Playing with Death

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#2 of Rigor

Hey, I managed to stick to my two week schedule, that's something, right? Well, I finally got my followup to Rigor done, so that's something too! This one's a bit of a world builder, so make sure to read that before this one! Or else you'll probably be confused! Maybe not. I dunno.

Like many others, I originally planned it to be longer, but I decided to cut it off here and save the rest for a sequel.

In any case, I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Proofread by SkyWing

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


Slouching in a plush armchair, her rear perched on the edge of the seat, Sophia sighed. The black-furred feline was wearing nothing aside from a loose-fitting tank top, which, given the way it was bunched up above her breasts, covered little of her lithe, youthful body. The white fur of her face stood out in stark contrast to the rest of her fur, and especially to her long, mildly unkempt, raven-colored headfur. Her gleaming yellow eyes were narrowed to slits, her decidedly bemused expression failing to hide the faintest hint of a smile.

She rested her chin on her palm as she stared down at the black rat kneeling between her legs, lazily nuzzling her bare crotch. Her pet - or slave, depending on her mood - was completely nude, his skinny, yet adorably cute body as always on full display. While behind closed doors, he was rarely allowed to wear anything outside from her growing retinue of toys, ropes, chains, or any number of assorted rubber or latex items. Barely visible to the feline, just behind his raised, pink tail, the base of a bright green butt-plug stuffed between his cheeks filled the otherwise silent room with a gentle, droning hum.

Sighing again, Sophia slouched further down in her chair while also scooting her rear forward. As nice as the rat's teasingly hot breath had felt, tickling her folds with his every exhale, it had grown tiresome. She wasn't in the mood to simply be worshiped. She wanted much, much more.

Given that Gioco had yet to master the ability to read subtle cues, he obliviously continued to sniff at her pussy. He was clearly enamored of her powerful musk, occasionally darting his tongue out to lap at the hot, glistening lips.

Letting out yet another - this time far more exaggerated - sigh, she used her tail to thwack the back of the rodent's head. Startled, Gioco looked up from her crotch, curiously staring up at her with his piercing crystal-blue eyes.

"This isn't what I meant when I told you to get started, and you know it," Sophia said, lifting her right leg, hooking her knee over the chair's arm, spreading her thighs wider apart. "How about this. You haven't been allowed a release yet today. Once you get me off, I'll do the same for you." The rat's eyes went wide enough to make the red, spiraling symbol marking the fur over his right eye momentarily vanish. "Oh, you'd like that?"

Gioco vigorously nodded.

"Well then. I suppose you should get moving."

Needing no further prompting, Gioco folded his round ears back and enthusiastically pounced on his mistress' moist pussy, driving his tongue deep in her tunnel. He held his hands behind his back, for the moment using nothing more than his mouth to pleasure her.

Smiling slyly, Sophia was pleased to see that her offer worked, finally inspiring him to put some enthusiasm it it. All told, she was pretty sure that the former reaper had been playing her the whole time, poorly following the strictest definition of her command in order to 'trick' her into reciprocating. She didn't mind. Either way, she was getting exactly what she wanted, and the less hand-holding she had to do in order to get him acclimated to the world of the living, the better.

Running her hand through her pet's short, black headfur, she reached forward, grabbing hold of the back of his head in an insistent grip. In response, the rat opened his mouth wider, rubbing his nose against her engorged clit, enthusiastically inhaling her musk as if it were a drug. He withdrew his tongue from its spot tickling the walls of her tunnel, resuming his previous lapping at her outer folds, only this time being far more vigorous and thorough about it. Stopping briefly, he let out another long, slow exhale, once more bathing her quivering crotch with his breath. After several more seconds of slurping along her labia, he pressed forward, spearing his tongue inside again, swirling it in a spiral while thrusting it in and out, fucking her with the well-trained organ. Every time it seemed like she was getting used to his treatment, he switched from one approach to the other, alternating between licking and tongue-fucking.

Thoroughly pleased, though frustrated by her pet's skilled mouth, Sophia gripped the back of his head even harder, forcefully grinding his muzzle against her folds. As good as he was - when properly motivated of course - she still wanted more.

"You know what I really want. Get in there. Now," she commanded. Slouching further down into the chair until her shoulders were almost on the seat, she thrust her pelvis forward, slapping the rat's mouth with her crotch.

