Fennec Heaven Part Two: Tears of Angels

Story by Nar on SoFurry

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Fennec Heaven Part Two

"Tears of Angels"

(Oral/Anal/Master-Pet/Toys/Drama/Mild Violence/Gay Relationships)

(c) Narilva Greymantle ([email protected]) 2006

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Warning thing: Gay sex and drama follows. Read on if interested, if not, go away.

The sex scene is outlined in "*****". The rest is a heavy drama.

Merry Christmas and God bless.

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-November 1:30am-

Daniel just closed his eyes. The smell of his tea warmed his body somehow and he opened his eyes again.

Daniel sat quietly staring into his cup of tea, slowly twirling his spoon around his fingers. It had been a long night. His fur had once been the pristine picture of vulpine perfection, smelling of lavender and roses. Now he was reeking of other's male scents and their seed. He slowly sipped his blueberry tea, watching entranced as steam left the edge of the cup and floated away into the night. He wasn't sure why he was so spellbound by the movement of the tea. Maybe it was exhaustion, maybe it was shock, maybe both. He twitched his tail back and forth behind him in the folding chair as he stared at the horizon, sipping the tea slowly to try and ease the pain in his aching jaw. He set his teacup down on the stone table in front of him and reached for the pocket watch he carried with him, opening it to find not the time, but ease from his pain as he had hollowed out the watch long ago and replaced the innards with ibuprofen and Tylenol for headaches and general aching pains. He took four ibuprofen with a swallow of his tea, the warmth of the liquid soothing his tired throat into stopping its violent coughing. He could hear the busy sounds of photography in the room behind him, the lights being taken down, the cameras stripped of their film and the laughter of the photography team as they joked with the second model in the shoot, his smooth as silk voice carrying all the way to Daniel's ears. He lowered his ear tufts as he tried to block out the noise and concentrate on the horizon.

The sun would be rising soon. Maybe today would be a good day, unlike tonight. Daniel sighed. He would never see it today anyways, he would be sleeping off tonight's labor. Twelve hours straight. He looked at his wristwatch sitting beside his small flurry of personal belongings he had left on the table before starting the shoot. 5:23am. The young fox yawned and picked up his watch. The tired fox strapped the watch onto his left wrist and bent over the side of the chair to pick up his clothes, shrugging on his underwear, loose jeans and tight white T-shirt before topping it all off with his thin grey coat. He began to shove his belongings into his pockets: wallet, painkillers, lotion (five months old), chap stick (two years old) and finally his keys.

Before he zipped up his jacket however, he removed the tiny handgun he slipped into the inner jacket pocket and dropped it into the outer pocket of his jacket. He hated guns, and rarely ever loaded a round into the chamber, but if need be, he could pull it out and defend himself. He had bought the gun a week after turning 21 and applied for his concealed carry license the next day. Maybe he was getting paranoid, but since his comeback in the porn magazine he had started in, "Fennec Heaven", his popularity had skyrocketed. Almost everywhere he went he was accosted by horny fans, most probably not even old enough to legally read the magazine. He was disgusted most times by their advances, but every once in a while he would be really scared for his safety. Once a rather large and intimidating lion had cornered him in a restaurant and scolded the fox for being gay and also for being in such a dirty publication as "Fennec Heaven". Daniel didn't know what to do, and didn't know how this feline knew his work, but that experience had frightened him enough to invest in a firearm.

Daniel zipped up his jacket and, taking one last drink from his teacup, began pushing his way past the sweaty males inside the apartment where the shoot was taking place, nodding at the photographer, but not giving his "co-star" a second glance. His name was Chris, a rather well-built fox with piercing blue eyes and white locks that hung over his eyes. He was also "gay for pay", with a 9 inch cock and an insatiable drive to fuck. Daniel swallowed hard as he tried not to even look at the fox as he stood there wearing nothing but his fur and laughing with the camera crew, joking about his girlfriend, how much he hated shoving his prick up some fag's ass, etc. Daniel couldn't stand any of it and simply left, the feeling of the fox's shaft pressing deep within his throat still haunting his senses.

He still refused to bend over in the shoots, despite what the publishers said it would do for his pornography career. Daniel always shrugged and took his stance. If it were up to him, he would have nothing to do with this degrading business, but he needed the cash. Lately, things had been going south. His car had broken down in the past two month...three times. His landlord was raising rates since the neighborhood's real estate prices began to soar due to nearby development of posh strip malls and business structures. And beyond all this, he had his boyfriend, Riule, to look after. Riule had just turned 21 last week and ever since being kicked out of his parent's home for being caught having rough sex with Daniel, he had been having a hard time finding work. Daniel punched the button for the elevator and stepped inside, waiting patiently for the car to make the long journey to the lobby of the hotel.

He quickly made his way into the cold, wrapping his jacket tightly around him and walking quickly back home, hoping to god that Riule hadn't stayed up all night waiting for him...

