and Jamie savored the taste as it pooled on his tongue.

The otter's attention faltered for a bit as he heard another sound join the constant slurping and he allowed his eyes to open for a brief second, peering down at the fox in front of him. Jamie had pulled his shaft out through the pant-leg on his shorts, a black tipped paw squeezing and tugging on the turgid flesh. Jeremy watched in rapture, his breath coming in smaller, shorter bursts and his heart speeding up. He grinned down at the fox for a split second before closing his eyes. With both paws, he gripped Jamie's head and thrust his shaft forward, his balls slapping against the fox's chin.

Jamie gagged slightly, surprised by the sudden action, but only moaned softly, still sucking as best as he could. The otter pulled his shaft back to the tip before shoving it back in, starting to pant a bit as he continued the pace. Jamie's paw flew across his shaft, content to be used as he got closer and closer, his free paw joining in and squeezing down on his knot.

Having gotten close to orgasm before, Jamie was the first to blow. He let out a muffled yip around the otter's shaft, his cock twitching in his paw. Jeremy's eyes opened a bit when he felt something splatter against his legs and feetpaws. He murred a bit at the sight, lifting one of his feetpaws up to run it underneath the fox's spurting shaft, the short fur getting matted down. Jeremy groaned a bit, feeling his balls pull up a bit as he thrust faster, squeezing his eyes shut once more to concentrate.

With a final thrust forward, he inhaled sharply, his cock spasming between the fox's lips. Jamie's ears perked up a bit, and he quickly reached up to give Jeremy's sac a tiny squeeze, drinking down as fast as he could as the otter's seed poured into the back of his throat, threatening to drown him. Jeremy shuddered as he tried to remain standing, his shaft pumping cum down the Jamie's throat, who fought valiantly to make sure none of it spilled back over his cheeks.

The paws on the back of Jamie's head let up and he pulled off of the otter's shaft, one last rope of cum hitting him square on his chin. The fox licked it up, panting a bit himself as he stared up at the otter. After a moment's silence, they both giggled nervously, redressing themselves.

"Jeez... thanks for getting cum all over my foot..." Jeremy teased, walking towards the sinks to grab a paper towel.

Jamie laughed and stood up, stretching a bit. "Hey, thanks to you, anyone I get around today will probably notice the smell!"

The otter blushed a bit and smiled over at Jamie. "We're really fucking late for gym now... you know that?"

"Yeah... and I don't want to go out there now... We don't exactly have a good excuse for being this late..." He mumbled, sighing and looking around the locker room. "Do you... want to just, skip this class? It's the last one of the day... No one will miss us..."

Jeremy looked up, thinking for a bit. He folded his arms and sighed. "Sure, I guess... though, where can we go? I don't think we'd be noticed trying to sneak back ON to campus to catch the bus."

Jamie's ears perked up a bit and he grinned, tail flicking back and forth. "I have a car..."

The otter fidgeted a bit, trying not to smile. "Well-"

"And my parents won't be home until like... ten or so..." He added, blushing a bit.

Jeremy couldn't help but laugh a bit and he nodded. "Sure sure... come on, let's get out of here before the coach sends someone ELSE back here to check on us..."


The characters in this story appear in the series Brotherly Love and Summer Job.

Check them out in my archive!


Sorry I haven't written anything in a while, been busy. I might turn this into a series, but believe me, I'm not done with them yet!

You must be over 18, etc.