Battle of the Sexes; Outcome Y

Story by Kansai Lai on SoFurry

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#1 of The Wrestling Match

"Mother fu-, hold, what, dammit!" The sound of plastic rang out, clicking and clacking and snapping with intense concentration.

"Take that, yes, no, hey! Hold still, you lil'-" There was a jostling of shoulders before an electronic voice rang out:

'Player 2 Wins!'

"Ha! I win again!" Diego shouted out, even though the only other person in the room was his mate. Esperanza had to hold herself back from flinging the game controller across the room. Instead she just banged it against her lap, nearly snapping the plastic covered circuitry in half. Nonsensical curses spilled from her lips, spraying like cobra venom. "Face it, love, you just don't have a knack for video games." The jackal placed his controller down easily, completely in control of himself after the initial rush of adrenaline. Jolly laughs faded into one long cooing sigh.

"So what? I can kick your ass in so many other things and you know it." Her fierce violet eyes glared at him. He countered with laughing gold orbs. The pair resembled something from a temple for Anubis, both proud and beautiful in the strength of their individual genders.

"Yes, yes, if you say so," he playfully patronized her.

"You're really pushing it, little boy." Her anger flared.

"Fine then. Let's settle this with a tussle. The usual terms?" Diego stood, adjusting the waistline of his pants and brushing out the wrinkles from his clothes.

"Usual terms." Without even announcing the start, she pounced, scrambling to her feet then knocking him to the ground. They ended up rolling across the floor in their scuffle. The sound of elbows knocking and frantic scratching, frustrated growls and deep laughter rang out from the ebony jumble of canine limbs. Occasionally the fighting would appear to cease as they struggled for dominance in momentary stalemates, using strength and leverage to gain the upper hand. Diego would hold his breath while Esperanza hissed and growled in frustration, each one eager to break the deadlock.

Diego managed to grab her wrist, twisting it behind her as she lost balance. He held onto her arm tightly, pinning her to the floor. She growled and thrashed as best she could, but she could not escape his grip. "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!" Her screams were muffled into the floor as she dug her face into the carpet, trapped hand touching her shoulder blade.

"Do you surrender?"

"Never! Death before dishonor." The she-jackal could not find a slack to take advantage of. "Ahhh, fuck!"

Still holding onto her arm, he used his empty paw to unbuckle his belt, and undo his jeans. She paused for a moment, ears pricked up straight, blood running cold. Hearing what he was doing forced Esperanza to thrash harder. "No. Nononononononono. NO!" But he just smirked, yanking down her pants, the waist restricting her thighs. Diego chuckled as he rubbed the head of his erect cock against her slit. The female bit her lower lip, still struggling, refusing to give in, even when he clearly had the upper hand. She didn't stop until he slipped through her folds, slowly thrusting in and out of her, until all the pleasure made her relax and surrender at last. Diego released her arm, allowing her to prop herself up comfortably, allowing him to hold her hips, pushing himself deeper inside.

She clawed at the floor as he filled her tight cunt, his grip yanking her back, shoving himself deeper inside with every movement even as she perpetuated the illusion of escape. Esperanza continued to curse, her words mixed with frustration at her loss and the pleasure of the fucking. Her mate moved harder the closer he got to his own climax, bouncing her off his hips. She curved her back, arching sharply, subtlely guiding him to her sweet spot. Growling and moaning, she resembled a feral about to howl at the moon. Her panting got harsher, so close to her own end, when the movement suddenly slowed to nothing. "Huh?" she breathed, trying to look over her shoulder.

He pulled his spent cock from her, his cum slipping from her slit. He smirked victoriously, giving her bare bottom a pat as he stood up and adjusted his trousers. "Wh- what the fuck?!" she screamed at him.

Countering her screams he whispered, "I won." Diego walked into the other room, leaving her on the floor, ass exposed and orgasm-less. She remained on the floor, rolling onto her back and slipped her fingers into her wetness, finishing the job while she was still so close, still so tender and ready and desperately wanting. Her fingers were frantic and hurried, wanting to finish not just to satisfy her, but to let her concentrate when she got her revenge. Esperanza's cunt tightened around her fingers when she came at last, sweeter than she expected, but not enough for full satisfaction. Looking over, she noticed Diego watching her from the door frame. He was smiling in satisfaction, but it quickly faded away when he saw her jump to her feet and attempt to rush him.