I Feel Warmth

Story by Stathgar on SoFurry

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This is just something I wrote for my own enjoyment but I thought I'd post it here too. Very short, and kind of abstract in a way with little physical detail and mostly thought. If you are underage or a homophobe, you shouldn't be reading this; please go somewhere else.

I lay semi-content in the bathtub, water satisfyingly soaked into my fur, but empty in the cold space of being alone. "It's okay," I tell myself, "there are other ways to feel pleasure in life." Feeling that the water is losing its warmth as well, I lean toward the knobs when I notice the tip of a tail, barely visible past the edge of the door frame. Instinctively covering my private areas with my paws, I yell, "Who's there?" The tail pulls out of sight, soon replaced by the emerging form of a tall gray wolf. As soon as his head clears the door frame, his eyes find and meet mine and my recognition is confirmed. "Jake..." I barely voice the name. "What are you doing here? How did you get in?" His eyes dart down straight to the floor before his low and nervous reply comes:

"I've got to confess to you. I noticed where you had hidden your spare house key when I dropped you off here almost a month ago. I've had a terrible crush on you and my curiosity got the better of me. I was waiting for you to get out to tell you; I only came here today to confess that I've been here before."

"Oh God, Jake, you've been watching me? How many times have you been here?"

"Three times."

I have to stop and think before I can say anything more, but in the meantime I reach for a towel and he turns away. I stand up cautiously and wrap it around my lower body before stepping out of the tub and looking again at my friend, Jake. Secretly I thought I might have had a bit of a crush on him as well but I would certainly not be so daring. Can I take the opportunity and tell him so we can both have what we want? Or is there something so morally wrong here that I should be angry? He broke into my house, three times, and I didn't notice. I feel cold, inside and out as water drips from me.

Before my mind can choose, my body makes the choice and I find myself walking toward him. I feel his warmth being wrapped in my arms, and soon his arms wrapped around me as well. His clothes, absorbing some of my wetness, seem only to be in the way, as does the towel hanging heavy with water at my waist. My paws find ways to undo them all and drop them to the floor. I look up to meet his eyes again, and as his bewildered expression melts away into a blissful pleasure, I find the coldness in me, too, being melted away with a deep warmth.

Motion comes, loving motion pouring fluid-like from all parts of my wet-fur-covered body. Paws rub against backfur, chestfur against chestfur, legs and tails, until the motion carries us to my bed. My eyes locked into his, all else becomes one sensation of pure satisfying pleasure. Love and lust I feel, as these new emotions fill me. I feel cured, I feel right on a level I never have before, as if I had found the missing piece of my life that I never knew I would find. This must be it. He must be the missing piece in my life. All at once, I want forever. It is a surreal yet powerfully clear sensation, rushing through me.

Motion pulls at my awareness, rough motion. I feel our bodies, feel the act of mating with excitement, my throbbing maleness thrusting repeatedly inside him, and then with an intense outburst of all the feeling of both physical urges and new-found emotions, I feel my release. I let loose a howl with all the strength of my lungs, and hear it mixing in harmony with another howl of the same powerful emotion. As I lie there catching my breath, I feel yet another wet sensation spread onto me, but not a cold wetness like before. I feel warmth.

Suddenly, my head bumps the side of the tub as I jerk to awareness. I must have dozed off, daydreaming again. "A shame," I mutter to myself, "I'd never be so lucky or so forward in real life."

"Oh? Well then, perhaps I will be," Jake's voice replies from behind the curtain.