Genetic Children-Log 15- Blow that Shit!

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#15 of Genetic Children

A** s always Korm is mine, and don't be here unless you are here or something.... **** Google wins and so does yiffstar. The yiff will be back soon and sorry about all the's jsut that I'm enjoying writing it :D**

_"Uh Korm....your gonna want to get on the other side of your bunker and take that big fucker out, otherwise these soldiers are gonna kick your ass." Niel's voice said over the earpiece.

"Korm?" Niel again.

Korm was already on the other side of the barrier, charging wildly left and right towards the steel covered giant, because of his horrendously heavy armour and huge XM214 a fearful weapon, a Gatling gun capable of firing 4000 rounds per minute, with an electric driven belt fed chamber and a battery supporting more than 1000 rounds, the man couldn't swing fast enough to hit Korm as he ducked from alcove to alcove. Weaving around the floor when he wasn't hidden, he slowly drew closer to the man.

Korm thought that he heard the man swear, as he raised his Armalite and jumped over some rubble to land behind the mammoth.


Korm fired round after round into the man's exposed back, not letting him fall till over half of his guns clip was expended and then he was in trouble.

"Ah Korm? You know those guys that just gave us a free sunroof? They are heading your way apparently they noticed you killing their friends. So what you gonna do?"

"Niel I suggest you get down to the next level, don't block the stairs yet they are coming after me so you should be fine, just set up an ambush for them using the lines of PW-5A like we did in Ukraine." PW-5A was a powerful plastic explosive of Russian origin, it had a massive yield but was surprisingly stable, able to be shot burnt or exposed to acid, it only went off once the electronic detonator was activated.

Korm turned and fired blindly through the dusty air, before launching himself off the dead man and grabbing one of the ropes, then he proceeded up to the first floor again, just as one of the soldier threw a HE grenade that landed right between the dead mammoths.

He didn't have timed to stand, so he dropped his Armalite and rolled rapidly over the floor, he got 4 rolls away from the hole when a huge boom filled the room and a fireball kissed the roof, and licked hungrily around the edges of the it. Korm assumed he was safe for now, sneaking around the top floor while the enemy thought he was dead.

"Boss said to stay by the door." Korm heard a man say into his radio, he was sitting on a chair in the doorway, facing off towards the kitchen, Korm was only just in his blind spot.

"Get your ass down here and hold the breach while we advance down through the second floor." The static voice said over the radio.

The man sighed, got up and stretched, which is when Korm made his move. The small handheld radio was sitting on the ground and the man's gun was leaning barrel up against the door. Korm crab walked quickly across the room, and brought out his Ka-Bar knife.

The man's life was over before he even knew what happened, he was bending for his gun when Korm rose up and gripped his knife with two hands, plunging it violently into the back of the man's skull.

He fell to the group without even gasping, his blood oozing out onto the floor through the thin slit wound slowly. Korm grabbed the man's radio and headed into Layla's bedroom.

Korm went to the computer and pulled a dual headphone jack out from the audio port, and jammed it into the radio, then he plugged his ear piece into the left side, and used his daughters headphones for the enemies radio.

He went out to the hole in the floor, and slowly edged himself around to see the end stairwell. The soldiers were slowly advancing up to the broken stairs covering each other as they went, going to see if he was dead.

"Niel I'm on top floor, you ready down there?" Korm waited for a response while checking his guns ammunition.

"Yo buddy ready when you are, the stuff is primed and ready." Niel had been downstairs arming the explosives that were placed in between some of the concrete slabs on the third level down.

"I'm coming!" With that Korm jumped down through the hole, rolling towards the stairs that led to the third level. As soon as he hit the ground, he rolled twice and ended on his feet running for the stairs.

"HE'S BEHIND US!" The loud, static filled voice blared over his daughter's headset.

"Oh Crap! I'm coming in hot Niel just get down to level 4 I'll tell you when to blow it." Korm dived down the stairs, seeing Niel's head disappear down the stairs to level 4, he sprinted flat out towards the stairs on the other side of the room, and was about halfway down when the enemy started firing on him.

"One, two, three." Korm was counting the slabs that made up the walls in the lower level.

"Four, Five." Only two more to go, and the blew in succession so....

"Niel? Blow that shit now!" Niel flicked a small red and yellow arming switch, and the third level disintegrated

He heard the enemies swearing over the headset as he dived down the stairwell, ripping his whole left sleeve off and grinding the skin away on his forearm. As he hit the bottom, his head connected with the concrete floor. The last thing he saw was Niel grinning, leaning down to help._