Guardian: A Demon's Home

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A demon swears off his nature to protect his former master's daughter...but the daughter craves the demon and the occult.

Praen yawned with his black furred body curled against a tree, muzzle upturned as he watched over what humanity had dubbed a park. To many he looked like a normal everyday hound, albeit a bit large, but underneath his fur and flesh blazed the fires of hell waiting to raze and sunder the populace of this untainted and unfettered land, but instead there he curled and lounged like a normal dog. He had no reason to corrupt these humans, rather, in truth he had no desire to corrupt the other realms anymore, not after being summoned to this earth so long ago. His summoner had been a powerful woman capable of chaining him with her magic alone, and so he had stayed under her iron command, never able to break free, and yet, even without those chains her words were compelling and her voice like honey. Praen had foolishly allowed himself to become friendly with his old summoner, his summoner who had died of an illness common to humans. Rather than become a demon, rather than corrupt and live her life among the legions of the damned she chose to die as a human, and at the same time she made one last command of him before freeing Praen. The words rung out so clearly in his mind still to this day, "Protect my daughter...But don't let her bully you, okay?" Praen had scorned those words. Cursed the woman that had summoned him and promised to do nothing of the sort, but his time with her had changed him, corrupted him as he was supposed to do to her. She had left him on this earth to watch over her daughter, and so he would. In truth he was free to leave and cause as much havoc as he desired, and yet, he did not wish to. He only wished to protect his old master's daughter from forces that perhaps would use her, or perhaps would simply break and corrupt her, and yet there was a certain problem with that notion. The girl herself desired the darkest powers and thus, corruption itself attracted her.

The hands of a very rude girl gripped upon his fuzzy cheeks and before him appeared the face of a young girl he recognized as the charge he was supposed to be protecting, Ellie, "Heeeeeeeey, Prrrrraen, are you gonna teach me how to melt some face?" she whispered.

He spoke, but only through the medium of their connection because opening his fat muzzle would lead to more suspicion, more than a weird college student whispering to her dog in the middle of the park, "When you can prove you will not melt the faces off of decent folk..." Even that statement sounded so strange coming from himself, at one point he would have reveled in mayhem and random violence, and at one point he had offered to teach Ellie's mother how to melt more than just faces. He at one point had the knowledge to bring entire kingdoms to their knees, but even as a hound of flame and insight he could not convince and corrupt Ellie's mother, she had been too interested in the use of power for other reasons.

Ellie sighed and sat back upon the grass, dejected, while smoothing out her skirt, blowing back strands of black hair from her freckled cheeks as she addressed the demon hound through their link now rather than aloud, "You're such a boring demon you know that? I know mom said protect me before she kicked it, but that doesn't mean you can't teach me how to protect myself."

Again with the same old excuse for wanting to learn dangerous magic. Crossing his front paws he snorted as he responded through their connection as if reciting from a script, "What an excuse...The danger only begins once you begin showing off with your untamed magic. Demons, angels and more, lustful for your power will arrive--"

"And take me to another world, but wouldn't that be more interesting than getting a nursing degree and living a shitty normal life?" She interjected with her own thought.

Without a beat missed he continued on, "And they will corrupt you and use you until you are drained of your sense of self and more--"

"Which should be your job shouldn't it?" She quipped aloud.

To that he had very little response. Indeed as a demon he was supposed to corrupt and either possess her, or simply let her loose among the world as a raving fellow demon, but he had done nothing of the sort, even with the chains of his old master long gone. Ellie had been entrusted to him, to guard her, it simply felt right. Snorting he finally made his response, "My job is to protect you...No matter what I am, or what I was."

Ellie only smiled and gave him a sharp hug around the shoulders that even had his powerful bones cracking just a bit, "Such a sweet puppy. No wonder momma kept you, you're loyal just like a regular ol' dog...So loyal that I know someday you'd cave and teach me all of your--"

"No." Cut his reply.

And she could only groan and flop back upon the grass staring up at the blue sky before deciding to stand, grabbing his leash to pretend to tug him along as she began walking, Praen getting up of his own accord to pad along by her side. Apparently she was finished with their little argument, or thinking of another retort. From a real world perspective his role as guardian was fairly mundane. Even disguised his form was that of a large wolf hound with deep black fur and he came up to her knee so any passerby that remotely had a spiteful thought towards the girl veered far away.

Praen made note that they were heading home, perhaps Ellie had finally given up on trying to convince him outdoors, but then he heard her voice whispering to his mind, "Since you won't teach me...I'll just have to make use of you in a way that I know you cannot deny me in."

