Building The Lion Harem

Story by thegravekeeper on SoFurry

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this was a commission too large for FA to fit without downloading so I'm uploading this here for those who really wish to read it.

All commission info about this can be found on my FA page TheGraveKeeper.

Hope you all enjoy this!

Building The Lion Harem

The night air is chilled tonight...though I shouldn't be surprised, nearly every night in this land is cold. The stars providing light above but bringing no comfort to me and my clan..for we are a curse, or at least that is what the world thinks of us. My name is Kira and I am Vampire. I was born over seven hundred years ago and I stand at six feet tall and weigh one hundred seventy pounds, my fur is dominantly black save for my wrists, hands, feet and tip of my tail...and my belly and face...inner ears too...guess you could say "splotches" here and there of a lighter gray tone on said parts. My eyes are a burning red color which is pretty cool to me, I would go out when I was a boy and spook the children of nearby villages by hiding in the shadows and just...staring at them. Can't imagine the nightmares they suffered but what do I care? Most of them are worm food by now, I also have claw marks on my back which run down to my hips...I'll tell you how I got those in a moment and I also have a, pentagram...on my chest.

How I got that is an interesting story really, you see my parents have invested much time in me and very little in my succubus sister, Narissa, seeing her as the weaker child though she is anything but. Confining her to the castle dungeon for most of her life and not showing her any affection outside of sending her out to do battle every so often, I took a more vested interest in my sister though. I love my sister dearly and I wanted more for her than just rotting in a cell and so whenever I could sneak down to see her, I would train her. At first it was just combat training, showing her what I had been taught and as the months and years passed, she began to show real promise...and beauty. My sister is a gorgeous girl and on more than one occasion, we have had intimacy. I regret nothing, I'm a Vampire after all, what do I care about incest? Narissa doesn't mind either, she enjoys what I do to her, what I make her do, I think she gets off on it. Normally my sister takes the reigns in whatever sex she gets but with me...she seems to love it when I'm in control, which I don't complain about ever, she's a 12 on the hotness scale, but I'm getting off track here.

I got caught one night. For all intents and purposes, my sister has been very loyal and grateful to me for taking the time to be with her and over the years we've built a little harem. She and I take some of the finest women and men and make them our sexual slaves and Narissa had gone above and beyond the call of duty (so to speak) To keep me safe and for those services...I felt she deserved a "reward." I screwed her...popped her cherry and my parents discovered us, not in the act thank goodness, but when they inspected her one night and found her virginity had been stolen and when they investigated as to whom, you can figure out the rest of the story. I doubt either of us will forgive them for doing that to me, Narissa is special to me and I won't abandon her to a life of solitude...but she is bound to them as am I...until I become head of the family, we're stuck obeying them...on the surface anyway. Even though we've been branded I still keep contact with my sister, though we've gotten better at hiding it, even under watchful eyes and tonight, my sister and I have a special event planned.

My parents have to leave for a special meeting of the Demon Elders and are going to be gone for a month solid. They have left explicit instructions that I am NOT to be near Narissa but what can they do? When they leave, the castle is under MY rule and I have devised something with my sister that will make us both VERY happy and provide with some decent entertainment as well. I rose from my bed after hearing my fathers call, going downstairs to see them packed and preparing to leave, I wished them a safe journey (Yes, even though I harbor some resentment I still love them.) And swear (all be it with crossed fingers) That I will abide their rules in their absence, as soon as they are gone I wait, I know my father is watching and I cannot just rush to my sisters side and begin our plans, I must wait at least an hour or two before things can begin. I'll go to the study, read and sit in a plush chair that overlooks the lake near our home. It really is a beautiful place we live in and I plan on taking care of it as my ancestors have so many eons ago. The time has passed quickly and I must put my book away, going downstairs towards the dungeon where my sister is waiting for me.

The lighting is dimly lit as I descend the ancient stairwell towards my sisters prison, I despise that she is confined there and when I am in charge, she will be able to come and go as she pleases...though I hope this imprisonment hasn't ruined those desires of freedom. I arrive swiftly and find my sister in the middle of, she has access to whatever is down here within reason according to my fathers rule but the door leading to the upper floors is barred with iron and a strong incantation to keep her here. She cannot leave but her magic is still allowed to thrive down here, if I tried to sneak her out a warning would be sent to my father and we cannot have that, I approach her with a smile; "Good evening my dear sister, all is ready I trust?" I say as she smiles back at me; "Nearly ready brother, I was just putting the final touches on the spell." I smile at this as I look over my sisters beauty once more, she stands just a couple inches below me in height and her fur is predominately red with black on her wrists and feet as well as her muzzle, inner ears and running down her stomach. I stop to view the pentagram mark on it, it makes me sad that I caused her such an ordeal but she doesn't mind, or at least she'd never tell me if she did. Narissa also has large leathery wings that share the same color scheme, oh yes forgot to mention that about her, makes her a terrifying sight on the battlefield to be sure and she also has these stunning purple eyes that I adore.

"Are you going to bring anyone back this time brother?" She asks me as I think a moment; "No I think it best if I don't this time, we've still got some left around here don't we?" I ask making her flash a toothy grin at me; "Well yes...but more is always nice right?" I smile at her for a moment; "Oh that's hurtful sister, what would our slaves think if they heard such things?" I say with a wry smile making her giggle softly and her grin turns more devious, when it comes to our "toys" Narissa is far more intense than I, she will take them for hours without end, exhausting them until she is satisfied. I try to make my slaves last though, breaking them so they bend to my every will, Narissa just enjoys them; "Well when I get back I'll have to go hunting for you then won't I?" I say with a warm smile as Narissa walks over and hugs me; "You take such good care of me..." She says coyly, she knows I'll do anything for her as I hold her for a moment, just enjoying her presence; "I love you." I say softly making her snuggle into me; "I know you do brother, I love you too."

We break our embrace and she goes beyond the portal that she has used to send me to distant lands in the past, I stand upon it's smooth surface as she prepare to open it; "I'll be waiting for your signal brother, happy hunting." She says as magic swirls around her, I can then feel the surge of energy beneath my feet as the portal begins to open; "Try not to break anymore toys while I'm gone." I say with a wink making her laugh as she throws her hands to the sides and the portal opens in earnest. I get sucked into the void slowly and I stare at my sister all the while as I'm being enveloped in the warmth of it's glow, the tingling sensation of a warp flowing through me, I always love this feeling as I close my eyes and the void surrounds me entirely. I free fall as my sister guides me to my destination, a place that I hope will provide ample entertainment for me, a place unlike anything I've been to before, one that Narissa has assured me will be bountiful but dangerous. Dangerous, I swear I nearly laughed when she said that to me, what is danger to a vampire? Well, not much to be honest. The sun isn't a factor and natives or militia I can handle with ease.

The void is beginning to dissipate around me now, I look down as my body floats towards my destination, I can see trees and rivers forming below me. They look nice but I'm not drawn to nice places, I can appreciate them yes but I want something more...daunting. I like to frequent the places other wouldn't dare to go, guess that's my heritage but it excites me to dive into the unknown instead of the straight and narrow. I spot something beyond these thriving lands, a place with a thick fog hovering around it and very grim in nature, what look like Craglands at best, very little green things growing within which seems perfect to me as I land in the center of a grassy plain. I land and get used to the environment first, easy to maneuver terrain with soft soil beneath my paws and a warm sun bathing me overhead. It's warm here, not quite muggy but pretty close, I quickly lose my shirt and leave my pants on, need to have SOME form of protection and I like to use a little stripping to entice my would be pets, I quickly look around my surroundings not that I'm up close to them.

The land is filled with animals, males and females or all varying species, some with thick hides and others with colorful patterns, short and tall thick and slender, truly this place is going to be a bountiful one as Narissa promised. I already spot some rather voluptuous females with black and white stripes but they are surrounded and I quickly decide against them, I want something...challenging, something fun and something that catches my eye. These females all look, plain and ordinary, nothing of substance to them so I quickly dismiss the idea and head for the ghastly place I saw on my way in. The closer I get the more I can feel the atmosphere change, this part of this place I'm in, it is much different from the lush green lands that I'm coming from, the sky is filled with dread and the air smells of rotting flesh, that pungent aroma that I know all to well after countless battles, I will never get used to it I suppose but I ignore it as best I can and press onwards.

