CatDance #39 (Epilogue 1)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#48 of CatDance

We Always Hurt the Ones We Love

In which Ubergard reveals her attraction to K'rris, K'rris gets distracted, and Uber demonstrates that victory requires more than just good swordsmanship. Attention to details is paramount. K'rris IS paying attention to details, just not the detail that's about to kick him in the head.

| That evening, after much scrubbing, cleaning and carting of water, Ubergard met K'rris alone outside on the balcony.

"Thanks for coming up K'rris. I've been wanting to talk to you privately."

"Of course, Ubergard. What can I do for you?"

"It's about Udaran."

"Udaran? What about her?" | |

| "I understand you like her. A lot."

K'rris sighed. "Oh. That... I do. A lot. But she has no interest in me. I think she likes me fine, but that's all. We get along too but, it's kinda hard."

Ubergard looked at him. "I know it is, K'rris. I know it is." | |

| "Why do you ask?"

"You know, I've never been been very good with people. I know more about how to take their heads off than how to win their affection."

K'rris stayed silent, not sure what to make of this from Ubergard's normally stoic demeanor. | |

| "K'rris, I've learned a lot on this trip about myself. K'rris..."


"K'rris. I like_you_. A lot."

K'rris looked at her, uncomprehending. "Well, thank you Ubergard. And I, you. But I don't understand what that has to do with Udaran."

"Oh for god's sake K'rris. Do I have to spell it out for you clearer than_that_? K'rris, I want to be your lover. I LIKE you!" | |

| Understanding dawned slowly on the Khajiit. "Me? You like_me_?"

Ubergard laughed at him. "Yes, dammit! You! But this whole Udaran thing has me stuck. Do you think you could ever get over her? Do you think I... might be... of interest to you?" | |

| K'rris's mind swam. "I don't know Ubergard! I've never had anyone interested in me before."

"And this," she said, indicating the scars that would be there for the rest of her life. "Do they bother you?"

K'rris scoffed at that. "Uber, I'm a warrior. Scars are an aphrodisiac! You know that. You're a warrior too." | |

| "Well, I had to ask. Udaran certainly doesn't have any scars! But as for never having had someone interested in you, I am surprised. But you have one now. And I should warn you, I'm used to getting my way K'rris. But don't panic. Let's go on a date sometime. What do you say?" | |

| "I've never been asked on a date before either. Of_course_ Ubergard! I'd love go out with you! But... are we... compatible? I mean... physically? I don't know much really about Argonians. Hell, I don't really know that much about females in general, despite having worked in a Khajiit brothel. We didn't really... fraternize."

Ubergard shrugged her massive shoulders, while other massive things bounced in firm but pliant accord, which K'rris really noticed for the first time. Bounced... interestingly!

"Who knows? But it'll be fun to find out! And remember, I've seen you in the hot tub. I don't expect any real problems there. If you're willing to learn, so am I." she smiled. "But for now, how about a little sparring practice? Let's get this damn romantic stuff off our minds! Plenty of time for that later." | |

| And for the first time, K'rris watched the giant Argonian's movements with more than just martial interest. "Me?" he thought. "She likes_me_?" | |

| For her part, Ubergard noticed the distracted way K'rris parried her practice blows. He was quite good, and they'd long been sparring with their preferred weapons rather than blunted replacements, relying on the other to pull his attack at the last second. But this time it was as if he were trying his best, but his mind was on different things.

"I'll have to work that out of him," she thought. "A good guard can't be distracted by such things," she thought as she leapt unexpectedly into the air to deliver a kick rather than her blade. As she expected, he was watching other parts of her rather than her foot and he received it without grace. | |