A Friend In Need

Story by Gilian on SoFurry

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#6 of Rockfell

So to announce me getting a doberman character, and also to expand a bit more on the rockfell universe, I decided to write a story in regards to my shark character Alex and doberman Tyron. I hope you all enjoy!

A single coin toss.

It's something that seemed so easy, yet for Tyron is was the complete opposite. The doberman rubbed both sides of the quarter, feeling the grooves against his fingerpads as he sat in his freezing oldsmobile. The thick rocawear coat was enough to keep a lot of the winter chill that soaked into the car away, which helped.

Would help more, though, if he could just turn on his car without wasting the last bit of his gas. He sighed and looked out the fog-covered window. He was in front of an apartment complex on the west side of Rockfell, Riverside region. It was more so known for college students than anything else, and the place had apartments for days.

Though the parking lot of the complex he was in had... seen better days. The paint on the door frame was flaking off from years of neglect, and the pieces of the brick building had been chipped away. The parking lot was also not in the best shape, with potholes that made a canine want to avoid them as if his life depended on it.

Especially for Tyron.

With no job, home, and no family to call his own, his car was pretty much his lifeline. Along with a single quarter. Even under the soft amber light from the doorway of the apartment, he could still see the bags under his dark brown eyes in the rearview mirror.

Things were looking up for him a few months back. He had just finished culinary school, something that was odd to see a dobie do. Most doberman's were found working as bouncers, police, construction workers, and anything else that requires getting their hands dirty outside of the kitchen. Even his friends to family got on his case about how stupid an idea it was. However, he loved to cook, and he truly could throw down in the kitchen. Even his mom, who was one of the people who tried to persuade him to do something more 'masculine' couldn't cook as well as he did.

He should have seen that as an interlude for what was to happen next.

Clenching the coin, he breathed out heavily. "I should have just listened and I wouldn't be in this shit." He said to himself. He didn't want to think about the fight with his folks, or the strange ache he felt in his ear from the missing piece his brother bit out of it. He especially didn't want to think of the way his own mother screamed "I don't have a faggot as a son".

Yeah, that was a memory that, if he could bury away, he'd have done it in a heartbeat. However, it was like a never-ending nightmare that constantly played in his dreams and while he was awake. He had no family to go back to, because nothing stays hidden from the Kabel family, and he decided to burn all bridges with them. The so-called friends he had all up and walked out on him, 'cause they couldn't be associated with a gay doberman, so he decided to cut them out of his life.

He had no time for those that didn't care for what and who he was. The petty things that everyone put him through had pissed him off and hurt him, badly. Still, he didn't want to let anything hold him down. Never had, never would. The only people he would give a damn about would be those that looked out for his well-being. And the only real support he had was a college mate of his, Alex. The shark whose apartment he was sitting out in front of, and the guy he was afraid to meet up with.

After the big argument with his folks, he had came to him to vent, and to get bandaged up after getting into a fight with his brother. At the time, Alex had been nice enough to ask him to stay with him, and Tyron being who he was, instantly jumped the gun and had told the shark he didn't need the pity treatment. Which, he had to admit, wasn't the smartest move he had made. After he stormed out of Alex's place he had met up with Miky, a raccoon who he had been getting close to and decided to stay with. He had thought it made more sense to stay with the guy since they had talked about dating versus Alex who at the time he felt was just pitying him. Until he found out how wrong he was about the Miky a few months after dating.

He licked his lips and placed the coin on his thumb. "Heads I call Alex up and... see what he says. Tails, I pussy out and try and just live out of my car." He flipped the coin and for a brief second it felt like his entire life flipped with it. When it landed on the palm of his hand his nose naturally scrunched up, then relaxed. "Heads... time to own up." He got out of the car and grabbed the book bag that was sitting on the passenger seat, along with his phone.

The crisp sound of snow crunching beneath his paws was the only thing that Tyron heard in the middle of the night. It was Monday, a little past 1:00 AM, and even the most dedicated party-goers were trying hard to play catch up on their studies. Also, if anyone could help it, no one truly wanted to be outside in the Rockfell winter. Even though the snow had lessened, the wind had not. Not even the huge rocawear coat could keep him from shivering.