Without interrupting his tongue-job, Gioco obediently reached a pink hand up and coated his fingers in the mix of saliva and her excess juices. Once his hand was slick enough, he felt about under her tail, poking blindly until finding her warm, fleshy tailstar, and firmly pushed his index finger through the clenched rim up to the second knuckle.

Giving a low, almost humming moan, Sophia's entire body quivered. However well her pet was doing getting acclimated to his new life in general, one thing was certain; even after only a short time being owned by her, and for that matter, having a physical form at all, the rat had learned to read her body like a book. A fact that was further illustrated by his prompt addition of a second, then a third finger, stretching her tailhole open to accommodate all three. Using her free hand to knead her breasts, she closed her eyes and gyrated her hips, eagerly awaiting the rest.

Always happy to indulge his mistress, Gioco gave her clit an especially lascivious lick as he added his pinky, working it into her increasingly full anus along with the rest of his fingers. With some additional, firm pressure, he pushed his whole hand in up to his thumb, each millimeter changing her subdued moans to screeches of joy. Folding his thumb in, he gave another forceful push, popping his entire fist into her clenched backside in one final shot.

That wonderful fullness now stuffing Sophia's ass was the final straw, shoving her well past pleasured, up to her peak, and right off the edge. She full-on howled, wildly bucking her hips, pounding her pussy against the rat's muzzle as her climax drenched him with her juices. Once his face had gotten totally soaked, she gradually came down, her writhing fading to twitching, which then faded to silent, exhausted panting.

A she sat back, enjoying the onset of her afterglow, her pet once more nuzzling her crotch with his fist still embedded in her rear, she found herself reminiscing about the events of the past month. Or something close to a month. At that point, she wasn't entirely sure how long it had been since she had performed the ritual to enslave an avatar of death itself; time had been something of a blur.


For the first several days after the ritual, perhaps even a full week, Sophia and Gioco remained sequestered in her hotel room, the only reason she left at all in that span of time was for occasional trips to the ice machine. Whether it was due to the several decades of sexual denial stuck in an elderly body, or if it was some kind of side-effect of shifting from her withered body back into her vibrant younger form, she was quickly overcome by the onset of an unbelievable, mind-altering fog of lust. Her mind given over to perpetual horniness, she was soon busy working it all out of her system by using her new pet rat in every possible way she could even begin to imagine.

She lost count of how many times she had knelt behind Gioco, using one of her small assortment of strap-ons to aggressively fuck his ass. Doggy-style, missionary, side-saddle, she did them all and far, far more, over and over and over again. By a wide margin, she found her favorite position was to lay the flexible rat on his back and bend him in half, instructing him to hold his pink, furless footpaws against either side of his muzzle. She would then work her strap-on into his upturned ass, spreading its depths while fucking herself with the internal dildo. Once fully sheathed inside his rear, she'd command him to lick along the soles of his sensitive, furless feet.

Given her power over him, Gioco had no choice but to obey, though, if the assorted squeaks and giggles he made were any indication, it didn't exactly seem like he did so reluctantly.

Wishing to keep her pet needy and desperate for as long as possible - her primary interest was her own satisfaction, after all - she kept the aforementioned ice bucket well stocked and near the bed. The instant she recognized that the rat was on the verge of climax from her relentless hammering of his brand-new prostate, she grabbed a small handful of ice and held it against his throbbing genitals. He'd whine and moan, yet he'd make no attempt to fight her off, instead biting his lip as he dejectedly threw his head back, feeling his shaft shrinking, retreating back into his sheath. Once he was fully soft, Sophia would pick a new position and resume humping his ass, starting the cycle anew.

Peppered, every so often, between those sessions, she did allow him some opportunities for release, taking his cock in her mouth, pussy, or under her tail. Of course, she would only allow him to penetrate her provided she was on top, riding the rat's hips cowgirl-style, bouncing in his lap until she milked him for everything he had. Without fail, whenever his hair-triggered cock shot its load, filling one of her holes with his seemingly endless supply of cream, she'd follow it up by sitting on his face. Once in place, she wouldn't remove herself until he completely cleaned her of his sticky mess, sucking out and swallowing every ounce of his own essence, after which she went straight back to her strap-on.

Climax after climax, well past losing count, the entirety of the hotel room reeking of their sweat and lust, Sophia felt the stranglehold from her libido begin to burn its way out of her system. It was almost like she could see a literal cloud dissipating before her eyes, giving back her self-control bit by bit as pent-up horniness faded to a warm sense of satisfaction. After her unbroken chain of lewd, passionate sex, she was relieved - perhaps amazed - that she hadn't shattered her freshly rebooted sex drive completely, still feeling it itching at the back of her mind and, not to forget, her loins.

