Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

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#13 of Draccy RPs

Oh my! Looks like little Hylda found a male of her own species; a handsome full grown Vassian is her dentist. The fact that it's not some bawdy gryphon or over enthusiastic hyena certainly helps. However, the rarity of that encounter comes with some unexpected temptations it seems and the young teen may end up walking out of the operating room with more than just a cavity being filled...

Here's another fun frisky play between myself and gadarian of a 16 year old teen being the unaware subject of some taboo interests. More anthro things; rare but not unheard of ;P

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H: Hylda shifts lightly as she sits in her seat, huffing quietly as she waits for her name to be called...her tailtip twitching softly. Her family was new to the area here, and this was her first time at this dentistry...and had some deep tooth work to do...a wisdom tooth or something. "Kasamir?" She hears a voice call, the 16 year old teen perking up a bit, then standing. "mrrph...finally..." She mumbles quietly, giving a little stretch then following the nurse, who leads her off to the room. It was empty, of other people, as it usually is. She sits in the dental chair, and gives a sigh, waiting yet more time for the doctor to arrive.

She hears the door open again, and looks back, her eyes going a little wide in surprise as she see's just wo the dentist was. "oh...Vassian...?" She says quietly, watching him walk in and quite surprised to see one of her own kind here. She smiles a little at that, and relaxes in the chair, tail tip swaying softly. As for what she was wearing, just a basic set of clothing...Button up black and green thin flannel shirt, and jeans...nothing too striking about her attire at first glance.

D: Valan scribbled the last of his notes on the papers at his desk before flipping his wrist to check the time. A quick peek at his schedule confirmed the appointment he had noon. The short trip between his office and the work room was interrupted only as he paused to pull the clipboard for the appointment off the wall. Room C. A 16 year old Hylda Kasamir with a fairly routine operation. Upon entering the room, the lap-dressed male smiled at the rare site of one of his kindred peeking over the edge of the chair. "Doctor Gabble actually-" He spoke, playfully correcting her. "-but yes, Vassian as well." He closed the short distance between them, stepping up beside the chair, laying the clip board down on the tool tray behind him. "Know why you're here I take it?" He inquired with a smile, those rich purple orbs giving her a casual look over. His own attire was much more professional, though most of his casual business attire was overshadowed by the tall white coat he wore from the waist up.

H: Her ears twitch a little and she gives a sheepish smile as he corrects her, the girl shifting lightly in the seat. "S-sorry..." She says, slightly embarrassed that he had heard her. She nods a little, looking around a little and watching him as he moves about, setting down the clip board nearby. She give a nod at the question and lets off a little sigh. "Eyup, I do..." She says, curling her toes for a moment as she waits quietly, giving him a similar once over before looking around the room again, though her gaze would return to him once he speaks again.

D: She was a fine young thing, 16 if his math was correct, not many of his kin came through his office so the rare treat didn't go unappreciated. "The operation is pretty standard, nothing to be worried about. Even less so on your end-" He spoke while slipping on a pair of gloves, turning and leaning over her, encouraging the young thing to open her maw so he could take a look. The high powered light overhead made her squint at best but it was a necessary evil. "-you'll be put under, I'll do all the work-" He spoke while glancing around inside, eyeing the problem with a depressor held on her tongue. "-and when you'll wake up, we'll be all done." He finished, removing the popsicle stick from her mouth, still smiling. Twisting about, he collected the clipboard, writing some notes on it for a moment while she sat there. Once finished, he placed it down again, shifting around to the other side of the chair and unclipping a nozzle that hung from its hook, adjusting some settings before turning toward her with a little plastic funnel, complete with a removable, disposable nose guard. "You'll likely be rather groggy when you awake and some patients have mentioned they feel soreness in odd places after going under... but this is a normal side effect so don't worry too much about it." He added with that relaxing smile. "Ready?"

H: Hylda perks up and looks back to the older Vassian as he speaks up again, nodding a little in understanding as he starts to explain everything to her, her tailtip stilling a bit as he moves closer, then leans over her to have a look in her maw. "Gaah..." She lets out quietly, opening her maw wide for him as he has a look around inside of her muzzle, eyeing the offending spot a bit before he pulls away, the girl letting her muzzle close now. She nods once more after that, watching him as he writes some things down, and then moves close to her once more, fiddling with the settings of something before he pulls up the little muzzle cover to put her to sleep with.

