This Beautiful Nightmare - The Party

Story by ScareCrow613 on SoFurry

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This is a Halloween story I wanted to do but was WAY too busy at the time to do it, so I apologize sincerely that it's really late for the season. I'm kinda disappointed by the way this one came out, I feel like I didn't do as well with the idea as I could have, but that's for you guys to judge. It may or may not get continued, depending on reader response and whether or not I can figure out a suitable plot for it. And as always, please comment, rate, and enjoy!


This Beautiful Nightmare â€" The Party

A chill autumn breeze rolled sharply across the quiet suburb of Hendrick's Point, forcing everyone to pull their jackets just a little tighter around their bodies. The afternoon sun did little to combat the persistent cold, and all anyone seemed to want to do was just go home and warm up. Fortunately for the students of Johnson High School, that's exactly what they were now allowed to do. Jamie McGuiness heard the ring of the final bell acutely in his lupine ears and blew a long sigh of relief. Finally, I can get out of this shit-hole. Fucking Mondays... the wolf thought as he gathered up his things and exited the building as hastily as possible. He walked across the field out front and up towards the main road that ran before the school. He lived close enough that walking was not a problem, although waiting for the traffic to subside every day was a bit of a hassle. He stood there immobile for a minute or two as he pondered what exactly he would do when he got home. TV? Nah. Reading? Nah. Homework? Definitely not. When finally it looked as if the traffic light down the street had changed, and he would be able to cross, something grabbed his attention.

"Jamie!" The gray wolf heard someone call out from behind him. He wheeled around to find a vixen walking toward him, and a rather unconventional one at that. Her red and purple hair was held up in a bun by a pair of thin metal spikes which gleamed in the sun, along with her pierced ears, nose, and brow. Jamie immediately recognized her as Kassidy Wilkins, one of his best friends. They had known each other since they were eight years old, and had been largely inseparable since then. They had shared laughs, tears, stories, problems, and times both good and bad. They had a good relationship, but this is not to say that it was without it's complications. Over the years, the vixen had developed a deep crush on Jamie. She tried to explain her feelings to him, but he was apprehensive about the situation, preferring that they stay friends rather than put their whole relationship in jeopardy. Kassidy had taken it really hard, although she eventually seemed to get over it.

"Hey Kass, what's up?" Jamie asked as the vixen stopped in front of him. She wasn't very tall, maybe five-four to Jamie's six-foot; but she had a wonderful body and was actually very pretty despite all the metal.

"Not too much, just figured I'd say 'Hi'," the vixen replied. Jamie was about to say something, but then he took notice of a large, black book that his friend had tucked under her arm.

"What are you reading there?" Jamie inquired, pointing to the book. Kassidy pulled it out in front of her and showed it to Jamie. The large, dusty volume looked impossibly old and had some gold symbols on the front that he didn't understand. The pages on the interior depicted all manner of strange activities and occurrences. And for some reason he couldn't explain, the whole thing gave Jamie the creeps.

"It's a ritual book I think, I found it in my attic the other day when I was cleaning it," Kassidy explained. "Pretty cool, huh?" Kassidy had a vested interest in all things related to the occult and the paranormal, and to find something like that in her own house was probably a tremendous experience. Jamie on the other hand was a skeptic, and secretly wished she would just knock it off sometimes. Of course, he would never say that to her face because of how much he knew it meant to her.

"Umm, sure..." Jamie offered, still unable to explain why a book was unnerving to him. The vixen either missed the implication in Jamie's voice or just chose to ignore it. In any case, she continued on undaunted.

"I know, right? I'm so eager to try a few of them, I just have to decipher it first. On a serious note though, Halloween is this Saturday, and I'm kinda having this party because my parents are out of town. I wanted to know if you could come." Kassidy said with a smile. Jamie thought it over for a moment, closing his sky-blue eyes as he tried to remember any previous engagements.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm doing anything. I'd love to go," he said finally. Kassidy's face lit up at Jamie's acceptance.

"Sweet deal. It's at my house, starting at 11. Oh and it is a costume party, so try and wear something creative," the vixen told him. Jamie nodded and Kassidy reached up and ran a hand through the mop of short brown hair atop his head, messing it up just for laughs. "See ya buddy!" She proceeded to wave and walk off towards the parking lot for her car. Jamie watched her go and shook his head, it was certainly going to be an amusing party with her at the helm.