~ ~

Riule closed his eyes as he lowered the volume on the stereo system, trying to absorb the notes of the music into his soul somehow. His eyelids felt heavy as the notes floated slowly and angelically to his ears. He opened one eye as he stared into the darkness of the apartment at the small stereo system. Everything in his and Daniel's apartment was broken in some way, but the stereo was intact and played music like the most immaculate player on the planet. The screen slowly panned left to right as it played the next track.

1/1 - Brian Eno - Ambient One: Music for Airports...

Riule looked at his wristwatch as he tried to read the face in the ambient light of the streetlights outside, straining his vision to tell the time.


Riule slowly twirled his hands back and forth in time to the music before his senses failed him and he slipped into a fitful sleep.

~ ~


When Riule awoke again, he was laying in bed. He looked over at the clock. 12:34pm. He tried to move, but felt Daniel's arm draped across his chest. Moving it slowly and gently, he slipped out of bed, carefully creeping out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, not bothering with clothes or even brushing his fur out as he opened their tiny fridge and pulled out his bottle of water. Riule unscrewed the top as he looked out the window set above their sink at the midday traffic and the horizon beyond, wondering what it was like to live away from it all as he tilted the water bottle up and downed the entire contents in a few thirsty gulps. He sniffed his paw slightly and caught the scent of another male, just bearly concealed below the strong, aromatic scent that Daniel gave off every day. He sighed and refilled the bottle, replacing it in the refrigerator and shutting the door as he leaned over the sink and began to wash the few plates that his boyfriend had left out last night from his late dinner.

He tried hard to put the fact out of his mind that his mate was a porn star, that since work was getting harder and harder to find with unemployment on the rise again, he was forced to return to the medium that had spawned their relationship. Riule sniffled slightly as tears came to his eyes, glad that Daniel would be asleep for a while longer. He wanted so badly to tell him not to do it anymore, he wanted so badly to have Daniel all to himself, not share him with anyone else, he wanted to...kill....the other porn stars that his Danny starred with in the past few months, but he couldn't. They had already sold everything in the house worth of value. The china sets, the flat screen TV they once owned, the computer, the nice furniture. The only thing left was the stereo, but since it was so old already, no one would buy it. Riule felt tears begin to run down his cheek fur and fitfully reached over and grabbed the dry dish towel hanging over the counter and quickly drying his paws before he wiped his eyes. Riule's mind was filled with thoughts of jealousy, but above all, overlaid in his thoughts like the shadow of a mountain, was the fear about Daniel carrying that gun with him on all times. The thought that one day it would malfunction in an attack, that he would forget it at home, that he would accidentally shoot himself with it....they all caused him slight anxiety attacks every day.

Oh god...I have to find a way to get him out of this degrading business before he gets hurt...oh god oh god...someone is going to hurt him today...he's going to be attacked...oh god... Riule rubbed his eyes hard to drive the thoughts from his mind. No one is going to hurt him, he's going to be fine, just fine.

Riule sighed softly and made his way back towards the bedroom and sneaked into the shower. Daniel had simply worked last night, today, the fox belonged solely to him.

~ ~



When Daniel woke up, he could hear the gentle sprays of water coming from the bathroom and could smell the wondrous scent of his boyfriend washing his fur out, the perfumes of lavender and tropical fruits wafting through the bedroom to his sensitive nose. Just the thought of his baby washing himself off was enough to get his sheath stirring, even though he had just had a "money-shot" orgasm last night. It had been a while since they had been intimate together, ever since he had reaccepted his position in the pages of "Fennec Heaven" their relationship had gotten a little rocky, but they rode out the waves and came out on top...most times.

Danny sighed deeply and hauled his naked body out of bed, stumbling a little in his extreme exhaustion from last night's efforts. It only took him a moment to freshen up his mood before he stepped through the open door to the little bathroom and peeked past the curtains to view the shining fur of Riule as he massaged shampoo into his armfur.

"Boo." Daniel said softly, so as not to startle his partner. Riule giggled softly and shook his rear playfully.

"I'm shaking in my boots Danny." Riule answered sarcastically, smiling a little anyways.

Daniel smiled himself as he stepped in the tiny bathtub/shower combo and wrapped his arms around Riule's waist as the hot water cascaded down around him, matting down his fur and driving away some of the residual aches from last night. He licked his foxxie's ear gently as he pressed his body against the already shampooed fox.

"Are you now?" Danny retorted as he closed his eyes to breathe deep of his mate. "I only feel you trembling, not shaking in fear."

"I'm not yiffy is why..." Riule answered, looking back as he rinsed off the last patch of soaped-up fur before he winked. "At least, not yet I'm not."

"Oh, so does that mean I have to do this?" Danny whispered huskily as he bit down gently on the back of the fox's neck, just kneading his muscles with his jaw as he licked the wet fur.

Riule gasped sharply. "I...ooh..."

Danny smiled wide as he released the love bite and licked his lips. "There yet pup?"

Riule whimpered softly as his sheath began to swell from the mere anticipation of some alone time with his fox for the first time in weeks. "Almost..."

"Almost what?" Daniel asked with a sudden sternness in his voice, pressing his swollen fox sheath against the little male's exposed rear, the opening pressing against the pucker under his tail.