By that point, Gioco was nothing short of a gasping mess, a look that screamed raw, unadulterated joy plastered on his sloppy, jizz-caked face. He had slipped a finger into his sheath, idly stroking along his soft pecker, eagerly awaiting whatever was coming next.

With the return of her faculties, she chose to take a short break from sex, wishing instead to explore the possibilities her new status as an immortal offered. Almost immediately after making her decision, she was struck by a horrible stabbing pain in her stomach, reminding her that she had neglected to eat for that past several days. She sincerely doubted she had any remaining need for nourishment, since she wasn't experiencing any ill effects aside from those hunger pangs. As she doubled over, clutching her belly in agony, they were more than enough of a reason to justify getting something to eat.

In fact, thanks to her new abilities, she realized, having total control of her own form, she wouldn't have to watch what she ate anymore. If she gained weight, she could command Gioco to return her to her present, svelte shape, and everything would be fine.

Dragging the sparsely clothed rat behind her, she hit the first buffet she could find, gorging herself like never before while Gioco watched on in rapt fascination. The former reaper had no frame of reference for hunger or eating, so her behavior was confusing, if still interesting. Out of simple curiosity he tried a meatball, moments later piling food on a tray alongside his mistress.

Once their stomachs had been filled by multiple meals-worth of food, they returned upstairs just in time to see a gagging chipmunk maid running out of their room. The chipmunk sprinted down the hallway before disappearing around a corner, the pungent aroma of dozens of fucks wafting all the way out and after her. Shrugging, Sophia strolled inside and opened her windows, giving the room a much needed chance to air out.

The next item on her mental checklist was to test the limits of what her supposed ability to shapeshift. She commanded Gioco to change her into a vixen, promptly experiencing a full transformation, top to bottom, with little issue. Little issue save for the indescribable, blinding pain of her entire bones and muscles restructuring, altering, and rebuilding themselves down to the DNA. Once it had finished and she had a minute to recover, she gave a full spin in the mirror, giddily giggling at the buxom, red-furred, bushy-tailed fox staring back at her. Gioco made no additional comment, letting his throbbing erection say everything.

Unfortunately, commanding Gioco to shift her from a vixen to a tod didn't go remotely as smoothly. At first, aside from the expected pain, the change appeared to go off without a hitch. Her whole body transformed itself, her vagina restructuring into a sheath, a cock, and balls, while her breasts flattened, receding into her body, leaving her as a ravishingly handsome male fox. She giggled again, this time much more deeply, and gave another spin in the mirror, her new cock hardening as her new appearance turned herself on. All seemed well until - in a manner similar to her previous lust-powered haze - her mind became flooded by an ocean of off-balance hormones. She went totally silent, digging her claws into her palms, and within seconds, she flew into an uncontrollable rage, charging at the frightened rat with her bloodied vulpine claws fully bared.

Stopping just short of ripping open her pet's throat, Sophia managed to gather her wits just enough to command him to change her back to normal. An order to which he was happy to comply. Moments later, after another round of agonized shifting and cracking, she had been returned to her young, feline, female self, and was once more in total control of her actions.

Though she was disappointed to learn that trying out a real cock of her own wasn't going to be as easy as she hoped, she was willing to put in the effort. Eventually. If the amount of time it took to work the effects of getting younger out of her system was any indication, any kind of extreme transformations were going to have to be used sparingly and treated as a genuine commitment. And part of that commitment would have to involve locking herself up or chaining herself down in order to avoid a repeat of that night's events.

Back when she had first enslaved the reaper that had claimed her family and gotten her locked up in an asylum, Sophia had been sincere when she said she bore him no lingering ill will. Forgetting her previous bout of mindless blood-lust, she lacked the interest for revenge and the stomach for violence. As an avowed hedonist, the last thing she wanted was to cause her pet - or any other innocent bystanders for that matter - any undue harm.

And, as she realized, she needed to keep him around in order to regenerate any wounds she might receive. Given the few scratches and bruises they had both received during her rampage, it was still perfectly possible for them to be wounded. A simple order to Gioco was all it took those inconvenient cuts to repair themselves, but she didn't know if she'd still heal on her own without him. And what if she got blown up? If nothing else, at least the lack of any apparent negative side-effects from the mending of flesh served as a relief, given how her other experiments had fared.

