Bob's Holiday special. Halloween Two... Sometimes they come back

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#6 of Bob's Special events

Bob's Holiday Special

Halloween Two... Sometimes they come back

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it (Except where noted) are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Scott, Kurtsa, Luca Shoal, Ripner, Miyan, Kori, and Hobb Panda are copyrighted to there own players

Warning the story contains a non consentual sexual encounter between an adult male and male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

It's coming up on dusk as the ramshackle clubhouse shifts into view. Inside 8 cubs gather around a table talking in low whispers. The ringleader seems to be a young panda at the center of the group. "Okay, everyone knows why we're here?" He looks around at the nodding faces. "Good 'cause we're going to do this tonight."

A timid little 7-year-old bunny looks around. "Tonight?" he whimpers. "Are we really gonna do this Hobb?"

The panda nods his head. "Yeah, we are BC. You remember what happened on Halloween night last year" He looks around at the group. "Some of us got caught and we've got to get some payback. Now Halloween starts tomorrow, so if we do it tonight no one else gets hurt." He goes over the plan once more just to make sure they all know their parts.

A short distance away and a little time later, Bob's asleep in his bed. Dreaming sweet dreams of nubile young boys playfully running away before being pushed down. His ears still ring with their squeals of pleasure as they are held to the ground and have that fat old dog cock plowed deep into their rear. He sighs stretching out in his bed, after a nice dream like that it's no wonder that when he opens his eyes and sees himself surrounded by cubs he assumes he's still asleep.

The illusion is shattered when the young panda shouts out his orders. "Ripner, Kori grab his arms." Still groggy from sleep, Bob doesn't know what to do as the 12-year-old cabbit and 10-year-old collie grab his arms as the two oldest boys they were picked because they had the best chance of holding him.

Bob doesn't have time to fight as a little 9-year-old white fox quickly binds the adult's wrists with tape. Miyan hopes it'll be okay, Hobb told him to bring duct tape but he couldn't find any. Hopefully this packing tape will do.

Finally the realization sinks in that he's been going too easy on these boys and Bob starts to struggle. "What's going on here?" Barks the man. "You little bastards better let me go, if I get my paws on you I'll make sure you won't be able to sit down for a fucking week." His shouts are muffled as a rolled up sock is stuffed into his muzzle.

Even bound and gagged the man seems to exude some sort of power over the gathered boys. Most of them are whispering and whimpering to one another, it's only the leader Hobb who remains calm and in control.

A young pink furred cheetah slips close to the panda "Err... Maybe we should do as he says, he looks really mad and we could get in trouble for this." Whines the feline.

"Don't be silly Kurtsa, he can't do anything to us now." He looks around at the worried faces on the boy's nearby. "And he's not going to do anything, to any of us, now that we got him just where we want him." The panda boy smiles at the trussed up man, only to have bob glare back at him.

Another timid voice comes up from the back of the room. "Now that we have him, what do we do now Hobb?" It's from the smallest boy in the group, the five-year-old fox named Luca.

Hobb just smiles, "Well, first we'll see how he likes it." The panda reaches into his shorts and tugs out his chubby little member, with the help of the older boys he rolls the dog onto his belly, climbing up onto the man's legs. He lines up his teeny little erection with the man's butt and pushes forward. The panda doesn't use any lube but that hardly seems to matter as the boy isn't exactly huge compared to the few adult companions Bob had been with. Hobb grunts and groans as he humps under the dogs tail, the boy's not at it long before he's panting loudly hunched over the man. The panda slides down from the bed and looks around, "Okay, every one takes a turn and we'll keep punishing him like this till Halloweens over."

Some of the boys look around confused but Ripner pushes through the crowd. The Cabbit eager to take his turn. He'd already stripped down to his underwear and his tighty-whities are showing a sizable bulge. "I'll go next." Growls the boy, he still remembers last year, how he'd been dressed up as Harry Trotter and how this man had overpowered him, and molested him. He'd wanted this revenge for a long time now, he climbed up onto the bed.

The rabbit thing pushes into Bob's rump, he just closes his eyes and bites down on the gag. Ripner is bigger then the first boy but it's still not too bad, he grits his teeth and rides it out. Feeling the cock pushing in and out of his rump even as he strains against the bonds that hold him. With a groan, behind him, the bunny shudders and climaxes, Bob gets a few moments of peace before the next boy takes his place. One-by-one each boy takes a turn on the man's now sore ass. Some of the more timid and frightful of the group have to be cajoled by the older boys into taking part but soon they've all had their chance.