Riule yelped ever so softly as he realized the game. He was the pet and Danny was the master. Danny was going to play ultimate dom for the first time in months, playing to the single-most arousing fetish that Riule harbored deep inside...

"Almost...m-master..." Riule moaned out as his sheath swelled a little more, his red cocktip peeking out of his body as Daniel moved his paw around to squeeze the little fox's ballsac gently.

"Good, good. Are you going to be a good little pet today?" Danny whispered softly into Riule's neck as he humped slowly and teasingly at the fox's pucker, his own foxhood slowly slipping out to rest between his spread cheeks.

"Yes, master." Riule panted softly, still feeling the water washing down his front and over his now quickly hardening shaft. Danny looked up at the showerhead and sighed a little inside. It would be nice to just rut his mate in the shower, but as tight as they were on funds now, he couldn't afford to have the water running for almost an hour, for when he got in the mood, he mated Riule for hours on end.

Danny chuckled darkly, disguising his disappointment as he reached over and turned off the water, leaving them both shivering slightly at the sudden loss in heat even as their shafts stood proud and untended to.

"Well then Pet, get out of the shower and dry us off." Danny whispered ever so softly, releasing Riule and gently pushing him out of the shower onto the worn carpet. The submissive fox lowered his ears and immediately knelt on the floor, grabbing a towel as his master followed him out and began to quickly dry his fur off.

Danny murred softly in contentment as his mate and pet tended to him. It felt so good to be dry and warm again. All the while, he smiled as his pet remembered that he was not allowed to touch any private spot on his master unless given permission. Riule quickly got most of the dampness from his master's fur out before he slung the towel over his shoulder, awaiting further instruction.

Danny grinned wide and grabbed another dry towel and began to rub down his boyfriend, quickly drying him off as well before he threw the wet cloth to the floor, leaving them both damp and short of breath.

"Good boy." Danny cooed softly, petting Riule's ear tip lovingly. "Now, you need to tend to my other needs pet."

Riule watched as Danny gripped his still hard foxhood in one hand and ran his fingers all the way to the base, stroking it gently right in front of his eyes before he set both paws on his cheeks and guided him towards his crotch. Riule opened his mouth wide and gratefully allowed the fox to slip his cock inside his awaiting muzzle and against his tongue, moaning softly in need as his master began to slowly hump his face.

"Mmmm...ohh god...such a good boy..." Danny moaned out, the feeling of his foxxie's tongue driving him insane with lust. "That's it fox...suck right on the tip...ohh...."

Riule closed his eyes as he serviced his master, sucking on the red tip with the passion of a sex-starved nymphomaniac, taking more and more inches of that hot meat into his muzzle and down his throat with every slow hump that Danny made at his lips. His own foxhood stood erect and dripping between his legs, unheeded to, but he wasn't given permission to touch himself, so he waited it out, placing his paws on his knees to steady his swimming head.

Danny was lost in ecstasy. He wanted so badly to just fuck his pet's face until he came, to pound his muzzle in a drunken wave of lust and force him to drink his cum, but he knew how selfish that would be and just concentrated on gathering enough will power to push away Riule before he came.

"That's...oh jesus...that's enough." Danny whimpered softly, his shaft dripping his pre all over Riule's lips and chin. "You did a good job fox. But I want a change of scenery." Danny stepped past his mate and opened the door to the bathroom, leading back into the bedroom as he snapped his fingers over his shoulder. "Come pet."

Riule whimpered softly and obediently followed, a little embarrassed as he walked on all fours like an animal, but he loved it nonetheless. His eyes stared transfixed on his mate's swaying rear and the little pink star underneath his bushy tail, the thought making his balls ache with desire as he remembered how tight his master was. He shook his head to clear his thoughts though. He needed to concentrate on being submissive today. Danny stopped in the living room as he pushed away the decaying coffee table to clear out a large spot for his newly planned sex escapade with Riule. His pet stopped just outside the bedroom, resting on his legs as he watched his master set up, his paws dangerously close to touching his dripping shaft, but resisting the urge.

After a few more furniture removals, Daniel was pleased with the outcome. He had cleared a good 12 foot square spot for the fun. He laid down on his side, facing Riule as he rested his hand on his hips and supported his beautiful head with the other, modeling his body for his pet.

"Pet, go fetch the bag. Carry it back in your mouth and on all fours and I will reward you." Danny barked. Riule lowered his head and scrambled off, knowing exactly what bag to get. As soon as he was back in the bedroom, he reached under the bed and pulled out a small duffel bag filled with miscellaneous sex objects of all kinds: dildos, vibrators, pawing aids, lubes, oils and even feathers and paddles. He smiled to himself before he took the handle of the bag and quickly bit down, carrying the black duffel out as commanded.

Danny grinned at his pet's eagerness to start and snatched the bag as soon as Riule was in arm length. He began to rustle through it, looking for two particular items in general before he looked up, the stern eye gone and the loving, gentle eyes of just Daniel were back.

"The safe word is orange ok baby?" Danny whispered softly, smiling warmly. Riule nodded and licked his lips.

