The Boneheap, Part 8 - The Heat Club

Story by interloper on SoFurry

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#8 of The Boneheap


That, ultimately, was the sentiment that her mind settled on, after a few moments of flashing between panic and desperation and lust and the most awful sort of feminine weakness that heat was capable of bringing about.

She was sick of it all. Sick of being a woman. Sick of having to feel what she was feeling.

What she really wanted to do, in that moment, was to just say fuck it. Give Douchebag McWolf-face the finger, give those other jerks the finger, heck, even flip the bird at her delusional, heated, so-called friends - and considering one of them was the bastard who'd actually tried to get her gang-raped a few days before... seriously, fuck them all. Just walk out of there, walk out on the stupid heat club, the boneheap, her job, her life... heck, she'd be more than happy to walk out of her own stupid female fur. Of course, then she'd just be a pile of bones, like the damn thing that got her into this mess in the first place.

But then again, she wasn't the boneheap. She couldn't just walk through the wall, or fade into the background, or phase out of the dominant wolf's perverted embrace. She was stuck there, resolutely female, flooded with hormones, wracked with desperation. Even if she could escape the man's arms, the heat would surely keep her chained firmly to that depressing fate. No matter what, there was only one possible outcome at that point. She was going to be fucked, again and again and again, until the fucking awful thing that was heat had had its fill. And it was that horrible sense of inevitability, of forced surrender, that more than anything else sent a burst of renewed rage flooding through her.


No, she wasn't going to just give in. Not to her stupid, weak knees. Not to heat. Not to the boneheap, which was probably lurking somewhere around, watching from the shadows to see just how easily she would succumb and be used. But that wasn't who she was. Sure, she wasn't exactly feeling much hubris or competence at the moment - both of those had been dashed, for the time being, when she'd been so careless that even the inept, blitzing chump that was Velasco had managed to take her without resistance. But at the same time... she might have to take the name, for now, but she wasn't just some bitch named Gianna. Maybe all that was left, for now, was just a sordid collection of memories, but... dammit! She was Giancarlo, somehow, and whatever other characteristics the bastard might have had, the one thing he didn't do was let someone have that kind of power over him.

Heat was a tough opponent, for sure, but... even trapped in this form, she'd fought back. She'd outrun and out-thought danger on that first fraught, terrifying night. She'd survived everything that Jonah and that other fucking demon had thrown at her, and even, somehow, shrugged off another couple of would-be rapists to boot. She'd even slipped out of a near-guaranteed gang rape, and the pathetic asshole who'd arranged it was now a cute little corgi bitch in a shiny silver teddy who, from the looks of it, was in a matter of minutes going to be absolutely plowed by the german shepherd glancing lasciviously at her. Heat or not, she was stronger than that, and there was no way she was going to just give in. Not here, not now, not after all the crap she'd just been through. It was true that, whatever happened, it was certain to end up with her spade being pounded, and she was more than well aware of the things heated sex could make her do once she and a guy were fully engaged, but... fuck it. Inevitable or not, if it was going to happen, it was going to happen the way she wanted it to.

Of course, that was easier said than done, for sure. Her mind had certainly chosen its course of action, but her body was in a different space entirely, and wasn't particularly willing to play along. Her legs wanted to buckle and let her sag in against the wolf's strong chest. Her stupid spade was more than happy to let his bulge probe at it, in anticipation of something even more intimate. No part of her wanted to do anything more than succumb to the sensations that the man was obviously more than willing to provide... but there was a part of her stubborn enough that she wasn't going to give up, even if it meant fighting herself as much as it did him.

It took just about every ounce of focus and determination she could muster, but she managed to bring her arms up, leaden and enervated as they felt, to place her palms against the man's fuzzy chest - providing some separation between them, meager as it was, enough to get her muzzle away from his fur, to back off even slightly the overwhelming sense of his musk. Then, with a marginally clearer head and every last drop of resolve that was left, she tensed her arms and shoved back against his chest as hard as she could.

She honestly thought that it wouldn't do any good - her already diminutive feminine muscles, weakened further by her heated desperation, surely wouldn't be able to break the man's grasp, and in all likelihood he would simply redouble his grasp, draw her back in, and grind himself relentlessly against her swollen spade until her body took over and gave in entirely. In fact, she was downright surprised when the man released his grip in almost immediate response, and while the shove didn't cause him to lose his solid footing, it sent her stumbling back a couple of steps before she regained her own stance, unsteady as it might have been.

She looked up, expecting to see... what? Anger, or determination, or one of those lecherous, domineering smiles on the man's face as he closed back in to toy with his prey. Instead, to her absolutely astonishment, the solid, masculine-looking wolf was looking back at her with an expression that actually resembled concern.

"You... are in heat, right? 'Cuz that's not the way someone in heat usually responds to that kind of appreciation..."

"Appreciation? Are you fuckin' kidding me?"

"Yeah, that's what appreciation looks like. Women in heat don't tend to like guys who make them wait, especially coming to a place like this..."

Gianna sighed. Of course that was the response she would get. Sure, she knew why Giancarlo would go to heat clubs on occasion, but it wasn't like the women were forced to be there or anything - at least not at any reputable place. For Giancarlo, who hadn't been concerned about how they felt, it had just meant easy prey, but the arrangement was usually enthusiastically mutual. And while her heat wasn't quite there yet, on previous occasions when it had been, there certainly had been something to be said for the guy who didn't take his time...

"Okay, fair enough. I get it. But the thing of it is, I'm not in the kind of heat where I want to end up flat on my back with you on top of me. And I think we both know that's exactly where things were gonna end up if I didn't back you off."

"Really? You'd be the first woman I've ever seen who wanted to do heat like that..."

The guy glanced between his friends, who had apparently been confused enough by her actions that they hadn't quite gotten around to putting the moves on the others. "If you're really into one of my buddies instead or something, you can just admit it. I mean, I'm just saying that you look like a true-blooded wolf, and I'm the next best thing, so if you're looking for someone on your level..."

"Yeah, I get it - and for this, you're just fine. It's not you that I've got a problem with. It's you being on top."

"You're serious?" The malamute straightened himself back up, doing what he could to regain his composure. "Well, okay, if that's what you want... since it's someone like you, it won't be a problem. Other bitches, there are a lot more positions I'd rather feel, but a real wolf gal on top... I'd have to be a complete idiot to pass up that kind of ride." He stepped forward, but instead of going directly up against her again, he sidestepped, spun around a little, and put his arm around her shoulders. "Just tell me how you want to do it, and I'll make sure you're anything but disappointed..."

"Hey, suit yourself," the german shepherd said, crouching down in front of Heather just enough to bring himself about even with her height, sniffing noticeably at the air in front of her. "Somehow, I don't think this one's gonna have anything to protest..."

He reached out casually, although he wasn't wasting any time, moving in between her legs to plant his fingers firmly against the crotch panel of Heather's outfit. Gianna could see Heather stiffen at the contact, gasping audibly as her hands darted down towards the offending touch. The guy was already pressing in even harder, though, massaging through the fabric against the pads of her spade with a practiced confidence.

Her hands barely managed to brush against the back of his palm before she let out an abrupt, barking moan, her hips shuddering and knees wobbling. She didn't manage to do much of anything at all, simply falling forward against his chest and letting his other arm wrap around and hold her securely against him.

With her diminutive frame well in hand, all it took was a quick, easy flip to get her into the position that Gianna intended to avoid: flat on her back atop one of the low mattresses rising up from the floor, the german shepherd already using his hips to shove her thighs apart and nestle his bulge in against her. Gianna could see Heather squirming a little beneath him, a surprised look on her face, but the way her tongue was panting out indicated clearly enough just how quickly her already-inflamed heat was taking over. However surprised or discomfited she was to have a guy suddenly atop her, she clearly had no desire to stop it from happening, and soon enough the guy's knot would be seeing just how quickly it could hammer her spade all the way open.

Amanda wasn't wasting any time, either - before the border collie could even speak, she held a finger up to his muzzle, shushing him for just long enough to bring her own in. She wrapped both of her hands around his neck, drawing close for an intense, almost desperate kiss, lingering just long enough for the collie to start wrapping his hands around her waist before pirouetting out of his grasp. Grabbing him by the hand, she tugged him over to the far wall, which as promised was covered in plush padding topped with a velvety, soft-looking fabric.

Then, as he watched, she let go and stretched out languidly against the wall, pressing her chest flat against it even as she jutted her hips out below. It was a display that, even now, for some reason caught Gianna's eye - at least enough to watch Amanda reach down with one hand, tugging at one of the ribbon bows that Gianna quickly realized were all that held the waist of her panties together.

She tugged at the other one, allowing the fabric to fall away, and just like that, she was ready. Obviously, this wasn't her first time taking care of things in a place like this, and unlike Heather, who still looked flustered enough that she wasn't giving in quite yet, Amanda didn't seem to display the slightest shame or feminine shyness as she presented her crimson, heat-swollen spade for everyone to see.

When the collie quickly doffed his trunks, though, putting a more-than-reasonable endowment on display, her own blasted spade reminded Gianna of her particular situation by providing an instant surge of heated lubrication that finished soaking the crotch of her own panties completely through. It was accompanied by an instant resurgence of that insane, desperate itch, and the fact that a guy had his arm around her, his musk intimately close, brought the matter quickly to a head.

Like it or not, she was fucking this guy, and she was going to make him do it fucking right. Thankfully, there were a couple more mattresses to be had, and one of them looked to provide a more than decent view of Heather and Amanda reacting as their own penetrations became imminent.

Gianna pointed at the mattress emphatically. "You want to do it? Fine. On your back. Naked. Right there, right now."

"Yes, ma'am!" Of course, he was more than ready to go, although it was actually halfway impressive that he was able to have his trunks around his ankles by the time Gianna had finished blinking in surprise at his sudden motion. True enough to his apparent heritage, his length and girth were enough to rival Giancarlo's own, and for a moment Gianna actually managed to feel the quickest flash of jealousy before the far more typical, heatedly feminine emotions kicked in.

Still, she had every intention of treating the guy exactly as she considered him: a means to her relief, and nothing more. Besides, there was a far more intriguing view in front of her, and she was much more interested in watching that play out than looking down at some random stranger's stupid face. Plus, guys liked reverse cowgirl more anyway, right?

She had no intention of wasting time bothering to ask if the guy cared, though. As soon as he was in place, she was more than happy to pounce on top of him, feeling a little flash of dominance as he gasped when she landed abruptly on his chest. There was no question what she wanted, though, and she was already shimmying her hips back down towards his pelvis, rising up to straddle him and bring his cock up towards the pads of her spade. Not that she loved the prospect of penetration, even like that, but that waiting relief was nearly impossible to resist.

Plus, that was only the half of it. Heather was right there in front of her, eyes wide as the german shepherd started to tug his trunks down from where his cock was straining against them, surely knowing exactly what was coming next. As thankful as Gianna had been to escape from the van before things got out of hand, leaving the transformed Hugh to his fate as Heather, there had been a part of her that had actually been disappointed she hadn't been able to see Frankie and his pals fuck the last vestiges of pathetic masculinity right out of her. Now, though, she had the perfect angle to see that the nice, muscly german shepherd, already easily teasing Heather's unresisting, heated body into position, was probably just moments away from fucking her absolutely silly.

In fact, from a certain perspective this was even better: though Gianna was technically about to face the same thing, this time she would actually be able to watch as someone forced their knot all the way through Heather's petite little spade, and Gianna knew that being able to see the look on her face when it happened - when she felt that fist-like thing inside her, when all she wanted was to get free of the thing that was dominating her insides while at the same time feeling its inexorable pressure relentlessly forcing her to cum harder than she ever had before in the most intimately and overwhelmingly feminine way... that alone would be worth the annoying, heated price of admission.

Before any of that, though, there was a far more pressing matter at hand, one that had her entire body practically vibrating with tension - even her vision was starting to flash with that strange combination of soft focus and vivid contrast that came with the more desperate stages of heat. Obviously, it was much further along than she'd been willing to let herself acknowledge, and when she lowered herself down, and felt the guy's cock straining against the sodden fabric of her boyshort-style panties, or shorts, or whatever they were instead of nudging in between the pads of her spade, her frustration reached a boiling point. Growling more than audibly through gritted teeth, she rocked herself back up, grabbed hard at the crotch of her panties, and pulled.

She'd really only intended to pull the crotch over to the side, enough to get them out of the way, but with all the tension coursing through her, to say she overdid it was an understatement. While she certainly wasn't as strong as Giancarlo, in the moment it didn't seem to matter, and the motion of her arm was accompanied by a more than audible ripping sensation... and the feeling of her underwear loosening dramatically in several places.

When her arm finished its motion, and she brought it up in front of her face, her fingers were wrapped around a considerable chunk of raggedly-torn black fabric, so thoroughly soaked with her juices that it almost felt like she was wringing out a towel between her fingers - that is, if it had been a towel drenched in the pungent, faintly iridescent viscous slickness that the annoying wetness took on during heat.