She nods again as he explains some things about the gas to her, the girl shifting a bit and letting off a little sigh before nodding again. "Yep, I got it..." she says in reply, waiting patiently for him to get it over with so she could head back home...she had some...'things' to take care of alone...

D: That relaxing smile persisted as he placed the nozzle over her snout. Had she been a bit younger he might have to go through a longer conversation to convince her things were going to be okay but this young lady was old enough to understand. "Alright Hylda, just relax and breathe normally through your nose." He spoke, leaning back to activate the mixture, the slight hiss of gas through the tubing. One paw resting lightly on the end of the muzzle holster, the other lifted up allowing him to check his watch. After ten ticks, he spoke again, still watching the second hand. "Count backward from ten for me please." He asked the drowsy teen, not expecting her to get much past half way by now. It was all very standard, very professional.

H: Hylda watches that muzzle mask as it comes closer and closer to her face, tail giving a little twitch before she shifts to get just a bit more comfy before he starts to put the thing around her muzzle, the girl glancing up at the dentist as he starts the machine, hearing the soft hiss. By the time he speaks up, she'd already starting to feel woozy, her eyes blinking a bit as they try in vain to stay open but she nods at the instruction, counting backwards. 10...9...8...7.....6........5........... and she was out, those eyes of hers closing, and not opening again as the gas knocks her out, breathing softly as she starts to slump into the seat.

D: The older Vassian gives it another few seconds before he turns about, dropping the setting to its lowest leaving just enough gas mixed in with her breath to keep her under. With that done, he circles around again to the other side, picking up the clipboard and adding a timing note. The next several minutes are spent gathering all the tools he'll need and getting everything in order. Finished with the prep, he returns to her side and finds her slumped in a rather unmanageable manner. Unconscious as she is, he can't blame her for it but it does mean has to shift her posture a little. With paws freed earlier to work with the tools, he steps around to the front of the chair, eyeing the young thing. Such a beautiful creature and a treat to see one of his own he thought, those royal purple eyes giving her another look over as she lay there, resting peacefully like that. Leaning down over her, he reached around her midsection, paws sliding over her rump to collect her tail and eased it through the slit down the middle of the chair which allowed the little girl's body to lay straighter. Her arms he placed on each of the rests one at a time, straightening her shirt with casual, if perhaps unnecessarily lengthy stroke over her chest. She was going to grow up to be a fine mother one day he thought.

H: She doesn't move at all save for her soft breathing once she is out, the dentist finding her in the same position he left her in after coming back with his tools. When he starts to shift her about into a more comfortable position, lifting her up by her rump slightly to slide that tail through the hole in the chair...the underside of her tail feeling nice and warm too. Then, he shifts her arms to rest them on the arms of the chair, and straitens her shirt a bit, his hands passing over those smaller, yet nice and soft breasts of hers...though she still felt unusually warm today...

D: The last thing he needed to managed were her legs, the long appendages currently resting on the stirrups. It took him a moment to decide what to do here, but the choice seemed rather obvious. So lifting his hind leg up, he pressed it against the pedal and released the pressure, causing the rests to slowly sink downward to a flat 90-degree angle. That would give him the room he needed to work. With the tray of tools beside her chair, he collected her hinds and lifted them both upward, placing her feet to rest against his chest as he came to stand before her. Things might have appeared awkward from an outside perspective but he'd done this before, being able to work head on was far more efficient and reduced mistakes. With her propped up and prepared, he reached over onto his cart and retrieved a pair of gloves, stretching the rubber over his talons comfortably before slipping a claw between her lips and pried open her maw.

H: Hylda just continues breathing softly as he fiddles with the chair, lowering her legs down in the mechanism before he grasps her legs, lifting them both up to his chest and holding them there as he leans in over her body...tailbase somewhat exposed now, if not for her clothing still keeping her modest. Were she awake right now, she'd be blushing furiously at the position the drake had put her body into, even more so today, but as it stands with her out cold from the anesthesia, she just gives a faint grunt as his moving of her body, causing a bit of pressure on her lungs, but otherwise she doesn't react much. With him getting her how he wanted, he slips gloves on his paws, then pushes a finger into her muzzle, which gives a faint suck on instinct before he opens up her muzzle with little resistance from the girl.

