Divergent Paths

Story by DaisukiFox on SoFurry

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Divergent Paths

In the middle of nowhere laid a dusty looking desert city, the homes a reflection of the canvas around them. All appeared to be large slabs of stone that were stacked together to form basic huts, some varied in size, clearly accounting for status. Our focus goes to one of the more average sized homes, through one of the glass windows of the stone-like building there was a pearl white fox with glasses as he sat in his room in front of a hologram with a floating keyboard before him. He raised his cup and drank from it, the light of the floating screen bouncing off his glasses as he noticed a slight rumbling from his watch, he reached down and pressed a stone, which began to glow a green color before dimming down and projecting a holo-screen with a text message.

Your brother is getting out from jail today and we'd like you to be there to meet him, you're father is busy today and I'm working longer than usual tonight. There's also a plate in the magi-wave for you, don't forget your brother's enchanted weapon's backpack


The fox quirked a brow and sighed, he stood up from his swivel chair in his nearly empty room, say for a bed, a few comics on a self and figurines on another shelf hung on the wall nearby; in the background. He turned to his bedroom mirror and examined himself, he tugged at his blue t-shirt, then down to his shorts as they were simple sports shorts with white streaks on the sides, "Guess I can go like this..." he commented as he looked back to his mirror, then shrugged as he walked away from it.

From within a property clerk's office a beige kangaroo man, in business casual wear tugged at his collar as he sat behind a wooden desk with two guards standing watch, two rather large and heavyset elephants looking down at the colored gray colored fox in almost casual looking armor, his left shoulder blade exposed while the other had a shoulder pad that was shaped to match the curvature of his shoulder, skull decals plastered on it.

"Let's see... your wallet and the pants you were caught in, white jeans, size thirty," the kangaroo anthro-man pushed all of this out into a brown bag for the fox to take, he reached out and smirked, stuffing his wallet in his pants he left the jeans in his brown bag before taking off, giving them a signing off, flick of his wrist.

"Damn, smug asshole..." the kangaroo man muttered as he leaned back into his chair, letting his arms fall to his sides.

From outside the station, the armor-clad fox looked around until he spotted a tree nearby, odd, given how harsh and unforgiving the desert-like temperatures were. He looked around and noticed a sign that seemed like an average traffic sign for cars, but what was written on it was "warp zone - 10 Feet Radius". From it, light formed at the center and then dispersed as a lone figure stood there.

"Nathan!" a smaller thinner version of the fox-warrior shouted across the street from him, appearing gleeful at the sight of his brother, the fox making his way over and stopping before he held his arms out and hugged his brother, who returned the embrace.

"Hey, dork... see you made it official since I was away," the brother taunted pointing to his eye wear, chuckling as he ruffled his brother's head fur and pushed him away, they shared a smile.

"Hey! That really what you want to say to the guy that helped you get out by reasoning with your insane ex?" the fox in casual blue shorts asked, crossing his arms and smirking back at his brother, tugging at strap that was swung over his shoulder and handing it over. Nathan only smirked as he peered into the bag, then zipped the top portion.

"Alright, whatever, so what's the plan, Danny?" Nathan asked, his hands on his hips as his expression softened, "Where's mom and dad?" he asked, finding his eyes elsewhere.

"Dad's working and mom's pulling an all nighter..." the shorter fox in spectacles explained, looking to the side, "I got an email message saying there's been a deposit to my Payfur account... it looks like it some spending money, guessing cause it's from mom."

"Oh! You mean she wants us to hang out while they work?" smiled as he looked at the other fox boy, trying to egg him on with a look that said, "Come on, you know you want to..."

The fox in question simply shrugged, "I'm down, I guess."

"Nice," he casually cheered.

What followed was the two foxes spending the cash they had been given, simply warping to go eat as they had arrived at what appeared to be a Chinese restaurant, however, it was littered with various furs of all kinds.

"Dude... this old place?"

"Yeah... come on, Danny," Nathan said ushering him inside and towards the front counter, as a monkey man stood behind the counter, his eyes seemingly closed. Nathan pointed to the menu and raised pointed to a special on the menu, the worker pulled out a plastic box with a smiley face on the cover lid.

"We're getting this to go! There's something else I want you to get us..." the eldest fox said, having a devilish look on his face as he turned to look at the smaller fox.

His brother saw this and quirked a brow, uncertain as to what he was getting at and shrugged. "There's an ATM near here if you want..."

What followed was the two furry males walking out the store, the fox with the glasses holding the single box meal as he was checking the balance on his account and then proceeding to open a window with simple nods and gestures of his head and eyes, then finally minimize the hologram window with a nod of his head. His brother looked at him, quirking a brow.

"What?" he asked, noticing his warrior brother stare at him.

"Didn't know mind-link would actually work..." the older vulpine seemed amazed with the advancement of magical technology.

"You were surprised when shaking your arch-phone lights were a thing..." Danny chuckled, then opened the box and began to eat, opting to use a plastic fork than chopsticks as he began to pick at his box. His brother joined him.

"Hey, man... there's somewhere I need ta' go, mind warping us to..." Nathan paused, grinning now, "the spot?" he asked, wiggling his brows.

"Dude..." Danny considered the notion before nodding his head, "Whatever, its been awhile... " he replied, he eyes darting around and then nodding his head once, closing his eyes and reopening them, a white light enveloped their forms, making them vanish.

Once the two reappeared they warped to a random warp zone in a park, a haze of smoke even escaping from the other side of the portal. Muffled laughter was heard as the two foxes flopped down to the ground giggling, the eldest brother being the first to shift his head to speak, "Man, this stuff is good... I can't feel a thing..."

The younger fox rolled onto his back and smiled, closing his eyes and running his paw down his face, "Hmm... tell me about it... I haven't done this in awhile," he replied.

"Imagine dealing with 'sobriety'," he paused to shutter at the word, then continued with a shake of his head, "For an entire year..." he finished, his slightly looking red eyes staring off into the distance, more than likely spacing out at the moment, until shattered from this from the voice of his brother.

"Yeah... ya know, I always thought if you were ever arrested," he said, looking to his brother by turning his head to face him, "it'd be because you were paid to kill some important politician or something..."

"Nope... just baby's mama drama!" the older brother half-shouted, still maintaining a calm and happy expression.

"Sorry, it took so long to get you out..."Danny stated, sighing as he relaxed on his back and then sat up, "We all missed you, Nate... wish you'd do something else for a living but, hey..." the fox said, looking to him with a sincere smile before, "No body's perfect..." the fox added.

"You're telling me, ya' bum!" Nathan exclaimed, laughing, his brother joining him shortly after, "How's that whole actor thing coming along?"

"Dude, there's no theater houses in Desert Moons... you know that and since I don't 'actually' have a job..." he paused and looked off to the side, "All I do is pretty much help around the house, manage the online accounts and do odd jobs..."

"Really, no luck?" Nathan inquired, quizzical and surprised but soon found himself smiling again, "Why not come work with me? Come on! Be a mercenary!?" he shouted encouragingly.