Stepping up onto to the apartment, Tyron took one last breath as he pressed the buzzer for Alex's apartment. He didn't have to wait long, thankfully, before a groggy yet attractive "who the hell is it" came from the other side of the speaker.

"Alex, it's me. Tyron. Open up the damn door, I'm freezing my nub off over here," he said.

"Tyron? What the hell, why didn't you just call me? I'm coming out, hold on for a second!"

"Wait, don't forget to--" the speak dropped and Tyron groaned. "To open up the damn door." He rubbed his nose as he stared at the glass door. The tension he felt in his neck had eased up dramatically at the rush in Alex's voice. At least that showed that he didn't fuck up as bad as he had thought he done.

For once.

His ears perked up as he heard several loud thuds coming from the upper floors. It didn't take too long before he saw two pair of dark blue legs coming down the stairs, followed by bright orange boxer briefs. Tyron's ears dropped as he saw Alex turning around the corner and down the last flight of stairs. There was a hint of worry on his face, while all Tryon felt was the need to turn around and walk back to his car, and pretend he didn't know the shark that blatantly strutted around in a public apartment complex in nothing but his draws. "Tyron, get your black ass in here. It's cold as fuck!" Alex shuddered as he opened up the door.

"You're the one that left me out here hanging in this shit!" Tyron rolled his eyes and stepped in. "Also what in god's name made you think it was okay to walk around in your boxers like you own the place?"

The shark shrugged, but it showed in his eyes that he seemed to ease up a lot more after seeing that the doberman was fine. "What, it's not like I'm some fat slob. I think I look good enough to be able to strut about the place."

Tyron's ears flicked as he hated to admit that the shark was right. The shark was a few inches taller than Tyron, and was a tank. Back in school, the guys always loved to tease Alex that his dad was definitely no thresher shark. He had broader shoulders than most of the guys on the football team and his biceps and triceps were twice the size of Tyron's, and he was no skinny little twink. There had to be some great white in his family history 'cause no blue shark, nor thresher that Tryon had seen had ever gotten as swollen before. Still, he also wished Alex could have a little shame. "Whatever. I just want to get up to your room and relax."

The smile vanished from Alex's face as he placed his hand on the doberman's shoulder. "You got it, bud. But tell me, what happened?"

"Tell you upstairs." Was all Tyron said before following after Alex. The blue shark lived up on the fourth floor, towards the back end. It was away from the noise and the window view gave a nice look out towards the river that was a few miles away. Alex's apartment wasn't that big, but a lot better than the dorms. It was also a lot cleaner, which reminded the doberman how much he got tired of hearing the shark bitch about how messy his roommate was. Which explained why he no longer lived there.

Tyron kicked off his shoes and tossed his coat onto the back of the chair. "I see you haven't change up the place like you said you would," he said before taking a seat on the velvet couch.

"Nah, I decided against it since I'm hoping to get the hell out of here and move closer to the casino. Making damn good money as a dealer over there. Also, I hate wasting so much gas and dealing with the traffic." Alex said, closing the door before taking a seat right beside the dobie.

"Hella expensive out there. Sure you can afford it?" Tyron asked.

Alex shrugged, then paused before looking over to the doberman. "So tell me what happened. You look like shit."

The dobie sighed. "Looks like you were right about Mikey."

"I know I was. Just like I was right when I told your dumb ass not to open your mouth to your parents about you liking dick." He swatted playfully at Tyron shoulder.

Tyron rolled his eyes. "You can tone that shit down." Alex stuck his tongue out at the dobie, but his hand never left Tyron's shoulder as it simply rubbed it, calming him down. "But yeah. You were right. The asshole pretty tried to make me into his little bitch boy and I wasn't for that."

"I figured as much. That raccoon has a shitty reputation in the gay community for baiting poor sobs and getting them kicked out after coming out. Most of which either end up in a worst position, or he ends up trying to rope them into staying with him to pretty much wait on his every need. It's why so many guys keep away from him," Alex said.

Tyron nodded. "Oh, I see that now. Though I'm sure he'll think twice next time if he tries that bull shit."

A smirk appeared on the blue shark's face. "What the hell did you do to him?"

