Jeremy: Chapter Nine: Physical Evidence

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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The chapter a lot of you have been waiting for.

Physical Evidence

Well, have you lot gotten that last one out of your system yet? No, well this one won't be as fun, so maybe after this go back and give it another try. Yeah, I know I'm a smart ass, so what else did you expect this far in. Anyway, this week its a bit of change of pace story wise, enjoy.

The semester ended and Jeremy and his brothers were free for the two week winter vacation. He decided to slow his growth even further, at least for a few months. His brothers' growth had already slowed thanks to PATOMES and would continue to go agonizingly slow for them in the foreseeable future. They still refused to join him in working out in the gym downstairs.

His relationship with his brothers had become even more strained recently, though not from anything he had outwardly done. In the small apartment it was inevitable that Jeremy would overhear them taking about him. Eric was telling Ian something about his session with Debbie. It seemed that the picture taken by one of the females had gotten around. It had even made its way to his brother.

Jeremy had seen the picture himself the night of the dance. The females had been sending it around, amazed at his size. Nearly everyone that had still been at the dance had seen it. It had indeed been taken from the next stall. Whomever had taken it had had to crouch low and angle their phone up to get the shot. His cock looked huge from the perspective of just under his massive length. Now Ian and Eric knew for certain just as Sam how far beyond them younger brother was.

The first day of vacation they were left by themselves. Their mother held down several jobs through the day and most nights and considered Ian old enough to oversee his brothers. Jeremy went out without an explanation to his brother. Ian seemed reluctant to test his authority over his younger but much larger and stronger brother. In fact Ian had taken to look the other way when his brother was doing anything he might have to correct. Jeremy enjoyed the tacit acceptance of his growing dominance over his older brother.

At that time of year their mother left for work before it even started getting light outside. Jeremy took to the streets just minutes after she left. Even before vacation he had made it a routine to go for a run on the weekends after she left. He was usually out for about an hour. Today his routine would cover for his real intentions. He now had more than a quarter million units stored in PATOMES. He wanted to know just what he could do with that much mass.

He ran to a nearby park. He was wearing only a pair of old gym clothes growing too small for him that wouldn't be missed. He had another set of clothes in his backpack. The park was still empty not only from the early hour but the chilly weather. He knew the park well. He would often come here to add to his PATOMES account. He reached the small clearing that was rarely occupied. He stopped and listened to make sure he was alone. Setting his backpack on the bench he stepped to the middle of the clearing.


His heart was beating fast. Judging he should be careful he started with just a tenth of his account. Looking around and listening one last time he activated the program.

The first seconds shocked him. His body was straining against the gym clothes already. More than three inches taller the next few seconds he saw and heard his clothes begin to tear apart. More than that the feelings of his growth in his body was amazing. He felt surges of warmth wash through him coupled with an almost electric shock radiating out from his bones.

His clothes were nothing but shreds as he passed six feet tall. Enjoying the feeling of his body literally explode out of his clothes he flexed to finish the process. Done with his clothes he shifted his feet as he grew too large for them to stay planted at the same spot. A few more inches and he was done. The minute had gone by far too fast.

PATOMES told him his statics. He asked for a conversion and smiled at finding he stood at seven foot ten inches. His cock stood out huge, thick and massive before him. His clothes were around his feet in shreds. He took the time to pick them up and stuff their remains in the bottom of his pack. He'd rather not leave any evidence behind after what he was about to do next. By the time he finished his cock was back in his sheath.

He programed his next growth for another sixty seconds. It would be for almost the remainder of his PATOMES account. He paused and listened for any intruders. Seeing and hearing nothing he triggered the command.

He could feel his cock respond once again to the much more intense feeling of growth and smiled up to the still dark sky. Looking back down he watched as the trees grew smaller around him. As PATOMES counted past the ten second mark he was three times taller already. The warmth and electric feeling of mass and power entering him was intensifying. For every second that passed everything in him desired more. The feeling he experienced was close to that incredible night of sex. His paw stroking his cock was but a dim echo of that incredible feeling but getting closer as more mass was added to him.