The rest of Jamie's day passed in standard fashion, he arrived home, did his homework, watched TV, ate dinner, and messed around on his computer. Presently, he laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what it was that he would be wearing to Kassidy's party. He had been in this position for roughly an hour and nothing had come to him. Halloween was a rather big deal to the vixen, and he didn't want to disappoint her by showing up as something lame. The silent, pensive mood of the room was shattered in short order as Jamie heard his cell phone vibrate on the wooden nightstand by his bed. He looked over at his clock as the phone rang, it read 11:46 P.M.

"Who the hell is calling me at this hour?" Jamie muttered to himself as he answered his phone. "Hello?"

"Yo Jamie! What's happening?" The voice on the other end practically yelled at him.

"Oh, hey Mike, not too much," Jamie responded, realizing the voice belonged to another good friend of both his and Kassidy's, Mike Thompson. The absurdly large bear was a born entertainer, and essentially a huge goof, always making jokes or doing something stupid for people's amusement. Aside from that fact, he was also the truest definition of "party animal". According to everyone Jamie knew, it just wasn't a party until Mike showed up. "So what's up?"

"Nothing much man, just hanging out. Hey, you're going to Kass's party right?"

"Yeah, I'm going. Who else is going to be there?" Jamie asked.

"Shit, like the entire senior class," Mike laughed. "It said so on the invitation she e-mailed out to everyone."

"Ah, I see. I didn't get an invitation, she told me to come in person," Jamie said.

"Did she now? Well that, my boy, is because she wants your dick."

"Oh, shut up," the wolf told him, even though he knew that it was probably true.

"I'm telling you man, I've seen the way she looks at you. You'd better hit that on Saturday, or someone else might take a shot at her," Mike warned. Jamie smirked at his friend's ridiculousness.

"Come on, you know I can't do that. I've known her forever, it would just be weird."

"Excuses, excuses. Well, have fun not boning anyone then," the bear joked.

"Thanks, I plan on it," Jamie chuckled. "What are you going as anyway?"

"God's gift to women," Mike said, sounding very serious about it.

"You would do something like that," Jamie commented with a shake of his head.

"You know it. What about you?"

"I don't know yet. Whatever it is, it's going to have to be good, I don't want to disappoint."

"Well you had better decide quick, otherwise I'm just gonna strip you naked, tie a bow around your neck with a tag that reads, 'To: Kass, From: Mike', and throw you into her bedroom," Mike threatened. Jamie burst out laughing at the joke, and Mike snickered on the other end. "Glad you enjoyed that one."

"Thanks for the laugh, but I think I'm going to try and get some sleep," Jamie managed as he caught his breath. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Later," Mike said, and hung up the phone. Jamie put down his own phone and resumed staring at his ceiling. After another hour or so of unproductive thought, the wolf finally decided he would worry about his costume later, and fell asleep.

The next five days went by largely without incident. Jamie went to school, performed his usual routine, and pondered his costume, all the while looking forward to the party that was growing ever closer. And it wasn't just him. Jamie's entire class was abuzz with anticipation for the coming party. Kassidy's family was very well-off, and her reputation for throwing tremendous parties was common knowledge. Strangely enough though, Jamie had seen neither hide nor hair of the vixen all week. He asked around concernedly, trying to gather some insight as to her current situation, but nobody else knew anything either. After days of fruitless inquiries, he eventually just came to the conclusion that she was skipping school to plan the party, it wouldn't have been the first time she had done so. Still though, something about it didn't sit quite right with the wolf, and the image of the book that Kassidy had shown him kept creeping back into his head. You're just being paranoid, it's a book, it can't do any harm, he would always tell himself, burying the thought as soon as it would surface. Besides, he had more important things to worry about.