"Dude? Seriously... I couldn't even kill a chicken," he confessed, "and we eat those..." Danny added, scuffing a little and crossing his arms, a saddened expression on his face as his gray eyes shifted downwards, frowning noticeably at this point.

"Nah man! Come on! You get treasure and pussy and most especially, that green magic..." he countered, holding up the bag they had just bought. Filled with a glowing green plant-like mush.

"I'm just going to see maybe about selling art or voice acting services online..." Danny replied, stubbornly trying to defend his way of life, "It's just that... the equipment is so expensive..." he replied with his eyes tearing up in a very anime-like fashion.

"Don't you have a recording mic at home?" Nathan questioned, skeptical.

"Every time I use it I never sound like myself to me... or maybe I actually just sound dumb and my dreams of being a voice actor are just stupid too..." he sighed, then looked up, starting again, "Maybe I only sound good to myself in my head... every time I hear my voice on any recordings, I sound like I'm a boy still going through puberty, like my voice cracks too much..." he finished, lowering his head before bringing it back up.

The eldest brother looked to the depressed looking brother,"I get it man... you don't want to go out there, where you can get hurt but you got to sometimes..." Nathan sat as well now. Nathan averted his eyes and scratched the side of his muzzle as he pondered on his next course of action.

"You sure you don't want to try working with me? Come on..." Nathan insisted, showing a very supportive face, really trying to sell the idea to the younger fox.

Danny's puffy red eyes meet his brother's equally as red eyes, the younger fur's chops quivered as he found some air escaping his lungs as he saw that his brother had what he thought, was a goofy expression whenever egging anyone on, "Pfft! C-Come on, man!" he laughed as his face with his palm, trying to keep himself from cracking into a fit of laughter.

Nathan only partook of this laughter for a while, as if to buy him time, his expression becoming more and more depressed looking as he heard his brother's laughter die down, "You're not going to like this then..." he warned, sighing after a second or two, "Danny... check your inbox..."

The fox furry immediately lost his smile as he cautiously opened a window with his hand and checked his message box, he saw a block with a paperclip on it, he gulped as he reached out and touched it. A loading wand appeared in the middle of the file and then began to play, from it a hologram appeared for both Danny and Nathan to see, he could see two other foxes, two chubby foxes, one looking to be in his fifties with a white mark spreading from his muzzle to the back of his head, the mother looking as though she was in her forties being a more simple black color. The background behind them was a living room, average looking furniture and a single floating flat screen in the background.

"... Danny, son..." she began but found herself unable to face the screen, her hand over her mouth, "I know this is going to be hard to take, but please know it's for your own good..." the fox with long black hair said, choking on her own words but finding the strength with a clenching of her free hand.

"I'll say it! Danny you're not making anything of your life... I love you boy, but you've lost the balls to do what you need to, man up and make a living for yourself... this is hard enough for your mother but we couldn't do it in front of you... we know how much you'd beg and cry, no more, grow up and get a real job..."

"Even if it's helping your brother... that bag we told you to give him has been enchanted to hold more stuff than usual, it's a parting gift... we've only paid for one more month of athernet service, one more deposit so you can have enough food for a little while, your brother also has ..." she paused before closing her eyes and looking away, choking a bit, "good luck..."

"You're just too old to dream now, Danny..."

The feed was cut from there, the screen's light reflected from Danny's glasses, his expression covered by the glare on the screen, keeping his eyes from being visible. The blue-clad fox stood looked at this and stared, his head lowered as he hugged his knees, leaving the message box there, the file sitting there as if to remind him.

"Sorry if I was putting up an act..." Nathan revealed, looking quite guilt ridden.

"I couldn't even tell..." Danny interjected, sounding ashamed that someone like him, couldn't even tell when someone was faking it,_ 'And to think... I wanted to be an actor too...'_ he thought, on the verge of hyperventilation with how much he was holding back his chokes of air.

"You don't gotta' talk right now... just chill, okay? Want some more green magic?" he offered, holding the little baggy up with a small pipe inside plus a small glowing stone, grinning ear to ear. His little brother only looked to him before snatching the bag, the eldest brother chuckled and gave the fox his space, "You just chill..." he said, encouragingly as he was looking for a place to set up camp.

A stick poked at some embers as the armor-clad fox stared into the dancing flames, _'Damn... didn't think he'd take it like this...' _Nathan thought, he had honestly been hoping to to make an experience out of this, _'Guess that's gonna' be a 'no' on the whole being a duo merc team...' _he continued to ponder as straightened his posture on his log chair, an already pitched dome tent behind him.

There was a light rustling of leaves and the sounds of footsteps, he looked up to see his brother with a depressed expression as if he had been defeated and his very soul was shattered. It created an awkward silence between the two as the eldest fox only looked to him, he saw his brother take a seat on the log he had prepared for him beforehand, crackling noises echoed as Danny's attention was elsewhere. Though from Nathan's perspective, it looked as they his brother had been crying, his puffy eyes were evidence enough for this, as well as the tear stains that had yet to dry entirely on his shirt.

"They sent me to my death..." Danny uttered, breaking the silence.

"Oh come off it... this is no different from some factory job or yard work dad used to make us do..." Nathan said, trying to wave it off as something insignificant, "Or hell, construction... even roofing is dangerous! Have you even seen the henchmen positions?" he asked as if sounding surprised by all of this, only going this far to emphasize his point.

The other fox watched in disbelief that this was his brother's response,_ 'What did I expect...? He's been doing this for years now...'_ Danny thought, "Look... Nate..." he began, gulping as he forced himself to speak his mind.

"I-I don't think I can kill anyone... I-I-I...just..." Danny sighed, lowering his head.

"Alright... fuck!" Nathan exclaimed, sounding disappointed and appearing annoyed, earning a flinch from the fox across from him, "You don't have to fight... just carry my shit and we're even, okay?" he asked, narrowing his eyes before seeing what it was doing, he relaxed his demeanor and exhaled a sigh of exhaustion.

"T-thanks..." Danny replied, staring at the ground.

The morning came and the two furs awoke from the tent, with their backs facing away from one another, clothed in only their undergarments, which were a pair of boxers and muscle shirts. "Ugh..." Danny stirred, his tail flicking behind him and gently swapping at Nathan's back, 'sleeping in a tent sucks...' he thought, sitting up and looking around, he turned to his brother and rolled his eyes.

He snatched the magical backpack in the corner and unzipped the tent, crawling out and making his way just a few yards away from the campsite, looking as though he were being watched before looking down to the bag he was holding.

Nathan squinted his eyes in his sleep, his hand digging into the dirt as he muttered in a hushed breath, "No..." his breath wavered as that word escaped his muzzle. As if coming to life from lightning, his eyes opened. His pupils darted from left to right before he straightened himself out and sat up, with a muzzle line looking as though it were waves of water, he looked to where he last saw Danny and noticed it was vacant.