If she had been a guy, the whiff she got of it would have set her on edge immediately, but all it did now was to force her mind to focus on all of the myriad symptoms of heat flooding through her. And with her head and chest throbbing with disgusting need, and the itch inside of her nearly unbearable, she grabbed onto the man's thigh with one hand, lined his shaft up to the middle of her spade with the other, and slammed her hips down with the kind of force Giancarlo would have used to stun a struggling woman into that moment of shocked, post-penetrative submission that he so enjoyed.

Giana, though, didn't bother to try and judge the reaction of the guy beneath her. She doubted that anything she did would lead him to feel particularly dominated, as strong and confident as he was - after all, it wasn't like she was dealing with Hugh again. Plus, she was the one being penetrated, and even though it was through her own motion, the feeling of him plunging in and stroking against her heated inner walls caused them both to gasp audibly.

She could feel his cock throb subtly inside her as he responded to the sudden surrounding stimulation, and Gianna couldn't help but let out a little sigh as the feeling of him, snug and warm inside her, caused the first band of tension around her chest to melt easily away. Even that single stroke, that presence that still annoyed the small part of her not overtaken by heat, had already taken the largest edge off of the insane, impossible itch, and whatever her conscious mind might have wanted, her body was more than happy to use the tool it had at hand to keep on scratching until it was fully relieved.

Sure, it still felt kinda weird to use the wrong kind of thrusting motion entirely, and the fact that her strange little top had essentially no support and let her breasts bounce around ridiculously on her chest with each motion she made... well, in any other situation, it would have been horribly embarrassing, probably even humiliating, to know that anyone else was watching her as her movements put her disturbingly female form on such vivid and stereotypical display.

While her partner was surely staring at her bouncing ass and wagging tail, though, everyone else was just as thoroughly occupied, and while it was a little weird to see the perspective slightly shift each time she rocked up and then humped back down against his knot, it was worth it to see Heather's eyes go wide as the german shepherd laid his thick, bright red cock down flat along the lowest part of her belly.

"That's... really big..." she heard Heather say in an oddly hushed tone, albeit one tinged with the sort of excessive huskiness of a woman in the midst of her heat. From the angle she was at, it was impossible to judge for sure, but the shepherd didn't seem particularly big in that department overall - bigger than average, sure, but probably smaller in both length and girth than the one she was riding. On the other hand, considering Heather's petite little corgi frame, it looked more than big enough against it: a thick red line coming nearly halfway up along the shiny silver fabric snugged tight along her flat belly. His knot, though, was thick enough to span across where the fabric narrowed along her crotch and press into the fur on her surrounding thighs, the bottom edge of the bulb surely nudging in against the top of her spade with noticeable pressure.

Gianna imagined that from Heather's perspective, looking down along her body at it, the thing probably did look absolutely huge, especially since in that position she could actually see how deeply it was going to reach inside her. Once the shepherd actually worked the knot fully into her, and considering her heat was probably sufficient that even her petite little spade could be forced open around it, he was going to be shoved up so hard against her cervix that she'd probably instantly succumb to that pressure alone - and when he finally came, it would happen so deep that Gianna doubted more than a drop or two would leak back out.

It was going to be fascinating to watch that cock pound her into unquestionable, absolute submission. When the man pulled back, stretching the narrow triangle of fabric trailing down along Heather's belly as he tucked the crotch of it over to rest against the right side of her protruding spade, Gianna felt her own inner muscles give a pleasant, momentary clench as she anticipated Heather's imminent reaction to her first forceful penetration while in heat.

It was the collie, however, who was a little quicker on the draw, and while Gianna was focused enough on Heather that the motion of his hips was only apparent in the corner of her eye, the wet slapping sound of the collie's knot thudding in against her swollen spade, and the overeager, incredibly girly moan that sounded a moment later, were clear enough to her sharp canine hearing.

Not wanting to miss Heather's surely overwhelmed reaction to the initial penetration, she only glanced up for a moment, but it was enough to see that the two of them weren't wasting any time getting up to speed. The collie was already humping as hard as he could against her, pounding her with short, rapid canine strokes - and, almost to Gianna's surprise, Amanda wasn't just bracing herself against the wall and taking it, but actively humping her hips back against him, not so much moaning as actually howling with delight.

It was enough to make Gianna realize that the padding of the rooms probably also doubled as soundproofing, as hers was the only one ringing clearly in Gianna's ears. In that respect, Amanda might actually be more wolf than she was... and ringing was true enough, as the volume of her effusive wailing was more than a little distracting. At the same time, though, seeing a woman get into it to that extent... it was actually enough, somehow, to get Gianna going as well, and for a moment she paused her own rhythm and let her inner walls clamp down hard around the shaft within them, not exactly cumming, but letting loose a few wonderful throbs that sent shivers of relief outward to relax her tensed abdomen. Well, that and send another veritable river of heated slickness cascading down around the shaft that impaled her, yet another reminder of how perversely eager her body was for that undignified penetration, but the relief was such that she hardly managed to care.

She noticed another hint of motion from off to the side, though, and that was enough to refocus her for a moment, snapping her head back over to watch as the shepherd continued to toy with Heather. Now, the head of his cock was tucked down between her legs, surely nudging between the pads of her spade with insistent pressure. Gianna couldn't help but flash back to the van for a moment, not so much the part where she had been dominated, but that thing Heather's friend had said as he'd pinned Heather up against the side of the van and socketed his own cock just as firmly between her legs. Something about the cock being pressed against the spade being the point of no return, the point at which no matter what the woman did, no matter what she said or how she resisted, the cock was going in, her pussy was getting fucked to completion, and the only way the guy would pull out of her was once her belly was filled with his cum. Certainly a concept that Giancarlo could get behind, but the idea that truly got Gianna going was the notion that Heather was lying there right now, on the verge of penetration, and having that particular saying flashing through her mind - that there was no going back, that she was about to get well and truly fucked, and that there literally wasn't a single thing her heated body could do about it even if she wanted to.

From the sort of side-on angle they were at, it was impossible to see the entirety of Heather's expression, but the way her eyes widened at the growing pressure, the way her muzzle clenched and her ears dipped and quivered with a strange blend of apprehension and anticipation, was just abut as perfect as it could get.

Gianna actually paused for a moment, hearing the guy beneath her gasp at the sudden change in motion, so that she could get a clear, unbouncing view of Heather's reaction to that first powerful thrust. Already, she could see the shepherd's buttocks tensing, his hips shifting subtly to an angle where he could bring the full force of his weight and strength to bear. In mere moments, Heather was going to get the first taste of just how crazy it felt for a woman in heat to get fucked in the most complete and feminine way possible, and seeing it happen was going to be equally arousing and vindicating.

Watching that happen had been Gianna's plan, at least - let her body take care of the relief-producing bouncing and thrusting on its own, relegate the anonymous guy beneath her into the background, and wrest as much attention as she could from her own heat-addled mind to watch Heather's inevitable and satisfying surrender to the vulnerabilities of her feminine form. Never mind the vulnerabilities that Gianna herself was having to deal with - there was no avoiding that, but at least witnessing the domination of someone else would partially make up for it.

She'd failed to anticipate one thing, though. While Heather had been taking her time to get started, she'd actually started about as quickly as Amanda had - and, being further along in heat than she'd even consciously anticipated, her body had been more than eager to claim its relief, getting up to speed more than quickly enough and setting into a rapidly bouncing cadence that was more than fast enough.

It was surely enough to get the guy beneath her going too, and while she hadn't taken extreme notice of it, his hands had been playing around her, running through the fur on her hips and thighs and petting her bobbing, wagging tail appreciatively. It was when his hands not only came to rest on her hips, though, but gripped onto them hard, that something else flashed quickly to the front of her mind.

When women were in heat, they were far from the only ones affected, an attribute that Giancarlo had enjoyed often enough as he let his dominant self give in to its own particular sense of urgency. He also knew the sort of desire that urgency could produce: normally, in the act of forcing himself on a woman, he kept himself in impeccable control, savoring every thrust, every inch, every moment. And in heat, most of the time, he could basically do the same. But with a certain sort of woman, with a certain sort of pheromones, once that rhythm had been established for long enough something just surged inside him - and at that moment, no matter what else happened, there was only one thing he was going to do. He was going to grab that woman, hold her tight, and no matter what it took, he was going to get that knot in, as tight and deep as possible.

There was little question that the man beneath her had reached a similar point, as the sudden transition from roaming hands to steely grip indicated all too clearly. His grip forced the comfortable background relief back into the feeling of him actually fucking her, bringing it front and center, and before she could even brace herself of change her rhythm to compensate, his grip abruptly arrested her upward motion and yanked her back down on top of him with irresistibly powerful strength - at the same time his own previously motionless hips bucked straight upward to meet her.

She yelped at the impact, a sharp, breathy sort of whine, as the knot thudded in against the thick, swollen pads of her spade with enough force to spread them halfway around its girth with that single pounding stroke. Instead of easing up for another thrust, though, leaving Gianna at least a scant moment to catch her breath and properly react, the man kept up his relentless pressure, his arms pulling her hips relentlessly lower as the rest of him arched and strained to push himself up against her with every ounce of his strength. For a moment, all she could feel was that pressure, his iron grip on her waist and the hot bulb of his knot, velvety slick with the wetness her own spade had deposited as her pads stretched and slid and spread ever wider along the agonizingly intimate pressure of its surface.

Gianna felt her hips involuntarily squirm against the overwhelming pressure and sensation, once, twice, completely unsure of whether her body was trying to get away from what it was feeling or encouraging it to happen. There was no escape from his grip, though, his arms pressing her ever downward, and all it took was a moment more to reach the point where Gianna could feel her spade, stretched wide and taut, sliding over the thickest part of it and beginning to skitter and tighten, clamping down as the rest of it pushed effortlessly through.

Just like that, she could feel her butt pressing down against his pelvis, her spade locking down along the base of the knot and pulling flush around the stem that sat between it and the abbreviated sheath, the knot itself shoving upward against the far more easily stretched surface of her heat-relaxed inner walls. She felt it forcing her insides to conform around it, settling dominantly into place as it casually mashed in against every sensitive part with a deep, throbbing sort of massage, enough to set her immediately tense and shivering on the edge as her vision went into the weird soft-focus that went along with the flooding relief of a heated climax.

At the same time, she felt his tip lock into place deep in her belly, its forceful presence spreading the thing it made contact with vibratingly taut and vulnerably open, and even as the first throb of climax sent her insides clenching tightly along every inch of his presence, she couldn't help but feel yet another depressing burst of feminine humiliation as the leading spurt of his cum splashed forcefully inside her.

The complete, agonizing tension could only last for a moment, though, the climax bursting through her core to easily overwhelm her other lingering emotions, and she found herself looking up at an oddly pulsating ceiling, listening to her own frenzied, ragged moans echoing around her, as her body matched up throb for throb with the thick, knotted shaft shooting bolts of wet heat deep inside her.

Even with the knot firmly inside, he held her hips down tightly until he was entirely finished, his grip finally releasing as she felt his seed sliding down and beginning to pool within her. Not that relaxing his grip, when it finally happened, did a whole lot of good - his knot was undoubtedly designed for one of her ancestry, its girth stretching her tightly yet comfortably around it, snug enough to transmit every possible bit of sensation to the sensitive nub, now that the surrounding flesh was sufficiently taut to let it rub directly against the knot's warm surface. Every little move of him within her, every little nudge or grind or throb, translated directly into another flooding burst of tensing feminine arousal, and it only took a few of them adding up to send an orgasmic aftershock coursing through her, and to keep her insides tremblingly in place around him.

There was a part of her that probably should have hated it, probably should have been pissed off, but the fact of the matter was... for a knotting, for that equally aggravating and unavoidable part of heat, it had been fine. Maybe a little forceful for one quick, aggravating moment, but he was still on the floor, once again flat on his back, and she was still on top. Certainly, there was nothing wrong about doing it with some efficiency - since she was here for the duration, she might as well eke every measure of relief from the experience that she could, and going at it with wild abandon meant less time feeling thrust after thrust as a guy's cock dragged through her. And even if it was momentarily agonizing, one quick motion to get knotted was far better than having the thing pounding her spade flat - yeah, she was more than happy to skip straight past that particular agony into a nice, quick relief that her body, at least, had no problem enjoying.

For the part of her that was becoming present once again as the reverberations of the aftershocks gradually faded, it was at least something of a victory - of all the positions she could have been placed in, being right there on top, not even having to look down into the eyes of someone she'd just used for probably mutual gratification, was about as good as she could get. She hadn't really been dominated, or forced, or humiliated any more than what came from simply performing the act as a woman in the first place. For all her trepidation, it had worked out somehow, and as much as she still resented the feeling of being impaled on some guy's shaft, the waves of relief pulsing through her abdomen and tamping down the unbearable itching ache of heat left her feeling more than content to stay put for just a bit more.

Plus, now that things were ramping back down and the man beneath her was more than happy for a breather, all she had to do was ignore the hands that were lazily petting her ass and playing with her tail, and get her dazed mind and refocusing vision to take in the satisfying tableau of sex in front of her.

Unsurprisingly, having a knot and climax rammed sequentially into her had caused her view of Heather's initial penetration to disappear within her own dazed, orgasm-wracked, soft-focus muddle. However, the current scene, as it came into view, was more than satisfying enough: the other guy hadn't wasted much time getting up to speed either, and Gianna refocused just in time to witness a yipping, yelping Heather getting absolutely fucked down into the mattress, reacting to the rough, rapid humping of the man atop her exactly the way an overwhelmed, submissive bitch was supposed to.