Feeling that she had done enough experimentation for the time being, Sophia set aside the rest of her list, opting instead to pick up where she had left off so long ago; she was ready to get back into the world to see what the modern times had to offer.

Leaving her pet behind to tidy up the room, Sophia went out to do some supply shopping. Her first stop was back to that nice little sex shop she had recently visited, where the same male skunk shopkeeper from before was still sitting behind the counter. Witnessing a geriatric feline buying sex toys, including a strap-on, must have left an impression. Despite her regained youth, the skunk clearly recognized her, reacting with a hint of shock and confusion. He watched on in awe as she picked out armfuls of toys and restraints, stopping only to grab a few fliers advertising clubs, and dropped everything in a heap on the counter. Ringing up her assortment of playthings, he remained silent, simply throwing an occasional side-eye her way.

Best as Sophia could figure, the curvy, slightly feminine skunk had assumed the two cats were related... and had bizarre tastes... and nothing more. And as she stood in that sex shop, surrounded by so many toys and gear, watching the skunk work, she found herself growing horny. To her disappointment, when she made an advance, asking if he felt like a quick suck or fuck, the startled shopkeeper politely declined. He stuttered slightly, explaining that while he was absolutely flattered and thankful for the interest, he was gay. The intimidating, ever-widening grin the cat wore confused him further, causing him to nervously smirk back as he finished filling the bags and took her payment.

"Maybe next time, then," Sophia said, laughing as she carried her bags out of the store, leaving the stunned mustelid behind to wonder what she meant. She made a mental note to return the very instant she got a better handle on her shape-shifting. It was going to - literally - open any number of avenues for her in the long run.

After making a few additional stops for other supplies, including a few normal items of non-hand-me-down-from-an-old-woman clothing for Gioco, she was ready to call it a day. Going from store to store, she had to admit that she was loving the shocked looks her overflowing bags of sex toys were netting her. She also found it a bit odd how she was having no difficulty lugging the massive haul back to the hotel, but chose not to dwell on it at the moment.

The next few evenings saw her venturing out to a lesbian club she had seen advertised in the skunk's shop, seeking out some one-night stands to bring home. Naturally, as she went on the prowl, she brought her nervous pet along, following close behind while hugging his long, pink tail. The rat looked more than a little out of place, not so much because he was male. It was far more due to the scandalously revealing fishnet vest and thong he had been given to wear, showing off more of his shiny, pitch-black fur than anyone else present.

It had been several decades since she last attempted to be a part of any kind of a club scene, so Sophia couldn't help but worry that she may have lost her touch at picking up partners. Those worries, much to her delight, turned out to be completely unfounded. Perhaps it was like riding a bicycle for her, or perhaps without knowing it she had learned to put out seductive pheromones. Either way, over the next three nights, she succeeded in bringing home an astoundingly busty vixen, a short, lithe weasel, and a buff wolfess.

In each case she gladly took on the dominant role of that night's pairing. She bound the vixen with thin ropes so that her tits were even more pronounced, scissoring her, then sharing a double-sided dildo. She 69ed with that horny, writhing, multiply orgasming weasel, sending her into one shuddering fit of pleasure after another. She straight-up took the wolfess' tailhole with her biggest strap-on, fucking her ass while reaching down to playing with her pussy, not stopping until her lupine plaything was sent howling into a juicy, gushing climax. She played with each of them in every conceivable way, never letting up until dawn rolled around, she had been totally satisfied, and her equally satisfied partners were too drained to possibly continue.

Those three wonderful nights were less so for Gioco, who, upon returning to the hotel room, was bound tightly to a chair and gagged by his mistress. The cruel feline even made a show of wiggling her bare ass toward the rat as she played with her nightly conquests, teasing him with her lovely pink anus and glistening labia.

For Gioco, as lovely as it all was to watch, being unable to participate was nothing short of cruel. Constantly hard as a rock in that tight thong, he was unable to even touch himself as he was forced to observe hour upon hour of lesbian lovemaking.

At the same time, for Sophia, seeing her pet with his tented thong, a constantly growing dark spot at the tip of the bulge, only served to spur her on further. She loved seeing the needy rat squirming, tied to his chair, almost crying out of raw, pent-up frustration. With her absolute command over him, even if he was untied, he couldn't service himself without explicit permission. Still, there was something about seeing her pet bound and helpless, desperate to join in, that stoked the fire in her loins.