From outside the tent on the log benches made by Nathan, the younger sibling took a seat on one of the benches, holding the bag on his lap as he sighed, he paused as he bit his lower lip, he closed his eyes and wiped his eyes with his forearm, 'I wonder what they packed for me...' Danny thought, then stared at the brown bag with a purple jagged diamond piece in the middle, three smaller versions placed on the side, he turned the bag to its side, studying it and then shrugging and opening it, 'These things work when you just stick your hand in and think about the general thing, right?' he thought, rummaging around, envisioning a pair of pants. What he retrieved was a pair of brown pants, plain looking in his opinion. He reached back inside and thought of a shirt.

Nathan was seen crawling out of the tent that Danny had been so gracious as to leave open, technically leaving his older brother open for any sort of attack. He grumbled a little as he saw his little brother finish dressing with his shirt, tugging at the ends before looking to his brother and then meeting his eyes. The older fox looked to him and pursed his lips, "Not bad..." Nathan commented, meaning his brother's outfit choice.

"Oh good... I've captured the essence of homeless like I wanted to..." he said, showing no inflection in his words as he looked away from Nathan and to his bag, not really thinking as he retrieved a faded brown cloak.

Nathan made his way over and sat down on the log opposite to the other fox, he noticed the fox take the cloak and put it on, 'Kinda' looks like a mage...' he thought, seeing as Danny only looked to the ground. He looked away and placed his hand on his chin, smirking the slightest bit, _'Really thought he'd take this harder, is he bipolar or... maybe he's finally growing up...' _Nathan thought, feeling like that maybe his plans would come to life, while he was distracted, the fox behind him could be seen reaching into their bag and pulling out a candy bar.

Once he finished his candy he turned to his brother, "So... what should we do now?" Danny asked.

"First, get something besides candy to eat..." Nathan commented, after having been broken from his thoughts he saw that his little brother had some candy smudges on his face.

"Sorry..." Danny lowered his head as he wiped the chocolate from his muzzle with his sleeve.

"Then we're heading out... let's look up some gigs on wargslist," Nathan answered, going over to his brother to take the magical carrying bag and reaching inside, digging around and pulling out a pair of brass knuckles. These, however, were well maintained and polished, a small red diamond on the center of the knuckles.

Danny stared blankly at his brother and sighed, lowering his head, "Let's just eat instead... hand that bag over!" he exclaimed, reaching for the bag and digging into it.

The foxes, once Nathan too had gotten changed and eaten, headed out. The warrior and his caddie traveled as the fox had his watch display a map of their current location. They continued to travel for what felt like an eternity for the younger fox, but when he looked down to his watch at the corner of the GPS window, he saw that not much time had elapsed since their departure.

"Hey, Danny, how close are we to the nearest settlement? I'm thinking about getting one of those fancy watches like yours, I wanna' record some of my kills in the offline zones," Nathan said, grinning at his brother.

"Wow... being a mercenary really makes you this desensitized?" Danny asked, quirking a brow as he tightened his hold on the straps of their magical inventory.

"Wha? Nah... I've been desensitized since I was a kid man, horror movies, video games and all that shit... I just decided to make a career out of it," Nathan defended, grinning as they continued to travel.

"I wish we could afford to warp more often but... mom and dad didn't give us too much, guess they wanted me to learn how to budget or something..." Danny mumbled at the end as he noticed the distance to the nearest settlement.

"How much longer, what does the GPS say?" Nathan asked, clenching his gold colored brass knuckles as if bracing for it.

"About eight more hours..." the youngest brother replied as he read their online map. He watched as the dot grew closer and closer, the top of the screen reading "Settlement New Moons" estimated arrival, seven hours and fifty-eight minutes, "Gotta' love these wide-open, desert spaces..." Danny commented, a flat look to his face.

Danny's remark was met with a nod from Nathan, "I know, man... that's why I left."

"Just like everyone else..." Danny added, his voice lacking any feeling behind it.

Within what appeared to be a cathedral sanctuary of sorts, depicting various religious icons and portraying many important furs bowing their heads. Heavy breathing echoed in the shadows of the large room, from within the dimly lit room a panther man sat on his throne of sorts. He appeared meek and rather small given the size of the throne that he sat upon. His half-lidded eyes appeared to be quite a bit red, his breathing hoarse as his hand was stroking at his member, curling his toes as he watched two muscular anthropomorphic Adonis' engage in a session of rhythmic hip bashing, the large horse partner getting himself driven into madly as he felt his hips being violently bashed by the girth of a muscular bear that proceeded to thrust into his insides without mercy.

Snorting as if being whipped by the lasso of a chariot, the horse squinted his eyes and grit his teeth as he felt that one last thrust, stopping as the bear behind him held his ass against his hips so firmly that it was no longer possible to go any further, his orgasm flooded the large horse's anal cavity, the fluids of their sex dripping down the middle of his thighs and oozing itself down to the floor, a small puddle of semen growing as they bathed in the afterglow.

Each movement, every thrust, the noises, the clear visuals he had burned into his mind, drove him closer and closer to ecstasy. The panther man arched his head back quite a bit as he had changed positions in his chair, dragging his rear-end further to the edge of the chair so that he could spread his legs widely, aiding him in his masturbation.

Breathing through his nose the oddly muscular bear turned his head to the one that had asked this of them, he saw a panther man projectile orgasm from the looks of it. The horse did so too, breathing very deeply through his snout.

Still with his head back the Panther man softly opened his eyes, his chest heaving up and down, somewhat irregular even, "You know, I wanted to see if it'd still be hot to watch two mind-controlled studs fucking each other without moaning..." sounding mockingly quizzical, the fur atop his head, moist, "I was right," he said with a smug look of self-satisfaction, his eyes focused on the glistening muscular before him.

"Give me a second to catch my breath and we'll get to round two, Garrett-baby..." he said trying to catch his breath and calm his excitement at the same time, _'Getting burnt out here a little but damn...' _he thought.

Garrett turned to Kiwan but suddenly found his attention elsewhere as a moderately loud clicking noise filled the room, light flooding the sex chamber, "Kiwan?" an effeminate tone called to the panther man.

"Wendy? I'm a little busy right now..." he said, gesturing to the two males, who hadn't moved from their positions during this little interruption.

"I came to tell you it's time for your scheduled 'detect mind' swipe..." Wendy replied poking his large white bunny ears hanging off to the side of the door frame, "I'm just following orders," he poked the rest of his head through and found himself staring at the scene before him.

"You're right... I did tell you to..." Kiwan nodded and then turned to his horse and bear mating partners, "Garrett, get yourself cleaned up and bear-guy..." he said, trying to remember the wooly creature's name but only drawing a blank, figuring it wasn't worth the effort he turned to look at the bunny in a blouse.

"You don't even have to say it... " Wendy sighed, clapping his hands together as green energy flowed from his wrists, quickly encompassing the entirely of his hands as he began to rub them together then retracting his hands from one another, as though he had just prepared a defibrillator.

"Thanks, I owe you one..." Kiwan smiled as he walked away from his throne and his two pieces of lovely man-meat, gaining enough distance for Wendy to do what he needed to.