Bob just sighs, glad it's all over, for the most part it wasn't bad; he'd taken much bigger cocks in his lifetime but the humiliation of being overpowered by a bunch of little cubs, being at their mercy, like this, it's almost too much. He'd heard the leader talking about the plan though, they mean to keep him like this till after Halloween. Apparently some of them had even been on the receiving end last year and wanted to keep it from happening again. Well that explains this little escapade, but he can't let this challenge go unpunished. The little brats come in every once in a while to check on him, or sometimes to kick or mount him. So he doesn't have too much time to plan, he's been working at the tape around his wrists. It's not too strong but the brat had wrapped it around his arms so many times, all he needs is a little time though. The house is still dark so he can't tell how much longer till dawn, but he knows he has to move quickly.

Almost hesitantly the door opens and a little fox walks in, inwardly Bob smiles. It's the one the other called Luca. A cute little piece of fluff, dressed in a pink t-shirt with cartoon fairy of some sort across it, as well as tight little pair of shorts. The accomplished actor starts to cry on cue, as the boy gets closer. "Why are you boys doing this? I never hurt anyone."

He sounds so sad, so pitiful, the fox could almost forget his angry outburst earlier. He wasn't one of the boys who'd been molested last year. He'd been with one of those boys at the time though but he'd never seen the man. Even now he wasn't one-hundred-percent sure. The man in the bed shudders and twitches, as the fox gets closer. This looks like the man Jery described but he couldn't be sure. "Hobb says you hurt a buncha boys 'round Halloween last year." There is a little whimper in his voice, the uncertainty showing there

"Hurt, like you boy's hurt me?" The tears are flowing very well now, pouring down his cheeks, the tape is almost gone now just gotta try one more time.

Luca can't stand to look at him, he sits on the bed his back to the man. "Yeah, but Hobb says it's definitely you, and BC says you hurt him too, and a guy from school and a few other boys." The little fox just shakes his head. "But I'm not so sure anymore, what if Hobb's wrong?" The little fox whines to himself, he's so distracted that he doesn't hear the soft rip of the tape giving way or notice the shifting form behind him.

Luca notices something's changed. The man's not crying anymore, anyway how could he speak hadn't he been gagged. Too late, the man's arms close around his body, one paw clamped over his muzzle. "You should have trusted Hobb more Luca. He's a very smart little boy." With a growl he pushes the boy into the bed holding the lad down with one paw as the other forces a sock, in fact the very same dirty sock that had served as his own gag not to long ago, into the boy's muzzle. He grins, his cock now rock hard with the prospect of a little revenge on these arrogant little pricks who wanted to catch him unaware. He grins into the terrified boy's eyes as one paw tugs the boy's shorts down around his ankles. "Oohhh lookie here." Coos the older dog as he sees Luca's frilly pink panties. "I knew you were a sissy boy." He laughs noticing it's the same little fairy from his shirt, tinky, or twinkle something. He lifts one of the boy's legs high into the air for a better view of that ass, one hand caresses the boy's sweet cheeks before pressing his thumb against the pink cotton of the underwear. Poking, prodding and searching till he finds the boy's untouched tail-hole, a slight flick of the wrist tears the cloth just a bit, right across the fairy's silly grin. Pulling the lad back closer, he replaces his thumb with that throbbing cock, pressing in against the boy's pantied ass. Luca can feel it straining against his tail-hole. "Now I'll make a real sissy out of you my little bitch boy." He grins as he pushes forward, the panties resist for a bit but then there is a soft almost silken sound as the cloth tears. Bob smiles, I wonder if this is what it feels like to take a girls cherry. There is no lube, though he had plenty available, he wants this boy to remember this, to know in the future you don't mess with Bob. He moans softly, biting his lip to keep from crying out, as he stretches the boy's little asshole wide open. He regrets the gag, the boy's squeals would be music to his ears but for now he needs to keep quiet, he's got to keep this stealthy. He rocks forward grinding his hips into that tight little anus. He moans softly smiling down at little Luca as he cries. "Aww what's the matter sissy." He pushes forward again grinding his cock into that tail-hole. "If you dress like a girl, you'll get treated like one. It must be what you want right? Your just lucky you found me, since you're a boy I'll fuck you like the little bitch you wanted to be." He growls softly leaning forward and humping into the sore little bum hard. He's not going to last long and he doesn't bother to tie, but he doesn't care. This isn't about getting off this is about power. With a grunt he cums, filling the sobbing boy's ass with his thick salty revenge as his knot strains against that puckered anus. He pushes in and this time even through the gag he can hear a bit of the boy's squeals as that thick fist of flesh stretches him wider then he ever thought possible. He pushes in slowly letting the knot stretch the boy wide open, It takes all his control not to just slam it home but instead he makes sure Luca will remember all of it. Just when it seems like they will finally tie Bob pulls back letting his cum spill from that abused little boy. "There now, don't you feel better?"