"Sure love. But let's get on with it ok before I just breed you silly." Riule giggled softly. Danny rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on now, I'm the master today anyways." His smiled faded and the look in his eyes was stern and unforgiving again. "Get on your stomach pet. Spread your legs."

Riule didn't need to be told twice. He dropped on the floor and widened his stance, his tail held high in the air as he looked back at his master, his arms held tightly together under him as he propped himself up, presenting his body fully. Daniel grinned and snapped his fingers, pointing at the wall in front of Riule, his brow furrowed to look as stern as possible. Riule yelped softly, knowing he was disobeying his submissive role by looking around and immediately stared straight ahead, not daring to look back, lest he break his command. Danny chuckled darkly and set the bag down beside his pet's left foot as he knelt between his legs, uncapping the top of a bottle of cheap lube and squeezing a tiny amount onto the end of his fingers. He licked his lips as he looked down at the submitting fox as he held his bushy tail high in the air, waiting patiently for his master to have his way with his body as a shiver passed through the little fox as he heard the cap being undone.

Daniel laughed darkly as his lubed fingers began to slip under the fox's tail. Riule whimpered softly and tried to keep his tail still and raised high.

"Oh, the pet is so sex starved..." Danny whispered softly as he suddenly shoved his index finger into the trembling fox, who let out a desperate moan of pleasure and arched his back. "Let's see if I can't satisfy him..."

Riule whimpered deeply as his mate shoved his finger inside his tight tailhole, his legs quivering in pleasure as Danny began to work the finger in and out of his body slowly, shoving in all the way before pulling out. Riule groaned as he relaxed his tailhole, trying to ease his muscles to let his mate do what he wanted faster. Danny leaned down along Riule's left leg and licked at the drying fur of his inner thigh, nibbling erotically at the fur there.

"Mmm...such a good pet. Now..." Danny cooed gently as he finished his sentence by pushing another well-lubed finger inside his hot and tight mate. Riule cried out in ecstasy as his tailhole clamped down firmly around the two fingers.

Riule was in heaven. The fingers in his back passage were driving him wild with pleasure and he had to literally claw into the carpet to resist his urge to thrust himself backwards onto them and drive himself to orgasm. His foxhood was already beginning to ache as it rubbed against the soft rug under him, leaving the surface wet with pre. Danny licked his lips and moved in closer between his pet fox's legs, working his fingers in and out of the fox's love hole at a rapid pace, finger-fucking him like a beast.

Riule almost howled in pleasure as he felt another finger added to his already quickly stretching and relaxing tailhole, his master's fingertips pistoning like a machine through him. He needed more so badly, needed his master's shaft to be driven inside him instead of the fingers. He wanted to be bred, here and now.

But Danny had other ideas. He quickly thrust his three fingers in and out of the moaning fox over and over as he tried to reach into the bag by his foot, tossing around differing toys before he came to the one he wanted. He nibbled on his own lip in anticipation as he continued to finger his mate, turning his attention to the bright purple vibrator he had pulled from the bag. He dropped the dildo between his legs, resting the side against his dripping erection as he switched it on, murring happily as it vibrated against his foxhood, all the while, rapidly pounding his slave's tailhole. Riule moaned out like a female in heat, begging for more, for his master's cock, howling and begging to be mated. Danny winced slightly. If Riule didn't quiet down, they'd have angry neighbors banging on their door. He stopped fingering his mate long enough to lean down and lick at his lover's ear.

"Orange! Orange..." Danny whispered softly as he leaned over his mate. Riule looked back, knowing their game was temporarily suspended.

"What Danny?" Riule asked between pants of ecstasy. "Why'd you stop?"

"You need to quiet down, the neighbors will get angry with us you know."

Riule giggled softly and held his paw over his muzzle. "Oh, yeah. Hehe. I'm sorry."

Danny grinned wide and his eyes sparkled in the light. "It's ok baby, just tone it down a little. I have a gag here you know, and I will use it if you get too loud."

Riule laughed softly and winked. "I'll be quiet master, I promise."

Danny giggled and backed away, back between his love's legs as he shoved his fingers back inside the fox's molten tailhole, thrusting away as if he had never stopped. Riule bit back a pleased howl and buried his head in his paws, letting out his screams into his fur. Daniel licked his canines and picked up the vibrator, letting the tip rest on his slave's exposed ball sac before he slowly began to slide the toy upwards, letting it vibrate for a few seconds on each sensitive spot on his mate before slipping it further upwards, towards the well-lubed and stretched pucker. Riule writhed slightly as he felt the toy slip further and further up, getting closer and closer to its mark as his hole tightened slightly in reflex. Danny snarled slightly in dominance, demanding that his slave relax his hole. Riule whimpered and tried to comply, loosening himself as the tip finally came to rest on his ring of muscle. Danny quickly switched hands, grabbing the lube bottle and squeezing out a healthy dollop and smearing the toy with it quickly before he pushed himself up and laid over his pet's back, his lube-soaked paw holding the toy firmly at Riule's entrance, but not penetrating yet. The fox whimpered deeply as his ears flickered back and forth on his head, his lips parted as he whispered silent pleas for his master to continue.