I can feel heat beneath the earth, this place must have some volcanic activity brewing underneath it, a few fumaroles later and this is confirmed. Thankfully I can sense these and move out of their release points before they can hit me, they don't hurt me of course but the smell of singed fur is never a pleasant one. I have entered this place now, it indeed a land of death, I see great carcasses strewn about the landscape, in the distance I even see towering bones, large horns and what appear to be skulls. "I'll bet there's something of interest there." I say to myself with a grin, hopping from rock to rock with great agility as I make my way towards this place when I stop in the middle of a gorge by a strong two of them. I sniff the air and can tell that there are two distinct forms of life living in these parts...well more than that but these are the standouts, one of the scents is great in number, a host unlike what I would expect to find in this forsaken place and the commands power and dominance. Both of these forces I surmise are the ruling parties in this land...but which one dominates the other? That excites me to find out...

I rush off with great speed towards my destination, the shadows cast by the rocks and looming bones growing ever thicker as I get closer and closer, the wind playing with my hair as I move as fast as I can, never making a sound as I've been trained to do. It's one of my more preferred and handy skills, moving as swift as the wind and as silent as the shadow, I'm often upon my targets before they even know I'm there, a truly fun thing I must admit as I enter the dankest place I imagine is in this land. It's impressive to say the least, bones for miles it seems, I can't even make out the borders to this place but whatever dies BIG. I walk up to one and from what I can tell to be the ribcage, it's bones are taller than me! Same can be said of the arms and legs too and the horns on these monsters! I run my hands along one of them that has been laid down to the ground though some stand straight and tall, still showing their imposing nature and when I get to the point, it is amazingly sharp. No telling how long these beasts have rested here but their bones remain as sharp as ever, I wonder if some creatures have used them for meager tools, crude though effective they would be I surmise from their structure. I quickly return to my task, finding slaves to bend to my will; I sniff the air again and pick up three scents that are within this place, focusing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I bound off towards them, hoping to find one I can acquire for my own.

My journey is a quick one, traveling to what I presume is the heart of this place. Even larger bones litter the ground as I see a huge skull and can hear voices coming from inside, apparently whatever is here is using that as a house of sorts. Makes sense, the thing is big enough, has ventilation and is sturdy, I climb one of the bones to peak through the eye socket of the skull, some would consider this macabre but to me this creature is already dead, and if people are living in it's skull, whats the harm of climbing it to spy on it's occupants? I carefully peak over the edge of the eye socket and see three people inside, two of them males, one with a ratty hairstyle and the other...well he looks like he isn't quite right in the head. But the third...SHE catches my attention almost immediately.

She's a tad on the pudgy side, but not overly so, in fact it's curves in all the right places I'd say. She looks like she stands about the same height as me, maybe an inch or two less and breasts...woo mama does she have a nice pair of tits! Their gargantuan, at least F maybe even G if I had to guess with yellow in her eyes that show the beady blackness of her iris's. Her fur is dark, not as dark as my own but close with some splotches on her hips, a somewhat tattered hair to her and a large snout. I listen in to their conversation, or lack there of, it's mostly just giggles and inane babble really, whatever these creatures are, they don't appear to be too intelligent, or well groomed. But given where they live, I can't expect to much. I begin to measure up the males, I'm sure I can handle them with ease, but I want to find out some information about this place first, but I doubt these three would just casually discuss such things, so I decide to make myself known, dropping from the eye socket and landing in the entrance of their..."home."

The off looking one (He has his tongue hanging out ALL the time) cackles and licks his chops at me while the female and the other male stand and smile at each other; "Well what do we have here? A guest has come knocking you guys, we should be hospitable." The male says with a certain malice to his tone, the female laughs even though I'm measuring her up, looking over every inch of her form (Damn, she is quite gorgeous) I think before speaking; "Good afternoon. My name is Kira, would you mind helping me with something? I'm afraid I'm new here and would like to know about this place." I say looking to the female showing my interest in her, she doesn't pay it much mind though but speaks; "I'm Shenzi, that's Banzai and Edd. And your in the Outlands. OUR turf." I smile at her; "The Outlands huh, has a nice ring to it. What was that other area? The greener one." Banzai speaks up this time; "Those? Those are the Pride Lands, where all the best prey live...oh and those damned lions. Keep everything for themselves and leave nothing but scraps for us." He tells me with a snide look, as he starts to circle me with Edd doing the same from the other direction.

"And these lions...they are the ruling class I presume?" I ask as Shenzi stands in front of me, they're trying to block my escape options, though I'm not worried, as soon as they try something they'll regret it, but I need more information as Shenzi speaks; "They are now, we used to be charge a long time ago. But here we are, barely scraping fact, we were just wondering what we were going to do for dinner." She says with a lick of her lips at me, I smile back at her; "Tell me, before you Dine, would you know about this place then? Where all the best...locations are?" I say with a confident look as she chuckles slightly; "I've been around, so you could say that." I smile bigger this time, looking over my shoulder as Edd and Banzai rush me, whispering to myself; "Perfect..." I then reach out both hands and grab the two males by the throats, halting them from biting me, though it wouldn't hurt to be honest, Shenzi halted in terror at my power. I then bring the two writhing males in front of me and flash them an intense gaze, staring directly into their eyes.

The two of them go limp within seconds of my Hypnosis spell and I drop them gently, even though they won't wake without my say so I'm not a monster, they were just looking for a meal after all, I can understand that. Shenzi backs off a moment; "Wh-what are you?" She asks clearly nervous as I step towards her; " your new Master." I say with a dominating tone as I rush her and plant my lips on her, kissing her hard and holding her still, though she is in too much shock to move as my magic flows through her, permeating her mind and bending it to my will. Her eyes flutter and I feel her giving in to my will, her thoughts fading and being replaced with my own commands, to serve me until I can return to collect her and the others I hope to find, she closed her eyes and soon begins to welcome my kiss, returning it as I finish my spell. I break the embrace and look at her; "Open your eyes." I say and she does so, half opened giving that sexy possessed look that I oh so love; "Who am I?" I ask making her lips quiver as she speaks; "Master...Kira." I smile wickedly as I've secured my first slave, letting her stand; "Tell me my dear, are you the only worthy female to join my Harem in these lands?" I ask, with a lustful smile, I wait for her reply, her mouth opening and speaking to me; "Yes Master, many more. I can take you to each of them."

I smile and even chuckle softly to myself, these is the first of many it seems and that pleases me greatly. "Excellent my dear, but before we get to adding to my collection...would you like to be taken by your Master?" I say with a cocky grin as she licks her lips (Man, those teeth could do some damage...thank goodness for mind control) I think after seeing those pearly whites of hers; "Oh yes Master, I haven't had a good rut in ages, please...take me." She says waiting for my next command, I always instill that into my slaves, never giving them control of their own bodies, they do whatever I say and nothing more. Rather than having her get into a position and wait, I always take command; "Perfect...Shenzi...get me hard." I say looking at my dick that is still in it's sheath, the female nodding and crawling towards my crotch and placing her cold snout on my balls, rubbing it affectionately and even kissing it tenderly (Mm...for such a ratty looking thing, she knows what to do...) I think as she is quite skilled at this part, my cock is already starting to come to life and I've even hissed a couple times at her approach, if THIS is what the females of this land are like, than I will have a BOUNTIFUL harvest indeed. Shenzi is quite good at what she does, her snout is pressed right up to my nuts and her tongue is starting to wet my loins, my cock is already near full mast and her breathing is quite pleasing to me; "Excellent Shenzi, now wrap those fat tits around my dick." I command making her blush but comply.

"I've never done this before Master..." She says with an embarrassed look but I smile dominantly and find a rock to sit on, motioning her towards me. She crawls and is soon there, I get her right between my legs and grab her breasts, I admire them for a moment. They are large and warm, very soft and pliable, not what I'd expect from living in such a harsh place. "Succulent tits my dear..." I praise her making her blush and coo softly as I gently place them around my cock and begin to bounce them up and down; "Do it just like that." I tell her making her nod as she grabs her orbs and proceeds as I've shown her, I moan again as she feels even better than I'd hoped! She takes to it quickly too, pressing and molding my cock in her breasts, I watch with satisfaction as she makes my head disappear in her valley, I can even see the precum start to leak all over her chest. I let this go on for a good while, maintaining my composure not to blow all over her face, that will come much later once I've collected a good amount of females. "Very good Shenzi, now lay back, it's time for me to claim you." I say as she smiles ear to ear and does just that, laying onto the hard ground and spreading her legs wide for me, man her pussy looks GREAT, glistening in precum and puffy. I like my chops and mount her, placing my now throbbing cock between her thighs, placing my hands on her legs to keep them apart, looking at her with a confident gaze as I shove my cock into her depths.