Once he was able to, Wendy got onto his knees and sat on his heels, his glowing green hands radiating with a warm light as they hovered above Garrett's twitching rectum. His entrance relaxed and was even able to push out all that had been released from within him, his mouth going agape before relaxing his hectic breathing.

Wendy all the while had his head tilted forward as his focus was on the task at hand.

A deep hum was heard from where Wendy had last seen Kiwan, sensing that Garrett's ass healed sufficiently enough the rabbit looked to his companion, "Hmm...?" he hummed in return, his pink nose wiggling as he reached one hand out to move a lock of white hair from his face.

"Huh... looks like this might not be a waste of time today..." Kiwan stated, smirking as he looked over his shoulder as his index finger and middle finger's tips were pressed to the right side of Kiwan's temples, _'I can't wait... I've been dying for some new toys...' _Kiwan thought, his voice somewhat giddy as he went over to the nearest dresser, it much like the rest of the room, it had the same Gothic theme to it much like the rest of the room.

There was finally a change of scenery and for Danny, it hadn't come a moment too soon, he may have come from a desert environment, didn't mean he enjoyed basking in the vast emptiness and heat of it all. He found himself dropping his hood and seeing the further they got the more trees they'd be able to see, eventually the ground started matching the color of the leafs.

Danny after awhile started to play a card game for apps, the fox's eyes vaguely tracked his brother as they walked, his attention focused on the game he was playing, his finger repeatedly matching color coded cards in order to repeatedly perform combos, _'Damn it... need to let my in-game energy charged...' _he thought as he looked up from his game and looked to his brother, ignoring the advertisement that tried to play when he did, subconsciously muting it.

He could see that a transparent pair of white headphones were hovering over his brother's ears, as though he could sense someone watching him, Nathan looked over his shoulder and turned to him, moving one hand to push a floating menu tab, making the headphones vanish into Danny's watch, "S'up? See you finally got your snout out from that window..."

"Yeah... sorry, I guess, I'm just bored now..." Danny stated, staring blankly at the seemingly endless canvas of trees before them, across the dusty dirt path they were taking.

"But Danny-Fanny... what about that lovely greeting from that one gentleman?" Nathan asked jokingly but clearly not being serious about this whole thing, clasping his hands together with a clap. He noticed his brother's eye twitch and snickered.

"Oh, you mean that guy that tried to kill us!?" Danny asked, reaching into the side bag compartment of the backpack, pulling out an empty candy wrapper, tossing it at his brother, causing it to bounce off his head.

Only causing his brother to snicker at that too, _'He's always so over the top!' _he thought chuckling as he looked to the wrapper while they continued to walk, "First off, it was just some homeless freak in rags, holding a knife..." Nathan said, holding his hand up and counting his fingers by extending them upwards, "Secondly we didn't know if that fool was tryin' to rob us, he barely had any teeth, thirdly and best of all..." Nathan paused to watch Danny's reaction as he blushed and widened his eyes, his ears flattening.

"S-shut up! W-we didn't know if he had anything else on him!" Danny exclaimed, clenching his fists to his sides and feeling steam raise from his head, sighing as he let his head fall in defeat.

"Oh god... when you ran away..." Nathan smile turned into a full-blown grin, his paw covering half his face as he tried to restrain his laughter, but failed miserably and perhaps did so intentionally.

"I-I told you I'm not a fighter!" Danny defended, trying to help his fragile ego but only succeeding in making Nathan laugh a little harder.

"The way you ran..." Nathan said to no one in particular as he spoke in humorous disbelief to himself, then he felt something bump against the back of his head, surprising the fox mercenary, what followed was the younger fox's fist lightly and harmlessly punching the back of Nathan's head, almost as if fist pumping him but rather than both with their fists, it was with Danny's hand against the back of Nathan's head.

"Alright... stop rubbing it in, ya' oaf..." Danny urged, keeping a serious look before smiling at him shortly after. They exchanged a brief smile with one another before both huffed and shook their heads, Nathan putting his hands behind his head and Danny feeling his boredom lightened he turned back to his watch and pressed a button on the side of the watch and caused a transparent hologram to appear in front of Danny's face, a small loading symbol in the shape of a wand, blinked on the screen three times before all the foxes apps appeared, "Hm..." he hummed.

Nathan was torn from his thoughts as he heard the fox behind him, hum, "Huh?" he wondered, looking over his shoulder.

"I don't feel like excreting the force, I'm gonna' mind-link... for some reason, I'm more tired than usual..." Danny commented, placing his hand on his chin.

"Oh, wow... you see, Dan, it's probably because of this magical thing, called... walking..." Nathan said making his voice a little more breathy to emphasize the depth of this newfound revelation, his eyes portraying an unrealistic amount of excitement.

"Okay, I'll admit that makes me sound-" Danny started but stopped suddenly.

"Hey!" a voice called out, the noise finally reaching the two foxes as they stopped mid conversation, their ears twitching as if synchronized for this very moment. They looked to the direction of the road opposite of where they headed. Although the reason for their excitement was simply due to the sound of the beautifully effeminate tone that accompanied that call to them.

What came running towards them was a group of furs, a horse, a bear, a meerkat, a goat girl, next to her was a golden retriever and finally the one that caught their attention, Nathan's eyes upon landing on Wendy, his eyes went flat as he his eyes looked down to the rest of the bunny, his interest died almost immediately as he then looked to the others, finding his eyes land on the golden retriever's breasts as out of the four women there, she had the best.

Danny's eyes were glued to the rabbit's shimmering blue eyes, or at least they were shimmering in his interpretation of reality, _'Oh wow... sooo cute...' _he thought, feeling lost.

Upon seeing them stop to look at their group the white rabbit paced his jogging, so did the rest of them. As they closed the gap, Wendy saw from the corner of his eye that one of the two foxes was staring at him, _'Is he checking me out...?' _Wendy thought, gulping a little as he placed his hand on his chest just above his heart, "H-hello there! I'm Wendy," he gestured to himself and then to the rest of his companions.

"And these are my friends from the village..." the cross-dressing rabbit presented them to the group.

"He-e-ey there! The na-a-ame-e-e's Ga-a-arre-e-et and we-e-e wa-a-ante-e-d ta-a-a' wa-a-arn ya bo-o-o-ut' ho-o-ow da-a-a-dangerous it's gonna-a-a be-e-e, es-especi-i-ially thi-i-is l-la-a-ate..." Garret's voice was a strange one, which even made Danny pause from his admiration of the gorgeous bunny boy before him, his voice echoing in such an odd way, creating an odd echoing voice that almost seems to vibrate in a not so subtle manner(Think Mr. Ed, Google :Talking Horse for a reference to the voice.).

"We were wondering if you two would like to stay in our village, it's not too far from here and it'd be easy to get started in the morning," the bear woman with a deep and unappealing groan like voice said, then paused briefly and awkwardly looked to the side with wide eyes, "I'm Charrise, by the way..." she said, raising her hand to greet them once, only to drop it back down as quickly as it had come up, her garb was that of a lumberjack's, faded blue denim jeans with a red plaid shirt.