Luca just sobs as the big man picks him up and carries him off to the closet. The man pushes him inside before closing the door. Whither or not the dog sees the panic surge in the boy's eyes as the door closes he's not sure. Luca's not sure if his fear of the dark is greater then his new fear of the dog that's waiting out there.

Bob smiles and wedges a chair in front of the door, one down seven more to go. He peers out of the door and the hall is clear. The big dog is still naked, no reason to get dressed, it's his house after all and with what he's got planned for these little bastards it'll be easier to stay naked. His bedroom is on the top floor, so he should clear out these rooms out before he moves on. He moves down the hall, carefully listening at each door, in the guest room he hears something, peeking his head in, he spots the older rabbit-cat hybrid. The one who was so quick to take up Hobb's challenge. Hmm, he's no threat yet. Lets clear the rest of the floor first, but he's going to pound that brats hole so hard he won't site right for the rest of his damn life.

The next room is the upstairs bathroom and he can hear the water running. He eases the door open, letting the steam wash over him. He can see a small silhouette through the shower curtain, it looks canine from the muzzle and tail. He spots the black band shirt on the back of the toilet and smiles. Ohh it's that little gothy collie, the one who helped hold him down. This boy needs a good pounding too.

Kori hums to himself as he lathers up. It's something of a ritual with him ever since he was molested in the arcade at the mall, dragged into the back corner and raped on a broken skee-ball machine, he just never felt clean. Truthfully, he doesn't know if Bob did it, he never saw his attacker but he had molested a lot of boy's and that was revenge enough for him. The soap feels good on his fur, soaking in taking all the bad feelings away as the water washes it from his fur. He closes his eyes tight as the suds seep down his face, so he doesn't see the sudden shadow looming up behind him. His white belly fur feels clean and his tan back fur has already been rinsed, now he just needs to get it out of his eyes and he'll be done. He steps forward into the stream of water, feeling the hot droplets rushing over his face. It's a complete shock when he feels something grab him by the scruff of the neck and push him hard into the still cold tiles under the shower nozzle. At first he goes limp, it's that puppy instinct but he shakes it off quickly, he opens his mouth to yell, only to have his soapy washrag shoved deep into his muzzle.

The boy gags on the soap as he hears a loud growl in his ear. "Hello my bitch." Comes Bob's angry growl. "So I wonder, why did you come my boy? I've never fucked that ass." He says between clenched teeth as he gropes the boy. "Well not yet anyway, did I bang a friend of yours? Maybe a little brother? Ohh that sounds good, do you have a brother slut? Would you like to see that? Me pounding your sweet little sibling into the ground? Oh well you probably don't even have a brother and if you do, it's not his ass I'm gonna rape."

The boy tries to squeal through the rag, flecks of soap foaming up and dripping down his chest even as Bob lines his cock up with the ten-year-old ass before him. He pushes in and Kori grits his teeth. He doesn't know how lucky he is, the man's sweat and the dripping soap act as a bit of lubricant, which is more then Luca got. The collie tries to howl at the pain, dully in the back of his mind he realizes this can't be the same man who molested him, Bob is much bigger.

Bob groans, not bothering to be too quiet this time since the sound of running water will cover some of it. He grunts hilting himself in the puppies tight little ass as the boy is mashed into the tile. "Such a good little bitch you are. Not a sissy like that little Luca, you're a nice strong boy." He grunts thrusting harder as the boy squirms. The big dog groans working at a quick and hard pace not caring about the boy's whimpers and muffled protests. He pushes in, his knot still swollen and hard from the fox kit. It still wanted a tight little hole to call it's home. With a loud grunt Bob thrusts hard and the big dog buries his bone. Kori's squeals never make it past the rag as the pain in his rear increases as what feels like a softball is forced past his protesting muscles. Bob pants softly, that tight ring of muscle squeezing his knot. He can feel his orgasm close but he fights the urge to finish it off, he doesn't need to cum up this boy's butt anymore, he's proven his point Kori now knows who's the boss. Bob pulls back, tearing his knot from the little ass with a grunt, he lets the cub slump down into the tub. He looks about the room, he has to make sure the boy can't escape but he can't risk leaving him alone. He grabs the boy's t-shirt and kneels down by the cub's head. He pulls the gag from the boy's muzzle. "Now show me you've learned your lesson. Lick it." His cock bobs before the boy's face. Kori looks like he might do it but instead he spits a soapy wad of phlegm up at Bob. It splatters on the man's chest and a big heavy paw reaches out to cuff the boy across the face. "I said lick it,you little bastard or so help me this will become much worse for you." The pup's tongue flicks out and gently flickers across the head of that cock. "Good lad." He smiles down at the boy before hauling him up to his feet. He watches the boy's face as he tears his black t-shirt to shreds, knotting it around his wrists. The boy looks like he's about to cry at the casual destruction. Bob smiles again lifting the boy up and dangling him from the shower head the water pouring down his body. He ties a new gag round the boy's muzzle before he turns to leave. "Oh wait, I'm forgetting something. Hot water costs money after all." He reaches in and switches the stream from hot and steaming to ice cold. The boy's muffles squeals of shock just make him grin even wider as he leaves the room.