Shenzi gasps in delight, throwing her head back and moaning like a whore, MY whore. "AH! Master...oh you're SO big!" She gasps as I start to pump into her sex, she is tight, warm and squeezing my cock with much more control than I would've expected from her. "you're quite tight my dear, already milking me. You must have been yearning for a dick for quite some time yes?" Shenzi blushes and moans with one eye closed as I make her breasts flop to my thrusts; "Y-yes...I d-don't get...laid that...often." I tsk at that with a smile; "Oh thats a shame, such a pretty thing like you deserves to be mounted all day." I say as I start to increase speed, moving my hips in different directions to really stimulate her sex which is convulsing around my shaft. Shenzi moaning and gasping as sweat is pouring off her, she really has gone for some time without a good rut it seems as she screams and tenses up, erupting on my loins and falling onto her back limp. Her gaze is hazy and her breathing is erratic; "Cum already? Well, it has been awhile so I'll allow that. But you will learn to cum when I tell you and not before understand?" I say as I'm still pumping into her, my own climax on the horizon as she is being rocked. She doesn't say anything, I'm not sure she can, the pleasure must still be running rampant through her being as I grasp under her rear and lift her up slightly, increasing my thrusts and pumping her harder than before.

Shenzi is being rocked, almost pounded into the ground, her giant breasts smacking her chin making her all the more excited as I grip her hips and thrust into her one final time, emptying my aching balls into her sex. Shenzi drools as she feels my seed claiming her womb; "Master..." she says weakly as I pulse and shoot rope after rope of cum into her snatch, I hold there and ride out the ecstasy of it all, she really was an incredible lay, the first of many I hope. I moan and pull my cock out, shooting some left over cum onto her belly; "You are officially mine now Shenzi, rise." I command making her slowly do so, standing to meet me with an obedient look in her eyes; "I serve my Master...what does he wish of me?" She says making me smile ear to ear; "You will take me to other girls, girls I will find more pleasure in. Take me now." I say making her nod her head; "This way Master, I know of two in the Outlands who will serve you just as well as I." I follow her with a smile as she leads me out of the elephant hut, stepping right onto her brothers as she leaves, she won't be coming back here ever again, she is mine for as long as she lives now.

Shenzi leads me deep into the Outlands, the land becomes more and more ashen, as if we're on the precipice of a volcano; "Shenzi...where exactly are we?" I ask out of curiosity, I don't fear this place but how it came to be, that interests me. Shenzi doesn't stop but answers me; "We're heading to the deepest part of the Outlands, where the lions who remained loyal to Scar are exiled..." That raises another question; "Scar? Who is that?" Shenzi drops her ears a little and snarls a bit; "A traitorous lion who murdered his older brother to become King, he used my kin and me to secure his power and life was good for a few years. But then the Pridelands began to rot like the Outlands, the prey vanished and we were on the verge of starving, but he didn't care. He only wanted power and when his nephew came back to take his throne, he sold the hyenas out as the ones behind it all to save his own skin..." She paused and then smiled wickedly; "It was VERY satisfying to devour him, hearing him screaming in terror as countless Hyena trapped him and ripped him to shreds." My eyes widen only a little, are her clan REALLY that formidable? I would have to imagine so, numbers are a game changer in combat after all; "How many of these lions are out here?" I ask as she softens up again; "Not many Master, maybe seven at the most. But if we're lucky we'll encounter one very soon. She's usually out hunting or scouting for anything about this time of day, so she'll be far from the other males and her mother, but she is a bit of a handful so be prepared."

I look ahead with determination, if this lioness truly is confrontational I might just explore it, maybe she could be more than just a simple cock sleeve. The sun is starting to set, still have plenty of daylight left but I press Shenzi to hurry as I'd like to get to this other lioness today as well, she nods and hurries the pace a bit until we arrive in a dusty setting. It is very dry, no water around for miles I surmise from the dead trees and mounds that Shenzi tells me are built by termites and that even deeper into the Outlands that the exiled lions use those mounds to sleep. This gets a thought provoking hum out of me, at least they are resourceful, that's good as she slinks down and prompts me to do the same as our target appears before us. I peak out above a rock and am pleasantly surprised at what I see; She is not much taller than me, maybe an inch or two but nothing more and despite the lack of steady food she is surprisingly well built. A little rougher than I'd like and not quite full features but charming in her own way, her fur is dirty, reflecting the harshness of the land around her, her chest isn't nearly as large as Shenzi's but still a decent DD with a fair curvature to her hips.

Her eyes are heavily darkened but I can make out a hint of blue from here, she is digging around the ground, maybe for signs of prey that wandered in or just something with some nutrients in general. I whisper to Shenzi; "Stay put, no matter what happens." She nods and tells me to be careful that her name is Vitani and she is not to be taken lightly, this make me smile as I plan to take her anyway but. I step up and walk towards her, in the open and smiling; "Good afternoon." I say warmly making her aware of me and jumping back with a snarl; "Who are you? What are you doing in our territory?" She says with a sharpness in her tone and fangs bared, I put my hands up to show no ill will and smile wider; "Now now, no need for hostilities. I am merely a traveler looking to explore these lands, might you help me in that? You seem to know this place yes?" I say trying to get her to come with me willingly, though I secretly hope she'll make this more interesting. The lioness's body language tells me I'm correct in this as she sinks low into a pouncing position and licks her lips slowly; "I do know this place...and I know that you'll provide my first decent meal in weeks!" Vitani screams and lunges for me, claws outstretched and maw opened wide ready to cut me to ribbons. I smile and jump over her when she's in reach and land opposite her as she stumbles and spins around ready to try again.

"Quick huh, so am I!" She steams as she rushes me again, but my back is still to her as she swipes again and again, I merely duck and dodge, able to read her completely. I even have my eyes closed, feeling the wind being cut on her attacks as they miss their mark totally; "So, would you be my guide then? Protect me from anything bad?" I say with a bit of a laugh on that last line making her seethe and try to tackle me again, I simply step to the side and brush her backside with my paw, her fur is surprisingly well groomed and soft, still has coarseness but not what I was expecting at all as she lands in the dirt. "Bastard!" She screams and comes at me again, but I can tell...she's expended too much energy, her attacks are sluggish now and her breathing is labored as she stumbles about and her eyes are showing exhaustion, I catch one of her paws and twist her arm behind her back and hold it up towards her skull making her hiss and cringe as she tries to struggle. "Relax now...I will take care of your every need. Food, Water...Urges." I say casting my spell over her, whispering right into her ear making her grunt and try to twist away but the effects are starting to take hold and her body is loosening, her breathing is becoming softer and soon she is mine, I release her arm and she turns to face me with a much softer gaze; "Will you serve me Vitani?" I ask as she blushes a little as she looks me over, obviously entranced by my spell and my features.

"Y-yes, Master Kira. What would you have of me?" She says sweetly making me smile and step close to her and press my muzzle to hers, Vitani moaning into the kiss as I grab her hips and pull her right to my form, feeling her soft breasts on my chest and her warm sex against my crotch. I break the kiss and bump her nose with mine; "I want you, right now. And then you will join my harem, serve me completely. Do these things and you will never go wanting again." I say making her blush and nod, closing her eyes and rubbing her chin to my chest; "I am yours...Master." I smile wickedly and grab Vitani's breasts, feeling them and playing with them, she gasps but doesn't refuse me (Not that she could really but sometimes I'll let my slaves give a little resistance for that extra bit of fun) as my claws dig into her warm flesh; "Very good my dear." I say as I bend forward and start to lick her breasts, slowly wrapping my tongue around her right nipple. Vitani is frozen in place, her body having gone a very long time without sexual relief, I can tell as she seems to be holding back an orgasm, wanting to have this euphoric feeling last as long as possible.