Danny nipped playfully at Riule's ears before he moved his jaw down his slave's neck slowly, combing his fox's fur with his canines before he came to his submissive's shoulder. He licked his lips and took a second to breath in the fox's intoxicating scent. His natural sex musk was slipping through the perfumes of the shampoos he had just used and made Danny's head light with lust. Riule whined loudly and arched his back.

"Please fuck me with it master, please..." Riule begged.

Daniel didn't need any more encouragement. He immediately shoved the toy halfway inside his lover, his own length throbbing and spilling some pre into his slave's backfur as he felt the harsh thrust pass through Riule. The subby fox beneath him began to pant and moan as the toy vibrated inside him, his tailhole burning slightly from the sudden intrusion, but his rear aflame with desire and pleasure. He fell onto his face and clawed at the floor as Danny reached under the fox's chin and lifted his muzzle off the floor, licking and gnawing softly at his cheek as he slowly began to work his toy in and out of the fox's little body, pushing in a little more on the hard toy until after a few minutes he could push the toy completely to the hilt inside his lover and pull it all the way out again.

"Good boy, very good boy...you took it all, and so easily and quickly too..." Danny cooed lustily as he licked at Riule's cheek, the little fox's eyes closed tightly as his muzzle was parted in pleasure. Danny took the opportunity to slip his fingers into the lithe fox's lips, pushing against his tongue before the fox immediately closed his mouth and began to suckle on his mount's fingers.

"I think you deserve a reward, hmm?" Danny whispered softly into the fox's shoulder before he bit down lightly before letting go.

He leaned back and reached back into the bag, pulling out a simple leather harness and with a few, well practiced snaps secured the straps around both of Riule's legs, a few more strips running all over before he secured them, two of the straps holding the toy in place, hilted inside the male's hole and holding it in place no matter how he moved. Riule whimpered as he felt Danny grip his shoulders and roughly turning him over onto his back, the toy shoving inside him as it rested on the floor. The fox whimpered louder before he bit himself back, instead just letting out a continuous stream of soft moaning.

Danny wiped his paws clean of the lube before he placed them back onto Riule's hips and dove his muzzle down to engulf his pet's throbbing foxhood, bobbing his head rapidly and deepthroating the long cock over and over as he drank down the pre offered to him. Riule felt as if his eyes were going to pop out of his head as he felt the warm and wet muzzle on his shaft, trying to restrain his lusts but failing as his mate's very talented muzzle found every sensitive spot on him. He bucked his hips, just once against Danny's bobbing, but his master noticed immediately. He dropped back and licked his chops clean before he shook his finger at his slave.

"Bad, bad boy." Master said, his voice stern and unforgiving. "You should know better. Now you have to service me."

Danny stood up and walked over his mate before he knelt down, his legs on either sides of Riule's head and his ballsac resting on the fox's chin, his throbbing, dripping erection standing proud and pressing against the fox's nose. Riule whimpered in shame. He should have restrained his lusts, but now his treat was over. Danny snickered evilly and reached down, settling himself back so that his rear rested on his pet's upper chest and grabbing his fox's ears softly. He pushed his slave's head down until he was looking at his cock straight on and roughly shoved his dick inside against his mate's tongue. Riule merfed softly before he felt the dripping tip shove down his throat. He began to swallow around the length as he looked up, his eyes glazed in lust as he gazed lovingly at his master. Danny grinned and began to hump his slave's entire muzzle and throat, groaning out his satisfaction with each thrust, telling him over and over what a good little bitch he was being and how good his throat felt. Riule gagged slightly from the length stuffed roughly into his throat and struggled to deep throat every inch.

Danny finally relented face-fucking his love and backed off, standing up and looking down at his fox, his saliva and pre-dripping erection blocking his direct line of sight as he snapped his teeth together.

"Good boy, but as much as I love your hot little muzzle, I'd rather breed your tight little hole. Turn over." Daniel commanded, twirling his finger to order his mate to move.

Riule flicked his ears up and down before he nodded and turned over, trying to keep the dildo-harness from thrusting the toy too harshly inside him again. Danny snickered and grabbed the toy's base, roughly yanking it out and tossing it aside. He grinned at the leaking tailhole presented to him as he ran a finger all around the edge of his mate's tight little entrance. Riule whimpered and his hole tightened up in reflex.

Riule grinned softly to himself as he suddenly felt the fingers slip away and his mate's warm cockhead pressing against his hole. He grunted and closed his eyes before he felt the rest of the fox's shaft slip into him, all the way up to the knot. Riule moaned softly and began to hump his hips backward at his mate's as Daniel began to softly hump into the fox below him, panting softly into his headfur. Riule whimpered as his prostate was once again stimulated, his rock-hard erection pressing into the carpet.