Gianna wasn't sure if Hugh's female form was simply especially sensitive, or if the corgi's small, snug spade just made everything feel bigger and rub inside her more tightly and intensely - either way, her body seemed exquisitely primed to lose control in that vividly feminine fashion. Back in the van, all it had taken was for her friend to get up to the typical, hard-thumping canine speed, and she'd immediately surrendered all coherence and resistance, doing little else but taking it and moaning by the time Gianna had effected her escape. And now, in front of her, things were hardly different - despite the fact that heat usually meant the initial stroking sensations were actually less intense, at least until the guy worked his knot all the way in, he'd probably been humping her for less than a minute and she was already calling out with every thrust. Not even squirming around underneath him, not pawing at him at all, just lying there flat on her back with her arms wrapped around the guy's neck, breasts gyrating back and forth with a tight, steady cadence as she took each sharp, rapid thrust without the slightest hint of protest.

It was a beautiful thing to see a woman so completely and thoroughly overwhelmed by the act of being fucked, and with Heather even more so; after what she'd done, after what she'd orchestrated, it was supposed to be the ultimate form of schadenfreude to see her in heat, bursting with uncontrollable lust and completely surrendered to the sensation of the cock mercilessly hammering at her spade. It was supposed to be a modicum of revenge, something that made Gianna feel powerful in comparison, to elate in Heather's domination in the same way that she had when she'd first thrown Hugh down against that table. Most of all, in fact, it was supposed to make her feel like Giancarlo again, vicariously at least, exulting in watching a sort of surrogate cock put her in her place - imagining that it was her thrusting, her looking down at Heather's rocking breasts and moaning, panting, heat-flushed face.

And yet... somehow, in the moment, it was impossible to watch what was going on between Heather and the man on top of her without seeing it from a completely different perspective. Instead of feeling that satisfaction of revenge, or that thrill of power... watching Heather's fingers dig into the fur on the man's back, seeing her body eagerly accept each forceful, rapid thrust, was actually somehow arousing, in a weirdly pleasant sort of way.

She suddenly realized that, unconsciously, her heated mind had already shifted its fantasizing - she wasn't so much imagining what it was like to be the guy on top of her, as she was imagining what Heather was going through, how good it must be feeling for her to have a guy giving her heated spade that kind of steady, relentless attention. How each thrust had to be stroking away the tension of heat, while at the same time building up a far better tension that the thick bulge of the knot would soon release in the best possible way.

In fact, the more she watched, the more she realized she actually felt... happy for Heather, happy to see her being bred so enthusiastically, happy to know that soon enough, she too would join Gianna in that oh-so-pleasant place on the other side of the first climax of her heat, soft and warm and strangely at peace, enjoying the warm shaft and thick knot held comfortably snug within her relieved, gently-throbbing pussy.

Gah... was she really thinking about it that way? It was just about the opposite of what Giancarlo would ever have imagined, that was certain. Of course, she literally wasn't seeing it from anything close to the same perspective - this time she wasn't the aggressor, or even a bystander enjoying what she was seeing from the shadows. She was female, in heat, feminine hormones flooding through every part of her, and her own spade still had a solid canine knot pressing back against its pads from the inside. While her vision had at least firmed up again, the rest of her still felt like it was in soft-focus, and there was no denying the feelings that still coursed through her. Combine that with whatever remnants of the stupid extra-feminine curse that had gotten her locked on top of that particular cock in the first place, and the perspective, while still frustratingly far from what it should have been, was probably understandable.

That being said, the part of her that still wanted to be Giancarlo was starting to chafe at the idea of enjoying something that way. The thing was, her own body only seemed to reinforce the perspective that seeing Heather get fucked was somehow a good thing for all of them. She could actually feel herself flushing inside with renewed arousal from watching the steady humping of their carnal embrace, and when a solid series of thrusts inspired Heather to let out a particularly effusive moan, it only made Gianna more aware of the cock that was still inside her - enough so that she felt her own hips grind down against the guy's knot in what seemed like an automatic, sympathetic motion. It wasn't much, but enough to nudge things back into excitement, and she heard a gentle moan release from her own muzzle as her inner walls clenched tight against the knot in seeming celebration of the intense thrill that Heather was surely receiving from the deep, pounding thrusts of her partner.

In fact, Gianna realized that the guy was clearly starting to push in deeper and harder, grinding down against Heather with little to no back-thrust. She knew immediately, though, what that change in thrusting signified, and found herself looking on with focused, almost anticipatory interest as Heather's eyes went wide, her tight embrace dissipating as she yelped in surprise.

"H-hey, what are you doing? That, that can't possibly, go- nngh!"

By that point, though, the guy was clearly aroused beyond reason, and certainly beyond the point of stopping. Even as Heather started to squirm again, he kept grinding down against her, putting every ounce of his weight and muscle behind his effort to work her tight corgi spade open and get his knot stuck in. It would be a snug fit, for sure - and from the stunned look on Heather's face, that particular blend of paradoxically painless agony that only a woman in heat could express, her spade was already being stretched open far wider than she'd ever experienced before.

There was no question, of course, that the knot would be able to work its way inside - while Giancarlo had enjoyed the torment of using his knot on women outside of heat, he'd never been with a heated partner, no matter how diminutive, who hadn't managed to stretch around it easily enough. Just how long it would take, though, and how Heather would feel in the interim... that would be the interesting part, and it was easy enough to find herself watching each straining moment with rapt fascination. In fact, she could feel her own insides gently but insistently working against her own partner's knot, probably in some sort of intrinsic anticipation of just how awesome Heather's climax would be.

It happened soon enough, in any case. Heather's hips kept trying to squirm away from the pressure of the knot trying to spread her open, but the german shepherd just pushed down harder to make sure that it stayed tightly in place. Heather's hands were against his chest, almost like she was miming the gesture of pushing him away, but her arms were trembling and there wasn't an ounce of strength in the effort. She wasn't even moaning anymore, her breath coming in ragged, panting gasps, accompanied by the occasional whimper as the man pushed down further and further, harder and harder...

There was enough of a lull in the noise when it happened that Gianna could actually hear it: Heather was tight enough that the knot went in with a wet, audible pop. The force of it, of the guy shoving himself all the way down and lodging inside her, was enough to make Heather's body buck back against the mattress, stopping her mid-squirm and freezing her abdomen shudderingly in place.

The rest of her, though, was a sudden flailing mess, legs kicking to either side and arms frantically, ineffectually pawing at the man's chest. Her face was a mask of sudden, strained panic, her eyes darting wildly to either side as the novel, impossibly intense sensation of the knot stretching every inch of her registered with her mind all at once.

"N-n-aargh! It's too big, too much- take it out take it out take it out! It, it's doing something to me, I can't handle it can't take it GET IT OUT!"

The guy was suddenly looking a little concerned, seeming like he was wondering for the first time whether a corgi actually was capable to taking a german shepherd's cock.

"I, um, I can't... Your spade's completely locked around the base of it, and you're clenching down so hard I couldn't move even if I wanted to..."


"Seriously, I-"

"Ohh god, it's like I can feel it in every part of me! It's too much, I can't, cant- nhh... ah... AH! AAAHHHH-"

The last syllable of her cry seemed to freeze in place before abruptly climbing in pitch, culminating in the sort of ear-splitting, vibrating scream that only a heated woman's vocal chords could produce. At the same time, her entire body arched up to press against the fur of the man above her, head arched back and spine straining like a bow pulled taut. She seemed to hang there for a second, shuddering, her hips trembling violently around the knot lodged between them. Even her scream cut off for a second in the midst of it, replaced by a couple of short, ragged pants, and then a deep, long, submissively feminine moan as her body was wracked by the intense, insistent embrace of an unstoppable, uncontrollable climax.

While it wasn't the most completely insane orgasm that Gianna had ever seen, considering some of the seriously overwhelming stuff Giancarlo had managed when he was truly inspired, it was definitely up there. Heather actually managed to hold her body in that spasmodic arch for several seconds, vibrating at maximum intensity as it seemed to overtake every single one of her conscious responses.

It was so attention-grabbing, in fact, that Gianna could feel the cock inside of her throb absolutely rigid as the guy beneath her surely took in the sights and sounds of it, a feeling that her body gladly reciprocated by clamping down around him anew. It was even enough to distract the collie from his clear attempts to work his knot past Amanda's apparently still-resistant spade, actually pausing for a moment with his cock half out of her to take it in.

The german shepherd, of course, was affected most of all - the pressure of Heather's tight little pussy clenching that hard around his knot was beyond enough to push him right over the edge. Sure enough, after only a few seconds of it, his hips pulled back slightly, the tiny amount that their knotted connection allowed, before immediately ramming back in to press as tightly against her splayed thighs as possible. It was the sort of quick, automatic motion that meant his response was far beyond his own conscious control, and all her could do was keep his hands locked around her waist and let out a sharp, almost surprised howl, one that was far more high-pitched than Gianna would have expected. She really must have been squeezing him, then, although the pressure certainly didn't do much to discourage the sort of subtle, perfectly-spaced shivers twitching his pelvis - the kind that Gianna knew kept time with each burst of cum the man was relentlessly pumping into Heather's locked-down pussy.

Heather, for her part, had started to descend from the apex of her climax, her spine relaxing from its arch as her body eased back down onto the mattress, both arms falling tremblingly away sprawling out haphazardly to either side. Both of her legs had hooked back around him, though, her feet curled tightly and toes rapidly twitching. The rest of her was still, with two noticeable exceptions: the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her breasts bouncing alluringly within the stretchy metallic fabric, and the steady, insistent bucking of her hips around the thick, impaling knot.

Gianna could almost see Heather's orgasm slide back its domination from her extremities, focusing the intense, unstoppable throbbing back between her legs to finish around the guy's cock - something that Gianna knew from experience would be feeling nice and snug and strangely perfect as it so deliciously stretched her pulsating insides.

Gianna shook her head, not quite believing how much she'd gotten into watching Heather being knotted. Just watching had been strangely intense, and Gianna hadn't realized quite how much she'd completely focused on it until she was actually surprised by the sound of Amanda's deep, vibrating moan.

Out of everyone in the room, it seemed that she was the only one who'd been sufficiently absorbed in her own sensations not to watch what was happening to Hugh. Even the collie was still flicking a glance over at her from time to time, although his hips were still working on their own, grinding in close and slow - and from the strained tenor of Amanda's moan, clearly sounding through gritted teeth, she was definitely feeling pressure of the knot relentlessly driving against her spade.

Compared to what happened with Heather, though, in a weird way Amanda's knotting and the orgasm that quickly followed were almost, well, anticlimactic. In part, it was probably due to the fact that Gianna was looking at the couple more from behind rather than off to the side, which meant that apart from the side of Amanda's face, her left shoulder, the side of one leg and the outer edge of one breast, the rest of her was mainly obscured by the man thrusting into her.

While it was certainly passionate, if anything it just seemed thoroughly typical - exactly what would be expected of someone who grew up female, had been through every bit of that feminine training and socialization, and then acted in exactly the way that everyone expected her to. In fact, that was part of the reason that Giancarlo had always been kind of indifferent about having sex with a willing woman in heat: yeah, it was sex, and it did feel good to get his knot stuck in either way, but at the same time it was so boringly, predictably pleasant that he'd had a hard time finding much excitement in it at all. They'd all reacted, all succumbed to it with only the slightest permutations of that same, predictable process - one that was far too removed from his usual encounters, which were always so exhilarating in part because women always had a far greater range of responses to his intentional, forceful domination.

Here, though, it went exactly as expected. The collie finished pushing his way in, his hips giving one more powerful buck forward before all but freezing in place, probably due to Amanda's spade clamping down hard around him. Then, almost instantaneously, she let loose with a liquid, deeply feminine moan, with just enough of the expected tremolo to give voice to her trembling insides as they shivered through the intense peak of a knot-enforced climax. Soon enough, the trembling moved from internal to external, her visible leg twitching and wavering as though it would give way at any moment as the next phase of it made her go predictably weak in the knees, with the collie quickly getting his hands back under her hips to hold her up. Then, there was little more to see than the man grinding against her, his balls twitching noticeably as his own climax unloaded. Add in the short, barking moans that followed on from Amanda's own pulsating contractions, as she settled into the relief of being knotted in a way that she was already long familiar with, and it was certainly the most typically feminine heated coupling so far.

The weird part of it was that, even as a part of Gianna looked at the way Amanda had so typically succumbed to her heat with a certain disdain, her body had still somehow been in tune with it in the same way that it had with Heather. Maybe it was something about hearing her climax while Gianna still had a knot stuck inside her, or maybe it was the burst of pheromones and musk that now further permeated the air - but while it was happening, Gianna had felt her own insides drawing in tight again around the slowly subsiding knot, giving a comfortable little shiver that felt almost like an echo of what was happening with Amanda before pulsing comfortably several more times against him as her sense of relieved afterglow seemed to permeate even deeper into her abdomen.