This presents a fun challenge to me, one that I love; making my toys break. Not in the physical way but mentally, to where they can't resist it any longer, I smile and take her nipple into my mouth, slurping and pulling it slightly with my teeth. Vitani nearly shrieks from the stimulation and her knees begin to wobble but I won't let her fall, I hold her and continue to feast on her bosom, her breathing growing more erratic as I suck harder and lick around her areola, pressing her breasts together with my claws and even pinching them gently. "MASTER!!!" She cries unable to hold back and releasing herself all over my loins, my rock hard cock getting coated in her cum as she twitches in my grasp, I suckle her a little longer before letting her down onto all fours, mounting her from behind without pause and slamming my cock into her still quivering depths. "AHHHHH!!!" She cries at taking a dick like mine, the only dick she'll ever know after this, I pump into her steadily as she moans and gasps; "Too much!!! Please...Master...Please..." She begs as my faces goes stern; "You will serve me Vitani, whenever I want you I will take you. Be strong and accept your Masters cock!" I shout at her, gripping her hips tighter and bucking into her with increased strength and vigor, shaking her form as she claws into the dirt as tears well in her eyes.

She truly must be weak to be in this state, her body not able to withstand such a rough ordeal, I pity her for that as she really is an incredible lay, her pussy is warm and tight, even tighter than Shenzi! She is younger as well so that is to be expected I suppose, but I don't want to harm her so I back off my thrusts and pull out of her, flipping her over to sit up in front of me, her breathing labored again and crying; "Dry your tears, I will give you this boon as you are not able to accept me yet." She cries; "I'm sorry...M-master...may I please you...another way?" She says with a blush on her face that makes me melt, those eyes are quite beautiful I must admit and I smile warmly and lean back, spreading my legs and nodding, knowing full well what she means. Vitani wastes no time and buries her head in my crotch, licking and lapping my cock and balls with that wonderful feline tongue! The roughness of it, sandpaper like is one of the best for oral pleasure and Vitani is GOOD at it! She knows just where to hit, going from the underside of my nuts to the base of my shaft and trailing up to the head, swirling her tongue around before engulfing me in her maw.

I grunt as she begins to suck me off, bobbing and slurping her head along the entirety of my dick, gasping and gurgling as loud as she can, oh those sounds are magnificent. I don't even place my hand on her head as she's doing just fine on her own, my toes are even curling! (WOW! I never would've guessed she'd be THIS good at oral!) I think to myself as she goes from blowing to sucking at just the right time, clamping down then easing off to take a breath and treating my urethra to some of the best head I've ever known! I can't last any longer and I grunt loudly as my hips explode into her mouth, Vitani blushing and gulping every last drop down her wonderful mouth, giving little bobs here and there to keep me going. Finally she is done and comes off my cock with cum stained lips and a happy smile on her face, my breathing slow and steady as I look at her; " VERY pleased Vitani." I say making her smile and wag her tail softly, she then curls up to me as I call Shenzi over to us, she too joins at my side; "Master...that was amazing to watch." She says with a nuzzle as the sun has already set, I lay back with my first trophies, cuddling them close to me as I'm about to fall asleep.

"I'd like to think so, let us rest now my dears. Tomorrow we'll fetch the last lioness in these lands and then move on to the Pridelands." I say with a yawn as the two females curl up with me, both heads resting on my chest as I quickly fall asleep, each of them providing excellent warmth as the night is much cooler than I'd thought but I am satisfied with my first day. Two gorgeous and talented females on my arm with the promise of more to come, truly these lands will be a honeypot of slaves for me to control and I only hope that with each new conquest, each female will be better than the last. The sun rises on the next morn, my eyes fluttering open with a yawn as both girls rest peacefully against my form, I smile but shake a little to rouse them from their slumber; "Rise and shine." I say softly with Vitani waking first with a yawn, rolling over to stretch as Shenzi snuggles up to me; "Too early..." She yawns as I get a little annoyed but not enough to be angry just giving a little sigh and rubbing her back slowly; "Come on, we have work to do." I say making her groan and wake up; "This rising with the sun thing won't be an everyday thing will it?" Shenzi yawns making me chuckle; "Only when I need to be, like today. Vitani, lead us to Zira." I say as she is completely awake now which surprises and impresses me, she helps Shezni and I up and bounds ahead to the deepest part of the Outlands.

Vitani tells me all about her mother, how cold and calculating she is, her ruthlessness and brutality, saying she is not one to be trifled with. Of course this is no concern to me, but the easier I can make things the better. "She used to be mated to that scar person right?" I ask making both of them nod; "How close to him was she?" Vitani shrugging as Shenzi answered me; "She was close enough to warrant feelings of love I think, Scar wasn't the most feelsy of lions but Zira was important to him I think and I believe she may still long for him...though it's got to be buried pretty deep to survive out here." Shezni explained making me scratch my chin, if I could use that to my advantage I could have a VERY fun time with this. Vitani stops us just before her home, a massive termite ridden mound with deep caves that the lions use for bedding, it's very...fitting for this environment; "Which one is Zira's?" I ask as Vitani scans it quickly; "The middlemost one Master, what are you going to do?" She asks as I smile; "I'm going to walk in, seduce her and then screw her." I say with a grin making her gasp; "Master no! She'll attack you the moment you set paw in there!!!" Shenzi agrees as she knows Zira, both girls hanging to me not to do this, begging for another plan as I laugh softly, my body changing to what I think Scar will look like.

Both of them scooting back as the change takes place, my face protruding to a lions muzzle and my tail thinning out with a bush on the end, my pelt growing dark and a large mane forming on my chest with large scars along my body, both girls shocked to see me change like this as I stand before them; "Well? Hows this? Do I look like Scar?" I ask as they both look at each other then Shenzi bursts into laughter; "Oh...ho Master...ehehehehe you look NOTHING like Scar!!!" She says rolling on the ground making her puff up in annoyance; "Well...TELL me then..." I say asserting my power over her to make her stop; "Yes, sorry, um he only has one scar, on his left eye. Fur is a little lighter and his mane is pure black with green thats blue...almost...there! Got it." She says as she coaches me through the change, telling me his voice is gruff and conniving, I make the changes and Shenzi gives me a thumbs up. Vitani telling me to make haste as the other lions aren't usually gone long, having watched them leave to hunt for scraps. I smile and tell them both to remain out of sight and quiet, I was half tempted to make Vitani screw Shenzi to teach her a lesson about laughing at me but from her perspective it WAS funny so I'll punish her myself later.

I quickly make my way to the mound and climb to where Zira is said to be, entering the dimly lit place and smelling...very rancid things, this place is a hobble to be sure but the deeper I go the greater the scent of a female do I pick up on. I draw closer and closer until I near a bend and am halted by a voice; "HALT! Who dares enter my chamber!? Show yourself and state your business here!" I smile and step one paw forward, keeping my upper body hidden in the shadows; "Hello Zira..." I say in the voice of her mate, I can hear her gasp as she steps forward into one of the light sources showing her features to me. She is nothing like what I'd expect, her features are much fuller than Vitani was, not overly plump but not scrawny either. Her fur is slightly more vibrant than her daughters as well but her breasts are MUCH bigger, easily in the F cup range with a pretty decent set of hips on her too, her face is rough like Vitani's with narrow brown eyes, she certainly could look intimidating with those features I'm sure as she is clearly taken back by my voice; "Who are you..." she whispers as I step fully into the light and she covers her mouth in shock; "Its me my Queen. I have returned for you." I say giving a sly grin, Shenzi telling me that Scar rarely smiled and when he did it was super creepy.

Zira steps back; "No, you're dead, you can't be here..." She said making me step forward ready to prey on her weakness; "And yet, here I am. Ready to claim what is rightfully mine once more. To restore our status as rulers of this land! You want that don't you?" I say making her shudder as she isn't sure what to think of all this, clearly her thoughts have been of Scar as she is shocked to her core to see him before her, her eyes are trembling and her paws shaking as she barely speaks; "O-of course I do...b-but I saw...saw you being torn...apart. HOW did you survive? You CAN'T have survived!!!" She exclaimed as I smile and approach her; "Does it matter? I am here now and ready to sire another heir, would you refuse me? Your king..." I ask seeing her legs shaking as she wrestles with this, I seal the deal and turn to leave; "Very well..." I say in my best Scar voice; "I guess I returned for naught..." I take one step and Zira shouts; "NO! Don't leave me...please my King...come to me...let us be together once more..." She says giving into her emotions and succumbing to my mind games, I smile and turn and go to her, grabbing her and pulling her close, biting her neck to assert my dominance over her, Zira gasps and claws my back making me grunt (OUCH!!!) I think but quickly heal myself as I grope her firm rear.