When the next night rolled around she decided Gioco had earned some relief, taking him to a hardcore BDSM club to which the weasel had been happy to get her an invitation. She dressed her pet up in his usual thong, not bothering with the vest this time around. As soon as they got inside the club, she grabbed the keys for an available back room, then made her way to the center of the crowd on the dancefloor. Shouting over the pulsing bass of the music, she made a show of announcing that her pet had earned himself a reward, followed by Gioco shouting that any interested males were free to use him however they wished, shouting out the room number and flashing an eager grin.

Once his advertisement was made, Sophia pulled a leather hood over his head, covering every inch save for his pink, rounded ears, his pink nose, and the opening for the ring gag now stuffed in his muzzle. Demurely grinning at the gawking audience, she securely locked the hood around his neck, sealing him in darkness, and led him by the hand to their private room to wait. She barely had time to command him to drop to the floor on all fours before several scantily-clad, leather-geared males of various species stepped into the room, forming a circle around the kneeling rat.

Giving the assembled group a quick look-over, Sophia picked out a bull and a lion, telling the two broad-chested males to pick a side. The lion was happy to settle for his mouth on the proviso that he gets his ass once the bull was done; a condition to which the horny bovine was happy to comply. That settled, the bull knelt at Gioco's rear, fishing his long, tapered, rapidly swelling cock out of his shorts while the lion massaged his sheath through the leather of his pants, soon dropping them to let his throbbing length flop free. Grabbed hold of the rat's thong, the to pull it down when Sophia stopped him.

"Oh, please just pull that down low enough to expose his little pucker, if it's alright with you. I enjoy watching his pecker straining in its tent."

"Whatever gets you off, lady," the bull replied. Scooting the rim of the thong just below the rat's greasy ring, he was pleased to see it had already been prepared.

"I gave him a full coating of lube earlier. It should be more than enough to get you all through the night," she said, hopping onto a couch at the side of the room, slipping her hand into her panties to toy with herself while she watched. "And please don't be TOO rough, this is a reward, after all. Alright, have at 'im!"

Almost in unison, the bull and lion speared the skinny rodent's tailhole and gagged mouth, spit-roasting him. Gioco's ass easily took the bull prick up to the root, the constant fucking over the past week having preparing him nicely. In fact, after the past few days of teasing, having that powerful piece of throbbing meat shoved into his rectum, pressing against his prostate, he instantly bucked his hips, cumming hands-free into his thong.

The lion didn't seem to notice, too busy thrusting his barbed cock in and out of the metal ring, enjoying the talented tongue on the other side, bathing every inch of his pride. The bull, meanwhile, was driven wild by the fluttering, constricting tunnel flexing around his length. He let out a series of powerful snorts, slamming their hips together, pummeling the rat's crotch with his fat balls, making a loud slap every time his thighs impacted that taut rear. Gripping the base of the pink tail like a handle, he rode that black-furred ass for several minutes until finally giving a rumbling groan of pleasure, cumming deep inside the thoroughly-lubed hole. After taking a moment to calm down, he pulled his messy shaft back out, admiring the resulting gape and crawling over to the side of the room to relax.

Close to finishing as well, the lion yanked out of the rat's mouth, promptly taking the bull's place at his rear, thrusting into the slightly gaped hole and pounding away. Within moments, the vacant ring-gag was filled by a wolf, who was leading a bound, crawling, chastity-caged badger on a leash. The wolf slid his cock into the metal ring up to his knot, and, grabbing hold of the hood, proceeded to work the rat's muzzle up and down his length is if it was a sex toy. Looking over his shoulder, he lifted his bushy tail, commanding his badger pet to eat his ass. The badger happily complied, burying his muzzle under his wolf's tail, slobbering all over his master's rim.

The lion, meanwhile, clenched his teeth, rapidly pounding his hips as he climaxed, further painting the rat's insides with his load. Sighing happily, he joined the bull against the wall while a horse filled the vacancy he left behind.

Spurred on by the probing tongue under his tail, the wolf was soon done fucking the rat's throat, sending multiple spurts of cum down his gullet. As soon as he was finished, he yanked his messy length out, then bent his chaste badger over and turned him around, shoving the rat's muzzle under his tail as a way of reciprocating for the rim-job. From the moaning and wagging of his stubby spade of a tail, the badger appreciated the gesture.