Praen shuddered internally at those words, but made no show of it, he only walked with his eyes focused ahead of them. He knew what she meant, knew that she was a girl with a lust that could topple kings, and that he could never resist whenever she begged for him to break her. Every single time she would ask of his services, he would give them if only because it fed him, if only because it felt far too good to stuff himself inside of her. Suddenly he felt her hand upon his ear, her chuckling sounding off as she cooed, "Calm yourself Praen...I can feel your heat already, don't wanna set anything out here on fire where everyone can see." With an internal sigh he shook himself and composed, at least for the moment. Teaching her magic was easy to resist, perhaps today he'd try to resist her lust as well.

Their home existed in the basement of an apartment complex the land lord so graciously gave them for free of charge, of course the occasional use of dark power for a comfortable life was okay. Ellie's mother only had so much money to give, and her father had never been a factor, so it had been up to Praen to secure her some amount of comfort while she studied using scholarships and other benefits befitting a girl of her mind, it was unfortunate that she saw fit to try at every chance to cast aside her normal life and delve into the world of the dangerous occult. Her basement apartment reflected this. It was scattered with not only textbooks for her classes, but tomes and grimoires that she had tried her hardest to unlock the secrets to. He had taken some amusement from the fact that she had failed time and time again to call even the most basic of magics into being, if only because her talent was far too raw and unrefined and she was too stubborn to see it herself.

As they stepped in past the wards shielding the home, Ellie let out a sigh and stretched moving to the couch after dropping his leash which faded into darkness. Praen stretched and yawned moving to leave the room before suddenly freezing in place as he heard her voice, "I'm not done with you yet Praen come here."

Praen remained turned from her, his eyes shut as he addressed her aloud this time under the safety of their home, "But I find myself tired and needing a bit of a nap."

But immediately she countered oh so innocently, "You can sleep here at the foot of the couch right? Room for two huh? Besides, we can chat while you get ready for a bit of a nap right?"

"I...If chatter is all you want then perhaps I can indulge." He turned and trotted back to her, hopping up onto the lengthy couch at her feet to curl up.

It wasn't long before she asked again, "So why won't you teach me magic even under these wards?"

With eyes shut Praen responded without tire or annoyance in his tone, "Because you would abuse it wouldn't you?"

Ellie's freckled cheeks flushed red and she huffed, "And?...Isn't that what black magic is for?"

Praen snorted, "Your mother found other uses for it...Magic is exactly what you make of it...As is existence. Look at me...I am a demon not yet given in to the desire to corrupt humans and turn this plane of existence into a hellscape."

Ellie smiled and kicked off her shoes to prod at him lightly with her foot, "Yeah, but you're willing to fuck me anytime I even mention it, isn't that a form of corruption?"

Praen controlled a shudder, though his body warmed from the mention of their game, "No...It doesn't take your mind and self from you."

Ellie sighed and laid back on the couch, her legs spread just a bit, "Really? Cuz everytime you knot me it feels like I lose a bit more of my sanity in the best of ways, so...If you're not going to teach me how to use magic today, why not shut me up with your cock."

Praen couldn't control a growl, "Because it isn't right...And I shouldn't be defiling you...You should be with a human, someone you love and care about rather than a demon dog."

Ellie brought herself up, genuine concern touching her features as she reached to touch his head, "Normal? What does that matter when the one I love is right here...You've always been there for me...Listened to me, given me advice, and even taken care of me after nearly splitting me in two...You're a proper lover."

Praen shut his eyes and turned his head away, "...You deserve more than a demon."

Ellie then made a mistake, her words cutting far deeper than she meant as she uttered them, "I won't leave you like mom did..."

Praen's ears drew back, his head hanging low as she said those words. He could feel phantom tears coming. The loss of his summoner, whom had turned Praen from demon to meek and loving guardian had hurt him deeply, and he never enjoyed being reminded of the fact that Ellie's life was temporary as well.

She could see the hurt upon him, feel it coming off of him, and spoke quietly to press on, "I could live longer with magic couldn't I? You could make me into something stronger...Right?"

Despondent and weak, the demon hound spoke in a low tone, "That would break who you are--"

"Then teach me magic...Mages live longer minus illness and more...Or at the very least make love to me every day like it'll be my last...I hate to see you so sad whenever you think about things like this Praen." She interrupted, her words cutting the demon to the core.