A quick check of the rooms doesn't reveal any more hiding cubs, so Bob turns back to the second bedroom. The door creaks open ever so softly and the cabbit rolls over onto his side. Bob just grins down at the boy, Ripner hadn't bother to get dressed after his time with Bob's butt and the boy had been the largest of all the cubs. Hmm almost a teen, there's still enough boyishness in him for Bob to favor but he's getting up there in years. Bob's cock on the other hand is less interested in analyzing the lad's looks and more into pounding out his ass. The dog grins at that thought. He remembers this one from last year, oh yes he does. That's why the boy wanted payback and they say no bad deed ever goes unpunished. He climbs up into the bed, the springs shifting about the boy.

The cabbit rolls onto his back muttering to himself before he starts snoring up a storm. Bob thinks for a moment, this one needs special attention. I think I'll break out the real toys, he reaches into the dresser and fishes for the gear he needs. Thankfully the boy's a deep sleeper, or maybe he's just really shagged out from the long day. Either way he doesn't seem to be in danger of waking up while the man sets up. First Bob slips hand cuffs onto his wrists, and fastens them to the head posts as the cold metal tightens down on his wrists Ripner starts to slip awake. "Wah, wait what's going on?" His eyes go wide as he spots Bob looming over him. He takes a deep breath to scream a warning but the adult's open handed smack across the face knocks the shriek right out of him. Stunned the 12-year-old barely resists as the red leather ball gag is forced into his muzzle. Bob leans over the boy. "Why hello there my boy." He grins evilly down at the lad. "I bet you thought you had me good didn't you? You thought you'd show me who was boss when you put that in me." He reaches down and grips the boy's shriveled little dick and gives it a squeeze. "But you should have known better, I'm not about to let a couple randy brats like you beat me." The boy squeals around the gag till Bob lets go. He clips the leg spreader just above the lad's knees to let the boy kick a little. The bunny-cat needed to feel like he could do something. "Now my boy I want you to know just how lucky you are, not only do I remember you but you see I never quite climaxed when I got finished fucking that Collie in the bathroom." Bob chuckles, "So you see I'm still rock hard, which means what a lucky boy you are, you get to skip the fore play and go right to the knotting." Bob leans forward driving his cock into that scared little preteen. He drives deep grinding his way in barely hesitating when the knot meets resistance. Instead he just powers through, forcing that knuckle of meat into a tight tender anus before it ever has a chance to get ready. Bob grunts pulling back, grunting once more as his knot is yanked free. Oh gods does that feel good, moans the big man. It only works because despite everything, the knot had already started to go down but now the sensation of that soft tailhole wrapped tightly about the shaft drives him on and causes that butt plug to plump up once more. He pushes in deep once more before the knot lodges in too tight to pull out with ease. Bob just smiles looking down at Ripner, the tears trailing down the cubs face even as the thrusts become shallower, and quicker since they are tied. "Aww poor boy's crying, why are you crying boy." He leans forwards and licks the lad's cheeks tasting the bitter tears. "You're not a baby any more, your almost a teenager so you..." he pulls back the knot straining against the asshole, "have to cowboy up..." He slams back in as hard as he can, "and take it..." He jackhammers that cock in again. "Like..." It's one last push now as he finally creams in the brat's rectum, "a man!" Bob sighs and slumps forward the padded bar pressing into his chest.

"Damn." he mutters, "Three boys in what, maybe an hour. I might have to slow down I'm not a young pup anymore." He leans back barely registering the boy sobbing on his bed, other then just as a tug on his cock. This will severely limit his movement, oh well nothing for it. He grips the spreader bar in one paw and pushes. It takes a little time but with a moan he finally slides that bad boy free.

His dick hangs limp from its sheath. He pouts, three cubs down and five to go, I can't go out there like this. He gathers up a bottle of daddies little helpers, little blue pills and heads for the door. He has to take them with water so that's another trip to the bathroom.

As he opens the door he's almost caught, he barely has time to duck back into the room before a cub marches up the stairs, headed straight for the bathroom. It's a nine-year-old skunk boy, all in shades of black, gray, and white, dressed in just a pair of sweats. The boy knocks on the bathroom door. "Kori man are you done in there yet? Some of us wanna take a shower too. Hey come on answer me man. Fine don't talk, I don't care but I gotta take a piss so I'm coming in anyway." The boy opens the door and slips into the bathroom, with Bob close behind. He stands over the toilet tugging down the front of his sweats as he pisses into the bowl. "What's with the cold shoulder dude? I mean we're all friends here right?" there is no answer, "Well maybe not friends but comrades in arms then?" Before the boy can say more a paw clams down over his muzzle, another paw grips his cock, shaking it so the last few drops spill out into the bowl.