The rest of the night went on much the same way, some in the crowd leaving, others waiting patiently for their turn, watching on with eager fascination, still others losing interest in the rat, breaking into small groups, turning the whole room into one big revolving orgy. The horse taking the rat's rear was eventually replaced by a fox, then another bull, then a wolf, and so on.

Seeing the badger's cage dripping with pre, the wolf was satisfied that he had been rimmed enough. He dragged his badger a short distance away and - much to his pet's delight - quickly knotted the spit-soaked tailhole. The vacancy left at the ring gag was soon filled by a deer's cock, then the tailhole of the fox who had just finished fucking him, followed by another rat's cock, then another fox.

For those few hours, at no point was Gioco left wanting by the crowd. If anything, he appeared to be having fun, caressing the males embedded in his rear with his tail, cumming over and over into his stretched-out, utterly soaked thong.

Sophia was having no less of a wonderful time, loving that the future had turned out more-or-less exactly how she had fantasized it could. Genuinely free love, only with even better technology and a boundless desire for kinky fucking. Though she was horny as hell observing it all, she was pleased to sit back and watch such an amazing show of raw, unrestrained sex.

As heavily muscled cougar took his turn, brutally slamming his length into the rat's rear, the badger took the opportunity to lick the rat's bare, pink footpaws, sending him into a fit of muffled giggles. Taking her hand out of her pants, she licked her fingers clean, savoring her own taste. She sighed, noticing the dark stain at the crotch of her pants, regretting that she lacked the foresight to take them off first.

A loud squeak of pain got her attention, looking up to see that the cougar had buried his claws in Gioco's flanks, visibly drawing blood.

"Hey! Knock that off!" Sophia shouted, sitting up. "I said no overly rough stuff, put the claws away!"

"Lay off, bitch," the cougar said, grunting as he began thrusting even harder. "I been waitin' all night to have my shot at this little rat." Sneering over at the cat, he made a show of dragging his claws down, leaving bright red furrows standing out through the rat's black fur. "I'm gonna use him however I fuckin' like."

"Alright, that's enough, you're cut off." Rising to her feet, she witheringly glared at the bastard cougar. The entire room, save for that cougar, went deathly still under her gaze.

"Sit back down, or I'm gonna come over there and show you what cut off really means," the cougar shot back, twisting his claws in further, eliciting more squeaks and cries from the rat.

Feeling an anger she had scarcely felt during the course of her life, Sophia stomped over to the cougar, wordlessly putting her hand on his chest, and just before he could voice another threat, she gave him a shove, effortlessly throwing him hard against the wall as if he weighed nothing. The cougar's impact made a loud crash, his body lingering on the wall for a moment before falling to the floor, his messy cock still twitching in the open air. Cowering, he stared up at the enraged cat, swearing that her eyes had turned a bright, fiery red.

Glancing downward, Sophia noticed that the cougar's claws had accidentally sliced through Gioco's thong, leaving the cum-soaked piece of leather sitting on the floor. Never taking her death-glare off the cougar, she balled up the tattered, sticky remnant and approached him, squatting down to look him square in the eyes. If the cougar hadn't been paralyzed with fear, he might have made a run for it, but her pure force will kept him pinned in place, unable to stop her from grabbing his jaw with one hand, forcing his mouth open, then stuffing the ball of cummy leather into his maw.

Rising to her full height, she spat on the thong-gagged cougar, ending it right there. She turned to leave, throwing her mildly wounded pet over her shoulder, saying nothing more to the stunned, utterly nonplussed crowd before stepping out of the room and making her way to the front of the club.

While waiting to return the room key, Sophia lowered the rat from her shoulder onto his feet. Holding her shaky pet steady, she removed his hood, exposing his sweat-caked head for the first time of the evening. He blinked several times, his eyes re-adjusting to the dim light, then looked up at his mistress. Sophia was fully expecting him to be glaring at her with raw anger for placing him in that position, but what she saw instead was adoration. He had heard her come to his defense, saving him from his first bout with actual pain, stopping the one responsible. If he hadn't been devoted to her before, addicted to the constant, indescribably amazing pleasure, that one additional gesture pushed him over the edge.