Zira has a phenomenal body, her butt alone is pliable and warm, I can spread her cheeks with ease making her melt in my paws; "Where does my queen want it?" I ask hotly into her ear making her quiver in my grasp; " pussy...please my King...take me." She moans in clear need, I'm guessing she hasn't had sex in quite some time which is fine, that means she'll be incredibly tight as I lay her down and have her get on her side. I grab one leg and hike it above my shoulder, almost forcing her into the splits as her pussy is already wet for me; "Such a beautiful creature you are, I have been waiting for the day I could ravage you once more..." I say a little out of character but Zira is too horny now, she doesn't even notice as I stick my cock to her pussy, feeling the warmth radiating off it as I shove it in with a loud squelch of my hips. Zira knows that something isn't right, my cock isn't lion and she screams and tries to struggle as my guise is over but it's too late now, I shoot my magic from my cock and it permeates her body in an instant. She turns docile almost immediately and I take my true form; "Who am I?" I ask as she looks at me and speaks; "Master Kira...and I am his servant, to do with as he will..." I smile triumphantly and grab her leg tight to my chest, pinning her other with my free hand and slam my hips into her sex.

Zira gasps and moans as I begin to bounce her on the hard floor, truly this is a terrible living arrangement, it really will be for the best when I take her from this place, but oh man is she EXACTLY what I thought she'd be! Her pussy is virgin tight! Squeezing and milking me with the greatest control of the girls I've caught yet! Just what I'd expect from an elder lioness as she moans and coos, stabbing her clitoris with one of her hands to really get herself off. "You must have been sexual starved since Scar's demise am I right?" I ask mid hump making her grunt and nod; "Yes...I've allowed no other to take me since his death...but OH!!!" She moaned as I shifted my hips a little to stab a different part of her pussy, this made her cum as she tensed up and creamed on my hips. "Oh? Came already? Don't worry, I'll make you cum again and again!" I shout as I put everything I've got into claiming her pussy for my own, rocking her fast and hard as she bites her lower lip and goes limp in my grasp, her mind hazy as she gets the first good rut she's known in years.

Zira's body is amazing, she has such control, pulling me in on each thrust before relaxing and letting me draw out to slam her again, and the sounds! Oh my goodness the sounds of this romp are unlike any I would've guessed! Her hips are so wet and eager, smacking together with my own and driving me to pump her all the more! "I'm going to cum soon!!!" I say as I'm rocking her back and forth like mad, her tits flopping with each pass and laden in her own sweat, her tongue hanging out as she had forgotten what a good rut felt like apparently, it only take a few more thrusts and I erupt in her snatch, shooting a powerful load of cum as far into her womb as possible and I'm delighted to see none of it seeping from her pussy! (Oh that's perfect...she wants to get knocked up! Just like the rest of them will be...) I think as my thrusts die down and I shoot my last bits of cum into my latest pet, letting her rest and giving her tits a good grope before she comes to; "Master...thank you..." She moans with a smile, I'm sure Vitani has never seen one like that, it's warm and pleasant making me return one; "Come my dear, we have more to do." I say as I help her up, she stumbles and I pick her up; "Can't walk?" I say making her blush; "You'll get used to it. I'm far from done with any of you." I say as I take her from this place, back to the others who are shocked to see my carrying her.

"We're leaving girls. Time to head to the Pridelands and collect my other prizes. Shenzi, lead the way." I command making her bow and rush ahead of us, Vitani asking her mother if she was alright; "I'm wonderful right now my child..." she said as I ran after Shenzi with Vitani right behind me; "Wow master...I've never seen her like this." She said making me smile; "It's what I do." I say with a cocky grin as we make our way out of the Outlands and into the Pridelands, I welcome the feel of grass under my paws once more and the sun is welcoming not harsh like it was there as Zira motions me to put her down, able to stand on her own. Shenzi stops me; "Master, it will be much harder to move now, we must do it at night or we risk being detected and then dealing with the whole of the Pride. If you want to secure more servants, you must continue to do it one at a time and with great stealth." She says making me nod; "Very well, do you know where these lionesses frequent?" Shenzi shakes her head; "No master, I have no idea where each one will be..." She says somberly as I sigh but pat her head; "It's alright, I figured this would be the hard part...but that's what makes it interesting too. Let's rest for now and we'll hunt later." I say making them all smile as I plan out my next move, I won't stop...not until every worthy lioness is under my control and I've impregnated them all...

I watch my girls sleeping in the fading daylight, each of them with pleasured smiles on their faces as I watch over them. My thoughts are how to accomplish my remaining tasks, I can tell that things are indeed going to be harder...there are many more eyes to report what we are doing and without a reliable guide it will be complete luck as to which girl we run into first. I have no idea what kind of girls are even in these lands, I can only hope that they are even more beautiful than what I've found so far, each of the girls laying before me and making me smile softly as the night is fast approaching when I notice Vitani shifting in her sleep. I sneak over to her and see her fingers shifting around her privates making me lick my lips and hover over her, whispering into her ear; "You need some help with that?" She gasps quietly and blushes as I smile down at her; "M-master...I th-thought you were asleep..." I chuckle softly and rub her side slowly; "How can I sleep with such beauty around me? And one who clearly needs my touch." Vitani bites her lip softly; "Master...breed me this time, please. I can take it..." I look at her closely; "Are you sure? Last time you couldn't handle it..." She blushes brightly; "PLEASE!!! I want my masters seed!" She nearly screams but I hush her not wanting to wake the others, but to no avail.

They wake to her cries and see me over her; "Have you not bred her Master?" Zira asks making me smile; "She wasn't able to bear it I'm afraid so I gave her a break." Zira scoffs; "Absolutely not! No daughter of mine is so weak! You must take her!" Zira says showing that dominate attitude, I only allow it because it's what makes her hot but I won't let her do it with me in the bed but for this, oh yeah. "Girls, you both will take watch for anyone that passes nearby, silence them if necessary. I'm sure we're about to have a screamer here." I say making Vitani gasp and blush, spreading her legs wide and laying back for me, my cock already hard at the chance to ravage her for real this time, laying with her and prodding her pussy with my cock as the girls spread out and begin to circle the area around us; "Scream as loud as you want. I want the other lions to hear you, make them come to me." I say with a grin making her gulp but nod as her chest rises and falls slowly as she breathes heavy in anticipation as I slowly insert my cock into her warm, tight depths. I moan softly as she is easily the tightest of the group so far, her age tender and youthful as her pussy clamps around my shaft; "AHHHHH!!!!" She screams as she did when I tried to take her last time, but she's in it for the long haul this time, no mercy as I slowly inch my way into her tunnel.

"MASTER!!! You're SO big!!!" Vitani gasps with saliva dripping from her maw, apparently she is already deep in lust on that initial thrust and she is pulling me into her snatch, walls clamping down onto my dick with impressive strength! I actually grunt as I pull my cock back and have to use all of my strength to ram it into her. (Geez...she is TIGHT!) I think to myself as I start to get into it, gripping her hips tight, claws digging into her thighs softly making her howl in bliss as I ravage her. "Oh Master! More! Harder!!!" She screams, I wasn't expecting that to be honest, I thought for sure she'd cry for me to stop but she's a little deviant it seems, her pussy snagging and contracting around my cock, making me work to dump my load into her. "!" I say with an assertive tone as I pull back and grip her harder, lifting her backside up so I can drill her for everything I'm worth which she wasn't expecting from the loud roar that passed her lips, ringing around us making me smile.

(Yes...roar more. I want them to know you're here, where you don't belong, bring the rest to me...) I think with a grin as I slam her back onto my hips with each thrust as Shenzi and Zira keep stealing glances at us as they patrol, I have to divert focus to keep them on their task every couple minutes or we might be overtaken. Vitani is biting her lip now, her eyes cinched shut and her teeth grit as I rail her; "M-master...s-so..." She stammers and moans as her breasts flop to and fro from our rut, I can tell she's getting close and so am I, her body is magnificent, she's squeezing me even tighter than before! I hadn't expected that, thinking that she would pass out if anything, but no she is strong, staying with me as I buck faster and faster until I let loose a powerful shout as I empty my nuts into her puffed up pussy. Vitani roars as she feels my seed claiming her womb, this must have sparked her own orgasm because she twitches in my grasp, her eyes rolling back in her skull as I hold her and breath slowly from the intensity of it all. (Oh you are one of my favorites...) I think as I catch my breath and release her, pulling my cock out of her with a pop making her coo and moan as cum seeps from her pussy, but I know and so does she...she will bear my children; "Oh Master..." She moans before passing out making me lean over her and kiss her cheek; "Rest now, we have much to do in a few hours."

