Macku's Big Night

Story by RedKnight95 on SoFurry

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I wrote this roughly have a year ago but I thought why not share it here. The script format is a result of me imitating another user who I took inspiration from.

If there was one place on Mata Nui that Macku hated it was the deserts of Po-Wahi. The dry air and hot sand were driving the young Ga-Matoran mad as she journeyed across the barren wasteland. After having parked her boat at the region's water dock - the only dock in Po-Wahi - she collected her travel pack and started making her way towards the region's settlement of Po-Koro. Macku would travel to the settlement and visit her friend and fellow sports enthusiast Hewkii for some kohlii practice or just to escape from her own village. Sometimes Hewkii would do the same and visit the oceanic region of Ga-Wahi and enjoy the sandy beaches the region's shores had to offer despite his lacking ability to swim. Macku chuckled to herself as she thought about both their viewpoints on their respected homes.

Macku: If he can find enjoyment in my Wahi then I can do the same in his.

This proved to be a challenge as Macku continued to hike through the desert following the only path in existence the desert had to offer. After a few minutes Macku found herself at a fork in the path and in the presence of another Po-Matoran. The self proclaimed "famous" stone carver Hafu. Not to say his sculptures weren't of high quality but rather Hafu the issue lying with his ego. Some would say he's earned it but no one would say it near Hafu to keep the Po-Matoran from praising himself for hours unending while making others listen. Macku found Hafu working on another piece of art which appeared as the upper half of Po-Wahi's respected Toa Pohatu in his Nuva form. The Po-Matoran had finished the head and was working on the main body when he paused to wipe the sweat from his mask before noticing Macku. He waved to the Ga-Matoran as he greeted her.

Hafu: Greetings, Macku. I have not seen you in a long while. Did you come here to see Hewkii?

Macku: Actually I'm here to help with your statue. I'm secretly a professional stone carver who only pretends to play kohlii.

Hafu could tell Macku was only kidding and chuckled. He had been working for hours on his latest artwork and could use some humor to relieve his stress. The two Matoran proceeded inform each other on recent happenings amongst their respected villages. Hafu had been working on several other sculptures, mostly redesigning any Toa shrines to resemble their new forms, and was considering going to Ga-Wahi for a vacation. Macku supported the idea and urged the artist to write ahead so her people would be prepared. When asked what was occurring in her region Macku exposited that her people had been busy traveling to other regions to aid their respected villagers since the Bohrok Swarm event. Before Hafu could ask for more information Macku insisted she had to leave and bid farewell to the sculptor as she rushed of towards Po-Koro. Hafu, having been left alone once more, continued working on his statue of Pohatu Nuva.

After a few minutes of sprinting through Po-Wahi Macku found herself at the entrance to Po-Koro. She surveyed the outer region and found six statues of unmasked heads, two lined up against one another, surrounding the path she walked. Just ahead was the main entrance to the village, immortalized by a giant boulder suspended by two pillars, and beyond that was the Po-Koro bazaar. Within seconds of stepping inside the village's boundaries Macku saw several dozen of various Po-Matoran wandering about. Some were standing behind merchant stands attempting to advertise their wares with two or three villagers nearby listening to the owner's pitch. There were a few Ta and Onu-Matoran amongst the crowd, the former tribe serving as militia guards while the latter group were partaking in the bazaar. No one seemed to noticed Macku besides the merchants until a pair of Ta-Matoran approached her intent on interrogating her.

Guard 1: Halt! By order of the Ta-Koro Guard you are to be inspected for possible possession of Krana masks.

Macku: What! That's absurd! I'm not carrying any Krana! I'm here to visit a friend of mine. Hewkii.

Guard 2: A likely story. Then you won't mind if we inspect your pack if you have nothing to hide.

Macku held her travel pack close to her body, intent on keeping it out of reach from the nosey guardsman, which only made her more suspicious to the Ta-Matoran. The two surrounded her, quickly putting her in restraints, and were prepared to cart her off when a familiar voice shouted for them to stop. The bazaar went silent as everyone turned to see a third Ta-Matoran with a gold mask stomping towards the trio. The other guards gulped as their recognized their superior officer, Jaller - Head of the Ta-Matoran Guard, who did not look pleased at his men.

Jaller: What is the meaning of this, Corporal!

Guard 1: Captain! Sir! We suspect this Ga-Matoran is in possession of Krana. We were prepared to inspect the bag but she refused to hand it over.

Macku: Because you're invading my privacy!