D: For the next few minutes, nothing further out of the ordinary happens, the skilled dentist numbing the area, cleaning it and sucking out the excess saliva. Though, as he's nearly ready to being the serious work, he finds himself a little uncomfortable, a bit of undesirable pressure below distracting him. And there's nothing worse than being distracted during a surgery like this... Setting his tools aside, he takes a moment to straighten some, his gloved paws working around a bit beneath her legs to draw the zipper down on his slacks. That's the easy part though, fishing inside and beneath the shorts to free the long hard log of fleshy pink Vassian meat and relieve that unpleasant pressure takes a doctor's delicacy. Once out though, he lets off a soft exhale of relief, those deep purple orbs eyeing her over once more. He gave himself a brief rub, paw sliding from tip to base and back again, the rubber coating sliding over his slimy cock. There, that should be good, he thought to himself, bringing that moist gloved paw to her mouth as if nothing were amiss, reaching inside to grip her tongue and draw it out of the way, not wanting to knick it or anything.

H: Hylda gives no reaction as he keeps working at her maw, numbing her up even further, draining off the excess saliva in her maw and just about to start the real work in her maw, before he finds himself with a little distraction down low... The drake shifts himself about, then unzips his pants to slip out that Vassian breeding spire, fully erect and throbbing in the air with a natural musk, and slick with its own natural sheathslime. It doesn't take long, but her nose twitches faintly as she starts to notice his scent. Any normal male musk would start to work on her senses, but A vassian, was much more attractive to her unconscious mind, likewise...a female vassian in heat, would be more attractive to a male than some random other girl...which, he had just one such thing here before him...who already begins to faintly blush. The dentist has a moment of absent mindedness however, giving that smooth length of his a stroke before putting that same hand back into her mouth...grasping at her tongue to pull it aside. Her body reacts accordingly...a faint little noise escaping the unconscious girl while her blush begins to grow faster, more noticeable...

D: Once he had everything as it should be, the larger male leaned back over her, picked up his tool and... huffed. No, that wasn't quite working either, his sensitive erection twitching against her jeans like that was hardly more conducive to a comfortable work environment either. Hmmm... what to do. He watched the sleeping beauty laying there so serene, her silver hair draped over her shoulder like that. So young and innocent with a long life filled with a multitude of experiences ahead of her. He wanted to make sure she got the best treatment he could offer but that meant he'd need to take care of this issue. Setting the tool back down, he shifted back into a more upright position once more, sliding his gloved paws along her clothed hips some, up and down slowly for a moment. Seemingly decided on the best course of action, he let those skilled paws roll around to her front and gently unbuttoned her jeans before drawing the zipper down her crotch as well. The flaps spayed to either side, giving him a moment to slip his paws just inside and caress her panty covered neithers. Mmpfh... be professional Valan- he reminded himself, a little loathe to draw his talons away from her tender young hide. Instead, the older male simply wrapped his paws around the hem of her garments and pulled them around her thighs nice and easy. Just a foot or so, taking time to gently draw her long tail out of the loop and lay it back in the slot in the process. Both her pants and panties came with the motion leaving that fine young ass scandalously naked.

H: It seems the drakes distractions just wont go away...finding that freeing his length from the confines of his pants just simply isn't enough to help him concentrate, especially as it rubs up against her pants a bit...staining them with his musky scent. more drastic measures must be had... he looks at her for a moment, seeming to consider his options before he sets his tool down and reaches for her hips, rubbing them gently with his hands and just caressing her young body for a tad, until he rolls his hands over her lower front...and popping open the front of her jeans. With that done, the dentist unprofessionally slips his hand down the front of her pants to rub over her gender...she felt so hot and swollen down there, beneath the undergarments. He pulls free soon enough, then grasps at the hem of her lowers and starts to pull them down, or rather...up, her thighs. slowly uncovering her bar rump to the air, after untangling her tail of course. By the time he gets them up and uncovering what he wants, he'd find the lovely scent of a young Vassian female in heat, ticking at his nose...and just making his length twitch in need.,..maybe even spit out a little pre too, Vassian males tended to do that after all...Especially when Highly aroused~

D: Despite reminding himself to remain professional, the stiff drake couldn't resist taking a moment to touch her in what he considered a somewhat inappropriate fashion. One paw held her half-clothed hinds to his chest while the other slid across her bare cleft, the pressed netherlips warm to the touch even beneath the rubber gloves. He couldn't see the pink between her legs peeking but he could feel the soft, smooth flesh of her sex as he caressed her womanhood. Rrrft... that's all you get Valan, you have a job to do! -the dirty drake reminded himself silently. She was a rare, exquisite treat but that didn't mean he could just go about fondling her unprofessionally like that; he had standards after all. Instead he shifted his stance a bit, gripping his thick girth drakehood and brought it to bear before her gender.