Working quickly he grabs the half gone roll of toilet paper from the holder and wedges it into the boy's muzzle, gagging the skunk kit before he could raise a stink. Bob carefully lowers the lid, sure not to make too much noise even as he pulls the boy close to him. His cock starts to rise and Bob smiles. Seems like there is still some life in the old boy after all. "I'm sorry but your friend can't talk to you, he's rather tied up at the moment." With his free arm bob tugs open the shower curtain revealing the sodden collie dangling from the shower head. "But don't worry boy, you're gonna be too busy to worry 'bout him soon." Grinning Bob bends the boy over the bowl, the boy's sweats are already at half mast because of his bathroom activities so Bob just grips the lads tail and yanks it high up out of the way. Panting he leans forward, cock head pressing up between those sweet young cheeks. "Why did you come boy? I don't remember this ass from a previous engagement." He pushes forward, the head of his cock slowly parting the anal ring. "Believe me, while I've banged a lot of you little sluts and I might not remember your faces I'd never forget a tight little hole." With a groan he pushes in past the resisting muscle, he pushes in till he feels the muscle give way, plunging deep into the boy's tender anus. "It's odd." Mutters the man, between thrusts. "You came for revenge but so far I've only buggered one of you before." He groans softly pushing in deep letting his knot stretch out the boy's hole. Shade tries to scream from the pain but the sounds just don't carry. "In fact, unless I miss my guess, my little bitch, you were a virgin before you arrived here." Bob grins softly and growls putting his weight on the cub forcing the boy down into the porcelain. The man forces his knot into that hole pulling an audible yelp from the brat as he rocks back and forth, the ball of meat popping in and out as it gets larger and larger. With one final shove he drives forward locking the knot in place, flooding yet another hole with his thick sticky seed. "My my my, lad wasn't that wonderful, aren't you glad I was your first time." The skunk kit starts to cry as the man talks, the fat tears rolling down his cheeks. Bob slips one paw between the boy's legs and finds a hard little chubby, the boy couldn't help it he knows but he needs to twist the knife just a bit more. "Well boy, it looks like you certainly were happy for your first time. But you know what? I don't think it's a proper first time unless you get to use that little prick of yours." Grinning Bob shuts off the water, Kori shivers from the cold before being pulled off the shower head. He tugs at the scruff of Shade's neck pulling him back before letting the little pup flop forward and splay over the toilet. Bob casually takes a towel from the hamper and tears off strips. He ties a tight knot around the skunk cub's wrists before looping the cloth around the plumbing to pull his make shift rope tight, binding his new little bitch hunched over the bowl and using one boy to pin another. With a happy sigh he leans back pulling that hard knot from the tender abused little anus, cum dribbling down the brat's thighs as he squirms. He reaches down once more guiding the little boy's pink prick up between the collie's cheeks, and all it takes is a slight nudge before Kori feels the length of Shade's maleness worming into his well plowed bum

Bob smiles down at his handy work, that's half of them I'd better get going while I've got momentum. He turns his back to the two boys and takes two of the little blue pills. With a grin he looks at his prisoners one more time. "You two behave, and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

The big dog slips out into the hallway and makes it to the head of the stairs. No one seems to have noticed him but he does his best to be careful. He slips down the stairs quietly, he stalks through his own home carefully eyes and ears open and prepared for anything. Anything except for the door to his study to suddenly burst open wide, framed in the doorway is a white and black spotted bunny.

BC stands there, mouth agape at the massive shadow, this wasn't supposed to happen, this couldn't happen, Bob was tied-up upstairs. He takes a deep breath, ready to shout for the others but before he can a heavy hand reaches out and shoves him hard. The little bunny tumbles backwards with an oomph. The breath knocked from him, little BC struggles to get up, gasping for the breath to yell for help.