Jaller, seeing there was only one way to settle this issue, offered to inspect the contents of Macku's travel pack with the promise to only inspect for Krana and withhold any information of other content within. Macku accepted Jaller's proposal since she knew he was a Matoran of his word. With her permission Jaller began rummaging through the bag's contents. A few moments later he confirmed that there was no Krana and returned the bag to Macku before offering a few disciplinary words to the guards who harassed his friend with orders to return to Ta-Koro the guards left and anyone else in the bazaar returned to their normal business. Macku offered her thanks to Jaller which the Captain accepted in kind. Although much like with Hafu Macku couldn't spare the time to chat with Jaller and resumed her way through the market. Before she got too far Jaller made one last remark which made Macku blush.

Jaller: Good luck with Hewkii. Try to convince Hahli to do the same for me, okay?

Macku sighed with a bashful smile before she continued on her way to Hewkii's dwelling. It wasn't far from the market and confidently located near the village's kohlii field. Nothing about the dome-shaped hut stood out from the others besides the engraved name of the owner and a little graffiti Macku wrote on one of her previous visits. It read out "Hewkii + Macku. Kohlii champs of Mata Nui". Macku chuckled reading the old message before entering the hut. Despite the small exterior Hewkii's hut was rather large given recent renovations he made. His hut had a small stairwell that led to a larger interior which hid beneath the sandy surface of Po-Koro. It wasn't massive but it was certainty bigger than the upper floor.

To the left were a series of trophies and awards Hewkii had won either from kohlii matches or some other activity he participated in. Next to them was a small arrangement of stone and wooden furniture. A couch, two chairs, and a table placed in the center. To the right of the room was a collection of sketch art pictures that immortalized moments of Hewkii's, and sometimes Macku's, past. In the center of the room was a large stone slab servicing as a table. At the back of the room was Hewkii's bed. Another large stone slab with some blankets spread across the top and a little blue doll which sat in the center. Macku couldn't hold back a chuckle as she recognized the doll as a stuffed model of herself similar to how she had one of Hewkii in Ga-Koro.

Taking her attention away from the doll Macku began wondering where Hewkii was. She had not seen him in the bazaar or was here to greet her arrival. Pondering where he would most likely be Macku came to the first logical conclusion. The local kohlii field. Making her way upstairs and exiting through the front entrance of Hewkii's home Macku sprinted to the sports area where she found several Po-Matoran practicing, including the Matoran she had been looking for. Hewkii was armed with a kohlii staff and shield he stood in protection of his goalpost. Two other goalies were doing the same as a trio of players scurried around the field flinging a kohlii ball around before scooping it up and doing the same once more. Macku watched the sportsmen compete for a while in silence before making her presence known. One of the field players was charging towards Hewkii's goal and the post's defender stood ready until Macku shouted.

Macku: You can do it Hewkii!

Hewkii, as expected, drew his attention away from the charging opponent and barely missed getting hit by the incoming kohlii ball as it flung into his goal. Whilst the opposing team team cheered for their victory Hewkii was picking himself off the ground. He called for a break and the players complied, dropping their equipment, before wandering off the field. As the other players left Macku approached Hewkii and offered her hand which he accepted him kind.

Hewkii: Thanks a lot. Next time you feel like being a cheerleader make sure I already know you're here.

Macku: Oh come on. You can't blame me for getting yourself distracting.

Hewkii: I guess I can't, nor can I blame you for being so distracting.

Macku: And what's that suppose to mean?

Hewkii: Oh nothing. I guess I can't ignore the irresistible Macku.

Macku: You got that right.

Macku then embraced Hewkii in a warm and comforting hug which the Po-Matoran accepted with joy. Despite her tendency to create mischief Hewkii was always happy to see his friend. Once the two separated Macku offered to help practice with the other players but Hewkii thought to end his team's training for the day before offering to escort Macku back to his hut. Macku, endeared by Hewkii's act of chivalry, obliged him and the two made their way back to his home. Once there Macku placed her travel pack against of the walls of the lower room. She asked Hewkii about the renovations and the Po-Matoran explained they were a result of his victory streak of kohlii games and championships. The locals thought to surprise him when he returned home to a house fit for a Toa.

Macku: Hewkii, Toa of Stone? That'll be the day.

Hewkii: I don't know. Has a nice ring to it if you ask me.

The two shared a point of laughter before shifting the topic to Macku. She filled Hewkii in on recent developments in Ga-Koro and events that occurred earlier on this day. Including the encounter at the bazaar. Hewkii became upset hearing how the two guardsmen accused her of possession of Krana but relaxed when Macku told of Jaller sending the two back home after checking her bag. Upon mention of the pack Hewkii inquired as to why Macku was so protective of its contents to which his friend only replies with a wink.