"What do you think? I decked him in the throat and tossed him across the room. Then I got out before he had a chance to call the police," the doberman said.

The moment the words escaped his lips, Alex busted out laughing and slapped Tyron shoulder so hard he tilted over slightly. "I figured that shit would have happened! I bet a buddy of mine that knew the little fucker that if he showed his true colors, you wouldn't put up with it." Alex wrapped his arm up around the dobie's neck and pulled him up to his chest. "So I take it you're going to take me up on my offer then?"

Tyron eased up from the warmth of Alex's chest against his back. "If you don't think I'll be a burden."

"Tyron, I told you, you're not a bother. A bit dense and hard headed, but then again you doberman tend to be," Alex smiled as Tyron cocked his brow, "which isn't a bad thing."

"Can I stay or can't I Alex?" Tyron asked.

The shark nodded his head and gave that playboy smirk that he was known so well for back in college. "Of course you can. Just, don't do that shit too much." He pointed to the coat on the chair and his shoes sprawled out on the floor.

The doberman snorted disapprovingly, but that didn't stop him from turning around and wrapping his arms around the sharks neck. "Thank you so fucking much. I'm a fucking retard..."

Alex chuckled and pulled Tyron onto his lap, which he didn't resist. "Nah you're fine. I know you hate hiding away who or what you are. When it came to your love of cooking, and also when it came to being gay, you didn't hide it from anyone. That's something I can look up to. Also something I couldn't imitate, but hey."

Tyron punched playfully at Alex chest. "So says the big, hunky shark."

"Who apparently is hungry. Mind cooking up some food?" There was a glow of hope in the shark's eyes.

"Tomorrow. Today I'm truly fucking exhausted and I need some sleep and a shower." Tyron chuckled at the dispirited sigh from Alex before getting up on his feet.

"You're killing me smalls." The shark got up and stretched. "Speaking of which, how long since you left asshole McGee place?" "Three days now." Tyron answered, honestly.

Alex stiffened up almost instantly and glared at the doberman, who could only shrug his shoulders. "Are you serious? Where have you been staying at since then?"

"In my car."

"Tyron! Why didn't you come over sooner? Or went to a coworker's place?" Alex asked.

The doberman could only sigh. "I lost my job two weeks ago. Stupid shit. I don't want to talk about it."

Alex's nose twitched as if he smelled the bullshit that was coming out of Tyron's mouth. However, he didn't bother to explain. If he did, it would only piss Alex off more because after his fight with his brother, the shark already wanted to go bash his face in. If he was to know that Tryon's brother came into Subway and dragged Tyron into a screaming match which got him fired for misconduct then he doubted he could stop Alex from leaving to fight his brother.

"Fine. I won't pry," Alex scratched the back of his head fin, "since you don't have a job, I'll get you one at the Casino. We are in need of a security guard at the moment. It'll get you in the door, then afterwards maybe you can work some connection and get in the back of one of the restaurants inside."

Tyron's ears perked up. "Are you serious?"

"The boss man likes me, and so do a lot of folks and customers. I've got some connections so don't stress it." Alex gave him a thumbs up.

That was some amazing news for Tyron! There was a light at the end of the tunnel and if not for wanting to keep his image, he'd have jumped up into the shark's arms and hugged him senseless. "Bruh, you're the best! When do you think you can talk to them?"

"Tomorrow. Same day you cook me some damn good food!" Alex laughed.

"Fine, I'll make you whatever you want," Tyron said with a smile.

Nodding his head, Alex pointed down the hallway. "Alright. The bathroom is down the hallway, last up front. The second room doesn't have a bed yet so we can share a bed or you can sleep on the couch."

"I take it you want me in the bed?" Tyron cocked his head.

The shark grinned shamelessly. "Is that without question? I always wanted to get a taste of that nub of yours since college."

A shudder ran through Tyron as he felt his sheath thicken. Instead of saying anything, he simply turned around and walked down the hallway, his nub wagging happily. Even though he didn't have as sharp a hearing as most felines, he could still hear the muffled 'mmmphm' coming from the shark before he closed the door. The bathroom wasn't that big, enough to walk around and to have a small tub, but it wasn't anything fancy. Taking off his clothes, the dobie tossed them on top of the toilet seat before turning on the shower.