He gave that heavy spear two long strokes; one to bring his arousal to full attention and another to hold the skin tight at the base of his spire as he pressed the angular tip against her vent, its pre-cum greased surface slipping across her folds for a moment before he finally found purchase. With her sex now glistening with a mixture of male lust and female nectar, he sloooowly entered her, savoring the rare satisfaction of feeling a young vassian girl around his cock. Very young- he reminded himself, the inches disappearing inside her until he pulled his rubber covered paw away from his completely bare shaft. He closed his eyes as his hips came up flush against her own, the dirty doctor laying a bit of his weight against her to make sure he was slotted in deep. A wave of heated lust flushed through his body that started somewhere in his chest and ended in his groin. That stiff pink spire jerked stiffly inside her, spitting a fresh glob of precum within her depths. And in heat too if he had to guess by the healthy aura of scent of her that permeated her hide. Perhaps that was why it was so hard to concentrate? He needed to let himself cool off; so he stood there... with his dick stuffed deep in her fertile oven.

H: Her unconscious body gives a little twitch as he slips one of his rubber covered hands down low, rubbing t across her bared, fertile cunny, just the hint of female wetness rubbing off on his glove. Seems her body was slowly getting turned on from all of this already. His mental fight to continue with his job seems to be failing however, trying to just let that be It, but then his slick length slides down and rubs up against her heated pussy. She twitches again, the male grasping at his length and gently rubbing himself against her, smearing sheathslime and pre over her swollen lips then gripping at his base. He pauses only a moment before starting to push himself inside of her, her swollen passage gently clenching around him as the ever so faint squish of male flesh sliding inside of a hot, fertile hole tickles their ears...but, he doesn't stop until he has his groin pressed up against her swollen vent, sheath squished up against her with tip poking at her cervix. This wasn't the 'best' breeding position for a vassian though...the hole on his length isn't at the pointed tip, but more on the flat, angled part...made to slide right up against her cervix, but that could only really happen if he was taking her from behind...either way though, it felt no less pleasurable to be buried this deep inside such a young, fertile hen~]

D: It took bit to find an equilibrium, but eventually the desire ebbed off into something more manageable. At least the discomfort was gone, the stiff drake able to get back to work. With cock lodged between her legs, he propped her up into a comfortable angle and retrieved his tools. He'd always been told when he was younger to find a job he would enjoy doing and he could hardly think of a better place to be than right here. The root issue in her moth would take just under a half hour to complete, the big drake removing the problem teeth, cleaning the holes that were left behind and then inspecting the inside of her maw closely for any other issues that could be taken care of. All while probing another deep cavity of her body at the same time like the exquisite multitasker he was! A slow, casual motion kept him hard, that fleshy spear rubbing against the tightly pressed walls of her woefully underutilized sex. The tip nudged and scraped across parts of her gender that had never been touched before, never had the pleasure of being caressed and given the attention it deserved. If anything he was doing her body a favor, showing her what she had missed for all these years- never minding that she was unconscious. A sticky, slippery glaze of gooey pre was smeared across those silken folds in the process, the room soon filled with the heady scent of sex, the pheromone-enriched perfume making his orbs tingle with excitement. Setting his tools aside, the big drake stood up some, relaxing a bit. Was it hot in here or was it just him? No, it was hot- he thought, being the good simaritan he was and reached down, unbuttoning the shirt on her chest one clasp at a time to help his patient cool off as well.

H: Despite the gas knocking her out, it isn't long before his patient is panting softly in unknown pleasure, a bright blush on her muzzle as the two of them grow warmer and more worked up, little strings of sticky fem fluid starting to leak from between them and down her tail, just giving gentle little pushes against her body now and again too...with small little jets of potent pre lancing against her dilated cervix now and again...all while he works on her muzzle...getting a good job done there too, rather surprising...for having his bare length lodged balls deep inside his fertile, underaged patient...those little rubs and pushes against her insides setting off all the right things inside her mind, despite barely moving an inch in length back and forth, her swollen lips giving a little twitch with each squeeze her body gives that thick, throbbing length of his. Just as he gets her own body worked up, he must be doing a number on himself too, getting himself nice and aroused...would be hard to put that length down and away without a release of some sort, but he doesn't seem worried about that now, instead, he was worried about his poor patient overheating... reaching down and working her shirt open button by button, and exposing her bare, grey chest...including those soft breasts of hers, the naughty girl not having anything underneath that button up shirt.