Macku: You'll find out later tonight. For now let's just enjoy some time together. I'm gonna get in trouble for leaving Ga-Koro anyways so I may as well make the most of my time here.

Hewkii couldn't argue with her and proceeded to carry out whatever task Macku wanted during her time spent in Po-Koro. The two returned to the bazaar, thankfully without encountering anymore trouble, and purchased a few items. Macku bought some berries from Le-Wahi said to be quite fresh despite the travel time and some scented candles from Ta-Koro that - to her relief - didn't smell like a molten furnace. Hewkii purchased a few rahi meats and plants for food later to be eaten. The meat surrounded a single bone of the original beast or was sliced into layers. The plants were from Le-Koro like Macku's berries and despite the extreme heat of his home region they remained fresh in the baking sun. After their shopping journey was finished the two returned to Hewkii's home and the Po-Matoran began cooking the meat on a makeshift fire outside his hut. Once the meat was thoroughly cooked Hewkii retreated back inside and offered his servings to Macku. She took a few pieces and ate it beneath her mask whilst Hewkii did the same. The two enjoyed their candle lit dinner as they ate their foods and talked late into the night.

It was very late into the night when they had finished their meal. Hewkii offered Macku a place beside him upon his bed and she accepted his offer with a smile. The two nestled closer to each other as they drifted off to sleep on the stone bed. Macku had a bit of trouble getting to bed but then again that's what she wanted. She didn't want to go to sleep yet as she had plans with the Po-Matoran beyond a romantic evening and meal. Checking to see if Hewkii was truly asleep and finding he was, or a good actor, Macku slipped out from the covers and did something she had always wanted to do in Hewkii's presence. With a series of clicks she removed her exterior body armor and left her bare body exposed. Despite their partial mechanical design the Matoran still possessed organic components to their bodies, including organic features such as sexual organs. With her body now lacking any means of concealment Macku crawled on top of Hewkii and whispered to him.

Macku: Hewkii. Wake up, babe. I need you to wake up.

Hewkii, to tired to open his eyes and see the naked Ga-Matoran above, slurred his response.

Hewkii: Macku? What's wrong?

Macku: Nothing's wrong. In fact, I think things are about to get better.

Confused by his friend's cryptic answer Hewkii finally opened his eyes and saw Macku in all her naked glory. His eyes shot open, his mind now ready and alert, as he stared at the naked girl above him giving him a seductive glint in her eyes. Hewkii found himself speechless, unable to speak nothing but gibberish, until Macku pressed a finger against his mask urging him to be silent.

Macku: Glad to see you approve. Now how about we get yourself ready since you're wide awake.

Hewkii furiously nodded his head as Macku moved back and helped removed the Po-Matoran's cod piece. With the pelvic guard gone Macku found herself staring at Hewkii's flaccid dick. Despite its limp form the organ was still an impressive size which made it more desirable for Macku. She grabbed the hilt of the phallus and proceeded to play with it, shaking and wiggling it as it began to rise. It did not take long for Hewkii to obtain a full erection as he now lied down with his manhood at full mast. With her friend's cock now erect Macku was ready to proceed to phase two of her plan. Removing herself from the stone bed for a moment, knowing that Hewkii would stare at her backside as she turned away from him, she grabbed some of the berries she bought from the bazaar and crushed them leaving only their juices staining her hands. Macku then turned to Hewkii and smiled beneath her mask.

Macku: Now the real fun begins.

With her hands now lubricated Macku crawled back onto Hewkii's bed and proceeded to grip the shaft of the Po-Matoran's cock and stroke it at a slow and steady pace. Hewkii moaned as he felt his energy flowing through his body as a result of Macku's efforts. Macku herself was enjoying seeing her partner respond in a humorous yet expected. She would have to savor it since an experience such as now only happens once. Using her free hand Macku began to caress and play with Hewkii's testicles earning another row of moans from he Po-Matoran.

Hewkii: W-Where did you learn such techniques?

Macku: One of the girls in Ga-Koro gave me some tips. She advised on the old saying that going slow will prevail. Seems she knew what she was talking about.

