The Wolf's Lair

Story by Wolf_Ghost on SoFurry

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#4 of Alex

Okay... I will probably be taking a break for a bit... I need to recover my brain matter... I am wiped out... so I will probably pick this up again on Friday, unless you live in Australia... than Saturday X3 Anyways, the next lovely canine in our lovely journey of erotica will be a jackal x3 So... yay! x3

The Wolf's Lair

Sanjin watched the grey and green (or sea green) wolf with a smirk on his face. The wolf was cute, those sea green ear tips flicking about, that grey tail with the sea green tip swaying, oh, the wolf was so adorable. So, with a proud smile, the hyena approached him, though that smile soon faded when the wolf spun around, those bright blue eyes locking onto his hazel. The wolf seemed so sure of himself, it was... it was a bit distracting.

After Sanjin put his mind back together, he noticed the wolf was now standing in front of him, tail wagging rapidly behind him. "So, look what I have before me, a cute hyena," the wolf would say, to which Sanjin blushed. He had it in his head that the wolf was the submissive one, but here the wolf was, his dominance absolutely crushing Sanjin's dominance. Those intense blue eyes, they obliterated any dominating defenses he had put up. So, rubbing his arm, he blushed, to which the wolf closed in, wrapping his arms around him. "Come on deary, let's go back to my place so we can have a bit of fun. What do you say?"

The answer to that was not difficult. Sanjin quickly agreed, the wolf leading him out of the bar and into the cool night. As they walked, the wolf asked Sanjin questions, such as what he did, what his name was, what his favorite color was, which Sanjin answered with a nervous stutter. "I-I g-go fishing... I'm S-Sanj-jin... my f-favorite c-color is gr-green," and he smiled awkwardly. The wolf would give him a kiss before he says, "My name is Alex... and my favorite food... is hyena," and he would nip Sanjin's neck, the poor hyena moaning in response.

"Ooh, looks like I hit a sensitive spot on my lovely hyena," Alex would coo, his paws squeezing Sanjin's rear as they walked. The hyena couldn't really help it, this wolf was amazing to him, it was like he knew every little spot that was sensitive on his body. Every squeeze of his paws was absolutely perfect, he couldn't even concentrate on where he was going, though he was thankful that the wolf was guiding him. At least until he fell onto his back, the wolf staring down at him. When he looked around, he noticed he they were behind some bushes at the park.

"What are w-we doing here," Sanjin would ask, though his ears folded back at the response he got. "Why, I'm going to tie a hyena. Then I'm going to take him home and tie him again," and he walked towards Sanjin, falling to his knees before climbing atop of him, locking him in a kiss as he began to remove the hyena's pants. Sanjin wanted to protest, but he found that he was unable to, and not because he was locked in a kiss. Those wondrous paws of his removed his pants and even his boxers, the kiss breaking soon after. When he opened his eyes, he would gasp when the wolf suddenly flipped him over, his throbbing sheath bouncing as he landed on his knees.

"G-geez, couldn't you have been a little-," and he would receive a hard slap to his ass. "Did I say you can argue, pup," inquired the grey wolf as he removed his pants from the equation. Sanjin wasn't sure what the wolf was up to, at least until he nearly yelped when he felt Alex slide two fingers right into his hole. "Ack! What-what are you doing?!" Alex continued to push and withdraw his fingers, even spread them apart before he would respond. "I'm stretching you. After all, you need to be well stretched before you take my knot. Wouldn't want you to cry." Sanjin gasped as he felt the wolf spread his fingers once again, his tailhole clenching around the wolf's digits.

The wolf soon withdrew, a chuckle escaping his muzzle. He would give the hyena's butt a lovely slap before grabbing his hips, raising himself above him. With that, he would place his swelling bone right at Sanjin's twitching rear and, with a good thrust, he pushed inside of him, his cock spreading the hyena's hole far wider than his fingers did. Sanjin was about to yelp and scream, but with quick thinking from the wolf, he ended up releasing a muffled scream while gagging on the wolf's boxers.

"Wow, not gonna lie, but you look so hot wearing those," the wolf would say, starting to pull back before pushing forward until his sheath made contact with Sanjin's rear. Sanjin moaned and gasped around the cloth gag in his mouth, his eyes closed tight as the wolf's hips slapping against his rear flooded his ears, his mind clouded under the assault to his butt. Every time the wolf removed his cock, his hole clenching around the still remaining tip, he felt so empty, yet when the wolf returned his cock once more, his body cried out in both pain and joy. He loved this wolf thrusting into him, treating him like a true bottom, yet he hated how this wolf lacked the elegance to start out gentle. It was simply pure dominating sex, in its most primitive form.

With the wolf panting above him, his own breath trying to escape his muzzle, though the wolf's boxers didn't help at all, not mention it just made him more aroused, his cock bouncing in between his legs every time the wolf rammed his rod into his rear. With every thrust, he suddenly ended up on the receiving end of something he should have been expecting. After all, the wolf mentioned it thrice already. He had stopped feeling the soft sheath against his rear, which saddened him, it was so warm and soft against his throbbing hole. Instead, something round was smacking against his rear, spreading his pucker every time that lovely cock shot deep inside of him.

He would have yelped and howled if it hadn't been for Alex's boxers. As his own cock twitched and his virile fluid shot out onto the grass, he felt the wolf shove his knot right inside of his butt, his pucker twitching as something the size of a tennis ball was now inside of him. His breath caught in his throat, which didn't help the fact that he still had underwear in his mouth. As he tried to breath, he felt warmth filling his rear, to which his tail began to wag as his wolfie lover flooded his little hyena butt with hot hyena craving cum. As his tail wagged rapidly, hitting Alex's side, he would hear the wolf laugh before laying atop of him, pushing Sanjin into his own mess. "Wow... we are so dirty," Alex would joke, his balls twitching against Sanjin's own pair.