I say as Shenzi and Zira come back to me; " really gave it to her Master..." Shenzi says as she sees the spent lioness before me, Zira chiming in; "She didn't quit did she?" I shake my head with an exhausted gasp; "No...she rode it out..." I say with a chuckle at such a lame pun but the two giggle softly as I lay back; "Watch over us...we resume in a few hours..." I say as I swiftly pass out, hoping that whatever...if anything comes that both of them will be able to handle it. I wake with one of them poking me; "Master, it is time." Shenzi's voice rings in my ears as I sit up and stretch; "Any...disturbances?" I say with a yawn making Zira speak; "No Master, we have been undisturbed this night, Vitani is up and moving without a problem. Are you ready to proceed?" She asks making me stand up and see Vitani who blushes and smiles at me making me return it; "Yes girls, hopefully there will be a lioness around investigating what happened here. I'm sure someone had to report those sounds if they didn't hear them themselves." Shenzi speaks; "That is likely Master, PrideRock is a fair distance from here so a reporting party would be likely. All that remains is what kind of investigation would be sent at this hour..." She says making me focus on the surrounding area, feeling a lioness presence not too far from us and making my smile; "Let's go find out..."

I lead the girls with me, each of us taking extra care not to rouse whatever is ahead of us, I can hear her breathing and her footsteps as she bumbles about in the darkness, strange as she should acclimated to such things being a feline. I give a disheartened sigh as if she's this clueless she must be a low rung lioness and probably not that good looking, I stop the girls as I notice she is close to being revealed and watch a patch of tall grass ahead and when she makes her appearance I am genuinely surprised! (WOW!) I think as this a GORGEOUS female! She stands about five foot five, shorter than Zira but far superior in beauty with large firm breasts that measure to EE cups, possibly even G with some of the most succulent hips I've ever laid eyes on! Her eyes are a gorgeous shade of brown and her fur is showing of living in the sun and being well nourished; "Who is THAT?" I whisper to the girls who answer; "That is Kiara, princess of the Pridelands. She is a young lioness and has much to learn about hunting, a bit dim at time but no less beautiful, my son Kovu is meant to be her mate I believe." Zira explains as I am captivated by this goddess before me; "Well, she will be MINE from today on, spread out and prepare to take her down, let her get closer first." I order as the girls all do as they are told, making a triangle formation as Kiara does come closer, my lips salivating as I was not expecting this much beauty in one so young! If THIS is what these lands have to offer I cannot WAIT to claim more!

Kiara inches closer and closer, my heart beating faster as I study her every curve, waiting until she is withing range of my group before signaling them with a low grunt, each of them pounces and Kiara gasps as Zira cups her mouth and the rest take her to the ground quickly. They even manage to hide the thud of her hitting the dirt as Zira and Vitani hold her shoulders to the ground while Shenzi is holding her legs together, her face right in her hips and I am almost tempted to tell her to eat her out, but this beauty belongs to me now so I hold off as I come forward. Her eyes are magnificent, darting about with purest rage behind them, she has spirit I can see as I circle her slowly, praising my team for such a good capture. "You are a most gorgeous find my dear. You will serve me well..." I say with a devious smile making her shake and grunt against the girls; "Hurry Master! She is much stronger than she looks!" Zira grunts as I wanted to play this out some more but I can see she is starting to overpower the three of them, so I go to her head and grab it, making her look into my eyes as I cast my hypnosis spell over her. She is strong, she resists me somehow, I grip her tighter and intensify my gaze, permeating her mind and feeling her going limp in my grasp, soon her breathing slows and she goes totally lax; "Let her go, she is one of us now." I say as the three do just that as Kiara sits up to look at me; "What would you have of me Master Kira?" She asks with total subservience in her tone making me smile ear to ear; "Ride you Masters cock, ride me until I claim your womb as my own." I say going to a nearby rock and laying on it.

Kiara nods and gets up with the other girls watching eagerly, they love the chance to see me work as Kiara climbs on top of me, oh by the divine she is gorgeous! Her body so elegant and sensual as her mammoth breasts flop in my face, I cannot help but steal a quick lick of them as she situates herself onto my hips, my cock already rock hard and prodding her rear. "Like this Master?" She says showing inexperience but that only makes her cuter; "Yes my dear, raise your hips now and place my cock in your vagina, then move up and down as fast as you want." I tell her as she blushes and nods, raising her gorgeous rear up and grabbing my cock with her smooth paws, oh her fur is so much nicer than the rest, no coarseness at all as she bits her lip and inserts my head into her pussy. "Ohhh...mmmmm..." She moans as she slowly sits herself onto my lap, clearly she's had sex before which is a shame but she is no less good, her pussy squeezing around my dick as she slides down it, until she sits on me fully with a soft gasp. "Go on my dear, ride your Master." I command making her blush but nod as she places her hand on my belly and lifts herself up.

OH man, the sight of my cock in that gorgeous's incredible as she slowly starts to ride me, she's clearly done this before as she knows just how to start, slow and methodical. Her hips grinding against mine when she is down and nearly lifting herself off my cock before plunging back onto it; "OH're so big and long...I can feel you hitting my womb..." She purrs as a rosy blush envelops her face, her breasts starting to become laden with sweat as they bounce softly to the rhythm of her hips, I lay there enjoying the show, and let me tell you...that is HARD to do. I want SO badly to take control and RAM this beauty! But I restrain myself and let her do the work, feeling her pussy relax and constrict around my cock, pulling it deeper and deeper into her pussy, moving it different directions to really make her moan, the other girls fingering themselves as they watch the lewd display. Kiara moans and picks up the pace, her hips slamming down on mine as I can see her snout wrinkled and her eyes shut, she is close to an orgasm now; "Ah ah my dear, you must make me cum before you can." I say softly making her eyes widen and gulp softly, but she nods and bends forward, placing her heaving tits in my face; "K-Kovu likes it when I do you?" She asks softly making me give a stupefied grin which I am thankful the others cannot see (Like you even have to ask!?) I think as I grope her chest suddenly and suckle on her massive tits.

Kiara gasps and moans loudly as I play with her wrack, my hips unable to stop themselves as I start to thrust back into her tight form, I can't help it! She is TOO gorgeous and sexy to ignore and these breasts are incredible! Warm and super soft, heavy too, not overly so...she is just, perfect in a word. My hips buck uncontrollably now, having those tits in my face combined with her rocking body are swiftly bringing me to a head as she gasps and groans, smothering me with her breasts as she slams her hips down against my own. "M-Master! I-I can't hold much longer! Please CUM!!!" She cries a little louder than she should but I don't care, bring on the rest of her party! I want more of this! The cream of the crop, pick of the liter...okay that one was bad...leave me alone I'm balls deep in phenomenal pussy! I grunt and suck on her tits harder, my cock about to erupt as I grip her tight and pull her forward as I thrust one final time into her snatch and seize up as I empty my balls into her waiting and eager pussy. "HAHHH!!!" Kiara moans as she too cums with me, but my seed is strong and my force easily overpowers her orgasm, my cum rushing to fill her womb, she will bear my young as will the rest of them. The lioness clutching my face in her tits as she quivers from the romp, my balls twitching as they empty in her body, she doesn't let any of it go to waste either, keeping it all in her tunnel which pleases me as I release her (a little reluctantly) but she gets up with shaky legs and sits in the dirt with Vitani who holds her.

"Goodness Master, you really did a number on her..." She says as I catch my breath and sit up; "Indeed...Kiara dear, how many are out there with you?" I ask but before she can answer I hear a loud voice; "KIARA!!! You Fiends!!! I'll tear you apart for defiling my daughter!!!" Kiara speaking softly; "That would be my mother..." She says before passing out from the romp as I stand to meet my newest conquest and my eyes lit up from her beauty! (And I thought Kiara was a goddess!!!) I think as my cock is already hard again as this Queen approaches with a snarl on her face as the other girls rise to defend me; "No no, let me handle this. I would hate for any of you to be hurt. Stay back now." I command as I walk forward to meet her, she stands just as tall as me with even better features than her daughter! Her body is the greatest hourglass I've seen yet and her breasts are mammoth! Easily H cups with no sag to them at all, her eyes a piercing blue with marvelous corn colored fur. "You! Who are you!? And How DARE you assault my daughter!" She growls at me as I smile and offer a polite bow; "My name is Kira...but you will soon call me Master." I say with a coy smile as Nala snarls and rushes me; "I'll call you a dead man!" she cries as she starts to slash at me with her claws bared, swiping with rights and lefts in a crisscross pattern which is very easy to dodge.