The clock in Jamie's car read 11:41 P.M. as he drove rather hastily to Kassidy's house. He decided initially to show up fashionably late, but when his parents had called him and forced him to give them a ride back from a party where they had had a little too much to drink, he was forced into being actually late. Roughly five minutes later, Jamie pulled up to the Wilkins' estate, albeit slightly far off due to the copious amounts of cars lined up on the street. He hopped out of his own car and began jogging up the street, his costume clattering lightly as he ran. Jamie had decided to be Tom Santiago, one of the main characters from a favorite video game of his and Kassidy's, Cogs of Battle. He had used an old gray jumpsuit and some loose sheet metal from his garage to fashion a rough suit of body armor, and it had turned out rather well as far as Jamie was concerned. The most he could hope for was that it would put a smile on his friend's face. Soon though, all thoughts of his costume were driven from Jamie's head as he viewed Kassidy's house in all its splendor. The great mansion was lit in all manner of bizarre colors, and every sort of decoration imaginable was placed at some point along it's giant exterior. The throbbing beat of dance music reached his ears from somewhere beyond the house and Jamie suppressed a smile as he imagined a bunch of his drunken, costumed classmates dancing in the back yard. He ran up the driveway and straight to the great wooden double doors of the house. Jamie raised his hand to knock, but mere inches before he made contact, the large doors swung open of their own accord.

The wolf crossed the threshold cautiously as he half-expected Kassidy to jump out from behind one of the doors. But once Jamie was passed them, the doors closed by themselves again, with the vixen all too absent. He turned away from the doors as the raucous noise of music and mass conversation grabbed his attention.

"Hmm, weird," Jamie muttered to himself as he walked out of the foyer and into the main area of the house, which was packed full of other furs from his school. The huge room sported multiple tables upon which sat tremendous amounts of food, beer, and every other manner of alcohol. There were couches and chairs in the large rectangular area, but most of the furs chose to stand, either talking or dancing or engaging in some other form of revelry. As Jamie's eye's swept the crowd, he locked onto one figure in particular, a large brown bear dressed in a gift-wrapped box. The wolf made his way through the crowd, pausing every now and then to say hello to someone he knew. Before long he was right behind the boxed form of the bear.

"I can't believe you actually wore that," Jamie said, raising his voice a good deal to be heard over the music and conversation. The bear turned away from his present conversation and a huge grin spread across his face at the recognition of his friend.

"Hey Jamie!" Mike chuckled as he grabbed the wolf in a constricting hug, being very careful not to drop the large bottle of vodka he was holding.

"Yeah, love you too," Jamie choked out, his breathing restrained by the bear's grip. Mike finally let him go and took another swig out of the bottle before speaking again.

"Alright Jamie, tonight's your night. Kass has been asking about you since the party began," Mike started, his words slurring a little as a result of the alcohol. "She wants to fuck you, just go and give it to her." Jamie ignored the bear's pressuring and decided that he ought to go see Kassidy anyway, after all it was her party.

"Yeah, yeah. Do you know where she is?" Mike scratched his head as if thinking.

"Well other than right behind you, I have no idea," he concluded with a laugh. Jamie turned around to find Kassidy a few inches in front of him. She wore little more than a leather bikini with a large sword strapped across her back, obviously going for the sexy warrior motif. She looked good, very good in fact, but there was something different about her that Jamie couldn't quite place. He studied her for a moment longer, looking for any differences. When he saw none forthcoming, he looked her in the face again and the answer became obvious. Her eyes were a brilliant, shimmering purple as opposed to their standard brown.

"Hey there, I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it," Kassidy said finally. Her voice sounded different too. It was tainted by some strange, almost imperceptible harshness that made Jamie's ears twitch to hear it. "Nice armor, Tom. That looks like it must've been pretty difficult to make." Jamie paused for a moment as he considered the changes in Kassidy. You're hearing things, he told himself as he tried to quash his growing anxiety. It's all in your head.

"Uh, thanks," Jamie finally managed to respond. "But no not really, it was pretty easy. You're looking good yourself though. I love those contacts you have in, the purple is really cool." A smile made its way slowly onto Kassidy's lips and she leaned into the wolf slightly.

"I have something to show you," she breather into Jamie's ear. "Come with me." Kassidy turned around and began walking out of the crowded room to some other part of the house. Jamie now got the feeling that something was very wrong with Kassidy. His brain screamed at him not to follow her for fear of some strange peril waiting at their destination.