Immediately following her response they looked to the Meerkat in what appeared to be parachute pants but rather than actually reaching his ankles, they stopped just above his knees, wearing a simple vest with no undershirt. "Hiyo! My name's Dave," he said, leaving it at that.

"I'm Amber..." a slender goat woman with short tomboyish hair said, eyeing the larger of the two foxes, her hand resting just below her neck as she smiled. She wore blue jeans and a simple tank top, "This here is my friend, Jackie..." she said, reaching her hand up, putting it on a golden retriever's shoulder.

Nathan's eyes met Jackie's, the sultry look, the way she would grab at her skirt and angle her head to make herself appear more appealing, _'Damnnn...' _he thought then cleared his throat, "Well, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and say no..."

"Tha-a-a-nks! Bu-u-u-t I-I-I di-i-i-dn't bri-i-ing a gi-i-ift!" Garrett stated.

"It's an expression, you big jock..." Wendy rolled his eyes and patted the horse in overalls, shoulder.

"Anyways! I think we should take you up on that offer... I mean... who would I be to say no, to such kind looking furs, such as yourselves?" Nathan asked jokingly, first looking to his brother than the rabbit and company, "I'm Nathan," tilted his head forward a little with a smile, then with one hand he gestured to his brother with his thumb. "That there is my brother, Danny."

Wendy appeared bothered, to the point of looking disturbed, his eyes looking as though they were two flat lines, his mind clearly elsewhere.

The fox who's eyes had never left the cute little rabbit that had greeted them, this was something Nathan could use to advantage, _'Looks like Danny's gotta' thing for small chested rabbits...' _he thought, the voice in his head sounding intrigued by this discovery, "I can tell that you guys really wanna' help..." he said, looking to the Jackie who simply smirked and averted her eyes, teasing the larger fox, his tail wagged a bit.

Danny's eyes widened as he heard all this, thinking about it, there was a chance they could get ambushed again by another homeless man or quite possibly even worse; something that was actually a threat to their lives. He quickly reached for his watch and pushed a smaller button next to the largest one and was given a window that appeared very transparent, it was the GPS app on his phone. It was nearly six in the afternoon.

"But you guys see my little brother here, isn't so good with crowds..." he said, gesturing to his little brother, who upon being brought attention to was snapped back to reality.

"H-huh!?" he blinked and then noticed everyone looking to him, _'Damn it! They probably think I was zoning out when checking the GPS in incognito mode... but they have a point but they also have a real good point...' _he thought, lowering his head and blushing as he had no idea what to do at this moment.

"See? He can't even talk right now!" Nathan exclaimed, earning an annoyed look from the fox, who he simply ignored and went on to say, "He needs a one-on-one tour of the place! Let'em get to know the place, let'em know it's safe..." he said, then placed his hand on his chin, looking to the rabbit in a skirt.

"I-I suppose, I could show him around..." Wendy said, rubbing the back of his elbow as he then looked to the fox with his head tilted downwards, appearing bashful to the uncertain fox.

There was very little Danny could say in this situation, he lowered his head too and blushed, whenever his eyes met the Wendy's he felt himself becoming nervous, "W-well... not like there are any better choices right now... if Wendy wouldn't mind..." he replied, gulping as he averted his eyes from the bunny.

Nathan smiled proudly to himself, glad that he was able to help his little brother in his quest for love, making, _'Now for my treasure chests...' _he thought looking to the bosoms of the two furry women eyeing him.

"Alright then! I'm sure you two will enjoy your stay!" Wendy exclaimed, clapping his hands together and then looking to the fox, smiling a little nervously, clearly not much for flirting, _'Kiwan's gone blank... wonder why that could be...' _the rabbit thought.

Not knowing that his bashfulness only made him appear all the more adorable in the fox's eyes, literally feeling as though Wendy took his breath away.

Nathan shook his head and made his way over to the two furry women in slutty heat and snaked his arms around their shoulders, the group began making their way back into the forest, away from the main dirt road.

From within a very peculiar room, Kiwan sat on the foot of his bed, buttoning up his dress shirt up as he looked over to his shoulder to the naked mouse man with long flowing hair, typing rapidly on a keyboard while the light of the floating computer screen reflected off his glasses.

"So, how's our cover...?" Kiwan asked, standing up as he finished with the final button, he stopped to see that there were some wrinkles on his black khakis.

"Well seems like we've got everyone socializing enough to cover our tracks, but this division of the cult is due for an inspection soon," he spoke plainly as a lock of his hair fell over one of his eyes.

The panther during the rat's explanation walked over to him and stopped behind him, seeing him rotate around in his swivel chair only to stop in front of him, the rodent looked up to him, "We've got enough time..." Kiwan said in an exacerbated tone, he closed his eyes and allowed his head to drop a little, sighing as he reached for his left elbow, gripping at the upper portion of his forearm as if it had sudden ignited in flames, the hand of the arm he clung to would wraith in pain.

'Kiwan, we've got the two you wanted, they're not bad... they're both foxes, apparently straight from what I can tell...strange... maybe this fox with glasses has me confused for a girl...' Wendy's voice echoed in Kiwan's head, although gently and not for so long.

Broken away from his feelings of pain he received Wendy's mental message, he removed his hand from his elbow and placed it to the side of his head, speaking as if he had a communications device, earpiece. _'How much muscle are we talking? How good looking is the one that's into you?' _he thought, feeling his thoughts echo.

'Really the older brother is the one you'd want... the other is... a little scrawny... I can see him filing our taxes or something...' the bunny's thoughts rang through Kiwan's mind.

Hearing that the new meat had one that fell under his category of interest, he smirked and turned his head so that it was facing away from the long-haired mouse anthro, _'Huh... I don't know about the scrawny one, let's talk about him later... what's the eye candy like?' _he thoughts replied, his hand reaching out and petting the top of his mouse man's head.

'He's pretty strong looking, really smug looking too... like he's not afraid of anything...honestly, it's a little scary...' __Wendy's thoughts sounded a little distressed.

There was a deep groaning sound being emitted from within Kiwan's throat, clearly eager by how he had been leaning his rodent's maw against his crotch, his hard member rubbing against the rodent's face, Kiwan's breathing being noticeably deeper, _'Wendy that's exactly how I like em'... just thinking about turning him into a...mm...' _his thoughts reflected his expression, clearly hot and bothered.

'...if you could please keep those thoughts from leaking into our telepathic conversations, it'd be much appreciated...' __Wendy's thoughts said through Kiwan's mental link.

Kiwan was able to hear the rabbit and decided to heed his advice, "What was your name again?" he paused to ask as he noticed how into the face grinding the mouse man was, "Ah... who the hell cares! You could be called blowjob for all you care..." the black panther smiled widely and then looked down to his groin and gestured to it with a tip of his head, the murine's eyes looked up to his master's before looking back down to his groin, with one hand, he carefully grabbed Kiwan's fly and unzipped it, with his eyes closed he stuck his muzzle into the hole and dug around, easily finding the erect member that had been pressed up against his face. He began to suck on the maleness of the panther man that was their leader, his actions coming as naturally as breathing.