Meanwhile Bob looks around for something to bind and gag the little brat. He finds a wadded up tub sock from last nights stroll across the internet, with that as a gag, and a length of speaker wire he trusses the lad up like a Christmas goose. BC tries to fight back but it's far too late. The dog leans forward, growling in the little bunny's ear. "Hello little bunny, Do you remember me?" The man's paw reaches up and fondles the bunny's bum. "I certainly remember you, I let you vote. I did you a great favor. So why would you turn on me?" He grips the bunny by the scruff of the neck and lifts him like that. His other paw supporting the lad's hips as he carries him over to his desk, laying the boy face down Bob notices the pictures scattered across the desk. "Ohh what a bad boy, you were digging through my souvenirs. Were you looking for someone in particular? Did you find them? Heh you know what, who cares. I didn't have time to take a picture last time but now I'll have all the time in the world. Hell I might even videotape it for my friends on the internet." Both of the man's paws dig into the boy's cheeks spreading them apart. Despite the delicious view Bob sighs grumpily. "Mmm I do like a good fucking but I think my cock could use some lip loving. But I can't trust you boys, you'll probably bite me, or scream once the gag comes out." He leans forward, his weight pressing onto the little bunnies back, his cock-head resting against the tight little boycunt. "You would, wouldn't you bunny, you'd scream or you'd wait and bite my tender naughty bits." Remembering the pain from the voting booth, hoping he could spare himself, he furiously shakes his head. Saying no he wouldn't scream, no he wouldn't bite. "Really? You wouldn't bite, you honestly would just suckle on my cock till I came in your mouth?" The bunny shudders at the thought but he nods vigorously, surely that indignity would be better then the pain from the massive member poised to plunder his plump posterior. "Well that's good to know." Growls the big dog as he pumps his hips and drives his needy cock deep into that little hole in one savage thrust. "But I must say I'm just fucking with you, there is nothing better then pounding a little boy's bum." BC tries to scream, but he can't. He tries to cry and the tears flow down his cheeks. Bob just moans softly, his hips working in long hard strokes pulling back then pushing in till he feels his knot pressing against him. "Oh damn bunny I dreamed about this ass of yours ever since that day, you were such a good little fuck." He grunts knowing he might be getting a little too loud, so he leans forward biting the bunny's scruff to muffle his own cries. He pushes forward one more time, driving his knot into the boy's tender ass and cumming as hard as he can. The ropes of jizz flow but not nearly as thick as before, and the man's balls are starting to ache in protest. Once more spent, Bob pulls back wrenching the knot from the protesting tailhole and wiping the still dribbling tip clean on the boy's cheeks.

He wants to stop to savor his work but there are still three naughty cubs to punish and Bob's not about to let them get away. He checks first to see if anyone's in the hallway before he creeps out searching for his next victim. He hears the TV on in the living room and wonders how many would be in there. The light is also on in the kitchen, so some one might be in there. A quick peek shows two pairs of ears in the living room watching the late night monster movie marathon on the science fiction channel. Two together that's risky one might get away, maybe the kitchen will hold the third boy all alone. He creeps carefully away from the blaring noise from the boob tube. The sounds of battle, and the roar of monsters cranked up loud enough to deafen any other noises.

Peering around the corner in the kitchen, he spots his target. It's the little arctic fox, the one who brought the ineffective tape, he'd have to thank the boy properly. Sitting there dressed only in his undies the nine-year-old arctic fox Miyan seems lost in his own world. He's surrounded on all sides by candies, heaps and heaps of them. Chocolates, gummies, hard candies and chews the boy can't believe his luck. Some must be from the dog's Halloween plans but it can't all be for that, can it? He suckles on a lollipop as he thinks, I wonder if I'll have to share all this with the others. If I got a pillowcase I could hide it out in the woods and come back for it alone later. There were enough sweets here to keep him buzzing for weeks on end. It's no wonder then that the fox doesn't notice the shadow stooped over behind him. A paw grips the nape of his neck and the boy opens his mouth to scream and a caramel apple is shoved into his muzzle.

The apple is pushed in deep enough to grind into the boy's back teeth, the boy won't be able to get that thing out unless he gets some help that's for damn sure. It's a crude gag, but an effective one and certainly more flavorful then some of the others he's used today. Bob grins as he pushes the white fox forward into the mound of sweets. One paw slips the boys undies off the little kicking legs easily before he uses them to bind the boy's tiny little wrists.

Through an open archway sit the boy's comrades, currently desensitizing themselves to gratuitous acts of violence. It's unlikely that anyone will come to little Miyan's aid. The fox kit whimpers, he just wanted to help, he'd heard the stories and he knew the man here was responsible for some very bad things, he just wanted to make sure no one else got hurt. He never wanted this to happen. He whimpers as he's pushed face down into the mound of candy, he can feel several pieces getting soft from the press of his warm body even as he feels something hard and slimy pressing up under his tail. Tears form in the boy's eyes, the man above him is muttering something but he can't focus on the words. Sure, maybe he'd been a bit greedy but surely he didn't deserve this. He tries to scream as the man's huge cock presses into him, driving his body forward across the linoleum. He wants to scream, to yowl in pain since it feels like he's going to split in half. "Oh god", the words seem seared across his brain "It hurts!"

