
Story by LukeBlueFox on SoFurry

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Maybe the start of something fun?

Cold icy winds howled through the forest in the chilly winter night, snow covered the leaves upon the ground were tiny little paws slowly treaded. The shivering tiny boy was alone in the hardest season, his yellow with black spots fur cold , also known for him as his own skin, soothingly merging with his squirming figure. The boy wore only common clothes, you could see the markings of time on his piece of clothing which meant he was either a slave or an orphan... and neither would have a good explanation as to why he was following this treacherous path at night.

His shivering could be heard from miles away, for those that were careful to listen and focused on what they wanted at least, which is a common trait of the beastfolk. Given that this path takes us to a Feline tribe and he is in a continent ruled by them is no wonder where he is headed, but the poor naive cub couldn't have picked a worst hour to rush his duties, whatever they may be.

His ears tweak, the sign that most commonly means surprise, and in this case, at this location, the surprise might not be the best one, he heard rattling in the bushes , followed by the same ones moving slightly, the little boy stopping on this tracks, looking dead silent to the piece of flora that moved , possibly, not on its own.

And as his fears were becoming true, a figure creeped out of it. If it was a creature, he would've been dead by its pounce and it'd be over, but it was someone there, another folk akin to him but from a different place. A canine of some sorts? With this lighting It's hard to tell exactly his breed but assuming he's a wolf wouldn't be totally wrong since it's rumored that they all came from those mutts.

The figure walked slowly toward the furry infant, it's smile discerning quite well his intentions, that pretty obviously ...weren't pure. With a sadistic and evil smile in his face and wielding a dagger on his paw, the cub could do nothing but freeze, and this time, it wasn't because of the cold, but by the sheer fear of death itself.The image of the guardian goddess Olihanna, came into the mind of the child as he could do nothing but to pray and shed a tear, maybe his last one. The smile of the man grew wider and his hand was raised, the moonlight hitting it , almost as if it cursed said blade, to be used in such horrific manner and then it came down like a blur.



The child's eyes were closed, waiting for the inevitable, and then waiting more, and more... until he mustered the courage, to open them. In front of him, someone bigger than the bad wolf, wearing a cloak , disguising himself maybe from the gods themselves being that no one would be here to judge or see you. He had his paw, a strong one, holding the wrist of the wolf of impure intentions, who squirmed and gave a trademark canid whimper as the cloaked individual's strength overpowered clearly his own, until he dropped thy cursed dagger.

With a swift swing of the his arm , the mysterious beast men threw the other far away along the track, then, as the men was still in the air, his paws made some kind of movement, followed by the snow clearly responding to him, and swirling in that direction, is as if the snow is ...obeying him. The formation of snow, served as a cold bed for the culprit to land on, quickly learning that softening his landing wasn't the intentions of the mysterious man, the perpetrator tried to get away, by the snow kept enveloping him, some of it hardening and trapping the man in the ground by his knees. He desperately tried to get away, but with no sort of success.

The cub watched staggered the way the stranger masterfully used the terrain for his own advantage. once the bad wolf was trapped away from those two, the man with the hood kneeled down to stay in eye level with the fearful infant. His hand going in his direction, the cub winced as if preparing to take a hit, but instead the cub received a pet, between his ears, curiosity took over the fear, making the cheetah kid once more open his eyes in surprise , repeating the same movement he just did moments ago, finally looking at the man's face for the first time, now without the hood.

He was greeted by a warm smile, that made him less cold for some reason, his purple eyes contrasted with his exquisite blue fur, and by the black marking in the snout it was clear that he was saved by a fox. A blue one!

"Hey little guy!" another smile accompanied by a voice that seemed to outstand the volume of the wind itself, almost as if it's respecting HIS time to talk.

"B-Be..rg ...Bergen" said the whimpering and tearful cub.

"That's a beautiful name boy! Mine is Ontrix, you can call me Tix though! " he looked at the cub up and down and looked at the road, as if ignoring the whimpering and now tired wolf trapped in ice on the road. "Say, those roads are dangerous here Bergen, why don't you make me company so I feel safe huh?"

The reluctant cub only nodded slowly to the response of the older fox, who stood up and presented a paw for him to hold and that was quickly meet with his smaller one.

"There's a little inn up ahead and we can stay there for the night, get you food and rest, does that sound good?" another nod from the infant , this time rather quick and desperate, and also, the cub pointed at the men in the road.

"Oh him? don't worry he's not going anywhere, in the morning guards patrol this route and I think they happily take a guy like him to a place where he'll never hurt anyone, anymore okay?" the cub looked at the bad canid once more, only to look at the fox's face once more and nod.

The bigger beast took the lead and started to follow the path, followed shortly by his unexpected smaller companion, who didn't dare to look the guy in the eye and by this time was panting with his drooling mouth, tired from so many failed attempts to free himself from his ice trap, as they continued their path , the wind once more asked for his time to talk , going back to howl in the cold icy mountains of Finnegard.


Thanks for reading!

This is my first attempt to write after a loooooooooooooong time, hope it makes you guys intrigued at least! :D

Have a nice day!