Sitting there straddling him, watching as Heather and Amanda relaxed back against their partners, there wasn't a single part of her that wanted to get up, or pull away, or do anything to relax or alleviate the contact of what was lodged inside her. She was completely impaled on a cock, knot and all, feeling it stretch and dominate every inch of her inner walls, and it was so warm and snug and strangely comforting in her heated state that she couldn't even feel disgust over it. All she could do, in fact, was sigh happily, grind her hips back down to keep the guy's snuggly knot right in place to stretch and knead against those nicely sensitive parts inside her, and try to forget that the rest of him was even there.

That, however, was soon easier said than done. Straddling him or not, in a sense she was still sitting in, or on, his lap, and considering the obvious strength demonstrated by his prominent abdominal muscles, it really should have come as no surprise that he managed to effortlessly pull himself up from his supine position. She felt him rise up, pressing against her lower back and nudging against the base of her tail. Then, she could feel the rest of him pressing against her back, his arms wrapping midway around her chest as his muzzle pressed in between her neck and shoulder, his wet tongue flicking out to lap at the fur on her cheek.

She wasn't entirely sure how, but his hands worked at the top she'd been wearing, and within a few moments it was undone and lying loosely along her waist. Even before it had finished its descent, though, both of her breasts were already feeling the gentle pressure of being cupped in the palms of his hands, while his fingers reached along their surface to roll and knead her swollen, sensitive nipples between them.

Well, so much for the idea of all but ignoring her partner, who was now more than happy to make his masculine presence known. The thing was, though, that while something lingering in the back of her mind was irked by the guy's aggressive groping, she was still enveloped sufficiently tightly by the intense mix of heat and afterglow that the only thing she wanted to do was let herself relax back and snuggle into his embrace, sighing happily at how comfortable she felt in his arms. Not that she was going anywhere anyway, no matter how she felt about it - his knot was still nice and snugly locked against the inside of her spade, the bulge maintaining that feeling of warm fullness inside her and keeping her inner muscles tensed on the edge of another trembling aftershock. No, her body was more than happy to be right where it was, and had no plan of relinquishing his cock anytime soon... but considering everything she knew about heat, that was hardly much of a surprise. The only part that was a little surprising, really, was that her mind, somehow, was just about in agreement.

True, it was the first time she'd been in heat in a way that wasn't particularly fucked up in some way or other. The first time around, she'd raped Hugh, and a demon-possessed Jonah had raped her. The second time around, Hugh had tried to rape her, and... now Hugh was Heather, had a spade, and was in the same room, moaning from the knot buried inside her.

Okay, so maybe this was a little fucked up too, but at the same time, it was literally her first time being with an actual guy during heat when one of them wasn't trying to actively rape the other. And really, for all his anticipated aggression, he'd let her do what she wanted, and even now wasn't exactly trying to dominate her, so much as play with her in the way that nearly all actual women liked, probably in order to enhance their enjoyment at being tied together. In fact, he wasn't squeezing her breasts, so much as gently rolling them on her chest, using his hands to massage them as his fingers toyed with her nipples in a particular way that-

Gianna heard herself cry out, far more femininely than she would have liked, a purring, sighing, oh-so-heated moan that seemed to echo the feeling pouring down through her body, and the moment it descended between her legs, the last bit of lingering tension there dissolved into a hot, tight, pulsating ripple of orgasm centered on the part of her that clenched fast and hard around the bulk of his knot. It was far sharper than the others, and dissipated far more quickly, draining out in such a way that she felt relieved and enervated at once.

She sagged back against him, and for the first time since her heat had arrived, she felt completely relaxed, like every bit of heated aggravation had burned out of her. Even as his hands retreated, sliding down to rest on her belly just inches above her well-filled spade, she somehow felt completely at peace in his arms, and the fact that he was a strong, overwhelmingly masculine guy absolutely dominating her undeniably feminine insides hardly seemed to matter.

Somehow, though, she couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling that way in part because she wasn't alone, and all she had to do was look to either side of her to see a similar scene of snuggly feminine bliss. Both of the other men had guided their partners back down into a similar position, and the only real difference was that Heather, who'd been tied while on her back, was face to face instead of lying against him - and instead of having hands on her breasts, her diminutive form left her muzzle snuggled up against the guy's chesfruff, while his hands clamped snugly down on her butt, holding her in place even as her hips continued the subtle, jerking bucks of a woman whose heated climax just couldn't seem to wind all the way down. After another few moments, though, she managed to relax against him, although it took a while longer before she could do anything beyond moaning incoherently.

"Ohhh, fffuck... hnnhh... I... I take what I said before. It's not too big, it's... nnh... just right. I think I want to... keep feeling it inside me, right there, like that's always where it was supposed to be..."

"Hey, I'm not complaining," the guy embracing her replied. "I think you feel 'just right,' too. And wow, that enthusiasm... the way you reacted, I'd almost have sworn it was your first time or something..."

"Nah... my first time was with a bunch of jerks. You're way better..." The last part faded into a gentle moan, as her hips bucked a couple times more. "Fffuck, it was driving me crazy this morning, but right now I think I love being in heat..."

"Mmmyeah, no complaints here," Amanda said from off to Gianna's other side. "This place doesn't lie about bringing in guys who know their stuff..."

"I think it goes both ways," her partner replied, reaching down to pet along her side. "I don't think I've been with someone who... embraces their heat as much as you in a while. Seeing someone being that into it from the very beginning, there's nothing that gets a guy going more..."

"And don't think I didn't notice that. That rhythm... damn. If my last boyfriend could have done that, we might still be together..."

Gianna's own partner chimed in next, and she was close enough in that she could feel his deep voice rumbling in his chest as he talked.

"How about you, babe?"

"Yeah... I'm good." Which certainly wasn't a lie - she was more than satisfied. Despite it all, though, she wasn't quite sure she was willing to admit, out loud, that she'd gotten into it quite as much as she had, especially since part of it had certainly come from seeing just how into it the others were. Plus, it would have just felt weird going on about someone's knot while it was still inside her, reminding her of how very female she was at the moment...

"To the point. I hear that, for sure. It's not like we're here for the polite conversation..."

"Yeah, but if that's the case, while we're waiting..." The German Shepherd tucked his fingers under Heather's muzzle, tilting it up from where she'd buried it in his chestfur, stroking her neck. She willingly craned her muzzle upward to follow his touch, as he dipped his own head down to meet her with an emphatic kiss. The others weren't quite turned the right way to comfortably do the same, but Gianna's partner had his hands quickly back on her breasts, and the short, sharp moan that sounded from the other side seemed to indicate that Amanda's partner had found some interesting part of her to play with.

Gianna still wasn't exactly sure she particularly appreciated being toyed with like that, especially as her sense of relaxation slowly deflated seemingly in sync with the guy's knot, but with the extent that the heated part of her was still in command, she couldn't find the motivation to vocalize her slight but building annoyance. She couldn't get too annoyed by it, though - compared to the actual cock that was actually and intimately toying with her insides, someone fiddling with her breasts, stimulatingly or not, didn't exactly rate.

Soon enough, though, the knot was fully receded, and the rational part of Gianna, what of it was present, was somewhat relieved to have her spade feeling relatively normal and together for a moment - even if its pads weren't exactly touching as tightly as before, and even if there was still plenty of the guy's copious seed dripping down between them. As far as having sex as a woman went... well, it wasn't better than with May, but it was hard to complain about her heat being satiated in a generally non-awful way.

Of course, with the amount of scents, pheromones and combined male musk hitting her nose, it was hardly more than a minute after the guy had retreated before a small but noticeable itch was building back up again in her belly. It was to be expected, though, and it wasn't just her who had anticipated it. Even though he'd pulled out, it wasn't exactly like the guy was letting go of her, and the other girls were still similarly embraced. In fact, looking between them, she realized that the guys hadn't just guided them into their present positions, but that they were all aligned directly over a trio of parallel mattresses. In fact, even as she watched, the german shepherd spun Heather around in his arms, so that they were all oriented exactly the same, and poised to...

Before the consequence of the position really hit her, though, the guys on either side of her were in motion, rocking their bodies forward and tipping Heather and Amanda over with them. She watched as both Heather and Amanda threw their own arms out to instinctively brace themselves, ending up on their hands and knees. That, predictably enough, put them in the traditional canine mounting position, and they were sufficiently in heat that their tails were curled up well out of the way.

Her eyes flicking back and forth, Gianna got a glimpse of both of their spades, puffy and sticky and alluringly presented in that sort of way that Giancarlo would appreciate. Gianna's partner, though, was only lagging a moment behind, and she quickly felt the weight of him pushing against her, even as his legs pulled her back from where she was perched - enough past her balance point that she toppled over into position just as predictably. Unlike the others, she actually managed to yelp in annoyance and turn her head around to snap at him, but before she was even really settled on all fours, the tip of his cock was already poking at the center of her spade. And with that touch, any protests she was planning to air evaporated in a wave of sudden, intense, and thoroughly heated anticipation.

The three guys, for some reason, were at least trying to be synchronized, with Heather and Amanda's gasps sounding from either side almost simultaneously with her own as Gianna's body tensed from the sensation of rapidly being penetrated. Even though she'd been knotted just a few minutes before, that first thrust strangely brought with it a surprising amount of intensity; the parts of her that had just begun to recede into quiet, unnoticed normality were once again front and center, spreading and hugging along his girth in that yielding, indelibly female way.

Unlike before, when she'd been able to dictate and fully anticipate its initial travel inside her, having it driven in so rapidly, and with so much force behind it, created a stunning intensity that her body couldn't ever quite seem to resist. It left her panting and reeling, trying to get her body and mind accommodated again to the renewed sensation of having him inside her, but already he was surging forward, bringing himself down against her.

As he did, she quickly realized that he wasn't just going for doggy-style - he was trying for a full-on mating position, tucking himself in all the way along her back, and she could feel his stomach against the base of her tail, the feeling of him pressing down against it enough to cause the rest of her tail to flick instinctively out from in between them. She felt one of his arms slide down alongside her own, holding enough of his weight as he braced himself above her... while she felt the other hook in tight underneath her hip, like one of their canine forebears might have, to make sure she stayed secured beneath him. His muzzle tucked in between her neck and shoulder, pressing in against that troublingly yielding spot that guys seemed to gravitate towards, and in heat the odd, shivery sensation that accompanied his contact was only intensified.

She was completely enveloped, mounted and contained, but she couldn't even find a moment to chafe at being locked into that sort of submissive, traditionally feminine pose. That position, in fact, almost seemed to unlock the animal instincts of his lower body even before he'd settled all the way into place. He'd barely finished embracing her, his first stroke only partially drawn back, before his hips immediately plowed back down to start their frenzied canine humping, thudding against her troublingly bouncing ass as his shaft stroked frantically back and forth along her increasingly heated and sensitive inner walls.

She felt herself bucking forward under him, the force of it reverberating through her body before trembling to a finish in her desperately braced arms, her newly-freed breasts swaying pendulously back and forth on her chest to mark the cadence of each rapid thrust. It was a world of difference than what she'd done before, and it was hard to deny that she was tightly in place against him, able to do little more than accept his unrelenting shaft as he stroked it down into her. It was the kind of position she should have resented, should have hated, should have been feeling frustrated or violated or humiliated by, and yet... more than ever, each thrust only made her feel sexy and happy and very, very right.

In fact, it was hard to look anywhere without seeing a similar thing playing out. Both Heather and Amanda were similarly embraced, Heather even more tightly, her petite body shivering as her pert ass bucked and rippled beneath her partner's rapid humping. Both of them were letting out happy little barks at the culmination of each thrust, and it took several moments before Gianna realized that the vocalizations were intermingled with her own. Their heated scents were powerful enough that Gianna could clearly take them in, intermingling with the musk and somehow making her abdomen flush with renewed warmth even in the midst of being fucked.

Seeing everyone around her mirroring what was happening, and responding with nothing but happy, yielding enthusiasm, it was easy to settle into a pleasant rhythm of her own, letting the thrusts roll through her body as she cried out happily. Somehow, wrapped up in the guy's arms and wrapped around his cock, she felt absolutely comfortable with her position, and the more she saw it mirrored on either side of her, the more she didn't want to be anywhere else.

It was strange, falling into that rhythm, feeling it become normal and right, her reactions steadying and seeming to synchronize with, almost even mirror, the responses that Heather and Amanda were showing. Together, like that, it seemed like it was more than just three random pairs of people fucking in some unrelated way. It was... a group, a tribe, all acting together in a perfect, ecstatic, and deeply instinctive choreography.

It felt, in fact, almost like some primordial part of her had come swarming to the surface, connecting her to the other women, and men, surrounding her. It was a strange sense: like everything from before, being alone with one guy, had somehow been wrong, and this was as it should be - together with the other women of her tribe, basking in their shared heat, letting themselves be mounted by virile, powerful warriors and letting their cries build on each other to stoke the passion between them and bring them closer to the happy, culminating relief that mating would bring.