Nothing seems to change with that shark. Tyron thought to himself as he walked over to the mirror to wait for the water to heat up. Three sleepless nights in his car really had taken a toll on him. The dark tan fur that etched up from under his muzzle to the edge of his eyes, had a duller shade to it. Hell, his pitch black fur coat didn't truly carry the shine it used to have. Then again, he wasn't sure if that was from being cramped up in the car without really eating anything for the past few days, or just from the stress of everything piling up on him.

His eyes shifted to the glint of the silver bar in his left ear, the same one that his brother took a nice chunk out of. At least he had to give Mikey one good point: It was his idea to get the bar in the same ear he got bit. Not to pretty it up, but just so it brought people's attention to it. He didn't want to feel ashamed of his decision or the fuck ups he made in his life. So he wanted to show them off with pride. His scars, his accomplishments, all of them made him who he was.

Even if it hurted like hell to go through it all.

Still, I need to hit the gym more. He brought his thoughts back to Alex. Compared to the shark, he didn't have the abs, the pecs, or pretty much anything. He wasn't some push over of course, he still had a nice lean frame that showed off some muscles underneath his short coat of fur. Then again, it had been a while since he had hit the gym. Even though he didn't have a belly on him, he still lost his six pack, which he definitely hoped to get back soon. Guess I'll be hitting the gym with Alex in the future. God only knows he is going to try and work me to death.

He shook his head, but he couldn't help but feel that much more at ease. It really had been a bit too long since he actually had such 'pleasant' thoughts. Nothing about how to get by day to day, or the death threats that he got from some of his family members he had forgotten to block. His stub wagged a bit as he went over and tested out the water before changing the temp a bit as he got into the shower.

For a moment he didn't even bother to wash himself. Instead, he just wallowed in the heat of the water, letting it soak through his fur and against his skin. "Mmm, god, nothing beats a damn good shower." He grabbed up a bottle of body wash and lathered up his paws and kneaded his fingers into his fur and down to his sheath. He gave a little more attention to that area as he rubbed the soap around his sack and against the length of his sheath.

A soft gasp escaped his lips as he gave himself a light squeeze and bucked into his own paw. The tip of his cock popped at the small stimulation. "Mmff."

A quick knock rapped against the door, startling Tyron to drop the soap and curse as the bathroom door opened up. "You're taking your sweet time in there. You know, the hot water doesn't run forever."

Tyron tugged the curtains back and glared at the shark. "I was only in here for a little bit, you ass."

"Uh-huh. Well I guess I can't blame you for losing track of time." Alex's eyes ran across the dobie's frame, only to stop at the tip of his pink cock. "Need a little help?"

Tyron huffed and his eyes dropped to the soap on the tub and looked back up at Alex who had his arms crossed. "If you want, you can start by getting over here and picking up the soap for me." The doberman smirk.

"Still bossy I see." Alex snickered and yanked down his underwear.

The doberman ears perked up at the sight. Outside of Alex, he had only slept with three other guys, and Alex was the only one with such a banging hot body and also a slit. His sheath started to become more swollen as he stepped back into the the raining hot water to let Alex get into the tub. The moment the curtains were closed, the blue shark was on his knees, his arms wrapped around Tyron's waist and his lips pressed against the head of the canine's shaft.

A low husky groan rumbled up from Tyron as he reached down and stroked his hand against Alex's head fin. The shark's soft lips kissed and suckled at the doberman's tip, quickly coaxing out his full length. "Mmm such an eager boy we got here." Alex chuckled and licked from the sheath up the underside of the doberman's shaft.

"Arf, you damn tease." Tyron shuddered as a second, then a third lick pressed against his fully hardened shaft. He spread his legs out to allow the shark better access as he watched Alex work those skillful lips down towards his sac. A wave of heat wrapped around his hanging orbs, making the dobie's tongue hang out from the side of his muzzle. He had completely forgotten about the water beating on his back as his only focus was the way the blue shark twirled his tongue around one ball to the other before taking them both into his mouth.

