Sword of St. Michael #13

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#43 of Sampson and Devilah

Into Hell

In which Sampson makes a decision, concludes his business with Keerava, and prepares to join Devilah in Hell.

It's likely this will be the last update till after Christmas, and the breakneck pace of these updates will get back to a normal level. Or not! Climax approaching now though, if that wasn't already apparent.

| Sampson had an idea. He wasn't terribly intelligent or wise, but when it came to this sort of thing, he was first-rate. And this was fast becoming something that his talents were useful for.

He knew he'd have to come to grips with the whole succubus thing, but as he looked at Devilah, he realized that his feelings hadn't changed for her, and weren't likely to ever do so.

"I'm coming with you." | |

| "To Hell?!" Devilah protested. "Sampson, you'll be a living person in Hell! It would be like dropping red meat to the hellhounds! You wouldn't last 10 minutes down there!"

"I don't have to. We're just grabbing the sword and leaving after all. In and out. No one will be expecting us right? We'll be gone before they can even notice us. But I'm coming with you." | |

| Devilah saw the gleam in his eye and knew better than to argue. "Ok Sampson, but I don't think it's a good idea."

"When shall we go?"

"Well, let's go back and get something to eat first. Then we can go. I'll make the portal right to the cave where I left the sword. They can't touch it, so it's got to still be there." | |

| Sampson nodded his agreement, then looked at her wings.

"Oh. Yeah. Best get back into character," Devilah said as she dispelled the wings.

"How do you do that?" Sampson asked, feeling the fur along her shoulder blades and detecting no sign of anything.

Devilah giggled, "Hey! That tickles! I've no idea. It's just natural to me. I suppose it's all part of magical evolutionary biology. A disguise mechanism. I need to look like what attracts my prey."

Sampson said, "What?"

"Nevermind." | |

| Back in the Bee and Barb, Sampson and Devilah were talking with Keerava.

"Oh, don't worry about that Sampson. Consider your tab paid. You haven't cost me anything but a bed and some food," Keerava was saying in hushed tones.

"And a ton of booze," he corrected.

"And a sword," Devilah added. | |

| "Well, yeah. Tell you what. If you ever come into a ton of gold, send me back some! And you will I suspect."

"I'll consider it a debt. Thank's Keerava. For everything," Sampson said before giving her a big hug. She practically squawked in surprise at the unexpected informality." | |

| "Geeze Sampson! Lighten up! My patrons will think I'm a pushover softie!"

"Oh patrons be damned, you're a fine woman Keerava. I hope Talen-Jai knows what he's getting." | |

| "That puppy dog? I'll have him licking my ass within a week of the marriage. But what about you two? Where are you going?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Like I said, we may be back soon, or we may be gone for good. I wanted to settle our affairs here before we left."

Keerava looked at Devilah suspiciously, but Devilah just returned her gaze and shrugged. | |

| "Do you know what you're doing Sampson? This one... there's something strange about her."

"Why, didn't you like the orgy?" Sampson said nonchalantly.

Keerava fairly choked and Sampson was about to pat her back before she recovered herself.

"You... (cough) You know about that?"

"Yes Keerava. I know about that. And other things as well. I know what I'm doing, but it's nice of you to be concerned. We have..." he stammered looking at Devilah, "Shall we say, an unusual relationship." | |

| "Well, far be it from me to interfere!" Keerava said, looking back at Devilah. "I'm... surprised. Devilah, you're an interesting person. But I'm happy to know you two are... honest with each other now anyway. But do keep it a secret. We don't want that story to get around."

"No problem. Well Devilah, are you ready to go?"

"Yes please. It's getting late and if we screw up the timing... It would be bad."

"Goodbye Keerava."

"Good luck. To both of you... I guess," she said, giving Devilah a nod of grudging acceptance. | |

| They walked out of the tavern. "Where?" Sampson asked.

"Anywhere that people can't see us is fine. Over there."

And with that Devilah opened a portal to Hell. | |