Danny didn't last long. He kept humping at his "pet" faster and faster, driving himself towards that orgasm that both he and Riule so desperately needed. Riule moaned softly, remembering the neighbors feelings and held his muzzle parallel to the floor, grunting with every wonderful thrust inside his rear. All too soon, however, he felt the familiar need of his mate's knot pressing against his already stretched ring. He hadn't been properly tied in months and he needed it so badly. He broke the game they were playing to voice his need, lest Danny avoid the knot.

"Tie me Danny...tie with me love..." He panted softly. Daniel normally would have scolded his mate for breaking his role as the pet, but he shrugged it off. They were past their roleplay and now were just fulfilling each other's needs.

Daniel nodded and bit down on the back of his mate's neck, holding him in place as he roughly shoved his knot into his rump, slipping past his ring and humping quickly, driving himself towards blessed orgasm. Riule let out a lustful yelp and came, his seed spraying into the carpet with extreme force, some of the white cream splashing up onto his chest. Danny whimpered at the extra stimulation around his cock as Riule's tailhole throbbed and began to spasm around his length, sending him over the edge, but still humping furiously into his mate's ass. He fucked his fox until his afterglow began to take him, then settled down onto Riule's back to rest.

Riule whined softly at the knot holding him bound to Danny and smiled warmly as he felt his mate's hands wrap around his cock, stroking and milking the last of his cum from his balls. The submissive fox licked affectionately at Danny's cheek and the two laid there until the knot subsided and Danny finally slipped out. The fox couple continued to cuddle throughout their afterglow.


~ ~

Riule murred happily as he played with his mate's tailtip, licking and grooming the fur as he cuddled in their post-sex afterglow. Daniel grinned and affectionately stroked his boyfriend's head before he noticed Riule's tongue had lost its passion and the glow was lost behind his eyes.

"What's wrong honey?" He asked softly, as if afraid his voice would somehow shake the room if he spoke too loud.

Riule sighed and leaned back in the bed, his head against Daniel's chest. "Just thinking."

"What of?"

"I was just...I dunno. It's stupid. Don't worry about it." Riule said, waving his paw.

Daniel shook his head. "You know I can't let it go now. Now what's the matter?"

"No really, it's-"

"Riule. You tell me this instant." Daniel demanded, holding his boy's muzzle in his paws and forcing him to look eye to eye with him.

Riule whimpered and felt his will surrender. "Daniel...I...I don't want...I mean..."

Daniel whined softly, using his pathetically cute tone of voice that he only used when he wanted something. "C'mon baby, you can tell me."

"I-I'm not sure how to say it though."

"Then just say it then."

Riule took a deep breath, calmed his nerves and let the words fly from his mouth, uninhibited. "I don't want you to work for Fennec Heaven anymore."

Daniel nodded and averted his eyes. "Neither do I honey."

Riule lowered his head in shame and hid his face under the blanket. Daniel didn't dare follow or try to force him out in the open, he knew him better than that.

"I just get so jealous sometimes...hell, all the time I get jealous. The thought of your beautiful body slapped up in some skin magazine for everyone to drool over just makes me crazy...I'm the only one who's supposed to see you that way..." Riule whispered, clawing at the sheets and trying his best not to cry.

Daniel leaned in and held his sweetie close, squeezing him gently to try and calm him down. "Shh...I know Ri, I know. I don't want to do it, but we have no choice with the country being the way it is. Unemployment is the highest its been in almost twenty years and I'd rather break my back working down at the warehouse ferrying boxes back and forth than do what I do. But beggers can't be choosers to quote that one famous person or whatever. Everyday I search for a job, I even ask the guy I'm in the pictures with if he knows of any jobs, but the answer is always no."

Riule sighed deeply and wiped his tears away before coming out of his cloth hideaway. He still averted his eyes so that Danny wouldn't see him like that. "But you're mine."

Danny almost winced with the truth of that statement. It pained him right to the core. "I know. And I am. Ri, can I tell you something about my job?"

Riule nodded but kept his distance from his mate, not wanting to touch him just yet until he had mentally forgiven him.

"I hate doing it now. I used to love it. I was a sex machine back when you met me, but now I've settled down a bit and since I've been with you and had to make my comeback, they don't take any pictures of me from the waist down anymore without prepping me first. I have to go in the back room and paw while thinking of you to even get aroused. I can't think of anything when I'm on set except getting home." Danny held his paws over his eyes as he began to cry. "I hate that fucking magazine...I hate it I hate it I hate it!"

Riule whimpered and held his mate's head against his chest, cradling him like a lost puppy as he cried with him. Riule closed his eyes just once when his love stopped crying and slipped off to sleep.

~ ~

-December 2:32pm-

Riule rubbed his paws together as he looked across the bus station at the other travelers even as the cold bit at his fingertips, the remnants of the winter months and snow cascading outside the window to his left. He stared down at the table he was sitting at as the wind howled in through the drafty building to the tune of a sickly cityscape song. The fox sighed and looked over his shoulder as he saw a familiar face dart in from the cold, shimmering off the snow that had stuck to her thin layer of doe hair as she quickly darted her way towards the booth across from the fox. Riule smiled sweetly at his friend.

"Hi Nicole." He said softly as she shrugged off her heavy jacket into the booth beside her. The female deer tossed her hood off and exposed her face, her nose slightly red from the cold.