D: With the protective fabric falling away, it gave the dirty drake a chance to enjoy seeing her body exposed in full. Hmmm... Well he didn't want her to get too cold of course, but that's where his paws came in, the big drake stripping the gloves away to allow his warm hands to gently cup and massage her bare chest. His thumb talon roamed over her nipples, wondering what they would be like in a few years when she reached adulthood- what they would look like when she was pregnant. At some point his hips had started moving, just a gentle gyrating motion, his deeply buried flesh tugging at her young pussy folds deliciously, each stroke making a soft shlick as he pressed inside. One might be mistaken in considering this sort of act unprofessional but, by his standards, the job was finished- they were just having a bit of fun on the side. This dirty debauchery continued for several minutes, the horny, leaking male working her young pussy for some time, sampling this fine example of a vassian. He leaned in over her, his snout inching closer and closer to her own, his eyes watching her body wobble about slightly. It appeared almost as if he might kiss her... -but just before it happened, he stopped as if reconsidering. The tall drake straightened up instead, then slowly pulled free. A shlop of fluid fell from her used sex as he dislodged himself- not cloudy enough to be the frisky male's seed but not pure enough to be just her own nectar. There was one more thing he needed to do...

H: She continues panting softly, the frequency of her breath growing faster as he starts to rock his hips a bit more, squishing through her fertile body in the otherwise silent room, soundproofed for all the drilling, while he reaches out, groping at her soft breasts...his hands rubbing over the small, warm mounds and giving gentle squeezes here and there. Her muzzle had fallen to the side after a bit, his work done and mouth stuffed with cotton where he had worked, but his muzzle leans in ever closer to her own...closer, and closer until...he just stops. All of the sudden pulling back and pulling that hard length out of her with a wet Slurp, a bit of excess sexual fluids dribbling from her swollen vent , faintly pit-pattering to the floor as her cunny closes right back up. By now, her vent was shining with slick, sexual juices, the grey hide tinged pink with arousal and need as he just leaves her body hanging...a faint little shudder running through her form as he seems to have something else in mind.

D: It wasn't exactly a simple task flipping a 16 year old girl over 180 off her back but he had everything he needed to make it work. Lowering her entangled legs down he stepped to the side and adjusted the chair back almost completely flat. Then, with cock still jutting out from his crotch, the horny male slid his paws under her, scooping his patient up and very gently rolled her around onto her chest. The cool plastic of the chair stimulated her young nipples into a perky state as he adjusted her, letting her hinds dangle off the end and laying her head to the side making her as comfortable as he could. From there he raised the chair upward- just a little higher and stepped back around behind her. His greedy paws massaged her smooth rump, caressing her gorgeous body, smiling down at her with that same disarming smile he'd had when she'd been awake. His thumb talons slid inward toward each other, pressed against her cheeks and parted, exposing the young juicy to his eyes for the first time. He drank in the detail, starring at her as his talons caressed the edges of her wet sex for a long moment. Such a fine, innocent young thing- he thought, even while stepping up behind her, his tapered spear stabbing the air hungrily as it came into frame. The dirty male knew quite well what the best position one could use to maximize the chance of impregnating a vassian was- a doctorate with a major in anatomy made him keenly aware of the added benefits. So, with her adolescent cunny exposed and vulnerable, the older male nuzzled his tip against the exposed pink of her pussy and watched her body slowly devour his greedy spear inch by glorious inch.

H: She seems to slowly calm down as he sets about shifting her and the chair just as he likes...letting her legs down gently until they hang over the edge of the chair. With that done, he adjusts it so she is completely flat on her back, ear and muzzle giving a faint twitch. Once that is done...he gently lifts her up a little, rolling her over onto her front now, with soft breasts pressing against the body warmed chair, her nipples already nice and hard as they rub against the plastic material. Now, he raises up the seat a bit higher to better reach her, then moves back behind his patient, rump still bare and exposed, but with her tail in the way. As he Grasps her rump though, he ends up shifting it aside...those roaming hands squeezing at her soft rear end, then slowly spreading her cheeks apart to expose her plump, fertile pussy to his eyes...the naughty drake just drinking in the lovely sight of her. At this point, were she awake...she'd be all but begging for him to cute little whimpers and moans, and maybe even pushing her rump out a little more for the virile male...but, he gets the her plump lips twitch once with need, almost winking at him as another small little glob of thick, sticky pre tainted estrus slime oozes from her vent to run down her cleft. With her vent so nicely exposed like that, he nuzzles in that spade shaped tip of his to her fertile cunny once more, the girl making a faint noise as he slowly pushes himself right back inside of her needy body, planning to give her just what she needed, a little extra, for her dentist visit it seems, while her swollen lips slowly spread around wider and wider with his girth~