Slowly the panther man closed his eyes and allowed the appropriately named rodent to continue, his hands digging into the mouse anthro's head fur.

'Kiwan... I think maybe I should get to know this fox a little more, he seems interesting maybe he could even...' Wendy's voice suddenly echoed in Kiwan's head.

The sudden mental connection shocked Kiwan enough to actually make him forget that he was currently had fellatio being done to him, _'Oh? __Something you want to see about personally? Go ahead, about time you've had some funnnn...' _his thoughts trailed as he closed his eyes and then reached out his other hand, putting it to the back of the murine's head and now thrusting his hips into the rat's mouth.

A group of furs traveled through the forest, most keeping to themselves, except the two that clung to Nathan's arms, as he would occasionally whisper into their ears, getting small fits of giggles from the girls. The younger fox found his attention directed to the ground, only because his natural shyness prevented him from speaking up or rather he didn't know how to approach his current predicament, which was walking alongside him with his hands behind his back and head tilted upwards a little.

Stunning was the word Danny would use, from where he stood Wendy's white fur reflected the light in such a way that seemed to highlight his already feminine features, to new heights he might add, _'Give her lipstick and I might...' _he thought, looking away from Wendy as quickly as he could.

Wendy's eyes widened as he noticed the fox's flustered appearance and found himself smiling, to the point he reached one hand up to his mouth, _'He's so shy... it's kinda' cute...' _the bunny thought to wiggle his pink button like nose and to twitch his whiskers just the slightest bit, "So... I take it you're not exactly the adventuring type?" he asked, putting his hand behind his back.

"Me?" the fox asked, his ears twitch, "Oh... no, not really..." Danny replied, looking to Wendy for a moment before reverting his gaze to the ground, "That's my brother's thing..." he said, now looking to the side.

"Then mind me asking what your thing is?" Wendy asked, tilting his head to the side.

The fox paused as he felt himself become extremely shy, _'What the hell do I say!? I'm a failure as an artist and because of which I was kicked out of my parent's house!?' _Danny thought, unsure on how to continue this conversation, "Uh..."

All Wendy could do was watch as he noticed Danny's sudden shift in mood, how he'd shy away from Wendy when being asked about himself, _'Guess he's not too proud...' _he thought, finding the moment a quite a bit awkward, "If you don't want to talk about it..." Wendy began, however, was stopped as the fox shook his head.

"No... it's alright..." Danny started, blinking once before continuing,"I tried to be an artist, like a jack of all trades, hell even tried to be an author and an actor..."

"That's rough..." Wendy added his voice coming out soft and filled with concern, genuine sympathy for the vulpine next to him, "Most people wouldn't say this much..."

"I guess most people don't end up being the assistant to a mercenary when it all comes crashing down..." Danny sighed, lowering his head.

"And what exactly does a 'Mercenary's assistant', do?" Wendy inquired, almost dreading his response.

"I..."Danny's eyes went blank, "Pass him his tools..." he finished, saying it like it was admitting defeat.

"So you're the equivalent of a golf caddie?" Wendy finished, unsure of what to say next really, _'Poor guy... I think he's at the point, he's lost hope...' _he thought.

They walked in relative silence as the fox furry avoided eye contact, Wendy doing the same, the conversation having gotten very awkward, "Maybe, if you've g-got sometime... you could show me something," Wendy offered, blushing as he brought his hands together and began to tap his pointer fingers together.

Danny's eyes widened and his heart stopped, he blushed brightly and looked to the others nearby, they didn't appear to have been listening nor paying attention to their discussion, Danny's brother was even lost in his own world, in the far back of the group, unable to think calmly he said the first thing that came to mind, "R-really?" he asked, managing to keep his tone down.

"I know what it's like to not have things go your way..." Wendy said, hoping the fox would leave it at that.

"Thanks..." Danny replied, looking to Wendy and meeting his eyes, "I'll save my best stuff for you..."

Wendy turned to the fox and smiled softly, seeing a tinge of red on the white portion of Danny's facial fur, _'I guess I could let him know...' _Wendy thought, until a loud, groan like shout was heard.

"I can see the village!" Charrise pointed with a hatchet in hand.

What they saw wasn't anything like they had in mind, because once close enough there was a distinct difference between this one and the other villages either of the two have ever encountered, there were men, one could even say it was quite the sausage party and in some cases, those sausages were in hands.

Danny quirked a brow and then looked to Wendy, who looked away and made his way to lead the entire group as the head.

"Welcome, Danny and Nathan to..." Wendy gestured while still leading them onward, "Derriere Moons!"

Nathan and Danny stared blankly at the name of the place but honestly could see why they'd call it that given the general vibe that the populace was giving them, as it was much like a liberal mecca, although with far more of an emphasize on their gay rights. On quite a few corners Danny and Nathan could see two male furs going at it with their muzzles, the women in the village played a much different role, from what those two could see, an almost non-existent one.

Danny, in particular, found his eyes widening, then he looked to Wendy, '_Ya know, something feels off...' _Danny thought as his eyes looked over to Wendy.

Wendy upon seeing Danny's and Nathan's reactions saw that the girls had Nathan's attention, pulling his muzzle by his chin and getting his attention, from what he could see Nate needed confirmation of something, to which both Jackie and Amber pulled away in unison, before grinding their midsections and groins against his arms, using his biceps as a pole handle, so to speak.

The effeminate rabbit's floppy ears flattened as he became nervous, his fuzzy paw reaching up to his muzzle, his eyes searching the ground as if he had dropped something, _'Please work... please work, isn't emphatic projection supposed to work better when there're more people around?' _Wendy thought, then looked up to see a fox in awe.

Fortunately for Wendy, the younger fox was a sucker for a rabbit with blue eyes, seeing how adorable Wendy looked when scared, his actions alone wanted to make him go over to the bunny and hug all his worries away, _'Wendy...' _he thought, then tried to say something, only to have himself choke and stop, glad that he was wearing a cloak so Wendy was unable to see the attempt.

"We should show you the bar..." Jackie said, tugging at Nathan's arm or rather she was squeezing it so that she could convince him with her breasts to go.

"As you can tell, we're a 'little' short on, straight..." Amber began then reached her hands up from her side of his arms to hold onto him by his neck, Danny's eyes widening when hearing those criteria, "ripped guys like you..." she added, clarifying what they wanted.

Wendy saw Danny's expression change as he heard Amber and Jackie talk to Nathan, the shocked expression immediately turned to that of embarrassment, which he had to admit, was kind of silly, he found himself giggling at the supposed misfortune of the fox.

"Ladies... we haven't even gotten our rooms yet..." Nathan smirked as he used the tip of his tail to scratch his chin, looking to the two girls. This earned a roll of his eyes from Danny but the girls took it pleasantly, eyes in wonder as they stared at the flexible appendage, eyeing it as they had Nathan the first time they had seen him.