She is fast and her attacks are on point, too bad I'm far faster than she is, her claws never getting anywhere close to their target until she takes her left leg and kicks some dirt in my eyes making me blink as she rushes forward and gets a lucky swipe across my chest; "MASTER!!!" The other girls scream as I raise a hand to them; "I am fine girls, nothing to worry about." I turn my attention back to this lioness; "What is your name?" I ask making her tense up; "Nala and you will pay for invading the Pridelands with such filth and attacking my family! That was just the first of many wounds!" She says before gasping as the wound she just caused closes instantly from my power as I wipe the dust from my eyes; "As you can see, even if you get lucky'll get nowhere. So let's stop fighting and become friends yes? You'd make a wonderful slave..." I say with a lustful lick of my lips as Nala fumes and rushes me again but this time I am ready, I duck underneath her swipe and get behind her, grabbing her other wrist and thrusting it behind her back while my other hand gropes her breast. "Oh wow! Superb tits Nala!" I praise as she struggles and thrashes about as I fondle her; "L-Let me go!!!" She cries as I'm feeding her my power through her chest, seeping it closer and closer to her mind as I pinch her nipple softly and pull her close to my chest; "Resistance is futile, you already belong to just don't know it yet...but you will...very soon." I say smoothly into her ear as she snaps her teeth and tries to headbutt me, I keep my neck pinned to hers to prevent this as I can feel my power starting to take hold, her arm is going limp and her breathing is slowing down; "Wh-what are you doing to me..." She says as she tries to fight it, she is strong, much stronger than the rest but not strong enough as I turn up the power.

"I am your Master...say it and accept it." I whisper again as her mind tries desperately to resist me; "N-never..." She grunts as she has all but stopped trying to harm me, only her mind is left now and I start to nibble on her neck to feed more power into her, she grunts and gasps, closing her eyes in a desperate struggle. No one has ever resisted me like this, but even she falls and her eyes open and I know she is mine now; "Who am I?" I ask as I let her go and she turns to face me, pushing her tits right into my chest and wrapping her arms around me; " are my Master and I am your bitch..." She says with a lick of my snout before kissing me deeply, I return this and rub her butt, playing with it and spreading her cheeks wide (Perfect, with her on my arm I can take the rest of these lands women...) I think to myself as I break the kiss and look into her fabulous eyes; "On all fours my dear, its time to make you mine forever." I say with a smack of her rear making her coo and slide down me, breasts dragging sensually and even catching my cock in her tits, oh if I wasn't on a schedule I would've made her tit job me right there! But she does kiss my dick once which nearly made me explode as her lips were still on my tongue (Dammit why am I running out of time!? I want to do EVERYTHING to this one!!!) I think as she gets on all fours and wags her tail cutely for me; "Come Master...breed me." She says as I get down and grab her hips softly, placing my cock right at her pussy and rubbing it softly; "As I've done with all of them, so too shall I do to you." I say before slamming my cock into her sacred depths.

Nala howls in delight as I take her pussy, I cannot believe how much tighter she is than the rest! She puts each of them to shame with her control, I literally have to put everything I've got into plowing this Queen of the Pridelands. "My word Nala! You're really quite starved aren't you?" I say as she squeezes me like a vice, clamping down and not giving me an inch, wanting the hardest rut it would seem as she smiles and wiggles her hips with my cock trapped in her pussy; "I may have a reputation in the Pridelands..." she says with a blush as I smile and slap her rear making her yip softly and pant; "Oh yes...spank me again! Harder please!" She cries making the rest gasp and stare, none of them knowing that Nala was such a slut! I too am surprised a little but in my live I have encountered those of nobility and found that they are the most sexual starved and lewd and it seems Nala is no exception to this rule, her pussy is unyielding in it's tightness and her hips are pushing back into my own as do the erotic dance of lust, my hands latched tight to her hips as I grunt and groan as she is easily the best lay I've had yet! Her moans are exquisite to me and I find my thrusts becoming erratic once more, this surprises me a little as I usually have much more endurance than this, but I did just get finished with her equally skilled daughter so I dismiss it.

If anything it's a blessing because I need to wrap up this expedition as my hips lurch my newest prize forward sending her massive tits slamming into her own chin, damn I LOVE seeing that! My cock throbs and I grunt as I pull Nala back onto my cock as it spews forth it's load, claiming her womb as I've done the others. "Ohhh...yes, fill me up!" Nala cries as she sucks in every last drop, not one bit of it even seeping out the crevices of her sex! (Damn girl...insatiable whore aren't you?) I think with a final slap of her rear making her coo as I spurt my last visages of cum into her pussy, pulling out and spraying just a small bit of cum onto her backside, marking her as my own. "Such a good prize you are, didn't I say you'd enjoy it?" I say confidently making her smile back and wiggle her hips again; "I'm ready for more..." She said with a lustful wink making me moan (Man I WISH I had the time to rail you again...all of them really...) I think with a little disdain that I must move on, helping her up and looking at my harem; "Nala, how many other lionesses might I acquire?" I ask making her dust herself off and speak; "Two come to mind my Master, my mother Sarafina and Simba's mother Sarabi. Both would make great additions to your harem." She says making me smile, adding more milfs wouldn't be a bad thing, especially if their anything like her.

"Where are they now?" I ask making her point north; "At Priderock my Master, but the other males reside their as well..." She says with a little sadness in case I am caught, but I smile and pat her shoulder; "I can handle that with ease, lead the way my pet." I say making Nala smile and nod as she bounds ahead of us, Kiara having woken up and joining us as we make our way to PrideRock and when I see it I can why it is named such. It is a magnificent structure, naturally built within nature and able to overlook the entire kingdom it seems...well maybe not THAT much but certainly a great amount of it, the lands surrounding it are some of the most rich in terms of soil and growth, no wonder the Kings live here. "Where are the males?" I ask Nala as she points at a cave near the center of the rock; "In the Kings Den my lord...I'd imagine that Sarafina and Sarabi are there as well." I think about this a moment, how to handle this situation when I think of a way to make things interesting and meet my goals; "Girls...stand back and do not leave this spot until I summon you, understand?" I say making them all nod as I move like the wind and scale the rock quickly and look around, it's a very strong structure and I find the entrance to the Kings Den and make my way inside, seeing a throng of female lionesses but not sure which ones are the ones I seek.

I'm also surprised by only TWO male lions in the entire room (Lucky bastards!) I think as they have an endless supply of beautiful felines to sate their lusts, not too mention the other bountiful females that roam their lands. (It's good to be the King...) I think as I move swiftly to them, thinking of the names I was told and casting a spell to knock out the males while enticing Nala's mother to meet me outside, this spell takes less power than I had initially planned on but then again I was expecting there to be FAR more males to subdue than this, oh well...makes my job a LOT easier that's for sure as I swiftly knock them out and see who I presume to be Sarafina rise from her slumber. I duck behind a rock and admire this gorgeous lioness as she stands up (Gorgeous...I've used that descriptive a lot here but each of these creatures are just that, beauties beyond compare and Sarafina is no exception it seems.)

She stands just as tall as I, exactly what I'd expect from an elder lioness. Her fur is a dull copper tone with ample hips and curves just as her daughter has, she also has the same shimmering blue eyes as Nala does, though Nala has her outdone in the bust department. Sarafina from what I can tell is an F cup chest, much smaller but no less sexy and perky as she looks around for what summoned her. I start to whisper to her; "Come to me..." Sending my voice directly into her brain making her look around as my spell to hypnotize her is already taking effect, she walks slowly in that mesmerized state that I love to see in my targets. I quickly head out of the Den and keep whispering, leading her down towards the base of the rock where I can take her in peace; "This way...come..." I say as Sarafina's eyes are dilated a bit, my spell has her completely, all that's left is to claim her as I stand near the rocks and wait for her. I can hear her soft paw pads on the rocks, her steps are gentle and elegant (She knows how to carry herself) I think as she finds me and smiles; "You called Master?" She says making me smile as I get a total look of her; "Yes my dear..." I say with a low groan of her supple form; "Are you ready to be mine?" I say as she comes to me and presses herself right to my frame and licks my muzzle; "Yes Master..."