Just as they were about to leave, Gioco using his hood as a makeshift replacement for his missing garment, the wolf and badger from earlier ran up and flagged them down. The couple apologized profusely for the cougar's actions, assuring them that he would be receiving a permanent ban as it wasn't the first time he'd caused trouble. Thanking them both for the fun, they told her she'd be welcome back anytime, and that they hoped to see her - and especially Gioco - again soon. And just in case, they made sure to hand over their personal number as well. Before they left to go back inside, the badger stopped to give the rat a kiss on the cheek, drawing a deep blush from the shyly smiling rodent.

Chuckling, Sophia waited until she was sure they were alone, then ordered her pet to heal his injuries. Seconds later, the bright red streaks staining his fur was gone, not to mention the lingering pain, only serving to make him even more grateful as he stared at his mistress, showing a devoted, adoring smile. Sophia grinned back, grateful that despite a small hiccup, the evening had ended on a positive note. And now that she had the chance to reflect on her interaction with the cougar, she noted that she must have access to some degree of enhanced strength when she needed it. That could certainly be useful. Ready to call it a night, she flagged down a taxi and they headed back home.

Shortly after they got back to their room, Sophia shoved the rat onto the bed, positioning him at the center, binding each of his limbs to the four corners. Gioco kept his adoring eyes trained on his mistress the entire time, even after being relentlessly fucked all night, still looking forward to even more. The anticipation alone was enough to make his cock emerge from its sheath, every heartbeat bringing it closer to its full size. He was a bit taken aback when the cat slid aboard the bed between his legs, simply suckling on the growing length before swallowing it down to the root. By no means was he upset by the gesture. Quite the opposite. He was merely unsure what to make of the relatively tender act.

Letting out a loud moan, his whole body shivering, he bucked his crotch against the cat's lips. She pressed her hand against his belly, pinning him the the mattress, while she used her other hand to finger his loose, sticky anus. Far past overstimulated, the rat shuddered, sending a weak, dribbling spurt of cream into her sucking mouth, ending his day by collapsing limply to the bed. Gulping down the results of her pet's final reward for the night, Sophia disrobed and cuddled up against the immobilized rodent's side. She hugged him close, briefly nuzzling the satisfied rat's cheek before they both fell asleep.

Things calmed down quite a bit past that point, as, for Sophia, reality was finally beginning to set in. She was immortal now, and while she still had a fair amount of savings left over from her previous life, unlike herself, it wouldn't last forever. Plus, she doubted she could still use her old social security number. And Gioco didn't have one to begin with. She committed herself to getting a handle on those important issues, which for her amounted to picking up newspapers, eventually getting a laptop, making a few underground connections here and there, and, ideally, finding an actual income and a place to live.

In the meantime, she found a decent rhythm with Gioco, fucking in the hotel at night, working during the day, spending the next few days that way until winding up spending a lovely, early morning sitting in that chair, getting serviced by her pet. A nearby laptop, a number of newspapers strewn about the table, and an ocean of worries were momentarily forgotten after he fisted her ass, bringing her to another of many orgasms as he ground her pussy against his face.


Stroking along the rat's short headfur, Sophia gave a quiet, pleasured coo as he tightened his hand and firmly pulled it free from her rear. He leaned forward, using a series of long, slow licks to clean her crotch of her mess. Never in her life he she felt so pleased, so satisfied. She truly had everything she had ever wanted.

So why did it feel so... empty?

She had never been the sort to bother with philosophy, and she was fully aware that immortality could pose some interesting problems in the long, long, LONG run, so the creeping feeling of something missing was both confusing and unwelcome. Especially so early on into achieving her own personal idea of paradise. She made a contemplative hum before shrugging those thoughts off with a shake of her head. Placing the foot draped over the chair's arm against the rat's chest, she gave him a shove, sending him to the floor, flat on his back.

"Excellent job as always," she said, briefly shuddering from an aftershock of pleasure as she stood up from the chair. "You've earned this." Kneeling by the rat's side, she slipped her hand under his rump, gently bending him so that his full weight rested upon his shoulders, while his fully-erect shaft throbbed a couple of feet above his head.

Making something like a squeal of pure anticipatory glee, Gioco's face lit up as his mistress knelt by his head, pinned his ankles under her armpits, and reached under his waist to firmly wrap her hand around his needy prick. Snickering at his eager twitching, she set the vibrating plug to max and began pumping her fist up-and-down, more like she was milking him than trying to bring him pleasure. Even so, Gioco was howling, absolutely loving the rough treatment. It only got better from there as he felt the thick butt-plug yanked free from his hole. The resilient ring of flesh easily stretched around the plug's widest point, sending a wet pop echoing throughout the room. Letting out mewling squeal after squeal, he was overwhelmed with pleasure as she jammed the whole thing back in up to the base, knot-fucking him with the thick, humming toy.

