CatDance #26

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#32 of CatDance

Kitty visits the Bard's College

In which Kitty wakes Mikael so both can fall asleep, Mikael gets rejected, and Kitty changes clothes.

| Kitty was wide awake in bed while Mikael was breathing heavily next to her, obviously deep in sleep. But Kitty couldn't sleep. Not only was the anticipation of tomorrow's meeting with the College worrying her, now she had to deal with this too!

She hoped that her rejection of Mikael's proposal had been gentle enough. He had taken it with enough grace, but she found it hard to believe that Mikael with his free spirit ways and wandering eye could possibly be serious.

And was it possible that she didn't really want to be married yet either? Hell, did she even love him? | | | She turned over to look at him. With a sigh, she realized that she didn't. He was a great companion. A hell of a bed-mate too. It wasn't even that he was human. He had taught her that it really was the person behind the body that mattered. And she liked him. She liked him a lot! But it just didn't cross the line into love. Not like what he meant, what he needed. She'd felt that once before, with FarSeer. She just didn't feel it with Mikael.

After this trip she would have to break up with him. It was unfair for her to do anything else just to get his attentions, especially now that he'd done this. She would miss him. But to do anything else would just be stringing him along instead of freeing him up to find another. Damn. | | | To top it off, she really needed some sleep tonight.

"Well fuck it," she finally thought to herself. "There's one way I know I can get to sleep. Rise and shine big boy. It's time to go to work!"

With that she quietly removed her nightgown, turned head-to-toe and gently pulled him out of his underwear and into her mouth. He woke to a warm, wet stroking between his legs that he reflected was the best interruption of sleep he'd ever experienced. The rest followed nature's course and, after a quick but satisfying interlude of sleepy-sex, they both drifted off. | | | When she awoke the next morning, Mikael was gone. She found him downstairs with Ubergard.

"There you are Kitty!" Mikael said with his usual and annoying morning cheerfulness.

"Good morning Mikael, Uber. Where's Helfer?"

Ubergard replied apologetically, "Still sleeping. Mikael says you won't need me or her today?"

"Not bringing Helfer?" Kitty asked Mikael. "I thought she might work as an example of how I can teach others to dance, or something like that." | | | "Last night was a show, but today should be more of just a demonstration. I'd like to keep them focused on you during that part, and Helfer would just be a distraction. Besides, I'm sure Uber and Helfer would appreciate some time to explore Solitude on their own anyway."

Kitty turned to Ubergard while reaching for some breakfast treats on the table.

"Yes, I think we need to talk. I'm afraid she's getting too serious and I need to explain some things to her. So I would appreciate the time."

Turning back to Mikael, Kitty asked between bites, "Fair enough. So when do we go?"

"As soon as you're ready. What are you going to wear?" | | | Kitty shrugged. "Any suggestions? I brought quite a few choices."

"I was thinking the white body suit. Sexy as all your stuff is, the black you normally wear is too dark. We want them to see you. But the dancing outfits you wear also are distracting. Frankly nude would be best in some ways, but we don't want the sexuality to be the focus - just the movements. The white one seems the best alternative to me."

"Sounds reasonable. I'll be back in a minute and we can go." | | | As Kitty turned back to change, Mikael watched her go with no outward sign of sadness,, but he knew he had lost her last night. Their relationship had changed, despite her assurance and actions to the contrary. Inwardly he sighed, regretting his proposal. At least she seemed to have forgotten her confidence problem. She must've to wear that barely-there nightgown down here! | | | She returned in a startlingly white bodysuit, very similar to her black one but without the boots. It hugged her body like a glove... a very form-fitting glove.

"Alright! I'm ready if you are! What do you think?" she said, displaying her outfit to him.

Mikael looked at the Khajiit. "Excellent. Form-fitting but without adornment. A real dancer's outfit. No shoes?"

Kitty looked somewhat ashamed, as if embarrassed to admit her physiological differences from humans. "I have... claws on my feet that might be helpful. I thought it best to keep all my advantages today."

"Good thinking Kitty. Well, let's go. Ubergard, we'll probably be back around lunch time. Wish us luck!"

"Good luck then. I'm not sure if we'll be here when you get back, but we'll see you tonight anyway," said Ubergard as they left the Winking Skeever. | | | As they approached the large three-story edifice, Kitty couldn't help but be impressed.

"Let me do the talking," Mikael began. "I spoke with Viarmo, the headmaster of the college yesterday and they'll be expecting us. While he's an Altmer and rather stern, he's a fair man and will listen to our request. But he's also conservative and will take some convincing. But they are a truly democratic group and the others that will be sitting in on our demonstration will be just as important."

"An Altmer?" Kitty asked. "They're not very friendly to Khajiit usually..."

"They're not friendly to anyone usually. But as I said, he's a good man and not likely to be prejudiced by a tail or snout. There will also be the three Deans. Giraud Gemane is the dean of History, so I'll highlight the dance as a way of visually telling stories. Inge Six Fingers is the dean of Lutes. He'll be with us right from the start since dance is a natural response to music and therefore closely related. Then there's Pantea Ateia, dean of vocalists. She'll be a tough nut to crack since dance doesn't directly relate to vocals. So we've got one for us, one likely against, and the other two will be the deciding factor." | | | "Mikael... I don't mean to sound slutty but, should I try to come on to them or appeal to them physically? I know it's kind of cheating, but if it would help..."

"No need for that Kitty. They're all professionals. Just dance your heart out, as you always do. I don't think any of them would be swayed by any overt interest, and some might be offended. Erotica is part of the bard's trade too, and every one of them is an expert bard of their own domain. They would see through any feigned interest instantly. No, just do your best. And remember, if we fail, it's not the end of the world. As long as we give it our best shot, we can leave happy no matter which way the decision falls." | | | Kitty nodded, feeling suprisingly better as they walked up the steps to the looming building that was the Bard's College.

Before opening the door, Mikael turned to her. "I'm sorry, Kitty... for last night," he said sincerely.

Kitty understood exactly what he meant and didn't try to deny what they both knew. "I know Mikael. I'm sorry too." And with that she stretched up to him and gave him a strong and passionate kiss. "But I still like you a lot!"

Mikael smiled somewhat and opened the door. | |