Bob moans softly, he's starting to get into this now. It's shear animal behavior, it's a dog thing. These young pups challenged him for dominance and he needs to put them in their place, nothing says your place is at the bottom like a good hard ass fuck. He grunts slamming his member deep into his sixth little boy of the day. Damn it's good to be the king. His groans mingle with the televised zombie moans and are drowned out. It's a lucky break for a man going for his personal best but he's beyond caring at this point. He's really throwing his back into it this time, driving his cock in deep, knotting the whimpering white puppy beneath him before he knows it and flooding that ass with man cream. With a sigh he rolls the boy over on his back. He wants to see that tear stained face. The white fur is streaked with the dark brown of melted chocolate, here and there knots of sticky caramel matte the fur. Bob almost giggles, a candy-coated cub... he might have to try that again sometime.

In the living room, the horizons just starting to lighten up and the panda Hobb rubs at his eyes. He'd spent all night watching movies, it was almost his time to stand guard over Bob. He needed to wake up but he was feeling too lazy to get on his feet. With a yawn he notices the pink furred cheetah sitting on the couch. "Hey Kurtsa go get me a soda would ya. I think I need something to help me stay awake."

Muttering to himself the blue spotted cheetah heads for the fridge. He almost misses it, he almost walks past without seeing the boy sprawled across a pile of candy. The surprise of it causes the soda to slip from his paws and clatter to the floor just as a paw clamps over his mouth.

By now Hobb's patience is getting thin, the commercials are almost over and he doesn't want to miss any of the movie. Just as he's about to force himself out of that comfortable recliner a can of root beer is dropped onto the table by his arm. "What took you so long? The show's about to start up again!" Almost in answer, something is flung into the room, a little pink furred cheetah. The boy lands on the couch, his back to Hobb, the Panda can see the t-shirt that's binding Kurtsa's wrists and even the cum splattered across the kittens bare ass.

The panda stands up and tries to run but it's already too late and he knows it, a hand grips the back of his neck and pulls him down slamming him back into the chair. A deep raspy voice growls as a shadow steps between the boy and the light of the TV. "So you must be Hobb, the ring leader." The boy looks left and right trying to find an exit, some place to run but all he can see is the man's throbbing cock bobbing before him. "I can't believe you boys thought to get the better of me." He pushes forward so the back of the recliner slides nearly all the way back. Hobb scrambles back trying to get away but a hand grips his leg and pulls him back towards the man. "You should have known better then to try and hunt a predator in his own den." He grows softly tugging at the boy's shorts. "You thought to break me, to get revenge, to protect the other boy's. All you did was provide me with eight little assholes to fuck but don't cry too hard, you might have succeeded partially, by the time I'm done wearing your sweet little ass out, I'll be too tired to fuck anyone else."

Hobb lets a whimper slip from his throat. "What are you going to do to me?"

Bob grins down at the little panda, "I should have thought that obvious boy, I'm gonna fuck your little ass till I cum. Only unlike your friends you won't be gagged, I want you to shout your fucking head off. So all your little friends can hear. None of you can beat me and none of you ever will. You'd better take that lesson to heart, 'cause from now on your ass is mine and I'm going to use it." He pushes forward. No more preambles, no foreplay, just sex and revenge. The panda cries out as the man's massive cock nearly splits him in two, he squeals in pain as his anus is forced open wider then it was ever meant to go. Bob just moans in pleasure feeling the tight warmth gripping his cock like a mighty fist. Damn the boy is tight and he's feisty to, fighting back with everything he's got, not that there is much he can do now. Bob grips one leg and stretches it out for a better angle on that sweet little ass as he plows deep into the boy, gods this feels good. This one isn't like the others, they were sheep this ones the shepherd. Hobb was the leader, he's used to being in charge, breaking this boy feels all the better for that fact. The dog grunts loudly hunched over the cub, all night he had to be quite but now all the need for stealth is gone and he can finally let go. He howls as he feels the pulse rising in his cock, he can feel the pressure building with each hard thrust into the black and white little brat beneath him. With one more hard push he shouts forcing his swollen knot into a body that's much to small for it. With a happy sigh he slumps forward, already his seed filling his new little bitch up to the brim.

Bob pulls back with a loud grunt, pulling his knot free from the boy's bottom with a wet splorch. He sighs and stares down at Hobb, he looks for something to tie the boy up with and a little pink paw hands him a length of cloth. Kurtsa smiles up at Bob holding out the shredded shirt he'd wrapped around his paws so Hobb would think he was out of it "Did I do good sir?" The kitten's tail is twitching with anticipation.

Hobb tries to blink away the tears as he stares at the pair of them, eyes flicking from the man to the cub. He whimpers softly his voice choked with betrayal. "Why?"

Kurtsa almost snarls in rage as he pulls out a roll of cloth and shoves it into the cub's muzzle. "Oh put a sock in it." He says with grunt. Once more his eyes staring up at Bob. "So did I do good sir, did I?"