Not exactly the most masculine of fantasies, to be sure, but in her heated state, it was one that Gianna couldn't quite shake, and one that her body seemed more and more willing to buy into with each thrust. And somehow, as her body stoked further and further towards impossible excitement, it felt fundamentally true and real. Right there, in the center of everything going on, bucking and swaying and moaning in time to women being equally, overwhelmingly pleasured to either side, she realized that she didn't feel like Giancarlo, or even just Gianna, so much as... one of the girls, one of the women being mounted and humped in the most desperately feminine way possible. She wasn't just watching it, or letting it happen in some detached way - she was indelibly a part of it, as fully ensconced in her role as the full, natural-born woman moaning her head off just to the side of her, and in the midst of it, filled with heat and lust, she couldn't defy, protest, or even pretend to deny it.

She was a part of it, right there, and in that moment, as strange as it was, it felt like... she truly belonged, like she really was one of them, and that was exactly where she was supposed to be - wrapped up tight, feeling that masculine strength and warmth tight along her entire torso, feeling her spade and pussy melt and thrill against every rapid, animal thrust.

Through it all, though, she could feel that part deep inside her tensing, and by the shifting timbre of the feminine cries all around her, she knew that the others were nearly as close, and just as eager to give into it. The guys, apparently, were feeling the same, and as Gianna glanced over at Heather, she noticed the guy bending his front arm, letting the weight of his chest sag down on her arms and shoulders.

As overwhelmed as she was, Heather's arms only trembled and wobbled desperately for a moment before giving way, her head plummeting down to send her cries muffling into the waiting pillow. As soon as her head and shoulders were flat against it, her back arching alluringly up to her raised buttocks and trembling thighs, the man braced his weight back off of her. Heather, though, didn't even try to bring herself back up, instead biting at the pillow and howling in exultation as the german shepherd slammed down with renewed vigor against her newly-angled hips, his force compounded by gravity to press the knot in against her already-stretched spade. Even with the tightness between them, all it took were a few powerful, grinding humps to lock them together, and for Heather's moans to reach their crescendo and dissolve into shuddering incoherence as the knot forced her climax to immediately overtake her.

Almost as soon as she was knotted, a muted thud on the opposite side signified that Amanda had taken a similar plunge, and Gianna glanced over just in time to see the collie knot her with a thrust that wracked her entire body. Even as she came, her eyes rolling up and her face melting into an expression of full, tongue-lolling satiation, Gianna felt a heavy weight pressing down against her shoulder blades, and with barely any fight at all, her arms gave way to send the pillow below plummeting up at her.

She landed softly, moaning deeply into the plush pillow surrounding her muzzle, and before she could even think about a futile attempt to prop herself back up, the malamute's strong hands were both in place around her waist, holding her tightly as his thick, forceful knot ground in hard against a spade incapable of doing anything but accept it gratefully. A few moments of straining, stretching pressure that left her yowling into the pillow, and there, again, was that sudden feeling of him, snug and full and deep inside her, his tip probing and catching and digging in, his knot pressing and kneading and utterly dominating against that one impossibly hot, passionate spot... and then she was cumming, without guilt or pain or hesitation, easily coaxing his warmth to come flooding into her, belly awash with wet heat, pulsating desire, and thankful, overwhelming relief.

This time, the orgasm seemed to dwell longer and deeper within her, and she could still feel her insides pulsing around his knot when he eased her down flat on her belly, resting on his elbows and keeping himself propped up above her, just enough that she could barely feel his fur brushing against hers. They were still tied together, though, and he had no qualms about letting the full weight of his hips press down against her own - and while her troublingly squishy posterior kept her reasonably comfortable even with that pressure, that part of her was still well and truly pinned, shoved down against the surface of the mattress beneath that felt strangely, uniformly flat along the front of her hips. Yet another reminder of what she was missing, although the knot tightly lodged inside her and pressing relentlessly against the inside of her spade was more than enough to do that on its own.

And yet, despite that, it seemed resoundingly impossible for her to feel humiliated in that moment. True, even that time before with Jonah's possessed form, her heated body had been more than willing to settle into that screwed-up situation, but this time... submissive or not, feminine or not, pinned underneath a guy or not, all she could feel was relief. This guy, admittedly, was practically purring into her ears while gently rubbing her neck with his muzzle, obviously trying to make her feel comfortable and happy - and along with everything else, it was easy, oh so easy, to simply go along with it.

It was the path of least resistance, to be sure, but whatever resistance she'd been interested in, after the first round of enervating relief, hadn't managed to manifest itself in the way that she'd planned. She knew that she shouldn't just be accepting of it, that she shouldn't be happy in such a thoroughly feminine position, but there she was, accepting it nonetheless, right there with the rest of the women surrounding her. Lying there, in that moment, she didn't just feel thoroughly and completely female, she was actually... accepting it, enjoying it.

It was easy to tell herself that it wasn't really her - that it was because she was in heat, that it was because there was some lingering effect of the panty-curse which had brought her there in the first place. She couldn't deny the fact, though, that she happened to be completely happy exactly where she was, and even when the guy eventually pulled out, rolling off of her into a sitting position and petting her from the top of her head all the way down her back to the tip of her tail, she was happy to lie there and purr happily. There was no way, for sure, that Giancarlo would have let anyone, male or female, pet him like that, or even accept being in such a ridiculously vulnerable position in the first place - and yet, there she was, completely at peace with it.

She couldn't deny that she felt awesome, although that was predictable enough - the aggravation of heat was only matched by the satiation of its relief, and two rounds in she was already willing to simply relax in that combined, half-dazed afterglow. Even in the midst of it, though, there was a certain sensation - not quite the resumption of heat, as back-to-back matings had knocked it back for at least a while longer, but the clear sort of feeling that if her partner wanted another go, she'd be more than happy to let him satisfy her again.

In fact, her earlier desire for dominance was so completely and thoroughly extinguished in her current state that when she noticed the men to either side of her easing Heather and Amanda over onto their backs, petting up along their sex-matted thighs before spreading them unresistingly apart, Gianna rolled over on her own before her partner could follow suit. She let him spread her open, though, enjoying the sensation of his strong hands pressed in close along her inner thighs, and just like that he was between her legs, erection springing forward. She was more than happy to feel his tip drive in against her spade anew - as it was still mostly stretched, she only felt the barest spreading sensation before his shaft was sliding along the inside edges of it to slide wonderfully inside her, their position causing her inner thighs to hug and rub against his hips as he lowered himself down, fur brushing and rubbing as he quickly built up to a thrusting that was no less rapid, but somehow both steadier and more intimate than before.

Maybe it was because they were fully together this time, face to face, the malamute lowering himself down just enough that she could get a sense of his weight pressing down all the way from her thighs to her shoulders, feeling her nipples nuzzle into his chestfur even as the bulk of her breasts snapped back and forth with each hammering thrust. Or maybe it was the feel of his muzzle suddenly against her own, licking and probing and kissing, tongue lapping against hers when she couldn't help but let it loll out every time she gasped and panted at each close, warm thrust. But in that position, where she could feel his own body rocking with the motion along with her own, she couldn't help but reach up and run her hands along him with a strangely female sort of appreciation, feeling his powerful muscles tensing and flexing as he used all of them in turn to make his lust known within her.

She could hear the others moaning steadily around her, but the malamute was rapidly taking up all of her focus, his face filling nearly her entire field of view as he continued to kiss and nuzzle her with the same relentless intensity as his grinding hips. All of it together was almost completely overwhelming, and after a few moments of trying to parse all of it, she simply sighed and allowed the combined sensation to overtake her, settling into a passive, passionate daze, each thrusting stroke driving her more deeply and completely into that tight, comfortable closeness.

Nothing else seemed to matter, just that steady, even stroking, and she was so lost in it that she didn't even notice that she'd been knotted until her climax suddenly surged forward out of nowhere to seize hold of her, and every part of her insides seemed to tense and conform completely around the warm, perfect profile of his cock before trembling their way through her belly in a series of throbbing, girly pulses. Even without any sense of burgeoning heat within her, the warm splashes of cum that soon followed were even more immediately relieving, and her comfortable daze persisted even longer than it took for him to eventually recede.

She was still fully into it when he pulled out and levered himself off of her. He was still panting himself as he got to his feet, but still managed to look down at her with that sort of supremely masculine confidence - watching as she continued to lie there, legs still spread wide and pussy still throbbing gently as the afterglow enveloped her, coupled with that strange sense of calm but renewed eagerness that she'd felt before. Even so, even knowing what he had to be seeing, she still couldn't muster the energy or desire to move, and so she merely lay there, open and inviting with a steady trickle of cum dripping down from her exposed spade.

She only had enough wherewithal, really, to glance over to either side, where she was met with a similar sight: both Heather and Amanda were just as equally splayed and sated, the same look of dazed, tongue-lolling satisfaction firmly ensconced on both of their muzzles.

She looked back up to see the trio of guys, somehow not nearly as dazed as she was, pulling their tight little trunks back on, and she couldn't help but feel strangely proud as she saw the fully retreated profile of the malamute's clearly-outlined bulge. If he had completely satisfied her, she had surely done the same, and somehow it made her feel like she'd... held her own, even if doing so had mostly meant submitting completely to their mutual lust.

Still, they were guys, and they were clearly enjoying seeing just how completely and thoroughly they had fucked their partners, high-fiving and congratulating themselves, although they remembered to direct a few more compassionate words of praise at Gianna and the others before excusing themselves and taking off. A strangely abrupt end to their shared passion, one that spurred a momentary sense of longing at the lack of closeness that Giancarlo would have been horrified by, although it was certainly one he would have been familiar with - in heat clubs, especially, the sex was front and center, and the sort of lingering that might spawn an emotional connection, the kind that led to problematic complications, was discouraged for sure...

They obviously didn't leave immediately, though - at least not before telling whoever had been milling around outside in the common area that there were women in the room who had been thoroughly prepared and were ready for more. Before she could even think about trying to shake of the rest of her daze, before she could even try to muster enough determination to get up, another canine guy poked his head into the room before hurriedly entering, followed by several more, turning into a veritable stream of men wandering in.

In less than a minute, there was an entire crowd of them, forming a near-continuous ring around the trio of mattresses. It was almost intimidating to look up from that position, seeing them all looming over her with thick, rigid erections already on display, a sea of different fur patterns and colors all attached to muscled, clearly attractive men. It was the sort of precarious situation that probably should have scared her, probably should have sparked some active response in her... but she was still lying there in the safe confines of the heat club, wrapped comfortably in that warm, permeating daze. All she wanted to do was keep her legs spread wide as one of the men overcame his indecision and descended between her legs, pausing only rub away the cum pooling between the pads of her spade before lowering himself the rest of the way down and spearing into her.

The sensation quickly brought her back to an almost identically intimate embrace, and the fact that it was a total stranger staring down at her seemed nearly irrelevant as her heated body gave into him instantly, leaving her moaning happily against the renewed thrusts and eagerly letting his knot drive in to send an involuntary climax throbbing tight within her. Then the afterglow returned, a daze that didn't let up nearly quickly enough, as the moment the man climbed up off of her, another was waiting eagerly to plunge between her thighs and leave her spade gripping and rubbing against a wonderfully filling, thrusting cock - and then another, and another, and another...

Gianna lost track of how much time had passed as she lay on the mattress, flat on her back, as one man after another settled on top of her and stroked into her heated body. The procession left her stunned and satiated in equal measure, the afterglow of one encounter transitioning directly to renewed excitement each time another man lowered himself down between her thighs.

Modulated by the ebb and flow of heated arousal and release, time passed in a floaty sort of blur, the sensations of a cock thrusting and throbbing inside her blending together into what seemed a persistent state of deeply intimate contact. Only certain things punctuated it strongly enough to register against that background of constant humping: the initial feeling of a new cock vigorously splaying the pads of her spade aside and stretching her inner walls arounds its similar but somehow still novel contours; the impossible-to-ignore presence of a knot slamming home inside her that overwhelmed every other sensation or reaction; the intense squirming arousal as hot flesh pressed unrelentingly against that one most sensitive part within her until her body, tensed to its limit, surrendered to another earth-shattering climax and the inevitable descent back into dazed, quiescent satiation.

There was no break, no respite, no quarter from the constant attention, although to the extent that her heat had overtaken most other conscious impulses, it was attention that she welcomed without resistance or frustration. Really, there was little that she could or wanted to do, as after each climax all her body desired was lay there and bask in the satiation. She was fairly certain that for the duration, her head barely even came off the pillow, and even after each guy withdrew his knot, about the only conscious action she could muster was to occasionally pull her thighs back together, only to relent as another guy nudged them apart a moment later to ease her back into body-rocking, thrust-accepting complacency.

It didn't feel bad, or wrong, it just... was. It wasn't even worth feeling humiliated about, not that she could even really focus on such things in the midst of it. The men, for their part, didn't do anything to stoke that train of thought at all. Before, with the demon controlling Jonah, it had made sure that the humiliation was paramount, and every action it had taken with Jonah's body had been designed to reinforce that: grappling her, forcing her down, being as rough as possible. This, though, was all but consensual, inasmuch as heat led her to respond that way, and the guys didn't do anything to dispel that mutuality - even while they were on top of her, even as they used that position to thrust steadily and unrelentingly against her spade, they weren't explicitly holding her down or growling their dominance into her chest. Instead, their caresses were constant alongside the thrusting, fingers sliding across her fur, tongues lapping and muzzles suckling at her engorged breasts, bathing her in pleasant, arousing sensations that only enhanced the feeling of the cock bucking rapidly against her inner walls. Even the hammering impacts of their knots against the swelled pads of her spade seemed almost loving somehow, and she couldn't help but respond with moans that felt willingly and happily released.

