Transformation Chapter 3

Story by Foreverwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Transformation

That morning, Nick put away more food than he thought humanly possible. Damien just kept giving him more and more food, then Nick just shoveled it in. "I'm going to gain a hundred pounds from all this!" Nick said after his third omelet and fourth pancake smothered in peanut butter and syrup.

"We get to go run it off later, not to mention the weight lifting. Last night was only the beginning of your training. That was for fine motor control, now we have major movements to learn" Damien said. "But don't worry, we should have a retest coming up tonight. So hurry up and finish so we can get started."

Nick was not training for any competition, or anything normal. He had grown many new muscles overnight and constantly found himself tripping or reaching to far and knocking things over. Nick had been scratched by a werewolf during sex. It wasn't the werewolf's fault really; Zander had just lost control and shifted accidentally. Now Nick had changed, not into a werewolf, but a fur. He was now a chocolate brown wolf with light brown paws and muzzle, but he stayed half human so he walked on two legs and spoke English.

His tutor was a another fur named Damien, he was a slim light red fox. They were alone; and were going to be for about a week as he learned to move properly. After that a werewolf named Mary would come back to check on them and help him set up his new life. Since they were alone, and had seen each other without clothing last night, they were both nude. Along with the fact that being unrestricted helped him learn quicker, they both enjoyed the view of the other's body. Damien was thin and agile; not muscular, but instead he was graceful as only a fur can be. Nick was on his way to being almost as graceful as him, but he-- as a wolf-- was already more muscular than the fox.

"As long as you are working out right beside me, you are not going to be the only one to enjoy the show" Nick said.

"You're just hoping to use it as an excuse to get us distracted, it might just work too" Damien replied with a sly grin. "You have yourself a deal, but we should probably wait until after our workout to start another workout."

Almost an hour later they headed into the gym to start their work out. They agreed to start on the treadmill to warm-up, then weights, then the indoor pool to cool down. The house they were living at was owned by a very wealthy person, one of the werewolf elders. They were both too distracted to last on the treadmill very long, they kept glancing at each other as they ran. Nick could not keep his eyes off Damien's swaying tail, he was so glad they decided to go without clothing. Nick looked at Damien more and more until he tripped and almost fell when he wasn't paying attention.

"Let's move on to weights, if we keep this up we will never get anything done." Nick said, spotting Damien's own partially exposed member before feeling his own through the fur covering his stomach. Weight lifting was actually hard enough for them that they stopped being distracted soon after starting on the various weights in the room. Nick loved the way his muscles moved now, sliding under the fur as he relished the feeling of his increased strength and endurance. Nick was able to do so much more than he ever could have before, and his claws helped and were never in the way; they were retractable because of his human origins. He paying too much attention to how his muscles moved and lost count of how many reps he had done.

Nick had switched to another exercise before Damien turned and said, "let's move on to swimming now." Nick could not wait, he wanted to feel the cool water against his fur. They ran over quickly and jumped in. Nick floated for a while before starting across to the other side and back. He had gone through a few laps before he turned and looked for Damien, Nick stood in the shallows with the water coming up to his chest to look for him. He could not see Damien anywhere, then he felt something brush against his leg just before he was yanked under the water. Nick came up sputtering before Damien came up from under the water and nipped at his neck before swimming away laughing. Nick chased after him, staying just behind him for several laps before they were both exausted.

They were both panting when they went to the showers. Nick sighed as the cool water ran down his fur, "Oh, that feels good. I don't think I've ever worked out so long in my life."

"And you probably won't ever again after you get used to your new body. Though you are getting much better, we may be able to cut your training short" Damien said.

"I may have to start messing up a little so we can get more training time with you" Nick joked before bringing up something that had been bothering him. "Seriously though, where am I going to go after I leave here? Wherever I go it will be a new place without anyone I know there to talk to or anything."

Damien was silent for a while before he said, "you can come stay with me if you want. I know my sister will force you to meet lots of new people if she finds out you are staying with me." He grinned before saying, "especially when she sees how cute you are."

