Same Size Killer, Shotgun Rampage
As the macro was crawling away dying. the same size killer stomped on the macro's balls and squashed them into mush. the macro screamed in agony. the same size killer then took his combat knife, and cut the macro's dick off.
Same Size Killer, Massacre
He then approached the final macro, ready to kill him, but first, he needed to get his rocks off. the same size killer shot at the arms, legs, and lower torso of the final macro. the macro landed with a thud.
Same Size Killer, City Rampage Sniper
But this was a much more efficient way to get rid of macros. because after all, the only good macro is a dead macro. and in his eyes, all macros had to die.
Same Size Killer, Hatred
He hated all macros, but especially the male wolf macros, and more than any other, the female dragon macros. both of which he saw. he would castrate and kill the male wolf, but torture, rape, and dismember the female dragon.
A Fox, a Wolf, a German Shepherd and the Micros between them...
Any who, i go out and bother macros, essentially.
Armored macro soldier.
Old Acquaintances
They do have other macros around to restrain those macros, but a macro can do some serious damage before he finally gets brought down.
The SSS-G Project, a short story
It was her, the same exact macro who i fought a year back, i remember it all.
Peabody hall was clearly designed with macros in mind first, landon may even go as far to say the dining hall was designed with only macros in mind.
Crushing Sights
Pyro said, and the two macros stomped off to the next city.
Specters of the Past - Chapter 1
The macros were not permitted to do it and the normals did not do it out of respect for the macros. some of the smaller macros probably could have thrown their hats up, but that could be a really dangerous thing for the larger macros to do.
Macro Cuddles
He looked at his two macro friends with a little blush and a little smile and he closed his eyes as one after the other, the two macros gave him a deep kiss.