In short, it felt just as impossibly good as it had before, and her heat was enough to suppress the horrifying realizations that were building up from her earlier revelations in the back of her mind. Eventually, though, the sensations began to fade, and when she looked up, the stand of men that had been encircling them was gone, replaced by a duo of miniskirt-clad female workers taking out their belongings from a duffel bag and stacking neatly-folded clothing to either side.

Apparently, they'd more than fulfilled their requirements, maybe even reached some sort of safety cut-off. In any case, the satiation was certainly complete - only the slightest background tingling remained, replaced within her by a sort of painless, deeply satisfied ache, and the lingering sensation of feeling completely and utterly filled emanating from low in her belly.

It was when the workers had filed out, though, and she moved to sit up and glance around, that the situation started to kick in. She was totally and completely naked, with every inch of her fur feeling mussed from being rubbed against, her heated scent all but hidden by the thick combination of male musk that seemed to emanate from every point of contact. Even the simple act of sitting upright was enough to cause a thick stream of cum to ooze out from between the pads of her spade, still so stretched that she couldn't feel any part of their inner edges making contact with each other like they usually did.

Sitting there, looking down at herself, noticing the strangely incongruous way her belly protruded slightly around what was certainly a womb pumped full to the brim with semen, it began to sink in just how utterly... female she felt. Even with all of her earlier protests, she hadn't just had heat take her over, she'd welcomed it in and let it guide her into sating it in the most feminine way possible. Instead of dominating at all beyond that first contact, she'd spent nearly the entire time flat on her back like a little bitch, letting guy after guy fuck her instead of the other way around. She hadn't hated it, hadn't resisted it - in fact, she'd even enjoyed it, enjoyed doing nothing more than reacting to a guy's thrusts, letting him do the work of slaking her heat. Heck, she'd even enjoyed having guy after guy pump their seed into her, moaning happily as her body accepted their flooding warmth. In fact, the only way she could have been any more of a typical, heated bitch is if she'd done the whole thing on all fours, face down and ass up, hips bucking and boobs swaying as she barked and howled and took the knot in the hardest and deepest way possible. At least that had only happened one time, with one guy, but all the same, it was a sobering thought. She'd spent what had probably been hours of yet another heat submitting easily and completely in a thoroughly feminine way, and hadn't even had the presence of mind to be ashamed about it.

It seemed, though, that she was the only one that was beginning to feel that sort of sobering regret. Amanda was already stretching happily, a little calmer than her usually perky self, wearing a thoroughly satisfied and unrepentant smile as she unashamedly slid a hand between her legs and lapped at the sticky mess coating her fingers when they returned. At least she wasn't actually trying to curl herself over and lick down there, as Giancarlo had seen heated women do once or twice, but to Gianna doing anything like that was unthinkable.

Then again, Amanda had been female from birth, and had accepted it without a second thought. She was used to this, for sure, and it had showed in the way she'd given in to the attentions of her partners with unhesitating enthusiasm. For her, that was probably just the natural way for women to be, and so there was nothing to regret from taking on that willingly submissive role. Maybe it was a little surprising that she was still that perky afterwards, already getting up and pulling on clothing while it was about all Gianna could do to sit upright, but the fact that Amanda had taken to such an insane orgy so easily was probably just another day in heat for a typical female.

Hugh, on the other hand, looked even more dazed than Gianna was, actually sill laying there with her arms stretched back over her head and her legs splayed open to either side. She was still panting heavily, actually trembling on occasion, and every few seconds her hips gently bucked like she was feeling the echo from one of the many, many thrusts that had slammed home against her spade. Her eyes even seemed partially rolled back, like she was completely lost in sensations that were still somehow overloading her mind, and it was a good couple of minutes more before the aftereffects subsided and her vision seemed to focus back to the present.

By that point, at least, Gianna had attempted to stand up, although her legs were still beyond wobbly, and she had to lean on the wall more than once to steady herself. Everything was far too tremblingly sensitive, especially between her legs, and when even the light fabric of her panties was met with such squirming intensity that she nearly lost her balance completely, she decided to forgo the annoying things, even if it meant stickiness would be trickling down her thighs with even more alacrity. At least she'd somehow thought ahead and brought a mid-thigh-length miniskirt instead of another pair of fur-tight leggings, and that was at least bearable to put on, but feeling her swollen spade squishing and leaking between her thighs as she moved was still uncomfortably disconcerting.

The top she'd brought was thankfully no more complicated than a regular shirt, and she pulled it on without even attempting the constriction of a bra against her still-sensitive breasts. That probably meant they put on more of a show that they otherwise would have, but between what she'd just gone through and the exhaustion that was beginning to seep into every part of her, she just couldn't quite bring herself to care.

They were all sufficiently worn out, apparently, that they barely managed to exchange more than a few words with each other as they finished getting dressed and headed for the exit. Not that Gianna would have been sure about what to say, anyway - really, what kind of conversation would it be normal to have after spending the past few hours hearing each other get fucked silly by a pack of anonymous guys?

And yet, that being said, somehow she actually felt closer to both of them. Sharing that experience, watching and listening to them react, knowing what they all had to be feeling through her own simultaneous experience, it actually felt like they'd bonded somehow, as strange as it was. That they actually were friends, equals, taking on that role together... and it was that thought which began to gnaw at her again.

Somehow, they all ended up back at her place - she'd been too tired or frazzled by it all to remember to drop them off separately, but neither of them seemed to care. Shortly after getting inside, they'd all stripped down and squeezed into the shower together, sharing an unspoken need to clean off after so much close contact. They stayed in there until the hot water ran out, propped up against the shower walls with their legs spread and fingers holding their spades open, passing around the handheld shower wand to rinse the permeating male musk from their fur and wash away the thick, oozing globs of cum that continued to trickle out.

It should have been sexy, really: hanging out in the shower with two naked women, two sexy co-workers with just the sort of figures and personalities that Giancarlo would have loved to dominate. It should have been exciting, watching the water playing across their breasts and tracing rivulets through their fur as it cascaded down their thighs, leering at their spades on full display.

And yet... the truth of it was, there were three women on display, not just two. She wasn't any different - she was in the exact same situation that they were, thoroughly fucked and filled with cum, not enjoying the situation so much as seeking the exact same relief. She wasn't being better, or different, or using her experience as Giancarlo to hold herself above it all. In that moment, it was impossible to see herself as anything more than one of the girls, one of the bitches that had submitted completely, standing there passively as the sticky reminder of everything that had been done to her trickled past the spread pads of her spade, with far more of it completely trapped and lingering inside her. She was exactly like Heather and Amanda, had submitted in exactly the same way, had been just as dazed and filled and feeling overwhelmingly, undeniably female. Stroked, fucked, knotted, satiated, and now exhausted, a full and incontrovertible surrender to her spade's perverse desires.

There was nothing more to say, nothing more to do, than give into their exhaustion. Gianna didn't even bother to pull anything on after toweling off, just let the towel slide down onto the floor before she stepped forward to fall heavily onto her bed, letting herself curl up into the sort of comfortable ball she rarely allowed herself to - after all, sleeping in that sort of position in bed was hardly manly. In that moment, though, she felt incredibly far away from being a man, farther away than she'd ever felt before, so much so that she couldn't bring herself to care - or maybe, after everything that had happened, she felt like she didn't deserve to act in a way that even pretended to be like a man. Someone with Giancarlo's spirit, someone steeped in power and dominance, was never supposed to give in like that, no matter the form, no matter what curses had to be fought against. After what she'd done, after how she'd given in, she was beginning to doubt whether the person she currently was even deserved the strength of Giancarlo's legacy.

Gianna felt the other women flop down on the bed, snuggling up next to her, and she couldn't find any arousal even in the feeling of their soft, naked fur against hers. No, she was just a part of it, as naked and cuddly and girly as all the rest, to the point that she actually felt frustrated tears trickling down along her muzzle as the exhaustion began to overtake her. Even that sort of uncontrolled feminine emotion had to appear, and in that moment all she wanted was for that strange, feminizing day to be over, with the hope that tomorrow things would be different.

As she plummeted towards sleep, though, it was impossible to ignore the feeling of her breast rubbing against the sheets, or the subtle sensation of touch between her legs as the pads of her spade finally started to press back together. Her femininity confirmed, sleep finally arrived, and her last wish before sinking into it was that the inevitable dream would take her somewhere other than that room full of thrusting, dominating men. And, somehow, that wish eventually came through, although she wasn't sure just how much of it was a dream: fragmented glimpses of the boneheap lurking in the corner of the room, cowl pulled back to reveal the stark silhouette of bones glinting a subtle white in the pale moonlight trickling in the window, ember-red eyes glowing unblinkingly in the darkness as they seemed to sear into her confused, afraid soul.

She woke up to proper rays of sunlight streaming in, and Heather somehow lying atop her, head leaning back in the cleft between Gianna's breasts. It was kind of strange - if it had actually been Hugh doing that, cute-looking or not, she'd have been pissed for sure at the intrusion. Heather, though, was so girly, so inherently unthreatening, that somehow it actually felt kind of nice. Well, that and the fact that she was just as naked, and there was nothing stopping her from reaching down and palming one of Heather's pert little breasts - an action that was strangely unsatisfying coupled with the feeling of someone nuzzling in against her own.

It was enough to nudge Heather awake, though, and she glanced up at Gianna with a yawn, not even seeming to mind the fact that she was being groped.

"Mmmm... Oh, I'm still here. I guess things did get a little... fuzzy afterwards. I have to say, though, if being in heat was five times more frustrating than I thought it would be, the sensation of having it relieved is like ten times better..."

"If you say so..." Gianna wasn't sure it was better, but it definitely felt like a weight off now that the oppressive urges of heat were no longer tugging at her. As intense as the hours of near-constant mating she'd endured had been, what Amanda had said about the cumulative relief of back-to-back sex had apparently been true. Having slept straight through to the next morning, her heat would normally have been picking back up again, but aside from the slightest bit of background tingliness, there was no sign of it at all. At that rate, it probably wouldn't spike back up until the evening, which meant that she might actually make it through without having to touch yet another guy - if May and her toy were available, at least.

She felt Heather nuzzling against her left breast, apparently still oblivious to the grip Gianna still had on hers. "Um... you really don't even care that I'm copping a feel?"

Heather just kind of shrugged. "I dunno, I guess it just doesn't feel like it matters, compared to... you know, yesterday. I never really imagined what it would be like to be there, together, watching what was happening with both of you while experiencing it all for myself. Although, I guess I kind of got lost in it midway through, and I can't actually remember what really happened from that point on. But still... after that, being naked, being close to you, just seems... strangely natural. Like it can't possibly be any more intimate than what we already showed to each other. We came together, side by side, and somehow, after that... it's hard to even imagine that things were how they were between us, before. Like that was an entire other world, and now... I feel so different, it's like it's night and day..."

"Yeah, well, I'm not sure I'd go that far, but..." Gianna couldn't help but think back, remembering how she'd felt as she'd watched Heather get knotted for the first time. It hadn't been quite the way she'd imagined, but being able to glance over and watch as it happened again and again, watching her complete and utter surrender to every single guy that got his hands on her... true, Gianna hadn't fared much better, but given that Heather had borne the brunt of Hugh's delusional rape attempt earlier, she'd probably been filled more than enough by now to make for a fair and reasonable revenge. And if she was going to play the part Gianna had intended for her... "We're in this together, no question. Although, seriously, it's kinda weird that you're totally fine with me groping you..."

"Who's groping who?" Gianna glanced over to see Amanda sitting up on the other side of her, pawing the sleep from her eyes. "Oh, you guys are still playing around, huh? I'd join you, but I'm not sure I have any excess energy to burn off. Wow... can't remember the last time I've been worn out that much during heat. If you've got a boyfriend, well, one guy can technically get it done, but that many, back to back to back, going at you nonstop... nothing like doing it the way it's supposed to be done, am I right?"

"I guess..." Heather reached down cautiously, then sat up abruptly, wincing. "It felt good while it happened, and that satiation is something else, but... I'm not sure it's possible to be any more sore down there..."

"Heh, probably something that takes a little getting used to, especially when you're corgi-sized. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but if you actually press down on the pads where they're sore, give them a nice, deep massage, the pain dissipates and they bounce back really quickly. I think it's something about the pounding that just gets a bunch of blood into them to help cushion against it, making everything super sensitive, and massaging it gets things back down to where they're supposed to be..."

"I'll, um, think about that," Heather replied, suddenly looking a little more self-conscious, while Amanda looked over and blinked at the light streaming into the room.

"Wait... what time is it, even? I know we crashed pretty early, which isn't that surprising after a session like that, but it's kind of bright for..."

She glanced around the room, seeming to start as she noticed the glowing numerals of Gianna's alarm clock. "Oh crap, it's that late already? Arrgh... I knew I should have rescheduled the moment I felt heat coming on!"