The thirty minutes they lay there was spent with them talking, joking, Sanjin flirting with him and Alex reminding him of whose cock was inside who, which usually led to Sanjin blushing. They had been chatting and laughing the entire time, he didn't even realize Alex's knot had deflated, but never fear, a wolf always knows when he deflates. He had been keeping track of it, even though he was joking around and nuzzling Sanjin. So removing his cock from the cum leaking hole, he would smirk before slapping the hyena's rear one more time. "I love it when they leak. Okay, spit my boxers out." Sanjin did as he was instructed, spitting them into his paw before handing them to the wolf.

After they got dressed, they emerged from the bushes, the wolf walking a bit awkwardly. Sanjin noticed this and, a bit concerned, he would ask, "Is everything alright?" Alex nods his head, reaching back to rub his rear. "Yeah, everything is fine, you just drooled all over my boxers and it's itching my nuts." Sanjin tried to apologize, but Alex would have none of it. "Don't apologize, they'll be in your mouth again by the end of the night... maybe..." Alex then led the blushing hyena back to his place, opening the door and bringing him inside once they arrived.

Removing both his and the hyena's shirt, he would then remove their pants, tossing them onto his couch before guiding Sanjin downstairs. When they walked into his basement, Sanjin noticed the bed, which was pretty nice, and that there was a laptop nearby, opened, the screen still on and some website was up. "Go lay on the bed, striped butt. I'll be there shortly." Sanjin did as instructed, moving towards the bed, watching the wolf head towards his computer before clicking on something. He didn't know what the wolf was doing, but whatever it was, he was sure it wasn't too concerning... though he did notice the wolf had a camera set up near his laptop... well, maybe Alex was a gamer... 'Holy crap, I just got fucked by a gamer... wow... he's so hot though... I got fucked by a gamer...' As he watched the wolf shift the camera bit, he wagged his tail when Alex approached.

"Finally, thought you were going to start playing games over there," Sanjin joked, poking the wolf's chest. Alex simply furrowed his brow. "Games? What are... never mind." Sanjin thought this was quite odd, what kind of gamer... well, maybe he was more focused on sticking his dick somewhere already used. So with a smile, Sanjin waited for Alex to get ready, which he did by removing his boxers. That's when the phone on the nightstand began to vibrate. Alex would walk over, turn the screen on before smiling. "Well, well, well... this will be fun."

Curious, Sanjin tried to look, but that's when Alex set the phone down and, climbing on the bed, he made sure to face the hyena towards his computer. That's when he slapped Sanjin's rear hard. "Who's your daddy, bitch?" Ears folded back, the hyena would lower his head, only to receive another slap to his rear. "I said who's your daddy, bitch." Sanjin yelped at the second hit before he quickly complies. "You're my... d-daddy," he would cry out, the wolf smirking before hoisting his tail up. "Good, cause your daddy is about to give you his man meat," and that's when he thrusts right into Sanjin's cum lubed hole, sliding right inside until his sheath pushed against the hyena's spread hole.

"Moan bitch," Alex would order, to which Sanjin does as he's told, his reward being Alex thrusts into him harder, his paws gripping the blankets as his cock bounced each time he was rammed into. That's when the wolf's phone vibrates. Again, he would reach for it, turning the screen on before reading whatever it said. "Well, well..." Sanjin would lift his head, but right before he could ask what was about to happen to him, Alex grabbed his boxers and put them in Sanjin's mouth. "Good boy, now moan for me," and he would go back to rolling his hips, Sanjin blushing as the damp boxers found their home once more within his mouth. Each thrust was hard, the wolf's knot fully emerged and ramming against his hole.

Sanjin was getting so close, the wolf was getting to the edge as well. Every thrust Alex made, it seemed like he was trying to push his knot in, to lock the hyena to him as he filled him with his wolf cream. A couple of thrusts more and Sanjin screamed around the boxers in his mouth, his cries muffled as his cock went through the usual spasms, shooting his load across the blanket. He would let out a muffled yelp when he felt that large knot push inside him once more, Alex tying Sanjin to him as he filled his rear once again with hyena desiring cream. Well, as they panted hard, Alex grabbed his phone and, sliding the screen open, he would laugh before he says, "Hey... three hundred views..."

Sanjin perked his ears. What was the wolf going on about? Well, when he looked forward, he understood everything now. The greenlight on the camera was on. The screen on the laptop was constantly updating, it even had a little window of them, the grey and sea green wolf who just topped a hyena. "Whew... that was so hot... anyways, I posted the address to my place, nice meeting you Sanjin, have fun with our guests." The wolf would then pull out of his rear, his knot still going. When he walked over to the door, he opened it, only to find a German Shepherd and his dog were waiting in front of it. Alex smiles and, looking towards the hyena, he would say, "Be gentle on him, he has a sore ass."

The German Shepherd would nod and, walking inside, he would unleash his dog before he says, "Go get him Killer. Wreck that hyena boy's ass."

Alex, as he headed upstairs, heard a muffled yell, to which he smirks. It was probably Sanjin. Oh well, he had his fun, now it was time for whoever else wanted to have fun. Walking into the living room, he would see a bear, a horse, a dragon, and another German Shepherd, all naked, simply chatting about the Livestream by Sea Green. When they saw him, they smiled, though Alex would say, "He's downstairs. I'll be in my room, don't wake me up please."

He would then head upstairs, leaving the others to chuckle as they stood up. It was going to be a long night for Sanjin, that was for sure.