"Show off..." Danny commented, crossing his arms but coming to smile shortly after.

"How about the bunny girl here, take you to our guest rooms?" Nathan asked,directing his attention to said bunny girl, to whom he noticed seemed to go eyes wide before looking to Danny, who's smile immediately died out and went to a wide-eyed look of shock and embarrassment as his eyes met Wendy's.

'Oh? Something you want to see about personally? Go ahead, about time you had some funnn...' __Kiwan's voice echoed in Wendy's head.

The rabbit lowered his head a little, in such a way as to use his floppy ears to conceal his face, one hand over the other as found that he was unable to conceal how interesting it may be to try this.

"S-she doesn't have to..." Danny said, trying to calm down but finding that even his tail was portraying how odd he felt right now, going as stiff as a feral feline when hearing a vacuum go off in their sleep.

"I don't mind..." Wendy spoke up, straightening his posture and maintaining a very business-like demeanor to him.

"There ya' go! I'll be in the bar if you need me!" Nathan exclaimed as he was lead away from the two with a wave of his flexible fox tail.

"Okay..." Danny paused and then looked to Wendy and cleared his throat, smiling a little awkwardly before Wendy gestured for him to follow, almost as if the bunny had no interest in what he was doing, it wasn't encouraging for the fox but nonetheless he followed, looking around the village he noticed something odd, almost as if the style of the area clashed with the overall theme, _'It looks really traditional out here... figured a gay mecca would at least have better taste than this...' _Danny thought, then noticed a church at the corner of his eye, he tried to focus in on that Church, not noticing the stone path to the guest room Wendy was leading them to.

"We're here," Wendy announced, stopping to look over his shoulder, his head tilted back a little as one of his white locks of hair fell over one of his eyes.

There wasn't much time for Wendy to react as shortly after Danny bumped into him, he saw how close Wendy would be to bashing into the door so he reached his hands out, grabbing Wendy by his torso and bringing him into Danny's arms.

"Oh, gods... I'm sooo sorry..." Danny apologized before he was even able to release the rabbit, the fox's groin pressed up against the soft cotton like tail, thankfully Danny was able to control his urges.

"I-It's alright! J-just pay attention..." he mumbled, blushing and stepping away from the fox, opening the door himself and quickly making his way in. From what Danny could make out of the room it was your usual type of guest room. Mostly everything was white, the walls, the door frames, even the bed frames, right down to the counter in between the beds.

"So, this is the guest room..." Wendy walked towards the beds and stopped in between them and on top of a rug that was laid out at the foot of the beds, he turned around and spread his hands out to his sides, presenting the beds to him, "This is where you'll sleep... there's a closet in that corner," he said, gesturing to it with an open palm, to the closet door, which was just to the side of the right bed.

"What about...?" Danny paused, his tone dragging as he felt a bit shy about asking.

"Oh! There's an outhouse just outside this room you really can't miss it..." Wendy said, pointing behind him as if he were hitching a ride, "we're still getting things together when it comes to being a village," he said, supposedly confessing.

"That new, huh?" Danny asked, then made his way over to the beds and looked at them, his response was met with a confirming hum from Wendy, he sat down at the foot of the left bed, the fox slide his arms from the stripes of his backpack, tossing it to the side of the bed before bending his joints in any way he could, stretching his arms behind his back he released some pressure, popping his back with a well-earned groan of relief, he opened his eyes to see Wendy still there and looking to the side.

Wendy all the while had watched the fox boy stretch, _'I know I haven't really gotten to know him but it's been sooo long...' _Wendy thought,closing his eyes, trying to bottle up his urges, but not allowing his face to change or panic to overtake him, _'He's looking at me!? He's called me...a 'she' so... would he still...?' _Wendy thought his voice sounding strained as it echoed in his mind.

"I think I just want to sit here and relax..." Danny turned to look at Wendy and then looked back out in front of him.

Wendy's head looked in the direction of the bar and then back to Danny, then he pointed in the direction of the bar with his thumb, only to see that Danny hadn't even paid that any mind, _'Guess I'm doin' this sober...' _Wendy concluded, closing his eyes and preparing himself mentally before marching over to the fox and taking a seat down next to him, causing his eyes to go wide and his heart to thump a mile a minute, with his extra-sensitive rabbit hearing capabilities Wendy swore it was making the sound of a beating drum.

"W-wendy...?" Danny cautiously inquired, sounding nervous.

"I've noticed you staring, Danny..." Wendy said suddenly, this comment alone shocked Danny into speechlessness. The snow flake colored bunny turned to meet Danny's eyes, his gray pools meeting Wendy's vibrant blue eyes, "There's something you should know..." Wendy grabbed the back of his arm and looked at the carpet beneath them and dug his rabbit toes in the rug a little.

"What's that...?" Danny asked, putting his hand atop of Wendy's shoulder.

"I'm a girl..." Wendy started only to shortly after taking a pause of uncertainty, feeling Danny's eyes on him, "I just wasn't born one..." he finished, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, bracing himself. He sat there for what felt like the longest time, waiting for the fox to jump away, politely ask him to leave or feel disgusted.

"Wow... you look just like a girl..." Danny blinked, tilting his head and even reaching out to touch Wendy's hair, which of course caused him to blush, especially once Danny grabbed a lock of hair, brushing it aside to revealed his other blue orb.

"R-Really? I'm not hearing any disappointment..." Wendy said, in disbelief.

"What? Why would I be...? If you're a girl, you're a girl... or maybe you're just Wendy, point is, it's you," Danny stated calmly as he looked out in front of him, who was about to look over at the corner of his eye to see how Wendy would react, only to get a glimpse of the bunny's head as it rested on his shoulder, the rabbit's fuzzy arms bringing him into an embrace.

"Thank you... Danny," the cross-dressing bunny pulled away from the fox boy but had kept his arms around the vulpine.

Danny hearing this relaxed, then feeling the weight of Wendy's head leave his shoulder, they looked into each other's eyes.

Both became bashful as Wendy blushed lightly and tilted his head down, his eyes watching the floor before coming back up to meet the eyes of the fox, he closed his eyes as he pondered his next course of action, _'He's a sweet guy... and I've been horny for too long!' _he thought, his eyes opened as though he had just awoken from a long night's sleep, his muzzle parted just a little as he was leaning into the fox, _'I'll just...' _he thought, finding his mind go blank a little.

There had always been a part of Danny that had wanted to explore what it was like to be with what people referred to as a, femboy, his opportunity came as he noticed Wendy going in for a kiss, the fox's eyes widened as he felt himself become excited, the moment his muzzle pressed up against Wendy's, it was like a jolt of static coursed through his body. It appeared as though Wendy was hesitant at first but the fox's kiss eventually had him kissing back just as eagerly.

Starting to build steam up quicker than even the fox was Wendy grabbed Danny by his collar and pulled them back into the bed, parting his muzzle as he felt the fox's long canine like tongue inside the rabbit's mouth, he moaned deeply and arched his back a little as he could feel the fox grinding himself up against him, his erect member being shoved against Wendy's groin region.