Bob chuckles down at the kitten. "I'd have appreciated a little warning first but yes, you did a pretty good job."

The kitten whimpers a bit. "Sorry sir but there wasn't time. Hobb wouldn't leave me alone long enough to make a phone call." He whimpers softly. "But I did manage to sabotage the tape sir and I kept the other cubs busy so you wouldn't be caught."

The man reaches down and ruffles the cub's headfur. "Yes I know and you did a good job. Now come here so I can reward you properly." Bob sits down on the couch as the cub clamors up into his lap. After the night of forceful lust it's nice just to take a break from it all. Kurtsa leans forward kissing Bob gently on the lips, his anus hovering over the man's cock as their lips meet, the cheetah pushes down impaling himself on that fat length of dog meat. When their lips part, both cub and man moan in pleasure whimpering at the ecstasy of the moment. Bob just closes his eyes and leans back content to let the boy play, knowing the little kitten wants to please.

Kurtsa meanwhile is breathless. He wanted this so bad, it had been weeks since he last snuck over to see Mr. Bob. He had to be so careful, least the others suspect he wasn't like them. "Oh gods sir, that's so good." He moans out loud, trying his best to be just as loud as the panda's pained squeals, he pushes down hard taking in all of that fat cock, he bounces a bit on the swollen knot but there will be time for that later. These poor boys should know that it feels so good. He glances over his shoulder at Hobb sprawled over the recliner watching him with a horrified look on his face. The poor boy still hasn't gotten over the betrayal, the kitten flicks his tail up making sure the panda can see everything as he rises and falls, working that shaft in and out of his tiny little bottom. Oh I think they will all get over it, in the end it's for their own good. A few more fuckings from Mr. Bob and they'll be bouncing on his lap begging for it, just like he was. He picks up the pace moving faster and faster, hitting that knot harder and harder feeling the round globe of meat open him wider and wider with each hit. It won't be long now, and the groans and moans of the boy mingle with those of the adult as Bob reaches out, putting paws on the lad's hips. At the height of the cub's next bounce those hands push, slamming the cub down into his lap, the knot driving deep and locking them together. The kitten slumps forward leaning against the man as what feels like gallons of seed is pumped into his bottom. He sighs, his little red cocklet jutting into the man's belly demanding attention. Bob just hugs him close however, it's been a long night and they both could use a nap and as the last sputters of cum sprays deep into the boy's anus they drift off to sleep sprawled across the couch.

The next day was busy. Bob had to run out and get more candy, a last minute trip to the store for some costumes but the result was well worth it as he looks across the room. Bob is decked out in a pair of blue overalls with a bright yellow hard hat. Despite being a different species from the cartoon character, he thinks he makes a decent builder. But it's the scene in the living room that he's most proud of. Seven little cubs bound, dressed as monsters. Posed in front of the windows as living decorations. Latex masks cover the gags and their terrified faces, while the costumes have been altered for easy anal access. He grunts as he pumps his cock in-between the mummies bandages, banging the little puppy's bum one more time. It's getting to be too much trouble for one man. He might have a few friends over before he lets the cubs go. Just to pound the point home that you don't fuck with Bob.

Kurtsa slips out of the bathroom smiling up at Bob and giggles as he sees the man is once again bonking one of the boy's. "Sir what do you think of my costume?" The little cheetah boy twirls around showing off the curves of his little body inside that fetching little cheerleader outfit. He giggles, shaking his pom-poms and striking a pose for the grown up.

Bob murrs loudly smiling at the boy. "Yes I do, you look very cute." He pulls back from one boy, his knot coming free with a wet slopping sound. "In fact I think you deserve a reward." He starts to walk closer to the boy. "Give me a H, give me an E, give me an A, and give me a D. What does that spell?"

The little cheetah looks up at man standing over him. The dogs cock inches from his face as he thinks about it. "It spells Head Mr. Bob"

"Exactly Kurtsa, and that's what you'll give me." The boy giggles as he drops his pom-poms and leans forward licking the tip of the man's cock. He loves the taste, the salty cum mingled with the man's sweat. He can almost taste the other boy's that Mr. Bob had been fucking all night and day. He knows his own taste is there somewhere. Bob for his part starts to moan softly and the kitten hikes up his skirt with one paw and starts to massage his own immature little prick. He likes it here and it's so much fun to play with a grown up. The man's hands grab his ears and pull him forward pushing more and more into his muzzle. He can't wait, soon that cream will fill his belly and it'll make him feel all right. Bob grunts loudly thrusting forward grinding his groin into his little toy's muzzle, as his cock spasms pouring a generous dollop of sweet jizz down the boy's throat. He sighs and smiles down at the kitten, those pretty eyes looking back up at him, as he says. "That was the best cheer ever."