CatDance #30

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#37 of CatDance

A Female Scorned

In which the return trip is planned, Solitude gets a gargoyle, and Ubergard has a Booze-O-Clock day.

| "Where's Helfer?" Mikael asked when he came down to the tavern after getting dressed.

Kitty looked to Ubergard.

"She left," was Ubergard's brief response.

Mikael turned back to Kitty

"I'll tell you later," she said. | | | Mikael may have been male, but he was also perceptive enough to see that this, whatever "this" was, was none of his business. Instead, he caught the eye of the bartender and ordered a drink.

"So, do we start heading back home tomorrow?" Kitty asked Mikael.

Mikael nodded. "No reason why not. Unless you want to stay longer. The college will send us details later, but there's no need to stick around as far as that's concerned." | | | Kitty thought about that for a minute. "Solitude is nice, and certainly more cultured than Whiterun. But, I do miss Red and the girls. And the castle for that matter. I wonder how they've been getting along?"

Mikael shrugged. "Knowing Udaran, she's probably taken over the place by now."

"Oh, you don't think Red would take the leadership role while I'm away?"

"You're assuming she's even staying there, with her hot romance with the Jarl still burning. But even so, no. She's a strong personality for sure, but she's not a leader. She hasn't got the desire to be. But Udaran's a born leader. You may have a little trouble living under the same roof with that one." | | | "Udaran? Surely not. She's one of my closest friends!"

"I know. But it's been my experience that there can only be one Queen under the same roof. You're the Queen of your castle. But she's not used to living under another Queen. It's not a matter of friendship, Kitty. It's a matter of who rules the roost. And it sure as hell ain't the rooster!"

Kitty thought about that. "Let's go back," she stated. "Though I think you may be surprised at how well we can get along. We spent days together on the trail of Shabhira without conflict after all."

"Yes... and she was the undisputed leader too, wasn't she?" | | | "Well, Ubergard actually lead..." she began before Mikael cut her off.

"You know what I mean. Not who was on leading in formation. Who made the decisions?"

"Udaran," Kitty admitted.

"My point. Don't get me wrong, you may get along fine for a long time. But you own the castle and eventually she's not going to like that. Inevitable. But it needn't get nasty. Just... be aware of it, that's all I'm saying."

Kitty nodded. "Thanks. I will. So... tomorrow then?" | | | Mikael turned to Ubergard who was barely paying attention. "Uber? You in there?" Mikael said.

"I'm sorry Mikael. It's just... I have a lot to think about lately. Things I've not had to think of before. What were you asking?"

"Tomorrow. Are you ok with heading back tomorrow?"

"Oh! That soon?"

"Kitty want's to head back, and there's no reason to stay here any longer. Of course, you're not exactly a neophyte when it comes to travelling. You could just stay here until you're ready. I'm sure Kitty and I will do fine." | | | That seemed to bring Ubergard around out of her haze. "Oh, no. I will certainly come with you. What time do you have in mind?"

They both looked to Kitty, who answered "Early. I'd really like to get back as soon as we can."

"With a full day's traveling tomorrow, we should get there no later than afternoon the day after. We can stay at the Inn in Morthal this time rather than try and camp out."

"We'd best not stay up too late then. Let's try and get to bed early, Mikael," she said. At his grin, she revised, "Let's try a get to sleep early, Mikael! Jeeze, how can you even have anything left in those little balls!?"

"Tsk tsk tsk," Mikael mock-scolded her. "Such language! And I'll have you know they're not little either. They're just right. But lust isn't below the belt, it's above the neck! And my lust springs eternal!" | | | "So it seems! How about you and I take a walk loverboy? It's a wonderful night out."

"Sure! See you later Uber!"

"Goodnight Kitty, goodnight Mikael," the Argonian said, turning back to her ale as they stepped towards the door. | | | "What's up with her?" Mikael asked Kitty as soon as they'd stepped outside of the Winking Skeever.

"Helfer of course. They had a sort of fight. Ubergard made it clear she didn't want Helfer to follow us back to Whiterun. That their fling was over when we leave here."

"And she took it badly I assume."

Kitty nodded. "Sounds like it. Ubergard thought she was handling it properly, being firm and all. But Helfer took it hard. To be honest, I'm not sure she's even coming back tonight, though Ubergard asked her to. She may be gone for good." | | | Mikael thought about that. "Not likely. If she's really in love with Ubergard she's not going to be able to resist staying another night with her. Probably their last night together. If she get's over the hurt of being rejected anyway."

"And if not?" Kitty asked, knowing that Mikael had a lot more life experience that she did.

Mikael mused over that for a minute as they strolled the streets of Solitude. "If not, like you said, we may never see her again." | | | Overhead, a pair of eyes and twin feline ears turned to track the two lovers. | | | "Oh, you'll see this one again," thought the naked Khajiit, invisibly perched on a nearby rooftop. "Soon in person, perhaps later in your night dreams."

Then the eyes turned back to stare intently at the door of the Winking Skeever, and the cold anger in them turned hot. "Sleep well, UBERGOD!" she spat. | |