The Journal of Naltar Tel'Zan (Intro)

Story by Silent_Kitsune on SoFurry

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Yay! First story! _Tales Of A Wandering Dragon, _as you may have read on my profile, is about a young dragon who was cast out of his clan to face the scary dark world left after the destruction of the Gods and their war. This may or may not be a long series, comprising of several adventures and explorations of the world he lives in. There's also plenty of fighting, pillaging, killing, and maybe a few sex scenes in there as well! Below is a little teaser for the story, and the story will come out chapter by chapter. I don't have exactly a week-by-week schedule of when it will be posted, but I'll try to keep it up! *Note* Even though it is from the perspective of a journal, _Tales Of A Wandering Dragon _** will not be in journal format. It will be a normal story about an extraordinary character.**

"The Journal of Naltar Tel'Zan is the only source of history we currently have in regards to the Forgotten Era. In an Era of Darkness, where History was lost to the ages, we knew nothing, save that several Kingdoms, tribes, and other various groups have either discovered or have 'Artifacts' that were powered during the War of the Gods. Naltar Tel'Zan was a dragon from this era whom was cast out from his tribe due to the color of his scales. An Albino, rarest of dragons, Naltar made it a goal to discover what he could of the new Dark World. In this journal are his personal accounts, adventures, and relations to people he has met and traveled with. Several of these encounters become legends, and among many of them, Naltar is referred to as 'The Wanderer' (or 'The Wandering Dragon', but more so known as 'The Wanderer').

"One of the best renowned legends of this scaled creature is 'Solaria's Blade', the story of how Chiryo received is wonderful and powerful magical and healing abilities. Chiryo was on the verge of being overrun by the Steln, when a warrior clad in wolfish armor came to them. He shared new magic, like Light and Runes, and taught how to heal using Stasis Magic, along with how to infuse magic with weapons and armor. However, as years go by, the truth gets covered by lies, until all becomes a myth or legend.

To you who reads this astounding tale, I pray you may find truth in it. You may understand somethings of the present - possibly future - that you may have understood before. You may be able to also find out the sacred and hidden objects that are written about in this book, or may not. You life is your adventure. Choose this path wisely.

_ ~Keeper of the Archives, and the Counselor of Dragonyale_

Signed by the Council of Elders