I smile and grab Sarafina, whirling her around and planting her against the rocks, pressing my hips right to hers and teasing her for a brief moment, her pussy is hot...oh man is it hot! The warmth is making my twitch and leak precum onto her thighs; "Please...take me Master..." She moans as she sticks her tits into my face, I don't even respond I just thrust my cock into her pussy making her howl; "Yes my pet, howl all you want, no one is going to interrupt us." I say as I start to rock her body against the stone, Sarafina is amazing just like I'd hoped! She is older but her body has lost none of the youthful vigor that the others display! Her pussy is equally as warm and accommodating as the others and to my great delight, she has tricks! Sarafina is loosening and contracting her vaginal muscles, helping me to thrust into her deeper than I could on my own, her lip furling as she takes me to her womb; "Wow. Nice moves dear." I admit as I hadn't expected that from anyone here; "Th-thank you Master, you're cock is amazing, I'm going to cum soon!" She says making me scoff; "Oh no my dear, this is too early to cum. You must cum with Master! And I'm not anywhere near that!" I say making her blush and gasp as I grip her thighs hard and begin to slow my thrusts down, I want her to work me over, make me cum so she can get that release.

"Mmmmm...Hahhhh...MASTER!" She cries as she hangs her head and blushes, trying to slam her hips down against mine but I won't allow it, I am in total control as Sarafina moans louder and louder, her pussy squeezing and milking me in a desperate attempt to make me cum. Her body rubbing and grinding against mine as she throws her head back and gives up the fight, howling loudly as she climaxes all over my junk; " came..." I say a little halfheartedly making her moan and pant; "F-forgive me...Master. It's...been so long..." She moaned with the CUTEST and SEXIEST blush I've ever seen as I hold her for a second, smiling before placing a deep kiss on her as I resume thrusting into her pussy making her gasp and groan as she's still sensitive; "That's alright, I'll just make you cum again!" I say dominantly making her howl as loud as she can as she squeezes me even tighter than before (Wow! Wasn't expecting that!) I think as I work even harder now to make her cum and claim her womb as my own, Sarafina griping me close to her as she can, her massive tits grinding against my chest building me to a head and I roar in a matter of minutes as I cum into her pussy, HARD.

Sarafina gasps and pants as she feels my seed rushing to her womb, impregnating her as she keeps that iron grip on me (Dang! Girl is strong!) I say as I cannot break away, not that I want to right now, I have to make sure I get all of my seed into her but she's helping that as she's not letting any of it go to waste. My orgasm fades and I let her go, summoning the rest of my harem as Sarafina coos, Nala and Kiara going to her and smiling; "He was good right?" They both say making her nod; "Better than your father..." She says making me smile, I love hearing my slaves praise me but I hurry them up the rock; "I must hurry my darlings, my time is near it's end and I have one last slave to acquire." I say making them all sad that I'll be leaving soon but I smile; "Not to worry, you'll all be here for this last taking, now...where is this Sarabi?" I ask as Nala and Sarafina point to a large rock near the back of the cave, where I can see her laying clearly; "Oh my..." I say as I meander through the rest of the sleeping lions and admire this last lioness.

Sarabi is indeed a goddess of a lioness, her curves are ample, following an hourglass shape even at her age! Her breasts are superb and large, G cups which is astounding! How can a lioness be so hot at her age!? Her fur is darker than Sarafina's but I run my hand along her body, her muscles are tight and defined like Nala's and her breasts are heavy and soft. Her face is stern even in sleep, surely this must be the matriarch of the Pride, I lick my lips as the other girls surround us as I rouse her from sleep, resting my palm on her forehead to have her in my grasp as soon as she wakes. Her eyes flutter open and those eyes are stunning, a beautiful brown to contrast her fur perfectly; "I've dreamed of you...seeing what you've been doing in our lands..." She says making me nervous slightly as I hope my spell has worked and she's not immune somehow. "You've come to make us slaves...yet you treat us with dignity and respect...don't you Master?" She says making me breath a sigh of relief, I've NEVER had a slave talk to me like that before, make me question my powers over her, she truly must be a strong lioness to retain her personality to such a degree as I crawl on top of her; "Yes, I treat my slaves well. All of you belong to me now. Do you accept this?" (Why am I asking that?) I'm not sure, but something about Sarabi makes me uneasy, like she could break free and ruin everything but she smiles and rubs my cheek gently; "Of course I accept it Master, we all do. It does get lonely around here from time to time and you've brought us all together. We will look after one another in your absence won't we ladies?" She says making them all nod as I smile and prod her slit with my cock; "Excellent, then let us not stay the inevitable any longer shall we?" I say with a smile making Sarabi lock her legs around my waist; "Take me. Master Kira."

I grin and plunge my cock into her and she moans softly, Sarabi must know she can moan, I have the others asleep but she chooses not to, showing that regal side of herself. I don't mind, the look on her face is all I need as the other girls surround us; "Master brought me to a better place, I will happily bear his children." Shenzi says with a giggle, not sure what made her laugh but she is a hyena as the rest soon chime in behind her as I plow away at Sarabi. "My daughter and I are closer than ever thanks to Master and we will love his children together." Zira says as I pump and start to break Sarabi's legs apart, her moans getting louder as she grunts and groans; "Master...was my first and I will cherish that. He taught me how to be strong." Vitani says with a smile as I close my eyes and spread Sarabi's legs apart and really drill her, the former Queen gasping and closing her eyes as she climaxes but stays with me, begging for more as the rest of the girls praise my time with them. Each of them saying that I was the best lay they've had in quite some time, Sarabi gasping and arching her back as I've made her cum a second time it seems.

Sarabi really is amazing, her body is in complete sync with my own, each time I pull out she draws her hips back, when I slam forward so to does she. The sound of our romp is ringing in my ears and I relish each slap of our hips, my loins are stained in her spunk and her scent is divine. I push her legs apart as far as I can and really pump her now, my cock about to burst inside her as I bite my lip and put everything I've got into railing her! "M-Master!!!" Sarabi yells, finally giving up that reserved nature as she squeezes me hard and forces me to cum! (WOW! NO ONE has done THAT to me!!!) I am genuinely impressed! I'm always able to control my orgasms but Sarabi has done what very few...maybe one or two have done, forced my orgasm. My cock spews forth my load in a great torrent that captures her womb in it's entirety. I grunt and groan as I hold there, emptying my balls into my final target, my harem complete as each of these girls will bare my young. I breath heavy and pull out of Sarabi who moans and lays there in the afterglow of our romp, I look at each of my slaves with a smile as I can feel Narissa's magic beginning to take me home. "My dear slaves, Master must be going now." I say making them all rush and hold onto me, begging me not to leave them.

I wish I didn't have to, truly I do...but my duties are elsewhere as I kiss each one of them and step back; "Now now, Master will return soon enough and in the meantime I will tell my sister about this place. And she will show your former mates an equally good time." I say with a wink making some of them smile lewdly while the others giggle softly; "Goodbye my dears." I say as I am enveloped by my sisters magic and vanish from their sights, leaving the Pridelands behind and seven of the most incredible slaves I've ever caught, soon finding myself back in the dungeons of my home with Narissa smiling at me; "Hello my brother!" She says bounding up to me with a fresh change of clothes which I am happy to put on; "Greetings sister, how long was I gone?" I ask making her smile; "Three days brother, father won't be back for another two." I hum at that; "Two more days? I thought it would've been longer than that...oh well it's probably for the best not to cut things close right?" I say making her smile lewdly at me; "So...get anyone good?" She asks making me smile softly; "You wouldn't BELIEVE how good I scored." I say before looking at her with a cocky grin; "Or...what awaits YOU there..."

Narissa looking at me with bright eyes; "You mean there are slaves for ME there!?" I chuckle softly; "Big strong ones, I didn't break them. That will be your fun, but if their females were any indication, the males should be just as good for you." I say making her bob up and down with glee; "Oh brother! You take such good care of me! I can't wait till mom and dad leave again and I get to go!" I smile and hug her, giving her a little kiss; "Well I'll have to play with their schedule a bit so the wait isn't so long won't I?" Narissa hugging and nuzzling me softly; "Thank you Kira, I love you." She says making me hold her tight; "Love you too Narissa. I have to get back upstairs now, just in case they come back early. I'll visit you soon." I say with a somber tone making her hug me tight not wanting to let me go; "I know brother. Someday when you rule the house we won't have to be apart like this." She says making me nod; "Yes, and you won't be confined down here by yourself, I promise." I say kissing her forehead as I head back upstairs to take a much needed shower and await my parents return, my thoughts to my harem and thinking as I lock the door to Narissa's dungeon behind me (I can't wait to return...)