The blue shark gave a low hum as he pulled away from Tyron's slobber-covered sack, licking it like he would a sucker. The doberman's butt clenched as Alex fingers trailed down the cleft of his ass, causing him to buck up to his muzzle. A long drawn out inhale came from the shark as Alex slipped his snout underneath Tyron's sack. "God damn, you smell fucking tasty." Tyron gulped as he watched the shark's tail swish up against the wall. "You should let me take a quick lick of that little tight hole of yours."

"Why is it that you always want to eat me out?" Tyron asked.

"Because it's fun, and I love the feeling of someone squeezing around my tongue as much as I do my cock. Come on. Just this once,. If you don't like it we won't do it again. I promise." Alex grinned.

Tyron wrinkled up his nose. He never understood why anyone could get into putting their tongue on an asshole. It just didn't seem right, but since Alex seemed to ask him 'every time' they fooled around, and he was helping out of a bind, Tyron only shook his head and turned around. A low happy grunt came from behind as the doberman felt two firm palms placed on his ass. "You'll enjoy it. Trust me." Alex's breath caressed the dobie's cheeks before they split apart.

"Mmph!" Tyron's back arched the moment Alex's tongue lapped up against his pucker. It was like his nerves jolted awake, making his hole squeeze the moment the blue shark's tongue slipped inside. Tyron wasn't able to hold back from moaning as Alex wrapped his arm around his waist to pull the dobie ass back against his muzzle. His cock throbbed under the assault of the shower, and his toes curled up each time Alex shoved his tongue inside.

Tyron wasn't too much into fingering; it felt nice to have someone rub his hole, but didn't do much for him, and getting dicked down felt damn good if the mood hit. However, the way Alex suckled at his hole, and how loud he was when he slurped at the dobie's hole, was downright blissful. Tyron's eyes snapped open when the blue shark wrapped his webbed fingers around his cock and he reached back to grab Alex by the head. "Holy fuck! Don't stop!" He groaned and spread his legs further apart. He even tried to angle his back a bit more to allow the shark to shove his tongue deeper inside.

"Mmm, told you you'd like it." Alex smirked and nipped at the dobie's nub. Sparks flashed in his eyes and his fingers dug harder into the back of the shark's head. The shark nipped at the underside of Tyron's nub, then his ass, and finally went back to tongue fucking his hole. Each little bite made the doberman buck and squirm into the shark's paws.

Though, the moment that Alex palm twisted around his sensitive tip, Tyron knees nearly gave out on him. "Rrrrfff, fuuuuuck me." Tyron moaned, his tongue out and his head buried under the shower water. His body was a twitching mess, and he was sure he was going to cum from the combination of the shark's mouth and his hand.

"Now that's an invite I can't decline." Alex growled and spat on the dobie's hole, making him wiggle his hips. "Knew you'd have a tasty ass. All you nub butts have one."

Tyron shook his head and breathed out heavily before turning off the water. "Yeah. I'm glad to hear. Now hurry up and get that dick inside of me." He glanced back at Alex.

The blue shark had the biggest smirk on his face as he got out of the shower and over to the bathroom cabinet, where he pulled out a bottle of lube. At the sight of the little black bottle, Tyron's hips instantly wiggled and a low growl of impatience escaped his throat, which made Alex's lips perk up more. "Such an impatient pup." He chuckled and snapped the bottle open.

The scent from the lube made the dober's nub wag more as Alex's fingers rubbed the cold liquid against his slobber-covered taint. A shudder coursed up Tyron's spine as soon as the fingers were replaced with Alex thick, black, ridge-covered cock. "I never heard you complain." Tyron licked his lips, his eyes locked onto the shark's shaft.

A loud thump came from Alex as his tail slapped happily at the side of the tub. He took hold of Tyron's shaft with his free paw while guiding his cock with the other. "I'd be an idiot if I did, dobie," he said before prodding his cock into the doberman's pucker. Although he was prepared, that didn't stop the doberman from wincing at the slight sting of his hole being stretched open around the thick length.

Still, that didn't stop him from pushing all the way back. "Mmmm." He whimpered lightly as he bit his bottom lip. For a moment Alex didn't bother to move, keeping his hips nestled right up against the doberman's ass. Which was perfect. Tyron needed to get used to his length, especially since he hadn't taken a guy as big as the shark since their last fuck.