Praen snorted, "You...Being so emotional...You must simply be trying to get something out of me...And perhaps it is working...Perhaps I want to be selfish and keep you forever." He then rose upon the couch, turning to her, "I want to take you every single day and breed you, but that would be wrong wouldn't it? For me to selfish..."

Ellie only smiled, bringing her hands up to feel through Praen's ember speckled fur, "Then be selfish."

Praen shut his eyes, opening them only when her touched disappeared from his body. He looked to see her stretched back against the opposite arm of the couch, her legs spread, her eyes giving him a knowing half-lidded stare. She didn't even bother stripping, she knew she didn't need to, and Praen growled because of it. As he stood upon the couch the embers upon his back blazed into life and fury. It was always the same thing, every single time she had a little bit of lust she used his nature against him. She didn't even need to push him, didn't even need to say a single thing, because the sheer mention of her body spread out for him had his body literally burning for her. It was in his nature to take human women, to seduce and bring them over to his side at any cost, and he had grown attached to the human form since such a long time. Since the first time he had touched her, since the first time she had seduced him. Even if he were not loyal to the vows he held, he may have been chained by his feral lust for the girl.

Ellie laid there with a smirk on her lips, her legs spreading wider as the demon approached her. With a single swipe of his claws he tore off her skirt, not caring about how much that would cost in the end, his maw moving to bite away her panties, Ellie letting out a gasp as she felt the heat radiating from the demon hound pour over her. Again she whispered out almost like a spell as she brought her hips up, legs spread wide, "Be selfish...Take me"

Praen couldn't help himself, but he could at the very least prepare her as he usually did. His thick tongue came out to lap at her tongue, to push against her sensitive flesh firmly. Immediately he felt her quiver and his own body shook as he heard her moan, his cock growing from its fuzzy sheath, bright and red against the beige couch. At the same time Ellie's body shivered, her pussy far too warm from just a few licks from the demon hound's mouth, her hands moving to grip at his ears as she pulled his muzzle closer. His flames dared not burn her, instead the fire around his body seemed to embrace her, warming her rather than harming her. She could feel the anger, the tension through his every movement. Even now Praen growled as he fought to keep himself back from her, even as he buried his tongue inside of her pussy, the thick warm piece brushing against her clit again and again with every lap.

The hound desired so badly to pull away from her, to stop defiling the girl, and yet his primal lust did not allow him to do so, instead he brought himself over the girl with a snarl even before she had her first orgasm, her moan turning into a gasp and then a giggle as her hands moved to loop around his neck to bring her lips against his muzzle. He allowed her tongue to graze his lips, his own tongue coming out to meet hers as he submitted himself to the sin of the situation. Edging his hips closer and closer he felt his hot cock touch her pussy, the tip of it brushing against her as he thrust, sliding and missing against her crotch. He growled as she giggled, his hips pulling back to position and thrust again trying his best to get inside of her. Ellie simply gasped out and giggled with every miss, every thrust, she loved feeling him try his hardest to get in her, and a couple of times he slipped in only to pull out because the angle was incorrect. Already she felt so far to hot, sweat dripping upon her body from the simple fact that the hound before her was practically a heater. Finally she felt his hot cock dive into her pussy, stretching her wide with one single thrust as he howled out his pleasure and victory her own eyes growing wide as she groaned out her pleasure and mimicked victory.

Already Praen's cock seemed to swell and grow larger, throbbing inside of her and practically spilling forth with thick pre that seemed to coat her insides in the stuff. His hips worked desperately to thrust inside of her, no mercy given, his claws moving to grip at her sides, digging his claws in. Ellie gasped out and winced from the pain, but only shuddered and moaned as she felt more of his cock bury itself inside of her. He was wild and untamed with his buttons pushed, with his lust pouring through every single action, he was an unstoppable force that Ellie absolutely loved. She wanted to live her life with this beast, with this demon forever, not as a nurse, but as a fellow demon or a mage, or something that could match up to his splendor, and so she moaned out praying quietly that he would corrupt her with his seed, praying that somehow it would happen so she could stay together with this magnificent beast. She didn't need humanity, didn't need their sneers, their harsh words and lies, she could rest easy with a demon inside of her, and as a demon she would be reborn just like him.

