**voyeur** _"beep! beep! beep! ... beep! beep! beep!_ " the black digital alarm clock sounded over and over, growing louder as time went on even longer.
"i can smell your cum from over here, you voyeur. you also made a cute little growl when you came, and i need help cleaning up. get over here." i looked down to find my hand was covered in pre and cum. i hadnt even noticed when i orgasmed.
- was a voyeur of all things. but as she stood above the teenaged leopardess and watched her expression register being found out, she thought she could turn this into a rather fun situation.
Innocent Voyeur
#1 of the sexual flight of a vixen innocent voyeur (mf, incest) by fixda nix was a young vixen who enjoyed a warm bubble bath almost more than anything in life.
The Egg Layer and the Voyeur
There was something there that could only be for a demon and a demon alone, though she played the voyeur, not sure how to feel as her stomach tied itself up into knots.
House Party Voyeur
--- characters (c) rennec story (c) amethyst mare (arian mabe) **house party voyeur** _written by amethyst mare (arian mabe) for rennec_ "so...do you want to come?"
Poolside Manner
The voyeur called out over a gym-wide pa, asking the owners of the gym to where the two were fucking.
Original Orc Porn
He decided to get a closer look at the voyeur. nham went back to the rear of the building and slid down a pipe. he followed the wide blood trail that was already beginning to freeze to where his voyeur sat slumped over.
Generic Orc Porn
He decided to get a closer look at the voyeur. nahm went back to the rear of the building and slid down a pipe. he followed the wide blood trail that was already beginning to freeze to where his voyeur sat slumped over.
I’m Her Voyeur: Watching Her through the Window (erotic eBook teaser)
I'm her voyeur. pixie doesn't know a thing. author's note: this story contains non-consensual voyeurism and consensual sex, between adult, anthropomorphic characters. --- thank you for reading!
The Blind Voyeur (Part One)
I would stir from sleep early in the day to some paranoid feeling of a voyeur targeting me with judging eyes. i would shrug the absurd feeling off my mind, pointlessly rubbing my eyes as if to improve my perception of the world.
2nd Person POV Experiment
Warning: this contains watersports/pee voyeurism. viewer discretion advised. author's note: thanks to all my friends, watchers, and viewers. you guys rock! i decided to try writing a brief, naughty story in 2nd person pov.