D: Despite the poor thing left splayed out drooling on his chair, he was always professional. In a way he wasn't stealing her innocence, he was just giving her a lifetime full of new experiences! Of course to do that he would first need to impregnate the young hen with a belly full of unexpected eggs. Back and forth he moved, her long slender tail lifted up over her backside, slumped and flagged to the side, giving the dirty drake free reign over her unprotected pussy. The slick slippery channel between her thighs wrapped around him with only minor strain, his clothed hips bouncing against her bare rump as he took her, the slow tempo escalating rather quickly. He'd have drawn it out longer if not for the aching knot in his loins. So he didn't resist his urges, his paws just slid up her thighs and cradled themselves comfortably at her hips, holding her in place with ass hanging off the end of the chair as he fucked the underage girl with increasing urgency. The horny doctor nudged deep, the angular head of his shaft leaving licks of creamy fluid against her cervix, the anatomy perfectly aligned now to maximize the chance he'd leave her belly swollen with his chicks. He leaned over her, huffing softly, nearing his climax, his breath ruffling her hair. His teeth pinched her ear. It was hardly more than a gentle nip on the tip of the long mobile appendage, but it would leave dimples in the skin for an hour or so after he was done with her. No one would even try to guess why she wore his little love bite; it would just be his dirty little secret. He held her like that and closed his eyes, taking his final golden strokes with long, shuddering pleasurable thrusts inside her.

H: Her pants get a bit faster and harder as he gets back to work, starting off slow, but quickly working up to a faster tempo, his clothed groin bumping into her bare rump with each thrust, squishing messily through her bare passage which grows tighter around him as he continues to thrust. Her body stays limp however, letting him move and take her just as he likes, the head of his length just digging into all the right places inside of her, being made for her after all, with that flat part of his head sliding up perfectly against her cervix to smear and squirt that musky precum against it. If he was lucky, he might even have gotten an egg or two already...but why take the chance? Might as well give the poor teen everything her body craves right now...even though she wouldn't know or remember a thing about it until her belly starts to swell. He can hear her panting as he leans over her body, his hot breath stirring her ivory hair a bit as he hunches over his vulnerable patient, getting ever closer to his release, and even giving the girl a little lovebite to the tip of her ear. But then, something happens that surprises him a little... She gives a faint gasp of pleasure in reaction... the surprise of that is quickly washed away however, as her body suddenly tightens up around his breeding spire...her swollen passage starting to ripple and milk hungrily at his length just as he takes those golden strokes inside of her...what perfect timing~

D: The sound of his heavy breathing in her ear would be like a dream of a dream; some unremembered mystery that would never be solved. It would plague her at nights in the future when she lay asleep in bed with hot lust burning through her body. But reality was far more intense; the force at which he ejaculated inside the adolescent female was almost painful. The hot spray of cum surging through that bulging vein hit its mark perfectly. With his urethral vein was pressed against her inner barrier in a sloppy and extremely intimate kiss, there hardly a chance her ripe young womb would escape the ravages of motherhood this time. The second slosh of cum came with a swift, trembling thrust as the horny male's body did its damndest to thoroughly impregnate the 16-year old girl beneath him. A third stream of pure pearly white semen released another 50-million or so sperm into her unprotected pussy, their wriggling energetic tails already seeping into all the hard to reach cracks and crevices deep between those lovely thighs. Her virgin ovaries stood no chance against the virile male's onslaught as he came quite copiously, that intense moment of delirious pleasure slowly folding into a hot, pounding afterglow as she stood there, balls deep inside her freshly fertilized pussy.

H: Hylda's body gives a little twitch and a faint noise each time his length pulses, and squirts inside of her, the head of his length swelling up a little in his climax similar to an equine as he splatters her fertile, vulnerable insides with Sticky white...the one splurt against her cervix would have been enough, a thin stream of Cum spraying into her womb with it, but he empties everything he could as deep inside of her as he can...punctuating each heavy splurt with a firm thrust against her, smushing that soft, fleshy sheath up against her swollen vent as their bodies pulse in time with one another, adding to a new Generation of Vassu.

