Till Death Do We Never Part (Chapter 1: Attack)

Story by Pawsclawz189 on SoFurry

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The story of a female squirrel captain named Dawn, and her lovely hamster girlfriend carrie set sail to locate some treasure for her women. however, tragedy strikes when the deadly pirate crew, named "The Reapers" strike, and murder dawn by decapitating her. Hamster chooses to kill herself and drowns in the sinking destroyed boat...until...dawn wakes up again on an abandoned island! she's alive again?..her head is back on..and she discovers Carrie is now a ghost. together, they try to find the mystery of how this has happened..and to take revenge on the reapers, and get there women back.

Dawn the squirrel and her girls marched over to the ship near the bay. Thunder roared off in the distance. Dawn twitches her nose and peers over the ship to check the water, then dips a finger in it and nods to herself."Get on, girls! We'll make it!" She yells out. Eight females then board the ship. All squirrels. Except for one, who was a hamster. She wore a long white dress, and nothing else. She was quite poor, as dawn first came across her living in the streets. She offered her home for her to stay in. Dawn walks to her and nuzzles her cheek. "Are you alright?" Dawn asks her."Yes sweetie..I'm fine.." The hamster says in a nervous tone."Come here.." Dawn whispers softly, pulling her close into a gentle kiss on the lips. They were both in a relationship and loved each other deeply. Once done, the hamster pulls back, and gives her a big smile."Thank you dawn.." She says."Your welcome Carrie." Dawn says, rubbing her cheek. "Come on. We gotta set sail if we want to make this island on time. " She adjusts her hat, helps Carrie onto the ship and heads toward the wheel. Dawn was a pirate, and captain of a ship she controlled that only supported females. She was tired of the generic outlook of the others, and wanted to be unique. Her goal? To find treasure of course! But with the help of her lovely girlfriend, and the squirrels, her determination was very high. She starts up the ship and opens the flags to catch wind. The ship creaks and begins to slowly strut forward. Carrie stood by dawn very close, holding onto her arm. She was nervous, indeed. Carrie is a sensitive hamster who is often emotional. in which she was deemed as "Freaking Adorable" by dawn. A half hour later of cool air brushing by everyone's fur, and the bright blue water practically sparkling against the sun, The trip seemed to be going quite smoothly. soon, dawn gave control of the ship to Carrie. She kisses her nose and walks off to check the other girls. "How's everything going, ladies?" She says. They all squeak in reply. Just what she wanted to hear. Dawn gives a thumbs up

and checks the weather. The clouds were starting to look a little grey, and she didn't like the look of it. She decides to lower the flags a bit so that in case of a possible thunder storm, it doesn't become struck and caught on fire. She then opens up her sack and passes out loafs of bread to the girls for them to have there lunch. They all nibble on them quickly with there buck teeth. "Um...dawn?.." Carrie says. Dawn scampers over to her, her black leather boots tapping the wooden floor of the ship as she ran."Yes, Carrie?" Dawn says, looking forward to where Carrie was pointing towards. In the far distance, something black and ominous stood. Dawn squinted her eyes to get a good look as best as she could, but to no avail."W-what is it?..." Carrie says, even more nervous. She hated the ocean sometimes. Scared of what mysterious creepies could be down there."Don't worry about it. It's probably some broken down old ship." Dawn says, attempting to make Carrie better. She simply nods and steers the ship out of the direction. Dawn sits down and sighs softly. "Carrie, being a pirate is hard work. It's a good thing your on here." Dawn says, giving her a smile.Back when dawn brought her back to her home, she took very good care of Carrie. She bathed her, fed her and gave her a warm blanket to sleep in. From the year she kept her in her home, the two formed a close friendship, which quickly followed into a relationship. From dawns hometown, she had discovered that homosexuality was outlawed. Appalled by this, she had packed up her belongings and moved to another town with Carrie, in which she sneakily stole the ship they were currently riding on. To be a pirate, you gotta have gold. In which in this case, she didn't. She spent the last bit of it on food for herself and Carrie, and for her pirate suit. Carrie had believed in her, however, and was just as determined when motivated and reminded by the love that they share for each other. Carrie takes her eyes off the water for a second to smile back at her."together forever." She says in a sweet tone, leaning forward to kiss her, when Suddenly, a loud blast is heard. It makes Carrie go, "EEP!" And fall on her back. Dawn quickly takes control and looks forward, her large bushy tail twitching fast. "We're under attack!" Dawn quickly says. She taps Carrie on the head. "Sweetie, gather the girls and tell them to quickly prepare the cannons. Tell them to immediately begin Firing." She orders her to do.Scared out of her mind, Carrie holds herself and quickly rushes over to the squirrels and tells them. In a instant, they all work together to open up the trapdoor hidden beneath the floorboards of the ship and lift out big black cannons. Three squirrels walk by with the cannon