"Heyas Riule. How are you and Danny getting along?" She asked sweetly, her tone of voice slightly off. Riule knew what was wrong.

"We're surviving, thanks." Riule slipped his paws inside his coat to warm them against his chest. "How have you been? How are your two fawns?"

Nicole reached inside her coat pocket and pulled out a single serve tissue, wiping her nose with it and dropping it onto the corner of the table. "Things have been better. The boys are doing better. They both just beat their colds and are getting healthier."

Riule knew the real answer and leaned in close over the table at Nicole. "Now you know better than to lie to be Nicky. Tell me the truth hon."

Nicole reached for her tissue and dabbed her nose again as tears came to her eyes slowly. "I don't know Riule, I just don't know. They're driving me up the wall and with Christmas coming, I don't know what I'm going to do. Since Brian left, I can bearly afford food and shelter. I took the bus here since I had to sell my car and with winter really settling in, the heating bills are getting insane." The doe stopped to wipe her eyes, using the same Kleenex. "It's just so hard...without Brian you know? I just..."

Riule nodded and slipped around the booth to hug his friend, laying her head on his shoulder as he tried to calm her down. "Shh...I know it's hard hon, I know...but you're my friend and I'll help any way I can." The fox leaned away to reach into his coat, pulling out his wallet and pushing a twenty dollar bill into Nicky's pocket. "Here. I alr-"

Nicole angrily reached into the pocket and fished out the money, her eyes aflame with fury as she handed the cash back to Riule. "Now don't you dare give me your money. I know you need it too and I won't-"

Riule became just as infuriated and pushed his friend's hand away. "Now you listen to me Nicole Wright and you listen well. I already calculated this a hundred times over and it's extra. With Danny's last...job...he made a little extra and this is part of it. It is all we can spare at the moment and I want you to have it. It's just me and Danny living together whereas you have two mouths to feed. I won't allow your kids to starve to death just so I can have some extra spending cash. Do you understand?"

Nicole's eyes melted and she lowered her head, whispering her answer as tears cascaded down her cheeks. "Thank you."

Riule nodded and hugged his friend close, not caring that she once smelled like the finest rose bouquet in the land and now because of her job at a warehouse smelled of sweat and dust. She whimpered deeply and slowly pushed the money into her pocket.

"I feel like a beggar." She whispered into Riule's chest. The fox nodded.

"We all do." He whispered back.

"When will this all get better?"

"I wish I knew Nicky."

~ ~

Daniel slowly zipped up his jacket and stepped out into the freezing wind. The snow had fallen while he was in the photo shoot and now covered the ground in sheets, the wind throwing it around like confetti at a hero's homecoming, or the ashes after a witch burning. It was all very subjective, who saw this time of year as a blessing and who saw it as a curse, who celebrated with their families and who put the barrel of a pistol to their head. As for most, it was a time of depression. Even the children this year had quieted down. Hardly anyone who wasn't already rich wore a smile. The rich had it good, they could afford gifts for their children and friends, they could afford expensive meals and extensive heating. But everyone else had to settle for the intangible needs and rewards of Christmas, none of which allotted to a lot of happiness in the end.

He shoved his paws into his pockets, trying to avoid the ice cold pistol that sat there as he huffed softly, trying to warm himself up a little as he walked the two blocks back home. Today's pay seemed to dig angrily in his pocket, two hundred dollars and not a penny more. It might last them for about a week, one hundred for this month's rent, another eighty for heat and utilities and the rest was food money. He was tired of spaghetti and pastas, but they were cheap and that was what mattered today. With the slow fall of the economy in the past five years, prices had fallen, but so had pay. Automation of industries put a lot of workers out of their jobs and unemployment had risen to record levels in decades. Danny sighed deeply as he heard rapid footsteps behind him in the snow, probably kids running home or away from their parents to go frolic freely. He shivered slightly from the extreme cold and picked up the pace, trying to get home sooner.

"What's the hurry Jamie?" A scratchy voice hissed behind him, the footsteps coming to a halt. "Gotta go shit out all that cum pumped up your ass?"

Danny paused for a second before he began to jog slowly, trying to just get away from whomever it was insulting him. The footsteps started again, keeping pace with the fox's steps.

"Oh? Scared now you fucking fairy?" The voice leered. "Come back here asshole!"

Danny removed his paws from his pockets and, zipping them up to keep the gun in, began to run with all his abilities, trying desperately to get away from the thug chasing him. The footsteps kept up and quickly overtook him. Danny screamed as he felt a clawed hand on his shoulder throw him into an alley, letting out a hurt yelp as he slammed violently into a dumpster, feeling his fur rip and his skin tear as he fell across a sharp edge to the garbage bin. He rolled over on his side and tried desperately to reach into his pocket to retrieve his gun before his attacker came any closer. Seconds seemed like hours as his fingers fumbled with the zipper as he looked up in a panic at his attacker.