Taking a deep breath he wiggled his hips back against the shark's hips, earning him a soft moan from his friend. The corners of his lips perked up as he felt the shark squeezing the base of his shaft. Grunting, he bit the bottom of his lip as Alex started to work his hips back and forth. "Ffffuck, you're still tight as ever pup!" Alex panted against the doberman's neck, nuzzling and nipping at it.

Tyron didn't bother to say anything as his entire attention was the nerve tingling sensation of those ridges grinding up against his inner walls. His toes curled up when the shark pulled all the way out, only to shove his cock back in without needing to guide it. A talent of Alex that Tyron truly loved. His heart beat slammed hard into his chest as he felt like a bitch in heat. The faster Alex pumped his hips against his ass, the louder he moaned.

Reaching around, he grabbed the shark by the ass, pushing him harder against him. He arched his leg up on the side of the tub just to feel that ridge-covered cock of Alex diving deep inside of him. "That's it, like that! Don't stop fucking my tight little hole!" He gasped as Alex brought his free paw up to the doberman's throat, adding a soft squeeze to it.

The slight lack of air made Tyron's eyes roll in the back of his head. His fingers squeezed the shark's ass as he worked his hips back to match the tempo of those loud, wet slaps that came with each thrust. A deep growl rumbled up from Alex's chest as his palm worked down from the doberman's cock over to his nicely formed knot. "Mmmph!" Tyron's teeth digged into his lip harder as his eyes snapped shut.

"What's wrong, puppy? Getting close, huh?" Alex nipped at Tyron's shoulders, making him gasp louder. "Want to cum? Cum with me, huh, puppy?"

"Yes. Come on, fuck the cum out of me. Fuck me harder!" Tyron demanded as he slammed his ass back. He clenched as hard as he could, causing the shark to moan louder than even he was. The sharp ragged breath told Tyron how close Alex was, which only made him squeeze tighter.

Finally, the shark bit down, hard, onto the doberman's neck. His humps became short and heavy as his body shuddered from growling in ecstasy. With his tongue lolled out from the side of his muzzle, Tyron nestled his ass back on the shark, panting as he felt Alex's cock throbbing inside of him, filling him up with his seed. "Awr, that's it, breed my hole sharky. I want every last drop of your cum in me." Tyron wiggled a bit as he milked Alex's shaft, loving the way the shark whimpered and bit at his neck.

"Shit, I remember why I love fucking with you, dobie." Alex panted, and kissed his neck before tightening his grip on the dobermans knot. A loud whimper broke past Tyron's lips as he felt himself getting closer. "Now I would love to see you nut all over my bathroom walls. The same way I did in your hole."

"Rrrrr!" Tyron moaned out loud as a stream of his seed rocket out from his cock, coating the shower walls with his white, hot spunk. Shaking, the doberman pulled his foot off the bathtub edge before leaning back heavily into the shark's arms. "God damn. That was much needed," he said with his eyes closed.

All he could hear was a chuckle from the shark followed by a warm kiss against his own lips. "A raccoon can't fuck a dobie the way a shark can."

"Mmm, who said he fucked me? I'm a switch, sharky. Keep that in mind." Tyron nuzzled up to the shark's chin.

"You say that all the time," Alex said.

Opening his eyes, he saw Alex looking down at him, a lingering lust still shined in his gaze. "Because we both know that I'm not going to be your little power bottom all the time."

"Like how you finally stopped being a pansy and let me eat you out?" The shark cocked his head.

Tyron shrugged and squeezed his ass, causing the blue shark to gasp. "That's right. Besides, I'll be living with you for a while. I got the time to wait you out."

Glaring down playfully, Alex kissed the doberman on his lips. "I hope for a long time at that."

Tyron blinked at Alex. "Oh? I thought you hated having roommates."

"You're an exception." Alex smiled.

"Is that the reason you kissed me, although you normally hate it?" The doberman's nub wagged.

The shark shrugged and kissed Tyron again. "Mmm, maybe. So where are you sleeping tonight?"

"Do you need to ask?" Tyron smacked the shark on his ass which made Alex yelp. "Get your ass out of here and get the bed ready for me."