Nick blushed and said, "I would love that, thanks. Though that means I don't have to hold back to get more time with you, now my goal is to be able to go home with you." Nick couldn't wait to see Damien's place.

"Well with how good you're doing you should be ready to go by the day after tomorrow" Damien said.

"Good, then let's go eat. What meal is it now?" Nick asked, then he checked the clock on the wall. "Whoa, we've been in there for longer then I thought. It's almost dinner time."

"Well, we have that stew that we started this morning. I'll go see if it is done if you go find a movie for us to watch." Damien strode off toward the kitchen, knowing that Nick was watching him go.

Nick headed into the living room and looked through the movies they had stocked up here. After a few minutes of searching he came up with something good, a bloody zombie movie. Nick never counted those as scary really, to him they were hilarious. They were always filled with fake blood and illogical dismemberment.

He was putting it into the DVD player when Damien came back with the bowls. They sat on the two-seater couch and ate while the opening credits rolled. They were done before the first death, bowls went to the coffee table and Damien went to Nick's lap. They curled up together with different reactions to the movie. Nick would laugh as blood shot thirty feet to hit the protagonist in the face while Damien would cringe and hold on to Nick a bit tighter. Not that Nick minded one bit, he just held on to Damien and enjoyed hemself. By the end of the movie they were as close as they could possibly be without things getting interesting. Nick looked down at the fox and licked him on the muzzle before saying, "Okay, it's over. You can release your death grip. However, if you want to hold on to me that badly, we can move into the bedroom for some fun." Nick grinned wide as Damien looked up and smiled at him.

"I don't know how you could laugh at that movie. There was blood everywhere!" Damien shuddered.

"Exactly, it was so fake that I had to laugh. No one can shoot blood that far!" Nick chucked.

"How 'bout we just go to our room and see how much you remember from last night?" Damien wanted to forget the movie, and he knew a perfect way to do that. They disentangled themselves from each other and went into the bedroom.

As soon as they got into the room, Nick knelt and carefully drew one of Damien's furry balls into his mouth and began to show how well he payed attention to the previous night's lesson. When Nick pulled his head back, both balls were slick with his saliva and Damien was fully erect. Nick licked along the underside of Damien's cock before slipping it into his mouth. As he worked his head up and down along the shaft, using his tongue expertly, Nick reached his paw around with his claws completely retracted and traced the edge of Damien's opening lightly. Damien twitched as his Nick penetrated him slowly with his finger. Once he had his entire finger inside, he drew out slowly then pushed in with two fingers. Each time he pulled out he added another finger. He was sliding in three fingers when Damien shuddered inside his mouth, his tail-hole convulsed around Nick's fingers and hot semen began to pour into Nick's mouth. Nick swallowed and sucked hard on Damien, forcing a moan from Damien and causing more cum to spill out of the member. Nick's own shaft began to pulse as his own oragsm shot cum onto Damien's leg and foot.

"I guess scary movies are not that bad" Damien said with a content smile. "And you paid attention very well, even though I have to go take another shower now that you got all this cum on my leg. Do you know how hard it is to get cum out of fur?"

Two days later Mary was there to set up Nick's new life. All she had said when they told her that Nick was moving in with Damien was "That makes things easier, we don't have to figure out where to send you." They had filled out multiple job applications and enrolled him in the college near where Damien lived. Which turned out to be Eugene, Oregon. All of his I.D. papers were done and would be ready for him as soon as he left. Now they sat there and quizzed him to make sure he remembered everything he needed for his new life.

"I am Korey, I am 21 years old and working on my psychology degree. I have no siblings, no parents, and just moved here to continue my degree." Nick, now Korey, rattled off the rest off his new information until they said he had it down well enough.

In the morning he would get on a plane to go halfway around the country to start his new life, but until then he would spend the night with his new lover in his arms. Korey was leaving his whole world behind and making a new life that promised to become so much more then his old life. He could not be happier if he tried.