"Ugh!" Wendy panted as he pulled his head back, in order to breath, soon after he felt the fox lean his head into his soft white neck, feeling that long smooth tongue drag across his tender skin, each stroke driving Wendy closer and closer to submitting.

Soft whining moans would grow in tempo as he would start slow but then press harder as his tongue caressed the tender flesh, his actions were very sensual in their approach, Wendy parted his legs, his arms moving around until one hand arm was keeping the fox close to him and the other, was to gently run his hand through the fox's head fur, "Wendy, I can't take it anymore..." Danny pleaded, closing his eyes and keeping his head on Wendy's neck, his clothed member constantly pushing up against the fabric of the bunny's panties, "H-how do you want it?" he asked, desperately asking to enter by continuously rubbing his penis head on the tight panties covered entrance.

Wendy blushed but pushed the fox back a little, the two panting for a moment, the rabbit opening his eyes before seeing the fox lean down to peck his lips gently, closing their eyes briefly,"Y-you should know this one..." Wendy said nervously, rolling over and crawling further into the bed, he leaned himself forward and closed his eyes, obviously tense.

Danny stared at the prize before him and reached for the wide girly hips that had been staring at all day, _'Poor Wendy... it's probably been awhile...' _the fox thought, then reached for Wendy's skirt and dragged it away from view, the bunny flinching as his rear was exposed and in full view for the fox to enjoy, his cotton ball-like tail twitching in response too, which irked the fox, _'I'll make you feel good...' _he thought as he tugged the sky blue panties keeping him from his treasure, his eyes wide and his breath short he continued to stare until he noticed what appeared to be a male-hood, however, it was only when he looked really closely.

"Fuck... thank you so much, Wendy..." Danny said, tugging the pair of panties off the rabbit entirely, he leaned his head down with his eyes closed and stuck his tongue out, starting out by moistening the outer ring to Wendy's hole, which felt clean and as cute as it had looked in Danny's opinion.

Wendy upon feeling the breeze on his ass, flinched, his eyes widened as he found himself tensing from the sensation that went through him, his hole began to spasm as a long tongue explored the crevice, moving about to massage the walls and caress them, exploring and preparing the bunny.

Finally retracting his head the fox reached his forearm up and wiped his muzzle, "I think you're ready..." he said, his voice coming out very faint and hushed, a drunk blush on his face. Danny grabbed his cloak and pulled it off him, discarding it to the side so that he could begin to remove his long-sleeved T-shirt.

The lovely cross-dressing rabbit was still in the process of normalizing his breathing, he still, however, was able to nod his head in agreement and take a moment to straighten his posture, now effectively on his hands and knees, taking a moment to square his shoulders for the impending penetration.

"W-well... I'm waiting..." Wendy said, looking over his shoulder, one of his ears draped over his eyes, giving him an even more alluring looking to him than he already had.

Danny had just gotten his shirt off, conveniently at the moment where Wendy was able to look over his shoulder. There was actually so little where there was supposed to be signs of male-hood, that the fox was almost sure he was about to sleep with a woman, "Sorry to have kept you..." Danny whispered in response, undoing his zipper, letting his hard canine like member dangle in freedom before he grabbed it with one hand and used the other to steady Wendy's rear as his tip touched the bunny's anus, pressing against it.

Wendy tightened his hole as he felt Danny aligning himself, relaxing when he felt that both of Danny's hands were in their proper place and that he was safe to enter, _'Oh... here it co-ah! _the bunny thought, feeling the fox push his member inside, inching his way through and spreading his anus so wonderfully, his moans at first sounded as though he was in constant pain, a few more thrusts inched the fox further inside, his jaw began to relax until finally he was bumped forward a bit, being filled to the hilt, "Nnn... Da-Dannnny!" Wendy moaned loudly.

"Wendy!" Danny cried, having dipped his head forward when finally reaching the end of the rabbit hole, his dick twitching from within as Wendy's hole messaged the member within him.

Wendy wasn't able to keep his head up, the stimulation sending waves of pleasure through him, this only being increased in intensity as the fox began to thrust his hips into the bunny's hole, making the bunnies hole emit soft squelching sounds, feeling the hot member go through his tight cock sleeve. Every thrust that Danny gave was met with a soft rippling of Wendy's ass cheeks, "I've be-been need-needing thiiis!" Wendy moaned.

"M-me too!" Danny exclaimed, gritting his teeth as he continued to thrust, enjoying not only the cushion like feel the bunny's bottom provided but top that off with the fact that he was very tight, bringing Danny closer to his climax than expected, _'It's been sooo long! I never thought I'd fuck a femboy!' _Danny thought as he brought his speed up, all while fighting back his orgasm.

This only resulted in louder moans from the rabbit receiving his foxhood, the rabbit lowered his head and found his mouth opening little by little until it was fully agape, his eyes squinted shut as he felt his prostate being pounded, inching him closer and closer to nirvana,"S-s-so go-o-oh my god!" Wendy shouted, his ears flopping back and forth as Danny continued to work his bunny butt over.

Danny noticed one particular angle within Wendy had driven him to scream louder than usual, he focused on trying to remember that exact movement and repeated it, noticing that Wendy had lost balance on his hands and had dropped to his elbows, he, however, was unable to ignore the growing fact that he was already nearing his limits, "Wendy I'm going to-"

"Cum!" Wendy exclaimed as to signify his climax, shooting a few strands of cum onto the bedspread beneath them, his head arched back then going limp with the fox behind him, causing him to moan deeply, his legs felt like jelly, the only reason he wasn't flat out resting on the bed was simply due to Danny keeping Wendy's plush rear against his thighs.

The fox looked down to Wendy and moved so that they could rest on their sides, the fox wiped his brow clear of any sweat, then shaking it off his forearm he reached his hand out to Wendy's belly and traveled up his shirt, causing a faint smile to appear on Wendy's face. The bunny looked over his shoulder and opened his eyes slowly, looking to the fox that was spooning him from behind, romantically in his opinion, especially considering how tenderly he was holding him, _'He's a loser but he's... strangely adorable...' _Wendy thought to himself as he leaned up and pressed his muzzle against Danny's, the fox gently returning the kiss.

I promise there will be more sex... the last scene was longer than the others because, fluff takes build up and these character's have existed in RP form for awhile now and their character types have been known to be attracted to one another, even had a few stories about them. Speaking of, I was given permission to use what little I own of Wendy as Kiwan(Fursona as well as character) owns the rest. I owe him a lot, he hasn't given me a link to his page yet but hopefully he will soon and I'll make the edit to let you guys know. He's even helped with the plot of this story. Thanks, Kiwan Morgan!

[He said it was cool just to give his account name; El Queso.]

This was really fun! It was a challenge, plus it was fun. Whatever happens, I guess I'll just do what Bruce Lee does and become water, become shapeless. XD

Does anyone like the way Garret talks or would everyone rather I just imply the repetition of his words? That's just something I'm wondering.

Foxes from the Foxxy~

_DaisukiFox~ _