"Get a grip Jamie, you're losing it. She's probably just going to take you to her bedroom and you're just going to have to tell her that you two are just friends, that's all." After talking himself down, Jamie took a deep breath and followed Kassidy out of the room. She led him through the rest of the fur-filled manor and, just as he had guessed, up a large staircase towards her room. Kassidy stopped just before the door and turned towards him with a grin on her face.

"After you," she said as she swept her arms towards the door, indicating that Jamie should go first.

"Listen Kass, I know you like me and all," Jamie started as he opened the door and walked through, "but we really can't..." The wolf was stopped dead in his tracks as he viewed the scene laid out before him. The room was completely bare; any and all decoration had been removed. In fact, the only thing in the room was a large brazier, which sat in the center of a room-spanning pentagram that had been drawn on the floor. Hundreds of flickering candles encompassed the perimeter of the symbol and bathed the expansive room in an eerie glow.

Jamie's mouth hung open as he stared at the elaborate set-up that used to be Kassidy's bedroom. And then he noticed the book, the same one from before, the same one that had so disturbed him, laying open just in front of the brazier.

"Kassidy," Jamie whispered, "what is this?" He turned around to address his friend to find the door had shut behind him. He grabbed the doorknob and attempted to open it, but found that it wouldn't budge. He tugged on the knob frantically and pounded the door with his fist.

"Kassidy?!" He yelled.

"I'm afraid it's no use, my love." Jamie heard Kassidy's voice from behind him, only now the harshness he had heard before was much stronger. "The door's not going anywhere...And neither are you."

Jamie turned back to find Kassidy's naked form floating several inches above the ground. Her hair waved as if moved by some invisible wind and her eyes now glowed brightly with the same purple they had been earlier.

"Kassidy, what the fuck is happening?!" Jamie shouted, his voice quavering with fear.

"Aww, what's the matter, baby? Am I scaring you?" The vixen asked with mock sympathy. "You denied me for too long, darling. I decided to stop waiting and take what I wanted instead." Kassidy finisher her sentence by pointing at Jamie and then raising her arm up slightly so that her finger was pointing at the space directly above him. Almost immediately thereafter, Jamie found himself suspended in midair, completely unable to move. "You know, I really did like that costume. It's a shame we won't be needing it for this next part." Kassidy uttered some strange words and all of Jamie's clothing, even the metal plates, turned to ash and fell from his body. "Much better," the vixen grinned, "now com here." And with nothing more than a word, Jamie rushed through the air to the center of the room.

"Kass, please, don't do this. I'm sorry, really, I'm sure we can work this out," the wolf pleaded to the possessed being that had once been his friend. Kassidy merely laughed and gestured again, drawing his body to hers.

"I told you, it's too late for that. But don't worry, baby, it'll all be over soon." With that, Kassidy wrapped her legs around Jamie's waist and pressed her lips into his. As the vixen gently worked her lips and tongue against him, Jamie felt a strange haze cloud his mind. It felt good, like a warm, numbing euphoria. At first, he tried to fight it, tried to resist being sucked into this madness. But it was no use, and soon the feeling began to trickle from his head, first into his chest, and then out to his limbs until his entire body was enraptured with it. Absently, the wolf realized that he could move again, and the thought of resisting cropped up from somewhere deep in his befuddled mind. But why bother? This feels so good. Jamie's body seemed to move without him even thinking as he wrapped his arms around Kassidy and pulled her tighter into the kiss. As their tongues danced, Jamie's hands roamed Kassidy's body, covering her every curve and feature. She was so soft and warm, her breasts and butt felt every bit as good as they looked. Jamie tweaked one of her nipples with his left hand as he massaged her bottom with his right, eventually finding his way to her pussy.

Gingerly, he slipped two fingers into her dripping hole. Kassidy moaned instantaneously in response to Jamie's touch, so he proceeded to place one more finger inside and started working them in and out of her. The vulpine slit shuddered and grasped at the wolf's digits, almost begging them not to leave as he pulled out, and welcoming them back as he pushed them in again. Jamie broke the kiss with Kassidy and began working his way down her neck, kissing and nuzzling every inch of her. She gasped and rolled her head to the side, her eyes half-closed as the wolf continued to finger her.