Shifting his stance again his feet pressed into the ground when he set them back down. The bench at the side of the clearing looked so much smaller now. Another few seconds and he was as tall as the light poles that were all over the park. He could begin to hear his own breathing. Thrumming from the growing volume his lungs drew in and out his breath resonated with power.

He looked down at his growing body, curious at the unexpected changes. He brought his free arm up and flexed. His biceps had grown over the course of the past few months. He was familiar with his body but now the size of his arm muscles surprised him. It was far larger than it had been just the night before. He watched appraising his arm for several valuable seconds. He could see his biceps swell even larger as he grew. Looking away from his arm he saw he was as high as the treetops. He was constantly having to spread his feet further apart.

Twenty five seconds in and his head cleared the trees. The powerful sensation spurred on by his growth continued to climb ever stronger and was becoming nearly overwhelming. Looking down at himself his muscles were visibly expanding faster than his growth. His body looked like a that of a dedicated weightlifter. Thirty seconds of growth and the trees were chest high to him and dropping away fast. He could see his chest muscles swell larger as he looked at his cock. He was stroking faster now, almost ready to find the release the feeling of his growth demanded. He spent several more seconds watching as his chest pulsed larger faster than ever. The valley between his pecs visibly deepened with every second.

Looking away from himself at forty seconds the trees were dropping down to his waist. He could see out of the park. The tip and several inches, no feet of his huge cock was above the tree line too. He realized his cock now easily measured yards long and continued growing bigger by the second. He looked at his arm as he lifted it up and flexed again. His biceps had doubled in size, the rounded shoulder muscles had kept pace with the amazing growth of his arm as had his chest. The muscles of his legs had grown so much they pressed against each other. Together his massive legs now pushed his ball sack out to a more prominent position in front of him. He was gigantic. He didn't understand how it was happening but he loved the power and extraordinary strength flowing into his body.

He shifted his feet yet again and felt the pavement crack and shatter under his mass. Fifty seconds and the trees were only mid thigh to him. The sensation of his growth was just too much to contain. His cock blasted out his first huge gout of semen. It arced away from him even as a second surge of cum shot out of him. The first landed in the distant trees as branches snapped and broke from the sheer volume. His second powerful shot shattered even more of the now tiny trees. Again and again his cock spewed out his essence breaking and crushing everything that it landed on.

Fifty eight seconds and his growth was nearing its end. He watched his cock finish destroying the trees and shrubs under him. They were barely more than knee high to him now. He was a titan. His muscles bulged massive across his entire frame. The feeling of power coursing through him was more excruciating then ever. If he hadn't already drained his reservoir his massive cock would still be firing away. As the final second ticked off in the display of PATOMES it gave him his new stats. He took a moment to order a conversion to a more meaningful method of measurement. He was one hundred and eighteen feet tall.

He could see for blocks. The distant cars were as toys to him. The nearby buildings still towered over him but he had only been adding to his account for less than a year. An echo of the incredible feeling of his growth still lingered in his muscles. He yearned to display his might, exercise his newfound power on the world beneath him. He almost wanted Sam to see him now. No, he wanted to hold Sam in his paw as he had the three attackers he'd shrunk. He could imagine holding all three of his brothers in one paw. His cock even started to recover and rise up again at the thought.

He looked around enjoying his tremendous size, his immeasurable strength.

He realized if he could see so much more at this size he could also be seen.

His ego had gotten away from him. He quickly activated the reset command of PATOMES to return to his normal size. In five seconds he was back to his original five foot seven. His body had the same musculature it had the day before. He'd have to figure out why he'd grown so much more muscular, but later. If he had been seen someone was likely to be sent to investigate. The bench he'd set his backpack on was in splinters. He shook off the dirt and debris from his pack and ran. His still half hard cock slapped on his thighs and belly as he ran from the now larger clearing. He stopped thirty feet from the clearing at the sudden realization of what else he'd left behind.

Opening PATOMES and desperately going through several commands he found that his ejections were on record. He quickly subtracted as much of the massive amount of his cum as PATOMES had tracked. He only hoped it had kept track of everything. He was shocked to learn that he'd ejaculated more than five thousand units onto the trees. He had been so large that the amount of his cum was more volume than his own normal sized body.

He slipped on his new gym clothes and continued running out of the park as if everything were normal.