Hewkii took a moment in his mind to thank that unnamed Ga-Matoran who gave Macku her tips. As his moment of thought ended he found himself being brought to the end of his erection's resolve. He could feel himself twitching and throbbing for a release as Macku continued to stroke his dick. The included effect of his friend caressing his balls added to this as his partner continued to fondle them. He tried to warn Macku but failed as he released strings of semen out from the nose of his cock that landed around the immediate area and on Macku. While his erection was exhausted the sight of his friend being sprayed by his seed did bring some life back into the organ though not enough for another round.

While Hewkii was collecting his breath Macku was processing what had just occurred. She knew what stroking Hewkii's dick would do, hence the reason she did it, but at no point did she expect Hewkii to be harboring that much seed. This revelation only gave her a renewed sense of encouragement as she wrapped her hand around Hewkii's cock once more and began stroking it again. Hewkii could feel her touch yet couldn't raise another erection after cumming mere moments ago. Macku could see this and thought of another method.

Moving her hips above Hewkii's own she started to grind the lips of her exposed twat against the Po-Matoran's dick. Hewkii couldn't believe what he was experiencing. He could feel how warm, soft, and wet Macku's sex felt rubbing against his own. It was incredible and enough to raise his cock back to life which Macku was pleased to see. She took her mate's dick in her hand yet didn't stroke it. Instead Macku rose above the vertical organ and rested herself upon the tip. She looked at Hewkii with a stare filled with desire.

Macku: You ready for this, stone cutter?

Hewkii: More than ready, wave rider.

Needing no further encouragement Macku descended upon Hewkii's cock. She could feel his shaft filling her uterus and gasped as she reached the hilt. Hewkii's entire girth now filled her insides and she was overjoyed after doing so. Her pause was brief as she began to rise and fall against Hewkii's hips, the orange Matoran's cock filling her each time, as she lowered the top half of her body to however above her lover. Both could see the warm glow in each other's eyes yet didn't say a word. There wasn't any need to as both knew how the other felt. Macku continued to ride Hewkii, both moaning every few seconds as they enjoyed their connection. It was the greatest feeling either had experienced and they only wanted more. To their dismay it was not to be. Hewkii could feel himself readying for another release but was courteous to warn Macku this time.

Hewkii: Macku! I-I'm getting close again! I'm about to explode!

Macku: Then explode! Do it! Inside me!

Hewkii: Really? You mean-

Macku: Yes! I want to be yours you stone head. We wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't sure! Now shut up and cum!

Hewkii smiled and braced himself, Macku doing the same on her end, as he prepared to dispense another load of his seed into his now official mate. In a matter of seconds both Matoran felt Hewkii's essence leaving him and filling Macku. Hewkii felt a great sense of relief while Macku was feeling nothing but bliss. This was the best thing could have hoped for and it every step leading to this point was worth it. Neither had time to relish in the moment as the lack of body energy made their forms collapse before both fell asleep. Macku, with what strength she had left, moved to lay beside Hewkii and wrapped her arms around him. Hewkii doing the same. Both were happy beyond compare as they drifted off in each other's arms.

As the sun rose the next morning Hewkii's eyes slowly opened to find himself still in the warming embrace of Macku who was still sound asleep. The sight of his beloved's slumbering form warmed his core yet to his own dismay he had to disturb her resting. He nudged Macku several times until she finally gave a response, groaning as her own eyes fluttered open, she looked to Hewkii and noticed his gentle smile.

Macku: What are you so happy about? Don't you know what time it is?

Hewkii: I think it's time for me to get back to practice and you to return to Ga-Koro. You don't want Turaga Nokama yelling at you, don't you?

Macku: She'll yell at me anyways. Let me go back to sleep.

Hewkii continued trying to convince Macku to get up - and let go of him - but his efforts were in vain as the Ga-Matoran clinged to his body. As much as he wanted to stay with Macku he had his responsibilities to perform. He looked down and noticed that Macku's chest was still bare. With this knowledge Hewkii recalled their romantic night and got an idea and began twisting and turning in his bed, all while held by Macku, until he was facing directly at his mate. He positioned he waist to parallel with Macku's and slowly began grinding his shaft against his partner's still naked and unsuspecting vagina. His erection slowly grew as he felt the heat coming off from Macku's sex as well as some precum leaking from within. Macku began to stir and opened her eyes again and saw Hewkii looking back with a confident smirk.

Macku: So you want another round?

Hewkii: Will you let me go if I say yes?

Macku: Only if you're as good as last night.

Hewkii: Deal.