"Just a little more," Kassidy mewed as she felt her orgasm approaching. Jamie, who was now sucking on one of her nipples, showed his fingers in and out faster, flicking his thumb back and forth across her clit in an effort to make her cum. Kassidy's muscles shuddered and tensed as the very first waves of it hit her. She took in one deep breath and held it as her orgasm built.

"Oh yes," she exhaled as her nerves lit up with the crescendo of her pleasure. Jamie felt her pussy tighten and clench around his fingers, refusing to let them go as she came all over them. Kassidy sat still for a moment as the final pulses hit her and Jamie removed his juice-slick digits. He raised his hand to her face and Kassidy took his fingers into her mouth, sucking her cum from them.

"Good boy. And now for part two," the vixen said as she reached behind her and grabbed the eight inches of rock-hard lupine cock protruding from Jamie's body. In his stupor, Jamie hadn't even realized he had a hard-on until Kassidy grabbed it and began directing his dick into her seething opening. As soon as the tip touched the silken wetness of Kassidy's cunt, the numbness that filled his body changed to a raging and all-consuming lust. Jamie placed his hands on the vixen's hips and slammed her down on his cock, eliciting a squeal of pleasure from his partner. He wasted no time drawing himself out and thrusting back in again, driven by his need to fuck. Jamie worked like a machine, tirelessly pounding Kassidy again and again. She felt so good on his cock, her smooth canal caressed him as he slid in and out of her. Distantly, he heard the vixen moaning, but whether it was from pleasure or pain, he couldn't tell. He couldn't think, couldn't feel, the entirety of his sensation was focused in his rod as he slammed his body into hers. All he knew was that it felt good, and he would be damned if anything was going to make him stop.

Kassidy received the blistering assault with gusto, bucking her hips back into Jamie's unceasing thrusts. She had already cum twice for him, but the wolf seemed heedless as he devastated her. Her moans and his growls mixed in the air and reverberated off the empty room; the maelstrom of sound reflecting the heated nature of its source. Kassidy was rapidly approaching a third orgasm when she felt Jamie's cock begin to pulse within her.

"No no, just hang on for a little bit, we need to come together," Kassidy gasped, trying to find the words in between heavy, ecstasy-laden breaths. Jamie's loins felt as if they were on fire as he went on ravaging her. The wolf was aching for release, but he felt compelled to hold out as his lover's words reached his lust-ridden mind. He pushed just a little harder for a little longer and the flames reached their peak. Jamie felt Kassidy tighten around him, so with one final shove, he hilted himself and let go. Their feelings merged at the joining of their bodies and they both came in perfect harmony. Jamie howled and Kassidy let out a long, low groan as her pussy tightened and contracted on Jamie's pulsating manhood. Jet after jet of hot, thick cum shot deep into the vixen's nether regions, filling her with Jamie's seed. And finally when their orgasms were over, the couple lowered slowly onto the floor.

Jamie felt the fog clear out of him as he laid still. His limbs felt heavy and he was inescapably tired, but didn't know if it was from the sex or something else. Gradually, his eyes drifted shut, the final image of of Kassidy and her glowing eyes following him into the blackness of sleep.

The vixen stood up off the unconscious form of her lover and picked up her book. She produced a large knife from between its pages and looked down at Jamie.

"Almost done," she whispered. Kassidy knelt down at Jamie's left side and placed the knife to his chest, slicing through the skin and muscle. She worked the knife in a sure, square pattern, peeling back the flesh from the ribcage. She separated the cartilage at the sternum and cracked his ribs back, removing the left lung and slicing through the pericardium to lay her prize bare. Jamie's exposed heart beat rapidly in it's place, almost as if it knew it's imminent fate. Kassidy worked the knife around it with cold precision, severing the arteries and veins and liberating it from his body. She put down the knife and picked up the book in her free hand before moving over the brazier. The vixen read from the dark pages of the tome, muttering the final arcane words of the incantation as she held her bloody prize aloft. Finally she dropped the heart into the fire and it, along with the myriad candles that lined the room, turned a deep purple. Kassidy turned around as the heart burned, watching as Jamie's mutilated chest slowly reknit itself in the dancing violet light. The ritual was complete, now all she had to do was reap the rewards.