Continuing that pleasantly rough treatment for several minutes, Sophia recognized the telltale signs of her pet's approaching orgasm. The rat's heavy nutsack tensed up, the dangling orbs drawing in close to his body as he let at a mewling, desperate moan. Not needing to be ordered, he opened his muzzle as far as he could, eagerly watching the fist pumping his cock. Moments later, he splayed his toes wide as he was struck by an explosive climax, shooting multiple fat globs of jizz directly into his own mouth, at least one dribbling down, coating most of his tongue.

Sophia left the plug embedded in her pet's rear, though she didn't stop tugging on his cock until she was absolutely sure he had been completely emptied, his moans gradually transitioning into a series of sensitive squeaks. Releasing his legs as she climbed to her feet, she chuckled when his bottom half crashed to his floor, slamming the plug in deeper, eking out another small dribble of fluid from his softening cock. The rat was panting heavily, staring up at the ceiling in a daze as if he had found paradise. He gazed adoringly up at her, making a show of closing his mouth and swishing his cum about before gulping it all down.

"Thank you, Sophia," Gioco said, wearing a beaming smile.

"No need to thank me," Sophia replied, flopping back onto her chair, proudly holding her hands behind her head, her long, black-furred tail whipping to and fro between her legs. "You have to take good care of your toys, after all."

"Love you," the rat quietly mumbled, rolling over and resting his cheek atop his mistress' footpaw, nuzzling it as he fell asleep.

Though Sophia grinned, her amusement soon faded back to that earlier sense of emptiness. She had to wonder if maybe it was related to the fact that she owned a mythical entity that had clearly grown to adore her - body and fused soul - while at the same time she saw him as a means to an end. Without a doubt, she felt affection for her reaper-turned-pet. He was cute, useful as hell, cheerfully obedient, and fun beyond words to fuck, that was certain. She just didn't know if she'd ever be able to genuinely reciprocate his feelings.

Still, they were in it together for the long run. After all, individually, they were totally helpless, but together, there was nothing they couldn't do. Perhaps, given an infinite amount of time, she could learn to love him back. The possibility of getting rid of that hollow feeling creeping into her mind - and, confusingly, itching at her right hand - would be worth at least a cursory effort. Comparing her palms, the scarred red symbol showing on the left, unbroken black fur showing on its slightly tingling mate, she shrugged.

Grabbing the latest newspaper from the nearby end-table, she set about planning their day. She absolutely wanted to go back to the club that night to see if she could have a chance to plow that caged badger, that wasn't even a question. For the day, though, she wondered if it might be nice to visit a museum or something similar. Flipping past page after page, she suddenly stopped at the obituaries.

There was a picture of a fox named Elwood.

A fox she recognized, even though he was decades older than the last time she had seen him. Back in her old life, she lived for years in something of an open foursome with a mouse-girl, a wolf, and that very same fox. Seeing him again, only to find out that he had recently died cut her deeply, having to stifle a sniffle by biting down on her knuckle. She frequently looked back on her memories of their days together as the happiest of her old life, the saddest being when she left them to travel the world, and now it was like she just lost them all over again.

Reading the write-up, it seemed like he had a good life, opening a wildly successful business after his love, the wolf, Ethan, passed away. Sophia sniffled again, seeing that he had died a mere two years after she left. Her scant few tears dried up, however, the instant she saw the line, "Survived by his friend and mate, Lily."

Lily, the mouse.

Lily, Sophia's mouse.

Lily was the first girl she'd ever been with back in a club's bathroom so very long ago, and from that point on they had a special bond. It appeared that after losing both Sophia and Ethan, Lily and Elwood found solace in each other, and had a number of happy years together. But most importantly, Lily was still alive.

And given that Elwood's funeral was to be that very day, there was no way Sophia was going to miss the opportunity to see her again. Slamming the paper down on the table, ignoring the increased itching of her hand, she leaped out of her chair to get dressed.

Startled awake, Gioco sat up to see why his mistress was frantically zipping about the room. "Sophia? What's wrong? Are you alright?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Nothing at all," she said, tossing a rolled-up ball of clothing to the rat. "Get dressed, we need to get some suits."

"What? Why?"

Sophia flashed a wild, toothy grin. "Because we're going to a funeral."