"My heat isn't as predictable as Gianna's, after all, and since I hate taking off during the work week, I found a medical group that has doctors willing to schedule on the weekends. But they're crazy booked, and if I cancel now, it'll take months to get an appointment again..." She paused, grimacing, before smacking her face with her palm. "Oh, what the hell was I thinking! I'm scheduled for a damn mammogram! With everything engorged, that is going to suck in ways I don't even want to think about..."

Amanda got up, searched around for her purse and then her phone, groaning as she confirmed it, and followed it up with another grimace as she kicked around some sodden clothing on the floor.

"Gianna, I hate to ask, but considering we're about the same size... can I borrow some panties? The ones I had on coming back from the club are... let's just say I don't relish pulling them back on in their current state..."

Gianna gestured over towards the dresser drawer. "Right in there - the heat-style ones are on the right. Toss me over a pair too, okay?"

Amanda complied, a moment before grabbing a pair for herself and pulling them on. Gianna couldn't help but smirk for a moment at the fact Amanda had grabbed one of the pairs that the boneheap kept infiltrating in amongst the others, the ones with the crimson crotch panel designed to put a spade's contours on display. The smirk, though, lasted only until she glanced down and noticed that the pair Amanda had thrown her way were of exactly the same type.

She grudgingly pulled them on anyway, her spade calm enough not to mind them, although she wasn't convinced it was that much of an improvement over being naked. Of course, she could get up and get dressed all the way, but that would mean revealing her troublingly, stereotypically feminine wardrobe to someone else. At least Amanda hadn't said anything about the frilly, super-girly things that the boneheap kept her underwear drawer constantly stocked with...

Amanda pulled the rest of her clothes on in a hurry, and while they were a bit better than what she'd initially been wearing the previous day, they still looked more like she was going to a cocktail party than a doctor's appointment. She didn't look exactly happy about it either, but was running far too late to pirate any more of Gianna's clothes in search of something better. Dressed, she quickly tapped on her phone, and within a few minutes she was out the front door and padding down the steps to catch the taxi she'd called for.

Which left her and Heather sitting on the bed, Gianna looking over uncomfortably as she noticed what was going on. Heather, apparently past her momentary embarrassment over being naked and seeming to assume that Gianna's attention was elsewhere, had tucked her hand back between slightly spread legs, open enough that Gianna could see her fingers massaging tentatively at each pad of her spade in turn.

"Really?" Gianna said. "Right here in front of me?"

Heather started, her head snapping over as her hand darted guiltily back to her side.

"Sorry, I... I just thought that after what we just went through together, something like that wouldn't really matter..."

Gianna sighed. Maybe it didn't, but something about it, something about Heather sitting there... maybe it hadn't before, but it was starting to get to her.

"Hugh... you do remember that I told you I used to be a guy, right?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah... of course. I mean, we both used to be, I know, it's just... I've never even known you as a guy at all. After what happened, seeing the way you were acting, how you were with all those guys... I guess it's hard to see that and not really think of you as a woman..."

It was impossible not to smirk at that. "The way I looked? Maybe you were so wrapped up in it you weren't even noticing what you were doing, but Amanda's an actual woman as far as I know, and you were acting even girlier than her! Heck, you were the first one of us to give in, from the moment the first guy put his hands on you... but that's not the point. Whatever you think, I really was a guy, before. The kind of guy who'd be absolutely ecstatic seeing a girl in my bed doing that the next morning, as it would be a clear testament to my prowess. Now, though... all it makes me do is think about how much I'm in the exact same situation.

"Truth is, we were all there in that room. We were all under a lot of guys - not riding, not side by side, under them. Maybe that's just what heat does, maybe with a bunch of women in a room together they just... play off each other somehow, but there wasn't anything strong or masculine about it, at least not on our part. I don't know how it happened or what I was thinking, but no matter how much I try to pretend otherwise, for that entire afternoon I really was a woman, all the way, experiencing the most feminine thing a woman can probably feel outside of childbirth. It keeps playing through my head and I can't forget it, and right now... the last thing I want is a reminder."

"Wait - you're actually trying to say that you didn't enjoy it?"

"No, I did - and that's the problem. I'm going to be a man again. This is all supposed to suck, I guess, but all I have to do is endure it, get through it, and get my shot at getting my male form back. The last thing I'm supposed to do is enjoy having sex not just as a woman, but like a woman. That's supposed to piss me off, keep me focused on what I really want. If I'm actually enjoying it, if I'm letting it make me happy, then... I dunno. Maybe I start thinking being this way actually isn't so bad. If I start doing something stupid like that, though, I lose my shot, and then I'm stuck like this indefinitely, stuck in this body that can only be fucked by someone else... no, that's something I can't afford to contemplate, and I can't stand getting stuck in crazy, heated situations that keep forcing me to think that way. I mean, you know what I'm saying, right, being in the same situation and all..."

Heather tilted her head down, all of a sudden seeming unwilling to look Gianna in the eye. "A-about that... I..."


"I... think I don't want to go back to being a guy anymore..."

It was hard not to smirk at that. "Really? This coming from the guy who fronted like he was the most masculine guy on the planet a month ago?"

"Yeah, I know how I was!" Heather responded, showing a brief flash of anger before her expression seemed to sink back down into uncertainty. "But now it's... so different. When it first happened, I didn't even know what to think, and what my so-called friends did to me... somehow, I doubt it helped. Each day I went through as a woman, though, it got more... normal, more interesting, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt better as a woman than I ever did as a guy. All of a sudden, I didn't have to prove myself, prove a masculinity that didn't matter anymore because it was gone, and then I could just... act however I wanted, and with this form, both men and women all of a sudden started liking me more... it just started to feel right, and I... I didn't want to fight it anymore, just accept it and see how it made me feel..."

"Uh huh... and you still feel that way? You still feel like this is all right and normal and okay now that you spent several hours straight being pinned under a bunch of guys and fucking used by them nonstop?"

"I... yeah, actually, I do. I know it sounds really fuckin' weird, coming from me, but... heat made everything feel a lot more right. When I woke up like that, it all clicked, somehow. I mean, it felt kinda strange, and after a while it got really aggravating until it got taken care of, but when I started feeling that, when I felt that different sort of arousal throbbing through my chest, making me all warm and wet and aching with readiness... it just felt right, you know? Like that's the way it was supposed to be, like that's the way I was supposed to feel arousal all along, but never could before because... guys can't feel it like that, and as a woman I didn't even know how to even get arousal to work, outside of a guy doing stuff to me. Feeling that, though, somehow I just knew... there was this feeling in me, that this was what I'd been waiting so long to feel, even if I never realized it before..."

"And you don't think that maybe a certain worthless sack of bones might have had something to do with that? I seem to recall you saying it actually told you that it wanted you to feel that way, and that it was going to make it seem like you did, whether you wanted to or not..."

"I... I don't know, okay? I don't know what it did or didn't do, but I haven't even seen it at all since that morning when it told me all that stuff. Yeah, it's true that every day I was feeling better about it, but... this seems different. Like it was something I always knew deep down, but never wanted to admit it, never could even express it, not while I was a guy. When I was there, in that room, and that guy started putting his hands on me, touching my spade... all of a sudden, I was more aroused than I'd ever been before. It wasn't just because of heat, or because my spade was sensitive, or anything like that. It was because he was a strong guy, because he was attracted to me, because he saw what I needed and gave it to me before I even knew to ask for it. And when he laid me down, when he got his cock out and I felt the pads of my spade start to pull apart on their own, and I started feeling so ready, so eager... I didn't want to pounce on him, or take charge, or any of that masculine stuff I kept telling myself I was supposed to feel. All I wanted to do was... submit to his desire, feel it stoking my own, feel his strength holding me down and his shaft stretching me open, feel his masculine dominance take over every part of me and make me react, make me cum in that feminine way. And when he was inside me, there was such a phenomenal relief, such a sense of rightness, this feeling like that was supposed to be my role all along... I don't know how else to say it. Maybe that's why I always struck out with women, because I never really wanted to follow through on all my talk, that all my groping and stuff really was just a front. Maybe that's why I spent most of my time hanging out with other guys who were trying to be as masculine as possible, not because I was trying to fit in, not because I really looked up to them, but because I liked being around them, because I wanted to appreciate their strength, because somewhere deep inside I wanted them to be with me in a way that was impossible as a man, but so easily possible now. And now I have been, and I like it, and I just... want to keep feeling this way..."

"Wow, you... seem weirdly convinced about all this. You do know, though, that half of that at least is just the kind of stuff heat can do when it's messing with your head? Shit, it's pretty obvious how I feel about this whole being a woman thing, but... when heat gets ahold of you, those hormones start messing with your head, messing with your perceptions, and sometimes your body makes you enjoy stuff, and kind of shuts down your mind even if it's not really in agreement. Maybe the middle of heat isn't the best time to be making those kinds of pronouncements..."

"But that's the thing. What happened yesterday, it drained things so much that if I'm still in heat, I can't feel any of it. Not at all. Even being sore, even pawing at... stuff, and that arousal's barely even there at all. And yet, thinking back on what happened, now that I've got a clear head... I don't feel any different about it at all. It still felt amazing, every single part of it, and I don't regret any of it, don't feel bad or wrong or humiliated. Being there, with all of you, it felt so... I know it doesn't make sense, considering only one person there was actually a real woman, but when it was happening, when we were all together, it felt like there was this... connection between us. That looking over, and seeing it happening to you too, made everything feel better, made me feel like I belonged there, like I was actually one of the girls, for real, instead of just being in that form. And it felt... so right, I can't even describe it. The way it felt to have a knot inside me, once I got used to it, to feel the way that a guy could fill me so completely, to feel stretched around everything from that bulgy knot to the tip pressing in so deep, to feel so tight and snug and completely connected, to feel so utterly feminine in that undeniable way... it was perfect. It was exactly the way, somehow, that I'd always wanted to feel. And the way it made me cum, how it guaranteed that I'd respond. Every single time I got off effortlessly, and so did the guy, and feeling those bursts of heat inside me, feeling the way they satisfied and relaxed everything, I... felt complete, for the first time basically ever.

"Then, when I got to feel it again and again and again, and each time was even more perfect than the last... somewhere in the middle of all that, feeling a guy's hips pressing me down against the bed and his knot throbbing hot against the inside of my spade, I knew right there that this was what I wanted to be. And the only way I could be that, feel that, is if I stay as a girl, stay in this form that feels so strange but so incredibly good... I just don't want to stop feeling like this, even if that mean giving up my cock for good. I don't love every single thing about it, but I can't even imagine now wanting to have sex without the feeling of a man's strength against me, and a thick cock massaging me from the inside. I don't want to go back to what I was before, trying to pretend to be something I'm not, while never able to be what I wanted. This... this is what I want, and the more I think about it, the more I want it. I want to stay this way so much..."

She trailed off, seeming to glance down at herself with a blank stare, but Gianna was more than aware enough to feel a sudden chill shock through her fur.

Sure enough, as if in response to Heather's bizarre plea, the boneheap suddenly appeared at the foot of the bed. For some reason, it was even more closely wrapped in its sackcloth cowl than usual, with the hood tilting up just enough to betray a thin line of bleached bones, but thankfully not the evil, glowing eyelike things that lurked behind them.

After a moment, Heather looked up, seeing the thing and suddenly looking a little shocked. Whatever she'd been saying, the mere sight of the thing certainly unsettled her, and for the first time she seemed to really care about her still completely-naked state, grabbing at the covers and yanking them up in front of her far enough to cover most of her breasts.

"pointless gesture. vision capable of seeing all asPects, disregarding barriers. not here to ogle form, anyway. created form, complete reCall of all contours. heard declaration. present to see if willing to commit. renounce h-ugh, accept permaNent status as female. will offer... reWard if accepted."

"Er, uh... what?" Yeah, Heather was definitely still rattled, although Gianna had gotten used enough to the thing by now that all she felt in its presence was a certain furious aggravation.

"have seen full female exPerience. have taken heat, taken knot. enough to make decision, if deCision desired. supposed to be female anyway. accept, no further interFerence. reject, still female anyway, interference continues. state decision."

"I, I... I have to decide right now? I mean, I think that I... I really do feel that way, but to make a decision, right now, and... if I accept, it's really permanent? No going back, ever?"

"correct. accept, reject, continue, choose option."

"I, ah... I know what I said, I know that's how I feel, but... it's easier to say it, you know? It's easier to say it, think it, but putting me on the spot, making me decide right now, to be a woman and not ever go back... what if I didn't think everything through? What if I'm being impulsive, or confused, or... it's such a big decision, all of a sudden, that-"

The boneheap nudged an arm out from under its shapeless garment, barely nudging it forward at all, but it was enough to stop Heather in mid-sentence, her muzzle hanging open like it was frozen in place.

"prevarication annoying. choice not forthComing. continue, then. however, clear choice is approaching. acceptance close to ineVitable. so, selected reward after all. additional capability to encouRage femininity."

The arm extended further outward, and a thin beam of light shot forward, apparently going right through the sheet like it wasn't even there. Gianna couldn't see where it ended up, but judging by the line of it, the beam most likely intersected squarely between Heather's legs. Her reaction certainly matched that conclusion: her whole body squirmed for a moment, her muzzle unfreezing to let out a surprised gasp, followed by a quick, quavering high-pitched moan.

