Beach Ballin'

Story by Michaela on SoFurry

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#2 of Excerpts from Michaela's Midnight Letters

Dear Michaela,

Last summer was fantastic for me. My friend Todd got his parents' permission to have friends over at their beach house for a weekend. Todd, his cousin Snack, and I loaded into Snack's sweet drop-top, and headed onto the road.

We rolled the windows down and let the cool wind compete with the hot sun. When we got there we turned on the power and put the beers and sausages in the fridge. Priorities taken care of, we removed our shoes and shirts, and wandered down to the beach to relax.

It was beautiful. Without a cloud in the sky, the water glittered on the ocean. All kinds of people looked like ants, on the public beaches far to the north and south. Todd and Snack were clever and brought binoculars. I didn't feel the need to stare and compare every girl the way they did.

Snack brought a soccer ball and the two of them were running through the sand, kicking it back and forth. Not for me, I thought. I exercised my feline birthright and stretched out on my back, warming my belly and legs in the limitless sunshine. Purring and smiling, I squinted my eyes against the friendly yellow ball in the sky... and drifted off to slumberland.

I woke up with the sun lower to find that the game had picked up some new players, with higher voices and bouncy chests. My eyes opened wider and the pupils constricted to little slits...

Their fur was white with big auburn spots, their eyes were big and dark, and their whiskers twitched when they laughed. I rolled over and arched my back, rolling my shoulders to and fro.

"Ooooh, stre-e-e-etch, kitty!" called one of them, and I turned my head to give her a sharp-toothed grin.

Todd swished his fox tail as he introduced them as our neighbors for the weekend. Cherry and Margot were guinea pigs, sisters too. They were color-coordinated from the ties in their hair to their bikinis: Margot's color was yellow, Cherry pink. They were making me hungry... their hips and thighs were plump, and the round curve of their bellies led to lovely bountiful chests. I tried to focus on their eyes as I chatted with them. Margot, the one who'd called to me when I was stretching, kept trying to look into my eyes too, and she had the most adorable little squeak when she laughed.

Todd came up with the idea of having a bonfire later, and the girls bobbed their head. We'd been planning on it anyway, but now we had some guests.

Snack went to get the sausages and the chilled bottles from the fridge, and Todd and I went beachcombing for firewood. It took both of us to haul the logs up from the sand, and by the time we all got back the sun was about to set. Snack had the sausages on sticks, Cherry and Margot had brought some mixed nuts and a salad, and I clawed a log until the bark rose up in thin strips, collecting it for kindling.

The scent of roasting meat brought the drool to my mouth. As I swallowed, Margot said, "Hungry, kitty boy?" I showed her my tongue, licking my chops as I looked down her plush rodent body.

"Mmmmmm," I purred back at her, "everything looks delicious tonight." She clasped her hands together at her navel, straightening her arms and bouncing her rack up at me. "Everything, huh?"

I nodded and grinned a little. I couldn't believe how much she was coming on to me.

We dug in, each of us eating mostly what we'd brought and trying the others' food. Cherry had a seat between Todd and Snack, and both foxes were competing to feed her. Snack was teasing her batting the round end of a sausage end around her whiskers, and she squealed and laughed... but then she bent down and took a lick at the meat. He looked at me and I nodded, mouthing ‘Go for it'... just the same time as Margot leaned against my side, warming me with her plush curves.

"Are you gonna go for it too, kitty boy?"

I swallowed slowly, and let my claws comb her back, as my arm found its way around her shoulders. We watched the sun set, and everyone huddled closer together around the fire. Cherry had snuggled in between Todd and Snack, and her toes pushed the sand around as the fox guys petted her from both sides. Margot leaned in and nuzzled my chin. I opened my mouth to say something and she leaned up and kissed me, pulling at my wrists and pushing my fingers into the fur of her sides.

I couldn't help roaming my hands over her round belly, petting down the soft white fur. She snuggled close and rubbed just above my tail. Squinting my eyes, I rose up on tiptoe to keep her fingers right there!

She eyed her sister and nudged me. Cherry had been kissing Todd heatedly, and she was out of breath as the foxes untied her swimsuit. "Check that out," Margot whispered, and while I stared at Cherry's bare boobs bouncing free of her bikini, Margot's hands slid up my legs and cupped my balls. I have to admit, I lost my cool and started to purr.

Noticing me looking around, Snack grinned and shook his head, taking down his shorts and revealing his trim sheath, which was firming up. "No one's gonna see us. This is our backyard for the weekend, not some public beach." He flicked Cherry's nipples, making her whiskers quiver.

Soon we were all spread out on blankets. The girls' fur was smooth and shiny, and there was so much of it, covering such generous curves. The foxes were groping Cherry from either side, and she had her hands full with the way they were thrusting into her palms. Me, I was in heaven, pushing my face into Margot's ample rack, kissing and smelling her, smoothing down the orange-spotted white fur with my whiskers, and using her warm belly to cushion against my burgeoning sheath.

The waves rushed in and crashed on the rocks, drowning out our moans and purrs, and soon it turned into squeaks of pleasure as Cherry squatted down on Snack's shaft while Todd crawled over her and clutched himself against her buns. Margot caressed my taut legs with her soft bare feet, and I rolled on top of her, sinking in with a yowl of delight.

My guinea pig lover reached up and pulled us together into a tight embrace, as I held onto the blanket with my hands and feet, and kissed and made out with the sweet shivering girl under me. We were giggling at how loud Cherry was squealing when she finally came! She arched up, making the fox boys yip in chorus as she squeezed down on their knots. I felt Margot's heels brush my butt, just either side of my tail.

"Giddyup, lover cat!"

I laughed and slurped at Margot's muzzle, my tail lashing as I bounced energetically atop her, caterwauling shamelessly as my cock erupted inside of Margot's wet pussy. Her toes curled up and she held me tight, squeaking and nuzzling my ear as her pussy-quakes massaged along my tapered length.

We relaxed under the stars, petting each other, until Cherry could stand up again, and Snack and Todd each took one arm and helped her walk to our cabin for a shower.

Margot tickled my palm with her fingers and chirred, "I know where there's a bed free at my cabin..."

â€"Slinky Greg from Central Valley, CA

(This is one of several letters that were published in "Michaela's Midnight Letters" issue 1. We accept anonymous short stories like this and you can see your work in print and get a free copy, as well as discounts on additional copies! Want to know more? Visit my website! ~~ Michaela)