With his goal in sight Hewkii tossed his bedsheets across the room as he and Macku got into position. Macku rested her backside along the head of Hewkii's bed, her legs spread and arms wrapped around Hewkii's body. Hewkii kneeled in front of Macku and had his arms wrapped around Macku's body. With his erection at full mast Hewkii proceeded to inserted himself into Macku once more earning the Ga-Matoran's moan of approval. His movements were slow and careful trying to acquire the energy for the task at hand while not wanting to push himself too far. He and Macku had only just woken up and neither were at full strength yet. After a few minutes Hewkii's thrusting began to pick up speed with enough energy. Macku purred with delight feeling her mate's shaft fill her up while wishing the moment would never end. As Hewkii continued to shove his member inside Macku there came a moment where his partner ordered him to stop. He complied and watched as Macku removed his phallus from her twat before turning around and falling to her elbows while raising her backside into the air.

Macku: C'mon, stone boy. Pound me with that hard rock of yours.

Hewkii, who was surprised Macku was suggesting to take her "rahi style", did not waste time and quickly realigned his dick with Macku's pussy before pressing inside once more. He placed his hands around her waist and kept a loose grip around Macku's hips as he proceeded to push himself inside his partner once more. Macku was thrilled to see Hewkii's willingness to experiment. Despite only being their second time she could tell that if she was prepared to try anything Hewkii would be behind her all the way. It made her affection for the Po-Matoran double while she was being stuffed by his cock. She wanted more and came up with an idea.

Macku: Spank me, Hewkii!

Hewkii: W-What? Spank you?

Macku: Yes! Spank me! Slap my cheeks until they're glowing!

Hewkii, despite all sense of hesitation he carried within himself, obeyed with Macku's request. He smacked one of her ass cheeks which made Macku yelp in surprise before asking for another. Hewkii obliged her again and smacked the other cheek. Macku kept begging for more and soon had Hewkii spanking her ass almost as frequent as his dick's thrusting rhythm. As a result of her demands Macku found herself releasing a climax which almost caught her off guard. Her cum sprayed onto Hewkii's cock, providing the organ lubricant, and on the bed beneath them. Hewkii followed suite and came inside Macku before falling onto his back from exhaustion. A few strings of Hewkii's cum escaped from Macku's cunt but she was quick to clean it by scooping her partner's essence onto her fingers before inserting them into her mouth behind her mask. She hummed with enjoyment as she tasted Hewkii's cum and found it to be salty but enjoyable as the owner of said cum lifted his head and arched his back to face the Ga-Matoran.

Hewkii: How was that? Better than last night?

Macku: Hmm... I suppose. You did tire out earlier but did give me a good spanking. I suppose I can let you go.

Hewkii breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he could get back to his duties. After a brief hug he left Macku's embrace, collected his cod piece before reattaching it, and prepared depart before being stopped by Macku once more. The Ga-Matoran, who had failed to collect her own armor as she approached her mate while naked, offered a series of what looked like artwork before giving a playful wink.

Macku: I probably won't be able to come back for a few days so here's something to help you pass the time.

As Macku turned away to gather her things in order to return to Ga-Koro Hewkii looked over the artwork she gave him. To his surprise, and immense delight, they were drawing as Macku naked in a series of poses. With these he'd no longer have to use his imagination ever again. For this he thanked the Great Spirit for his fortune. Not only for the pictures but for having Macku as a mate. Turning his attention to the Ga-Matoran in question he offered one final farewell hug and the two nuzzled against each other. After their embrace had ended Macku made her way upstairs and left Hewkii's home on her way back to Ga-Koro. Hewkii followed suite a moment later making his way to the Kohlii fields for practice. Both hoping to see each other again real soon.

As Macku was about to leave through the main entrance to Po-Koro she was stopped by the village elder, Turaga Onewa. The wise shaman greeted the young girl and asked if she could deliver a letter to the elder of her village, Turaga Nokama. Macku accepted and carried on her way, already feeling the heat getting to her as she passed the village gate. Onewa watched her and chuckled as he did so, knowing he would be looking forward to Nokama's response once she read his letter.


Dear Sister Nokama, It seems I won own little wager regarding a certain pair of young Matoran we keep close watch on. During my late night stroll I stumbled across young Hewkii's home and heard a pair of panting and groaning coming from inside. I dared not check for myself but we both know there's only one person on Mata Nui that would even consider doing what we suspected those two would do if left alone. Seeing as Hewkii and Macku finally became mates it only seems fair that you should hold up your side of our agreement. I look forward to your visit in the coming days. Sincerely, Turaga Onewa

Nokama could only stare at the message in frustration and horror. One thing was for certain. Macku was never going to see Hewkii again so long as she had something to say about it.