Praen could not focus his thoughts, his body driving his motions, with every thrust getting closer to knotting her, his bulbous flesh kissing at her pussy again and again with every empowered thrust. It only drove him to thrust harder than usual when he thought of losing her, losing her as he had his previous master, the flames upon his back growing in size as he thrust faster snarling and growing more wild. Ellie's arms and legs coiled around him as best as she could, her own body feeling fatigued already from such a vigorous pounding from the hound. She could barely believe that it was him, he had never been so rough before, and yet all she could do is moan. In Between his lust, between his anger, she felt his sadness, felt that smallest spark of loneliness plaguing him, his desire to protect her shining through, and so she moaned out the words like a chant, "I'll be here for as long as you need me Praen, I am yours."

The demon did not pause in his thrusting, instead he howled, a mournful sound that shook the air around them as he thrust in faster. His knot slowly entering her until with a wet pop it took hold of her pussy and tied them together. For a moment finally he paused, panting and growling slightly over her as her hands caressed his back and head, her legs shaking as she struggled to hold on and not collapse, "Praen. Praen it's okay...C'mon...You're so sad just because you think I'm gonna go any minute...I can feel that...We're connected you know that, don't hide from me, don't push it under other feelings...Be selfish Praen...Teach me magic, make me something entirely different."

Shutting his eyes the demon hound began to grind his hips against her as he whispered the words out, barely audible, Ellie letting out a groan, "What was that?"

"I will teach you...For your own protection..." He said, though the excuse tasted bitter upon his tongue.

Ellie leaned in close, her words causing his entire body to shudder as she brought her hips hard against his, "No...Don't just teach me magic...Make me into what you are...A demon...I don't even care if I end up some crazed succubus or turn into a ram, I just want to be with you for life."

With a snarl he thrust against her, snapping his jaws as he retorted, "I will do no such thing! I will keep you as you are whole, for then who are as a demon? Your mind, your personality may degrade and may disappear...I did not fall in love with a demon, nor your mother..."

Though the words were not said, Ellie froze, her eyes quivering as she fought back tears and a lump in her throat. Suddenly she was reminded at their situation as he thrust, grinding his thick cock against her insides, thick cum pouring out in waves that stained her every inner wall. She could even feel as if her womb were being filled to the brim with his seed, her lips groaning out as she buried her face his neck, clutching her loving demon gently as she began to whisper in their connection, "I'll really learn magic?"

As the demon hound eased himself upon her he shut his eyes and replied to her, "Perhaps...Are you willing to not harm innocents?"

For a moment a pause between them drifted before Ellie replied to his mind, "Yeah...No need to melt faces unless something nasty is looking at me...Instead I guess we could do something more productive...You're going to be the teacher though, so you figure out what."

Though he felt a swell of pride and love for his ward, he spoke in a dire tone, "First before we use magic for the benefit of others...We must protect you...And for me to teach you, we must break my seal."

Ellie brought her face from his fur with a bit of confusion, "Seal? What seal?"

With a grunt the hound put collapsed atop of her causing her to let out a great, "Omph." and suck in a breath as she found moving to be nearly impossible underneath the large demon, "Wait...Wait don't fall asleep! What do you mean by seal!?"

With a yawn Praen laid his head next to hers while feeling far too satisfied at the fact that he had the upper hand, "When I wake...We will travel to another world and then you will see what keeps me from truly teaching you everything I know."

With a sigh Ellie laid back and whispered quietly, "Then will you at least say it...So that I can sleep satisfied?"

Praen fell silent for a moment before he spoke the words clearly and slowly, one by one. "I. Love. You." The words almost seemed to vibrate in the air, carrying some sort of weight as Ellie gasped from the sensation, her eyes fluttering.

Ellie spoke aloud, "What was that?!"

Praen only chuckled, "Go to sleep."

Though that did not satisfy Ellie, she knew she could not get anymore from the demon hound. Regardless, she was going to learn finally how to use magic, she was going to extend her life, and she was that much closer to demonhood, or at the very least something that would give her a life to bring her together with Praen forever. She would never let herself die and leave him alone, never. And so the girl held on tight to the demon hound, her cheeks stained with a few tears here and there from their emotional bout of lovemaking and revelation. Praen himself satisfied with the night, but dreading what would happen when he would be allowed his full power and to impart his gift upon her. Could she really control herself? And more importantly, could she resist the temptation to make herself into something entirely different than what she was? Human or not, he only cared for her as Ellie, nothing more, nothing less, and he felt that if she were to dive deep into such darkness to make herself immortal that she would not be the girl he loved any longer. Such thoughts were for later, for now he sighed and nestled against the knotted girl underneath him, sweet shared dreams of love making awaiting the guardian and his ward.