Her climax isn't as strong as his though...and it ends a little bit before his does...the girl panting hotly beneath him and still out cold it would seem...he had enough tome to rest, and revel in the afterglow of breeding this unsuspecting teen, but how was he going to deal with the mess...already there was a sizeable one from before, and it was certain to grow once he pulls that softening length free of her freshly seeded pussy. In fact...he still had another ten to fifteen minutes left really...

D: This appointment had taken much longer than he'd scheduled for, but considering the benefits of such an... intimate doctor-patient relationship, he felt it was well worth the added time. With his dribbling cock spent, the empty male stood upright, paws still on her fine hips, petting her soft skin with delicate caresses. Looking down between those cum soaked thighs, his royal eyes drank in the detail as her snug sex reluctantly gave up the greedy spire that had just impregnated it, the slobbery spire coming into view one inch at a time. He slowed almost to a crawl as the last inch tugged at her puffy folds, the head of his penis making her lips bulge out slightly before, at last, that meaty spear flopped free. And with it came a splash of fluid once more- only this time it was obvious the sloppy white goo that spilled from between her legs was no casual mingling of seminal fluid. The lecherous splatter it made on the tile floor made his ears twitch. Mmmpfh, what a mess- he thought, watching a long gooey strand of his lust drip off the cusp of her used pussy and dribble down her inner thigh for several long seconds.

H: A faint noise escapes her again as he starts to pull his hips back, slowly sliding that messy length from her well bred vent, dribbling sticky sexual fluids along the way. With just the swollen head inside of her now, it tugs at her lips a little, bulging them out a bit until he finally flops free with a wet sound, a quick splatter of pearly white leaking from her vent before it closes back up, but it still continues to slowly ooze out from her body. The dentist just looks at her now, still resting as he looks over his work, having done quite the job too, in breeding this young teen...his excess dribbling down one of her thighs and into her clothing. Well, that might be a problem...not gonna be easy to get that out of there, or the scent of sex off of her either...but he could still at least get most of the mess cleaned up.

D: Like any good adult, he knew he had to clean up after playing with his toys and this was no exception. The only difference was, cleaning this up could be just as fun as making the mess- he thought, glazing a paw across her young sticky gender, massaging the mess between her thighs with sultry indulgence. The spent drake knelt down behind her, one paw sliding up against the base of her tail to hold it out of the way while the other gently fingered her sloppy hole. The view he partook in of her well bred sex made his cock stir, the scent of a freshly fucked female not helping either. He dipped a talon inside, feeling around her hot squishy pussy folds, playing with the mess he'd made inside her. Just as a glob of semen was about to fall, he'd dart in lap it up. Her trapped, pressed thighs didn't make it easy but he reviled in the challenge, gently scooping out the excess semen with a paw for a few moments before letting his sticky, cum-webbed paw take a break to let his tongue dive in. That oral appendage could only reach an inch or two inside but it was enough. He cleaned her shallow channel while leaving her deeper recesses thoroughly gooped up with his cum. The older male stopped only once he could no longer taste himself in her. That left just cleaning up the last of it with a roll of paper towels, the still stiff drake enjoying that task only slightly less than he had eating her out.

All of the cleaning took another good ten minutes. He had been loath to dress the young girl up again but all good things had to come to an end. Each button was meticulously replaced, each strand of hair carefully checked for stray fluid. The chair was cleaned, propped up and young Hylda placed back in a proper position upon it. The puddle of cum left on the floor mopped up and the scent of hot, sticky, unprotected sex covered with a gratuitous amount of potpourri spray. All he had to do now was wait- which was no easy task watching the vulnerable teen lay there with that earbite still visible and her young pussy being swarmed with his sperm. He knew they'd be wriggling up inside her at this very moment, millions of tiny swimmers slipping into her womb, curling around her defenseless eggs, all of them desperately trying to wedge inside the soft shells and add this underage girl to the growing teen-pregnancy statistic. Her eyes would flutter open for the first time in nearly an hour with the dirty doctor sporting tented pants beneath his white coat. But he just looked over his clipboard as she awoke giving her the same comforting smile he'd put her to sleep with.

Now all that was left was having her set up for a follow-up appointment in three month's time just to... check on her progress.