A large, very well toned lion was approaching him, a heavy and rusted chain held in his left hand and an angry fist in his other paw. Daniel looked up at the lion, above his worn and stained gray coat to his eyes. A fury and an outright hate burned there. Daniel didn't know how the lion knew who he was in "Fennec Heaven" and frankly didn't care. He just needed to get the zipper open.

Before the lion was within three feet of him, Danny finally freed the zipper and drew out his weapon, his paws shaking in fear as he leaned against the dumpster, feeling his blood from the wound on his back shoulder run down the side of the freezing container. The lion stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the gun, the chain drooping slightly. A flash of terror came to his eyes before he lunged forward, swinging the chain behind him, ready to strike. Danny shrieked and closed his eyes tightly, turning his muzzle away from the blow and curling up into a ball, readying his body to take the pain of the blow. Somewhere beyond his clogged ears he could hear a gunshot and his pistol jumped out of his hands from the recoil, landing in his lap. He fell to the ground, shaking and crying as he waited for the blow of the chain, but it never came.

Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around in a frenzy, trying to find his attacker, but the lion was no where to be seen. The gun lay in his lap, smoking slightly as the barrel lay warm against his thigh. Daniel quickly sat up and shoved the weapon in his pocket and moved his other paw into his left pants pocket, feeling to see if he still had the cash from his photo shoot. His fingers collided with cash and he ran out of the alley, his eyes trailing tears the entire way, not stopping his mad dash until he was safely locked inside his apartment.

Riule jumped off the couch the second he heard Danny's panicked breathing and held him tightly around the waist, leaning into the door with him.

"Honey?! What's wrong?! What's happened??" He asked, frightened out of his mind. Daniel burst out of his love's arms and dropped his coat on the floor, fishing out the gun first and holding it carelessly in his paw even as he wiped his eyes so he could see straight.

"Riule...I was attacked." Danny managed to gasp out, panting heavily to catch his breath.

Riule sat down on the couch and pulled his mate beside him, holding him close and hugging him tightly as he watched the door.

Daniel cried for half an hour in Riule's arms, still holding the pistol. They never called the police.

~ ~

-Christmas Day, 2:13am-

Riule opened his eyes wide as he heard the wailing sirens of a fire truck speed by their window. He grunted and loudly threw himself out of bed, tossing on his bed robe and cinching up the front as he dashed to the window set above their sink to look into the street. He saw the flashing red lights and the dancing shadows below as the apartment building across the block burned in an unforgiving inferno, every tenant standing by the truck as the firefighters began to ready themselves to put out the flames.

Riule hugged his mate close as they watched the fire engulf the building Danny squeezed his fox tightly as the flames licked their way across the windows and up the bricks. Riule rested his head under Daniel's chin and wrapped his arms around the fox's hips. The flames danced with the shadows and snow, the sidewalks eerily glowing red from the light.

"Merry Christmas." Riule whispered. Danny squeezed his fox tightly.

"Merry Christmas." Daniel whispered back. Riule whimpered softly.

"Where is God in this Danny? How can he let those poor people's homes burn down on Jesus' birthday?"

Daniel sighed and turned away from the window. "He's not causing it Riule. When Jesus was born it was in a barn, but he had his parents and angels around him." Danny smiled and kissed his fox on the head. "It's who you share Christmas with that makes it special, not how."

Riule simply nodded and smiled even as the light of the flames danced on the drapes.

Daniel kissed Riule's paw softly as a slow cloud drifted outside the window. It sparkled softly in the moonlight and lingered in the window, watching the couple before it dashed off into the night.

Daniel just closed his eyes.

~ ~


Three years later...

Unemployment has fallen from 23% to 12%. The stock market is on the rise to a steady 5000 and the country is beginning to climb out of its ashes. Riule eventually found a job as an accountant under a sadistic and homophobic boss. He works for fifty hours a week. Daniel dropped his connections to "Fennec Heaven" and got a job loading boxes in a warehouse. He regularly hurts his back, but is happy to be away from "FH".

The lion who attacked Daniel was gunned down in a rival gang hit in May. He leaves a five year old girl and a pregnant girlfriend behind. His family cannot afford a proper funeral. His body is cremated and his ashes cast to the bitter wind outside the city.

Nicole moved up in her job, managing the warehouse and giving Daniel a management position. Her boys both completed high school and are looking forward to college. The eldest wants to be an English professor. The youngest is looking into a physics or astronomy degree.

"Fennec Heaven" becomes the number one gay pornography magazine during the next five years until two parents file a suit for featuring their 16 year old son in the centerfold against their will. The ensuing legal battle sends FH to ninth place in the business.

Daniel and Riule never spoke of "Fennec Heaven" ever again for as long as they lived. Daniel and Riule married that year.

Their story continued with each new day. The tears of angels washed away their dispair and replaced it with hope...Each new day was a new page...

~ ~

~The End~

...Merry Christmas...

~Nar (2006)

Author's note: I know this story is mistimed. I originally wanted to release it in December of 2005, but several serious issues arose with life and work and I was forced to postpone finishing it until now. It is a very rough draft, I know. Please, just give me comments about the story itself, not just the grammar or spelling usage...please?