"Oooh fuck, that was... did you... what did you do to me?"

"slight internal modifiCation. primary stimulation for canine female from internal tissue, defined as clitoris. brought closer to surface, bound to additioNal nerve bundles. more sensitive, easier to stimulate. increased other pathWays between touch and lubrication. now, male contact on breasts, buttocks, or spade, ready within moments. all penetRation, any size, full stimulation. climax from initial penetration, multiple while hapPening. fully enjoy as feMale with any male, any situation. experience more contact, become more female. make decision permanent soon enough."


The boneheap withdrew its arm, clattering for a second before continuing. "heat also exTended. full week, now. with modification, knot should now be especially overWhelming, rewarding. have fun subMitting like eager bitch. after heat comPleted, decision put forward again. confiDent right choice will be made."

Having done what it had intended to do, the boneheap didn't bother with fading into the background, instead blinking out of visibility as instantaneously as it had arrived. Gianna just grumbled at its departure, while at least thankful the thing hadn't decided to do something additionally aggravating to her while it was there.

Heather, though, still looked a little unsettled, although it seemed to have at least goaded her into action. She got up and retrieved the clothing she'd worn on the way back: a crop top and a sort of pleated skirt that came down to mid-thigh. Put together, it looked almost like a schoolgirl uniform, albeit of the naughty-schoolgirl-costume variety. That, admittedly, had never been one of Giancarlo's fetishes - while he hadn't drawn many lines, once he was actually an adult, he'd made a point to go after only actual adult women, and even a costume like that, one that seemed to skirt the line, was one that he'd rather avoid. Of course, as Gianna, it didn't do anything for her, aside from making her feel a little jealous - short as it was, the skirt was still at least a few inches longer than the best she'd managed to track down.

Gianna took the opportunity to get dressed herself, grabbing the least constricting bra she could find, a T-shirt that was midriff-exposing but at least reasonable, and one of the few skirts she had that were at least long enough not to flash a nice view of her panties to anyone behind her if she bent over. Not that she loved the skirt either way, but the only other real option she had was leggings of some sort - and given that she wasn't entirely sure when her heat would reassert itself, she didn't exactly want to risk it. Having heat put a nice wet spot on the crotch of her leggings, combined with the curse, was probably equivalent to walking down the street with a "rape me" sign taped to her chest.

When she looked back over, though, Gianna noticed that even fully clothed, Heather had a hard time meeting her gaze.

"Heather, you... all right over there?"

"Yeah, I..." She paused, letting out a barking, almost ironic laugh. "It's just so... it's like no matter what, what I say and what I do are two different things. Before, I'd brag about all sorts of stuff, and never follow through. Now, as a girl, talking up how much I love it, how much I want it, how much I need to be this way... and the moment that thing shows up, puts me on the spot about it, all of a sudden I'm afraid about it. Thinking about actually giving it up, about never being a guy again, never having a penis again, always having to piss sitting down, always have Frankie showing up and making me do... stuff... I don't know. I wanted to make the decision, then I didn't, and I just... choked. Now in my head are all these reasons not to, flooding back, and all of a sudden I don't know what I want, all over again. I just..."

She looked back up, somehow finding the courage to look directly at Gianna again. "I'm... I'm sorry, Gianna. For, for all the stupid shit I did to you. For trying to get you r-raped. For making you put up with all this. You should be hating me or something, and instead you're actually... friendly, sharing your heat with me, going with us to that place when you probably didn't really want to, letting us all come back here to recover, listening to me as I try to work through all this craziness. I, I don't deserve it-"

"Heather. Seriously... who cares what you deserve or don't? Neither one of us really deserve this, and that fucking sack of bones didn't do any of this to us out of revenge or some twisted sense of justice. It did it because it was bored and thought it would be fun. And whatever happened between us... heck, it all pretty much happened to you anyway. I raped you first, and what did you manage to do in return? Have me lie down on a mattress for twenty minutes or so, ruin a pair of the stupid underwear I hate wearing anyway, and then managed to get yourself transformed and done by your own stupid friends while I walked away basically unscathed. You were an annoying little shit as a guy, but as a girl you more than got everything that was coming to you already. If you really are gonna choose to stay that way, though... I don't know if I can really help you. I'm trying to fight back against that thing and get to the point where I can be a guy again, not learn to live with being a woman and seeing how I can make the most of it. You want to go that route, you'll have to sort it out on your own - or get pointers from Amanda, I guess. Like I said, though, that stuff between you and me... that's over and done. We just spent yesterday getting fucked side by side, so it's pretty obvious we're in this together in some way or other. I'm not going to feel guilty for anything I did to you in the past, so you might as well feel the same way."


"Sure, why not? Just so you know, though, whatever you feel yourself and whatever you thought you saw yesterday, just because I'm female doesn't mean I'm not gonna still be dominant. In fact, if you really want to play with me sometime, I'd be happy to show you what I mean. Turns out there are some fascinating strap-ons you can get these days..."

She flicked her tongue along her muzzle just slow enough to emphasize her point, and it was enough to get Heather's ears to dip in embarrassment. Not that it would ever come to pass, probably - she couldn't imagine the boneheap standing for her using anything that would allow her to have sex in an actually male way. That being said, though, whatever her promises about bygones and revenge, she fully intended those to last only as long as she had to stay as Gianna - once Giancarlo got his mojo back, Heather was going to receive some very intimate knowledge about what every contour of his shaft, knot and all, felt like.

That, though, was a fantasy for a later time, and Heather was only one name on a list that was certainly growing - Amanda's name was going on it, at least, for her suggestion that one of the stupid curses had latched onto. For the moment, there were more urgent things to focus on, like the reemergence of Heather's heat. While she hadn't shown any interest in Gianna's half-joking suggestion, it had apparently been enough to get her arousal going again, and she seemed to still feel shameless enough around Gianna that she'd actually just shoved her hand down her skirt to rub at a spade that was already starting to yearn for attention.

Gianna had no idea how Heather planned to handle the rest of her heat, and as Gianna's own was still more than sated for now, she had no intention of getting dragged into whatever scheme Heather might come up with for it. There was no way, certainly, that she was going back to that club - that one experience had been more than enough.

So, Gianna offered her breakfast, or coffee, both of which Heather declined - hardly a surprise, given her condition. She did, however, accept the subsequent offer of a ride home, and soon enough they were on the road, Gianna still sitting uncomfortably while trying to keep her weight off of her still-swollen spade. Heather, for her part, curled up as much as sat in the deep bucket seat, thankfully below the visibility level of the window. For Gianna, though, it was impossible to ignore the fact that she spent nearly the entire drive with her hand shoved into her panties, rubbing insistently between her legs and letting out a plaintive moan at disturbingly regular intervals.

Fuck... it was something else for sure, and if she'd been Giancarlo, the moment they got to her place Heather would have been shoved up against the wall and made to moan with considerably more urgency. Heck, if it had actually been Giancarlo, that was about the point he would have stopped the car somewhere secluded, pulled her into his lap, and knotted her right there with her breasts pressed up against the leather arc of the steering wheel. In fact, she'd have been heartened if the sight conjured up any arousal at all within her, but her heat was still completely suppressed, and in its absence, even that sight did nothing for her - although, given that the alternative was being aroused again in a heated, female sort of way, it probably wouldn't have been a boost to her near-vanished masculinity anyway.

In fact, by the time they got to Hugh's house, she actually found her antics kind of aggravating, and was happy to get her out of the car and drive off back home. Interestingly enough, though, as she was leaving, she passed a pickup truck that looked suspiciously familiar - in fact, thinking back, it had been the same one that had been hanging out in the parking lot that day when Hugh had sprung the ambush in the van. Which meant that it likely contained at least Frankie, and maybe all three of Hugh's hapless friends, and it seemed clear enough where they were likely heading. Heather, it seemed, was going to have her resurgent heat taken care of soon enough, and if her recent behavior was any indication, their amorous intentions would meet very little in the way of resistance. In any case, though, it was no longer her problem, and while Giancarlo's own revenge was still a ways off, she was more than happy to leave that mess behind and allow Hugh to continue bearing the results of the ill-conceived plot that had stuck him in that situation in the first place.

For some reason, Gianna had thought that returning to an empty house, free of heat and the concerns of others, might have settled her nerves. Unfortunately, alone within the same bland walls and in the absence of any other distractions, there was nowhere to hide from her own thoughts... and considering the way in which they were reflecting both everything she'd been through and her unsettling conversation with Heather, she didn't much like where they kept heading.

Throughout Heather's confession, outwardly at least Gianna had stayed true to her stated convictions: fight, push on through, gather up enough points for the challenge and take on the boneheap to claw her male form back. What happened in the heat club, despite everything else that went along with it, had at least been helpful in that sense - that whole mess had probably earned her fifty points at least, which probably put her at over a hundred total. Still only a fifth, a tiny drop in the bucket, and she'd still have to endure four times as much as everything she'd already gone through to get there.

Problem was... she was seriously beginning to wonder whether she could make it to that finish line with her convictions intact. There was no way that she was going to admit it out loud, especially not to the woman who used to be Hugh, but it was starting to be hard to look back on the club and chalk up every part of it to her heat. She'd gone through heat before, and what she'd felt... it hadn't just been relief, or the relaxation and acceptance that seemed to follow a heated climax. It hadn't simply been the result of biological responses that she had no choice but to accept. She'd enjoyed it on a deeper level than that, and as much as she wanted to make something else responsible for it, she couldn't quite manage it.

The curse from the stupid panties had gotten her there, sure, and heat itself had made her want to actually fuck. But if that had been the case, she still could have asserted herself the whole time as she'd planned, still taken all comers from the cowgirl position, straddled and bore down on them and exerted her own strength and dominance. All it had taken, though, was for one guy to draw her into his arms, hold her close in that moment of hesitation after her climax... and she'd ended up on all fours, fucking like a little bitch and actually, horrifyingly enjoying it.

Add to that everything that had followed - flat on her back, completely submissive with guy after guy on top of her, and she'd enjoyed that too. She could have pushed hard, could have dominated, could have asserted whatever part of Giancarlo she could still bring to bear... but it had been so easy to give in. And not even to force, not fighting against something that she simply wasn't able to resist, as it had been with the demon possessing Jonah. She'd given in to the feelings on display all around her, accepted her place in that miniature pack, let herself become so wrapped up in that mutual display that she'd slipped into the role Heather and Amanda had been modeling for her on either side. In that moment, she'd given in to the whole thing, given in to being a woman and taking on a woman's role fully and completely.

Even though she'd been pissed off as soon as it was over, even as she tried to shrug it all off and bounce back, it was a perspective that was harder than it should have been to shake. That experience, that perverse acceptance and joy at having sex from such a deeply, submissively feminine perspective, wasn't something that she could just write off.

And the more she thought about it, the more she wondered how much it was starting to bleed over into other areas of her perspective. It had only been a few weeks since she'd been changed, and all sorts of crazy shit had happened, but already she was beginning to normalize certain aspects of her newly fucked-up existence. She wasn't even angry anymore about having to sit down to piss, or wipe up afterwards - it was just how she did it, now. Outside of heat, she hardly even got mad at herself when a handsome-looking guy caused her gaze to linger, and even feminine arousal was something to grumble at and take in stride, to the extent that she didn't get particularly riled up at the sensation of damp panties clinging to her crotch anymore.

All these horrendously feminine things, things that would have pissed Giancarlo off to the extent of staking his pride on defeating them, Gianna was now taking in stride. It was hard to argue that, more and more, no matter how much she complained and groused and fought towards that challenge, she was actually somehow accepting major aspects of being a woman. Heck, she was even beginning to look at heat from the perspective of resigning herself to its desires, rather than trying to fight for sex from as properly dominant position as her body could manage.

She was feeling all of these things, after only what she'd managed to get through so far - and with every encounter, every heat that led to something like that club, it seemed all but certain that she'd be feeling it even more. And as she'd noted, she still had to somehow traverse four times as many sexual encounters as she'd already managed. Even counting as many points as might have been possible, there were still probably something like 380 points to go - which meant taking somewhere in the ballpark of a hundred knots, or barring that, having well over a hundred guys cum inside her. No matter what, she'd have to have dozens more encounters, dozens more times when a cock would spear open her spade, stoke deeply feminine feelings inside her, and all but inevitably force her to climax in response. She'd have to feel them pumping their humiliating seed all the way inside, feeling someone taking her like a woman in the most undeniable way. And each time, horribly, she just knew that it would feel a little bit more normal, until one day she fully accepted that that was just how she had sex now... and once she did that, it was only a step or two more to just giving in and fully accepting her female role in every possible way.

There had to be some other way, some way around it, but Gianna was at a loss as to how she could make it happen. The only real question, then, was whether she could somehow hold onto enough of Giancarlo that she could fight back every time, bounce back after every encounter, find some form of resolve she wasn't sure she even had. If she didn't, though, another fate was looking more and more terrifyingly likely: that by the time she got enough points to let her challenge the boneheap, she'd have become so thoroughly female in both thought and perspective that the reason to challenge would no longer be there...