balls and start lighting them in. One takes a match and scrapes it against her dress to lit it. She puts it against the cannon.BOOM! The cannon unloads one into the air, hitting the black ship approaching them. It makes a dent, but doesn't cause any damage. Getting nervous herself now, dawn bites her bottom lip and looks toward the girls."Faster! More!" She yells, gripping the wheel and scans the squirrels to find Carrie whining and pacing back and forth. As another cannon ball is unloaded, Dawn gets on all fours and scampers over to Carrie, and hugs her close."Sssh...sweetie..quiet..this is a piece of cake..we'll be fin-"BOOM! a cannon hits her ship, crashing down the main pole. Thunder roars now, as dawn and Carrie scream. The pole breaks in half, and all of the squirrels dodge it as it collapses onto the ship, breaking a big portion of it. Without thinking, another one hits the side of the ship, causing a big hole. All of the squirrels were terrified and was panicking, running frantically left and right. "girls! GIRLS!!!" Dawn yells, stomping her foot down to get there attention. "We're going to have to go fully abrasive! Everyone grab swords!""W-what?!" Carrie gasps in surprise and terror. Dawn looks at her and kisses her lips. "Sweetie..hide in the deck..there's an emergency passageway I built..just snuggle in there, and I promise I will come back for you.." Dawn says.Carrie teared up and hugged her close. "I love you..."Dawn hugged her back and kisses her neck. "I love you too...now, go...we'll handle this.." She and the other girls run to the tip of the boat and take out the ropes. They swing it around there heads and throw it upwards to the remaining pole of what was left, and use it to swing across onto the black ship. Once there, they were shocked to discover that it was empty. Dawn scans the area and tip toes across, putting a finger to her lips at the girls, motioning them to be quiet. The Thunder roared again, which made dawn cringe."Thunder....you can quiet down yourself, too.." Dawn said in her head, while continuing to explore. Carrie meanwhile had found the secret compartment that dawn had mentioned, and sneaks herself inside. It wasn't exactly cozy, but it will have to do. There was a tiny window built into it as well, in which Carrie used to her full advantage to watch her lover. As dawn creeped through the seemingly empty ship, her confusion arose to who actually shot the cannons. Thinking that the intruders escaped, she peers over the ship at the water to see if they were swimming away. She sees

nothing but the moving waves. She rubs her chin and turns around to the girls to speak in a soft whisper. "Okay, girls..I don't see anybody here...we need to get back to the ship and focus on repairing it. Let's move." None of the squirrels reply. Instead, they were pointing behind her with shocked looks. Dawn quickly turns around to see a boot kick her straight in the face, knocking her on her back. Instantly, she springs back upwards, takes out her sword and grips on it tightly. Who kicked her falls to its feet in front of her, revealing itself to be a Rottweiler. The captain of the most cruel pirates of the entire east coast ocean. Captain Reaper. Her girls suddenly charge at him, but dawn stops them."No girls...I got this.." Dawn says, charging after reaper, yelling. She swings her sword, but reaper kicks her in the gut, making her gasp in pain and fall to her knees. Two of her girls jump on him, pouncing him to the ground. He quickly kicks them off, and two other Rottweilers jump down and grab there arms. They scream and try to kick out of reach, but the Rottweilers punch there heads ridiculously hard enough to knock them out. Dawn coughs heavily, and slowly stands back up to her feet, only to be kicked again in the gut, knocking her back down. More Rottweilers come out from there hiding places, which revealed them to be deep into the ship's core. There black suits had reflected with black color of the ship itself. Carrie screams and bangs onto the window in terror, watching her lover and her girls going down, and with her completely helpless. Reaper orders his men to raid dawns ship to steal and destroy. Dawn gasps and stands back up quickly."No you will not! My mate is on that ship! Just stop what your doing, you freak!" She screams. Reaper looks at her, and slowly pulls back his lips into a nasty snarl, and grips her throat. She coughs and strains, trying to kick away from him, but it was no

use. He was simply way too strong. He lifts her up higher and higher while it continues to thunder, now pouring rain. All the captured girls were knocked out by the Rottweilers as one of them tosses reaper a sword. Carrie's eyes widen and she suddenly becomes fueled with rage. She jumps out of the hiding place and yells out, "NOOOO!!!!"With one swipe, the reaper takes the sword, and slices it against dawns neck, fatally decapitating her. Her lifeless head falls onto there ship, with tons of blood squiring and shooting out from her neck stump. He takes out his knife and starts cutting into her right eye, and takes the eyeball out, letting it plop until the wooden floor. Carrie's heart shattered. She lets out a deafening scream that echos throughout the ocean. She falls to her knees, with tears streaming down her face. Behind her, the Rottweilers kick her down into the hiding place that dawn had made for her. With her sobbing uncontrollably hard still, she looks up at the Rottweilers who was smiling at her. She sniffles and utters the words, "..Kill me.."They in response, block her airway with a barrel. They jump back onto there own ship as they dispose of dawns body and head into the water. Reaper looked at his men and ordered them to shoot at the ship. They nod, lit the matches and begin shooting dawns ship with the cannon balls, breaking it apart. One of the balls breaks through Carrie's hiding place, and water begins to pour In. Still continuing to sob, she curls herself up in a ball and accepts her fate. The last thing she saw was a clear crystal blue, as she was sinking with the ship down to the deep ocean floor below. She sees dawns corpse floating trough it. With her last ounce of strength, Carrie places her hand on the window."..together forever.." Was her last words in her mind, as the life is sucked out of her, and closes her eyes, her vision retreating to darkness.The reapers turn there ship around and start heading north, keeping the squirrels. The reaper bends down and picks up dawns left eye that he had taken out from the severed head of dawn. He wipes it against his suit andtucks it into his pocket. Looking at the men, he nods at them. "Good work. Tie them up."To Be Continued..